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Armies & Conquests IV


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Open for round 4!

Please submit your character following the outline below.

Party Name:



Fetishes: (Dom /Sub) - do keep in mind that the dice and your strategies decide if you will end up dominant or submissive.. .. try your hardest. No.. Noooo don't just submit to another nation because it'd be very enjoyable to be taught your place.. Are you even listening?!?

Absolute Turn offs: (Gore and murder and somesuch are assumed off limits for DM reasons)

Optional(But encouraged!):


Themesong for the Party:

Party Symbol and colors:

Election Promises:

Known for, famous method of corruption:

Brief Party history: Keep in mind, the world is perverse, no party that is against sexual conquest, and either being enslaved, or enslaving others will be eeligable for running.

Other stuff:

Please include the following in your PM:
Aenon's Post Template™!

Party name, Year 0, Month x (xth turn)
Health Remaining: 100/100
Corruption Rank:
This Turns Defense: xd6, +0 from previous turn, +x bonus 1, +y bonus 2

Active Abilities:
  • Ability 1: +x to Defenses
  • Ability 2: +y to Something else
  • Condition 1: the plague is giving me -10 to Something for X turns (this is the 2/X turn)
  • Adventurer's Guild x/10
  • Bob's Lament: 10 Resources to cast, does some things

Resources spent:

Defense 1d6 (On the Battlements!) + General

Party Decree: On the Offense! (Defense 1 + General)
"Fluff text! We have to be weary about our enemies, blah blah!"

(note, Image looks cute but don't make it too big if you decide to add one)

Research 3d6 (Lewd Researchings! 45%)
Research Order: Lewd Researchings! (Research 3d6, 45%)
"We have to research some lewd things too! It's a lewd world we live in, after all!"

Explanation: I hope Lewd Researchings will give me something like this after it is completed!

(note, 45% is the progress from the previous turn)

(and so on!)
Resourses used: 12 (10, +3 temporary, -1 penalty)

Code of it below:

[B][U]Kingdom name, Year 0, Month x [/U][/B](xth turn)
Health Remaining: 100/100
Corruption Rank: 0
This Turns Defense: xd6, +0 from previous turn, +x bonus 1, +y bonus 2

Active Abilities:
[*]Ability 1: +x to Defenses
[*]Ability 2: +y to Something else
[*]Condition 1: the plague is giving me -10 to Something for X turns (this is the 2/X turn)
[*]Adventurer's Guild x/10
[*]Bob's Lament: 10 Resources to cast, does some things

[B][U]Resources spent:[/U][/B]

Defense 1d6 (On the Battlements!) + General
[IMG align="left" width="330px"]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/c8/83/7ac883b8825e53c4597b8e75e5784bba.jpg[/IMG]
[B]Imperial Decree: On the Battlements! (Defense 1 + General)[/B]
[I]"Fluff text! We have to be weary about our enemies, blah blah!" [/I]

(note, Image looks cute but don't make it too big if you decide to add one)


Research 3d6 (Lewd Researchings! 45%)
[B]Research Order: Lewd Researchings! (Research 3d6, 45%)[/B]
[I]"We have to research some lewd things too! It's a lewd world we live in, after all!" [/I]

Explanation: I hope Lewd Researchings will give me something like this after it is completed!

(note, 45% is the progress from the previous turn)

(and so on!)
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d1qqe8k-28de756c-40ff-4eee-a32e-995e3722a596.jpg Nation Name: The Lance Empire

General: Empress Odette, the Cruel

The current Empress hasn't been on the throne for long, but she has great ambitions and vision. She never tolerates even the slightest disrespect from her male subjects, and she is known for publicly humiliating anyone who goes against her without any mercy. Rumors say that she secretly may be a spellcaster...

Race: Humans

Fetishes: Dom

'Obedience is it's own reward.'
'Everyone has his place; women above, men below.'
(variants with other races are used too)

Nation Symbol:
A mounted knight charging forward with his lance, under a red moon.
(The crimson moon is the symbol of the royal family.)

Colors: Red, white, gold

Form of Government: Female Dominated Monarchy

Known for/Famous Exports: Luxury slaves, Jewelry, Cheese and wine.

