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Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

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Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

The kick was enough to disable the bot easily, with a similar effect as the other two.

Aside from any sound that the three were making, it was quiet.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Avalon Corporation District Offices

With the robots down, Eliza got up from her cover and walked over to where they had been. "What a strange contraption..." She mumbled as she got closer. "We should head inside." She said out loud when she got next to Toxsyn and looked over to the Conductor. "Since you seem to be on our side, you're welcome to come with us. This place has some top secret research being done at it, however, so telling other people what you see inside might not be a good idea, legally speaking." She said it not in a warning or threatening tone, just in a tone that implied "It's for your own good."
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