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Apple (plmnko)


Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
The yellow-haired (and blue-skinned... silly RPGMaker) girl picks herself up. The air is hot and humid, but an eldritch glow lights the cavern up enough for her to see. Odd moving puddles are scattered here and there, and a brighter glow on the far wall suggests an exit.


Characters To Move
  • Apple
Re: Apple (plmnko)


What...just happened?,where I'm?
After stand up and calm herself, Apple start to walk to the exit. The ashamed blue-skinned girl cover her breast thanks to that the bounce of her ample breasts get reduced, as she see how some kind of puddle start to move to her

Re: Apple (plmnko)

(After spending an hour in MSPaint recolouring the sprite from black-hair to blue-hair, I'm just using RPGMaker's hue-adjustment function for everybody else so far. Unfortunately, it adjusts everything that's not a shade of black, meaning when I adjust the hair colour from blue to yellow, the skin goes from peach to, well, cyan.)

Apple's march to the exit is interrupted, as the nearest puddle abruptly sprouts legs and a face, and then runs over to her. Looking up, it asks in a squeaky voice, "Can I splash on your titties?"

Whether it's actually smart enough to listen is unknown, because as soon as Apple responds, it promptly jumps in the air, splattering itself against her arm and spraying droplets everywhere. While she's wiping herself down, another puddle throws itself at her from the side, letting out a "Wheeeee!" as it flies through the air.

Character Stats
  • Apple: Corruption 2/100


Characters To Move
  • Apple
Re: Apple (plmnko)

Apple nearly scream from the surprise attack, but she stop it with her hand after saw more of them. unfortunately she use the hand than she was using to clean herself "Aww, it cant be". The naked girl (than i don't know if is still blue-skinned) run to the exit trying to stop to think about the puddles close to the exit "I just need to go out of here and them i will have time to take out this" thinks to herself while she run at full speed leaving to use her hands to avoid the bounce of her exposed gorgeous breast in the process.

(im not in a hurry)
Re: Apple (plmnko)

The puddle in front of the doorway, spotting Apple coming, promptly throws itself at her, Apple's arms and breasts providing the perfect target. Semen drips down her chest, drawing cold trails along her skin... but she now has a clear path to the exit.

Character Stats
  • Apple: Corruption 3/100


Characters To Move
  • Apple
Re: Apple (plmnko)

Apple try to resist disgusting experience and wait until found a safe place to clean herself. As she reach the exit she expect to go out the cave and forget this weird nightmare.


(and after that. upx2)
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Re: Apple (plmnko)

Apple takes a step. Two. Three. Then she breaks into a dash, charging through the doorway, the faint sloshing noise of the animated puddles quickly lost behind her. This tunnel is darker than the cavern, but still bright enough for her to see a trickle of water dripping down one wall. Could any water be trustworthy here, though, with running puddles of semen roaming the place?

Whether she cleans herself off or not, Apple would have only two choices... go back to the cavern with the semen puddles, or find out where the tunnel leads. With no reason to go back, she went forwards... and found herself in another open cavern. This time, though, a number of small demons wandered through the rocks. Their high, chittering voices and small stature immediately suggested the name "Imp"...

Character Stats
  • Apple: Corruption 3/100


Characters To Move
  • Apple
Re: Apple (plmnko)

After clean herself in the dirty water who also was cloudy ,smelly and possible full of germs. Apple go to the next chamber without expect to find any new surprise. Unfortunately she see some weird small creatures (at least they don't beat the prize of rareness than the puddles of cum have won undoubtedly)

She decide to avoid been seen and use the stone to try to cover herself

Re: Apple (plmnko)

Luck seems to be with Apple, as an imp comes out from behind the stone in front of her, and walks past without so much as a glance.

Character Stats
  • Apple: Corruption 3/100


Characters To Move
  • Apple
Re: Apple (plmnko)

(Cough, She looks like a cartoon character : )

Apple proceed her road trying to pass unnoticed by the weird creatures

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Re: Apple (plmnko)

(It's the hue-adjustment feature I'm using as a shortcut. It adjusts all the colours in the sprites, not just the hair. So blue-haired peach-skinned girl becomes yellow-haired sea-green-skinned girl.)

Apple makes a quick dash upwards, hoping to keep to the cover of the rocks. Unfortunately, the rock only covers her from the right - and an imp on her left spots her and rushes up. Hearing the noise, Apple turns to find it right beside her. It grins nastily at the expression on her face, reaching out to tweak a breast with a surprisingly gentle claw. "Fleshy..." it marvels in its squeaky voice.

Then he leaps on her, pushing her back against the rock, thrusting an all-too-tiny penis into her unprepared slit, pumping quickly, spewing his load almost immediately, and falling back to giggle and grin up at the ceiling.

The entire episode leaves her quite unsatisfied, but her womb gives an unsettled flutter, as if something has already grown large inside her. If she moves quickly, Apple might be able to get away before the nameless imp recovers...

Character Stats
  • Apple: Corruption 6/100


Characters To Move
  • Apple
Re: Apple (plmnko)

(I like it, its like have a special character or something like that)

Just when Apple start to see the exit was closer an abrupt prod send her to the near stone. That's when she realize than the imp of the left have caught her, she start to get of him until she feels the tiny meat of the creature "Get away you damn pervert..." even for the poor experience of Apple the low stamina of the imp upset her "that's all?" she say to herself.

In that instant. after saw than her kidnapper was tired she try to reach the exit, even when she start something grow inside of her.