Brief History of the Empire:
Two hundred years ago, there was no Lance Empire. There were just multiple little kingdoms, with ever changing kings and politics. Until one day, a wise queen emerged, and with her great ideals about female superiority she waged war far and wide, uniting all those kingdoms under a single banner. It wasn't that the queen wanted to be a tyrant - she just had to rule them with an iron fist for their own good. Eventually, males realized that their proper place was under the feet of a capable woman. Under the female rule, the empire prospered....

Other important women:

b68f0342115bef033000b17ad2634d42-1000.jpg Lady Arianne, the Bulwark of the East

A female warrior and general, she is calm and calculated. She is the loyal protector of the Empire.

liangxing-imperial-princess-1-9fbdca91-kjvt.jpeg Lady Dovinia, the Witch of the West

Cunning and determined, originally a minor noble, through her arcane mastery she became the head of the High Tower of the Arcane. She is feared, and rumors say that if you get on her bad side you may end up as a test subject for one of her experiments...

tumblr_mandm1uUCv1qcflzio2_640.jpg Lady Marika, the Royal Chronicler

Always 110% objective and unbiased, she is writing down every historic fact to preserve the history for the future generations. She is also responsible for "The Lance Times", the totally objective and unbiased (and the only one available) newspaper in the Empire!

Rumors also speak of a Queen of Thieves...but that surely is a lie, as a female would never do anything like that.
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Celestial Hierarchy of the Seraphim

Leader/General: Exalted Commander Sophiael

Race: Angels/Seraphim

Fetishes: Dominant, instant conversion to the light, total obedience, female supremacy, turning everyone into women

Motto: "The servants of the Light do not tolerate resistance!"

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: White, blue, gold

Form of Government: Theocracy

Known for: Sexy angel crusaders kicking ass

Brief Nation History: The Seraphim entered the world on the order of the creator, to bolster the forces of good against the impending demonic invasion, and to ensure that all the races and nations worship the light, the creator, and his Seraphim servants. They settled the remote peaks of the largest mountains and transformed the plateaus into forests of crystal trees and rivers of lava, where they built their monasteries and prepare for war.
Nation Name: Necropolis

Important personnel:
Queen Agnes Ravenholm, the Eternal;
Once a kind and benevolent ruler who embarked on a perilous journey to save her people, Agnes has grown corrupted by her necromantic powers. Now grown decadent and reclusive, she now spends most of her time hidden away in the depths of the palace, studying arcane secrets and developing foul magics to spread her influence ever further.

Lisabeth Crimson, Chief Advisor and Diplomat;
The original Chief Advisor’s daughter, as her father succumbed to the plague much earlier and was brought back as a ghoul only one step above the mindless horde, it fell on her to succeed the title. Meek and pacifistic she may be, she still holds the wellbeing of her nation firmly above all else, and the magical pheromones she produces certainly help at the negotiation table…

Alexandra Nightwood, Lord General
Once known by Alexander, the dark powers of necromancy has, for some inexplicable reason, changed her into her feminine self today, as it has for all that it touches. Powerful in both physical and magical combat, Alexandra stands alongside her troops as she leads them, inspiring devotion from her subordinates and fear from her enemies.

Race: The Undying

Fetishes (OOC): Switch leaning Sub. Pet play, monstergirl transformations, among other things.

“Our Glory, Eternal. Our Potential, Infinite. Our Regrets, Absent.”
“Death itself yields before us! All else shall follow.”

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors:
A skull with the sun and moon in its eye sockets; Purple, black, blue, silver and gold

Form of Government:
Primarily a Monarchy, Necropolis society is special in that about 90% of the populace are mindless zombies barely more intelligent than dogs. The remaining 10% comprise the ruling class, their place in the hierarchy dictated by the intactness of their human faculties.

While one would think that organizing the instinct-driven thralls into productivity would be like herding cats, the undead thankfully share a pseudo-hivemind that allows greater undead to keep their lessers under control. The common, mindless laborers obey assigned overseers, who take orders from lesser nobles, working all the way up to the Queen who, as the source of necromantic power, all Necropolitans are automatically 100% loyal to, unless otherwise subverted by outside means.

