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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David huffed what seemed to be a half of a laugh, "Not much happened, kid, other than the whole world being occupied by rapist monsters," he claimed with a little bit of a sick sense of humor, "But, if you're looking for something to do, you could always head out to the zoo, and check out what's goin' on over there, you'd need two other girls to go with you, though," he recommended.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After what seemed to be an eternity of being raped, over and over, and giving birth more times than she could count, Lin eventually found herself waking up, just like every other time she was about to give birth, only this time, she found herself awaking inside her room, under the comfort of her bed, free of any bulge in her belly.

While the relief of being brought back from that nightmare was welcome, Lin felt very worn from her experience, and didn't think she could move from her bed if she tried...

... As she slowly drifted off, back to sleep...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(>_> I hate you all!)
Rin was glad to have her sister back, but the doctors said she would need some rest before doing anything again, so Rin, leaving her sister to her rest, quietly sneaked out of her room, and head back down staires.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The last thing Selena saw was stars as she and her sister reached the front doors, before she started to slowly wake up from her short knock out, to find her sister, shaking the medical bed she was on,

"Time to wake up~" she told Selena, "You've been out for 5 minutes~ You lazy bum!" she then grabbed Selena's face, and forced her to look directly at her, "Guess what? I got one, and she's in my room, with Kitty, I'll be nice, and let you fuck her, while I go get her girlfriend~"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Selena shakes her head as she recovers and yawns, leaning back on the bed,

"I'm so going to get you back for doing that to me~ so are we still pretending to be each other~?" She hadn't really wanted Kitty to get involved in this, that girl was a little unpredictable at times, but... "Which one do you think will squeal louder~?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Serena mounts Selena, much like Selena mounted her in the empty store, and smiles down at her,

"They'll both squeal, but the fun is actually finding out who'll squeal more! So come on~ Get up, and lets go rape them already!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Selena laughs as she tackles Serena and kisses her, then gets up,

"C'mon~ I'll head back to the room and you can bring her friend along~ this is going to be so much fun~"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After Serena kissed back, she nodded,

"Okay~ You take care of the one in my room, and I'll go play with her girlfriend~!" she said, quickly getting out of the bed, and heading for the door.