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Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Yes, I had another random idea that ended up becoming an RP concept...And I'll have help running this one, if it goes anywhere.

Short version, since I'm not going to type out the whole concept a second time without solid interest: Someone without talent in alchemy goes insane and ends up unleashing an army of undead on Amestris and its territories. Players will start out as alchemists, or allies, working to stop the undead...Of course, depending on events, the character may end up changing sides...

Anyway, powers will have a form of regulation on them, in the form of a skill tree system. Oni, the forum's resident FMA resource, is working on those, and will be GM as well. The breakdown will likely end up with Oni handling the bulk of the Alchemist stuff, while I run the undead.

There will likely be posting of skills tomorrow, since this post is at about 0-fuck-30 in the morning for the other GM. Character sheets will be up after the skills are, if there's enough interest.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Will players have separate threads?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Depends, but at this point the idea is that it will be more of a group deal. I suppose solo missions could be possible, though.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

So then, would you categorize this more as the group does something and the GM says if it works, or everyone does their own thing and the GM only responds if something shouldn't work?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Sounds interesting. I'm in.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Awesome, glad to have you aboard. I'm working on the alchemy lists now, they should be done this evening (my time of course :p)
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

So then, would you categorize this more as the group does something and the GM says if it works, or everyone does their own thing and the GM only responds if something shouldn't work?

More the first option...Of course, if the action is relatively simple, like say flushing a toilet for example, the GMs are likely to let it pass, unless the toilet has been previously rigged to blow in some fashion.

And also, glad to have you in, Grave.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Lol I can see some great comedy moments with this, especially with some of the alchemy I'm typing up.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Why do I get this image of someone standing on a rampart of zombie corpses, swinging a busted mall bench, screaming "Motherfuckers gonna die!" after reading that, Oni?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Well, if they want a mall bench as their melee weapon then they can :D
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I do hope there's some fire-related alchemy... I like fire.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I seem to recall Oni using fire attacks with a previous FMA-based RP character, so I'm guessing there will be...He's the one making those skills though.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Oh there's going to be fire alright. I'm currently working on that skill tree now. I've pretty much done the skill tree for basic alchemy, though I haven't typed up all the descriptions for them yet, and Wolf, I'll leave the point cost up to you.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Copy that.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Oh yeah, I'll PM you the document as a RS download before posting them as well, just to make sure everything is alright.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Interest shown.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Here's the alchemy skills. There will be other skills, should you want to run a non-alchemist character, they just aren't typed up yet. Each skill will have to be learned from an NPC that knows it.

Basic Alchemy
Basic Transmutation
This allows the alchemist to perform the most basic of transmutations. With it the alchemist can create and repair minor objects, from small toys to wrenches and other basic tools as well as most clothing using the most basic of materials.

Average Transmutation - Requires Basic Transmutation
This allows the alchemist to transmute objects at an average level. Now with a greater understanding of how things work and are made the alchemist can work with a wider selection of items including basic machinery such as radio’s, television sets and telephones as well as using a wider variety of materials.

Expert Transmutation - Requires Average Transmutation
This allows the alchemist to transmute an even wider selection of items. As well as machinery and everyday objects the alchemist has been studying how weaponry such as guns and the like work as well as the ability to create doors in walls. Now the alchemist can repair and even create them if they have the right materials.

Master Transmutation - Requires Expert Transmutation
After extensive studying the alchemist can create and repair practically anything, the only limitation is the materials used.

Melee Weapon - Requires Basic Transmutation
This allows the alchemist to create a weapon of his/her choosing from the materials around them. The alchemist has to choose ONE melee weapon when purchasing this skill, that weapon can be anything so long as it is physically possible for the alchemist to carry it.

Defensive Barrier - Requires Melee Weapon
This allows the alchemist to create a wall or other barrier in front of themselves to impede attack from their opponent. As well as supplying cover this skill has many other uses, though only the most imaginative will find them out.

Ranged Attack I - Requires Defensive Barrier
This allows alchemists to create spikes that run across the ground, wall, ceiling etc… towards the alchemist’s target.

Ranged Attack II - Requires Ranged Attack I
This allows alchemists to create a cannon, of most sizes, and fire a cannon ball at their target.

Flame Alchemy
This allows the alchemist to create a flame equal to that of a match or lighter. Whilst it appears to be useless it can be used as a light source or even to ignite a flammable material or fluid. This alchemy ability can also be used in conjunction with Ignition Cloth, though at a higher point cost.

Flame Effect - Requires Torch
This allows the alchemist to cover his hands or feet with fire or their melee weapon as they deal a physical attack. The fire itself does no damage to the alchemist who uses it. For this to work the alchemist has to either have a transmutation circle somewhere on their body or use Ignition Cloth, though at a higher point cost.

Area Blast/Fire Burst - Requires Flame Effect
Depending on the method that this skill is used its effects are different. When using a transmutation circle that the alchemist has drawn up it creates a blast of fire in an area of the alchemists’ choosing. Obviously with this method the alchemist has to actually see his target area. The other method can be done one of two ways; with Ignition Cloth gloves and a match or lighter, though both have the same effect. Using the spark from the match, lighter or Ignition Cloth glove the alchemist activates the transmutation circle that is either on the gloves or drawn/carved into his/her own hand, the alchemist then creates flames by altering the air in the area s/he intends on creating the fire in.

Explosion - Requires Area Blast/Fire Burst
This skill can only be used with Ignition Cloth gloves or with a match or lighter. It is almost identical to the Fire Burst skill, though instead of creating just flames the alchemist creates a flaming explosion. It’s power ranges from small, controlled explosions to wide-scale area clearing explosions.

Water Control I, II, III - Level II requires Temperature Change I, Level III requires Temperature Change II
This gives the alchemist control over water, be that in the form of a readily available supply (eg, river, lake, bottle of water) or from the moisture in the air. At level II the alchemist can control a larger amount of water and at level III the alchemist can even use the water inside other people.

Temperature Change I, II - Level I requires Water Control I, Level II requires Water Control II
This allows the alchemist to instantly change the temperature of any water source s/he is using to hot or freezing. Naturally any temperature in between hot and freezing can be used as well. With this the alchemist can create ice. At level II the alchemist can change the temperature of an even greater amount of water.

Ice Coffin - Requires Water Control III
This allows the alchemist to instantly freeze the water inside another person, animal etc… this, under most circumstances would instantly kill the target.

Water Explosion - Requires Water Control III
This allows the alchemist to instantly boil the water inside another person, animal etc… this, under most circumstances would instantly kill the target.

Plant Manipulation I,II,III - Each level requires training in previous level
This allows the alchemist to control plants, using them not only for attacking and defending but for aiding with other tasks. At each level the alchemist can control a larger range of plants.

Healing Arts
Minor Heal
This allows alchemists to heal minor cuts and abrasions, as well as healing bruises and easing swells.
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

You forgot to post them :p
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Yeah, yeah, check again...

*mutter, mutter, mutter*
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Nice. I think I'll go with a warrior-type alchemist.

About Torch - does it require a circle?
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