Known for:
Preferring magic over technology, Necropolis is one of, if not the, foremost in arcane development, selling magical goods to the rich and powerful, though most of what they do sell is relatively mundane, such as potions that help restore one’s vigor or rings that give a slight boost in strength, keeping their true arcane prowess to themselves.

The nation also has a thriving mining and agricultural industry due to its sizeable amount of mindless labor perfectly suited to menial, soul-crushingly boring tasks. And, of course, there’s no one else in the world that can offer resurrection services…

Brief Nation History:
The history of Necropolis was not a happy one. Once a land of humans known by a different name, the nation was brought to the brink of collapse by an incurable plague. Desperate to find a solution, the Queen herself set forth on a journey into parts unknown, following rumors of an ancient relic that could cure even death itself.

No one really knows what happened on her journey, or where the relic came from, or even from where those rumors first came, only that as the streets lay strewn with the dead and the last, sickly survivors congregated within the palace to wait for their final moments in relative comfort, the Queen returned with the power she sought.
The nation and its people now stand once more, changed, corrupted with a power that defies the natural order itself. While some retained more of their humanity than others, from the lowliest zombie to the lich queen herself, all find themselves seeking the same common goal: To spread their ‘cure’ across the realm and bring all to heel before the power of necromancy, undead or alive.
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Nation Name: The Empire of Gahlentia

General: Empress Annabelle Desmarais


Race: Human

Fetishes: Switch leaning sub. Corruption. Slow infiltration. Society Alteration. Mind Control. Parasites.

Mottos: "We all wear masks, whether we choose to or not."
"Every step: Measured. Every gesture: Practiced. Every word: Rehearsed. Every expression: A Mask. Every dance: A Victory."
"Let 'The Dance' Begin!"

Themesong of the Nation:

Nation Symbol: A Mask of red and white, red around the eyes, white as it moves further out. Gold trim around the edge, with rose motifs, and between the eyes a glimmering ruby.

Nation Colors: Red, White, Gold, and Black.

Other Important Figures:

Gabriel Chandel is sometimes referred to as the "Hero of Crimson Valley". He was formerly a knight of Gahlentia, and fought to protect the nation from a violent coup attempt that devolved into a Civil War. When the armies of the enemy nobles attempted to take a surprise route through the Crimson Valley, he sent the rest of his company of knights to warn the Empress. They retreated to deliver the letter while he remained alone to hold off the armies in the Crimson Valley. Using the terrain, traps, and his own impressive skill in combat, he was able to hold off the army for 40 days, long enough for reinforcements to arrive and route the armies of those noblemen. It is no exaggeration that he is the reason the war was won, as the nobles surrendered after suffering such heavy losses. Thanks to that he was elevated into the Rose Council, given a minor lordship, and is now one of the most skilled generals of Gahlentia. If Empress Desmarais is not leading the soldiers on the battlefield, then you are almost guaranteed to find Gabriel Chandel standing at the front of the army, leading them with the same fire and passion befitting of the Hero of Crimson Valley.


"The Silent Dancer" is more a title than a name. It is the title given to the head of Gahlentia's most powerful assassin's guild, "The Secret Steps". They began calling themselves that when the title of 'The Dance' became more and more known. As they are the steps of The Dance that none are meant to see. The steps that an opponent can't envision until the dagger is in their back. The current leader of the guild is a woman with long white hair, and that is all any really know of her. While anyone in Gahlentia can find assassins, every noble knows that The Secret Steps are the best one can find, and that they are incredibly expensive. They always uphold their contracts, and have eyes all over the nation to do so. However, something unprecedented has begun to take place, as The Secret Steps have refused to take any contracts on Empress Desmarais. Before there was no one truly safe from their reach, but now it almost seems as if they are working for the Empress, refusing any contract that brings them against her, or her closest nobles. Either way they are experts of infiltration, subterfuge, and as of late administering strange toxins that no one can quite trace. They stand in the shadows, apparently just as united under the Empress as the soldiers and nobility.


