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Armies and Conquests IV - Leading the Future


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Armies And Conquests Turn 1, Month 1:

Stiro-Athayan Empire

The Half human, half Beastmen nation of Stiro-Athaya cautiously begins their research into improving communications. Unluckily, for now, that very research is still slowed down. The Beastmen Jägers send out are more sucessful however, finding a strange, if broken seeming relic. It doesn't seem to do much right now, although the one carrying it back to present the discovery finds themselves growing wings and luscious blonde hair. Peculiar. Perhaps best to make them strip and check them over throughoutly...

The Lance Empire

The Lance empire sends a few scouts to look for some good ruins.. but the world isn't really old enough to have those.. or perhaps you shouldn't send men to do a womans job, as everyone comes back empty handed! They also experiment with forming a universal adventurers guilds, but unless they devote themselves more throughoutly, such exotic endeavours are unlikely to succeed, even with Odette herself overseeing it.
Oh no you don't fail! Not this early! Odette demands of her subjects to get this done properly! She smirks as finally, affairs settle in order, returns to her private harem.. and almost collapses on the spot. Ruling is more exhausting than one would think, sometimes.

They also prepare themselves to be vigilant against any attacks!

Furthermore, they prepare some research into... perhaps more questionable magic.. What could it be about?

They do some more research, but no one can tell what it's about. Peculiar!

"Yes.. my dear, just forget about it.. hah! The magic is working, quick write down how you did it.. oh..
oh.. bother, that ones on you, Dovinia..."

The Lance Empire established an early Adventurers guild!
The Lance Empire's general is weakened and will be easier to abduct from now on!

Celestial Hierarchy

The angels work on expanding their territory, but quickly realize that, due to the scarcity of resources, the only true way to achieve this would lead them into conflict with another Nation. Lacking this, they decide upon equipping their leader with a mighty flame sword and equip themselves with the best equipment around.

The Celestial Hierarchy's General is harder to abduct from now on!

However, with this much devoted to improving themselves, there's little left for defences. A probing attack from an unknown aggressor doesn't really do much damage, thanks to the angels heavenly regeneration. Perhaps it was just some stray bandits? They seemed more into wanting to grab angel booty and easy plunder than causing any real damage. Also where are those annoying kobolds coming from and why are they stealing angelic-underwear!!


The Undead Ready themselves.. to go exploring. Lead by Alexandra herself, they find.. something quite fitting to them! A skeletal key! They also run into a powerful wolf-girl, who pushes down the expedition leader, bending them over to mate with them, howling in moon-lit lust.. until Alexandra herself stops forwards, slaying the mighty beast.. of course, considering who had defeated her, this was not the end for the Necropolis and they've gained a valuable ally, a little rudimentary necromancy later..

They also begin researching a rather nasty and powerful attack... and find themselves successful, although they themselves are the first target of their own magic! Luckily, being undead they are immune to the negative effects of their little undead blessing.

New spell gained: Deathcloud

Imperius Draconis

The dragons ready some defences, but then head out to go exploring, and stumble upon a library, lead by a cagirl librarian.. who quickly turns out to be.. sympathetic to the dragons cause and her, as well as her spellbook and the interestingly demonic looking tome she has upon herself are quickly assimilated into the Imperius Draconis.
Quickly.. and deeply assimilated by the dragons now tempted by demonic powers..

Multiple times. Hmnn perhaps feline dragons could also be fun?


Sir Gabriel returns successfully, because Sir Gabriel NEVER FAILS! Not at the crimson valley, not here, not ever. The General could take them far, if he could stop posing, He was such a macho-guy, always showing off, almost as if it was on purpose... especially with this kind of find... seriously.
What mage would enchant a bra? At least it looks pretty nice...

But the nations main focus was on research.
Specifically on the book press, to create the greatest work of fiction: Propaganda pamphlets! Her Anna-tracts crafted from magic and words and pictures are an instant, amazing success.. at least in her close, loyal circles..

Amygdal Satyrs

The satyrs try to expand outwards and gather more resources, but just like the Celestial Hierarchy, they find that anything worth owning is already at least tacitly claimed by another nation.. at least they find some useful stuff on their way to look around.

The lustful Satyress was hunting not for tools and weapons, but for flesh and bodies... it doesn't take long to find females for the forest.

A few in particular stand out. One seems to have been a northern berserker before.. and perhaps the Satyr men could learn something from her furious fury. One had with her a lucky four-leaf clover and seemed particularly lucky. One seemed to have been a rather good scout, her keen eyes able to tell the satyr-masters girth from hundreds of feet away!

And finally, the villages around the satyrs seemed now more... willing to assist them in defense, where need be..

No matter what, they'd all make for good, agreeable breeders.


Meanwhile, the Succubus-focused nation of Rhellenia all went to explore, hoping to find useful things along the way!

With the library raided earlier by the dragons, all they can find is one leftover book reading: Tome of Immortality. Definitly Not Cursed! Before she can explore further however Xana and her ladies are attacked by a huge, unique, chocolatey goo monster! It captures one of their men, forces them to service her and then.. CAPTURES one of their men. Luckily the general can defeat it, but the ordeal leaves her drained..

They continue onwards, and run into a rival Succubus tribe.. who consider taking the woman hostile for a long time, but in the end decide to only release her, with an added unholy marking! Alright, so.. dominating men is fun but.. perhaps submitting can be fun sometimes too.. no? Perhaps deep down Xana is just looking for her strong, lustful Dark Messiah..

Finally with.. mixed success the now demon-marked succubus general.. double demonic lasts longer perhaps? Makes her way back, happening about a sharp and dangerous looking greataxe for one of her more war-like lieutnants, maybe?

Xana has been weakened!
Rhellenia's General can now be more easily abducted!

New Location available!:

Adventurers guild!
Every exploration attempt utilizing the Lance's newly established adventurer guild has 10% more Success chance! The tax is bearable too! ( For every 10 points spent in exploration using the Adventurers guild by other nations, the Lance Empire gains 1 temporary resource for the next turn. Just note if you want to use them besides your exploration attempts!)

(Deadline for the Next turn Will be Saturday, 11th of January, 13 or so pm gmt)
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Armies And Conquests Turn 2:

Celestial Hierarchy:

The Celestial hierarchy fails to pursue those slippery Kobolds! At least the Adventurers guild proves useful in tracking down who attacked the Celestial Hierarchy before!
Next, they study the other aerial superior race, the dragons. Their literal aura of dominion is quite fascinating, actually. And something better fit to the army of the heavens anyway.
There are also some masked soldiers approaching.. but they seem friendly and only there for a cultural exchange.

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

Annabelle allows her researchers to continue a while longer.. and they report to her.. all empty eyed and happily obediant. Each and every one of the project members is throughoutly enslaved!
She decides this counts as a full success.


Gabriel, already apprehensive with working with the Lance's Women-dominant adventurers guild is near despair.. there's just nothing worthwhile to bring back and if he can't be counted on in this crucial time, who can..
Desperate, he takes some risks and.. finds a terrifying worm monster...

But it's only about 2 centimetres large. It attaches to his hand, tries to stab him with it's little wiggley stingeys and suddenly, there's a nice, warm tingling between his legs... w.. woah.. this is making him wet somehow?!?

Anabelle meanwhile considers. What does -everyone- around wear? Clothes.. ok maybe not the Satyrs.. and the dragons in original form.. and arguable a lot of the Lance's male population and....
Kinky clothes!
Not leather or rubber, no, clothing that moved around, slowly groped and caressed it's wearer.. it's be comfortable to wear too.. and easy to clean while at it. For now, the fine-stimulation needed work, but going by how some of the researchers didn't want to relinquish their 'testing stamples' it wasn't going all too bad!
Gahlentia was a little annoyed however, based on her stock of dresses having drastically decreased during those experiments..

Perhaps they should offer free dresses to go with their new and improved pamphlets?

The Necropolis

The undead provide a comfortable home for their new bestial-undead companion.

Next, Alexandra herself decides she wants to test out the services of the Adventurers guild, see if the Lance empire's folks hold what they promised. True enough, exploring about they find a big bag of gold.. it's not too interesting, but it is a big bag of gold, after all...

Sadly, whilest the undeads were out exploring, a random wandering Stone golem attacked their nation..

Whilest no one was seriously injured, the golem destroyed their wolfs home.. they'll have to start things all over again! The rampaging also distracted their work on improving undead resilience.. and they were so close to a breakthrough...

The Lance Empire

The Lance empire offers the Adopt an angel act:
Adopt an Angel Act: Angels get adopted into some noble families, to get trained as pets learn of our culture! Some of our people go to the angels to spy to learn their culture and form unbreakable bonds of friendship!
Donate your angels to the Lance empire today, no strings attached, only leashes!

They also continue their mind soothing research, but it's still going slow..

They also begin a little random exploration, and thanks to the experience gained by the adventurer guild, they succeed and find.. an.. eyeball. It's a strange thing, seeming well preserved.. now to find someone with one eye too few to test this out.. Any volunteers? It's propably fine..

They try to improve their agriculture, but their green revolution goes terribly wrong and causes a famine instead! This is a pain.. at least the taxes from the adventurers guild should be enough to buy food and make up for this... soon.

They also do some secret research, requiering a looot of metals. Nothing to see here though! It's a secret.

Imperius Draconis

The dragons are even more cautious, going onto the defensive now.. which seems to work, as no one bothers to test that out!

Their homeland secure, they explore the waters and waves. Fascinatingly, a water-breathing dragon finds an underwater temple.. build by mermaids, naturally, it's pretty new too. Some.. draconic convincing later, the dragon returns with a watery blessing magic!

As if that wasn't enough, on a small, distant island they find a little cult of demon and fiends.. they are quickly added to the dragons ranks, naturally now they worship the Emperor-Dragon.

Amygdala Satyrs


The lustful Satyrs and their female leader continue their search for helpful things. With Glisa's mind wanting one thing, and her pussy wanting an entirely different thing, she gets side-tracked and assaulted by bandits.. of course she fucks them into submission with a mixture of glee, regret, and annoyance.

But then, the Strangest thing happens.. She runs into a man that the other Satyrs can't fuck into submission. A total of three newly transformed Satyr-sluts lay around him, with a silly, passed out grin as the dark mustang flexes above them. He introduces himself as El Martillo and gives Glisa a lustful grin.. before insisting he come with.. as he'd rarely had as much fun. Glisa allows this.. She is in charge, not El Martillo.. right?

Finally, the Satyrs reach the heart of the forest.. only to be confronted by it's guardian.. who turns out to be an adorable cat girl.. but it seems El Martillo has this problem, simply tossing the green-fur clad guardian to the ground and pumping into her with his stallion hammer. Silly girl, getting in their way..

Stiro- Athyan Empire

The beast-and human nation finally perfect their unity. Humanms growling in the deepest tones and screeching in the highest, whilest even the wildest and most feral beast can hold a bit of small talk.
Even if that small talk revolves around giving over that pussy for some nice breeding, or stuffing them up for the very same for males..
They are now a race without flaws.. hopefully eliminating this one hasn't cost them too much time, looking at other nations building...

On a risky move, they head out to explore the world.. and find a wandering scholar, willing to teach them some magic! Sadly, on testing it out it isn't all that impressive...


Rhellenia's leader will not be weakened! Xana goes on a journey of self disovery with her friend the axe. Along the way she fucked the soul of a literal helpless young man.. he didn't need it for his next life.

She feels empowered, her prior.. misadventure nothing but a bad memory. Infact, she feels stronger than ever before, confident she could take on any other general and win.. with the possible exeption of that literally holier-than-thou Seraphim leader.

Rhellenia's General is now harder to abduct and defeat!

The Adventurers guild thrives with multiple nations making use of it!

