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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Selena laughs and turns away,

"Just calm down~ I won't rape you again anytime soon~ I promise~!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet growls, and takes off one of her heels, holding it in her hand firmly, and tosses it at Selena's head. The pointy end of the heel cracked against the back of Selena's head, sending a painful shock through her.

"Rot in hell, you freak!" she screamed, turning quickly for her room, and shutting herself inside before Selena would ever have even had a chance at catching her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Selena lets out a pained grunt as she turns around breifly, then sighs and decides to head for the shops,

"Damn... that hurt... I wonder what Jesse's up to..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just punched him in the shoulder again.

"Twelve!? You want me to sit there like some sort of invalid for nearly twelve years?!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caliber started laughing hysterically after she punched him.

"Riv, baby!" he called to her as if trying to make her understand, "It's up to us to repopulate the Earth! And if you don't want me with other women, and I know you don't, then it's up to just you and me!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Heh heh, we lost Shrike as well, it seems.)

Jenn's eyes slowly opened once more, and instead of a centipede mounting her again, just like every other time, she awoke in her bed, and felt the energy, by some miracle, to move around...

It seemed like forever, and she thought that she must have bred at least two dozen monsters from inside her womb. There were slight stretch marks on her belly from it being bloated up so much, but other than that, she felt fine.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(tl;dr - skip to picture/thought for actual current thoughts/actions, the rest is just remembering/thinking about the past day)

As Jenn awoke, the first thing she saw was light. Was it morning already? It had been almost noon when she had... had been captured. The first time she had awoken to find herself going into labor she had been in denial, right up until the point where she had been raped by the centipede. The next time she awoke in tears, knowing what was coming. By then it had been pitch dark, and her memories were so blurred together. And now it was morning.

Was it the first morning after her capture, or the tenth? Jenn couldn't be sure. She didn't know which was worse - the rape, or labor. She did know neither was worst. Far worse then either the process of giving birth or being raped was the certain knowledge that each and every being she gave birth to would mindlessly seek out and try to rape other women. Her fault. And worst of all was the times she wasn't raped. The first time was the Mistake. The liquid, the aphrodisiac, of the slime thing. It hadn't been the first toxin she had encountered, that had been the paralytic of the spider. She had dealt with that one well. She knew spiders paralyzed their prey - who didn't? - and when she noticed the stiffness in her joints, she had found a reasonably safe place to wait it out. But there had been no element of choice in that, or shame. It was a poison, and she was going to be paralyzed no matter what she did.

The aphrodisiac had been different. She should have stayed in that house and pleasured herself until it wore off. Maybe it wasn't safe, but it was safer then doing it in the street. But surely not doing it at all would have been safer? In the end, the need had overwhelmed her and she had collapsed in the street and fingered herself until something with a cock had given her a better solution. She had tried to resist it, tried to hold off until she was safe, but she had failed. Somehow that was worse then getting paralyzed, even though on some level she knew she had been powerless to stop either. And as for just sitting down a few yards from where she had just been raped and masturbating... it was not something Jenn could have done. It wasn't that she'd never done it before, but there was a time and place, and she was sure it involved being in her locked bedroom in her empty house - not in a strangers bed that smelled of almost certainly non-consensual sex. But she should have done it all the same.

It hadn't been the last time she had willing given herself to the freak, either. After some time, Jenn had done her best to increase her pleasure during the forced sex, just to orgasm more quickly and return to blessed unconsciousness. It made her feel dirty, far worse then just being raped, because it felt like she was giving up and accepting her fate as a vessel for making more of the beasts that would overrun the world and rape every woman she had ever known.

But something was wrong. There was no labor pain, no pain from a hideously stretched belly. Jenn tried to sit up and was surprised to find she had the strength. She looked down at her belly and was surprised to see it flat, and nothing appeared about to violate her. It was only then she realized she was in a bed. Her bed. At the inn.