Michel Sorcier is the head arcane adviser to the Empress. While Annabelle herself is a mage, it helped to have someone to give her other perspectives, especially one that was considered a "magical prodigy". From a very young age Michel was an expert of magic, but the politics of Gahlentia didn't interest him in any way. So despite all of his talents, he was shunned by most of his nation, victim of multiple false scandals by other nobles that sought the positions his skill in magic granted him. The man was brilliant, but he had no eye for the Dance. So it seemed that he would be left without the accolades one of his talent deserved. Until one day he noticed that a strange spell had been weaved over many of the nobility. They had some form of mind ensnaring magic weaved over them. While he despised many of them, it made him fear that there was some sort of traitor seeking to tear his nation apart. So he pulled what few strings he had to warn the Empress herself! Annabelle was genuinely shocked to find that someone had enough talent to see through her intricately woven spells, and actually was stunned for a few moments when he came before her and explained everything that he had seen. Rather than risk casting her spells on him, Annabelle took a calculated risk and revealed that she was the one casting those spells, explaining her plans to him and offering the position of Arcane Adviser in her Court. His own hatred of the Dance led to him joining up with Annabelle willingly, glad his nation was safe, and that he was offered a prestigious position. The nobles that had once mocked him were angered to see him get such a high position, and he shed not one tear knowing that many of them were slaves to the Empress, instead happy to be working with a talented mage and hopefully ensuring the future of Gahlentia.


Eloise Ouvrard was a childhood friend of Empress Annabelle, and currently serves as her head diplomat. Eloise came from a family of much higher rank than Annabelle's, but the two of them formed a close friendship at an early age. Because of her rank, Eloise was trained in the intricacies of The Dance so that she could survive. Unfortunately, she also knew that Annabelle wouldn't be able to rise high enough considering her family. However, Eloise was also there to see Annabelle develop her magical talents, and even was with her the day that the future Empress discovered her mind controlling magic. Eloise, having long adapted to the cutthroat politics of her nation, actually was part of the planning process to put Annabelle on the throne. While Annabelle was the one that came up with the plan to subvert the nobility, Eloise helped with the actual planning and maneuvering. With the promise that Annabelle would be Empress, and Eloise would be given the highest possible honor in her Court, they worked together to subvert the nobility and pull the Court under her power. Eloise was even the one that had pulled the strings to have the former Emperor meet privately with Annabelle. After which she served as the head diplomat of Gahlentia, Annabelle trusting her diplomatic skills to work as an envoy to other nations. And provided her, of course, with even more land and a greater title to fit her new position. Today she handles many day to day operations, squashes any rather costly rumors, and serves as their top diplomat towards other nations.

Form of Government: Mixture of Oligarchy and "Empire"

Known for/Famous Exports: Known for their elaborate masks, intricate and sometimes impractical fashion, and cutthroat politics.
Major Exporter of Dyes, Wine, Gems, and Courtesans...

Brief Nation History:
Gahlentia is less an Empire and more "A collection of City-States". They are a loose collection of lands that had agreed to ally with one another for the sake of protecting their sovereignty. However, their people are very eccentric, and preferred to call themselves an "Empire" despite there being very little characteristics of an Empire. They hadn't conquered anyone, they weren't an unstoppable force to be reckoned with, they were merely a collection of nobles that liked acting as though they were above the rest. The only step they took towards becoming an "Empire" was deciding to have an Emperor to sit on their throne, hold the most power over their Council of Nobles, and lead their collection of small City-States. Unfortunately, the leaders of these states were all rather conceited, and fancied themselves the most deserving to lead the Empire.