Next Turn due: Saturday, the 18th of Januarish!
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Month 3 ~ Turn 3

World Event: The Greed of Mortals

The unending greed to tear more resources from the world around you with little preparation and precaution has permanently damaged your world for years to come in exchange for short-term gain. Even nations that were more conservative find themselves forced to use more reckless methods to even keep up and a few weeks later druids note the disappearance of a rare kind of bird, dying off as their living space is pushed back further and further. Some lunatic priest even claims that if nations don't stop their way, the world itself might warm up. Dragons and Demons are relatively unconcerned about that part.

Celestial Hierarchy:

The Masked Warriors from Gahlentia reduce their numbers, but still keep hanging about, trying to chat up the angels, suggestion fashion improvings, always diplomatically like their leader, of course.

They join the angelic defenders, sporting an impressive force. But they cannot stop what is coming now. Black fog rolls around the mountain-citadel of the seraphim and the skies themselves darken and weep blood upon the earth, and all with weak will that are touched by it fall.. only to rise once more, as horny, slutty zombiegirls to lay siege upon their own forces!

You are Doomed!

Not knowing of the dangers outside, the angels continue their research, finally managing to properly manage control over half of the dragons aura of dominion.

They also gather together, still convince that by trying hard enough, they can gain even more resources despite the land being strained to it's limit by their very own nation. But they do not get far, when more bad news strike them.. very literally. Although the first waves of the Draconic empire break agains their defences, the next break through, overwhelming the defenders of angels and Gahlentia alike!

Whilest the dragons fail to get far, without their general the angelic warriors are quickly reduced to happy, horny fucktoys to draconic masters.

Ultimately, the general herself is forced to reinforce the frontlines and cease what research she'd been working on..

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

Annabelle decides that more research could positively suprise her with additional results.. and it does! This time, not just the researchers, but even folks from neighbouring houses report back success, in tight-fitting, ever so slightly squirmy looking new clothes! Another success!


A vice-general of the masked empire is send out in Sir Gabriel's stead, and although she doesn't find more like the worm creature Gabriel had aquired, she is still able to locate something useful.. a squishy, edible mushroom. It only makes you ever so slightly horny as side effect and seems to make people a lot healthier upon cosumption!

Gabriel gets to reconnect with the adorable little worm. This makes him and the worm feel so nice and relaxed.. the worm is safe with a host, it wants to be safe, Gabriel wants to keep it safe, everyone wins.
When she tried to communicate with it, the worm wiggled about, looking left and right, and remaining silent at first.. after all being able to communicate didn't equal being able to demand of answers.
It did seem happy and curious about the offer of bodies, however. And then.... it demands to link up with Annabelle to prove her intent! But why have an intent at all.. why not let the worm take full control? It'd feel amazing..

Annabelle's advisors were right.. this is risky. Can they follow through or will the masked empire enslave.. themselves!

The Necropolis

Their ritual complete, the undead nation swiftly rebuilds and fortifies their position a little, focusing on infusing their frontline troups with empowering unholy energies. Satisfied, they lay in wait to see how their actions will change the world.. Chances are, there will be an unhappy angel or two about...

The Lance Empire

The Lance's exploration comes up empty. Boo!
But there are good news, they improve their agricultural grain. errr, gain, allowing them to build up again quicker.
As if this wasn't enough, their research into more questionable mental methods is also successful.

Their general recovers, about time with all the days they spent off.

The Lance's general isn't as easy to abduct anymore!

Imperius Draconis


The Draconic empire readies itself for an overwhelming assault upon the Celestial hierarchy, splitting their army up into many small skirmishes.. but find themselves suprised by the readied defences of the angels. While they manage to break through, they fail to deliver the decisive blow they'd hoped for...

Amygdala Satyrs


The satyrs begin their project: 'Having a real heart of the forest would be totally rad' The shamans chant until the overload of lust-energies of Satyrs fucking all around them overwhelms them, transforming them into creatures of perverted lust, a lust that begins spreading over the very forest.

Are they really making progress.. or are they just fucking a lot? It's hard to tell. But in the end they did erect a great, ritualistic stonehenge that vibrates with lustful energies.

Stiro- Athyan Empire

The Beast-humans too seem dedicated to pulling out more resources than their land can give them, digging ever deeper into the depths of the world.

Iren herself heads out with her Jäger corpse.. only to be attacked! The defenseless leader is bitten by a beautiful vampiress, who proceeds to fuck her into submission, educating her about her true place in the world..hmn.. perhaps she should surrender to the necropolis in exchange for wonderful vampire cocks?

Yes, worshipping her feels like a great idea..


Xana continues her journey of discovery, this time heading to a town to intimidate them into submission.

Within town, she first checks out a cute alchemist lady, who is sadly more interested in selling her some wares. There is a seer that wants to read her future and.. huh.. they seem a strange hack, talking about her being bound up and helpless..

What nonsense. She is the one that makes others helpless. She aquires herself a nice, big feather and applies some throughout tickle-torturing!

Finally, she finds a large, but tame pet spider. Hoh, how did that get here? Oh well, she takes it along of course. It could be useful!

However, she also finds out that this town has been home to a wicked spider-creature, which takes the lone general hostage with relative ease. Raw strength can only go so far, after all and the spider-woman disguising as harmless inkeeper took her by suprise, until she noticed just how sticky her bedsheets were...

Xana can finally escape, but almost regrets it.. being bound up and helpless, it was such a strange change of pace, she finds herself thinking about it for days to come.
She also recruits the seer. Apparently they were no hack..

New Location Available:


Heart of The Forest.: It wants offerings. Deliver unto it fuckable creatures (In the form of at least 1 resource) to satisfy it! Or don't. What'd be bad about a wave of lust washing over the land?

The Adventurers guild are still offering their services! Things have been more quiet this time around..

(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 25th of Januar!)
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Month 4

Celestial Hierarchy:


You are Doomed!

Even though the angels are still battered by the cloud of undead, unholy magic, help is soon in sight as through the help of Lance and Gahlentian researchers they manage to develope a counter to foul magics!

The angels manage to resist the Forest Hearts influence. They are prepared for the assault of both Undead and Dragons. Certainly, there'd be no problem added to this equation in the form of a third nation and..
What are these tents filled with Drunken Satyrs, where did they come form, and why did they just headbutt the angel asking them these questions?!? And why are they playing .. The angel invest some time and womanpower arresting the lewd, horny men and eager women among them. It's such a pain to throw them all back out of the proper, holy celestial hierarchy!
They try to arrest the leader of this questionable assault, but somehow, she gets away, leaving behind only a broken necklace and complaints about the angels not having nice enough cocks...

The Dragons army marches in full force to take down the angels, once and for all, with Chellery smirking as she watches the angels in disarray from dealing with the annoying partygoers, walking through open gates...
Only to watch them slammed close behind her, with rows and rows of Lance-Empire Knights, all readying to strike her down!

It does not take the general long to recognize this for what it is. The Lance and the Celestial Hierarchy have been plotting to take her out, break her offense.. and then her forces. Even with the Angells and Gahlentia's defenses distracted, a massive contingent of the Lance's army stands strong. It would work terrifyingly.

The already distracted angel army proves a bit of a challenge, yes, but neither they, nor the Lance's empire, fighting on unfamiliar ground as they are, manage to stand against the might of the dragon. Outnumbered as they might be, for every dragon that falls, so do dozens of angels and traitorous humans.. And by the end, when the outer walls of the celestial army lie in flames.. but will they prove too much still? Chellery finds herself beset by an elite contingent of Lance-empire soldiers..

As an Arrow flies past her, impacting in the chest of the of the first Lance empire, a cheeky, white skinned warrior smirking to her.

"Now now, don't get distracted. There's a war to win.. and I got so many potential soldiers here."
The Necropolis general encourages, as the soldier she shot down rises again, grope-grabbing at their closest prior companion...

The Lance and Celestials are driven back, cast down, their defenses and light extinguished in the overwhelming, combined onslaught. And even whilest the angels finish their research of well, trying to get rid of the terrifying doom cloud hanging above their heads, the Undead and dragons break in and plunder their weaponries and supply lines to their hearts content... oh, the angels propably don't need those armors and blades they got stowed away.. although they are a bit too .. holy-shiny.
Sadly, they are driven away before they can get some properly delicious angel-slaves, or even grab the angels general herself...

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

The Masked Empire send all of their resources to help defend others or out to research... However, doing so left them rather open to a wave of pleasure, causing the ball to degrade into ... evening entertainment a lot quicker.

The situation is not helped by their general unable to calm them down.. she herself is getting quite aroused, connecting ever tighter to the little worm.. however, even as she feels it infest her mind with lewd, worm-serving desires, it also expands to become more powerful and resilient.. well.. if she can overcome this lustful distraction...

This time, Lady Guerrière manages to succeed in her primary mission, discovering .. well that's NOT a little wormy at all! It is also really fond of the nation, afte realizing what nice, willing hosts they are making for the little worms!

The Necropolis

The undead bought themselves a book.. not like the Dragons will need it, working on their own library after all. They want to strengthen their own, unholy troups as well, but first..

The Lance Empire

The lance empire continue their research project, but things only go 'okish' as most of what they had was spent assisting the angels.. they are very convincing and pretty, after all!

Imperius Draconis

The dragons do some little library research.. but that's not the most important thing they did this month, it feels like..

Amygdala Satyrs


The Satyrs begin a massive party around the Heart of the Forest.. nothing seems to change about it, or them, but the waves of almost touchable perversion pulse through the forest and spread outwards throughout the lands. Hmnnn.. beautiful big cocks.. moist, warm pussies.. such wonderful things this world held..Why fight? Oh perhaps they could try inviting over some angels.. these folks seemed like they needed a time out..

Stiro- Athyan Empire

The beastmen see the war happening so close by.. and decide to lie very, very still, hoping for it to pass them by. They don't want no trouble..


Xana the mighty Succubus queen takes a little while off from wandering the world to research some powerful magic of her own, perhaps inspired by the magic of the deathcloud the undead used.. however, that isn't her style. She's thinking something more stylish..

By know, Xana is somewhat known as a powerful succubus, and rather than challenge her, people offer her gifts, a dangerous looking dagger for starters. Next town.. more gifts this time from some dwarfs, small round black metal things that hiss and.. blow up in her face! Of course she punishes those dwarves by enslaving them throughoutly, but she has taken a beating..

She decides to retreat, but not before her Body is covered in some strange, liquid black in the underground tunnels.. first suspecting another attack, Xana finds with relieve that now her body is covered in a skin-tight, dark suit that seems quite intend to protect and empower the already mighty general of the Demon Army.

Xana is now impossible To abduct. She's propably the most powerful mortal around.. but her nation are still demons, and their eternal hunger slowly weakens them...

Locations Available:


Heart of The Forest.: The Satyrs hold a massive Orgy at the heart, and waves of perverted lust and desire pulse through the world from within it.. Worse, no one tried to offer the Forest heart any tribute...

Adventurers guild: Still happy to take on all work on offer!

(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 1st of February!)
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Month 5

Celestial Hierarchy:


You are Doomed!

But the angels don't feel like the literal deathcloud consuming any that stray outside their remaining fortified sanctums is beneficial for a prosperious future, and dispel it with their newly researched spell! It works like a charm.
Well. An anti-charm.

The Angels are no longer doomed!

Finally, the rebuilding process can begin. It's not exciting, no, but it is necessary for the holy empire to survive, revive, and rise from the ashes in a conquest of blazing light! But to do that, one first needs to be not on fire. Or at least, on non-cleansing fire.

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

Gahlentia is ocupied with a strange mixture of rebuilding and diplomatic effort, Annabelle still keeping her guards up whilest sending out some supplies, restoring some of her willpower.. but also continuing her work with the adorable symbiotic worm-thing!

