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Ark City OOC thread.

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Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Rathuris, those can be eventual appearances, at least what you've picked for your "Battle" and "Travel" pics. I'll have to work out the point costs for those forms before you can use them. Might also be good to use a normal human appearance as well, at least for general wandering. Otherwise, you'd be way too easy to find.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

I know. I am just saying they are his usual forms when not in the middle of a crowd of people. XD
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

First area thread is up. I'll get the others up in a bit.

Planned are:

Central District, Avalon Corp District Offices (Maiko's character start)

South District, Residential (Rule's character, and maybe MBS's start)

Central District, Sewers (Rathuris's character start)

The University is going to be start for BlueSlime and Caulder.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Quick update to the Setting Thread made. All listed schools have their school colors added, as well as team colors for the three sports teams.

EDIT: Also added some new information to Doctor Stanton's profile in the Major NPCs Thread. Anything in that thread is to be considered public knowledge. If your character doesn't know those items already, then it's easily accessible information that won't require a roll, just looking it up.
Last edited:
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

And spamming the OOC thread, but the current description of the Broken Shillelagh is a placeholder, since brain is kind of fried and telling me I need to sleep. Will try to have a better one up soonish.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Just as a note...

Hardware's latest comment in this thread is something that should probably not be used in polite company.

Yes, I know what it means. No, I don't feel like translating it. Hardware might, but I don't at the moment.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Like I said elsewhere, been a little busy with non-internet life this past week. I'm aiming for a post on Sunday.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Hey Caulder, I'm not sure if you wanted to get a post in or not, seeing as Mozzie's a bit occupied. I wanted to make sure though so that I wasn't cutting you off, as it were if I were to post again.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Nah, go ahead. Mozzie's too busy fiddling like a sir.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Sorry for the long delay. Real life clobbered me over the head with a heavy, blunt metaphor for being clobbered with. Still getting clobbered, but at least I've gotten used to it.

Just in time for Wolf to have some real life problems of his own. No need to hurry on things though.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Just as a slight reminder...

Eliza might have another piece of the "jigsaw puzzle"...
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Maiko, to answer your question about the flyer:

Barely enough to see that it's some kind of application form, and the words "Fan Club".
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

BlueSlime, after doing some figuring and checking, I think that Toxsyn would have been in range and had the ability to take a swing at the center bot, if you want to have a go at that.

Attack rolls are figured as follows: Attacker's OCV + 11 + 3d6 = Highest DCV that can be hit.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Maiko, you'll need to alter your last post. There's no wreckage or remains left of the destroyed robots.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Ah right, thanks. Missed that.
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