This very quickly devolved into a game of political backstabbing, betrayal, assassination, and devious plots and coups, all for the sake of nobles to rise to greater power in the Council. Alliances formed and broke within weeks, subterfuge was commonplace, and at the heart of it all there was a desire for nobility. Customs developed surprisingly quickly. You were to smile, bow, make polite chat, follow perfect etiquette, all while secretly scheming your opponent's demise. While this level of manners, etiquette, and ceremony seemed ridiculous, it was likely the only reason the "Empire" didn't crumble to nothing within the span of a year. Every step was calculated, every grand party a chance to conspire, gossip, and plot the downfalls of one another. It was little wonder that the mask became the symbol of the nation incredibly quickly, the ability to hide one's true emotions and desires becoming infamous to those within the Court and those neighboring the Empire. The mixture of chaos and order became greater and greater, nobles fighting one another behind the scenes, every death a coordinated effort, every murderer weeping in public while laughing in secret, the nation was on the course to destruction. In the reign of the First Emperor people began referring to this entire situation as "The Dance". To get anywhere in Gahlentia, you needed to participate in "The Dance", you had to learn the steps, with every misstep harboring the threat of death, the honest and kind were weeded out quickly, while the ruthless, cunning, and ambitious thrived. To become Emperor you needed the support of the Rose Council, the collection of nobles and City-State leaders that worked together to make choices "for the Empire". And so the Emperor needed to be a master of The Dance to survive, otherwise they would find themselves getting nowhere, losing power as fast as they had gained it.

It was little wonder that the First Emperor was assassinated within a decade, a coup quickly replacing him with the Second Empress, a woman inexperienced in The Dance in an attempt for certain nobles to use her as little more than a puppet. After several near assassinations she stepped down willingly, refusing to even name a successor and risk her life further. The Third Emperor was a stronger man, ruling for 15 years. But unfortunately even then he barely managed to get anywhere in improving his Empire, it seemed that The Dance had already become too unwieldy for even the best, and was quickly becoming the downfall of the fledgling Empire. Too much ambition, too much betrayal, and not enough loyalty meant that they were unable to become the force they wished to be. Over the span of 50 years and 3 Emperors, the nation was on the brink of a slow demise, falling apart from their own political machinations...

Enter Annabelle Desmarais, A minor noblewoman and adept mage mostly overlooked by The Dance. She was in a position of so little power that she'd need to assassinate dozens to have any say in the Rose Council. Or she'd need them to unite under her, something just as unlikely with their own ambitions and machinations getting in the way. She was considered to be no threat, too weak to change anything. But her actions changed The Dance entirely, turning it on its head after 50 years of chaos. She added a new step, a new aspect of The Dance none had tried. Mind Control. Magic to ensnare the minds of political opponents, poisons to sap the will, elixirs to enflame lust, spells to corrupt and ensnare those that stood above her. And most impressive of all, she kept it hidden from those partaking in The Dance around her. Nobles would meet with her behind closed doors at lavish parties, only to find themselves agreeing with her every request, becoming steadfast allies to the young noblewoman. She was adept enough at The Dance to never fall victim to scandal, to lie and smile and move with the practiced poise those expected, those sent to assassinate her would almost always turn out to be spies working FOR her. It was as though she could out think her opponents at every turn. Others would try to remove her from the Rose Council, only to find their once allies standing behind Annabelle instead. She moved through the Rose Council at a speed never seen, many not sure how she had mastered The Dance so effectively. And month by month more voices would call out in support of her, begging for Annabelle to become Empress, for her to lead the nations together to finally become a proper Empire. And to those not under her control, she seemed to inspire loyalty never before seen, she held power they could only dream of, and most frustratingly nothing they do would seem to harm her, she was untouchable as more and more voices joined in support of her. Some even did so willingly, seeing no other option than to tie themselves to the winning horse. After a few years of effort, Annabelle would finally reach her goal, finding time alone with The Third Emperor, using her abilities on him, unleashing her mind altering magic to ensnare him to her will. A few short months later, The Third Emperor would step down as well, this time naming Annabelle Desmarais as his successor. The Rose Council voted in an overwhelming majority to confirm her as Empress, and the reign of the Fourth Empress began.

