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Ark City, North District

Re: Ark City, North District

"Big man's right. C'mon Night Doctor, I'll be able to work faster without having to keep checking over my shoulder. With any luck whatever automated defenses will activate after that and take care of any threats 'Tan-gah-row-ah' hasn't already."

James started towards the relay. Yelling back: "Be careful kid, this city's got enough dead heros."
Re: Ark City, North District

Max took a few steps, then froze. "Wait a minute... The relay's outside. If the building's in a lockdown... Getting outside's going to be a bit of a trick."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Not really, since we're on the inside I can just cut the power to the door and it'll open. We're not in a prison, it's meant to keep stuff out."

"If that doesn't work, I've got a few other tricks."
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Re: Ark City, North District

Max remained silent, simply following. Of course, it was kind of hard to get a read, given the whole get up. It could be that he was just trying to remain alert in case of an ambush, at this point.
Re: Ark City, North District

Upon reaching the exit, James popped open the control panel and started working.

Maybe I should just cobble together a remote? Wouldn't want to leave the door open or anything. Yeah, that sounds good.
Re: Ark City, North District

The door opens, surprisingly with minimal effort.
Re: Ark City, North District

"Here, in case we get separated."

James handed Night-Doctor what looked like a stripped down garage door opener.

"Just press the little button there and the door will open or close. It isn't too sturdy so try not to drop it or anything."

He then packed up the tool-kit and headed outside.

If I were an ARTEMIS relay, where would I be?
Re: Ark City, North District

Rather to their shock, when they stepped through the door, they did not see the expected environs of a school. Instead, they found themselves in a shallow valley lined with statuary looming over it, and purple-ish stormclouds roiling above. In the middle was a structure that looked rather like a mausoleum.
Re: Ark City, North District

Max had taken the device...But once through the door, things seemed... Different and off.

"Okay. Something tells me that we're not going to be working on those relays just yet..."
Re: Ark City, North District

Stay calm and breathe. Fix one problem, then the next, then the next, and eventually we'll find a way out, or something to steal...

"I... Well they ARE all over the city, so as long as we're still in the city we should be able to find one. Supposing we do, and I can repair it, then link it to the school's systems it would achieve our original goal and let whoever cares know that THIS has happened."

James took in his surroundings.

"Fuuuuuuuck. Close the door, please."
Re: Ark City, North District

When they turned around, the door wasn't there; just a path leading up to the rim of the valley.
Re: Ark City, North District

"Yep, sounds about right. 20 bucks says a tentacled monstrosity is waiting inside that mausoleum."

James lit a cigarette and took a heavy drag.

"Aside from the obvious fun we'll have with said monstrosity, it's the most likely place for the relay to be... wanna find out?"
Re: Ark City, North District

Max cocked his head sideways, looking at where the door would have been. "I'm... Not so sure there is a relay here... In fact, I'm beginning to think we somehow got shifted..."

After a moment of looking around, he added. "Not exactly the best term, perhaps, but..."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Shifted? to where though? Those statues look familiar."
Re: Ark City, North District

Max turned about, looking around some more. "I'm not sure... Looks almost like..."

He stopped. "It almost looks like some kind of memorial deal, at least to me."
Re: Ark City, North District

A hollow, almost sepulchral voice sounded from somewhere indeterminate, as though coming from far away or beneath the earth.

"It is."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Yeah, now that I think about it I HAVE seen those statues before, only they weren't statues!"

James pointed to a few statues while giving their names.

"That's Atom Smasher, The Blaze, She-Bulk, White Tiger, Pherro-mancer... They all died in The Battle of River".

"Which means we're at The Chimney, and YOU'RE it's guardian, eh?"
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Re: Ark City, North District

"I am. I am called Castellan. As you can see above you, the breach caused by the rogue DEMON forces is not sealed; something has come through..."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Yeah, um we were just at the school. Tangaroa said something about a lock-down being in effect to keep whatever it is out. The reason why I bring this up is because we were there to repair the ARTEMIS relay, and had to go outside. When we exited the building we ended up here, meaning one of the school's doors is open, and I'm pretty sure the signal from that little remote I cobbled together isn't going to reach."

Really didn't plan on getting a bunch of kids killed today, but fate's a fickle bitch a'int she?