Binding ever closer with the worm actually seems to weaken it a fair bit.. although it also stabilizes it's influence on the populus.. no more destructive, it finally recognizes that bonding with Gahlentia is in it's best interest.. as is it for a Gahlentian to bind with them!
The nobles are no longer mind controlled puppets.. unless the worm wills it so, but strange dreams are ever more intense under the worms influence..

They send soldiers to hang out with the angels once more. Although at this point some of them have taken up a permanent residence in a nice, comfortable farm below the angels holy mountains. Perhaps they wont even want to return at this rate!

The Necropolis

Disgruntled at the lack of EXTERMINATING THE ANGELS WITH UNDYING PREJUDICE! Enacting plan sexy angel slaves, the Necropolis withdraws and erects defensive wards against satyr lust magic.. although it seems that the silly goats lust-magic exploded primarly in their own face, this time around. All the better.

Whilest they bide their time, they strengthen their armies, using the admittedly nicely crafted weapons of the angels to create their own, ever so slightly darker versions of unholy, yet powerful weaponry. Their general tests it and finds it good, declaring it shall be distributed amongst all her people now!

They also want to find a way to undo the depletion of natural resources... but as much as they think about it, undead aren't that good at making things flourish.. oh that is an interesting idea, perhaps they can try an entirely new research...

It proves to be rather hard however. They'll have to keep working hard on this one..

The Lance Empire

The Lance empire has an amazing idea.. a lightning-rod for lust magic.. ok now how to best build that.. Do we need a dungeon... two?

Whilest it takes a while to build the tower, their preparations to enhance their agriculture are far more efficent. Human farming is better than any other races, after all! Let's hope they use sustainable farming methods this time around..

They also continue their sneaky, definitly-not-mindcontrol related research. but they do make for really pretty.. shiny... things.. so nice and shiny..

Imperius Draconis

The dragons explore the unexplored islands in the far east, ignoring the weird cautioning from some of their kin that the world is just flat and thus, going too far over there would make them fall off.
'We can fly you idiot. Now work on fixing the worlds drain of resources!'


Out there, they find a cute priestess, which considers the mighty, yet smart dragons 'close enough to a god'.
Her worship is close enough to satisfy the dragons ego, and she is quickly taken in.

Then, they also open the first Dragon's University of knowledge! This will help future generations advance much quicker.. a shame that trouble is still looming for -this- generation, come autumn...

Amygdala Satyrs


The Satyrs recieve some tribute from other races.. willing, and rather kinky nobles, some rather eager beastmen.. so they incorporate them happily into the unstopping orgy!
At the height of the perverted acts lines of pure energy, looking suspiciously white and sticky reach out.. and begin snaring up several men, coiling around them before their lusts can be sated, snaring them up and hanging them high.. The Satyr-General quickly recovers that these males seem to posess endless stamina.. and if they mind their fate, they fail to complain about it.


However. Before Glisa can celebrate, more and more strands of energy reach out, coiling around the females now as well, engulfing them a tight, glistening substance!

More and more of the shimmering strands of energy coil around anyone getting close, creating multiple pods, even reaching out for Glisa.. and then, just as soon as the process began, it stopped. Pods begin pulling together, always one male, one female, rubbing together, squishing and merching. Then four pods merge.. then eight. Then sixteen. Then...

Still, the poor Satyrs are now weakened and drained.. those not absorbed finding themselves regretting that very fate.
Perhaps something of this much perversion and power is dangerous to them as well? Even as the thing still forms, Glisa sees the first female, a weak willed, if energetic little thing, charge at the lustful mass and sink into it with a wet, warm squishing noise.

Stiro- Athyan Empire

Just like the Lance empire, Stiro-Athya is ready to prove their peoples supremacy above all other inferior races.
Although in their case it's not just all about humans, but also about humans and their lustful, powerful beastial lovers, hmn... with their nice, bestial dicks.. so large and beautiful..
Wait what were we working on again?


Xana decides to experiment a little.. with latex!
And involve all her cute demonic subjects with it, while at it. The sticky-tight dark substance is nice by itself, yes, but infused with demonic corruption it is just wonderful.

Everyone likes it.. the way it fits nice and tight to their smooth skin, the way it just a hint of their delicious demon bodies shines through it, even while fully clothed.. the way men just fall for it with such ease..

That's definitly not the rubber influencing them secretly as well, making them lustful, powerful desierable predators to spread itself through their nation. Still.. perhaps they should dedicate themselves a little more to researching this wonderful substance that both enceases and protects their bodies.. and entices any that would dare stand against them into so far unforseen lusts. Soon, their whole nation will be clad in tight seduction.. and then, the world!

Locations Available:


Heart of The Forest.: Tribute from multiple nations pacifies the heart, there are lustful nobles, beasts and.. wait is that a horny dragon all bound up, it's massive cock barely visible and pulsing.. Glisa should check that out!
But so much was given to it, not least of all from the Satyrs themselves, that it hungers for even more lustful bodies now!

Adventurers guild: Still happy to take on all work on offer!

(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 8th of February!)
New World Event:

The Prophet Tiren is now soliciting at the Lance Empire!
Month 6

World Event: Sanctify The Broken Earth

Perhaps unexpectedly, the angels decide to heal the world for the good of all. A blast of healing magic pulsates over the lands, and although several undead get a headache, the resources of the bountiful world are restored to what they once where at the sacrifice of a few.
Seeing their success, Gahlentia, who'd tried to fix these problems themselves respectfully offers them a donation of their researchers and material before returning to the masked empire. There's also a cute mind controlling donation worm, if Sophiael doesn't already have one. They'd also donate some wine, but they do not carry a wine glass and as everyone knows it is an insult beyond measure to donate wine without a glass to drink it from!

The waves of healing energy nurture the land and it's people.. even the heart of the forest deep within the satyr forest drinks all the energy in greedily.

-Everyone Loses the Depletion Trait-

Celestial Hierarchy:

The angels attempt to exchange their spell magic with the Demons peacefully.. but ancient animosity, their unrelenting hunger for nothing but power and their leaders refusal to committ anything more serious to the trade deal leaves them ill equipped to the details of the negotation and one cultural misunderstanding later the holy host falls upon Xana herself!

Grossly underestimating the Demons most powerful leader.. ever, as they are slaughtered, to the last, secrets of how to cast the spell they brought dying with them.

There are good news too, however, as the Angels somehow manage to befriend a rather eldritch-looking maid entity who wishes to be hired as a mercenary. which is weird because it doesn't seem much of a fighter.. or does it?

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

Eagerly the worms spread and breed.. although the Lance-empire that came to help them rebuild does -not- want to join wormdom, for some reason.

"I like it, but can we have a worm in place of the knot? Yes, yes. that'll look fine."
That wasn't Annabelle speaking, it was her worm. Not that it mattered. There was no difference. She was it, and it was she. She'd been bonded with a Class II Overseer worm to help her function in the united hivekingdom of the masked worm.

Happily she watched over a nobles initiation.. willingly tilting their head to the side to allow the almost helpless seeming, little, squirmy thing to slither right and nice into their brain with a brief twitching as the worm asserted control.. for the betterment of all of Gahlentia, of course. There was no immediate benefit, aside from an expanded mind and hardened will now that host and worm got along in perfect, obediance inspiering unison and worked Gahlentia's wondrous mind controlling spells into their worm-control and biological pheromone production, but no Gahlentian would want to be without one of the wonderful worms, soon..

After all, left to entirely her own devices, Annabelle propably worried about wine-etiquette a little too much...

They also go exploring and whilest it is very scary, they buy an apropriate item for their nation from a wandering witch, a very scary mask!:

The Necropolis

The undead work further on improving their armies.. wait.. what's that? A solar eclipse? Don't mind if they do! They get finished with what feels like double the success in half the time! Now what to do with the spare time.. perhaps relax a little, with a few cute zombies?

Oh right.. could also finish researching another powerful spell, yes.
The undead complete their first teleporation gateway. Soon they can be here.. and there.. and everywhere! Well, not everywhere at once..

But anywhere they want to be..

The Lance Empire

The Lance empire secretly begin working on cursed items, even whilest their spymaster wonders if they should have researched increased secrecy first. Nah. They are reasonably sure no other nations have the spy-network implemented to be able to know at least roughly what they are working on. After all, they clearly labeled this as state-secret, who'd not respect these boundaries?

They also try to work together with the angels, but cute angels are so distracting when you try to patch them up, they don't get enough done. Look at that sad angel, you just want to hug it, right?

They also go out and explore.. but their small groups are vunerable and not as sucessful as one would want, one getting lost in the wildernis and seeming to only find -more- trouble, although at least the others are more succesful and find a hot fire elemental. Literally! Perhaps she can help out?

Finally, they try to indoctrinate the preacher who is annoyed at them and leaves.. towards the Celestials?

Imperius Draconis

The dragons are almost finished further improving their teachings .. when the students themselves get in the way.. why are they demonstrating? What is this.. obey your dragon-elders you whippersnappers!

They also open up their university to all, confident in it's success after a first few trials.. and once the annoying students are soothed over.

Amygdala Satyrs


As she looks into the pulsing mass of bodies and orgasmic fun Glisa wonders to herself who could ever resist such a thing.
Every pleasure and desire the world of living beings could ever ask for pulsates in front of her.
It radiates pleasant energy and happy desire.
Thinking of the other races, she cant help but think them foolish for refusing to accept this lovely gift to all life.

Certainly, she will no longer reject the love before her. With a calm smile, she steps forwards, into the flesh.

She can feel a slight tickling stinging and burning as the borders of what is 'her' and what isn't wash away like a sandcastle in the tide, as her mind dips into the ocean of pure, perverse desires.
To outside observes, which are currently demons from Rhellenia and some more ..reluctant.. beastment from Stiro-Athya, the Stayress form seems to grow ever so slightly, as she joins with the flesh.. then, however, the thing shrinks, and cracks, and its outer layers seem to dry out and crumple! until finally, smaller, incredibly swift tendrils lash out and...

and that was the last any observer that could get close to the heart could report.
If one were to describe the Satyr-nation in these days of a brief peace, and historians one day will, if perhaps only as a cautionary tale, it would be a flesh-machine to continue feeding the undulating perversion within the depths of the forest. Other nations may look upon their nation in concern, but none could gaze upon the heart and not feel a stirring in their most primal, perverted thoughts...

Stiro- Athyan Empire

The Stiro-Athyan cleanse themselves of the foul vampires, in the name of the beast-emperor and their newly founded holy inquisition!

They also emulate the angels in deciding that yes, indeed, in these trying times, might will make right and throw away some of their higher morals.. for more power.. soon they will succeed, they just know it. And all the inferior races will tremble before them as they not only are not left in the dust, but pull on ahead with the might of beast and man united!


Rhellenia sends out some succubi to deal with this suspicious forest heart. Whilest at it, they further improve their link with this wonderful, slithering, living rubber.. it feels so nice on their skin..
Perhaps others would appreciate how it feels on their skin too?

What to do next.. Xana can do whatever she wants to, she's a demonqueen.. oh! How about we learn how to hypnotize a few slaves.. yes, that'll be fun.. stare into my beautiful eyes darling..

Locations Available:


Heart of The Forest(?).: It cannot be said that the Sartyr general has no heart.. for she literally -is- one now. However, the Heart of the Forest has shrunk and seems far less of a massive mountain of flesh, somehow. And the Satyrs have only one general to toss into the thing, right? So what's the worst it could do if none offer it tribute anymore.

Adventurers guild: Still happy to take on all work on offer!

New Location Available:


Dragon University: The dragons are willing to teach the lesser racesir friends their wisdom! Just note down you use Dragon University™ for your reserach purposes in your turn to gain a +10% success chance bonus on all research attempts! Furthermore, by paying 20% research progress you can repurposes the remaining % for a new project!

