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Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]


Dec 9, 2008
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Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: 5'10", with tanned skin and raven black hair, green eyes, and an extremely athletic build
Bio: Arlette is a runner, she takes illegal packages places for money. Having a great need to avoid the authorities, she often takes to rooftops, and is quite acrobatic. Not the smartest bulb in the pack however, she leads a simple life. She can fight when she has to, though she prefers to avoid a confrontation if it possible.

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Arlette slowly woke up to find herself in raggy skirt and raggy shirt. Though upon further examination of the room she spots a red skinned female and a man who was twirling a small necklace that she couldn't quite make out what it was but the red skinned female was the first thing her mind went too. Was it just paint?

{Run} {Talk To The Man} {Talk To The Female} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette came to slowly, and almost went back to sleep until she realized that the cold stone floor was not what she fell asleep on. Her eyes snapped open, and she did a quiet kip-up to a steady crouch, taking stock of her situation and looking around for an escape route, or a weapon if it comes to that.

((Hide/Examine room))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Arlette quickly finds a small place to hide herself away in and watch as the red skinned female seems to pace around the room, everyonce in awhile she stroked her body as if she was wanting something done about it and the male seemed to ignore her completely. Just standing in the room and looking up at the ceiling. They obviously either hadn't cared that they were here or they were part of this freaky place's 'guards', upon watching the red skinned female you could obviously spot that she was not wearing paint but her skin was actually a solid red color.

{Run} {Sneak Away} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette holds as still as she can, peering into the darkened cavern ceiling, trying to see what the man is staring at, or if he was lost to the world, and a plan starts forming in the back of her mind...

((Wait/Examine just once.more))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned (By Lust Demon)

ENCOUNTER: Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}
Arlette waits only to find herself being noticed by the pacing and either horny or on edge red skinned female. The female surprises Arlette and before she can react the demon has gripped onto Arlette's wrists and pulled her out of hiding, holding her still. Though the man still just stares off as if he is oblivious to everything.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette let's out a stream of invective as she throws a foot up in between her and the red woman, trying to catch her under the chin.

((Attack lust demon))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned (By Lust Demon)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105-25=80]}
Arlette kicks the chin of the lust demon, sending her flying back into the wall and releasing Arlette, the demon took a swipe at her trying to grab her wrists again and pull her in but she missed Arlette. The Lust Demon stared down Arlette as if Arlette was some arch nemesis of hers. That or she wanted her bad. Either way, even with all the noise going on the man still hadn't noticed Arlette.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}

(bah, that man is very un observant o-O)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

((Hehe, you'd think he would have noticed the tinge of blue in the air, Arlette isn't very ladylike))

Arlette takes the short break to steal a glance over to the man, and finding him still off in la-la land, sizes up her red and lusty opponent. Making up her mind, she goes all out right at the demon, halting her momentum at the last second and dropping low to sweep her legs out from under her with a vicious kick to the ankles.

((Attack lust demon. I wonder, you wouldn't happen to be adding modifiers for good RP, are you? Guess not, or poor miss rape me would be doing better...))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][80-9=71]}
Arlette knocks the lust demon over onto her back and with a loud slam you can hear a small crack coming from the body of the Lust Demon before she she slowly stood again and went lunging once more for Arlette only to be denied a grip once more. She growled a bit before her eyes flashed but nothing seemed to happen to Arlette which seemed to just anger the lust demon even more. The man still lost in la la land.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}

(No modifiers for rping, that'd be too hard to judge in my opinion cause what is good to one is not good to another, etc.. and how much would such a thing be? :p As for the man, somehow, it keeps coming up he doesn't notice you @_@ A fight breaks out and he doesn't notice, fuck the man is not observant. XD)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

((Depends on the system, I'm guessing right now its d100+stat for the most part, in which case I would recommend a max of 5 or 10. As for what warrants it, I would look for three things. -Does it fit the character? -Does it fit the flow of the story? -Are both sides having fun? Above all, don't compare 2 peoples RP to award points, it breeds resentment. Try dodeal with them individually, and give them more as you see them get better. Don't tell them either, they'll see the rewards and be happy not knowing.))

Another quick peek over to the man and Arlette assures herself he's still oblivious. She then jumps up and swings both feet at her opponent, the first serving as a distraction and a way to gain momentum for the second, aimed at the demon's face.

((Attack lust demon, pray to god the guy is actually deaf :) ))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned (Against The Ground)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][71-1=70]}
Arlette to the lust demon reminds her of a helicopter as she swings one kick towards her and the second comes straight for her face but before it can connect the lust demon brings her hands up to block but the impact still ends up scratching her hands and causing a stinging. The Lust Demon grips Arlette's foot before it can pull away and tugs on her foot, causing Arlette to lose balance and the lust demon straddled Arlette's waist, pinning her to the ground.

