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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Dark cave with only occasional bioluminescent mushroom giving light, concealing a number of dangerous predators within the further tunnels

Special rules
Each round one or more(GM's discretion) arachne or GITS appears, trying to subdue and egg the PCs. Whoever is the last to be egged wins. Use stats provided.

Also, it's dark, with all the appropriate penalties.

Arachne stats
Body: 44
Mind: 6
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 42
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 33
Spirit Energy (EP): 35
Speed: 21
Dodge: 30
Armor: 16
Resistance: 22
Perception: 21
Stealth: 34
Grapple: 44

Pain Resistant x2
Hard Hitter


Spider (+8 AV, -10 HP)
Naturally Supernatural
Natural Attack
Razor Fingers
Fertile Mouth
Egg Layer
Fearsome Maw
Venomous Attack (Paralysis)
Clawed Feet (+2 res vs Prone)

Succubus Powers:
Web Shot

Unarmed (44) 2d12 + 33

GITS stats
Body: 30
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 30
Spirit Energy (EP): 30
Speed: 25
Dodge: 45
Armor: 8
Resistance: 15
Perception: 25
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 30

Hard to Hit*2

Natural Attack
Egg Layer

Succubus Powers:
Web Shot

Bite (+30) 2d12 + 10, Resistance check vs paralysis
Last edited:
Re: Arachnecave

Name: Lily/Banshee
Race: Sidhe
Sex: Female

Body: 18(10+8)
Mind: 70(30+8+4×8)
Spirit: 18(10+8)

Hit Points (HP): 62(18+35+9)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 88(9+70+9)
Spirit Energy (EP): 62(9+35+18)
Speed: 13
Dodge: 53
Armor: 0+1
Resistance: 35
Perception: 26
Stealth: 13
Grapple: 18

Experience: Total: 4 Spent: 0 Usable: 4
Corruption: 0

Experienced Caster
Focus in Arcane
Focus in Entropy

(R)Open Soul
Fetish(Having Sex with Straight Women)
Fetish(Magic Induced Pleasure)

(R)Shapeshifter The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This mutation cannot be used to grant or acquire other special mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.
(R)Ironbane The character cannot wield weapons that can only be made out of metal, but this only restricts them from using guns. In addition, they take a +8 damage from any weapons made from iron or steel.
(R)Naturally Supernatural: The character was born supernatural, but don’t cause as much corruption as a demon or similar creatures would. They are immune to corruption as the Supernatural mutation, but only corrupt others as if they had the Warped mutation.
(R)Faerie The character is one of the fey. They gain resistance to Cold and Electricity, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
(R)Selective Fertility: The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.
Vestigial Wings: The character has grown vestigial wings. Not very useful, but can look however the character likes.
-Wings: The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage.
-Greater Wings: The character's wings have grown enough that they can actually fly with them. The character can fly at their speed.
Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.


Base Casting: 35
Favored Elements: Arcane, Entropy
Empower Spell
Intensify Spell
Maximize Spell
Wielder of Chaos

Spirit Ceiling: 12

Succubus Powers:

Inventory: 41 denarii
Kris +18(body) to hit
2d6 + 9(Body/2)
Clothes AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
A sewing kit

It was a cold night...a mere child, even a sidhe, shouldn't be out alone on a night like that. Yet she persisted. Even though her parents had wanted her to be warrior like they were, her true talent lie elsewhere. She needed to learn, and her parents couldn't teach her. Moving easily despite the snow, the girl's feet barely broke the snow shell hardened by weeks of cold weather. Occasionally leaping into the air and using her wings to glide over obstacles, she continued onwards, the wizard's tower already visible to her.

Almost an hour later, the sidhe girl arrived to the tower and, after a moment of hesitation, knocked on the door. It was opened by a hunch-backed human, his beard gray with age and a hand holding a walking stick. "So. You've come to learn from the old Vincent, eh?" the wizard questions her. The girl answers with a nod, her blue eyes hard with determination. "My arts aren't suitable for little girls. But I'm not about to turn away company. What's your name, fae?" Hesitating, the fey girl answers: "I don't have one." Shaking his head, the old wizard speaks in a voice coloured by memories of better times. "I used to know a girl like you. Of course, she's all grown up now. I'll call you Lily. Come on in, there's a spare bed somewhere here." Pulling Lily inside, the hunchback closes the door and leads her upstairs.