(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 15th of February!)
Month 7

Celestial Hierarchy:

The Angels head out to find more power, more magic. ALL IT TAKES FOR THE GOODNESS OF THE HEAVENS TO GUIDE THIS WORLD! But, sadly, they ran into a straggler, or perhaps independent leftover zombiehorde. Naturally they busy themselves cleansing the creatures rather than continuing their exploration, removing the undead from this world after a brief but intense battle.

They also begin working on more.. direct radiant spells, but magic research, as always, takes time, even as Sophiael and her chosen meditate in a powerful holy circle.


Angels and demons finally conclude their exchange of goods. The rubber the angels are gifted with is amazing smoothe and clings deliciously tightly to their skin.

Newly rubber-clad, they begin reworking what damage lustful desires and zombie-fighting hath wrought.. but there is still so much work to do..

Also, that annoying preacher keeps proselytizing in the streets of the celestial conclave.. wait didn't you lock him up? How'd he get out...

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

The Empire of Gahlentia tries to rebuild, refocus their will with their wiggley companions, but the more they concentrate the hornier they get.. what could be the cause of this?
Either way, Annabelle's arcane advisor is found not doing his duty, but instead getting a nice, relaxing blowjob, quoting that they were both in the mood, so why not indulge?

Not to be dissuaded, Anabelle visits the dragons research faciliities curiously. They play and experiment with their worms, encouraging their ... wonderful, relaxing pheromones and, although respectful of the dragons personal space, as in, their head-space were no worms shall get... yet, develope advanced techniques of merging their cute worms and their even cuter propaganda plans!

Gabriel, the Hero of Gahlentia and her knightly entourage.. and her master make their way to find some more useful things to research.

And, of course, once more, the hero is successful, this time discovering a sage priest, selling a magical blessing to he-him. The only thing the knights and, ever so slightly disturbed due ot the worm- adventurers needed to accompany him was to deal with the troublesome price-haggling the priest attempts to do over the interesting blessing.

With no break in their successes, aside from the slight lewd delay, Gahlenia begins the production of beautiful, fertile, and well-hung women! First tests say: Great success. Great fun. We want more funds for... reasons.

We've send a futanized assistance to help convince her great-dancerness of the virili.. viability of our endeavours!

The Necropolis

Satisfied with their offenses, the undead work on fortifying their black clad cities as well, defensive and bane-magic woven into their walls to ready them for potential attacks.. and too late to resist a wave of tingling, powerful lusts washing over them... the ghost-scout comes out of her tower and begins preaching to the unbelievers in happy zeal.. it turns out it is rather hard to lock up a ghost..

The ghost also haresses the undying researchers for Agnes .. special project. But luckily they finish anyway. Why should death be the end of life anyway? What, logic? eh..

The undead explore on, getting to a little desert.. where they find a bondage-mummy.. usually good news, this one seems quite hostile, even to them!

One heavy combat later, the undead joins their cause, properly controlled by the undead general herself.. but the effort left her more exhausted than she'd like to admit. At least the brought her own shiny weapon which all of the expedition can confirm, is quite painful to be whacked by.

The Lance Empire

Odette goes to visit the beautiful angel general, Sophiael with presents and a proposal of eternal love... only to watch her send roses to the Stiro-Athyan empire instead. Is she suprised? Is she uncaring? Does she hope for a three some?

One way or the other, perhaps it is a bit risky to send a general to another country, even one they trust? Oh well, at least they got rid of some annoying spies sneaking about in their lands!
Their healing angel research progresses slowly.. without any help.

Imperius Draconis

Someone teleports a delicious cake to the dragons. Awww. Wait is that a little dancing skeleton decoration on it? Well that explains where it comes from!
The Dragons also work on improving their university, whilest sending a slightly lewder present back.
Ok, very much lewder, a mold of dragoncock and enough cobolds to carry the beauty.. now was this taken from the original? Better check...

Speaking about checking! The dragons, more than any of the lsesser mortal races kno that knowledge is power, and they should know more than everyone else. Successfully they research a new, powerful type of magic to learn all those sneaky little secrets and make sure there'll be at least -less- nasty suprises coming for them.. now whom should they use it on?

Amygdala Satyrs


Only the Beastmen send tribute to the heart.. and it hungers for far more. Well.. only the beastmen and of course, the Satyrs themselves, tentacle slither forth from the strange, ever shrinking, but ever more vibrant seeming heart, coiling around them and molesting any that come close, before adding more to it's strangely diminishing rather than increasing mass, whilest sacrificing their sacrifice with waves of pulsing, all-encompassing lust. Perhapvs if they keep feeding it like that, something -amazing- will happen sooner or later?

They worry not about this anymore. Or infact, anything at all. All they need is lust. All they need.. is the heart of perversion.

Stiro- Athyan Empire

Perhaps the reason for the Beastmen getting along with the angels is revealed in their research as they too work on empowering themselves at any cost. The weak will be crushed under the heels of the strong and none will question the supremacy of beast-human blood.. and survive. After all, might makes right. Right?


The succubi research the dispelling magic they'd (now) successfully traded with the angels

Locations Available:


Heart of The Forest(?).: Q̉̈́ù̖͖͒o͘d̛̮̺̖̾̂̈́ ̜̻ň͎̕o̴ͯ̽̌̽̔͑ṅ̷̳̯̟̳̿̈͒ ̨̰̰̫͒̂̍e̻̟̭̭͉͓̐͂ͪ̄̔͗s͔̤͇̔ͤ̆t̨̉ ́ͩ͂̋̅҉̣̲͙̠̳ḿo͔̭̰̞̺ͯ̽̈́̃ͩ̀rͬ͛ͦͣͫ̓t̼̠̖͎u̥͍̜̮͇̍̽̏ͣ̊a͊͑ͥ͏̼̣̙ ̭͈͇̗e̞̟͇͑͐̍s͞t͒͏̪ ̬̜̙ae̴t̙ẻ͓̗̽rͤn̳a͏,̎̓͛͌ͯ̽̈ q͂̊̒ua̖͙̬͢e n̜̼̭ǒ̝̙̹͙̮̬̹̅̈́̍̅͒̋vi͞s̨̟͖͇̅͋̓ m̢̲͎̖̤̜̗̾̊ͯ̒̍̾ͮͅē͋͗̋ͪ̂͋͏̣͎̺̘̣̝̳n̉̒da͎ç̜i̲̿͝umͦ̅ͧͥ͂͑ͮ͝,̻̽̀ et̝͖̫̘̖̒ͭ̌͛̃ ̤̗̪ͣ̋̃in̸̮͇̙̣͇̅̓̈́̍̾ ̷̭̻ͧ́s̩̦ͩ͋æ͌̉̕c̱u̿ͩ̈́l̴̈́͆̎ḁ̷̟̞͖̤̊ͣ̈͑̍ ͗͑͛ͣ͂l̦̜̤̩͗̑̽͌i̝̮̬͛̀̈́b̮̺̼̝͔͍͇͒ͮ̏̿̏̾͋íd͆̍ͫ̈́̚̚i͝n͡e ̲̩̳͍͂̇̿͛̕e̠̖̟̓̓̆t̂ d̊̅e̠͓͊ͦ͟vͪ́ͫ͌ͧǫr̜̤̖̲̫ab̠̆͞i̝̳͔̺͖̠̣ͮ̅͊̊̋ͨ̉ț̤̼̥̫͍̟ ҉o̶mn͚̝̮͎͕̠̯i͇̲̯ͩ̑̃͆ͅa
There is no need to donate any further to the heart of the forest! Help Everything is fine again.

Adventurers guild: Still happy to take on all work on offer!


Dragon University: Still accepting new students! We also have beginners courses in sucking dragon cocks!

(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 22nd of February!)
Last edited:
Month 8

Amygdala Satyrs

During the long lasting peace, the Satyrs spent their time fucking as if that was The only ones not busying themselves in endless ecstatic orgies are the unfortunate few on guard-duty in between indulging themselves.
The heart is shrinking ever more. Shriveling away from a size equal to the tallest of dragons to barely the height of maybe a fully grown satyr or two.

As for the nation that had created it? They were enjoying themselves, throwing wild parties, and cavorting as they had always done.
There was little reason to try anything else. There was little cause to push for anything more in the world.
As the strange thing thrummed with sexual power more and more of their number flocked to the object, compelled to feed it just as Glisa had.
All of them sensed danger, all of them felt the aura of perversion that radiated from the strange object.
Few cared. For them it was enough that the things it offered were pleasant.

The final satyr to offer herself to the flesh and endless pleasure, and dreams of sharing it all with the world around her was not even particularly perverted herself. A simple common farmer turned satyr-slut barely a month ago. But what she was, was the final drop in a barrel already threatening to drown the world.

A pulse of power as it cascaded with colors too vibrant to observe, some known, some nameless and somehow, each color imbued with a feeling of pure perverted lust. The Satyrs wish, unspoken as it had been, had been granted with a violent birth-spasm that sucked the souls out of all (un?)lucky enough to be close by. There was no violence, simply the culmination of all their desires being usurped by something greater.

The Satyrs have been Conquered by ... themselves!

What exited what had been a heart months ago, and had been a chrysalis until recently bears maybe a passing, false resemblance to Gisa.
A mighty beast mixing feral and sophisticated, female and male aspects, a body that is neither goat nor human, there are even hints of draconic scales and more primal, bestial traits.
The entity is surrounded by several women, constantly, unendingly pleasuring themselves upon and with it and serving the creatures desires, as soon as one is filled throughoutly by the being she fades away, for another to take her place, although their numbers seem to never truly change.

Those that priorly sent ambassadors to the heart recognize familiar faces, bend to unending desire, amongst the women pleasuring the beast and themselves eternally. Of course, all that stay close enough to realize this already find themselves disrobing and joining their new heaven of desires unending.

The Satyrs Titan Now Walks The Land ~
Demideity of Lust

69 Health, 69 Willpower. Counts as Satyr

Aura of Primal Lust
Liberation of the feeble Flesh
Mesmerising Aura
Perversion Personified
Titanic Resilience
Regeneration VII

Celestial Hierarchy:

The seraphim work on rebuilding their beautiful empire... again. at least they slowly begin restoring their heavily battered pussies. Stone after stone, mighty palaces are formed and their pussies ache and tingle rewardingly for a work well done. They should rebuild some more, this felt nicer than usual.

They also restore their dispeling magic, so none can curse their heavily pussies ever again!

They further continue working on their magic showing all the burning, holy glory of their beautiful pussies and finally.. success! Their divine power surges and they burn a test-area in holy radiance, as they each shiver with rewarding tingles of pleasing delight at their success. All evil will fall to it's knees under this holy might.. or stagger around trying to stand when all it should do would be to kneel and lick and worship.. hmnn pussy...

Actually is something going on? Nah.. it just feels good to listen to their holy pussies proper.

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

Gahlentia sends a massive force to the Dragons.. to research their problems away, of course. First, they research how to please their wonderful wiggley worms, snuggling warmly to their minds.. but as they are already quite powerful and splinter themselves short, it is a bit of an effort and they don't quite get finished...

But their delicious, virile futa enhancing magic is a lot more.. yummy and successful. The dragons can have a taste themselves, if they doubt its yummyness! so thick and yummy and fertile and drippy..

Where were we.. oh yes.. we need to learn more about the beautiful powerful might of the heart and how to defend against the overwhelming, wonderful urges it injects into our thoughts, of well hung futas, of nice, wiggley things squirming into their heards or our heads and their cocks and our.. oh it's all wiggley and wonderful.. NO! They will defend against this! The masks are.. not.. so.. wonderfully.. easily.. subsumed.. yes?

The heart part about creating a human-worm hybrid was isolating the best traits of humans and worms. It was easy to come up with a worm that was lazy like a human and scared of bright lights and noises like the worms, but making something better than the sum of its parts would take a while.. perhaps the researchers should mind-enslave themselves into working more compliantly for a while...?

