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Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

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Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Eliza looked at the flyer, curious about what it was that caught Stanton's attention about it.

"Well, I don't know if it's related but..." She pulled out the ping pong ball she had found on her bike and held it out, making sure the words on it were facing up. "I found this on my bike as I was leaving work. It seemed rather out of place, so it might be connected, but it just as easily might not be."

((What is legible on the flyers anyway?))
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Stanton looked at the ball and its lettering. "I.O.U. in brown and gold..." Then, almost immediately he face-palmed. He sighed, "Oh, Tech's not gonna be happy about this."

After another sigh, he explained. "That ball gave me enough information to figure out what's going on: A mentally uncertain individual calling himself Foxbat. Nothing overly dangerous per se, but pretty much annoying. I suppose that if the R&D lab is the real target, we could be in some danger. But it's going to be hard to tell for certain what he's up to just yet."

With that, he crumbled the flyer and pitched it in the trash. "Best place for that."
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Eliza raised an eyebrow as Stanton revealed the information about this Foxbat character. She only spoke once he had finished.

"I assume you're talking about Avalon's R&D lab. If so, then yes there's..." She paused and remembered she was in a public area. "Well, agreed. If this Foxbat isn't that dangerous, would security be able to deal with him if they were forewarned, in the event he does go through with this?"

After asking the question, she'd fiddle with the ball a little before quietly tucking it back into her pocket.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Stanton shrugged. "Hard to say. On one hand, he's a bit of a putz. On the other hand... He's highly inventive. He's also got a wide array of technical and mechanical skills. And resources, among other things."
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Freya quirked a thin blonde eyebrow and nudged away with her forefinger knuckle the solitary, half-drunken beer she had been nursing.

"Ræv-flagermus? How exactly did you get all that from two pieces of paper? Random flyers no less?"
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Stanton half-shrugged. "Simple really. Foxbat, or Frederick Foswell to give his actual name, is the only one crazy enough to deliver an I.O.U. on a bloody Ping-Pong ball. Given that he also favors the colors of Brown and Gold, used on the lettering of said ball, and that he seems to think that he's universally popular and thus has hordes of fans just waiting to join his fan club, the conclusion is fairly obvious."

He took a sip of his own drink, then added, "Provided, of course, that one already knew of him. Obviously, he's not quite as well known as he thinks he is."
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

As Mozzie finishes off his song, he catches the whole conversation, taking a bow and stepping off-stage afterward, back to his violin case and setting the instrument within, before snapping the case shut and taking his seat. "Sounds like a nutcase." he says, resting an arm on the bar, responding to Stanton's last comment, a smirk on his face
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Stanton nodded in response to Mozzie's comment. "Yeah, he seemed rather... off on the one occasion I had the misfortune of being present for some of his antics. Fortunately, I wasn't his obsession that time, merely a bystander."
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Freya had a little trouble following Dr. Stanton's narrowing down of Foxbat's M-O. From one instance of being a bystander to the man's antics, Stanton seemed to be familiar with the nuisance's inner psyche. It was not deduction that he was using, but rather the opposite, induction: taking facts and tying them to a theory that supported them, rather than taking theories and eliminating them until they fit the facts.

Her other self suggested that this is all seemed irrelevant. There was a menace to society around, so perhaps she should go out and hunt this Foxbat.

Her human side was hesitant. The alien within her clearly wanted to test her lethal capabilities. She was not certain that such measures were warranted. An internal dissonance ensued while Stanton and the others carried out their conversation.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Eliza was quiet as she listened to Freya and the musician voice their thoughts, and Stanton's responses. She was worried about this Foxbat character, if only because there were definitely some things in the R&D department that would cause a lot of damage in the hands of anyone who didn't know how to use them properly, nevermind someone as unstable as Stanton was describing Foxbat to be.