Led now by Empress Desmarais, the people of Gahlentia hopes have never been higher. The nobility has mostly fallen in line behind her, many loyal slaves to the Empress, meaning that what was once a collection of City-States would now work together as a real Empire. Meanwhile the peasantry and other common folk believe her to be the closest thing they'll ever find to a commoner on the throne. She came from such a small position and now ruled over all, and seeing that she had forced the nobles in line through her skill at The Dance, they believe her to be the guiding force that will unite their lands and one day lead them into prosperity, ruling over all. The peasants, the soldiers, and the nobility of Gahlentia stand behind their Empress, and she stands ready to show the world that the title of "Empire" is more than just a presumptious title. It will be a truth to bind the world. It is time to take The Dance to the other nations across the land, and if Annabelle has her way the whole world will Dance under her strings.
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Nation Name: Imperius Draconicus

General(plus picture for at least the general):
Dragon form
Emperor dragon.jpg
semi-dragon form Emperor anthro.jpg
The emperor's human form
Emperor human.png
Race: Dragons

Optional(But encouraged!):
Fetishes: Dom leaning switch. Speciesm, Master Servant/slave,

Motto: "Virtus ex Sanguinem" "Strength in blood"

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: A golden sun being breathed fire on by a blue dragon on a field of red

Form of Government: Dragon lead empire, anyone with draconic blood can rise through merit but the less they have the less often they'll get chances.

Known for/Famous Exports: Mercenaries, the Imperius draconicus has the best soldiers in the world, Dragons are the most powerful species and as such even untrained ones are usually superior to soldiers of other species.

Brief Nation History: Until but 100 years ago dragons were not united, they lived in clans spread out across mountain ranges, fighting with each other and the existing nations, never caring more than for their own clans, that was until one clan started conquering the others, travelling around and fighting other clans, putting them under their own rule. This was a clan of blue dragons lead by Jyrvayrth The Greater, he claimed he was descended directly from the god of dragons whose breath had created the sun, and through charisma, magic and brute power established the Imperius Draconicus, the dragons starting to have cities built for them by their kobold servants. The kobolds are by far the most common creatures in the empire, believing themselves to have been created by the divine dragon to serve the great ones they are supremely proud of their position in life and will do anything that the dragons ask of them, the greatest position for them is serving in the grand palace taking care of the emperor and his harem. They will refuse the help of anyone in when it comes to service of their superiors, but when it comes to anything not related to the dragons is more than willing to have others do it.

Other stuff:
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Nation Name: Stiro-Athayan Empire (Also known as Stiria-Athay)

Primal Form:
Iren Primal.png

Race: Human-Beastman Confederation (Special Snowflake-kin)

Fetishes: Switch, Mind Control/Hypnosis, Futanari, Petplay, Corruption, Monsters, Monster-girls, Cock and Pussy worship, Kissing.

Motto: "With United Forces!"
"Divines Save the Emperor!"

Stiro-Athayan Symbol.png A double headed Eagle with a knight and fox on the shield colored in White, Black, and Silver

Form of Government: Dual Monarchy, The Emperor and Empress rule as King and Queen of both Stiria and Athay

Known for/Famous Exports: Expert Diplomats, Gold and Silver Mining, Shipbuilding, Vast Territory with both mountains and massive plains along with everything in between within it's borders

Brief Nation History: Stiria was a mountainous Duchy that has been ruled by the von Eder family since it's inception. Through shrewd political maneuvering, strategic marriages and some minor wars, in the few generations since the world began Stiria grew to encompass not only it's land, but the lands of it's largest neighbor, Athay. The Emperor of Stiria-Athay is a human from Stiria, and the Empress is a beastwoman from Athay, as it has been since the dual monarchy was formed following a controversial marriage. The burgeoning Empire is still finding it's feet even after the first generation Emperor, and as such many of Stiria's and Athay's inner workings are not connected, though at the very least, the Armies of the two nations have been organized into a large (if spread thin) bulwark to protect the lands of the Empire. The daughter of the Empress is acting as the current head of the Empire's Common Army, and the Archduchess does not intend to let the Stiro-Athayan Empire fall by the wayside.