They also go adventuring, for some more amazing yummy cumsticks to suckle on.. and maybe treasure or somesuch. They don't find more juicy, well hung futas.. but someone that also hunts them! Kindred spirits, they soon join forces..

She is a bit hungry though and tries to feed on Gabriel because.. he.. smells really delicious! Please feed Leech girl yum yums?

Overall, this month seems productive for explorative missions looking for delicious, well hung futas with their nice, strong dicks as their other general also discovers.. a little risky seeming potion from a very risky seeming barbarian 'Trader'.

Their assassine, finally, runs into a renegade demon.. but slays it with ease! The beasts fiery breath might however serve as a useful weapon..

The Necropolis

The undead rebuild their cities and restrengthen their armies from tainting influence. It takes a little while, but finally, their ranks are cleansed from those that are not addicted to the lovely sight of beautiful, pale, undead breasts. None will question the undeads will and devotion to caress and suckle on those beautiful mammaries anymore!

Satisfied, the kind, boobies loving Liches began working on improving their defences further. A wall is only as strong as its largest bust, after all!

They also explore the world, still searching for something to give them an edge, finding a nice, elderly teacher that is happy to teach them how to rebuild their infrastructure for offense, defence.. or whatever is needed. Sadly, the teacher has no breasts of note.

But! There are good news yet!

Finally, they find a cruel, but beautiful dark-elf with amazing breasts. She offers to teach them how to be more intimidating if they service her and of course the undead sluts eagerly obey.

The Lance Empire

The Lance empire continues researching on making the angels more cuddly, helpful and approachable.. but their head-researcher is found by a returning Odette to be too busy fucking the angels to actually work! She is put to the stocks like the slut deserves.. (although not too long we need her back and working on things!)


Even their slut leading their mindslaving efforts does better work, and that bimbo is too dumb to keep a secret to herself if she was paid for it.. which indeed she is.. in fuckings of course, as befits a horny whore like her.

Speaking about public whores!
When Odette ordered her researchers to Give humanity a fighting chance against evil and mutations, she did not mean fuck all the filthy beasts you can find! That research went completely down the drain and now instead of having superior human powers, they have a superior human monster-slut, craving for any cock, the more exotic it is the better... and worse, she asked the closest dragon-ambassador she could find, so likely now all other races know too...

Imperius Draconis

The dragons use their magic to spy on the satyrs, hoping for some well-hung girls with nice, big dicks. They are sucessful!

Satisfied, Chellery plans on having a huge dragon dick like the satyrs, but struggles a bit.. she can get a strong cock easily enough, but it is not big enough for her tastes yet!

Perhaps the satyrs can give her a few hints? She learns how to get better at getting into their unguarded back-doors...


The strange unison of heaven and hell has gotten past it's struggling start and, infact, has flourished, under the joy of rubber. Yes.. Rubber really is amazing. they should spread it everywhere.. imagine the whole world in shiny, tight blackness. All that disagree, they are happy to soon re-educate. Yes. It is time to show the world this tight, glistening joy!
Just imagine the joys it can bring:

Finally a way to make those silly boys delicious and useful too, is it not? Yes they should pursue their desire to spread the rubber over the world without any doubt or hesitation..

Locations Available:
Adventurers guild: Still happy to take on all work on offer!


Dragon University: Still accepting new students! We also have beginners courses in sucking dragon cocks! +1/10 remain

<Inactive: Stiro-Athaya>
(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 29nd of February! Make sure to not leap over it!)
Last edited:
Month 9

Amygdala Satyrs

Strategy is a strange thing. The more decisions you have to make, the more an adept strategist can excel. The less decision you have to make, the less competent leadership matters.
Right now, there were so many choices to pick from. Lick or suck. Spit or Swallow. Worship or Fuck? Are you in control of a world if everyone else follows your lead? If so, this world already belongs to the Satyrs.

Putting together massive roving herds like in the days of old when civilization was simply a speck of dust clinging to life at the edge of the world, the satyrs prepared to travel.
Packaging their whole world up into a gathering of carts and massive crates the satyrs prepared to march in triumph. It was not the gathering of an army, it was the meeting of revelry on a scale never seen before, made manifest as a beacon of their lords new will.

A new testament. All must fuck!
Demideity of Lust

69 Health, 69 Willpower. Counts as Satyr

Aura of Primal Lust: Deals 20% Willpower damage a turn to all other nations. Everything becomes lewder.
Liberation of the feeble Flesh: Does some weird liberation counters when it deals damage. Propably harmless
Mesmerising Aura: ? ? ?
Perversion Personified: ? ? ?
Titanic Resilience: ? ? ?
Regeneration VII: ? ? ?

Celestial Hierarchy:

The angels too try to focus, and rebuild, and relax.. and it almost works out, that is, until they see an especially cute Satyr just seeming to be in need of holy protection.. and perhaps letting her grope some of those holy breasts.. Hmn... these waves of lust got easier to handle now that the angels aren't actively fighting their desires as much anymore, nice and warm and tingly.. Why are they even still trying to find ways to resist this, rather than enjoy it?!? Those satyrs have really pretty bodies.. how wonderful would they look.. purified.

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

The Galentians are unafraid to continue their worm-research. Sure, they are a little horny, but they got their own little wiggley friends to help take care of that. Strength through worms! ... That slogan needs work.. Unity through slithery?
They'd spitball it up in the next meeting. For now, their researcher is just glad she can present some tangible results to Anabelle.

Speaking about, Anabelle managed to eliminate the weaknesses in her hybrid project. She didn't manage to only extract the advantages, no, but at least things looked more balanced between worm and woman now. Or the inheritor could be a man? Whatever she wanted, really. Genetic engineering, simple as she had started it, was quite the fascinating science and Gahlenia began writing it's own volume to leave in the Dragons care. However, it would still take some time for their plans to mature, humans and worms working as one to advance their studies.


She had to constantly supervise them and order them, keeping them on track and ensuring that they finished their duties before they have fun. She very carefully controlled them, keeping a firm eye while not falling into lust herself. To the point where one of her researchers actually had to ask her, surprised that it wasn't a problem for her... "Empress... Your Majesty... How is it that you aren't affected by these feelings of pure desire?!" To which she would reply calmly... "What makes you think I'm not affected?" Her hands were clenched, Annabelle forcing herself to focus in and make this work. It wasn't that she wasn't affected, it was that she had learned better than almost anyone else how to keep her composure until necessary. The Empress once held a full session of the Rose Court while poisoned... speaking calmly and confidently while fire screamed in her blood. Then she went to her chambers and took some pre-prepared antidote. And now, she carefully focused on those moments, reminding herself that if she could stand and speak for hours while her body internally screamed in pain, she could work through the lust enough to research something this important to her Empire.
Whilest the Satyrs come visit Gahlentia too, they have their own cute-horny futanari assistants, curently busy rebuilding the nation! Of course the Satyrs couldn't distract their efforts proper.. Because Gabriel, the nations staunch champion was there overseeing things. Where others might bend to their lust, The Hero of the Crimson Valley still stood tall... for now.

The Necropolis

The undead too only want to defend and find a way to resist the titans influence.. it's understandable. The Satyrs are so amazingly strong... and sexy.. and beautiful, with the lust coursing through the feral undeads masses barely contained in the powerful hive-mind leadership of their general and even she wonders, what would it be like to have sexy undead Satyrs to fuck?


The Lance Empire

The Lance empire is impressively unaffected by the aura of lust revibrating over the land. All around them, men, monsters, even the plants and animals become changed by perversion, but they stand tall.

Which gets the attention of the Satyrs. A lot of them, infact. They charge more like party-squatters than an army, only attacking if they are attacked themselves, but trying to grope and fuck and seduce everything that moves. After some discussion, which is basically drunk slamming of wine-barrels against one another, the realization that those barrels are empty, and then the conclusion that 'this weird fortified thing over 'ere will propably have more!' The satyrs invade and squat in the Lance-Empires towering defense, before realizing that this thing somehow dampens the influence of their goddess!

With drunk annoyance, they begin remedying this, by holding a massive orgy.

When finally, soldiers arrive to (mostly nonviolently) evict them, the tower is covered from top to bottom in cum.. annoyed, and feeling more than a little drained afterwards, they begin the task of cleaning up all that satyr cum. Either way, their rebuilding attempts fall short of the damage done..

Imperius Draconis

The Dragons work on empowering their general, making Chellery more like a true, mighty dragon and defending against the lust. But then! Some Satyrs come around for an amazing party with dragon cock!

Why would you want to resist the good time these girls have to offer? Look at them they're so cute and cuddly.. and they want some nice dragon-schlong too! The satyrs were great lovers and allies once.. and they still can be. They seek not to harm or damage any of the dragons, infact, if they had their way, there'd be -a lot- more dragons! Alright and perhaps a bit less focus on scholarly endeavours..


Perhaps the waves of lust are a little too much this time around, as Rhellenia is overwhelmed by perverse desires and doesn't take much action to defend itself, instead playing with all that nice rubber...


Locations Available:
Adventurers guild: Still happy to take on all work on offer! They'll find more cute satyrs for your to fuck too!


Dragon University: Still accepting new students! We also have beginners courses in sucking dragon cocks and better fucking cute Satyrs!

(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 7th of March)
Last edited:
Month 10

Amygdala Satyrs

There was nothing more for the satyr race to do. They could feel the world shifting as their message got through to more and more individuals all around them. Each and every day new converts arrived. Some of them shifted into satyresses already, while most retained their original form, their minds and souls warped while their pleasing bodies were left to be enjoyed.
Each and every form that came was welcomed into the horde. Gone was each and every enmity that the satyrs had held. Gone was all hatred and anger, all that remained was the pleasure and happiness of a place long ago lost, the whispered memories of a time before cities and towns, of a garden flawless in its perfect nature.

Knowing that their savior and gift to the world was not yet accepted by all, the dancing and happy throng of the satyr race ran to their armory tents… and put their useless weapons away for good. There was no longer any need for such things, instead, the happy race engaged in the only thing they cared to, the only thing they needed to. All around toasts where held, competitions of lewd nature enjoyed by spectators, erotic actions put on display for the whole world. Those that tried to attack found themselves bogged down by a mass of civilians who offered no more resistance than drunkenly stumbling about. Angels found themselves alone as their
troop’s were slowly picked apart, one being tempted off into a tent here, another being drawn into a drinking game there. Soon the attacking parties found themselves quite delayed.

And attack they did, in full force.
First and decisively, the Dragons struck.
It was time, with the protection against the Satyr creation established, if tenuously so, it was time to end this, an alliance had been struck, the monster would be taken down. A great force of dragons had been gathered, The Great Dragon Lords would fly with the army to take down this creature once and for All.


Even The Emperor himself would be flying with them all, to strike down this enemy and secure his empire from the threat of its influence. And he was prepared to take a gamble, to secure if for All eternity, he would use this opportunity to try tame it, like he had brought Glisa under his control. His army would lead the charge, bring it down, and then he would take it, fuck the creature in his true dragon form and full glory, make it his.

And he does so, with ease, forcing down the demi-deity, before bending the shifting creature under his mighty cock. As he does so, it looks a lot more like Glisa. Yes, he can do it. She is a slave to dragon dick and her body just as he remembers it, soft, and yielding and ALL HIS!

Even as the Dragon-emperor melts into the form of the demideity, his support-squads unable to help him as they are harranged by lustful satyrs, he knows in triumph that his legacy will live on, as the Demi-deity ripples in power, scales forming along her form. This is not Glisa anymore.. this is.. his descendant
Yes. He has succeeded. Even though he might not rule the skies forever....