"At the very least, security should be warned. Even if this Foxbat doesn't make his move today, or even at all, it wouldn't hurt for the guards to be forewarned." She said quietly. "I'll give Saul a call." She pulled out her cell phone and started towards the front door of the bar, looking for somewhere quiet to make the call.

While waiting for the guard to pick up, she considered returning to the Avalon offices. Glancing down at her gloved hand, she figured she'd at least be able to provide some support for the guards if something did happen. She still felt a bit of fear at the prospect though. The few live tests of the DAMOCLES had been against petty thugs; Foxbat seemed like a more dangerous foe.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

If and when Eliza got done talking with her guard contact, she would find that Freya had followed her and was waiting for her phone conversation to be done with.

"If you're concerned about this Foxbat, it's possible that we could be of assistance. From the way Stanton talks about him, he seems like a buffoon, but even one of those can be dangerous. Maybe between the two of us, we could track him down before he does anything that would endanger others?
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

"And what am I, chopped liver?" Mozzie says, resting his head on the ball of his right fist, his right elbow resting on the bar. "Like hell if I'm going to let lovely ladies like yourself confront a nutcase like him alone." he says, genuine interest in his voice.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Eliza might start getting concerned... Her attempts to contact the security personnel at the labs were just ringing through with no response.

Meanwhile, just before Mozzie would have made a move to follow the girls outside, he'd hear Stanton using a stage whisper. "Keep your cool, Erik."

It would be the first time that the doctor had given any indication that he even suspected about Mozzie's other activities.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Eliza was getting concerned and it was showing in the way she started pacing. The answering machine response was basically telling her something was wrong. "Should always be someone at the desk..." She murmured to herself after her second try and turned to Freya and Mozzie.

"Ah, well, I don't really want to put anyone in danger but..." She wasn't sure she could handle it on her own. "I know that... Cindy can take care of herself and I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I mean, I can't really stop you from coming with us if you want, but I'd at least feel better about it if uhm..." Eliza paused, not quite sure how to proceed. Brilliant yes. Socially adept, far from it. She didn't want to offend the man. "Well, uh, if I knew you could take care of yourself too..." She finished quietly. "Oh, and I only have room for one other on my bike."
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

"Oh. Well, if you're sure you two can handle yourselves." he says, sitting back down in his seat and resting his head on one hand. "I could just stay here until you girls are done." he says, a playful smirk spreading over his face as he turns back to Stanton, his voice lowered so that the girls couldn't hear him, and his face taking a more serious look. "You must be mistaken. I stopped playing that role ages ago."
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Stanton's eyes narrowed slightly. "Do you really think that's what I meant? I'm not as oblivious as that."
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

"Oh... okay." Eliza was a little surprised at how quickly Mozzie agreed with her, but then remembered what was so pressing. "Let's go, I don't want to delay that much more." She said, turning to Freya before heading out of the bar towards her bike.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

"Oh good, we're going to have some fun," Freya said, maybe with a bit too much relish in her voice than was appropriate for a young woman talking about the prospect of meeting up with an unhinged criminal. Before leaving, she'd turn and wave over her shoulder at the musician who had by good fortune led her to meet with her friend Eliza tonight.

"Later Mozzie. Nice to meet ya."

Freya was happy to hop on the back of the bike, feeling her second skin roiling underneath her clothing. The fluid, alien biomass girded itself up for trouble.

"So what's the plan?"
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

"Well, first thing is to get there." Eliza replied, putting her helmet on and starting the bike. "I'm not quite sure what to expect yet, but you're pretty good in hand-to-hand fighting, right? I can support you. You know, making you stronger, faster... more armored. I don't think that's correct English." She muttered the last part in response to the immediately prior statement.

She headed out of the pub's parking lot and back onto the road, returning to Avalon's R&D department.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

"We can bind a target from a short distance, but other than that, we fight hand to hand. If you can enhance our abilities, then we doubt this Firebat will be enjoying himself." Toxsyn said, her voice now sounding as though two beings were speaking at once, creating an odd, intense harmonic.
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