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Ark City, South District - Residential

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Comprised mostly of housing for the employees of the industrial parks of the West District, the residential sections of the city's South District tend towards more rougher appearances than some of the rest of the city. It's here where the rebelling youths, starting criminals, and other malcontents of the city tend to start their gangs, "careers", and schemes. Yet not all residents of this section are without means of defense... A fact that might make itself known as the day passed on through evening towards night.
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Re: Ark City, South District - Residential

Captain Extreme stepped out of the dark alleyway and dusted off his shoulder. Nonchalantly he pulled a cigarette out of one of his costume's many pockets and lit it, extinguishing his lighter with a practiced flick of his wrist. "Go home, Freddie," he grumbled towards the alley. "Put some ice on it. And if I ever catch you doing stupid shit like this again, you're doing the 'go home' bit in your underpants." He received nothing but a half-unconscious groan as an answer, but that was good enough for Cap. He rammed his gloved hands into his pockets and started walking down the streets. As his way led him past a clearly shaken, wide-eyed young woman, the leather-clad superhero tossed her a wallet without slowing down. "This is yours, I figure. Five percent finder's reward already taken. Captain Extreme appreciates your business. You're welcome." The woman sighed and rifled through her wallet. Upon finding that the masked man had indeed only taken a couple of dollars reward, she called out after him. "Hey, what the FUCK, man? Castellan never takes five percent!" "Yeah well, Castellan doesn't have to get Freddie's face cleaned out of his gauntlets. Next time, don't get your fucking wallet stolen," Cap replied in kind and gave her the middle finger over his shoulder. "Ungrateful bitch," he grumbled and headed into another alleyway. Sizing up a fire escape ladder, he decided to get a better viewpoint for the rest of the patrol.
Re: Ark City, South District - Residential

As he sized up the fire escape, a loose piece of paper would be blown onto it. In the evening's light, it looked like it might have some kind of plans or related sketches drawn on it.
Re: Ark City, South District - Residential

Under his mask, Cap's brow furrows as he notices the piece of paper. "What the..." Maybe some Avalon tech lab got busted or something. They could want it back. Whatever it was, could be worth a buck. And, of course, if it WAS secret Avalon tech, it could be catastrophical in the wrong hands.

His mind made up, Cap started to climb the fire escape ladder.
Re: Ark City, South District - Residential

The paper turned out to be someone's heist plans, rather than any kind of tech plans.

The target in the plans turned out to be, strangely enough, a comic book store in the Central District. However, for some strange reason, the plans suggest that there's more resources going into this potential heist than any of the groups from the south residential area would normally have, suggesting it's potentially someone "new in town" behind it.
Re: Ark City, South District - Residential

"...Huh. That is- that is way too much effort to rob a comic book store," Cap grumbled into his cigarette, thoughtlessly taking the butt and snipping it into the streets below. "Break times, police patrol routes, even checked the alarm response time. Alright random stranger," he said to himself, "you managed to make me curious. Let's see who you are." After storing the plan in one of his pockets, Cap vaulted over the guardrail to the alley below and headed towards the place where he parked his motorcycle.
Re: Ark City, South District - Residential

As he headed towards his motorcycle, in the distance Cap would spot someone who would initially appear to be one of the homeless who periodically were seen in the area.

...Except that the man's body language seemed closer to that of someone who was hiding, rather than what was normal for the homeless bums. He was also quite alert, and while not appearing to be looking for anything, he was definitely not in the usual profile for his appearance.
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