"Sanguinum vitam aeternam potentiam!" He roars out in overwhelming satisfaction, as his climax washes away all worry about his succession and his nations uncertainty about victory. There is no need to win anymore. They can leave all in the hands of this pure beauty before him, this incarnation of lust and desire and might personified.

The Imperius Draconis has been Conquered by the Amygdala Satyrs.

Coordinating with the other surviving nations of the land, Alexandra gathered her army and marched for the satyrs’ woods, the horde of ghouls and ghosts sweeping across the land, joining with the other armies in common cause: To destroy the abomination.
Unholy spells now readied against the demideity, the undead turned to attack the creature at a range, only to realize..
They had horribly underestimated and delayed their attack. Seeing the divine, physical perfection that was the deity, even from afar wracked them with overwhelming lust and desire.. and while, thanks to their own defensive efforts, it was not enough to completely overwhelm them, but what little offense they could muster was bogged down by those hordes of Satyrs, all too eager and willing to indulge the undeads every new perverted desire, and yet more..

The lance empire too sends a small contingent of warriors to attempt and deal with the Demi-deity of Lust.. but they don't even get in close, before they find themselves all too eagerly masturbating. Being more cautious than other nations, the Lance withdraws before it can take all too serious damage..

But the demi-deity is not safe yet.
As the council of nations had agreed, the Seraphim march to war, to fulfill their purpose of striking down this monster birthed of corrupted lust, so that the young world may rejoice in the love of the light and partake in holy sensualities involving latex instead of being harvested for their juices. Sophiael herself leads the rubber-clad warrior angels in this battle, looking forward to fight side-by-side with her dark counterpart Xana. After all, once light and dark united their love and passion, how could this titan ever hope to compete?

With even more passion, perhaps. Xana was not on the battlefield, having already fallen to the Satyrs.. perhaps.. they should both be reunited in obediant servitude to their desires and throbbing pussies.. The Mighty seraphim shook her head as she attempted to coordinate the attack, holy light and blade unafraid of challenging the beast.. and yet, what little of her forces managed to fight through their own lust, were just caught in what the Satyrs referred to as their Cuddle-traps.

Even the angels are halted.. who is left...

The Nation of Gahlentia. They advance, with equal caution as the Lance, but far greater offense.

And they are lead well. Yet even they feel the intense desires and lusts radiating from the creature! And even if they are able to defend from this, the strange desires they feel for a tingling of.. rubber.. they are not as prepared for!
They knew the threat to the world that this creature of pure lust posed, and despite their eager horniness, the worms deep in their mind helped to push the army on to battle. If this creature was not stopped, the world would crumble beneath it, and for their part, Gahlentia refused to see that happen. So each and every city-state sent its full legion of soldiers to the capital, all of them united under their great general, The Hero of Crimson Valley.
It was a rare sight to see Gahlentia's army assembled in such a way... Normally the city-states dealt with military matters on their own, so the assembled might of the Gahlentian Empire was a sight that struck fear in even the most powerful nobles.
They had sent their knights, their generals, whatever siege equipment they could manage, their archers, their mages, all of them brought together to hopefully end this threat to world peace. Annabelle had been assured there would be assistance in this fight, and so her general informed them to expect allies of other nations, and that the Satyrs and their creature of pure lust was their target. If they could bring that beast down they would have a chance... If not... well... there'd be no coming back. Gabriel would to the assembled army, magic used to amplify his voice above the crowd. "MEN! WOMEN! WORMS! SOLDIERS! Today is the day that we prove Gahlentia is more than just a pretty face of world politics! That we are more than just backroom deals and subterfuge! Today we show the world that there is a reason Gahlentia has not been overwhelmed by barbarians and attacking armies!
Today we fight for not just ourselves, not just our families, not just our nation, but the entire world! And when people look back on this day they will remember the army of Gahlentia, as deadly as it is beautiful! As powerful as it is soft-spoken! As valiant as it is intelligent! We will not cower while the world crumbles around us! If we are to win, we will be the saviors of this world as we know it! If we are to fail, we will fail with blades in our hands, as warriors! As those that refused to cower before the end of the world, and instead fought bravely in our one chance to save it! Work with me, men! Work with Gahlentia! Work with our allies across the world! This is our day! And no Satyr, Forest Heart, or 'Deity' will rob us of it! Instead we fight! For our cities! For our Empress! For Gahlentia! For the world!"

She called out, watching the assembled army cheer and roar with approval, ready to march and fight for the nation that they loved so much.

Their generals, mages, and strategists together worked on a plan to deal with this creature. Getting near it was difficult, if not impossible, and was near suicide. But they had researched methods of protecting from its powers. So rather than charge headfirst into the creature, the mages would work in tandem to create barriers to protect them from the lust as much as possible.
And rather than charge in with swords, they'd use their siege equipment to fire upon the deity, protecting it with spells and barriers. The knights, meanwhile, would create a shield around the archers and siege equipment, protecting them from ground forces and being ready to fight if the Satyrs themselves decided to charge their line. Mounted knights, meanwhile, would be used to relay orders through the battlefield, and search for any attackers that might make it through, a strategy devised together from the entire army. Meanwhile their assassins would cover their flanks, search out traitors, and prevent anyone that tried to disrupt their war machine.
Catapaults and archers firing on the creature from afar, soldiers defending the line, mages creating barriers and leftover mages blasting spells to try and hammer the diety even harder, knights and assassins taking out stragglers and traitors, all working together to keep the machine attacking. Gahlentia may not have been the strongest nation, but they were one of intelligence and strategy.
Even in this, their army worked to try and damage their enemy as much as possible, while still remaining in formation to lower their own losses. This mighty army would march across the lands, a force that now marched to try and save the world. Before battle their best soldiers would drink some of the potions that had been procured by their exploration teams, chugging them down to increase their might before battle, wanting to put as much force as possible behind this single attack. With all of that settled, the army prepared for a war unlike any had seen before... Today they planned to slay a god to save the planet...

Harranged by lust and halted by many, many satyrs, they still persevered and, less halted by the Titan's own might thanks to their cautious approach, they finally break through, an arcane blast impacting the creature, only to be dispersed, not entirely harmlessly, but still with far less damage than it should, upon the mighty demideities skin. Still, finally, a proof the creature was not unassailable.. at a cost.

Demideity of Lust

59/69 Health, 69 Willpower. Counts as Satyr. Resources: 1

Aura of Primal Lust: Deals 20% Willpower damage a turn to all other nations. Everything becomes lewder.
Liberation of the feeble Flesh: Applies liberation counters when dealing damage. Burns attackers will for the amount of liberation counters they have, then consumes them.
Mesmerising Aura: Liberation counters that are consumed are added to defenses that turn against the nation that had them.
Perversion Personified: ? ? ?
Titanic Resilience: 50% Reduced Damage from physical attacks and spells
Inheritance of Draconic Supremacy: 10% of Damage dealt gained as healing.
Regeneration VII: ? ? ?

Celestial Hierarchy:

Why couldn't they just be satyr slaves, many angels ask. Was there not a certain innate holiness in nature itself? Perhaps they could worship that, as they worshiped their bodies...

Masked Empire of Gahlentia:

Gahlentia continues their advanced research into creating a hybrid with both the powers of man and worm with great success.. however... their own lust distracts them still.

The Necropolis

Whoever remains in the necropolis is too busy having a good time to do anything else. Hmnnn.. actually, a vampire-mistress clad in beautiful rubber would be beautiful too, wouldn't she? what a strange, stray idea...

The Lance Empire

Badly hit by the Satyrs last turn, the Lance empire decides that cautiously rebuilding is a better approach than sending all their forces out.. and so they do! They are not quite back to where they were, but things are at least endurable. The new acceptance of topless clothing helps alleviate the stress and is in no way a concession to the Satyrs influence either!

Imperius Draconis

The dragons find their holy shielding holding against the lewd rubber splashing them.. for now. But still, desire now controls almost their every action.


Whereas everyone charges at the Titan, Rhellenia decides to go for the Satyrs directly, seeking to spread their dark, corruptive rubber over them and the land, and any that oppose them. With all satyrs gone, they easily invade the depths of the forest.. until the land itself begins fighting back. The lust aura here is heavier than anywhere else, and they are already so needy, so hot and horny, they need this, need to fuck and enjoy themselves, far more than they need to conquer and punish. Yes. If all that they want to do is spread this wonderful rubber, they can do it whilest being fucked by Satyrs, no?

Their general is mighty, but her troups stay behind, quickly lost in a lustful haze from the forests aura.. Still, Xana, the mightiest mortal pushes on, easily cutting through the forest to find..
What exactly? The Satyrs have no more general, no more headquarters, only the towering demideity.. and as she comes face to face with that creature, she is surrounded by vines. Her mighty axe cuts them down.. and again.. and again.. they capture her and still she fights on, even as they thrust into her.
Even as they begin changing her.

The mighty demon general struggles and writhes, but no matter how many times she wins, victories seem pointless and inefficent, perhaps.. letting go, perhaps surrendering would be the path to go?

Never! Xana, the mighty general cuts down another swath of tentacles, and decides to retreat for now. She needs more of her wonderful rubber goo to encease her, before she can continue pleasing her Satyr-masters and mistresses.
She hops down, thoughtfully. That thought felt wrong. Why...

She examines her own mind, brushes a hand back through her beautiful, long auburn hair and stares down at her fur-covered arms. No, actually, that thought didn't feel wrong. She was the mighty demon general Xana, obediant ally and companion to the Satyrs, as were all of her kin. She had grown strong and learned the pleasures of rubber for them, and now, she would be what they desired.. general, servant.. mistress to command them.. yes.. that sounded nice, her leading those lustful, mindless hordes wherever they wanted to go. Wherever they wanted to be lead.
She had after all found no opposition here. She had won, the demonic fire burning in her now feral satyr body only encouraging the lust she felt for the primal race around her that she now belonged to like her own.

Rhellenia has been Conquered by the Amygdala Satyrs!

Locations Available:

Adventurers guild: Still happy to take on all work on offer! They'll find more cute satyrs for your to fuck too!


Dragon University: Still accepting new students! We also have beginners courses in sucking dragon cocks and better fucking cute Satyrs!

(Next Turn due: Saturday, the 14th of March)
Last edited:
216 Years later

My name is Octavian, secundus organizatores of the Empires Archaeological expedition fleet.

I have throughoutly researched the world we now sail towards. Our new home. We will need any advantage we can in this new world, for other races are already arriving as we speak, seeking to claim this fertile, if dangerous soil for their own. They will not! It is our homeland, and even if our ancestors fled it, we shall rule it as is our right!

Best as I know, a total of eight civilizations lived upon this fertile land, but in a conflict, over two hundred years ago, they almost came to blows.

But the great expertise of Annabelle Desmarais stopped the fires of war themselves. This is why nowadays we call ending an armed conflict before it even starts a Gahlentian war.

However. In the period of peace a nation of beasts and humans disappeared without trace. Worse, The Fallen first became active during that period.

We know not who they are, or where they came from, although my mad colleague insists they were always beastmen, just not quite as they are these days. That they willingly gave themselves to unending lusts.

NONSENSE! None that have seen a creature like this, feral, wild, demonic, charge at a man and embrace them in their slick rubbery glands, until they become nothing more but another lustful fuckbeast would believe any leader could be mad enough to do such.

Still, the disappearance of a name sometimes referenced in the tomes of the Dragons, Glisa, as well as a Xana of the Demonblood gives credence to this strange theory, even if the dragons own records around this period are terribly disorganized.

Still, without the dragons, we'd have no records of this time at all. We thank them for that, even though it seems that their own library was their downfall, as The Fallen infiltrated it and despoiled what they could they get their hands on.

What we do know is that the Undead, always calm and cautious, rebuild their nation and steeled themselves against the fallen, holding out for a long time. Who knows, perhaps, they are still around, in a hidden necropolis, to this day? If that could be true, and if they are not corrupted, their ancient, undying wisdom would be invaluable.
But in the end, they became sieged by the Fallen and had to flee or be conquered, just like us.