During long years of her apprenticeship, Vincent treats Lily well. There's always plenty of work for an apprentice in a wizard's tower, of course, and hunchbacked as he is, Vincent can't walk very well so Lily is forced to take care of his affairs outside the tower, but overall he's a kind master.

It was the 8th and last year of her apprenticeship...As a surprise gift, Lily had decided to get her master a house at her home village. Everyone there had gladly agreed to help building one out of boredom, if for no other reason, and she was just on her way to see what the finished house looked like, when a bandit stepped out of the bush in front of her. "Now little missy, you might as well surrender so we won't have to hurt you too badly." The power seemed to rise inside her, and she smiled, feeling her appearance change. As other bandits surrounded her, the one who stopped her took a step back, his eyes widening with fear. Though she had not had to cast such spells before, she knew them well. Yet when she summoned the words to her mind, they refused to come out. Hastily she drew breath to try again, but what came out wasn't the spell, but an inhuman scream echoing with power. "A banshee!" the bandit leader said in horror as he stumbled backwards, away from Lily, the other bandits already gone. "Banshee" Lily replied, tasting the word. "Yes. That shall be my name." She could already feel another scream coming, and she let this one hit the bandit leader in full force, the echoes sending pleasant shivers down her spine.

In the end, Lily had to threaten to carry Vincent before she got him to even see the house. Surprised at the welcoming fae, for he had been ostracized by humans, the wizard agreed to stay, glad to spend his retirement using minor magic to help the village. Lily, after long talks with her parents and village elders, eventually decided to seek other tutors to continue her studies, having already mastered Vincent's teachings. There was supposed to be great many things to study about the near mystical Amazon, where her family had come from centuries before, and there would certainly be suitable tutors there. Almost itching to see forests other than her own, Lily set to the south after only a few weeks.

After some weeks of travel, Lily finally arrived to one of the port cities. After demonstrating her magical ability, she is given a passage for almost free. The voyage lasts for over a month, before arriving to a port nearly in ruins. Mostly managing to avoid trouble, Lily travels through the desert, arriving to the amazon with no idea where she is or where she should go.


Note: This is a place holder picture of Lily. It's mostly right, except for the clothing and wings. She should be wearing more and the wings should be pure white.

The OOC section:

Falling through the portal, Lily finds herself in a dark cave just before gravity reasserts itself and she falls on the floor, suddenly naked, wet and feeling exposed. "What the hell?"
Re: Arachnecave

Six too would portal in, accompanied by a sizable amount of water, and collapse to the ground, sputtering and shaking her head. Quietly her eyes would blink again, her bright glowing green eyes quickly looking around. "Great, now what madcap adventures have we been diverted to..." she muttered, tail flicking behind her as the back of her head buzzed friendlily. She definitely wasn't quite as alert as usual, almost felt like curling up for a nap...
Re: Arachnecave

And then Joey hit the ground in some kind of cave with a wet splat. Jumping up, Joey could only flail wildly as she ran around in a small panicked circle, looking for some place to hide IdunwannaIdunwanna!!!! She all but shrieked, eventually diving behind Lily and cowering, literally trying to hide as much of herself behind the Sidhe as possible, whimpering quietly as she looked around the cave, almost blind in this darkness, still not having any idea what was expected now that they'd been forcibly moved...
Re: Arachnecave

HP 62/62 PP 88/88 EP 62/62
Cast Arcane Brilliance for 70/6+1=+12 perception for 38 total, minus any penalties from darkness

The sidhe frowns as she tries to look around in the darkness before muttering a quick incantation that while doesn't make things much clearer, at least allows her to know where the others are. "Is this another of the arenas? I don't think I like it."
Re: Arachnecave

"I dun mind it," Six commented, her voice a little uneven as she moved closer to the other two, her tail twitching idly. "Nice and dark, lets me hide... maybe I can take a nap here or somesuch..." she mutters, wobbling slightly as the alcohol starts taking more effect on the halfbreed.
Re: Arachnecave

Joey: HP:94 PP:37 EP:37
Perception 23
Grapple: 66

Joey, only just managing to silence her hysterics, still clutched at Lily's hand, tugging a little. I wanna go back to the spring... Lily, why are we here, I don't like it... she said quietly, waggling her tendrils at Six to get her to join the herd.