It all came back in a flash - the centipede dying as it impregnated her once more, giving her one last "gift" as its body went stiff and was pulled away. Then the face of a nurse above her smiling and telling her she was going to sleep through the labor, and the mask lowered over her face... and now this. It hadn't been a dream. Of course it hadn't - the lack of dreams in the unconsciousness induced by whatever she lost when she came in the monster's grasp was one of the few blessings. She was sure she had dreamed after she was rescued, and it was the dreams of being back in the breeding den that made her name the lack of dreams while she was there a blessing. How many times had she actually given birth, and how many had been dreams? How many women had she doomed to her fate minus the lucky rescue by the issue of her womb? She couldn't think about it. It hurt too much.


After Jessica died, I stayed in bed for days. It didn't help anyone, least of all me. I can't do that again, I have to do what I can to help. But I can't ever get caught again, even chancing that will do more harm then good. Never again alone.

Jenn flipped her legs out over the bed onto the floor, and lost her balance, falling, after having not used her legs properly in nearly a day. She surprised herself a little by recovering gracefully before she did a face plant on the hard wooden floor. After a moment, she dressed in the spare set of clothing she kept in her room for emergencies and looked about her room, sure she was going to do something important today, but not sure what. (Hooray +1 acrobatics?)

Finding her stuff untouched was an incredibly pleasant surprise. Not only had her spare set of clothing gone untouched in her room, but her rapier and backpack had been returned with her! Even the set of clothing she had been wearing when she had been overcome had been returned to her! Following this great news, she stowed both extra sets of clothing in her room. One would replace the spare set she was wearing now. The other... she had intended to put it in the store for Jesse to hand out to other girls, but a thought occurred to her. Favor with the director and stuff from the store was well and good - she wouldn't mind another set of armor, for example - but favor with other people around the inn was never amiss either. Maybe she could find someone in need herself instead of letting Jesse do it... but best not dally too long, someone knew she had 3 sets of clothing and she didn't want anyone to think she was hoarding.

Jenn left the room smiling, and walked off to the inn's common room for something to eat.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

*Sighed walking around amongst the inn wandering mostly she felt pretty much useless after her only two trips out have required someone to come rescue her she didnt think much on it though as she decided she needed to work on getting stronger and went about looking for something she could do to actually manage some strength training*

(searching around mostly wanting to stay fresh just in case reinforcements are needed somewhere before the day is out)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

A girl with long brown hair sat against the wall of an alleyway, as a downpour of rain cleaned her bloodied face. In her right hand, she clutched the sheath of a blade tightly, as if trying to cling to any remaining purpose she could find in desperation. She had lost everything now, the last of which she destroyed with her own hands. Left with nothing, the girl appeared to be at the end of her ropes, her eyes becoming more dull and empty despite her efforts to clutch at anything that might remain. It was then that she met it, the mysterious figure dressed in an old grey overcoat.

"Child of the dying moon...Does thou desire power?...The power to create a perfect world?... The power to live on?..."

The voice was neither masculine nor feminine in nature, as if it was a being that was beyond such distinctions. Despite that however, the girl nodded once, the life having almost completely vanished from her eyes.

"Then come...follow me, and I shall grant thee the power and skill to do so. Know this however, when the time comes, thy soul shall belong to me...Now arise..."


"Arise...thy time has yet to come..."

Eyes slowly opening, the brown haired-girl awoke from an enigmatic dream, stirring from a long slumber to find herself in different surroundings then where she fell asleep.


"Where...am I?..."

(Beginning of Luna's awakening post, or the whole thing I suppose. Depends on what Iris's action is.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Changing writing styles a bit)
Rin bolted up from her bed, she was scared.
She slowly calmed down as the vision of a store filled with monsters faded, replaced by reality. She was back in the inn. How? She asked herself, as she lifted her legs off the bed. Did someone rescue her? She thought for a while and remembered, the sight of a girl, bright green eyes, golden hair. Yes, her sister had came for her right? That must be why she's back here, in the inn. She would never go out alone again, those monsters weren't originary, they were mutated and could take more damage. How much of the world had changed? Without her full memories, she can hardly compare how the world was before, and how much it had changed. Maybe she should ask her sister again? Yes, it would be nice if she saw that she has recovered. And with that thought, Rin got up from the bed, washed her face and went to look for her sister...
(OK RJ, I am back, inv check please.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

It took the brown-haired girl a few moments to realize that she was in her sister's room and that beside her, was the sleeping form of the one who had wished for her to die. Rising partially from the bed, she stared at the "child for a few moments, as if pondering what to do for a few moments. Then, after some consideration, she stretched out her hand... and cupped the blond girl's cheek in an uncharacteristically gentle manner.


