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Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][28-1=27]}
Were Lion, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][150]}

Arlette bent back the lust demon's fingers but only one made a small crack before the demon thrusted her fingers away and dodged the blow to her nose. She barely escaped the blow but if that wasn't bad enough for Arlette the were lion let out a thunderous roar that even made the lust demon cover her ears but it was obvious within a few seconds of what the were lion was doing when she spotted a mountain lion entering the room off in the distance before it let out a roar back to the were lion of its prescence. None of the creatures seemed to lunge at her yet but it was only inevitable seeing as now it was 3 against 1. She slowly felt the energy boost slip away from her.

Were Lion's Special Ability "Lion Pride": success
ENCOUNTER: Lion, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][90]}

{Run} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette sees this fight quickly getting away from her, but seeing as how their reinforcments just walked in through her only escape route, she didn't want to expose herself by making a break for it just yet. Instead, she backed herself into a corner, hoping to reduce the number of foes she had to fight at once, and pointed her finger at the lust demon.

"Come on you bitch, take me if you can, I'm calling you out"

((Taunt and Counter, aiming for the wounded chin))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned (By Were Lion)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][27-5=22]}
Were Lion, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][150]}
Lion, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][90]}

Arlette taunts the lust demon and soon as the lust demon came barreling towards her to pin her again Arlette sent a blow to the lust demon's wounded chin, sending her back. The lust demon held her chin and didn't seem to make anymore advancements right now, however, before Arlette can even rejoyce for her blow to the demon the were lion leapt against Arlette, pinning her hard against the wall. The lion seeming to back off but at the same time, watch and wait for his chance as well. Obviously, the lion was under the were lion.

Were Lion's Special Ability "Lion Pride": 1/2 turns until can use again

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette aims a knee into the were lion's crotch, taunting the demon the entire time, trying to stir it to action against the lion.

"Come on, you don't think there'll be much left of me after him do ya? After all you've tried, you're just gonna give it up?!"

A quick look at the exit, this time with a flash of desperation in her eyes, quickly suppressed, and Arlette stands her ground, going defenseve once again.

((Attack were lion, taunt lust demon, and prepare to counter if successful and allowed. What I want to do is point and go 'look, a conveiniently timed distraction!, but that's so far outta character it iisnt even funny. Oh wait, yes it is...))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][22]}
Were Lion, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][150-8=142]}
Lion, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][90]}

Arlette sends a kick straight to the were lion's crotch, which released a very loud roar from the were lion. The lion near seemed to lower its head almost as a sign that its master was in pain or to say 'ouch', but while the were lion and lion were distracted the lust demon took a lunge for Arlette only to come up short. She didn't seem to be phased by Arlette's words, really though, the creatures within the dungeon work together essetinally. So the lust demon would get a turn if they could break her.

Were Lion's Special Ability "Lion Pride": 2/2 turns until can use again

{Run} {Wait} {Attack}
(XD Nice attack roll. >.> And theres no 'counter' persay as your action and theirs. So you can't really attack again if they attack you since you already attacked.)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

((That's what I thought, and counter in this game seems to be short for 'I wait to launch my attack, in order to save me from starting a round pinned'))

Arlette does a quick wallrun to get around the stunned were-lion and gain height. Then jumps straight at the lust demon, knees to shoulders, trying to bowl her over and finish her off. If she can narrow it down some, she can probably escape.

((Attack lust demon, and for the love of god, please don't do 1 damage, I'm running out of ideas for neat-o acrobaticy attacks))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD]}
Were Lion, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][142]}
Lion, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][90]}

Arlette's weight hits down hard onto the lust demon, bones can be heard cracking in the lust demon's body before the demon is dropped to the ground. Within seconds after the impact, Arlette can see that she fell the demon once and for all. The demon was easily dispatched once she could get enough force into her impact. Though the were lion still seems stunned from such a hard blow to its crotch, the lion doesn't take any time to lunge towards Arlette and pin her against the wall, standing up on its front paws so that its front paws were on her shoulders and its hind paws on the ground. It let out a roar in Arlette's face, so close that she could smell its bad breath.
Gained 72 experience.

Were Lion's Special Ability "Lion Pride": failed, 0/2 turns until can use again.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait} {Attack}
(Sadly, pretty much but as stated. This is the experimental version 1. :p Version 2 will be more advanced, not sure how a counter will work but its still being worked over. Constantly shifting based on this run as well. To see what is needed more to make it more enjoyable. [though more of a statistic pain for me. xD])
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette's eyes cross at the stench emanating from the lion's toothy maw, but quickly recovers, giving it a knee to the groin, the same as its leader. The path to the next room now more or less open, she prepares to make a run for it.