Actions: Cower and whine!
Re: Arachnecave

A wild arachne appears! The arachne attempts to web shot Lily!
Stealth: 34+9=43 vs 47=19+38-10 failed!
Attack roll: 44-16+6=38 vs 43=53-10 miss!

Lily casts Strength, Lesser 2*70/6=22 for +22 body!

Lily status: HP 62/62 PP 88/88 EP 62/62
Perception 38, body 40

Spinning her head, Lily hears something from deeper in the cave. She just manages to step behind Joey to dodge what looks like a strand of web. "There's something there!" The mage quickly casts a spell to strengthen her body even as she tries to understand what just attacked her.
Re: Arachnecave

Joey: HP:94 PP:37 EP:37
Perception 13 (23-10)
Grapple: 66

Joey, eeping as Lily shouted something and stepped in front of her, only barely noticed the blast of gooey white stuff that whizzed by them, leaving her still standing behind Lily and wondering what she was going to do. She couldn't see here, so she couldn't see anywhere to hide either. All she could do was stand still, and wait.
Re: Arachnecave

A spray of webs caused Six to jump a little at the noise, and quickly whirled around- her hind legs slipping and stumbling before she got her claws back under her again.

"R-right, who goes there!?!" Six called out, her unfocused eyes staring deeply into the darkness and trying to see the threat.

Six is more or less trying to identify the threat for the moment. No Combat Actions

Six - HP 53 PP 41 EP 38
Perception - 17 (Unmodified due to Darksight)
Re: Arachnecave

A GITS appears! Attacks Six

The arachne attempts to web Lily again: 28+19=47 vs 43 hit! Lily is webbed!

GITS attempts to web six: 30-16+1 vs 33 miss

Lily spends her turns removing the web.

Lily status: HP 62/62 PP 88/88 EP 60/62
Perception 38, body 40

Foosh! Another flies through the air, hitting Lily squarely in the chest, causing her to stumble backwards, accidentally pulling the alraune with her. "Hey! Stop that!" Lily says, trying to flail herself free of the sticky substance with moderate success, though strands of it still hang from her.

Meanwhile from the other side, another web flies towards Six, missing her by a mile.
Re: Arachnecave

Joey: HP:94 PP:37 EP:37
Perception 13 (23-10)
Grapple: 66

Joey, her tactic of flail around in the dark and be useless getting no one anywhere, gave another panicked cry as Lily was struck by something sticky, the alraune in a little bit of shock as she stumbled. Standing up quickly, she did her best to help Lily get herself free, before spreading her feet a little and extending her vines, trying to stay on the defensive against something she couldn't see.

Full Defense Not that it will matter :p
Re: Arachnecave

Six - HP 53 PP 41 EP 38
Perception - 17 (Unmodified due to Darksight)

Having much better sight then the rest of the team, Six growled a little as she saw the creatures in the dark. With a growl of anger, she leaped at one of the aggressors, claws outstretched and ready to attack.

Six attempts a Unarmed attack at the GITS that missed her. Standard Unarmed damage because Razor Claws count as weapons ','
Re: Arachnecave

Six attacks the GITS: auto hit, 22-8=14 damage
Arachne attacks Lily: hit, 46 damage
GITS attacks Six, misses
Arachne attacks Six: hit, 44 damage + paralysis

GITS HP: 16/30

Lily status: HP 16/62 PP 88/88 EP 60/62
Perception 38, body 40

Six - HP 9/53 PP 41 EP 38

Something large and black leaps towards Lily, and she can just make out a humanoid body as it descends on her, its teeth sinking into her shoulder, biting deep and causing her to start bleeding. Swearing to herself, Lily attempts to cast a healing spell as she flutters her wings, trying to get to the ceiling and away from whatever the creature is.

Lily attempts to cast Healing Touch. Base casting 35-8, DC 20
Re: Arachnecave

Six - HP 9/53 PP 41 EP 38
Perception - 17 (Unmodified due to Darksight)
Status - Paralyzed

Six gave a crow of triumph upon getting a good strike in, the shadow demon hybrid preparing for another strike now that the scent of blood was overbearing her sense of drunkeness, but her tyrade was stopped short as another attacker leaped from the shadow, a bite sinking into her chitin as she squeals in pain. She tried to spin around to attack, only to find her limbs not reacting, her body feeling like jelly.

"...Well shit..."

