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Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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The small collection of buildings that make up the local offices of Avalon Corporation are comprised primarily of offices unsurprisingly, but also include a well-built collection of research labs, fully equipped with modern equipment, apparently sturdy enough to handle even the ill-informed and often explosive shenanigans of the occasional university student that gets in. Of note, the buildings seem to have been built with the safety of both the employees, and anyone else in the vicinity as well.

As the day passed on towards night, many of the employees began leaving work to head home.
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Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Tests matched the predicted tensile values...

Eliza sat in her office reviewing the latest results from the lab.

However, thermal conductivity isn't yet at the required level...

She wasn't really paying attention to the time, enjoying the puzzle set before her.

Perhaps increasing the length of the fibres by point-one nanometres will-

Her train of thought was interrupted by a blinking alert on her glasses. 6pm, time to go home. She quickly noted down some conclusions on her office workstation, made sure it was saved properly to the server, then logged out and leaned back, stretching.

Eliza took a moment to clear her thoughts. Shortly after starting her job, she realized how dangerous taking her work home with her, figuratively speaking, could be. Distracted by her thoughts she nearly ran a red light on her way home and would have ended up ploughing into a minivan. It didn't take a genius to know who would be the one walking away from a motorcycle-minivan collision.

Glancing at the black case near her office door, Eliza smiled and stood up. Getting her lab coat from the hanger on the back of the door, she pulled it on over her black turtleneck and slacks. While it was the same lab coat she wore while working in the labs, her modifications to it also made it suitable as a normal coat and, with the right presses, a suit of highly adaptable armor. While it wasn't a costume, she still had a small fantasy that she was suiting up to fight crime.

She wouldn't go looking for crime to fight, of course, but she wanted to be prepared to step in, should she come across some on her way home. Getting the case, she set it on her desk and entered the code to open it up, revealing her one point of vanity.

The DAMOCLES was pride and joy, it was how she felt she could help the people in the world who were vulnerable, like she had been growing up. Pulling it on, she watched the display light up as the computer came online. She took one of the canisters of programmable nanites from the case and clicked it into the receptacle in the glove, nodding with satisfaction as the device displayed the correct eight uses. The other seven canisters she slipped into slots on the inside of her coat. She then shut the case and headed out the door, making sure to lock her office. After the fluffoam incident, she wasn't going to be careless again.

Riding the elevator down to the lobby, she considered what route she should take home. I could swing by the university, see if Freya is around... She had met the biologist and learned her secret quite by accident. Or I could take the 'scenic' route. Her way of taking a route through some of the more crime-prone areas. Or I could just head home. I need to pick up some milk anyway. The elevator dinged as it arrived at the lobby floor.

"Have a good night Saul."
She waved to the security guard manning the desk on the way out.

Making sure the DAMOCLES's case was securely attached first, Eliza got onto her bike and put her helmet on before starting it up. She still hadn't decided which route to take.

((If you wanted someone to stop her before she got out the door, can just let me know where and I'll edit out whatever came after to make it fit))
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Perhaps somewhat uncomfortably, Eliza would find a small ball had been left on the seat of her bike... Inspection would prove that it was a ping-pong ball decorated with brown and gold lettering reading "I.O.U."
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Eliza had picked up the ball and sat down, going through her contemplations before even looking at the writing on it. Her brow furrowed in confusion. It didn't seem like something Dr. Michelakos would do, too... straightforward, and without any obvious inconvenience.

After a moment of examining the ball, she put it into a pocket on the inside of her coat and kick-started her bike. She'd keep it for later. Right now, it meant nothing, just one data point, and that wasn't enough to draw any conclusions from so far. She'd keep her eye out for anything similar to it, however.

Pulling out of the office parking lot, she decided to just head for home, for now, and started towards the residential district. She could afford to live somewhere nicer, or safer, but she grew up in the area and felt an attachment.

Her drive would take her past the Broken Shillelagh, where she used to work. While she didn't drink, it still might be nice to drop in to see her old boss. It would depend on how busy it looked tonight.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Eliza, with Freya/Toxsyn on her bike, pulled into Avalon Corporation's parking lot she left not more than an hour or two ago. Parking her bike in her usual spot, she looked around for any sign of trouble or damage.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

If the girls who had just arrived were to be paying attention to the rooftops of the nearby buildings, they might see a humanoid figure standing on the edge of one silhouetted by the moonlight, with his arms holding what looks like a violin, and a black cape flowing out behind him, before the figure seemingly vanishes, the sound of feet touching the ground behind the women. "And who might you two be, to be out here at such an hour?" the figure asks, his face obscured by an opera mask, and the rest of his body covered in what looks like a black formal suit.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Eliza spun around at the voice and narrowed her eyes. "Depends on who you are..." She replied cautiously. She wasn't sure if this was the Firebat Stanton had mentioned, he certainly seemed to fit the "not all there" criteria, but then again, there were heroes out there with stranger costumes. Still, she tensed the arm under her DAMOCLES, just in case things got heated.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

"You may call me 'The Conductor.'" the man says, bowing and crossing his right arm over his chest, though he still held the violin bow in his hand. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company on this fine evening?" he asks, standing back up and looking between the two women, at this point they might notice the red tint of his irises through the eye-holes in his opera mask he wore, and that they seemed to glow slightly.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

A noise from the far visible corner of the lab building might interrupt the introductions. A human-like robot, seemingly built out of mostly plumbing parts and discarded crash-test dummy pieces, flanked by what appeared to be a pair of hovering stage lights appeared from around the corner, seemingly on some kind of patrol. The center 'bot even seemed to be armed with some manner of rifle-like device.

