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Armies and Conquests IV - Leading the Future

~Exploring a new world~

Turn 1


Carefully, the gypsy-people explore, discovering some defensive fortificatiosn which, somehow, they manage to mount upon their mobile wagons to drive around with. They also research a nice combination of catchy tunes and loose substances, to help people relax their minds..
Why don't you try some, its nice..

Their cautious nature pays off, as a few wild beasts close in, trying to.. entice some of their loser women away, but are discouraged after some discussion.

The Striking Hermit

The striking hermit wants to gain crabs to join their army.. actual crabs that is, sadly, the little things are both shy and lazy, and hard to cajole. On the plus side, Nishi is sucessful in rallying and readying the soldiers for war. It also helps that Ishayama manages to chase a few beastmen off of an old weapons cache they can potentially use.
Hiro's misleading tactics. His decoy is quite sucessful in distracting all the invading beastmen..

The Skaven Alliance

A skimpering and skuttling spreads underground the Skaven dig deep and ever deeper, in search for refined reposits of rocks, infused by the fallen ones long bygone rituals and the rise of their twisted deity with pure magic. They aren't even quite sure why they want it.. But they do! That stuff is quite powerful, but not exactly healthy..

Too distracted with their shiny stone research, the Skaven barely notice when some of their breeder-slaves are apprehended by well hung bull-men.


The dark elves still like the idea of building up their own support buildings, they are the helpful, networing type -see new locations!- However, the beastmen don't seem to quite follow the idea of first come first served, as in, sure if you cum first, you have fun but you can't just carry away that dark elf, no matter how cute she is, eeep!

Vasoran Alliance:

Whilest they maintain some defences, the Vasorans are actually kind of curious about what the beastmen not too far from them might be up to, and explore there... they also try to cross-breed the lion and the eagle, with.. slow success.
They call their slow result project Demigrypth.. at least their defences hold against any unruly intruders!


-turns actions absorbed into other players turns-

The fanglords return, but not with as many nice bitches as they hoped for. Clearly, they need a more detailed plan.. oh well, for now they have some fun bitches to breed with..


New Location:

Dark Elf entertainers: They'll help you rebuild! Just mention you use their aid in your turn action for a 10% boost

Dark elf researchers: They'll help you research! Just mention you use their aid for a 10% boost! They promise not to spy on your stuff either!
Turn 2

World Event: The Pale Moon


With all nations uniting to head out and fight beasts, one has to wonder, if you fight beasts, do you become beasts yourselves? No nation is now clear of bestial taint, after all. Those that commited their general find some of their people changing, shaping, giving into their wildest desires. Those that at least defended a little might have been spared this lustful fate for now.
For those that didn't defend at all..

But thus is the price of fighting beasts.


A New Nation Emerges!
Aesani Collective:

They prefer working with nature.. and on captured beasts. And, thanks to the pale moon, even if unbeknownst to many, their leader slowly shifts into the shape of a beautiful, silvery elf-fox, with unearthly hungers.


We have the magic and the technology, now we need the courage to combine it. From tentacle plants of Annyenlan and alchemy supplied by the drow, though secretions of giant octopuses, to rhyming spells of the fey. We got to find an antidote to corrupting lust.

We had enough reports of kidnappings around the continent and diplomats asking for help to take action. We send our best squads of elven forest rangers, human spies, avian scouts, lynx hunters, kobold trappers, and some action-oriented druids from the Circle of the Moon. Basically, everything short of sending in the bulk of our army.

Once they find the Pack, they will engage in forceful moral erosion. Abducted women - taken back from the alphas. Favored soldiers - to be kidnapped. Sources of water - poisoned or otherwise modified. Traps set, ambushes readied. We know how to not leave any traces of our presence and how to move in the forests. Those beasts will not even know what hit them.

But then, the most important part... Our druids will have samples of the most promising solutions for aggression the rest of the nation will be working on. Their magic, alchemy, and possibly even creatures they bring with them will be tested on abducted enemies to see if they manage to wipe their aggression and lewd tendencies clean [basically mago-alchemical lobotomy]. The most promising specimen shall then be released once they are docile and harmless, as demoralization, with a few, brought back along with those yet unfit for release. Further testing is needed, after all...

Ever since the probe had been fought off it was immediately clear that the fanglords were going to be a threat. A threat that needed to be tamed. Kyrmorant would show these beasts a better way, a way of food drink and dance rather then savagery and desperate hunts for food. The plan was in place, the pieces were moving, and the fates had decreed this to be a good night to strike.

Small independent bands were dispatched to the fanglord lands, each with their own supply of their new drugs. The plan was two fold, to poison the water supply with their drugs, and also to dispatch small hunting bands with poisoned darts and arrows to snag stragglers. Once the wolves were properly drugged up and docile they would be swept up, collared, leashed, and sent to a larger more organized camp just outside the woods to learn to be good doggos. Fed on drugged meat and water and through positive reinforcement the wolves would be tamed and made into guard dogs for the caravans, with a few others considered for secret projects.

Those that accepted and completed the training would be inducted into Kyrmorantii society as equals. Those who failed would run the course again until they passed, with enhanced drugs and more potent rewards.

And that is the tale of how, at least one small nation, managed to domesticate the proud wolf, and created the first loyal hound-guardians.

The Striking Hermit


Kanako stands behind, guarding her nation against the effects of the pale moon.. until her teeth lengthen and her body is overwhelmed by lustful urges.. better her fucking her guards than any wild beasts, yes? She'll just mark them with her musk to protect them.. yes.. and their bodies are so delightfully soft. She howls and pounces..


The rest of the generals were in charge of the war efforts. Hojo had intercepted the previous attack from the beastmen, and their honor demanded they strike back! And if they had been deceived, well, that was still one threat that they were dealing with. The werewolves had superior force, their warriors were stronger, and so Hojo was put in charge of the campaign against them. When one lacked in raw power, numbers, or force, they had to make up for it with strategy. The full might of the Striking Hermits would march under his command, the other clan leaders united behind him for this assault. Hojo had devised a plan, sometimes the simplest strategies worked, particularly on wild beasts.

Unbeknownst of their leaders changes, Yonezu and a few clan-assistants managed to tame adorable crabs!

They have no mechanical benefit aside from being adorable pets. You wouldn't want to hurt a nation that has this, right?

They just want to be left in peace.. so ok, they will conquer you a little bit later, maybe, but only if you are mean and also, think about it, do you want to attack the poor hermit crab.. or maybe attack another nation first?

W-why would you hurt me if I don't hurt you first...? Am very vunerable without shell...

The Skaven Alliance


Xiek had talked with some of the other nations and disliked finding out that the fanglords had been causing trouble, possibly even for themselves, as such they decided to punish the silly wolf-things by beating them down some along with some of the other nations. Ink-eyes would be put in charge of a force consisting mainly of slaves but with some stormvermin mixed in, the warrior class of which she was one of the greatest. They'd use the slave forces as the first wave, tiring the enemies they find so there was less risk for the more skilled warriors, and trying to take as many captives from amongst the wolves sluts.


They also work on creating stronger elite warriors, with bigger dicks, able to breed stronger females and.. wait what was our goal-aim again? Definitly no war research here, things! Sadly these creature are only good for war..


The Dark elves are content organizing things behind the scenes. They are definitly not evil puppetmistresses and dominatrixes. They just like giving advice.
And you like listening to their advice, don't you? The drow are nice, and knowledgable, they propably know whats best for you..

Vasoran Alliance:

Since our alliance becomes involved politically with other nations more and more, our diplomatic corps made of diplomats from all clans start to interact with foreigners far more often then before. Seeing this the council proposed additional training for diplomats so they can better negotiate with people from outside the alliance. Unfortunately our nation had scarce contact with outsiders since its creation, leaving us ignorant of how others perform their mating dances, which puts us at a disadvantage. Through our entire history it was proven by our best diplomats that mating is the best way to achieve mutual understanding needed to find a solution to any problem between two different packs. The sexuall prowess of our diplomats makes them one of the most respected females of our entire society. It will be wise to project this respect outside of our borders as well.

They also prepare to take down the Fanglord!
We had been attacked by those savage males. Even tho there disregard of refined mating arts... we do admire their ferocity~
Especially our females from higher level of military command are intrigued by those... to put it bluntly, ALPHA males. Which is why the council agreed to the military proposal to make an expedition into their territory so we can kidnap some of the fine specimen of their packs. Not only should it cripple their ability to attack us again but also will give us opportunity to gain some truly powerful males. We will of course first need to figure out the way to safely mate with them without losing our ability to reason... but when we do... well some of us wish to have strong pups, not to mention the fun of fighting for dominance with true savages~

They also try to work on their demigryph knight army, but.. one of the researchers is found pleasuring them without any goal beyond serving the majestic beasts and has to be ruled back in..


The nations converge upon the Fanglords.. and they take it all, like good bitches.
First to strike are the Plant-taming elves nearly emerged, yet sending fanciful alchemical creations to subdue the wolves, free their bitches and tame their victims for themselves.. wait.. other way around!

With a few of the bitches, primarly, so distracted, an endless seeming tide of vermin skitters up to attack the wolves mainline, and drag with them whom and what they can. Each is individually pathetic compared to the wolves.. but they are not individuals, more like a writhing mass with a few heads.. and there are dangerous elite warriors among them, unafraid to use the cover of their own comrades being smashed to bits or torn by claws to pounce from behind and inject resistance wolf-lords with docility inducing poisons and strange experimental concotions..

But another is more interested in the wolfish alphas, and striking more subtle, taking advantage of the rat-army distraction to drag off a few powerful alphas for.. testing purposes in their own bestial research.

First, the bulk of their forces would take a direct assault on the beastmen. He theorized that they wouldn't be able to resist a challenge to their authority and dominance. And if they ignored the direct attack, their forces would likely overrun them. Their soldiers would fly the banners of the Striking Hermits, daring the enemy to charge and meet them head on. Their soldiers would be ready for the bulk of the fighting, and would have to put up a strong offensive against the wolves. Nishi would be leading this force. Their strongest warrior leading the front line charge, her challenge would be direct, and he knew that she would hold her own against enemy warriors.

They were a distraction from his real plan though. As Ishiyama would be leading a large unit around the back, using her own experience with scouting and stealth to flank the enemy from behind. Once the enemy answered their challenge from the front, she would charge in from behind to pincer attack them. A force fighting them from the front, meant to distract them from the attack coming from behind. Her job was the most important, as she was tasked with the strike that would hopefully win them this fight. A Mistress of stealth to carry out this part of the plan seemed perfect to him...

Finally, Umewaka would have to think on his feet, as he would have a squad of reinforcements meant to deploy if the battle looked to be going south. They would be there to support either side of the battle if the wolves looked to be pushing that side too hard. As such he would have to carefully use judgement to decide when and where to attack. Not only that, but he was tasked with coordinating the efforts on this invasion with their allies. They had been promised some form of assistance from those of Kyrmorant, and thus he was in charge of giving them information about this attack so they wouldn't get in the way of Hojo's strategy.

Their strategies prove sublimely effective. Whilest the frontline of heavily armored warriors takes severe damage, by the time Hojo wisely orders the retreat, Ishyama is in position to strike down the tired wolf-warriors, and drag many away as captives to join the clan.. one way or another.

With the wolf-lords weakened and shattered by the Striking hermits army, now come the eagerly assisting dark-elves. Perhaps Kyrmorants drugs and taming methods alone would have broken what remained of the wolf-lords tribe, but with the addition of the dark-elves magical control collars, there's little left they can do, little chance to fight, little to do, but kneel before their new masters, the traveling people of Kyrmorant and their mysterious leader, the Madam!

The Fanglords have been Conquered by Kyrmorant!

Current Locations:

Dark Elf entertainers: Removed due to Pale Moon event :(

Dark elf researchers: They'll help you research! Just mention you use their aid for a 10% boost! They promise not to spy on your stuff either!
Turn 3

World Event: The Pale Moon

Aesani Collective:

The high-elves try their best to shake off their bestial urges, before setting off and trying to work with the Skaven, whilest also searching the still dangerous, beast infested world for lost and bygone treasures.. however, this time they get lucky, discovering an angelic blade among some beast-infested ruins!


The Strike on the wolves had been more effective then the Lady and Madam had dared dream. They were suddenly inundated with good Doggos that needed homes and placement on Kyrmorantii society and most of them found that place in their protective corps. Every caravan had a good boy or girl to see it through where it needed to go and they were quickly shaping up to be a fantastic raiding force. Kyrmorant swiftly began picking out the most lithe, shapely, and beautiful of their wolf women and blade dancers and began training them to work together to perfect the art of vivacious sensual dance.

The Striking Hermit

Don't mess with the Crabbo, you'll get the Stabbo!

Please don't attack still though.. am just having fun ok?

The Skaven Alliance

The ratfolk does some inconsequential research to fight off the mark.

Kanako understood that a nation's momentum needed to be upheld whenever possible. And right now they had the momentum of attack. She had hoped to capture the Fanglords herself to set them upon her enemies, but the resources they had gained from the conquest would have to be enough. She also hoped that the other nations would think themselves safe for now, that after such a large scale war they'd not need to bolster their defenses. It was a gamble, but one that she was willing to risk to realize her ambitions. So with that in mind she'd quickly regroup her armies, and not only would they regroup, but she'd bring her defense force with her, committing everything they had to this attack. She'd give the marching order, sending them marching towards the United Skaven Clans, leading from the front now to bring them under her banner as well. An army the likes of which her own warring clans had never seen, every single one of their clans united under Kanako's banner, marching with purpose towards the Skaven...

Hojo had formulated another strategy for this attack, one that he hoped would take the Skaven by surprise, and one that required everyone to work in tandem with one another to succeed. Kanako would advance along the front line, charging in with only a large regiment of soldiers, a group large enough to guard her and look like a proper attack, but not their main force. She would battle viciously on the front lines, and taunt the Skaven the whole way through. Then the moment they decided to answer her and attack, she would immediately retreat, her force pulling back in the face of what would likely be a superior force of numbers...

That would be when the pincer attack would begin. Nishi and Umewaka would both lead a large swathe of the main army from either side, enclosing in on any pursuing soldiers and trapping them in all directions. The two would lead the bulk of their armies in this endeavor. Once they had defeated/captured any members of the pursuit unit, the forces would unite and attack the Skaven directly, hopefully dealing with a smaller defending force. They'd unite with Kanako's smaller unit and all three would charge.

At the same time, Lady Ishiyama would keep an ambush unit hidden at the opposite end of the battlefield, ready for any attempts at fleeing, or ready to stop any forces that tried to outflank the Main Force. Any that tried to use a different route to attack them or tried to flee would find themselves bombarded by arrows, Ishiyama bringing her best archers. And then would find themselves swarmed with members of the Striking Hermits trying to capture as many officers and soldiers as they could. While bloodshed in war was inevitable, they didn't wish to kill, more capture and force surrender than anything.

Finally, Yonezu would be in charge of managing the supply lines. A giant army like this needed provisions, weaponry, and healing for any that found themselves injured and needed to be taken off the battlefield. And since she wasn't one for fighting, she would manage the movement of supplies, keep the camps up to stock, and be there to help heal any that were injured in battle. Plus it was still vital to their attack, as they wanted to keep their units ready for this large battle at all times. All of this was once again under Hojo's understanding of the strengths of their clans. Kanako was a brilliant leader, and an enticing target for those that wished to turn the tide of battle. Nishi and Umewaka were some of their best warriors, and could lead the pincer attack in on enemy units, Ishiyama was most powerful from the shadows, so an ambush unit suited her perfectly, allowing her to pick the best hiding spots, and Yonezu understood logistics far better than anyone else, and could handle supplies perfectly, as well as being their best healer to keep their men out on the field. Together the Clan would fight as one, all with the goal of defeating and capturing the United Skaven Clans.

Xiek had neve been prepared for anything like this, any attack like this, utterly taken by suprise and without defences, she and most of her people are carried along to the hermit clan. Not much at all remains within the ruins of the skaven city, outside of the deepest, undug tunnels.


Tel'tari defends against the mark. They're also feeling unusually horny, but the why and how is discarded in protests against the incompetency of their 'leader' While they relax, other nations conquer!

Vasoran Alliance:

The beastmen really want to fu.. errr, train their griphons to be proper beasts of legend. Still despite their beasts, err.. best attempts at improving the beasts, their magic is insufficent. at least those Griphons smell really nice.. seductively so, even.
Perhaps that could be used for something else?

They also remain vigilant and avoid taking too large risks, considering these turbulent times..


The conquered nation continues working on their sexy, lustful transformation. What's going to stop them, after all?

Current Locations:

Dark Elf entertainers: Will try and help you rebuild again.