Due to the breeding between humans and beastmen within the Empire, the new generations are looking more like a mix of their two ancestries, though they still possess the ability to temporarily transform into a feral version of themselves, the people of the empire have taken to calling this a 'Primal Form'.
Nation Name: Amigdal Satyrs

General: Glisa the Softest - High pet of the bandlord Gorath


Satyrs - The satyrs are a race of semi savage beastmen who have long lived in the forests of Amigdal. Their nature has always been one of wild revelry rather than that of nation builders. Drunken orgies and endless drinking make up their lives and their way of life has changed little in centuries.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that they have always been peaceful, and while outright wars are hard to understand from a kind that does not recognize much in the form of centralized leadership other than might makes right, they still engage in raiding frequently. Satyrs only give birth to males, and there is no way to replenish their own numbers except from recruiting other races. The drunken parties and lifestyle of the satyrs draw many to it like a moth to flame, and before long few want to leave. Those who stay just a few hours too long soon find themselves transformed body mind and soul. Female satyresses forevermore.

While most of the females are concerned only with breeding more satyrs by participating in the endless orgies some rise to great power. To the male satyrs a large cock means power, and males fight each other, sometimes going as far as to mount those weaker than themselves. This action will leave the aggressor with the mass of his foe, and will prove his place as a more worthy male. Females on the other hand tend to have more time to consider the outside world. While the males fight, the females plot. For this reason Females are often the real leaders of satyr warbands, even if they still bow to their alpha.

Fetishes: Dominant but largely aloof men / Submissive but socially powerful women - Satyr life is largely a hedonistic one, and so fetishes are almost a misnomer considering the wide array of activities they tend to involve themselves in. Some however come though more than others.

Barbarism - Satyrs hate civilization in a grander sense. They think that everyone should abandon modesty and restrain like they do. As a result they are almost universally barbaric.

Sexual power - To a satyr sex is an expresion of power and value. A man is worth something because he can impregnate women, a woman because she can become so. Satyrs are less concerned with sexual roles than with proving their place by sexual acts. A woman who makes a man climax before her is powerful, but one that can make a man climax with just a look is a true leader.

Motto: Do as you please

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors:

Green and Purple

Form of Government: Tribal Despotism - The Satyr are not a united people in the traditional sense. They are a loose confederation of tribes that often work together for a common end. That end tends to be the procurement of more females, as more females means more population. For this reason it can't be said that the satyr have any form of governance other than might makes right.

The current ‘leader’ of the Amigdal Satyrs is Bandlord Gorath. A young leader, Gorath took the position from its previous holder in the traditional fashion, a ritual form of combat in witch each participant tries to wrestle the other to the ground and fuck them. Success means that the winner inherits the girth of his opponents member as well as his position, loss means life among the satyrs without the right to breed with any of the females.

In truth Glisa calls the shots however. Satyr men are too busy fighting for breeding rights and otherwise partying to do much else, leaving the women to handle most other matters. Glisa herself holds her position because she is the preferred mate of Gorath.

Known for/Famous Exports: Wild parties, Wine and pelts - Satyr society revolves around the carousel, a form of wild party that more or less never stops. A sober satyr is a rare site indeed, and almost all satyr life revolves around these constantly moving bands.

Health Remaining: 100
Will Remaining: 100
Active Abilities: None
Nation Name: Rhellenia

General: Xana



Succubi Demonkin - Some claim the orchestrators of this war, certainly it's beneficiary, demons are sly, seductive and offer power and alliances to whoever needs it.. They are more powerful than any other race.. but they burn in fiendish hunger. Hell Bent: +2 Starting Resources, but lose 1% Willpower and Health every turn. Can NOT Rebuild.

Fetishes: Female Dom is common amongst the ruling class, although they are often subby towards one another. Lots of BDSM, harem boys, turning captured members of other races into dungeon incubi.

Motto: Boys are toys

Themesong for the Nation: "Tainted Love"

Nation Symbol and colors: purple and black, a central spider web adorned with roses.

Form of Government:

Oligarchy; ruled by a group of powerful sister succubi. These ruling demonesses have managed to hold monopolies over the boy slave trade, and possess their own enormous harems. They are also powerful sorceresses, most often using their demonic spells to seduce others into bending towards their will, not stopping to exert these powers on members of their own race.
Known for/Famous Exports: Well-trained boy slaves, at a decent price. Also items containing aphrodisiacs, used for seducing and capturing unwilling lovers.