Eliza would immediately know one thing about them: They weren't anything thing used by Avalon.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Toxsyn hopped off her friends' bike and shed her outer layer of clothes, utilizing the dexterous and mobile biomass that made up her second skin. Nothing was torn, but rather simply discarded next to the motorcycle.

From neck to toe, she was clad in a form-hugging, liquid-textured, midnight-blue bio suit with a belt mimicking structure of yellow lines and dots around her waist. The alien skin followed up the back of her scalp and wrapped around her temples to the front of her face, where it slipped across her eyes and forehead, obscuring her upper facial features, but still leaving her blonde hair flowing freely.

"You can call us Toxsyn," she said in that ominous double-voiced harmonic tone of hers. "You do not have our company just yet, music man. You merely have our attention."

Just as she said this, the odd, makeshift robot rounded the corner into view, causing Toxsyn to shift her gaze to it.

"And now, you don't even have that."
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

"Eliza." Eliza introduced herself simply in her typical style of not bothering with an alias. She was about to question the man more when the robot appeared. She still didn't fully trust the Conductor as he called himself, he could easily be hiding hostile intentions behind his mask of civility, and there was something strange about him. However, the robots were more of an immediate problem, and more likely to be connected to any problems in the facility.

"They're definitely not of Avalon manufacture." She stated and looked around for a car or something else nearby to hide behind. She wanted to observe the central robot more closely to try to determine it's origin or who might have built it, or at the very least how it might be most easily disabled if it turned hostile.

(First dice rolley actions for me! If possible will attempt a stealth action (she doesn't have any points in it, so would probably be under an Everyman skill, so that'd be at 11-.) Also Analyze Tech, if possible. That's 19-. She'd use the telescopic boost on her glasses if she needs too, and any vision modes that might be needed as well. The Variable Vision Modes multipower has enough points to use the Telescopic power at the same time as any one other vision mode besides Microscopic.

Oh, and if you think it's appropriate, maybe a deduction check on Mr. Conductor. That's also at 19-. That's up to GM's discretion though.)
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

As Eliza got to the cover of a truck owned by one of the night security personnel, she'd be able to tell a few things about the central robot.

First, the style used wasn't even remotely familiar. Second, perhaps the best plan for disabling it would probably be force. While disabling the joints might leave more behind for study, there didn't seem to be any particularly notable weak points.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

The Conductor appears to have an interest in a more...Intimate.....Relationship with either of the ladies, based on his mannerisms and tone.

This is, however, a moot point as he turns to face the robot, assuming a musician's stance, and lining his bow on the strings of his violin. "A pity this thing had to intrude. I was so looking forward to getting to know you ladies." he says, beginning a solo, before a sudden sharp note rings out from the violin, and if the ladies were paying attention, they might see the air distort in front of The Conductor, before the distortion shot off towards the robot, narrowing and turning to lay horizontally, flying towards the robot's waistline. After the actual attack was free, The Conductor resumed his solo.

((Ranged Lethal Attack on the center robot, trying to slice it in half at the waist.))
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

The ripple-turned-blade struck home on the bot, which was apparently somewhat sturdy, despite its odd appearance. However, the damage was enough to severely gouge through it. It was still in the fight for now, but probably not for long.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Toxsyn started to run toward the unidentified robot on instinct, though she was loath to turn her back towards the strange man with the violin. Earlier events and the style of his speech certainly rang a few bells in her mind, but she decided to keep her hunches to herself for the moment. She did not know if the robot would be able to sustain many more shots at range, but just in case it adjusted its tactics or had back up, she decided to close the gap.

Her finger tips grew in length as the symbiotic skin grew claws tipped with the alien toxin that she could naturally produce and excrete. Her most potent mixture was an incredibly strong acid that would be equally damaging to organic and inorganic opponents - or so her alien half proclaimed.

Maybe we don't need it just yet though, she thought to herself. This thing looks like it's on its last legs already. We can probably take it out with sheer force...

Toxsyn makes a full move towards the enemy. If she gets within range before another shot from her allies destroys it, she'll make a regular melee attack against it.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

The robot didn't look like it would yield very much information about its construction no matter what shape it was in, so she didn't both to try to tell Toxsyn to try to keep damage to a minimum. In fact, she really didn't think there was much she needed, or could, do to assist at the moment anyway. The disassemblers would also strike Toxsyn if she were to use them now, and the tranquilizers would obviously have no effect on a robot... and would also affect Toxsyn. The robot also looked like it was damaged enough that she wouldn't need to do anything to enhance Toxsyn's abilities in order for her friend to finish it off.

So all she did was activate the armor mode on her lab coat and stayed behind the truck for now, keeping an eye on the robot and its two spotlights for any opportunities.

Activate Nanoweave Lab Coat, setting the defenses to 30 PD/10 ED for now and doing nothing else, if any other actions were possible.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Toxsyn's strength proved enough to finish snapping the bot in half. When it crumble to the ground, the body began sparking somewhat, then vanished in a flashy poof, almost like something from a cheesy cartoon.

However, the two lightbots seemed to be shifting around, almost as if they had some kind of weapon hidden in their bulbs.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

With a tilting of his bow, and a shift in stance, The Conductor's music seems to change, from frantic and swift, to slow and focused, another distortion forming in front of him as he holds a low note, before it shoots off at the floating lamp on the right, the distortion forming a sphere of sorts, before slamming into the right floating lamp with much more force than his last attack.

Blast attack on the right light thingy.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

The distortion connects, and the lightbot seems to crumble, destructing in a similar fashion to how the larger human-like one had.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

Deciding to follow up to the Conductor's ranged blasts, Toxsyn rushed the remaining light bot with the intent of destroying it with a devastating sideways kick.
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