Dark elf researchers: They'll help you research! Just mention you use their aid for a 10% boost! They promise not to spy on your stuff either!
Aesani Collective:

The Aesani collective go out into the wildernis and try to advance their magic.. perhaps an agreement can be reached with the beastmen?

It seems pretty risky.. best to build up their armies and defenses before risking any more.. but perhaps the beastmans primal magic is onto something.. They know shamanistic chants and curses alien to the elves.. but powerful in their own right.


-> See cuddle-crabs

The Striking Hermit

The Hermit-clan is attacked by high elven warriors.. but defensive Strategies and Kanako's efforts keep them well defended!
Be aware that hermit crabs may pinch. While they generally pinch only when they are afraid or feel cornered, they may pinch for no reason, so be prepared. Misting or running tap water on crabs to get them to release their grasp can hurt them and will likely result in them holding on longer and tighter. Please be very careful when handling them. You can avoid being pinched by holding your hand flat and tight so that the hermit crab will not have (as much) skin to pinch.

Defending against the Elfish alliance however leaves them unable to content easily with the sudden infiltration of the gypsie-people of Kyrmorant.
The various Kyrmorantii camps scattered across the hermit lands opened the flood gates all at once. Opening their doors to exhausted and wounded soldiers and citizens they treated and bound their wounds and gave them the finest of firewine. Dulling their senses and inhibitions, before the dance began.

The gypsy girls in their flowing silks spin and leap, their garments flaring about them with each spin and twirl. Little peeks, small hints, of the bounty that lie beneath. As the dancers dance and the flutes and horns sing a strange lightness takes over the onlookers, fed by music and wine they cant help but stare and watch the bountiful beautiful women as they frolic amidst pulsing striving magical lights. Even as they watch the flowing silks grow shorter, the thin gauzy material more sheer and transparent. The little flashes of treasured bounty grow longer and bolder till soon nothing is truly hidden. The dance takes on a lewder turn, hands caress and grope, lips lock, bodies grind, skin meets skin and a new chorus of feminine moans joins the music. No one could possibly resist such spectacle, and the soldiers and citizens, their leaden limbs lightened by life and drink can't help but lift and join the swirling twirling array of colors. Leaving their own clothes, armor, and weapons behind as they join the dance and abandon their old lives and allegiances for the joy and splender of Kyrmorant.

So it was that even as the traveling drow merchants that shared the road and caravan with the Kyrmorantii bartered their twisted deals with the leadership and lieutenants the commoners and footman under their charge were being stolen away from them, even as the poisoned deals took place, and of course any escapees or stragglers would have to deal with the hunting wolf packs running through the land.


Hermit crabs love fresh fruit like pineapple, apple, pears, grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon, mango, papaya, strawberries, bananas, etc. Wash your fruit thoroughly before you cut it, to avoid pesticides.
Crabs will go crazy for coconut shavings. They also enjoy the occasional Skaven-slut.
Hermit crabs will also eat natural peanut butter on whole wheat toast, hard boiled eggs, egg shells (boiled), popcorn (plain, unsalted and unbuttered)


Oh dear, your supplies were destroyed? What a disaster..."

"No, sadly we haven't seen anyone suspicious. Who could have done such a thing. How terrible. Forcing so many troops to starve to death..."

"But...perhaps we could help. We happen to have some supplies we could sell to you. Not as good as your own supplies, but they will keep the troops fed."

"What, our prices are too high? But those have always been our prices. It is a long way from our home, and our local delicasies always sell at a high price. I am afraid I can't do anything about the price...those goods aren't my private property, anyhow."

"You seem troubled. I know that a heroic general such as yourself would do anything to keep her troops fed. It is the least they can do."

"Perhaps there is a way I could help. We could lend you the gold you need. Our terms aren't too bad. Besides...if you don't have enough to pay, you can always pay with your body. Some training and you could pay any debt in no time. You would do that for your troops, wouldn't you...?"

"Well, you can sign here...or you can not sign. It is just a few thousand warriors who will starve to death, after all...you don't have to be a hero for all of them..."

The dark-elves work hard to undermine the Crab clan's resolve.. just in time for them to be weakened and distracted enough for the wolf assault!


That's right.. just because they've been conquered, doesn't stop them from fucking bitches into submission.. and the Crab-clan is ripe for the taking! Very literally. With their defenses breached by angels and their wills hammered by dark-elves and gypsie magic, the Wolves strike first and fast and finally, one manages to grab Kanako herself and push her to the ground, onto all fours. They hadn't prepared for this much of an assault.. and finally, they are forced upon their knees.. and onto all fours!

And as soon as Kanako developes subtle, cute feral traits.. it becomes very obvious just who won this attack.

The Strikin Hermit has been Conquered by the Fanglords! 5 Nations remain!

The Skaven Alliance

The rat-folk are reeling under the powerful assault. Happily they withdraw into their deepest tunnels and try to get rid of the evil moon marking them, hiding from the conflict above them..


The elves are mostly preoccupied with an assault upon the Crab-clan, althuogh people at home seem a little hornier than usual.. propably just their imagination, right? Anyway, those Crab-folks sure multiply fast.. kind of hot..

Vasoran Alliance:

Vasoran want this shiny! And that! and some more of these.. they want it all ooh!
They only realize their mistake when the first of their head researchers, handling five projects at once, goes mad and decided to just wander off and fuck their griphons. Throughout the other nations whispers spread of the ineptitude and greed of the furry creatures reckless rush for more magical power. Oh well, at least about half of their progress is going well, hmn.. they start to smell -really- sexy actually..

At least they get a little bit done, using the wolf-lords
After the first females that mated with those powerfull ALPHAS started to describe they experiences... well let's just say that alot more females became VERY interested in the idea overnight! How could they not? When most of the the storys revolved around just how vicious the Alpha males were. How strong~, how DOMINATING~ not to mention their stamina~ almost endless stamina alowing Alpha males to fuck them strong and hard for HOURS! making females cum again and again and again! All of the females could not stop talking about just how DEEPLY satysiyed they were after mateing with them. Lot's of females are now requesting for a session with an ALPHA male. Diplomats want to take copule of them for their annual meetings to see if they can tire them out! and to top it all of "Marshal Rashida" herself also decided to take one of those males to challenge him for dominance in a mateing ritual.


No one can blame them, of coure. Those powerful wolves are quite tempting... even if it makes them feel a little.. dizzier to keep enjoying their hunky wolf-masters. They can defend against external attacks, after all, so who cares?


The Wolf-folk under Kyrmorant's dominion struck at the Hermit Clan as well. Quite content with their success.. and new playthings, they take it easy and begin working on ways of improving themselves a little more.
The cute crabs are now under your control, please treat them well!

Current Locations:

Dark Elf entertainers: Will try and help you rebuild again.

Dark elf researchers: They'll help you research! Just mention you use their aid for a 10% boost! They promise not to spy on your stuff either!
Aesani Collective:
Rather than fight against nature, the Aesani collective began secluding themselves, securing a part of nature and trying to.. well, create their own little paradise.

And so it began - operations, first in secret, then more overt as the operations needed more and more of Collective's resources to go further.
- The creation of rich-bearing trees, the fruit of which had heavy stacks of golden or even gem-like seeds! Money doesn't grow on trees, you say?
- Thorny bushes made of steel, perfect for defense as well as smelting them without the need for mines.
- Animal flesh, as tasty as if just cut from the animal, that grew as plants with red leaves, pulsing surfaces and bony spines for support, whole draperies and long tentacles of docile meat hanging down ready for harvest without the need for big pastures.

- Finally, the plants themselves got a gigantic upgrade! Wood as strong as steel or as light as a cork, growing ten or even hundred times faster than normal, making so the elves didn't have to make hard choices between increasing the navy/cities or leaving the forests be! Fruits that were bigger, grew faster, tasted sweeter, and even entirely new plants too! Herbs that had their healing (or ***other*** properties) increased twenty-fold! Vines that are basically ready-to-use ropes! Reeds with silky strands of fiber that almost begged to be made into comfy clothes! Bulbs so full of natural plant oil they could be milked almost like cow udders!


With the fall of the hermits the fates seem to be confused, obscured, The Madam calls for a preemptive Baslan Shevla. Scattering the great city into a thousand smaller groups and sending them in all directions. They would reconvene later when things were more certain.

The Striking Hermit


The hermit clan takes pretty well to being captured and.. fuzzed up by the wolfclan. Infact, they request how to best serve their mighty alphas.. err.. coordinate their strikes with them and quick enough, Hojo's tactic gain a certain bestial ferocity to them. The wolves lead and they would follow their bestial masters..


Ishyama is fascinated by the werewolf transformation itself.. particularly how to trigger it. The fist idea, covering weapons in wolf-blood seems a bit.. nasty, but luckily they realize that other concentrated bodily liquids containing the wolfs essence work just as well. And the methods for poisoning their weaponry are so.. tempting. They are still honorable warriors, of course, but a little cum-stained edge is not wrong considering the things they face in this world, now is it?

They also search the wildernis, and Umekawa is frustrated.. not only is there little diplomacy to be had, but he also doesn't find anything! He growls and drops onto all fours and imagines chasing after a fertile she-wolf.. only to stumble upon a half decayed tower... dispersing the beasts infront of it, he breaks open the gate and finds an interesting piece of magical scripture.. albeit it being painful to carry..

The Skaven Alliance

With the help of a foxy architect, the rat-people somehow begin rebuilding from the brink. That is all they are doing, but still, the mere fact that they were not conquered is a .

Tel'tari is both suspcious and prepared for the attack.. if not just how overwhelming it is.
Cute, bestial dancers hope to gain enough influence in their society by the end of the month to gain access to Mother Milura, the Investress herself. They want to propose a simple deal to her. Swear loyalty and become one of the clans of "The Great Vasoran Alliance" with extended rights, and in exchange we will not only ensure continued services of our dancers... but we might even allow greater access to them.

Wouldn't you want to feel their touch on your skin? For those hands to caress you in all the right places? Just imagine all the things you could do with them... and all the things they can do to you~ It's not a bad price for so much pleasure~ We know you want us... that you CRAVE this. Join us... and it will be yours.

However, it seems the matroness has been expecting them, and worked hard on keeping them out! Beasts are worst smell.

The attack upon the elven nation is unsucessful in their conquest.. although the elves sway and swoon in forbidden desires. A little push more and they might just agree..

Vasoran Alliance:

The fuzzy folk still want to fuck.. empower their majestic griffins. They also stay defensive, what with the turmoil in the world aroudn them, why, one could be invaded by neighbours any time!



With their capture of the hermits, the Fanglords recover and begin enhancing their pheromones and feral dominance. Although they are still under the command of Kyrmorant of course. Although conquering their conqueror would be the sweetest price, naturally.. perhaps they can be encouraged...

Current Locations:

Dark Elf entertainers: Will try and help you rebuild again.

Dark elf researchers: They'll help you research! Just mention you use their aid for a 10% boost! They promise not to spy on your stuff either!

The Definitly-not-illegal gambling den has opened up on netural territory.. come gamble away some of your resources, what do you need them for anyway?
Odds: 60% chance to lose a resource. 30% chance to get your investment back. 9% chance to tripple your bet. 1% chance to gain a unique reward
Just use the action 'Gambling' for X resources
Aesani Collective:

The White Council was long debating how to proceed with the nations of the world seemingly hellbent on attaching each other and spiraling into an abyss of sexual conquest. And eventually, with heavy hearts, they sanctioned something they thought wouldn't ever be necessary. Our research into manipulating the primal lust was about to finally bear fruit...

Many young citizens, especially couples and more "virile" individuals, were sailed to a specific island in the archipelago, being promised an important role in making the world a safer place. There they saw druids overseeing the raising of towering menhirs in a gigantic circle, whole flat plain being prepared for a massive ritual. While the guests were nervous at first, they got ensured it's nothing dangerous, and it's only the emotional energy produced by the act that will be harnessed, not anything of their own. That calmed people down. After all, the Council never have failed them before!

And so, with the ground prepared for channeling the energy for the Ritual of Primal Desire, there was a feast never before seen on the Aesani Archipelago. HUndreds of long tables surrounded the prepared open plain, bending under the abundance of food from cakes and cheeses to grilled fish, then the treats and salads and of course, enough alcohol to get a dwarven army utterly hammered! Of course, most of that was spiced with aphrodisiacs too, brought from all over the isles and beyond, to ensure the success of the ritual! The amount needed to affect this many people was mind-boggling, but when the peace of prosperity of the people is on the line, no cost is too great.

Then it started - eating, drinking, joking, music, dancing, bards making illusory shows, even the restrictions on gambling were lifted so people could indulge themselves fully. And once the bellies were mostly full, hands itching to grope and squeeze and caress and lips to suck and kiss... The druids told people to undress and move to the circle of soft moss for the main attraction - the orgy.

A few yet sane bards and artists stayed behind just to witness the scene from the side, composing lewd poems and painting the carnal sight laid before them. Thousands of people in their prime, of all the kinds composing the collective, all naked and going at it with no care in the world. Humans, elves, kobolds, bulls, canines, avians, and many more... Moaning, gasping, dirty-talking, yelling and the slapping of balls against the ass cheeks sounded like an ovation to the gods of pleasure. To be there was to achieve bliss, the sensations and stamina only enhanced by magic.


Speaking of magic - the druids stood above it all, on top of the menhirs, chanting and raising their hands. As the orgy continued, the druids focused the arising primal lust. The wind started blowing, colorful lights appeared to form two glyph-like shapes above the plain. It intensified, charged, swirled, strengthened... until finally, after long hours of fucking, sucking, and cumming of the dutiful citizens, the magic was sent out with roaring thunder and a flash of light that was seen from the miles and miles away!

Two beams of pink energy WHOOSHED up into the sky and above the clouds before changing course and splitting, flying above the sea and then the continent like aimed lightning of pure power, until they reached their destination - the center of the lands belonging to the Fanglords and the Hermit Clans. As soon as the beams hit, though, there was no destruction, but a shockwave of harmless tremor, wind and pink light spreading through the land in a circle dozens of miles in diameter. All the citizens of those nations, when hit, felt as if something entered them, some kind of magic that filled their body, making them really horny for a few seconds before withdrawing, hiding inside them... They felt it still being there, and instinctively knew it could come out again, but what was it?

Thankfully, the heralds of the Aesani Collective were sent in advance to start spreading the message and avoid any confusion.

"We, the Aesani Collective, want the world to be prosperous, peaceful, happy, and free. Unfortunately, some nations don't see it this way. Some nations want to dominate, enslave, and threaten others by their warmongering, scheming, and corruption. Here we say - no more! Today we have put a spell on the most vicious and of the people. It is harmless for those at peace with others. But if one lusts for conquest and domination, it shall manifest, the same lusts conquering their will and mind until they are but a shadow of themselves, ripe for their former victims to take revenge.

As such, beware! The Collective, even if not your target, will not wait until the world is conquered and hellish. If we see unjust violence birthed by greed, carnal desires, or bloodlust, we can make your own vices turn against you, and strike your down for the future betterment of the Collective's citizens and all the others too. All that escape your grasp, warmongers, shall find refuge in our Collective.
The more cruel you are, the stronger and more prosperous we will become.

Let us all be peaceful and forfeit all this barbarism. Let the world be at peace, and find peace in yourselves as well.
Or else the path you take might just lead you off the cliff, into a fall from grace..."


The Striking Hermits were a nation of honor above all else... And thus betrayal was something that they must answer. They did not hold hatred towards the Fang Lords for conquering them... The wolves had been honest about their nature from the beginning. But Kanako could not remain silent when their allies played a part in their own demise. Any other retaliation on other nations could wait... For now their clans spoke in unison, desiring to send a message to the world of how the Crab Clan dealt with betrayals...

Once again, , a bestial fire in their eyes this time, even the more reserved members of Kanako's circle of lieutenants had a wolfish light in their gaze as they marched to uphold their own honor and reputation. That was the problem with being betrayed, it wasn't just a blow to your own ego and honor, not responding would invite others to do the same. So Hojo would march with their assembled army, still standing strong after being devastated in the last few months, and now they had an outlet...

The strategy this time was much more different... They weren't laying siege to a walled castle, fortress, or city. And Kanako had already seen the camps herself. This wasn't a careful military stratagem that Hojo planned out, if anything it was more akin to a hunt. Yonezu and Ishiyama were brought along, this time more for their... other... uses than as warriors. Them and the women of their clan were there to service any assembled werewolf masters, bathing them and their weapons in corrupted cum, ensuring that their soldiers had a good supply of it to infect those they found, just as their Masters and even Kanako had desired with their research. Ishiyama would still be coordinating intel to find Kyrmorant, her and Umewaka would work together diligently and pull as many strings as they could to track down the wandering nation. Yonezu would also be there for healing, but the two had their other duty of servicing their masters and ensuring all the weapons were infused with that bestial power.

