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Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][91+3=94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Okay)

Arlette feels much better after a good nice rest.

{Wait} {Move On}

[successful wait]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Okay)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 2, {[Health:][69]}

With Arlette's muscles less sore she moved on to the next room, only to hear some man sounding as if he was humping the wall, groaning and moaning as she could see a guy thursting his pelvis back and forth but she couldn't see what he was doing, it was no doubt he was fucking something.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk To}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette stops in mixed surprise/disgust, then slowly tries to sneak by without attracting his attention, walking gently and only using the balls of her feet.

((sneak by, of course))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Okay)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 2, {[Health:][69]}

Arlette's sneak was able to get by the preoccupied man, when she went by she could see he was raping some kind of circular object and groaning and moaning loud every so often with its obvious orgasm brought about. Upon entering the new room she can see this isn't a normal room. There was a bunch of rotating valves. What they rotated and brought about wasn't certain but it was a very interesting look, the rest of the room was rather empty.

{Wait} {Move On} {Rotate Valves} {Examine Valves}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette examined the valves carefully, inwardly cursing her inabitlity to pay attention back in school. She never was any good at problem solving...
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Feels Okay)

Arlette's low smarts of such situations didn't seem to bother her of examining the valves, it wasn't hooked to any wiring as far she could tell. It actutally appeared to be more of a crank to open something or shift something.

{Wait} {Move On} {Rotate Valves}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

She turns the crank slowly, ready to jump out of the way should anything negative happen.

((Turn the Crank. Most of my best RP is done with combat, kinda silly for me if my character's first choice is sneaky on by, but meh, just don't expect much more than one-liners otherwise, though I do try.))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

{Red Panties(STR +8 Booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Okay)

As she started to rotate each valve she could hear some heavy shifting going on, to the side of her and upon turning the very last valve the stone wall, just a small patch near her face shifted over a bit and clear box was pushed out of the hole, dropping to the ground she could see it was a pair of red panties.

{Wait} {Move On} {Wear Red Panties(can do with move on or wait)}
(No worries. I run out of longer posts at times too. Esspecially when its the same kinda thing. Since I'm not a character. xD)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette gives the panties a cursory examination, and finding them clean as near as she could tell, puts them on and moves on, keeping the rag overtop to try and hide the bright colour.

((Move On, and at least you can re-use posts from different character threads, needn't change much))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

{Red Panties(STR +8 Booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Okay)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 3, {[Health:][111]}
As she moves on to the next area she can see a male grunting in the corner. Every so long she can hear a loud groan and the male stops any movements, then starts to repeat. No doubt yet another sex crazed person.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
(I try not to use the same thing but in the end some of the things are generic. :p)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

((Can't be helped with the sheer number of posts you have to make))

Arlette tries to sneak by this new threat, keeping an eye on him as she passes.

((Move On))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

{Red Panties(STR +8 Booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Okay)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 3, {[Health:][111]}
As she moves on by thte sex crazed man, she hears him moan loudly and let out a shout but a glance by you can see that he only had hit an orgasm again and/or hurt his member upon the wall that he was rubbing against by now. When she entered the next room she nearly slipped on a piece of paper.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Piece of Paper}
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Finally exhaling from the close call in the room before, Arlette bends down and recovers the paper.

((Examine Paper, and dammit i always sneak by the easy xp))
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

Arlette Faulk
Level 1
Experience: 72/100
{[Health:][94/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

{Red Panties(STR +8 Booster), One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Feels Okay)

As she picks the paper up she can see that it has a compass in one corner, at least the fact of saying which directions are what. It was no doubt this was some kind of map piece she had found.

{Wait} {Move On}
(lol Thats cause the sex crazes are....kinda weak in most cases. :p Though that was a pretty good matched rolls AND stats for escaping/catching your escape. :p)
Re: Arlette Faulk [Shrike7]

"Nice" Was all Arlette said as she continues out of the room, keeping to the shadows.

((Move On))