Straining with herself, she tried to shake whatever attack hit her out of her system, so she could press her advantage when she could...

Welp, guess I'm fighting to move this round in general :S Still, she's not quite done, and will attempt attacks against wounded targets if/when her limbs cooperate.
Re: Arachnecave

Joey: HP:94 PP:37 EP:37
Perception 13 (23-10)
Grapple: 66

Joey, hearing Lily's curses, but more importantly, Six's outcry of pain, dashed towards her strange looking friend and the large woman... spider... spidan, Wosper! WAAAGH! BAD THING! She finally decided, and cried as she literally dove at it, or what she thought was it, or where it was considering how hard it was to see down here, her vines outstretched as she tried to grab and subdue her target.

Grapple Dat Arachne! Also, Joey has Tentacles, so she can grapple multiple opponents without penalty. meaning if multiple creatures grab her, OR and this is far more likely, if she grabs all of them, they must beat her grapple score on their own.
Re: Arachnecave

Lily heals herself back to full
Six fails vs paralysis, no action this round
Joey auto-hits with her glomp
Arachne fails grapple vs Joey
GITS appears! GITS tries to web Joey and hits. Joey is now grappled and webbed.
Arachne webs Lily! Lily is webbed!
GITS attacks Six, misses.

Lily status: HP 16/62 PP 88/88 EP 60/62 webbed(1 stack)
Perception 38, body 40

Another sticky ball of goo hits Lily as she rises over the dungeon floor after her injuries disappear, causing the sidhe to swear loudly as she fights to remove the webs. "This isn't fun!"

Attempt to remove the webs
Re: Arachnecave

Six growled deeply, her limbs twitching violently as she fought hard to control, even as a silent wizzing sound came from her barely being missed by one of the beasts in the dark. Already, Six was getting worried, as she saw the myriads of legs faintly in the gloom. "Spiders... shit shit shit shit shit..." she muttered to herself, still fighting with herself in order to re-enter the fray.

As before, Six will attempt to attack wounded targets with physical attacks, if she can disable herself from paralysis.
Re: Arachnecave

Lily status: HP 37/62 PP 88/88 EP 60/62 Paralyzed (1 Stack)
Perception 38, body 40

Joey: HP:76/94 PP:37 EP:37 Paralyzed (Paralyzed 1 Stack)
Perception 13 (23-10)
Grapple: 66

Six - HP 9/53 PP 41 EP 38
Perception - 17 (Unmodified due to Darksight)
Status - Paralyzed

GITS attacks Lily
Six attacks Gits 16/30... Hit... 10+2+4= Dead
Arachne tries to escape Joey... Lol Nope.
Joey pulls away her web- Success!
Lily pulls away her web- Success!
a GITS appears! Tries to web Lily AutoMiss
Arachne attacks Lily with poisonous bite 44+13=57 vs 54. Hit.
Damage =25+Paralyzed.
GITS Attacks Joey. AutoHit 18 damage+Paralyzed

Joey, slamming into the Arachne, had it quickly wrapped in Tendrils, well on the way to having the Bad Thing completely ensnared, before herself, and her new wrestling partner, found themselves blasted with silk, making them both sticky, and gunking together several of her tendrils. Flailing around, Joey made sure that her target was properly held down, while she worked on freeing her tendrils. She took a little too long however. As she was pulling the rest of the silk away, her grip on the squirming Arachne still strong, the spider that had hit her, scuttled forward, and sank it's fangs into her arm, Joey yelping in pain as she squirmed around, unable to counterattack right away as something pumped into her blood.

Six, fairing the worst of all of them, was left paralyzed on the ground, her immediate threat handled by Joey, but with more closing in. Shaking off her paralysis for a moment, Six leveled her fist at the Spider that had bitten her, and punched it Hard, sending it rolling away, twitching and clearly dead, giving her a moment to breathe.

Lily had no such luck however. Dodging another blast of silk from 1 of the Spiders, and the fangs of another, Lily was unable to get away from the Arachne as it darted forward, and bit her leg, grinning sadistically at her before jumping back, her leg going numb quickly.

The trio was in a bad way here, and even now they could make out movements in the shadows...
Re: Arachnecave

A growl of satisfaction comes as Six connects with the spider woman, her body smacking into it and sliding a little afterwards, glaring at the fight again. Once again, she fought with her stiffening body, trying to attack some more.

More murder! More!