Meanwhile, Kanako and Nishi would be leading the front line charge, both leading their own parties of hunters to track down and infect any Kyrmoranti people that they could find. Though they were warned against killing. They were not here to slaughter, as angry as they were they weren't base murderers. Instead their job was to capture, infect, and exert control. Kanako did not care if she brought them under the control of her own Lords, it was merely that her very core beliefs and character would never, ever allow her to simply accept what had been done.

However. Even as they fall over the tents and Wagons of Kymorant, grabbing gypsie-women and enjoying them throughoutly, watching their determination turn into uncontrollable lust and surrender... The beastmen wonder, where is the Madam, Kyrmorants mysterious leader?

Ultimately, the hermits withdraw.. quite successful, but not yet victorious. If only the hermits wolf-masters had not been bound by Kymorants will earlier, they'd have gained victory today.. easily more than half of Kyrmorants people now eagerly swell the rank of the wolf-bitches. Where they got these tentacles you wonder? It never hurts to have some spare tentacles to train sluts to be better wolf-sluts.
The truth is, Kyrmorants leader and some of her closest entourage have left to replenish their numbers most peculiarly.:

the Kyrmorant Delegation sweeps into the Aesani capital with a riot of color and sound, blade dancers dance, illusionist ply their trade unleashing tiny harmless pseudodragons into the air and amongst the crowd to play with the children, and colorful beads and trinkets are thrown from the carriages carrying the finest musicians known to the great mobile nation. It is a joyous day as Kyrmorant comes to great their new subordinate allies and The Lady waves to the crowd from the caravan with a wide smile on her face. Kiyomi had greatly impressed her with her skill and dedication to the erotic and diplomatic arts and it was clear that the feeling was mutual. It wasn't long before a bargain was struck for mutually beneficial services. The true paperwork had been signed and agreed upon earlier but today was a day for the crowds, for celebration, and she was glad to see that her family swell and grow as so many new faces joined the dance.

At the same time in a very different place a very different ceremony was being held. The Lady signs a contract with several of the highest ranking drow matrons, outlining similar terms for the proud drow nation. It was not in her nature to let such an occasion pass without a flashy grand display, however such extravagance ran counter to the subterranean elves taste and though she could by rights foist that upon her new subordinate country she was happy to make this small concession for their comfort. She was here to cement alliances and friendship. Not sow seeds of dissent and rebellion.

On their homefront, well, what is left of it after the lustful wolf-crabs, Kyrmorant attempts to peer beyond the veil through their strange mixure of hedge-magic and mysticism... and they are sucessful, kind of, until they finally happen upon a vision of the angel the Madam had dreamt of. For a moment, she seemed to be naked aside from her hat, before milky-mists shifted into a dress for her.


"Mornin'" The vision turned, casually addressing her observer from a crystal ball, unlike normal visions. "Listen, far be it from me to judge a lady with a feather in their head-garments."
She gave a sympathetic fashion thumbs up. "How to the ever. Take it from someone who made that mistake long ago. There's some things that aren't worth prying into. I'll teach your people a few tricks about healing magic and you let this go, right? Right, wonderful."
The angel smiled and cracked her knucles, beginning to dictate the Madam some secrets of healing magic. Somehow her offer didn't feel like an offer however and as the Madam decided to lay her Tarot cards next, She layed out the following in a pentagram spread: The High Priestess, Two of Wands, The Fool, Three of Pentacles, The Tower

The Striking Hermit

(See kyrmorant!)

You feel a little hornier than usual today.

The Skaven Alliance


Agreement with the Aesani and support aside, Xiek goes back to her peoples roots and digs deeper into the earth, building tunnels all around, some defensive, some reaching far and wide. Someone will have to capture the adorable rodent-general to properly subdue their nation, at this rate!

Tel'tari and the Vasoran alliance unite to research anti-horny beast magic. Considering Vasoran know all about horny beasts, they decide upon a more powerful approach to things... but developing powerful spells takes time, even for two nations united.

The Valsoran researchers seem a bit distracted by lewd thoughts. It is better to make good use of it!
"So, you wanted to run off to mate with those griffons again? You are a naughty head researcher, aren't you. You aren't very productive, are you. Why don't you help us here, first? If you are a good doggie, you will get a nice treat afterwards..."

"Fetch me that wand. Not like this, silly doggie...you have to use your mouth to bring it. Lets try it again..."

"You have worked hard, good doggie. As a reward, lets take you out for a walk. Oh, yes, we can visit the griffons too...as long as you keep behaving like a good dogie...."

Tel'tari has surrendered like cute, horny dark elves and have been conquered by Kyrmorant.

Vasoran Alliance:

The.. more cuddly beastkin among the nations decide to research meditation techniques, so that their bitches aren't turned into too horny bitches. Now there's nothing wrong with being horny, or a bitch, but a proper beast slut ought to be cute and useful, help her alpha cook and entice them with dances, not just hump them all day long like horny messes, right?

They also work on making anti-beast magic with the dark elves. They definitly are not secretly fantasizing about the elves dominating them..
Because there is someone else they yearn for even more.:


For quite some time we have been in close comunication with the Kyrmorant People. We have developed a close ties with them and since their influance around the world is becoming legendary and their help imensly valuble among our people we decidet to invite them to our capital for a special event. We prepered our very best dancers to recive the greate mobile city in our home. Thanks to cooperation of both our nations enterteiners overseed by Kiyomi of the fox clan this party will become legendary! But we did not plan to just go and mate with our traveling friends in a giant orgy. (althou it is an important part in our traditional diplomacy) High Mistress Rhisita in the name of Great Vasoran Alliance council will make a historical agreement with the Lady herself. In exchange for guidance and safety provided by the Kyrmorant people we will assist the greate mobile city in their time of need with anything they deem necesery. Every time the Kyrmorant people will visit us we will greet them with open arms and warm pillows on wich we will mate with them like our ancestors did when our clans first united.

The Vasoran Alliance surrendered like good girls and their people have effectively been conquered by Kyrmorant!


The Wolf-lords attempt to assist their conquered hermit-sluts in attacking Kyrmorant, their Conqueror and masters against a commandment never to strike out against them. Whilest their ambitions and lustful desires are quite understandable, Kyrmorants will goes deeper than this, having conquered them any attempt to subvert their righteous rule is met with swift, if sometimes lustful discipline. Let All nations know that they are never again to be trusted by the civilized races! Even the wildest beast must bow to the Madams will.

You feel a little hornier than usual today.

Current Locations:

Dark Elf entertainers: Will try and help you rebuild again.

Dark elf researchers: They'll help you research! Just mention you use their aid for a 10% boost! They promise not to spy on your stuff either!

The Definitly-not-illegal gambling den has opened up on netural territory.. come gamble away some of your resources, what do you need them for anyway?
Odds: 60% chance to lose a resource. 30% chance to get your investment back. 9% chance to tripple your bet. 1% chance to gain a unique reward
Just use the action 'Gambling' for X resources
The Skaven Alliance:
Xiek Decided to focus all her resources on expanding the tunnel network so that they'd be able to work on doing their surprise attacks even faster, they believed that her people would be safe long enough to pull off this gambit, possibly their only chance at gaining the power in the world which they deserved, The Kyrmoranti were too preoccupied with being under attack to come for them and the Aesani collective were trying to prevent war, the perfect chance to prepare for a quick decisive strike.

But that was not how the story goes.

Familiar with underground tunnels, and as they seemed to come on friendly terms, the dark elves would easily arrive at the Skaven tunnels. There, they would start peaceful persuasive methods, in order to make the Skaven people see the right choice of surrendering to the common cause!
"Look, joining the Kyrmorants isn't bad. After all, they control most of the free world! If you also sign a treaty to get under their protection, you will be enjoying all the benefits of free trade!"


"The world out there is filled with marvels! Why fight pointless wars, when you can enjoy things like...delicious bubblegum!"

"Even if you want to fight, you still have a place along the Kyrmorants. They always need brave soldiers such as yourselves, to defend against horrors like the kobolds and other monsters!"

"That's right! And they also give the best bellyrubs...here, let me show you..."


Thanks to their furry friends, Kyrmorants weaker populus is easily guarded and protected. But.. where are they, actually, all their fighters and hedge-magicians seem amiss...

The Skaven Alliance

There there Marshall I know it's a giant imposition but I know you don't mind REALLY." the Madam says in a honeyed tone, gently molesting the wolfish General from behind. Kyrmorant had gotten a lot of experience recently in teaching wolves how to do what they wanted and poor Marshall Rashida was no exception. The musky scent wafting off of The Madam made her weak in the knees and dizzy and the muzzle lined with the same scent absolutely didn't help. "Don't bother saying yes dear. It's all in your body language. I know you're going to carry out my decrees to the letter..." she let's up just for a moment to let the wolf drop to her hands and knees and clicks a shiny collar around her neck. "There's a good girl. Don't you worry. I'll keep your mind nice and safe, you can have it back when I'm done with it. Assuming you want it back." there was a mother click. Loud in this empty hall. The click of a leash connecting to the collar. "Thats a good girl. Come along now." she says with a grin. Leading her pet wolf out of the room on all fourse to cement the deal. A keen observer from behind would notice the straps that kept a small vibrating egg in place deep in the wolf girl's snatch. Every second buzzing and reminding her of how good it was to obey her Madam.

A short time later The lady looks out over the city of the beasts. Watches her family and her people hide behind another's walls for the first time in their history. The events of this month would seal the fate of her people. Triumph or defeat, freedom or slavery. The fate of her people all rested on this one great gamble. Even as her wagons and tents took shelter behind the gates still more stragglers came in. They were a decided and scattered people after all. And she took heart in that. Whatever happened to them. There would always be seeds of a new Kyrmorant out there. Ready to grow and thrive again. They could destroy her city and twist her into something unrecognizable. But they would never destroy her people. Not entirely. It was a bittersweet thought, but it was hope. She needed hope right now as her dearest friend put their most desperate plan into action...

The Madam slips silently through the skaven tunnels. Having trained with their drow allies they were prepared for the dark and cramped conditions and with their magical colored lights they were prepared. They worked in tandem with the Drow, demonstrating the vaunted belly rubs and giving samples of their lovely firewine. The kind of wine that makes one want to just chill and enjoy the dancing on display untill you just have to join in yourself! From cavern to cavern they swept. The Madam demonstrating for the first time in the field her persuasive prowess. They knew how to handle beasts. They'd handled so many by now. She knew exactly what buttons to press with the rats and how to press them. What foods to offer in bribe, exactly where on the ears to scratch for maximum pleasure. Between Kyrmorant's natural charm and the brilliance of the drow they could win these people over and make them see reason. Make them see that their lives would be so much better if only they would join the dance.

The Skaven are taken by suprise, making a grave miscalculation.. oh well, at least they get wonderful belly-rubs...

The united Skaven Alliance has been conquered by Kyrmorant!

Aesani Collective

But it is not just the Vasoran Alliance that supports the traveling people of Kyrmorant. Whilest the Aesani prepare to strike at the Fanglords, they also Send their support to the Madam.. and more than that, they send even their very surrender.
That's right, their representatives all happen to vote in favour of the Lady and even if

The Aesani Collective surrendered like good elf sluts and their people have effectively been conquered by Kyrmorant!

The Striking Hermit

The Striking hermit decides to both advance their combat tactics and give into their bestial natures. They successfully struck at Kyrmorant and, in a way, did they not get justice against the madam? One way or the other, they refrain from open warfare, allowing Kyrmorant to consolidate their position. In time, they would become more tribal, mixing their warrior-culture with wolfish, pagan rituals, bestial blood strong in their human veins.


Always, the dark-elves remained scheming. But.. none of them are opposed to peace thinking about it, perhaps they are not that bad, really. Plus it's easier to scheme and grab adorable surfacers to train as pain-sluts when there's peace and..

Ah err.. ignore us!

Tel'tari has actually surrendered this time around and been conquered by Kyrmorant!

Vasoran Alliance:

The Beastmen valliantly defended their conqueror. Their only regret is that you have not managed to create the royal hippogryff yet, but perhaps one day..


The Bestial-lords gather together, focusing their perverting instincts.. but the tide has turned against them.


"Today, we celebrate a day of world-peace.

To some of you, our customs may seem different, and yes.. the Kymoranti people uniting this world will not come without a price.. we will unite you people... all people, through the mixing of our blood.

Oh don't be perturbed. There will be no blood rituals or vile magics. I mean mixing of the bloodlines quite literally.. We will simply keep on our tribal ways. Keep traveling the world, now free of beasts and threats, as we always desired.
We simply require a few chosen noble daughters from each of your nations, to intermingle with us and form this bond, forevermore.

Further, any that seek asylum, shall be granted it. Now, dance, and be merry with us. This night is ours."

Domination Victory Achieved: Kyrmorant


Over the coming hundred years, bloodlines mixed and intermingled.

The Skaven Alliance was more or less absorbed among the other Beastial nations of the world, the Beastkin, and, due to their own short-livedness, many struggled to tell them apart from the original beast-races of the Vasoran alliance. Still to this day, a few rather inventive and breed-happy ratgirls plot in ancient and forgotten cellars, whispering of a mythical hero of theirs, Xiek the great skitterer, who they are convinced, is utterly impossible to slay...

The Aesani Collective had their peace and prosperity, albeit not their progress. Kyrmorants victory kept their people save, infact, they thrived, but even for the long lived elves, the wanderlust that spread throughout their nation hampered their progress. It would be centuries, two whole generations propably, until there was any real advancements in the world.. but they were patient and seeing the people happy, if a bit.. unruly was well worth it.

Underground, or traveling along in the carvans. The dark-elves always sought for their own prophit first. More mischievous than harmful, seeking pleasure over pain, but still inspiering more than one saying about traveling with a dark elf. The multiplying men of the world whisper stories of erotic dreams and desires, as do some of the women, but others cuss about stolen goods and temptresses

The Vasoran Alliance
Their beloved, lustful Gypsie-masters work many a magic to unite their bloodline and in breeding with them, create bloodlines that are fascinatingly quite human seeming.. aside from certain aspects.. elongated teeth, hints of fur, a tail, lustful.. urges. Their most beloved project has mixed success. No one knows why, but almost 200 years later, there are true griphons in the world, yes.. but untamed beasts, escaped from some magical experiment, and taming a griffon is seen as sign that a knight is destined for greatness...
Admitteldy, that is perhaps because no one knows how Gryphons are really tamed..

Their dream of peace and unity, of being a haven for the lost and lonely spreads all over the world. What is the minority, if it become the majority? Still, under the watchful eyes of the Madam, their rulership, if it can even be called such, never turns into tyranny. There are even rumours, almost three hundred years later, of a young Kyrmoranian noble, by now settled down and ruling his kingdom like many of their bloodline, being confronted with, and disposed of, by their mythical progenitor. Impossible as this may be, as by any accounts The Madam was but a human.

The Striking Hermit

Although the hermit clan is quickly pardoned by the other races, acting only on command, burried deep within their blood is an ancient grudge. Many choose to reject it, show that they are deeply honorable, and not as close-minded or martial as their predecessors.
They call themselves the Hojoites, valuing rational thinking. The Yonezites, respected healers and diplomats, and the Umewazites, calm explorers.
But, hidden from all but themselves, there is an inner chism. The Kanatites willingly tolerate it, but there are the Nishiites, and the Ishiyamites, born from a defiance of their defeat, or just pure, bestial desire, they.. well, what do they do....

The Fanglords


"Ahmnn aaaah.. yes my alpha.. aaah.. fill me with your wolfish essence please! I've been raised for this moment, to become your breeder and tear down the rediculous aaah fuckk... I don't care.. just teach me.. make me.. civilization is a joke! I want to surrender to my primal instincts!"
The Fanglords disappeared into the deepest wildernis. Most think them utterly extinct. Some know better. For there are still wild, lustful beasts traveling the wildernis. The Aesani collective struggled hard, but failed to exterminate them all, before the end.
They hunt unsuspecting females, and although civilization keeps them at bay, their desire is always luring, and few dare venture too close to the old, by now forgotten and sealed off temple, a temple from which, to this day, perverse dreams seem to permeate the world...

But for now.. and for over four-hundred-years, the world has peace.

Nations prosper, and advance. Thanks to Kyrmorants influence the mere concept of discrimination becomes unthinkable, until, finally, 423 years later, once more... conflict looms on the horizon.


New time period unlocked: High Medieval to Earliest Industrial Revolution. (Yes, you may have steampunk, but magic is still a more powerful factor.)

