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Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

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Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Eliza glanced over her shoulder, unsure if she was hearing her friend correctly through her helmet. She had never heard Toxsyn speak like this before. "Uh, well, should be fine then." She replied, hurrying on to Avalon Corp. It wasn't that she was freaked out in any way by her friend's transformation, she knew that would happen anyway, it was just odd.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

The physical change that overcame Freya as she changed into Toxsyn was comparatively minor. Her symbiote biomass slid up to cover her neck, the back of her head, and wrapped around to cover her eyes and brow, leaving her blonde hair to still swing freely, and her jawline and nose to remain human in appearance. Her eyes maintained their shape, but not their color, for now they were yellow orbs, and her senses would become strong still once she shed her human clothes and walked with only her alien skin exposed to the elements. For now though, she kept those on, still clutching to Eliza from the back of her bike as they sped off to the R&D offices.

If she looked down, Eliza would notice that the tips of Freya's fingers were now deep blue claws with dots of yellow at the the end of every sharpened tip.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

After the girls left, Stanton fished some money out and paid his tab. Turning to Mozzie, he added, "Well, get going if you intend to follow them."

With that he left, exiting through the door to the tunnels that ran between the buildings of the theater complex, rather than the main door. In all likelihood, he was just heading back to his rooms.
Re: Ark City, Central District - The Broken Shillelagh

Mozzie smirks as Stanton exits, picking up his violin case and exitting the pub, then turning and walking until he came to a darkened section of street, looking around to make sure nobody could see him, then clapped his hands, seemingly disappearing into thin air.
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