((Attack Lion))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned/Being Raped (Against The Ground)

Were Lion, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][142]} [Pinning]
Lion, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][90]} [Raping]

Arlette's aimed knee misses its target as the lion swats at her face knocking her down onto her back and with a quick lunge it pierces her womanhood with its mighty member. The lion letting out a roar of what one could only assume as pleasure as it started to thrust in and out of Arlette. Though if that wasn't enough the were lion had recovered and came over gripping arlette's wrists while she was being raped by his lion servant.

Were Lion's Special Ability "Lion Pride": failed, 1/2 turns until can use again.

{Try To Escape Rape} {Give In} {Attack}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette's expression is that of surprise, and then panic, at the sudden turn of events. All rational thought flees her and she thrashes wildly, trying to get away.

((Escape pin))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Violated)

Were Lion, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][142]}
Lion, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][90]}

Arlette's thrashing pays off as she breaks out of the lion's hard member and the were lion's grasp, she is able to roar out of their grips and is once more free. Though the lion makes a leap for her, it fails to connect and the were lion seems to be staring her down, waiting for her next move. The lion seemed frustrated, having started but not finished and the were lion just was watching her every movement if she moved a hair to the left, the were lion's eyes moved in the direction.

Were Lion's Special Ability "Lion Pride": failed, 2/2 turns until can use again.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette looks back and forth from the lion to the were lion, then over at the exit and back again. Her eyes are wide open and fully alert as they finally settle on the were lion. She runs straight at him, dekes a little as if she was going to dive in between the two, but ends up pulling it into a spin around its other side and makes a dash for the tunnel exit, running flat out without a single glance back.

((Run like hell!!))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Violated)

Arlette's dash for the exit was very successful, she was able to leave the two horny lions behind with their members stuck between their legs. She could hear roars from the lions coming from the previous room but they made no sign of chasing her. Upon a further examination of the room, she didn't notice anything unique to the room but in a dungeon of such caliber, its never wise to assume anything.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Room}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette takes a moment to catch her breath after the mad dash, spending her time examining the chamber closer.

Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][95-4=91/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Trapped (Health Trap/Feels Violated)

Arlette starts to examine the room closer though every corner she checks seems to find nothing but dust or cobwebs. Though as she starts to head back to the middle of the room her bare foot presses against what she can only feel to be a button, which was very much correct. The next thing she knows theres needles being shot out from the walls, piercing her skin. While a small sting wasn't much of anything, such as giving blood at a hospital, she noticed the needles had small wires connecting them back to the walls and a second later she found out why. The wires were connected to a small electric voltage, that sent a semi-painful shock through her body in seemingly timed intervals.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free From Trap}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

"GG-AAAAA-GG-ACK!" Arlette tries to yell in surprise but is cut off by the shocks. Her muscles don't respond like she wants them to, but she manages to pull herself into a spin, hoping to snap the cables out of the walls.

((Try to escape trap))

((Not realizing that the cords are probably on reels, and as such have plenty of ength left, mwahaha. I love that line between OOC and IC, and how my less than average chars always seem to cross it in the wrong direction.))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][91/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Violated)

Arlette's spin only seemed to start being a yo yo, the wires wrapping around her and if she went to spin the other way, went back out. Though between the spins she could feel the needles loosen a bit and with her next spin she felt the needles slip out from under her skin and drop back towards the walls they had been shot out of.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Still twitching from the aftershocks, Arlette manages to roll away from the switch before it resets, rubbing all over where the needles pierced her. Eventually she gets up and, giving one last twitch, keeps going.

((Moving On, and damn, i was hoping to be strung up like a stuck pig and have a tentacle monster drop by :) ))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][91/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Okay)

Arlette's encounter with the trap left a shocking impression on her but that didn't stop her from moving on through the exit, hoping she would get out before it reset. Upon entering the next room she scanned around to find relief in the fact there was NOTHING in the room with her, possibly giving her a chance to rest.

{Wait} {Move On}
(haha, everyone wants some tentacle action :p)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette sits herself down in a corner, massaging muscles sore from the fight. Assuming nothing walks into the room, she will get up and keep moving once she feels better.

((Missing the rest of the weekend, so turn 1=wait, turn 2=move on))