New Nations Unlocked: Half-elves, Beastkin, The Fallen
Old Nations left the world: The Small Kind, Beastmen

Stand by for rules updates.

p.s. this was the fastest complete round ever, due to some folks surrendering gj diplomatic powers! ^^

Expected next turn due, for round III: Saturday, the 25 of July
The year 639 of the founding:

The nations of the world once more gather, ready themselfs and ponder raising their magic and weapons against one another. Strange energies run through the land and the balance of the world stands on a knifes edge, threatening to lose balance at any few nations time.

But this war is different than many others. A warfare of control and dominion rather than pain and suffering.

The Celestial Guardianship

Is the first to experience this shift in reality, as their angelic hosts usual warfare fails.. holy anger turning into arousal, turning into a mistaken attack, as determined as it might have been. Not enough with this, their heavenly defenses are compromised!


Noctura Riptide, the younger sister of the Admiral breaths deeply of the night air as her ship coasts to a stop near the angelic settlement. The glowing levitation orbs on the hull had been wrapped in seaweed to prevent them from being seen from below and the small raiding party throws lines over the side for a swift and silent descent. They would sweep in quickly and quietly. Snatching up a few of the angelic lass's before retreating back to the ship and enjoying their booty. Her fangs gleamed in the moonlight as her mouth waters surely Angel blood would be *divine*

She slips over the side with a soundless leap, ignoring the rope, and then sweeping silently into the little village she seeks out her first victim. She knew that several others of her crew would be stalking the village as well, from different sides, and anyone caught outside at night would be in serious risk of becoming a bite to drink.

As she crouches atop a rooftop one lass in particular starts out, walking in a dim alley with a bucket of water, apparently returning from the well. A comely thing, slight, willowy, with long golden hair . She would do nicely.

As the woman walks below the captain she descends on her like a shadow, instantly wrapping her in her dark embrace and sinking her pointed fangs into the girls neck. The woman's muffled cry of panic quickly becomes a moan of bliss as she struggles only breifly in the cold iron grip of fate. She belonged to the fleet now. She didn't know it yet, but she would joyfully embrace her new role soon. The angelic womans celestial flower immediately forms dew as her life's blood flows into the vampires greedily sucking mouth. Her porcelain skin turning still a shade paler as her resistance drains away with the crimson bounty. Nocturna begins quickly dragging the woman back into the shadows, the slight creature posing no threat to her supernaturally augmented strength. She continues to sip on the girl as they fade through the shadows back to the ship, each taste sending a small orgasm rippling through her victim and throughly staining the lower portion of her robe.

Some girls, like this one, would dissapear with them that night, others would be left behind. Their bite marks would heal, and they would speak of having particularly lovely dreams that night, but otherwise would return to their lives mostly normal. Though a keen eye might notice a certain wistfulness in them, and a new sexual hunger gleaming in their eyes.

As soon as they're on deck she releases the girl who immediately crumple to her knees, her body shaking with shuddery breaths as her arousal roots deeper and deeper into her. Until she can only look up at the captain with desperation and whisper "More..."

Angelic exploration discovers some useful armaments!
They also begin working on some research, namely on magic to purify them.. how fitting, perhaps, for some of them do feel strange, new thirsts.

The Peacock Realm:
The Tekan familly must move out, explore the seas, find new routes to new empires. Stagnancy begets the fall, and if we are to remain dominant, we must seek out opportunities in the form of our neighbors. Conquest, trade, peacefull unification or philosophical debates are all ways to freshen and renew our will and determination.

What they did not expect, however, was the treasure-guardians turning out to be suprisingly posessive.. but also suprisingly cute. They have a mixed success, losing a noble explorer but finding .. a demonic looking corset! This doesn't quite fit, aesthetically to the eastern weapon forms they pratice.. but it is pretty nonetheless..


The Vasoran Army


It is the will of the Vasoran people to finally reap fruits hard labor of our ancestors gifted this world. It was a dream long dreamed by our best and brightest. A dream about majestic creatures brought to existence thanks to brilliance of our finest minds. And as your ruler and a fruit of those dreams it is my personal duty and privilege to make that dream in to reality! The committee of commanders had prepared and dispatched numerous scouting parties around the world in search of my brethren. They shall bring as much of them as possible back into our great alliance and bring the children of this land back to their home! Unlike me they are simple beasts so the first order of business shall be taming them and we all know perfectly well what has to be done to achieve this. To ensure the success of this endeavor I gladly oversee this project personally so this great nation can finally achieve its goal, that was denied so long ago!

The Heralds of Desire

The Heralds of desire research some lust enhancing magic!.. what a shocker. They also develope very binding ™ contracts. (See world Events also)

Pandora's Circle

A building project aside, Pandora's circle also sets out to find new treasures.. and they are successful, finding a strange magical charm.. useful, but potentially dangerous if used carlessly.

The Tidecaller Fleet

The Tidecallers fleet had already prepared to set sail for new conquests, but they also begin empowering their domineering vampiric aura while at it.

The Divine Light

Vigarys realizes that to unlock the power of his cards, he will have to invest more time and effort first...


Trinia, meanwhile, would focus more on their direct pursuits in spreading The Light, researching sermons and magic to better spread the light... She looked to imbue her and her soldier's very words with the indoctrinating powers of The Light. She wanted her knights and priests and diplomats to all be able to spread the beautiful enlightening force that had enraptured her people... So with her, her priests, and their mages together they would work on making the indoctrination far more powerful.

But her success are not the only good news, as he finds some strange rune magic. and a protective-ish shield.... interesting things left behind by pasts cultures of this world, no doubt.

Imperius Magna, Imperiat Valde Gloriae, Imperius Draconis Etaernam


"I mean.. I'm definitly feeling enslaved, but.. not insanely more than before, you know? Perhapy if you were to try fucking me a bit more, master?" The dragons work on exploring and improving their aura of might and majesty, but it'll take a bit more work to complete!

New Locations:

Pandora's Sanctum: Use them to help you rebuild, Just make sure you use their assistance when rebuilding for a 10% rebuild bonus. Guaranteed no trickery!


Infernal Pact: "Here, take this scroll...draw the diagram on the floor according to the instructions, and activate it by having sex on top of it. Rumors say, you have to give in to your most perverted thoughts and have sex according to them. If you don't mess it up, a demon will appear and help you out with whatever task you have on hand..."

You gain 1 Permanent Resource in exchange for accepting an automatic level of corruption from the Heralds of Desire. Claimable once per nation only

~~~ The Witches have joined the fray! ~~~

A witch is a spellcaster that passively gains 1 resource/turn, and can generate resources through their abilities. Witches, left to their own devices, will not attack other nations.

Every witch does not gain any damage reduction and can be conquered by a nation, just like another nation can be, but also stolen by others. Simply overcome her defenses and deal enough damage to overcome her health.
A witch may use their abilities to aid their conqueror if convinced, but does not have to. Treat your witches with love and care and molestation. A witches spell costs the indicated amount of resources, and a witch can only cast one spell per turn.


Taria, The Flame mage: 15 Hitpoints, 5 Defence
Taria was alway a hot-head and is a little more than just a bit of a pyromaniac. Likes: Spicey food, Conditioning, large insertions, toys. Dislikes: the cold, Bondage, bad puns.

  1. Fireball: +1 Resource. Deals 2d6 Damage to target nation.
  2. Greater Fireball: -2 Resources: Deals 5d6 Damage to target nation, ignores 50% of defenses
  3. Grand Immolation: -4 Resources: Conquerors attacks gain the burning quality for one turn, dealing 50% of damage again next turn. May inflict corruption if damaging.
  4. Phoenix Firestorm: -7 Resources: Deals 7d6 Damage to up to three nations, ignoring defenses. Nations damaged by this deal only 50% damage to the witches conqueror next turn.

Endra Aved, The life mage: 15 Hitpoints, 0 Defence
Endra is a nature mage that isolated herself from the world in the anticipation of nations sufferings to come. Likes: Hugs, Maternal doms, Mind control, Gentle domination Dislikes: Spooky things, Spanking, groping.

  1. Restoration: +1 Resource, or +2 if used on a damaged other nation. Restores 2d6 health to a nation
  2. Shield: +0 Resources: Protects conqueror from debuffs for one turn (not corruption though!)
  3. Regrowth: -2 Resources: Restore 4d6 health and remove minor debuffing effects
  4. Purification: -6 Resources: Removes a major debuff, for example a corruption rank

Idura, The Time Witch: 5 Hitpoints, 15 Defence
Idura is the most enigmatic of known powerful spellcasters, living in a remote castle with strange technology. Likes: Punctuality, Corruption Groping, Tentacles, Dislikes: Waiting, Beasts, orgasm denial.

  1. Saving Time: +1 Resource: Idura's Conqueror choses one action they will do X turns in the future. If they execute that action by the chosen turn, they gain +2 bonus resources on it.
  2. Broken hours: -2 Resources: Idura's Conqueror Permanently loses 1 Resource but gains 4 temporary resources for the next turn.
  3. Perfected motion: -4 Resources: Idura's Conqueror rerolls any 1's rolled during any action they take next turn. Their attackers, if any, reroll any 6's
  4. Dual Time: -10 Resources: Idura's Conqueror takes two turns at once, and only keeps the more beneficial one (Example: if only one turns choices would lead to conquering a nation, they take this one. If in one turn they take 30% damage and fail an exploration attempt, but in another they take only 2% and succeed in researching instead, they take this one, etc..)
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Year 639, Month 2

The Celestial Guardianship

After their initial strategem failed the Angels quickly grew secretive, not taking any actions, for now.

The Peacock Realm:

After shoveling some annoying tentacles down into a tentacle-pit (that was still annoying) and trying out cute tight corsets, the Peacock realm focused back on advancing their warfare programs. Better to be properly prepared to hit their foes where it hurt and tingled!

The Vasoran Military

The animal-military already plans their victory laps, after all, waging war is about more than just fighting enemy armies and capturing strongholds. To truly defeat an enemy you can't just win a battle and call it a day, you need to win their hearts and minds as well. To do that we will give our conquered enemies the greatest pleasure they ever had!

Whenever enemy forces surrender their commander will meet with our female who bested him in order to... convince him that he made a right choice by surrendering. Who could ever say *no* when they are having the best sex of their lives!

In the meantime a big orgy will be organised for soldiers of both sides to enjoy. They risked their lives after all and such dedication deserves a reward~ It's just shows how much we value soldiers in our society and just as soon as they swear loyalty to us they can join our ranks. Who wouldn't want to celebrate all victories by having amazing sex?

That said, perhaps they should plan their actual attacks harder. They manage to kill everyone among the pirate crew they set out to kill in a swift and dangerous attack, leaving them with no one to interrogate or corrupt, alive or.. not alive but still in working condition.

The Heralds of Desire

It seems that the demons are organizing a huge orgy, and everyone who is interested is invited! Everything is arranged so that even the most perverted guests will have their desires fulfilled! Bondage, femboys, partners with huge cocks...everything any pervert could ever wish for was there! The only condition was, that everyone would have to keep going until they were fully satisfied! There seems to be no hidden scheme behind it, well, rather than proof that the demon-leader can guzzle the most cum without doubt. Wait that's not her? Huh.


They also hire more demonic lawyer.. what for one might wonder.

Pandora's Circle

Bla bla bla souls, pleasure, demons.. power that's the part about this demonic contract that sounds enticing!

They also find a beautiful, but fragile looking crystal necklace in their explorations! Ooh it's kind of pretty to watch too...

Seraphia, the First Voice of the circle, travels herself to a witch, famed for her healing powers, to entice her into joining, eager to teach her the transformative experience that is to truly take Pandora's song to heart.

Endra Aved, The life mage: 15 Hitpoints, 0 Defence
Endra is a nature mage that isolated herself from the world in the anticipation of nations sufferings to come. Likes: Hugs, Maternal doms, Mind control, Gentle domination Dislikes: Spooky things, Spanking, groping.

  1. Restoration: +1 Resource, or +2 if used on a damaged other nation. Restores 2d6 health to a nation
  2. Shield: +0 Resources: Protects conqueror from debuffs for one turn (not corruption though!)
  3. Regrowth: -2 Resources: Restore 4d6 health and remove minor debuffing effects
  4. Purification: -6 Resources: Removes a major debuff, for example a corruption rank

The Tidecaller Fleet

The Tidecallers enjoy a successful watery hunt and begin playing rock-paper-scissors. Perhaps there is a deeper meaning behind this, other than splitting the loot, but it is not readily apparent to outsiders. They do seem to be plotting *something* however... then again, who isn't these times?

The Divine Light


Vigarys couldn't let his current level of work go to waste, but the omens of the future were something that he couldn't dare to ignore... So he would take MOST of his sorcerers and priests away from the work on The Fool. But with all of that being said, he'd leave a very small collection still working on it, using the progress already made to further unlock the power of The Fool.
Finally, they were successful too!

Vigarys' resources were stretched INCREDIBLY thin with everything he needed... And still he feared betrayal and assault... However that had made his decision on some matters easier... With what little mages he had, he would also begin working on uncovering the true power of The Magician... A card which represented talent, skill, dexterity, it symbolized the talents of the one that drew it... However in reverse it represented deceit and confusion... Either way it was drawn this month, and thus he would work to channel magical energy into it, working to unlock the powers of The Magician as well... however, the mages progress as if walking through thick molasses and struggle to make any true advancements into the first Arcana.

Trinia meanwhile would carry out the most important part of Vigarys' plans this month... He had determined that The Magician was indicating to him that he needed to capitalize on the witches that had arrived in the past month... And in doing his research one stood out to him far more than others... Idura had a power that he could not ignore... A power to control fate... A power to adjust and guide the hands of Fate... Power over time itself... After seeing the frankly terrible hand that Fate had given him this month, it sealed the decision to find one that could allow him to better control Fate... If he could control Fate, The Light would never fail. With all of that in mind, Trinia would take their most adept priests and priestesses and battalions of knights to march towards Idura... They would attempt to cast their Holy magic to seal her body and mind, to ensnare her and bring her back to the Congregation where she could be made to see The Light...

However, Trinia returned with a simple message 'It is not time yet.'

All things considered, things could have been worse, considering the prior reading, but they certainly didn't go well...

Imperius Draconis


Nyxastya had not had as much success in her research as hoped but she'd come to one conclusion, getting the magic of the Aura to last inside the bodies of others was not a problem rather the magic they radiated was slow in entering the bodies of the S̶l̶u̶t̶s̶test subjects. She theorized that a concentrated source of draconic essence might help with this and as such requested her brother's help, since with his strong blood would mean he would likely be the one who would be the easiest to succeed with. She'd test multiple sources, Saliva, sweat, blood, but the one she suspected the highest likelyhood of success with was semen. The essence of life would hold the most magic inherently she was certain, and she'd use both her brother and herself as donors to confirm.

And finally the lustful Necromancers work is complete! All would bow before the majesty of the dragons!

They also do some searching, but struggle to find anything more useful


Pandora's Sanctum: Use them to help you rebuild, Just make sure you use their assistance when rebuilding for a 10% rebuild bonus. Guaranteed no trickery!


Infernal Pact: "Here, take this scroll...draw the diagram on the floor according to the instructions, and activate it by having sex on top of it. Rumors say, you have to give in to your most perverted thoughts and have sex according to them. If you don't mess it up, a demon will appear and help you out with whatever task you have on hand..."

You gain 1 Permanent Resource in exchange for accepting an automatic level of corruption from the Heralds of Desire. Claimable once per nation only

~~~ The Witches have joined the fray! ~~~

A witch is a spellcaster that passively gains 1 resource/turn, and can generate resources through their abilities. Witches, left to their own devices, will not attack other nations.

Every witch does not gain any damage reduction and can be conquered by a nation, just like another nation can be, but also stolen by others. Simply overcome her defenses and deal enough damage to overcome her health.
A witch may use their abilities to aid their conqueror if convinced, but does not have to. Treat your witches with love and care and molestation. A witches spell costs the indicated amount of resources, and a witch can only cast one spell per turn.


Taria, The Flame mage: 15 Hitpoints, 5 Defence, 1 Resource
Taria was alway a hot-head and is a little more than just a bit of a pyromaniac. Likes: Spicey food, Conditioning, large insertions, toys. Dislikes: the cold, Bondage, bad puns.

  1. Fireball: +1 Resource. Deals 2d6 Damage to target nation.
  2. Greater Fireball: -2 Resources: Deals 5d6 Damage to target nation, ignores 50% of defenses
  3. Grand Immolation: -4 Resources: Conquerors attacks gain the burning quality for one turn, dealing 50% of damage again next turn. May inflict corruption if damaging.
  4. Phoenix Firestorm: -7 Resources: Deals 7d6 Damage to up to three nations, ignoring defenses. Nations damaged by this deal only 50% damage to the witches conqueror next turn.