The angels had already departed this world.. we pray that one day, they shall return to purify this wicked, lust-tainted world. They had been battered more than any other nation and yet, legend has it nothing could touch them.

But I digress.
There were efforts to halt the Fallen, of course. The Lance Empire and their general, whose name is now lost, are far too rarely sung heroes, and I am proud to know that in some of us, their blood flows.

Legend has it that they invited the Great Seducer into this unsung heroes very palace, and then turned it's formidable defenses inwards onto itself. They entrapped the Great Seducer, by making themselves the bait. It is thanks to their sacrifice that we managed to flee and it is their memory that helps guard our memories and most private thoughts against the dreams that still flow from that accursed palace. May it forever stay sealed away! That is why today even the names of their leader is no longer known, about seventy years after the escape, people called her their saviour, their damnation.. whoever she was, I believe, she may have been both.

Dear reader, you notice that I failed to mention another nation. Indeed, what happened to Gahlentia in this conflict?
Well, with the angels departing, The Lance surrendering and the undeads hive-mind already being strained to it's limits, Gahlentia, as the most dangerous remaining target held out valliantly against the Fallen. Legend has it that Anabelle, the great strategist, could have won, had she only had a little more time. Nor did they know that the Dragons knew of all their research.. and had at this point, already been compromised by the Fallen.
How they still persevered, we do not know. Some suggest that their connection to their blessed worms allowed them to fight on, despite being defeated, but have you ever wondered why the Great Seducer lies entrapped in a temple, even now? Why a being so powerful can ever be put in chains of stone and magic?

That is because of Gabriel, The Hero. Yes, I know, everyone has heard of him. The greatest man of his time. But allow me to reiterate the story anyway.
Even though it seemed as if Gahlentia was conquered. Even though his own general ordered Gabriel not to do it, he defied her one order in the end. He ascended, with a specially prepared worm, ment to dominate the Great Seducer, and put her in a sleep that would last for all eternity.

Alone, he ascended to the Lance temple, where the Demideity was holding an orgy, and with the memory of a kiss stolen from General Desmarais, and a demand to dance for him, he seduced the goddess herself and endured long enough.. Cynical voices say that the creature of desire could not be controlled, that only his unyielding lust and desire for her to fall asleep made it so... but this matters not. What matters not is that The Great Seducer, worshipped as some sort of deity by the Fallen, is sleeping for all eternity, trapped in her palace of pleasure and attended by her immortal love slaves. Satyrs, Succubi, and even proud dragons are playthings to her. In the end, no single nation alone, nor several nations united had the power to stop her.

You may wonder why I tell you all of this, waste your time as we prepare to land. Everyone knows these old tales of heroisms, and we all know of the dreams the Great Seducer tempts us with.
I've seen sails on the horizon. Other nations. Perhaps other survivors in exile like us returning, perhaps entirely new nations from distant islands we scantly know about..

And I doubt, as we begin to build up our settlements, uncover relics of the First great war and test our new technology against the Fallen.. that there will be dangers.. there will be others, but I doubt that there will be another Gahlentian Peace.
There will only be Armies and Conquests.


Armies and Conquests Round 1 Concluded! Victors: The Amygdala Satyrs.. kinda! (really, lust won in the end..)
Next up: Nation building. Turn 1 could be due Saturday, the 28th of March!
Turn 1 Round II

Nit suggests expanding their spy-network.. in secret!
They also lead an expedition a little too close for comfort to the Hermit clan and succeed in finding a disgruntled lone dissenter to take among their own ranks!

They also go check out more of what the Tel'tari are up to, investigating around the dark-elven estate and found a forbidden dark elven battle-technique. It is a bit disappointing that it wasn't a forbidden dark elven sex technique, but... not like they were going to use it anymore, right?

Next, the Queen and her advisor set out to explore the local plantlife, still heavy with corruption. At least they are quite sucessful...

Perhaps a little too sucessful, as the guarding soldiers are easily distracted-dispatched off by massive vines grasping and groping them, and their leader is captured as a delicious plant-treat. The voracious vegetation fucks all becoming for them lustily, before dropping them again, desires fulfilled.. and new desires implanted. Perhaps next time Savill should not send out their general without any defenses.. or perhaps, then again, perhaps they should!

Hmnn.. plants are nice and soft...

Striking Hermit Clan


The Hermit clan, under Hojo's lead spread themselves thin, a risky move in order to explore as much of the land around them as they can. A risky move that does not pay out immediatly. Hojo himself, the man that stressed safety for all others finds himself surrounded by the beastmen of the jungle. Cuttdown by creatures of virile power, the last thing Hojo sees as his life is crushed underhoof is all the women-warriors of his cult being dragged off, his warning a dark prophecy.


Ishiyama's approach was both less loud and more sucessful and they find a rubber-covered beast they manage to take out.. perhaps this substance can be utilized to serve the clan? She picks a little of it up, rubbing it between her fingers, noticing the nice, if slightly sticky feeling, never knowing of the relic of a bygone age she found. This could be quite useful!


Nishi, as was her usual desire, was at the front of her exploration group. She was an expert at battle, and believed that nothing could threaten her!
She is mistaken, and soundly beaten by a mighty beast. She fought brave to the last, but in the end her blade and courage is shattered and they are dragged away in chains. What happens following that day, Nishi refuses to speak about even after she is rescued by a Crab-Strike team. But her dream of becoming a great warrior is forgotten. Who could respect a beast-bred warrior such as her anymore?


Yomezu's assisting role is much more efficent and while they don't find anything new, ironically, it is Yomezu that finds herself improving her own magic, doing more multi-tasking healing magic than ever before in training in hte face of the dangers of the inhospitable jungle around. Where others break, she grows.


But the one that would find the greatest success would be Umewaka. Whilest the inhabitants of the jungle are both too violent and lustful to be of great use, his diplomatic skills are quite great and thus he can actually improve The Hermit Crabs ability to navigate the dangerous jungles with ease.


Kanako herself also gets in a fight.. and whilest she is victorious, she is slowed down too much to find anything of true use!


The Gypsy-people of Kyromarant busy themselves befriending folks and pulling them into the fold. Sadly, befriending the locals is less about .. well, making friends, and more about sating the lusts of the beasts, but well, once tamed, they could make for interesting allies.
And The Ladies... ladies.. are suprisingly good at befriending all sorts of perverted things, thanks to their lack of inhibitions!

With some effort, they even manage to convince a friendly cowgirl to join them!


The super sexy dark elf mistresses begin some research on being more secretive.. it wouldn't do to have those inferior-eared races snooping around in all their magical research stuff, now, would it? Cute dark elves need their privacy!
Turn 2

The Beastmen are preparing to raid the easiest target!


Having gotten molested overly last time around, High-Advisor Nit focuses, meditate and has some cleansing incense, restoring her mind, whilest her folks work on some lewder research. But now, finally they can set up for some party!


Meet Grisha, she tried to run away from her bill, she is an orc with just a dash of demonic blood, giving her her Beautiful appendage which you can see. She claimed to be very proud of her endurance, and seeing as she needs to pay off her bill by working here we're making a very special deal. Anyone who can make her cum in under 3 minutes will get the rest of the hour with her for free, to do whatever they wish, fail and you pay double offer must be rejected beforehand, certain terms and conditions apply, read the pamphlet behind the main counter to find out which.

Striking Hermit Clan


With the full effort of the crab, Hojo is returned to life, and their warriors wounds treated. Death is, after all, not permanent to those recently enough departed and infused with the magic of the clans. He will remember this debt and work hard forever.
There is even an upside for the wounded pride of their champion.. she will from now on advance with far more caution, without doubt, to properly embody the principle of the striking hermit.

Defense over retaliation.. but the lustful, violent warriors now inhabiting the content and guarding its treasures are not to be underestimated.
The Crab is restored, and yet, unrest only grows among them. Perhaps there's a reason other than last months events at work here? Still, more voices demand a new leadership than ever before..


The Gypsy-people of Kyrmorant Deepen their research into how to culturally integrate into other people. It turns out that undressing and posing seductively is a great idea.

It does keep others from working their hardest, but certainly they wont mind! They also cautiously research better defenses, but this will take a little while...

On the upside, they do find richer pastures to spent some calming time on.


Tel'tari Builds a Bardic College:
New Location Available:

The drow-Muses and artisans are skilled healers as well as entertainers and will help everyone weak of mind or wounded in body. (20% Bonus to all rebuilding attempts using the Bard's college, note down when using the repair action!)
Turn 3


Savill works on being sneakierer.. but it takes a while to get this good and silent.. especially with them trying to refocus their mind after the encounter with the beasts earlier. They also steel their defenses, and manage to dissuade any beastial hordes from attacking them thusly.. but something else strange happens:

A dungeon opens up under Savill!


Dungeon of Fertility 2/2 Resources, health: 23/23, Defence: 7 Special Loot: Slitherworms

Rumors speak of a mysterious dungeon that appeared in the countryside. An enormous stone statue of a Savillian futa, lying down with her legs spread open, having both a cock and a pussy. The pussy is spread open by the statue's fingers, as if it was pleasing itself, while the cock is proudly pointing at the sky. Inside the enormous pussy, lies the main entrance of the dungeon. Her moaning mouth, her nose and even her ears are others. From there, goblins, orcs and other monsters pour out, to raid the nearby settlements, abducting the villagers for -no doubt- breeding purposes. Few daring explorers who have ventured inside with the help of magic, speak of many more monsters and lewd traps...

Dungeon of Fertility Researches: increased Tentacle Capacity I: +1 Resource

This does not stop them from announcing a new special!
Come one, come all, this month we have quite the spectacular offer, the gracious adviser to our beautiful queen has financed for some of our girls to work for free the entire month, don't miss this opportunity, the girls will have a mark, so just ask them and as long as they don't refuse you have your fun girls with a red band are specifically for those customers who have a more forceful fantasy in mind, for them reverse the answer, yes is no and no is yes. Just look here at our dear queen's sister Duchess Sarah, having fun with 2 of our girls, Lily is even kind enough to help her friend take the duchess cock deeper.

Striking Hermit Clan

The Striking hermit, too, has heavy fortifications prepared to dissuade the beastmen. Perhaps not too uncharacteristically. They also rebuild a little after ... whatever unrulyness had wandered through their ranks, Hojo leading a cautious defense... but it seems no one is willing to strike again so soonly, perhaps anticipating the heightened security?

This gives Yonezu time to, well.. not rebuild everything overnight, she lacks the resources for that, but she can at least stabilize the situation. Which is a step forwards already! Sometimes, taking no steps back is moving you onwards, she nods sagely. Plus, the dark-elven college seems kind of interesting!

They also experiment with that odd fluid they'd found, but sadly, it is a little dried out now, out of its natural habitat.. Nishi works on moisturizing it properly, but will need more time to get any useful results.

Umewaka meanwhile prepares himself to explore, and finds..
A word from our sponsor,
Raid Shadow Legends!

It's a bad game.
Back to the Hermit Crab Clan!

Umewaka finds a pair of definitly magical high heels. He does not try them out, for obvious reasons. But! Later analysis shows them to be potentially useful indeed..


The Gypsy-people of Kyrmorant too stay cautiously vigilant against the beast-herdes, leaving it to reluctantly head on. They also fortify their defenses and caravans further, instituting regular patrols against wicked intruders!

Speaking about intruding.. it's alright when they are doing it, because.. how else are you going to sooth-see someone's future than with some.. helpful approaches like this?


Tel'Tari is attacked by the beastmen, who snatch and fuck and breed any of their women they can get their hands on, nues! At least, according to.. witnesses, 'it feels really amazing.. like.. you should get bred by a master too hmnn...'
Last edited:
Turn 4


Nit was rather distracted by the dungeon, so much so, that, at the last minute, her secret infiltration research almost blew up in her face.. time to take that out, or rather, repurpose it!