The man STILL oblivious to what is going on. (-_-'')

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}

(A d100 hold a chunk of the random but theres more ds of such 50, 10, 20, etc.. :p And factoring of stats. XD Still think I'll leave it out. I am working on a more advanced version of this setup so there will be much more put into it once I finish that up. XD bah the man is a moron. XD)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

((Is she pinned face-up or face down? I'm gonna guess face down, with the demon facing her feet, as that would be the most natural maneuver to my thinking. As for the RP bonuses, try to keep them no more than 10% of the random factor, and I didn't expect you to implement them this game, just giving you more stuff to rattle around and toy with. Also note, this will be my last post for at least 8 hours, g'night.))

Another stream of curses starts, and Arlette pushed up with everything she could, hopefully cracking the demon's already wounded chin with her held foot as she goes into a handstand and rolls over her back and onto her feet again, provided all goes well.

((Attack Lust Demon, hopefully for more than 1 HP this time, dammit :) At least the guy is still a moron, must be one hell of a daydream))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][70-24=46]}
Arlette's plan goes perfectly well and you can hear a loud crack as the lust demon's chin breaks some. The lust demon seems to start to circle Arlette as if she was trying to find a weak spot, a point of gripping her. Whatever could open up an opening for her, she didn't make any more movements towards Arlette but seemed to be waiting for her to make her move.

The man moved over to another corner and stared off into the ceiling from the new corner, seemingly oblivious or just not caring of what was going on behind him.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

A smile tugs at the edge of Arlette's face as she realized that this wasn't so different from the city streets after all, then she rushes in and attacks with a flurry of well-placed punches, trying to back her opponent into a corner and give her less maneuvering room

((EDIT))((Attack Lust Demon))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned (Back Against Wall, facing lust demon)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][46-18=28]}
Arlette's tactics worked well, the lust demon was being punched back into the corner but just as Arlette sent another punch and the lust demon was nearly trapped in the corner, the tables turned. The lust demon grabbed ahold of arlette's wrists and spun her around, shoving her into the corner, hands pinned up above her head and against the wall. The man slowly turns his head towards Arlette and the Lust Demon, letting off a small grin. It was obvious he had either finally decided to join in or just finally noticed the demon had a play mate. The man turned around fully and started to approach them.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait}

(on a side note, finally the mother fucker wakes up.)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

((moron wakes up, oh happy day...))

For the second time, Arlette finds herself held by the wrists, but her opponent still doesn't seem to realize which end of her is more dangerous. She goes for another high kick to its wounded chin, this time planting her other foot in the demon's gut first for good measure. Hopefully she can finish this one off quickly, before the guy comes over and she has to deal with two opponents at once.
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned And Felt Up (Back Against Wall, facing lust demon and being rubbed by the demon)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][28]}
Arlette kick comes up short when the lust demon, forces arlette to twist which caused her to lose impact of the kick and came up with barely a scrap if even damage to the demon. The demon places her hand between Arlette's legs and starts to rub, her fingers running along the skirt and slipping under touching Arlette's lower lips but never piercing inside. The man crosses his arms and stares, almost as if he is unsure of how to approach the situation but he obviously wasn't going to help Arlette and that was obvious by his manner and the fact he was looking Arlette and the demon up and down, as if examining their bodies.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Alrette gives out a yelp of surprise and rage, and a shiver courses up her spine. She keeps a clear head though, and bides her time, trying to free up a hand to run interference between her legs, trying to catch hold of the demon's questing hand before it gets any worse.

((Wait, hope for an advantage))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Being Raped (Back Against Wall, facing lust demon and being fingered by the demon)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][28]}
ENCOUNTER: Were Lion, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][150]}

Arlette waited hoping she could get an advantage on her demon opponent and she successfully felt stronger but to her dismay she also felt a delicate finger of the demon slip inside her womanhood. The demoness started to work gentle and at the same time she worked fast and in a thrusting manner, it was obvious this demoness was after one thing and that thing was between Arlette's legs. The man who was watching fiddled with his necklace before a flash of light filled the room, nearly blinding arlette and the lust demon. The man started to change into what could only be described as a were lion. It was at least seven foot tall and his long penis was the most noticable thing about the were lion, of course, besides the fact it was a humanoid lion which stood up right.

{Try To Escape Rape} {Attack} {Give In(no loss of hp/stamina, risk of pregnancy/loss of exp}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette let's out a deep groan of pleasure as the demon worked its finger inside of her womanhood, her own hand breaking free and tracing its way down the demons arm to its hand just as her back arched in only half faked pleasure. The moment is broken only a second later when Arlette's free hand grabs two of the demon's fingers and savagely bends them away from herself, hopefully breaking them in the process, as well as throwing her forehead straight into its nose, using the arch of her back to gain momentum.

((Attack lust demon. Man I'm a bitch :) ))