Idura, The Time Witch: 3 Hitpoints, 15 Defence, 1 Resource
Idura is the most enigmatic of known powerful spellcasters, living in a remote castle with strange technology. Likes: Punctuality, Corruption Groping, Tentacles, Dislikes: Waiting, Beasts, orgasm denial.

  1. Saving Time: +1 Resource: Idura's Conqueror choses one action they will do X turns in the future. If they execute that action by the chosen turn, they gain +2 bonus resources on it.
  2. Broken hours: -2 Resources: Idura's Conqueror Permanently loses 1 Resource but gains 4 temporary resources for the next turn.
  3. Perfected motion: -4 Resources: Idura's Conqueror rerolls any 1's rolled during any action they take next turn. Their attackers, if any, reroll any 6's
  4. Dual Time: -10 Resources: Idura's Conqueror takes two turns at once, and only keeps the more beneficial one (Example: if only one turns choices would lead to conquering a nation, they take this one. If in one turn they take 30% damage and fail an exploration attempt, but in another they take only 2% and succeed in researching instead, they take this one, etc..)
Year 639, Month 3

The Peacock Realm:

The cute nobles and less cute peasants (just how the world worked, nothing one could do), work on advancing their military.. but it goes slow. They just aren't that well made for the more brutish forms of war. Plus, these kinky outfits are way more fun..

The Vasoran Military

View attachment 33954
The ideas about introducing new traditions quickly become popular among military.
Soldiers and Officers alike pushed for implementation of this in official military conduct!
And soon after Military Junta convinced the Council to pass necessary laws.
It did not take long to implement those tradition at military camps across the country.
Now EVERY training battle and EVERY duel ends with lots of sex!
So far it is was... Very well received~
View attachment 33955

That goes well, however.. their exploration, less so.

Their general is captured and throughoutly bred by a powerful tentacle creature, the sword of bad fate seeming to hang over the entire expedition! In the end, their general returns, but transformed into a cute, very fuckable griphon girl and quite .. woozy from the experience. Woozy and horny. Still a recognizable military might, but a lot more.. wet and sticky, upon return, anyway.

The Heralds of Desire

The Heralds start their month of real nice.. by getting a nifty present!
Our lord and master Tsuko Oshida has shown his favor. He has been seen multiple times in company of a demon woman, and shown his interest to the Heralds of desire. He has even donned the robes of romance to a date with her ! We nobles must back his judgement with actions. We of the Kodano familly will send four of our most beautifull men and women to carry a chest full of our famed silk. Surely, the demons will appreciate the beauty of the gift, and the grace of our people.

Not that the demonic circle needed any assistance to have a good time in the first place.
"Listen here, sluts. When someone is summoning you, you are not just supposed to do the work for them....no. You are supposed to do what they want, then offer to suck their cock on top of that too. The task you have to do, you need to solve efficiently, with smart use of sex. Do you have to steal something? First fuck the tavern for information...then fuck the guards to bribe them to look the other way. Then fuck the owner to distract him, and then steal said item. Before they unsummon you, suggest they hold a farewell party, and offer to service their friends and co-workers too. If by the second time they summon you, the task isn't to fuck their brains out...then you are a disgrace to our race!"

"Rumors about a demon slut who started roaming the lands...she would have all kinds of perverted sex acts with everyone she would encounter! Rumors said, that nothing was spared from the cocksucking and fucking...not even spooky monsters, or the ugly ones! It was easy to follow her trail...just follow the exhausted perverts she left behind! However, once you found her you would join those exhausted perverts too..."

Although, apparently, there is some volunteer dragon cock, ready and eager to help them out!
Hmnn Dragon cock tastes amazing.. you could go for that all day long...

Pandora's Circle

Endra Aved, The life mage: 1 Resource

Pandora's circle advances slowly, but cautiously, but perhaps that is the right call, considering they are attacked by adorable tenacle creatures!

Their progress is still slow, but at least their Witch seems to enjoy her stay so far!

The Tidecaller Fleet

Optional fluffs: The Admiral stalks into the test cabin, her sorceresses scattered around her taking notes on the experience. Taking a moment to compose herself she unleashes her new power on the 5 individuals chained to the opposite wall. A group of random commoners that they had rounded up for the demonstration. 2 of the 5 immediately begin spasming in their bonds as the unholy magic takes root in them, drawing sudden surprised groans of pleasure as they surrender to the sudden biological imperative to cum IMMEDIATELY. Then, their minds shortcurcuited by the sudden ferocity of the experience, they hang limply, looking at the Admiral with adoring and desperate eyes. "Yes... Yes not bad for a test run... But we must have more. Better rate of success, better range, more control, keep at it my darlings. We'll get there yet!"

*assuming successful researching happens....*

It was after that that strange phenomena began to be seen in the world. Occasional reports of strange green glowing lights in the sky followed the next day by a sudden boom in laundering bedsheets the next morning. Some swore it was nothing and simply ignored it. Many blamed the resurgent demon kind saying that they were invading folks dreams and tempting them. But the most observant and strongest willed might notice a distant feminine cackle on the breeze those nights, and they would swear that it was manner of restless spirit, killed in the throes of passion on the edge of her own ecstacy, and now doomed to haunt the living, forever searching for her own climax while her mere presence incited it in others.

The Divine Light


Vigarys seems to have overcome his predicted challenge and advances quickly. He completes The Magician. Not enough with that!
At the same time he couldn't ignore the draw of fate this round as well, and thus he would work with a small team of priestesses to unlock the power of The High Priestess. Internally he chuckled just a little bit at how Fate had lined up. He had drawn 0, 1, and 2 one after the other. But he would work on unlocking the power of The High Priestess, a card that represented hidden talents, mystery, spiritual insight, and self-reflection... It was a card that recommended passivity, and considering your path carefully. Thus he considered his own choices carefully, and while he was secure in his choices, he was saddened that he could not remain entirely passive this month, not when there was a large gamble occurring elsewhere... At least, so far his gambles paid off, with the second High Arcana, at his Command!

Trinia once again was tasked with trying to bring Idura into the grasp of their Congregation... Another mostly negative Tarot reading meant that Vigarys NEEDED someone with greater control over Fate, he needed to be able to guide Fate if he were to have any chance of achieving The Light's desires. Thus Trinia would assemble and even greater group of priests and priestesses, all of them assembled to bring Idura into their grasp. Their greatest spells to pacify her and bring her into their church, once again trying to ensnare her body and mind to get her into their grasp. She would bring her holiest sermons, charged with Divine Light, and while she knew she couldn't fully convert Idura, she did have the power to at least bring her into the church for proper conversion.

Yeah duh, lotsa resources!

Idura, The Time Witch: 3 Hitpoints, 15 Defence, 1 Resource
Idura is the most enigmatic of known powerful spellcasters, living in a remote castle with strange technology. Likes: Punctuality, Corruption Groping, Tentacles, Dislikes: Waiting, Beasts, orgasm denial.

  1. Saving Time: +1 Resource: Idura's Conqueror choses one action they will do X turns in the future. If they execute that action by the chosen turn, they gain +2 bonus resources on it.
  2. Broken hours: -2 Resources: Idura's Conqueror Permanently loses 1 Resource but gains 4 temporary resources for the next turn.
  3. Perfected motion: -4 Resources: Idura's Conqueror rerolls any 1's rolled during any action they take next turn. Their attackers, if any, reroll any 6's
  4. Dual Time: -10 Resources: Idura's Conqueror takes two turns at once, and only keeps the more beneficial one (Example: if only one turns choices would lead to conquering a nation, they take this one. If in one turn they take 30% damage and fail an exploration attempt, but in another they take only 2% and succeed in researching instead, they take this one, etc..)

Imperius Draconis
Bezycreonth had decided that the time for some aggression had come and after some time decided the best target would be the the heralds of desire, this of course had nothing at all to do with him wanting some demon sluts for his harem at all, nono he assured his sisters that the reason they should target the succubi were that their lustful nature would (probably) leave them more vulnerable to their aura. As such a raid was organized lead by the draconic emperor himself, their plan was to capture a few of the succubi to gather intelligence from, as well set up the beginning of their takeover. For this reason they also would sneak to some of the wells in the succubi's capital during the night, the males of the raid, including the emperor himself then cumming into them and "tainting" the water supply with their essence, this hopefully making it so that their aura would start affecting the succubi, sowing the seeds of their submission to dragonkind.

Nyxastya Was once again working on a new project to help the nation in the future, this time though magic wasn't as involved. She'd decided to take advantage of one of the dragons greatest strengths, their flight, training themselves in how best to use it for their future conflicts. They trained formation flights, how best to stay out of enemy sight whilst flying, the best angle to attack enemy defenses. But not all their armed forces was dragons, and as such development started on magic items which would allow their kobolds to land safely from great heights, the idea being they could ride in on dragons and jump behind enemy defenses from their back the dragon then being free to continue to other targets for itself to hit.

It is suprisingly effective. Although the kobolds need to be a bit less slutty. Slutty kobolds are jepordizing this whole operation.


Pandora's Sanctum: Use them to help you rebuild, Just make sure you use their assistance when rebuilding for a 10% rebuild bonus. Guaranteed no trickery!


Infernal Pact: "Here, take this scroll...draw the diagram on the floor according to the instructions, and activate it by having sex on top of it. Rumors say, you have to give in to your most perverted thoughts and have sex according to them. If you don't mess it up, a demon will appear and help you out with whatever task you have on hand..."

You gain 1 Permanent Resource in exchange for accepting an automatic level of corruption from the Heralds of Desire. Claimable once per nation only

~~~ The Witches have joined the fray! ~~~

A witch is a spellcaster that passively gains 1 resource/turn, and can generate resources through their abilities. Witches, left to their own devices, will not attack other nations.

Every witch does not gain any damage reduction and can be conquered by a nation, just like another nation can be, but also stolen by others. Simply overcome her defenses and deal enough damage to overcome her health.
A witch may use their abilities to aid their conqueror if convinced, but does not have to. Treat your witches with love and care and molestation. A witches spell costs the indicated amount of resources, and a witch can only cast one spell per turn.


Taria, The Flame mage: 15 Hitpoints, 5 Defence, 1 Resource
Taria was alway a hot-head and is a little more than just a bit of a pyromaniac. Likes: Spicey food, Conditioning, large insertions, toys. Dislikes: the cold, Bondage, bad puns.

  1. Fireball: +1 Resource. Deals 2d6 Damage to target nation.
  2. Greater Fireball: -2 Resources: Deals 5d6 Damage to target nation, ignores 50% of defenses
  3. Grand Immolation: -4 Resources: Conquerors attacks gain the burning quality for one turn, dealing 50% of damage again next turn. May inflict corruption if damaging.
  4. Phoenix Firestorm: -7 Resources: Deals 7d6 Damage to up to three nations, ignoring defenses. Nations damaged by this deal only 50% damage to the witches conqueror next turn.
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Year 639, Month 4

The Peacock Realm:

The Peacock finishes their academy of war, just in time to prepare a special attack!
"The people of this church are quite friendly but BY THE EXALTED ONE their dress is boring ! White ! All white ! Let's bring them something more fun. Silk robes, kimonos, make-up, scarves, silk robes... Have I mentionned silk robes twice ? Surely, once they started wearing that, they'll be most happy ! "

The Vasoran Military


Although Gale Wind will admit that she... did enjoy some "perks" of female body, she really wants to go back to her old self.
She will admit that female bits give a different kind of pleasure (and more intense one) but she really misses all the screams of females begging her for more of her dick. She will also admit that utterly dominates this cute fox wizard was a fun thing to do. And she could use him to make herself feel so good~ It definitely gives her ideas about improving the support of his officers and the council. But now she needs to focus on the problems at claw. While it was unexpectedly a fun distraction she needs to go back to her old self. After all there all lots of females that need to bear his children and he can't exactly make it happen at the moment. And on top of all of this the idea of laying eggs is very... disturbing to him.

Good think that Teruo prepared some preliminary reports on possible ways to reverse the spell. As well as helping her... release some tension she was feeling from all of it.
Vasorans general has been restored!


Their Beastmen fertility and corruption rituals succeed as well! Let's dance and be merry and.. other things!

The Heralds of Desire

After Endra demonstrated her skills, Seraphia introduced her to a shy priestess that served as "ambassador" to the demons. The Succubi could always use some assistance in keeping their raging lusts in check, and Endra would be send there on a mission of healing as a gesture of friendship.

See other nations for .. other actions!


Taria, The Flame mage: 15 Hitpoints, 5 Defence, 1 Resource
Taria was alway a hot-head and is a little more than just a bit of a pyromaniac. Likes: Spicey food, Conditioning, large insertions, toys. Dislikes: the cold, Bondage, bad puns.

  1. Fireball: +1 Resource. Deals 2d6 Damage to target nation.
  2. Greater Fireball: -2 Resources: Deals 5d6 Damage to target nation, ignores 50% of defenses
  3. Grand Immolation: -4 Resources: Conquerors attacks gain the burning quality for one turn, dealing 50% of damage again next turn. May inflict corruption if damaging.
  4. Phoenix Firestorm: -7 Resources: Deals 7d6 Damage to up to three nations, ignoring defenses. Nations damaged by this deal only 50% damage to the witches conqueror next turn.

Pandora's Circle

Endra Aved, The life mage: 3 Resources


Pandora's circle works on being more secretive in the future. Shhhh!


"Sister...I think your voice sounds a bit...off today..."

"No, there is nothing to worry about! You are always the kind sisters who cure the others...I want to help you too..."

"You just need something warm and nice for your voice chords...uhm...why not combine it with some oral excercises, sister?"

The Tidecaller Fleet

It was a busy day at the Blackwater Cove. Orders had come down to reinforce the armada, to make the old hulks live and fly again. Nude zombies hauled wreckage from the water and assembled it on the beach for the sorcerous shipwrights to work their wicked magics on, a complex circle drawn in the sand contained within a 7 pointed star. And at each point of the star was at least two if not more of the dark magicians. Each cluster contained at least one mortal woman who's soul would power the ships creation, as the magic drove them to the heights of pleasure the ship asters cried out with them, the lines in the sand glowing with a deep blue green hue reminiscent of the deepest oceans. The wild ecstatic screams grew louder but were eventually drowned out by the creak of timber as the assorted wreckage began to knit itself together into something resembling a ship once more. At last the cove is silent, the sacrificial lambs left with blank glazed eyes, their bodies no longer inhabited and seeking only to serve their undead mistresses as best they can. Their souls had gone to power the new ship, to give life to the orbs that held it in place, to power the controlled explosions at the stern that launched it into the clouds, and to bind the rotten wood together tight and firm as if the ship had grown that way out of a tree. They had a ship, now they just needed a crew and captain...

"Oh...yes masters, I am going to scrub the deck clean..." the succubus offered, rubbing the deck her butt sticking up for the crews benefit!

"Ah~~~if you do that...ahh....~~"

"Oh~yes, it would be bad if you jerked off by yourselves later and dirtied the floor again...I guess there is no other choice then..."

"Ah...this mess...it looks like I have to clean again...~!"

Some powerful necromancer abducts a side-crew from the tidecallers, making an item which would devolve the vampires, instead of being a higher form of undead thieves like them deserved being turned into something more fitting of their empty-headed way of life. It'd turn them into simple zombies instead, leaving their minds hollowed out, still sentient but quite obviously unintelligent, and with a powerful lust for other of their former kind and an instinctual subservience to dragons, as well as erasing their memory of how it'd happened, instead letting them think they'd just crashed. If everything worked as intended it would even have the side effect of slowly turning those they slept with into others like them...

The Divine Light

Idura, The Time Witch: 2 Resources

The Divine light is distracted by a sudden, and not entirely asked for donation of skimpy, cute clothing. They are cute, soft, see-through silk, but the packets have a peculiar habit of exploding all over any male church servants and dressing them up prim and pretty without asking!


After finally clearing it with the demons, Vigarys would order some of his congregation to take the Infernal Pact to gain more resources for The Light. Then he'd set his more beautiful knights and members of his congregation to hold a tremendous orgy in honor of the Light and the demons. He'd put Lady Litrane at the head of the orgy, choosing her specifically because she believed that such an uptight beauty would entice the demons further. With that in mind she would gladly strip out of her armor to join the massive orgy, willing to give even her eternal soul in service of The Light.


"Father, I want to help spread the light...but...I need some help to find it myself..."

"Ah...I am too dumb...we are only smart when someone is fucking us...but this would be very innappropriate..."

"Ahhhh~~~yesss....I can see the liiiii...ght...arh arhhhhh...."


Taria was successful in giving the light more mass-appeal.. certainly more successful than Vigarys in drawing the Fool in Reverse position!


Speaking about success, the priests are successful in building up their holy city!


Sir Revince had a bad day. First, he'd been assaulted by these comfy, but weird clothes, and then, rather than finding treasures for the light, he ran into some mean gropewolves! He was sure they had a more scientific name, but grope-wolves was the most adequate he could come up with, because that's exactly what they were.. so hairy, and strong, and perverse and.. well they made him feel very small when their strong paw-claw-hands were roaming over his definitly male body and that was a bad thing. propably!

Imperius Draconis


"Mister, stop there for a moment...this slut needs a good cock to suck...""It is 5 silver pieces for a blowjob...1 gold for everything else....the standard rate your brothels have too!"

"We have also some gloryholes in the back...for 3 silver pieces! Please, grace us with your cum~!"


"Thanks for your contribution, dear sir~! Here are your 3 silver pieces - we hope you will visit us again!"

Nyxastya was hard at work, using some of the succubi which they'd captured as quite willing test subjects. She'd promised them that in exchange for their help in her research she'd allow them to perform fellatio on her and that if it was successful she'd even fuck them, but so far it was still a work in progress. The intended effect was amplifying the corruption instilled in others by the draconic kind. She wanted to make it so that she could amplify the corruption already inside creatures, and as such these succubi were the perfect test subjects, if every went as planned then when her spell worked they'd be on their knees in front of her being able to receive pleasure purely from her presence, and even if she was only partially successful that'd still be useful, either way her research continued, although noticing how hard she'd gotten at the thought of how they'd look upon her success Nyx decided that a small 30 minute break would be okay, she'd reward the demonettes for their assistance so far with a stomach full of cum.
She makes great progress too, a little more work and she'll be ready!


Pandora's Sanctum: Use them to help you rebuild, Just make sure you use their assistance when rebuilding for a 10% rebuild bonus. Guaranteed no trickery!


Infernal Pact: "Here, take this scroll...draw the diagram on the floor according to the instructions, and activate it by having sex on top of it. Rumors say, you have to give in to your most perverted thoughts and have sex according to them. If you don't mess it up, a demon will appear and help you out with whatever task you have on hand..."

You gain 1 Permanent Resource in exchange for accepting an automatic level of corruption from the Heralds of Desire. Claimable once per nation only

~~~ The Witches have all been captured by various nations.. the only way to get one now is to steal her from someone else, or to bargain for one~~~
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Year 639, Month 5

The Peacock Realm:

The Peacocks turtle temselves in cautiously. War is messy, and they want no part of it. "The politics outside are in utter chaos. War may be coming to our doorstep and we have no allies of note that are willing to fight. Destroy every ship and flying objects that seem remotely aggressive... Except, the heralds, of course. Our demonic allies are always welcome."