The dungeon is explored, captured, and conquered.. rather than razing it to the ground, Savill turns it into an amusement part where the most perverse of adventurers can take some time off... now they just need to lure a lot of perverts over here..

While at it, ,they have a new offer of the month too!:
Ever wanted to feel true submission, wondered what it would be like to be fucked by a succubus, completely at it's mercy? Well then do we have a deal for you! Marilla the Succubus is one of our newest hirees, and she is quite the skilled domme. So Come by and play with her, she'll leave you sore in all the right ways.

Striking Hermit Clan

Hojo spent so much work on properly building up defenses for the clan that he is almost disappointed no one comes to test them.. still better than the alternative, he supposes.

Defensive as always, Yonezu gets along greatly with the, admittedly, seductive drow and learns a few tricks about better soothing her people!

Ishyama continues working on the sticky fluid and... success! Rather than just be in a test-tube, she manages to cover a whole warrior in the sticky stuff!


... under normal armor, naturally. They have a defensive image to maintain! The skintightness of the dark substance is quite nice on the eyes either way..

Umewaka, meanwhile, unknowing of the rubbery progress heads out by himself, and one of his contacts procures an evil looking tome for him! Apparently it was found among the Fallen beast tribes, worshiped as a strange objects.. as they are too busy fucking to read...

General Kanako Meanwhile declares: We need our own shells, and begins working on mobilized base buildups! The hard part is not wanting to compromise either.. defendability, and transportability. Perhaps they can have auxillary troops of less battle capable but heavy lifting human? Or perhaps they should use beasts for that?


The Gypsy-folk of Kyrmorant work further on infiltrating deeper into enemy territory. How else to integrate oneself into another culture, after all? And the Madam is all about understanding what other people want...
They also go exploring, after improvin their folks hardy defenses, and find themselves a..


cute catgirl to recruit!


The dark elves.. defend against the beastmen, and try their very best to seduce those mighty beast-cocks with their succulent lithe bodies tame the creatures attacking them. They quickly learn first hand however, why the Fallen did, well, fall to a life of eternal lust and breeding..

But whats that? Some nice gypsie people arrive to calm down the more.. battered among the drow, dispersing ointments and soothing oils, not all of which are made from snakes either!

Locations of Interest:

Sexy Dark elf Bard guild: Will help you rebuild and lift your spirits!
Turn 5


All of Savill's work and research is suddenly hidden and gone! But they do have an offer of the month still:

The exotic Lily is happy to be able to offer an entirely new experience for all our customers, our gracious queen upon finding out about a dungeon filled with tentacular creatures in our nation, sent the fine men and women to help put it under control, and with that having been done we've been given the honor of starting to promote the greatest thing in entertainment since people found out about sex! The Fantastic Tentacle dungeon adventure is now available as our first in a planned line of experience-based events.

Have you ever wanted to be an adventurer? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be at the mercy of lewd monsters? Well you don't have to imagine anymore, The exotic Lily is proud to present our sexy adventurer experience! Be giving equipment to dive deep and hard into our lovely dungeon, attempt to make it further than everyone else, or get defeated by the entrance guarding and experience defeat at the hands of our lewdly trained monsters! Just watch here how it went for our dear Cassie, who worked as a test subject for the adventure, falling "victim" to one of the mimics inside.
View attachment 31186

Striking Hermit Clan

Nishi tries to go exploring, cautious, and still not the luckiest of the clan, she is far less sucessful than Umewaka, ..although he himself takes a while developing anything good for an arousing poison as well. At least both Kanako and Hojo make great progress with their mobile defensive strategy. Defensive conquest, to protect the world from evil, lustful, and, admittedly, kind of sexy beasts. That, no more or less, was their goal. If only there were more suitable plants.. now there are some lewd plants about, without doubt, thanks to the Fallen and their.. activities, but the hard part is finding a plant that doesn't realease scents that also entices each warrior getting to it..

Meanwhile, Yonezu and her pretty drow-bard assistance rebuild the nations spirits.. they ought to be back at about full strength now. She is not a warrior, she is a healer, and all she wants is for the coming conflict to be over, so she can properly tend to all the wounded.. from all clans and nations, of course.


The Madam deepens her understanding of the (not too bestial) cultures of the world, all the better to invade them, and claim their delicious pussies for her own.. err.. advice them on a path towards a better, stronger culture, as nomads, fighting off the fallen beasts and using the cards to guide a path to brighter fortunes.
The nomadic fortunetellers can be quite enthralling, each of their guests has to admit, although they are a little slow on building up their resistances by comparison.

They also go out exploring, but are almost captured by an adorable tentacle-monster!

Luckily, they manage to defend against it and withdraw without .. too much sore problems..


Tel'tari is still.. working on taming their sexy beastmen problem, yes. They are working hard on taming the beasts.. or are the beasts taming them, now building their own little encampment and luring halpless dark-elf prisoners there.. Halpless, but not unhappy...

Locations of Interest:

Sexy Dark elf Bard guild: Will help you rebuild and lift your spirits!
Turn 6


Savill researches better methods of attack and infiltration, before preparing a little field test of their methods.. upon the Hermit clan!

Striking Hermit Clan

Savill strikes at the Striking hermit, a probing force that is woefully unprepared, rather than finding the crab unprepared! Nishi has set up her defenses and the soldiers striking at the Hermit crabs are overwhelmed, before they are beaten back! The combat is brief, as civilized as combat can be but ends swiftly when Savill's General is captured by the Crabs expert defenses! The suprised general finds herself brought to the hermit-clans interrogation room, nicely staffed and equipped, fit for a noble ruler.. albeit one that will answer quite a lot of questions, one way or the other...

Umewaka is a hard worker but by himself, fails to finish any fearsome poison... at least Yonezu comes past and helps him lift his spirits, she's been told they managed to capture an enemy general, meaning the Crabs clan of uniting all nations under one well defended banner against the wild beasts is coming to fruition soon, hopefully!

Having struck back the assault, the Hermit under Hojo's guidance already finish a new project, this one enabling them to strike back harder...


Kyrmorant puts the hermit clan to shame, defending themselves throughtouly, worried by rumours they hear left and right.. perhaps that was the plan all along for the achieve little more than defending themselves this time around.. At least that means no one is molesting their butts today. They like their butts well protected!


The dark elves have just managed to stop the wild beastmen raids....when unknown masked warriors attack the defenseless elven capital, taking lots of drow sluts as captives! No one knows who they are, or why they attacked. But one thing is for sure, they are going to enjoy their spoils to the fullest! This stops them from acting as was intended, although their actions are quite enjoyable to behold..

Locations of Interest:

Sexy Dark elf Bard guild: Will help you rebuild and lift your spirits!
Turn 7

World Event: Absolute Secrecy.

You have successfully hidden all your plots from all other nations. Your levels of intrigue leave everyone else guessing what you are up to. The Crab-clan seem to be preparing for war and still send out their agents to search for treasure, but little more is known with any certainty. So deep go each of your nations spy webs that spies begin spying on other spies that spy on them, and no one gets any reliable intel anymore.
Oh, the tangled webs you weave.. but all information ultimately begins leading back to a particular source, peculiarly enough. Even if it seems almost physically impossible. There's always one that can help answer your questions, a beautiful hooded woman, with a smile, you like to imagine, though none quite remember her face at all.


"Greetings, everyone. Ah, allow me to recount this months events. Let me introduce myself... I am your friend. You can call me Miss Nice. Thank you.. for making me possible."

The Striking Hermit


"That little opium-addict pretends she can heal people, when really, all she wants is to trade her body for drugs. Isn't she adorable? Who'll give her her next fix?"


"Kanako, the Hermit clan leader got molested by a little ghost her slut of a hench-woman, Ishy found. That isn't quite accurate, but you will be, if you let the hermit clan prepare further for war and strike you down. Then again, it's not like you aren't also prepared. I'm sure you can handle the attacks of three other nations coming for you first, right? Yes.. take your time."


"The beauty of shapeshifters is that they can become anything you want them to be. If you take them first. So just imagine whatever arouses you, little plaything. You got an imagination, right? You doing the same boring things over, and over and over... oh sorry, your old friend Miss Nice almost got a little grumpy there. So:

Look how they scramble to create a new poison to strike at you quick as can be. A little odd is it not.. perhaps that's just my imagination. Imagine, if you could change clothes as easy as you can change bodies.. No wait, that's not how you simple things work, now, is it?
Who knows, perhaps your leaders are already replaced by Savillians and they've already won most of the fight. You could be the only nation left free.."



"Am I the only one that realizes that 'The Madam' is a title both for the general of Kyrmorant... and a brothel mistress? That's what they are, a little wandering exotic brothel, taking in who or whatever is around, never realizing there's enough horny beastmen out there to just surrender to and stuff all of them.

Anyway.. they clearly feel a kinship with the hermit, begging them to be conquered last whilest advancing their defenses.. You are adorable if you think that'll win in the long run."



"Speaking about boring sluts. The drow enjoy their beastmen partners a little too much almost, also using them to learn how to turtle a little better. That is quite cute. I wish I could tell you a little more but .. shhhh.. look, they seem a bit horny and glassy eyed.. perhaps the beasts are getting to them more than they thought at first?

I'm kidding. They might consider themselves master schemers, but all they care about is their.. can I even call it an activity? They strife so hard to make this world something it isn't and they'll fail first for it isn't that adorable?"

Broken Spires

"A new nation emerges!
Don't you worry, scared little children. I'll show you all I do. All I can do.

I'll begin by doing some research!"


Health Remaining: ∞ Will power Remaining: ∞
Active Abilities:
Defence: Unfathomable existance: Cannot win or be conquered but can conquer others

10 Resources into Research: Crush the mortals!

Turn Result:

1 Success, 25% Progress remaining.
You Researched: Crush the Mortals I: +3 to attacks

Locations of Interest:

Sexy Dark elf Bard guild: Will help you rebuild and lift your spirits!
But it wont save you in the end.
Last edited:

"My, my my all of that for me? You are too kind. You are adorable, thinking I will just go away if you keep hiding even more. No, you made me... but.. so all you did this month is not wasted, I've helped myself to all you've comitted...

Isn't this what you wanted? Everything is a secret now, no one knows what you are doing at all. You are the perfect schemers, my little puppets.

You wanted me here, and everything you do against me? Hmnn it feels so delicious. But since your nations didn't even matter this time around, let's just focus on mine. Oh and all the things you tried to get rid of me? I've voided that. I've lost against you all grouping up in the past.. never again. I'm a part of this world now, again.. thanks to you."

Hidden ability revealed! Deception beyond your comprehension
Hidden ability revealed! Forbidden Knowledge

Broken Spires

Health Remaining: ∞ Will power Remaining: ∞
Active Abilities:
Offense: Crush the Mortals : +3 to attacks
Defence: Unfathomable existance: Cannot win or be conquered but can conquer others,
Deception beyond your comprehension: Hides additional offensive and defensive abilities, never reveals any action they take unless they wish to. Can lie about any ability or status effect, even this one.
Forbidden Knowledge: Can not be the target of any successful research

10 Resources into Research: Crush the mortals!

Turn Result:
Dominion bonus: All nations in the world spent resources on only you with 3 or more nations still in play! If you aren't conquered now, you get half their investment as bonus resources next turn, +15 temporary resources.

You Researched: Crush the Mortals, 3 successes: Crush the Mortals IV: +10 to attacks, attacks penetrate 25% of enemies defenses


"Nonono.. this timeline is a mess. Let's reset it. Ignore the fluffy angel!"

DM note:
Things got too chaotic. Resetting to Turn one by next saturday!