"A killer's contenance does not suit those who lack the conviction to die. Those who cherish life are better suited to kindness..."

With that, Luna arose to her feet, draping the sheets gently over the sleeping Fleur as she did so. Arming herself with her sword and gun, she exited the room in search of her sister, whom she did not see in the room.

(Rushed post, but I felt like portraying Luna as more like an emotionless/sister-obsessed killer.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Still blushing, Iris had parted ways with Jesse, heading to her bedroom. She would of gone with the woman to the shop but had decided not to, she wanted to see and check on Luna then Emily. Iris was still a bit upset Luna had lied to her about being hurt. Iris planned to find out why the girl had lied to her. Thinking to herself about things Iris continued to walk to her bedroom.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( I made this long because I was board. By the way, Emily is under her sheets and naked, correct? ))

A few minutes before Iris had gone to her bedroom to check on Luna. Upon getting in she saw an empyt bed and the blonde girl, still sleeping. Because she wasn't there Iris figured she was feeling better now and had left. Iris still planned to have a talk with her for lying about being hurt. Iris only wondered why she would lie about her injurys...

As of now Iris was making her way to Emily's room. Iris wanted to check on her this morning, to see how she was doing. A few minutes of walking and Iris made her way to the inn room. After knocking a few times she hadn't gotten an answer. Feeling a bit concerned now Iris turned the knob and opened the door. Iris stepped in and looked around, only to see the girl sleeping under the covers.

Iris had walked over to the bedside of the sleeping girl and looked down at her, looking at her face. Iris thought Emily looked... Cute, when she was asleep. She didn't look as tough or intimidating. Something took Iris over then, some strange desire. Iris leaned her head down to Emily's and placed her lips on the girls, kissing her for a short moment before pulling her head away.

Blushing and cofused at why she had just kissed Emily Iris turned a way for a moment, trying to get her wits back. Shortly after Iris gently shook the girl, trying to wake her up as she softly spoke to her.
" Hey uh.. E-Emily... "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( Bingo BG XD ))

Emily's brown eyes opened up sleepily at stared into Iris' blue eyes. She leaned up from her covers and it slid off her chest exposing her breasts. Stifling a yawn not really noticing what she just did she said to Iris tiredly,
"Where'd you disappear to last night... Didn't see you after you went in the shop." She sniffed the air and noticed something... "Why... do you smell so good?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris was still blushing a little from her impulsive actions as Emily woke up. Iris slowly took a seat on the bed next to the nude girl, her eyes going down to the girls exposed breasts only for a short moment. Sitting down Iris leaned on Emily, their shoulders meeting along with their heads. Her face still blushing a bit Iris got to answering Emily's question on why she smelled so good, being vauge and not saying a word about the sex she had with Jesse.

" I uhh... Took a bath this morning... How are you feeling Emily? "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Through the main lobby all the way to the main medical area Vina is carried through by the guards, Vina hoped that she would be well known respected seen as one of the better people around, as she was carried through people got to see more of her than she wanted, still in a euphoric like daze unaware of the eyes baring down on her as she joined the number of shamed people, her stomach baring a few stretch marks from the swelling she once had, Vina spends the day in the medical area recovering.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

( You can have Vina do things, if ya want. She doesn't have to be in a sex coma. :p )
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((will do, just been busy with a few parties here and there, just waking/recovering now and will post soon))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Vina looks around the medical area seeing the spare beds set up and the place fairly well stocked, she guessed that they must be expecting more people to show up, she looked around at the staff walking around busily.

"Am i the only one to of been brought in like this recently? are there any others coming in?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

It was only her, and a purple haired doctor in the room, and she seemed occupied with reading a romance book, when she set it down, and answered the busty red haired Vina.

"This is a private room," she answered with annoyance in her voice, "There are other patients, but having other women around screaming can tend to upset women who are sleeping, and recovering from their trauma."