Meanwhile, in the Peacock Realm, a lucky succubus had arranged yet an other date with Lord Tsuko!
Now that she could be summoned at any time, she didn't have to waste time flying around! Intead, she would help her 'girlfriend' to finish with his lordish duties earlier, leaving them more time to have fun!


The Vasoran Military

"Oh...you have been a good loyal soldier, hmm~?"

"Sir Gale Wind said that good boys have to be rewarded...as many times as possible...!"

"...please wait on the line...after all all Vasoran soldiers are very loyal!"

Of course...who would stop having fun, when denying joining the rewards would be like denying their own loyalty! Now they would just have to tire the succubi out...they were already going at it for ten days...how long could they possibly endure...right?

The pirates gave an interesting proposition that could not be ignored by our people. 3 mounths of pace between us and in addition Gale Wind recived 2 beautifull angels
to expand his harem? Well this is one hell of a bargen! And a golden oportunity... For the angelic city vanished quite some time ago with all angels in side the city...
But not all angels were in the city. Some of them were elswhere... and Gale just got his claws on 2 of them! What must be done is obvious. They simply can not go extinct
like that! And Gale Winds will do his best to ensure they have lots of kids... His kids.

Although we have only a vague idea why demons want to help Gale Wind in this self imposed task he gladly accepted. Because those demon girls not only helped by
just serving his angels as maids (and as extension of harem for him) but also... coach them in to the ways of wonderfull lust. I mean with high standart of luxury providet
to the angels by his palace and it's staff, combined with lots of sex every night got to bring some children sooner or later right?

The Heralds of Desire

Taria, The Flame mage: 15 Hitpoints, 5 Defence, 2 Resources


Surprisingly, Jezael wouldn't spend her time fucking everything that moved this time around. It was time for self reflection.
What was the thing the mortals called corruption? It was the force that gave birth to the demons in the first place. And what demons strived to give birth to...more corruption.
Corruption, or passion, or desire...it was the moving force for life. Even animals had desires, to eat, to live, Six to breed. Every action was dictated by desire. As was every inaction.

Desire led the hands of murderers, but it also led the hands of paladins. But she could feel that there were many different kinds of desire...many different corruptions.
Greed, sloth, envy, pride, wrath, gluttony...lust. Just names for the destructive side of corruption. Back in hell, other demons focused more on the Six most of the destructive ones. Jezael was different because she and her followers focused on lust.

But in this realm there was a different kind of desire too. Love. She had encountered it in every nation she had visited. From the cute Peacocks, to even the supposedly cold hearted vampirates. It was just a bit like lust...but a lot different. It was stronger. More durable. Six One that could produce miracles.
It felt nice in a different way. And somehow it made lust even stronger...
Jezael knew. She was desire, and desire was her. She just had to sort out this new desire of hers...and be reforged!

However. Something went bad, for all demons in the realm couldn't find Jezael again, their fiendish leader disappeared from this plane, it seemed. It wasn't even vacation time for her either!!

Furthermore, The demons decide it was about time they repair the ruins they live in. Not that there is a need to, but why not make something nice and pretty for their visitors! And for the cute Taria!

They would repair everything, planting pretty indoor gardens and repairing the old rooms! Nice furniture was also a must, so many workers were seduced to help them!

Most importantly, they would arrange fun activities and nice sights all over the place, for their visitors! Sluts of all races who had been wanting to live here for a long time, as well as demonsluts were tasked with taking care of the visitors...and helping them satisfy whatever desire they might have!

Of course it goes without saying that there was special care for their fire mage, making her a nice and comfy room anywhere she wanted it to be!.. even if she seemed a little emberassed about her new living arrangements.

Pandora's Circle

Endra Aved, The life mage: 6 Resources Warning: Witch has a questionable Disposition!


The demoness was down on her knees, her head right in front of the songstress's pussy!
"Trust me sister, you have to give it a try! Your moan is so erotic and nice...it will definitely improve The Song!" she nodded

"We just have to time it right...and make you orgasm at the right places! Lets try it one more time~!"


After a ridiculous amount of time our scouts send to The Eastern Reaches had finally returned with tales of the land... and it's people.
Rumors about their way of expresing lust reached us some time ago. But what the scouts told? Let's just say that lot's of females
organized to... "visit" the Pandoran people. Good thing their military is almost non-existant because females just can not wait to...
test our new victory celebration with REAL enemy commanders! And considering what we learned about those people?
They might even like it~
But the circle is too defensive to be easily seduced, this time around!

Speaking about, they are not inactive either!

Seraphia and her most trusted handmaidens organize a large spiritual effort to find out how to uphold their devotion to Pandora's Song against all the corruptive influences creeping up on them. And maybe they can teach the other nations the same, provided they remain friendly to the Circle...

The Tidecaller Fleet

having tracked down the bimbofied pirates before they could do too much damage and eliminated them Admiral Riptide had the now lifeless corpses brought to her sorcerers. What was dead could be made to walk again. Her people personified this principle, and they knew best how to turn it to their advantage.

By making judicious edits to the blood ritual that had originally animated her people and supercharging it tainted angelic blood that glowed a vile red under the pale moon she and her top lieutenants began the dark ritual. Intending to pull their fallen back from the depths, shriven of their taint from the black passage and ready to serve once more. The pale moon is soon tinged red round the edges as they continue their vile work, nearby animals are rapidly whipped into a frenzy by the black power in the air as the droning moans in the tenebrous heart of Tidecaller cove rise to meet them. The seas in the immediate area began to boil and writhe unnaturally, taking on the same crimson tint. An artifical storm clawing its way to life even as the fallen captains begin to scratch and gnaw their way to unlife once more.

However.. they are not very sucessful, all too occupied posing seductively and sensually and thinking erotic thoughts..


The succubi were determined to help cheer up the pirates after their recent...loss. They would often organize lewd parties for the pirates whose birthdays were coming up...with so many crewmembers, there was a party of two every day!

They even managed to seduce some bondage-loving mermaids to join in!

The Divine Light

Idura, The Time Witch: 4 Resources

Now was the time for Vigarys to start playing with Fate... And thus he called forth the magical energy of The Fool, hoping this time it would aid him rather than hinder him... sadly, fate saw fit to test him more!

Despite the previous month's failure, Vigarys would once again attempt to research the power of the card his meeting with Idura took on. The Empress... a card that represented Abundance and Maternal care... a card of stability and nurturing... Hopefully things would go better this month... And his perseverance pays off, As he researches the third high arcana.. only 18 left to go!

Speaking about the High arcana, it seemed that in turn, Justice eluded him.. how very fitting for this month..


Trinia, meanwhile, was tasked with repairing the damage to her people and her nation, so she'd work with Pandora's Sanctum, her priestesses and their healers hopefully working together to repair the damage done to their people, preparing them for a future war that she could feel brewing beneath the surface...


"Yes, dear sir, I am a succubi...but I am also certified nun of the Divine Light!"

"You have sinned? That's bad...why don't we head to the confessional then..."

"Please, stick your cock in the hole...and tell me of your sins. With the guidance of the light, I will help purify those thoughts..."

Imperius Draconis

The brothel was getting nicer and nicer by the day!

After the hard work of the succubi, now there was even a cum-pool filled with nice dragon cum, where the girls could relax when they were off their duties!

Of course more customers were always welcome! This month there was the special offer too!

"Get two blowjobs, get paid for three!"

While their sister worked on her own project Bezy and Auri were working on improving the aura of power which dragons exuded further, especially they wanted it to take a greater hold on proximity. They did this by attempting training of other dragons which focused on having their magic empowering their aura, and as it turned out this training went a lot better when they felt powerful, dominant. As such girls were recruited to help service their draconic masters and talking them up, praising their greatness and strength, speaking about how their lives had been improved since coming to serve their draconic masters.


A large festivity was being held in the Imperium's capital, this day marked the 200 year anniversary for the defeat of Shargrailar The King of Death. Shargrailar was said to be a dracolich of untold power who had once been set on conquering the entirety of the world, It had amassed necromantic power and gathered servants, especially focusing on finding corpses of powerful dragons which it raised to serve in its armies. In the end it had become so powerful that not even all the dragonclans fighting together was enough to stop it. It was then that it was said that a dragon was empowered, the divine dragon allowed a spark of itself to imbed itself in a dragon and make it the Avatar of the divine dragon, finally a creature which was powerful enough to strike down Shargrailar. The First Emperor of Dragonkind had traced his lineage back to this one and as such so could his children, using it as the basis for their rule, and a natural explanation for their great power even amongst dragons.
Sometimes the celebrations could get quite excited, and it was predicted that quite a many Half-dragons would be born in the year to come, a welcome gift to the draconic nation.


Pandora's Sanctum: Use them to help you rebuild, Just make sure you use their assistance when rebuilding for a 10% rebuild bonus. Guaranteed no trickery!


Infernal Pact: "Here, take this scroll...draw the diagram on the floor according to the instructions, and activate it by having sex on top of it. Rumors say, you have to give in to your most perverted thoughts and have sex according to them. If you don't mess it up, a demon will appear and help you out with whatever task you have on hand..."

You gain 1 Permanent Resource in exchange for accepting an automatic level of corruption from the Heralds of Desire. Claimable once per nation only

~~~ The Witches have all been captured by various nations.. the only way to get one now is to steal her from someone else, or to bargain for one~~~
Year 639, Month 6

Pandora's Circle

Endra Aved, The corrupted life mage: 2 Resources

Pandora's circle ready themselves for the cleansing magic of their healing mage.. and find themselves cleansed of their worries and their disobediance, allowing them to better focus on their desire to serve. "Your foolish leader signed away your nations very soul, but I can save you from corruption.. for a price. Embrace your perversion and I will discipline you, teach you to embrace it. That is my only offer, for it is the best you shall get, my 'mistress'" The dark elf laughs haughtily.

"I do respect your dedication and finesse.. you'll make fine tools once converted, don't get me wrong..."

But this was not the only trouble the circle faced!

The reports about the Pandora's Circle picked the attention of the committee of commanders. They decided that indeed people living there are sexy and their customs are close enough to ours that we could integrate them easily. But we can't just march our military there and beat them to submission! We must first show them how much better it would be if they join us! That's why the commanders ordered a small army to enter their land and start a... mandatory exchange program. They will find Pandoran communities and relocate them to our cities where we will... educate them.
Of course soldiers do deserve some reward for their hard work in this task. And since Pandoran people like it so much there is really no problem in letting our soldiers have some fun with them.

Look at them go! They are having so much fun!

Speaking about fun!


"Don't take this wrong...but I find your cries of pleasure the best sounding song of them all..."

"I think that...this is the right direction for our musical research~!"

The Tidecaller Fleet

It was a stressful month for the Admiral. Too many things pulling in too many directions. Too many needs. Too many wants. It was clear that they needed more hands, and so she was going to recruit them. Forcibly if need be.


The Tidecallers are cleansed by Pandora's circle.. it is quite exhausting but liberating to not think about demonpussy all day anymore.. as this does, technically, not violate any terms of their contract either, they are safe from retribution!

So they work on advancing their own schemes for corrupting the world proper now...

The succubi kept up the parties to keep the morale of the crew high!

They also organized other activities, like lewd story-telling and stripping-on-the-plank competitions!

One of the days, one of the succubi brought an old journal left behind from some old sailor! It said the story of the horrible pleasure-squid...! The book also had very detailed drawings in it!

"No, no, I am not suggesting to go and hunt that thing. I am just saying. Imagine if we met it one day..." the succubus licked her lips!

The Divine Light

Idura, The Time Witch: 6 Resources

The people of the Light had forgotten to be scared of the dark. Forgotten what lurked beyond their little village gates. Forgotten that the very existence of the light, begets darkness. And darkness had come for the Hamlet of Sherrydale.

It was over almost before it began, the village was rapidly surrounded by those things that go bump in the night, and it was a trivial matter for Riptide and her captains to unleash their Vampiric magics on the frail village folk. Their presence battered them, broke them, sent them into a pleasure stupor that not many would truly recover from. Villagers of both sexes collapsed where they stood. Frantically masturbating as the Admiral and her captains had the pick of the litter. The rest would be passed out among the fleet for work details, not that they would mind their eternal service much. They were serving mistress. That was their purpose. And obediance was a pleasure far greater than life.. however, The divine light was not undefended and managed to thwart its pirating attackers, driving them off before they could properly sink their fangs in!

Vigarys is granted the Power of the Empress for this turn!

Vigarys would personally work on unlocking the power of the Emperor. It was a card of power, stability, fatherly influence, and a sign of being in control of the situation. A card of power and leadership, a card whose blessing made him feel confident in his future moves. With that in mind he would focus on unlocking its true powers, knowing this was his last turn of preparation before things became... hectic. Or perhaps he had misjudged things, and already the world was hectic. Still he manages to unlock the power of the fourth High Arcana!

Finally, the priestesses of the nation would once again return to rebuilding their people, working dilligently on reaffirming the teachings of The Light, glad to have assistance from Pandora's Sanctum, especially with the knowledge that it would soon be time for a proper Holy War...


"Your Holiness! My experimant is working!"

"If I sit here and do this while you preach, even more people are visiting our church every morning!"

"We should tell my other sisters too!"

The Peacock Realm:

What's that, the femboyish General Tsuko too has gone missing, he was preparing troup formations, which got a lot harder with everyone demanding more revealing military uniforms, and then, all of a sudden, he too is gone, despite the precautions the Peacock realm has been taking.. hopefully he wont return as Jezael did..


With her boss briefly missing, Annabelle was also somewhat down...however, being with her cute 'girlfriend' was always cheering her up! She would have many dates with Lord Tsuko, dress ups....and even more private fun!

At the same time, the other nobles were also assisted by other succubi...that ought to show them how good the demons were!

Imperius Draconis
Nyx would take up the final bit of training of their draconic subjects, they needed to become greater at controlling the magic within them so that they in turn could better help subjugate those who were needed, and lead those who held potential. There existed many of both in this world and Nyx would ensure they were ready for them all! And indeed, they empower their draconic aura to make the ordinary mortal want to kneel at the mere sight of them.. now if only they were only facing ordinary mortals..

Bez knew that until Auri was finished with her investigation they'd need to be prepared for an attack from an unknown aggressor. As such her would personally start patrolling their lands, the giant dragon half again as big as others of his kind would fly around the kingdom with a contingency of soldiers, prepared to defend their nation from whomever necessary.

Aurinax was unhappy to hear that some of their people no longer seemed as devoted as they once had and as such began looking into what had caused it, she knew that such things were dangerous, undermining the control of leaders was a first step in bringing down a nation, she would not let it happen to her home.
Yes, who indeed could be having such easy access to their nation, Aurinax wondered, as she enjoyed a comely demon slut....

The brothel has a new delivery service! You can now order to have sex on your location, and the succubus will come to you! The delivery was of course free of charge, but the sex services had a small discount because of the extra time it took to fly around...time that could have been used for perverted sex acts!

The Vasoran Military

The Vasoran alliance empowers their general, as once did the demonic forces too!
Do to unforeseen events Gale Wind learned that being a female has its own pleasures. He still prefers to be male for sure, but turning in to female from time to time is actually a fun thing to do when done RIGHT! (and when you have full control over it!) But this did make a certain problem very obvious.
He has no idea how to use his female body to its full potential. That's why he spended A LOT of time with his harem... but in his female form.
He tasked his mates with teaching him how to fully take advantage and enjoy his female form. Mage Teruo was also asked for his... input.
Now he will receive lessons from not only from Varsoran females but also from daemons and angels! She will also have Mage Teruo as a... test subject to see how well she learned all the lessons.


The loyalty reward program was going on as usual! Every soldier now had a specific time reserved with one of the summoned succubi, to avoid the long waiting lines! The succubi did their best, even trying to remember the names of the soldiers, and asking some on dates on their free time!

Meanwhile, they would also help with the angel breeding too...at least as much as their numbers allowed them to.

The Heralds of Desire

𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔲𝔰 𝔦𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔫, 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔟𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔥 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔥, 𝔟𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 𝔰𝔦𝔵 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔡, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫

After collecting the souls of all five generals, Jezael explores the deepest wildernis, where finally, she finds a temple in the depths of the forbidden lands that can sate even her taste for corruption, seduction, perversion and all things of the flesh. She returns, seeming the same, but with an aura of unimaginable power. Whilest she retains her mind and sanity, nay, seems empowered beyond what she was before, all that stand before her know they stand not in the presence of someone mortal any longer. They stand before..

Jezael the Grand Seductress, Demonic Titan

Counts as a part of the Demon Nation. The Weakest Titan. Can't Even Attack. Defense: 0 Health: equal to the Demonic Corruption in the World total.

Pact Primeval: Everyone that sold their soul to the Demons recieves 2 Ranks of Demonic Corruption every turn
Infernal Dominion: ? ? ?
Corruption Personified: ? ? ?
Magic Resistant III: Spells targeted at Jezael have a 50% chance to fail. Magic attacks deal 50% less damage.
Improved Corruption XI: This Titan inflicts 12 Ranks of corruption with every attack. Luckily she is unable to attack. (Yes I roll these out randomly to a degree)

Taria, The Flame mage: 15 Hitpoints, 5 Defence, 4 Resources

"So errr.. not to nag, but all the chaos aside, I was promised a puppy.. ah..."


Pandora's Sanctum: Use them to help you rebuild, Just make sure you use their assistance when rebuilding for a 10% rebuild bonus. Guaranteed no trickery!

~~~ The Witches have all been captured by various nations.. the only way to get one now is to steal her from someone else, or to bargain for one~~~

Idura Researched: Future Potential: There could be more witches like her in the future thanks to her efforts and the support of the divine light!
Last edited:
Year 639, Month 7

Pandora's Circle

Endra Aved, The life mage: 3 Resources

With the new order of things established, the circle moves to nullify any remaining influence of the Demons. They would still be welcome guests-
But someone tried to mess with their purification ritual!


Luckily, they readied their defenses, quite a lot of them actually, and manage to catch.. quite a bunch of femboy infiltrators sneaking around! Not the expected beastmen, but it seems the Peacocks aren't all too interested in purification.

With that distraction out of the way, Pandora can keep their minds and thoughts clear and .. focused on their goals.

Despite being under new management, the Circle continues their pursuit of providing all manner of restorative services. Seraphia herself pitches in too, whenever she can tear herself away from her Mistress' nethers, that is. They improve their sanctuaries rebuilding properpties!

There were still the demons amongst their midst, however.:

"Oh...I brought you some jewlery, sister!"

"What, a collar isn't a jewlery? But it was gems on it...hells, I had to go through a lot to get it too....but it is ok, if you don't like it..."

"You will wear it...because it is a gift from me? Oh Sister, I love you so much...here, let me help you put it on...and then we can practice on your sweet moaning a bit more..."

The Divine Light

Idura, The Time Witch: 3 Resources

"You know, Vigarys, I believe everyone could do better, if they just had a little more time to focus. Very well, I shall grant you my powers.. prove to me you can use them well. Perfected Motion!"

Vigarys Draws the Empress in the Upright Position!

Vigarys Draws the Emperor in the Upright Position!

Vigary Draws the Fool in the Upright Position!

Vigarys normally didn't like to research things all on his own, however he was stretched thin with everything that he planned to do. And besides... this one only seemed appropriate for him to research entirely on his own. So he would channel his own energy into studying the mystical powers of the Hierophant, a card that represented Education, Learning, Religion, and Spiritual Guidance, and a card depicting a religious leader... If there was any card that he SHOULD research on his own, it was this one.


It was time for conversion... Trinia would assemble their knights and priests and priestesses and lead their way to their target, singing hymns of The Light as they marched towards the targetted nation. Their voices carried the beautiful sonorous tunes of the Light, enrapturing those that listened for too long, anyone that heard their songs, or their preaching would slowly find themselves desiring to join in, a feeling of pleasure, contentment, warmth, and worship filling all those that spoke in time with the chant. Arousal would pulse through those that began singing praise to The Light, the words of passion and beauty taking any that heard those magnificent, beautiful, powerful words.

Those that resisted would be brought to meet Trinia personally, who would spend her time talking to them in the beautiful language of The Light, her eyes turning a deep gold as she spoke with them, her words like liquid honey sliding into their minds, inflaming their arousal and passion. And before long they'd welcome convert after convert, beast-kin and other citizens finding their clothing bathed in the same beautiful Light that their minds were now filled with. They'd feel bright and alluring pleasure rock through their body as they finally realized the love and pleasure of serving The Light... Their clothes would match the colors of the priests and priestesses as they became converts to The Light, eyes filled with adoration now that they had finally seen The Light. And after they had finished their conversion of a town, the town would be welcomed to a wondrous holy orgy, all of them entertwining in pleasure to further reinforce the teachings of The Light, all of them indulging in one another's bodies, enjoying their fellow converts, before moving on to the next town once they were all finished, planning on having this scene repeat itself town after town, adding more and more people to their religion, welcoming as many as possible into the embrace of The Light...

Still they are somewhat distracted themselves by the slutty nuncubus.

"Father, I have a new idea!"

"Few people are leaving donations...but perhaps, they could be more with some extra motivation to do the right thing..."

"No, it isn't like a trade. It is a reward for their faith!"

"Lets do it like this...they can leave a donation of their choosing...and as a reward they will have some time to do whatever they want with me! If it was a trade, there would be a fixed price!"

The Tidecallers
War was coming. Riptide could feel it in her magically animated bones. The sudden reapperence of the demons general and her sudden surge in power was going to destabilize everything. Set it all to chaos. She had to be stronger for her people which meant seeking power anywhere they could no matter the cost.

She found herself once more kneeling in the center of the orgiastic circle drawn in corrupted angel blood, tempting the powers from beyond the grave with her naked body and besseching her for more power. The power to strike mortals dumb with a glamce, the beauty to infantuate from a single look. She would be a queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea! And stronger then the foundations of the earth!

The cavern of sorcery emits a strange Un-light, swallowing the torches and the stars and the lanterns of their cursed isle, as if everyone on the island had been struck bline at once. Finally a terrible orgasmic cry echoes forth from the cavern as riptide and all the attendies cry out at once. The black velvet curtain is torn asunder, the torches crackle in the sconces again. The ceremony complete, but what had they wrought...?
Whilest the Vampires were examining themselves, the Succubi were.. doing different things.

"Hmm...hey, I think I can hear some singing from the distance! Are we going to have new crewmembers?" the succubi asked curiously

"Wait, we should celebrate with some grog and a good sex party!"

Of course, the grog was a specialty out of an ancient secret pirate reciepe...it was made out of a special secret ingredient and rum!
The Peacock Realm:

With their Sabotage foiled, the Peacock realm advances once more into the uncharted wildernis, looking for their leader but only finding some sort of explosive device a now forgotten nation has been working on. They are marginally concerned as it started ticking and then released a cloud of sweet smelling, dizzying gas... but then it was alright, because like.. that gas smelled so nice and why are they worrying anyway, they'll just grab another of those pretty pink sparkle bombs and show them to the boss man and stuff, yey! <3

Annabelle would keep going on dates with Lord Tsuko, trying her best to comfort him about the loss of his soul. She was sure that at the end, their love would prevail, even if it was the love between a demon and a human!

Imperius Draconis

Things were not looking great, Nyx in particular was unhappy with how things had turned out, finding out her brothers soul had been given up in the bargain with the demons. But she refused to simply let him be lost like that. She had fought so hard by his side, had endured whatever life and the world could throw at them, so that they and Aurinax could achieve their father's dream so that they could all rise higher than he ever had, and raise the world into a new high under their leadership. To this end she decided that their best chance now was empowering the blood of the divine dragon which laid within him, he'd inherited it most strongly from their father, the only one of them who like the Avatar of The Divine Dragon had a breath of lightning. Nyx sought to with the help of Aurinax empower their brother, using their own power they inherited to strengthen their brother, hoping to bring him to a height their father had never reached. Becoming the harbinger of storms, able to summon them to himself and control them just like the divine dragon's avatar.

They successfully turn their sibling into a Mightier creature.. but is it enough?

The brothel was celebrating the return of Jezael and the start of the new year! As a promotional service, now you could but an 'all you can fuck' package, where for a whole gold coin the succubi would fuck you as much as they wanted!

Even though the deal was somewhat backwards, it had still a lot of takers!

The Vasoran Military
Gale Wind was at a loss... No matter how he looked at the problem he just could not come up with a plan that would not spell disaster to the nation he swore to protect. He spended many meetings with his commanders fruitlessly tryna come up with a plan and so far all the conventional ideas had low chance of success while having high probability of complete disaster... While he was distressing spending time with his harem by... spreading his bloodline, he lamented the fact that he has no ancestors to ask for guidance (on accout of being the first gryphon that is more then just an animal)... and then it hit him. He rules the entire nation! A nation with many familys with long bloodlines full of famous ancestors! If they can guide from afterlife then perhaps with some help the ancestors could help with this dilemma? They might bring down a devine intervention or gift us with magic... or at least an advice on what the hell to do! Anything to save their children from slavery! This is certainly better than doing nothing. Because if our ancestors can't help us... well. We will die fighting long before letting anyone enslave us again.

After convincing his commanders to agree and getting the support of the council Gale Wind redirected a MASSIVE amount of resources in to this project. An enormous ritual was prepared with the help of shamans and accommodations for all clans were prepared. And when all will fall into place our shamans will begin the ritual that allows them to seek guidance from our ancestors while the rest of the people will do what our ancestors thought as good to attract their attention. They will procreate in a massive orgy like a united people! In the middle of this all Gale Wind will procreate with all members of his harem and surround himself with their pleasured moans and zealous prayers of his two angels trying to bring any devine help to make this all work... And fueled by that... he will speak:

Ancestors! I Gale Wind speak in the name of your offspring! Hear our cries of unity! We did not forget our ways despite the passage of time! But dark times are ahead of us! Great danger lurks for us and threatens the very soul of our people! Your children are lost in the dark! We beg of you... I beg of you... Grant us your wisdom and guidance so we may find light again!

@shotgungunshot Vigarys found himself sneezing, for no apparent reason. He hoped his invasion plans were going well..

They also cuddle and try their best to defend their nation.. but it seems not enough to resist the continuing pressure of outside corruptive influences! It was an amusing coincidence, or was it, that Gale Wind had prayed for the light to come save him..

But in the end, it would not be the light intermingling with the beastfolks on the ground..

"Yes...shower me with your loyalty..."

"What, you can only go one time? I know you can go one more time...your file speaks of how loyal you are, you can't give up now!"

"One more time! You are very loyal, I know you can doi t!"

It seemed that the loyalty reward program was still going fine...but sadly inside Gale Winds embrace, the poor succubus was still trying to comfort him. And finally, he found himself struggling to find a way to resist any longer. Those magnficent, lusty Demons, perhaps they are the answer he was looking for? This was not slavery, just.. an alternate form of freedom, yes.

The Vasoran Alliance has been Conquered by The Heralds of Desire!

The Heralds of Desire

Jezael the Grand Seductress, Demonic Titan

Counts as a part of the Demon Nation. The Weakest Titan. Can't Even Attack. Defense: 0 Health: equal to the Demonic Corruption in the World total.

Pact Primeval: Everyone that sold their soul to the Demons recieves 2 Ranks of Demonic Corruption every turn
Infernal Dominion: Everyone with combined Corruption ranks of 10 or more is automatically Conquered by you unless someone elses corruption is higher.
Corruption Personified: ? ? ?
Magic Resistant III: Spells targeted at Jezael have a 50% chance to fail. Magic attacks deal 50% less damage.
Improved Corruption XI: This Titan inflicts 12 Ranks of corruption with every attack. Luckily she is unable to attack.

Taria, The Flame mage: 5 Resources

"This is.. interesting and all but you aren't really using my abilities, are you?"

𝔍𝔢𝔷𝔞𝔢𝔩 𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔱𝔲𝔟𝔢, 𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔰 𝔰𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔞𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔣𝔩𝔬𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔶 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔪 𝔴𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔥𝔢𝔯. 𝔚𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔰𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔦𝔱, 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔬𝔯 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔥𝔢𝔯, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔴𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔤𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶. 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩, 𝔰𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔰𝔫'𝔱 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪...𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔭𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔴𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔬 𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔬𝔴𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔰, 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔶 𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯...


Pandora's Sanctum: Use them to help you rebuild, Just make sure you use their assistance when rebuilding for a 25% rebuild bonus. Guaranteed no trickery!

~~~ The Witches have all been captured by various nations.. the only way to get one now is to steal her from someone else, or to bargain for one~~~
Year 639, Month 8

Pandora's Circle

The Pandoran circle defends themselves and improves their own chances of a longer survival, however,
What better time to use fireworks than during a singing festival? And that was what the succubi had arranged, except the other way around!

On the stage there would be both singing, and lewd acts! Of course below the stage...things would be very similar too!

Indeed the lovely music from passionate moanings was perfect for the song! Perhaps worrying about useless everyday things was the bad corruption, and the natural state of mind where one would want to have fun was the good corruption...? Or was it even corruption? It wasn't that bad, right?

The Peacock Realm
Of course Annabelle would spectate the fireworks cuddling along with Lord Tsuko, from the pretty garden! Even if it was a cold night, her body heat was enough to keep both of them warm!

"Hmm....they are so pretty! I wish we could stay here like this forever..." she cooed with a loving kiss!

And thus encouraged, the emperor prepared an attack upon the few threats to his girlfriend remaining.

The Divine Light

Idura, The Time Witch: 5 Resources

Vigarys, of all leaders in the world, perhaps could sense what was going to happen soon, wandering to a seemingly random cliff and putting a set of playing cards within a box... into another box. Alone, not even accompanied by the Witch that had learned to trust him a bit, and cursing after a short while, he began hammering a pick into the unforgiving stone. He had to bury this chest by this cliff, which would one day be eroded by the oceans and release this water-tight box to be found by the beachside unexpectedly...

This was all he could do, whilest his nation was under siege.

First step of the plan was sending experienced scouts and spies to assess the defensive potential of the temples of Light. When enough intelligence was gathered we trained our elite warriors to prepare them. Both Black Wings of the Crow Clan and Pretors of the Wolf Clan received face protection gear and were extensively drilled so they could secure the temples swiftly and efficiently. The warriors of the Rat Clan were also prepared to assist those elite troops by protecting them from an intervention from outside and protecting the supplies needed to carry out this plan. Second step was launching precision strikes on multiple Temples of Light... simultaneously. While the warriors of the Rat Clan made sure to secure the entire area around the Temples, the Pretors of the Wolf Clan would attack the temple to overpower all of its guards, while the Black Wings of the Crow Clan will use this distraction to find and abduct the priests and priestesses of the Light. After this step is concluded the priests and priestesses will be brought before the temple where the populace can see what happens next. .

And of course third step is doing what our newest tradition demands. Starting a big ass orgy of course! Our best females will come forward and explain why we are here. Explain the cowardines of The Congregation. How they dared to force our people to forget their beloved Grandmothers and Grandfathers and replace them with this foul light of theirs. But there is no reason to worry. Our ancestors are forgiving and they see that all of you were just deceived by this faul light. We are here merely to help you reconnect with yours. After all grantparents always love to spoil their grandkids! And we will show you how you can make those grandkids in a way that will bring this ENTIRE community together! And if some of you will want to join our clans... you know where to find us~

This entire operation will no doubt cause a massive amount of chaos in The Congregation. Chaos that Gale Wind intends to use for one FINAL part of the plan. To severely cripple their ability to wage war... by kidnaping Serena Luminaire the commander of their knights and armys. This is something so important to Gale that he handpicked the best of the best of the best for this particular part of the plan... as well as leading it personally. The best trained and equipped soldiers of the Varsoran alliance will distract Serena's personal guard while he will incapacitate and take her. After they return home Gale Wind will enjoy a long session of subduing her...

Perhaps the offspring she will give him will be the light that the ancestors want for the Varsorans?

"The light has seen the last of their days. They are on the path of war and threaten to unite all other factions against our beloved demons with their chanting, their ugly white colors, and their silly religion. They present a threat that cannot be allowed to continue and thus will be raided for all of our strength. We know our Vasorans allies will attack them to, so it's only the proper time to do so.
The first step is a blunt and frontal assault right onto their capital, arriving by the sea as our great armada makes our way in. We will wear no armor but ONLY the finnest silks and most outrageous of outfits, to flaunt our perfect androgynous shape to these light lovers. They might mock or beautifull frames, but as soon as we have set off our aphrodisiacs bombs into their streets, their mockeries will turn into moans of pure delight. We can slay those who resist the effects with our blades, but we mostly want to keep the population intact, let them bask in the glory of our form. They can kiss and grope and even lick us a little, it's fine, they are religious folk, spending time on their knees is something normal for them.
Once the defenders have been outsmarted, we will guide the populace in their great cathedrals and fill their halls with more aphrodisiac ! Then we will disrobe and let them bask in our full naked glory, let them grow addicted to the beautifull shape of our exalted form ! We will show them the light. The light of beauty, the light of elegance ! As they are allowed to kiss, to suck, to grope, to feel our girly shape with their poor ignorant fingers, we might grace their most beautifull nuns to join our harems of concubines.
But most importantly their head priest will become the personnal toy of none other than me, your leader. My name is Tsuko Oshida, and I am the lord of these lsles. As the exalted one did before, I will guide this mislead soul to understand that true happiness, true fuffilment can be achieved by worshipping our lovely frames. When he comes to see the true and only light, the light of our beauty, than I can take him as one of my concubines to make sure he will never feel alone in this cruel world again."

Vigarys returned, not even having bothered to order a defense. He'd not pointlessly lose good men when he knew what was coming. As he strolled into his office, Idura was still there, as was a succubus, neither of them seeming suprised to see him, the time-witches expression hard to read.

Of course having the night sky light up during the night would be a big thing! Here, the succubi had arranged a night-long praying session!

It was great and fun, and many fair maidens were breeded on top of the holy altar! It was also a good time to promote the new uniform!

"It symbolizes that we are pure and nice, and that we have nothing to hide!" the succu-nun explained "We are close to our fold and they can use our body whenever they like! Also, those new tattoos glow in the dark nicely..."

The Divine Light has been Conquered by the Heralds of Desire!

The Tidecallers
Another month, another battery of dark rituals in the cove. This wasn't quite what Riptide had imagined when they'd set out on this path, more plunder and Canon fire and less research and arcane sorcery, but the world was proceeding without them, and proceeding rapidly, they would need to keep up if they were to stay relevant, the demons were certainly firmly in the lead of the power scramble for now. At least they are gifted something!

The Tidecallers are donated a Witch by Pandora's Circle. She seems unhappy with being traded around however. You doubt you can access her most powerful abilities.
Endra Aved, The life mage: 4 Resources

Imperius Draconis

The dragons prepare to resist or at least slow this demonic corruption, hoping that this is not too little, too late...

With their general now stronger, there was no doubt the city would be in a mood to celebrate!

What better way to do that with some nice fireworks, and a capital-wide street orgy! There was no possible way anyone would prevent the citizens for celebrating for their general, right?

And what a party it was...such a shame for the festivities to end. But do they really have to....?

The Vasoran Military

The conversion of The Vasoran Alliance would not be halted by the demons. Whether a nation was conquered or not did not change the fact that The Light wished them to know It's Divine Glory. And so once again Trinia would arrange a large procession of priests, priestesses, and knights to lead the way even further into Vasoran land and convert more to the wondrous, rapturous pleasure of The Light.

This time however, leading the way would be the recent converts of The Vasoran Alliance. A beautiful priestess wearing skimpy holy garments of The Light would lead the way on converting her people. Her hair had turned a beautiful and bright white to show she had accepted The Light into her very soul. And she was eager to show her people this same beauty. Her words would carry the enrapturing power of The Light, every word of praise sliding into the ears of those she spoke with, enflaming their lust and inviting them to accept the Light into their hearts as well... To let themselves become one with the Light and join her and the rest of the priestesses in a magnificent Holy Orgy in tribute to the Light. Hearing the words from one of your own was always more useful, and thus the converts would be given the lead this time, working to preach the divine edicts of The Light, holy magic flowing into all those that spoke with her, their minds filling with a glorious vision of pleasure, ecstasy, happiness, peace, and love all under the magnificent, generous, guiding hand of The Light. And any that accepted the Light into their hearts would be welcomed into yet another massive orgy that grew with each town they visited, members of The Divine Light exploring one another's bodies to further enhance their connection with one another, and with The Light.

The newest priestesses from the Vasoran alliance would be just as eager to spread the teachings of The Light, going from town to town and preaching the erotic submission and pleasure that came with The Light. They wished to harm no one, they did not bring destruction or pain... Instead they brought pleasure, happiness, and unity. Any that fully accepted the Light into their very soul would find comfort and warmth, some even having their hair and clothing turn a bright white from being bathed in the glory of The Light, signifying that they would be excellent candidates for the Priesthood. And while Trinia would oversee the conversion, her personal touch would only come to those who showed true devotion, with possible priesthood candidates being allowed private time with her, letting her Holy Light shine down upon them so that they too could preach the true divinity of The Light. She would focus on potential priesthood candidates, while the newer converts would focus on converting the populace. With all of that in mind they would just keep pushing further and further into the Vasoran Alliance territory, town by town, even targetting large cities for conversion, turning them into massive holy orgies praising The Light and its teachings, converts exploring each others bodies in the streets and town squares to further indoctrinate them into the glorious feelings of servitude towards The Light.

Although the light had competition!

Luckily it seems that the Vasorans finally realized that the demons cared for them! Now if they could put their war like mentality behind them....!
Still the loyalty program would go on! It seemed the Vasorans also wanted to do a demon breeding program, while the succubi weren't exactly sure how this was different than usual, of course they wouldn't disagree!

To celebrate the start of thenew friendship, there was even a festival organized! It seemed that everyone was having fun...why leave and go to war when not going to war is also nice....

The Heralds of Desire
Jezael the Grand Seductress, Demonic Titan

Counts as a part of the Demon Nation. The Weakest Titan. Can't Even Attack. Defense: 0 Health: equal to the Demonic Corruption in the World total.

Pact Primeval: Everyone that sold their soul to the Demons recieves 2 Ranks of Demonic Corruption every turn
Infernal Dominion: Everyone with combined Corruption ranks of 10 or more is automatically Conquered by you unless someone elses corruption is higher.
Corruption Personified: ? ? ?
Magic Resistant III: Spells targeted at Jezael have a 50% chance to fail. Magic attacks deal 50% less damage.
Improved Corruption XI: This Titan inflicts 12 Ranks of corruption with every attack. Luckily she is unable to attack.

Taria, The Flame mage: 0 Resources

Jezael looked at the souls that were swimming around in her bathwater like small ducklings. She could see them transforming bit by bit. "Foolish mortals" she sighed, scratching the cute dragon soul behind it's wing. Did they really think possible to ascend without even their own soul to back them up?

"Very well then. I shall help you find the ultimate truth...but for a price." she picked the chibi vampire and the cute dragonsoul and looked at their eyes...magnetizing them to do the same. Inside her eyes they would find unspeakable truths...truths of the world, that mortals couldn't truly comprehend.

The price shall be knowing. Knowing that corruption, is the ultimate truth of this world." she comforted the poor souls "Humbling isn't it. We are so tiny compared to it."

She then kissed them softly, giving them -hopefully- the last shove needed for them to ascend...

And screamed in overwhelming agony as she overreached her station. Luckily, she had prepared for this. Rather than burning to cinders, she sent out the souls of the Dragon-Emperor and the Tidecallers captain.. well, the corruption-stained darkly twisted, lustful things things they called their souls anyway.

As if this was not enough, Jezael nodded to her Flame-mage.. there were nations to corrupt, and it was time to use her most powerful ability, in exchange for delicious doggie cock.. err.. the glory of her fire!

All nations basked in Jezaels corruption. Each leader having willingly consigned themselves without reading the small print and put in little effort to stop her once they realized what was going on, it was clear that, if this was a competition, one could say:

The Heralds of Desire have won the game
Year 829

My name is Dr. Walter Monteguez and I am this periods leading historian. Yet. This is the earliest account I managed to unearth, of the period we call the Dark Age of Corruption. After the great corruption, I estimate about 200 years passed. This is what little I could gather of the nations that existed at the time.:

The Pandoran Circle: My research indicates they were healers that tried to stop the tides of corruption. Enslaved or, perhaps willingly giving themselves to undead pirates, their attempts were too little too late and they were lost to history.

Vasoran beasts: Whilest a colleague of mine claims they were an old, honorable civilization, they were nothing but wild creatures craving to fuck and procreate without end even before the demons took control of the world.

The Circle of Divine Light: Amusingly, the origin of some of the cardgames we stilil play today, although apparently they believed cards held genuine meaning and power, rediculous a notion, of course. The trick is to make the interpretation so obvious anything could or could not be true.

The Peacock Realm: Whilest peculiarly I could unearth a lot of this more asian culture, there is little to their fate. There are legends of them willingly aiding the demons and even accompanying Jezael on her ascend, (or descend, if you so want), Although such rumours are hard to verify with such mystical things.

Imperius Draconis: Legend has it that there were three draconic syblings, each mighty enough to make a mortal surrender with just a gaze upon their magnificence. One day, one of the three siblings wanted to serve the demons, another wanted to fight them and the third remained neutral, so they split, their already small numbers breaking apart. I've had the pleasure of speaking to a dragon myself, naturally in human form and they clarified to me that whilest their Mother and Grandmother did not technically win throughout history, neither did they lose. It was also clarified that us short lived races having historians being adorable, and that I would be eaten if I dared question the fate of any of her lineage.
I find it save to note that the dragons are a powerful, yet integral part of our society. I wonder what the true dragons of old could have been like, if they had not been overcome by the corruption...

The Tidecallers: I vehemently argue against the rumours that the Tidecallers were not undead, but a fallen nation dedicated to corrupting others all along. The evidence indicates the Pandorans willing surrender, and they are the reason that nowadays undead are commonly accepted and unlife discrimination is frowned upon. Whilest they have a tendency to wander the lands and rarely hold any positions of importance I myself have considered indulging an unlife-contract to allow my studies to continue on beyond my own lifespan.
What I agree on with my colleagues is the rumour that the Tidecallers rescued any angels and tried to breed more of them. Undead cannot breed and the demons of the time would certainly have dealt with any angelic opposition

The Heralds of Desire: It is strange. We all know the story. Jezael, the Grand Seductress conquered the world, only to leave it with a few of her most favourite playthings, rumour have it an undead, a dragon, a witch and an ordinary human.
But who where the demons really? Conquerors and monsters as some claim? I want to agree, yet, they did never attempt to destroy the world, only show it the beauty of corruption.
Without a doubt, are they to blame for the Dark Age of Corruption, where knowledge and learning made space for endless orgies. Where so much knowledge was lost that I fear future generations will have to start from little.

Then again, they also jumpstarted our population at the time and helped shape our morality. My colleagues agree that back in ancient times, we saw other nations as 'twisted' and 'Fallen' just because they indulged in the most simple acts of desires.
Imagine that, a barbarian that would accept murdering an enemy, but not fucking them into submission. Luckily, we are past those primitive times...

Year 1055
This year matters, beause it is relevant to what is happening to us right now. I've recognized the signs last year. Our world, united in pleasure is struggling as different factions begin to emerge. Some say that sex is something sacred that should not be used as simple currency. Well, this happened once before, in the year 1055.
The Corruption-Enignes malfunctioned through the acts of the growing religion of Monogamism.
of this dark period, but I will stress that what the young folks these days call 'proper' and 'modest' is what once almost brought down our corruption engines!

I am the last to condemn our invention of 'the steam energy' But remember the soul-wars that ensured when corruption-energy grew sparse. I ask you, is that what you want? The next leader we elect ought not to be one of those disgusting prorgressives.

Yeah, I find the number of the year a little weird, alright, but that doesn't stop us from preparing for the election! There are many promising candidates, gathering behind themselves a sizeable following.
Perhaps you agree with the more progressive proponents of the steam energy? I must say those airships are impressive.
Then again, perhaps you prefer the more conservative approach of Crystalized lust magic? It has served us well for what, 500 years now?
I sure like my lust..
Anyway. There are some odd folks saying you can combine corruption magic and science, which I find rediculous, but hey, they've got a growing group behind them too..

Really, there's too many candidates to count, why wouldn't there be, everybody wants to rule the world and push through their edicts.

Me? Oh nonono, I'm not a candidate, I'm just here to.. you know, watch the whole progress and see one ideology literally fuck another into submission, plus it's much safer for you know, your mind and freedom to not participate,.. if you care about those. I myself am happily bound to one lovely wife and one lovely husband.

Either way, I suspect that the candidacy is going to get wild because keep in mind during the candidacy the Gahlentian decrees are not in effect anymore. Any group that aspires to rule the world better be ready to get fucked into submission by another if they don't watch it.

Oh and, even better news, apparently a few beings calling themselves 'Witches' apply for a position as secretary, if you can convince them.:

A witch is a spellcaster that passively gains 1 resource/turn, and can generate resources through their abilities. Witches, left to their own devices, will not attack other nations.

Every witch does not gain any damage reduction and can be conquered by a nation, just like another nation can be, but also stolen by others. Simply overcome her defenses and deal enough damage to overcome her health.
A witch may use their abilities to aid their conqueror if convinced, but does not have to. Treat your witches with love and care and molestation. A witches spell costs the indicated amount of resources, and a witch can only cast one spell per turn.

Reminder: A witch has her own emotions and interests. They may refuse to use an ability that requires the payment of multiple resources if not treated well!


Idura, The Time Witch: 5 Hitpoints, 15 Defence
Legend says that this witch is centuries old, but she looks about mid-thirties at best. Idura is the most enigmatic of known powerful spellcasters, living in a remote castle with strange technology. Likes: Punctuality, Corruption Groping, Tentacles, Dislikes: Waiting, Beasts, orgasm denial.

  1. Broken hours: +1 Resources: Idura's Conqueror Permanently loses 1 Resource but gains 3 temporary resources for the next turn.
  2. Saving Time: -1 Resource: Idura's Conqueror choses one action they will do X turns in the future. If they execute that action by the chosen turn, they gain +2 bonus resources on it.
  3. Perfected motion: -4 Resources: Idura's Conqueror rerolls any 1's rolled during any action they take next turn. Their attackers, if any, reroll any 6's
  4. Dual Time: -9 Resources: Idura's Conqueror takes two turns at once, and only keeps the more beneficial one (Example: if only one turns choices would lead to conquering a nation, they take this one. If in one turn they take 30% damage and fail an exploration attempt, but in another they take only 2% and succeed in researching instead, they take this one, etc..)


Magnalia the Great Inventress: 15 Health, 5 Defence
Magnalia is known throughout the world as the foremost expert on .. well inventing whatever is needed to do the job. She's given herself a penis just to see if she could, just to start. Likes: New inventions, Parasite infection, conditioning. Dislikes: Boredom, abandonment


  1. Magnalia's insight: +1 Resource: Magnalia will comment on what you are doing. Usually quite condescendingly. Perhaps you should bimbofy her geez...
  2. Hyper Intuition: +0 Resources: Rerolls one failed Research attempt and keeps the better result. Grants +1 Resource if used on another nation
  3. Negate Progress: -3 Resources: The Targets next research seems to succeed but has a catastrophic negative result instead. They are not aware until this happens...
  4. Unstoppable Success: -7 Resources: Gain two automatic successes on a research attempt of your choice