Brief Nation History:

Before the rise of the Rhellene sisterhood, the succubi realms had a reputation as an exotic, yet dangerous attraction. The land was filled with the small fortresses of those succubi most attracted to power and ambitious enough to develop small followings in designated territories. Members of other races, seeking covert ways to entertain themselves sexually, might sometimes be found visiting a border region fortress, where it was understood that releasing a guest after a nice stay with the succubi hostess might attract more business in the future. However, those foolish enough to journey to the expansive succubi castles further from the nation's borders almost always found themselves added to the massive harems kept by the more dangerous and greedy dark succubi of the Rhellene sisterhood.

Within recent years, the influence of the Rhellene sisterhood has inflated enough to force allegiance to the central fortresses by the smaller, outlying forces. The Rhellene sisterhood has also forced a loose organization of society and laws to be enforced throughout the land, and quarterly taxes are required of all other fortresses. The newly-subject succubi fortresses and borderlands grumble a bit at the forced submission (something that goes against their grain), but they are appeased by being rewarded with dark secrets and recipes for spells that have helped them cast an lustful influence on their bordering nations; it has been speculated their use this influence to encourage their "tourist industry," possibly the cause for the disappearance of a significant percentage of the populations in border towns of neighboring nations.

Full Map:
Celestial Hierarchy:
Imperius Dragonicus:
Amidgal Satyrs:
Stiro-Athanyan Empire:
Empire of Ghelentia:
Lance Empire:
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Aenon's Post Template!

Kingdom name, Year 0, Month x (xth turn)
Health Remaining: 100/100
Will Power Remaining: 100/100
This Turns Defense: xd6, +0 from previous turn, +x bonus 1, +y bonus 2

Active Abilities:
  • Ability 1: +x to Defenses
  • Ability 2: +y to Something else
  • Condition 1: the plague is giving me -10 to Something for X turns (this is the 2/X turn)
  • Adventurer's Guild x/10
  • Bob's Lament: 10 Resources to cast, does some things

Resources spent:

Defense 1d6 (On the Battlements!) + General

Imperial Decree: On the Battlements! (Defense 1 + General)
"Fluff text! We have to be weary about our enemies, blah blah!"

(note, Image looks cute but don't make it too big if you decide to add one)

Research 3d6 (Lewd Researchings! 45%)
Research Order: Lewd Researchings! (Research 3d6, 45%)
"We have to research some lewd things too! It's a lewd world we live in, after all!"

Explanation: I hope Lewd Researchings will give me something like this after it is completed!

(note, 45% is the progress from the previous turn)

(and so on!)
Resourses used: 12 (10, +3 temporary, -1 penalty)

Code of it below:

[B][U]Kingdom name, Year 0, Month x [/U][/B](xth turn)
Health Remaining: 100/100
Will Power Remaining: 100/100
This Turns Defense: xd6, +0 from previous turn, +x bonus 1, +y bonus 2

Active Abilities:
[*]Ability 1: +x to Defenses
[*]Ability 2: +y to Something else
[*]Condition 1: the plague is giving me -10 to Something for X turns (this is the 2/X turn)
[*]Adventurer's Guild x/10
[*]Bob's Lament: 10 Resources to cast, does some things

[B][U]Resources spent:[/U][/B]

Defense 1d6 (On the Battlements!) + General
[IMG align="left" width="330px"]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/c8/83/7ac883b8825e53c4597b8e75e5784bba.jpg[/IMG]
[B]Imperial Decree: On the Battlements! (Defense 1 + General)[/B]
[I]"Fluff text! We have to be weary about our enemies, blah blah!" [/I]

(note, Image looks cute but don't make it too big if you decide to add one)


Research 3d6 (Lewd Researchings! 45%)
[B]Research Order: Lewd Researchings! (Research 3d6, 45%)[/B]
[I]"We have to research some lewd things too! It's a lewd world we live in, after all!" [/I]

Explanation: I hope Lewd Researchings will give me something like this after it is completed!

(note, 45% is the progress from the previous turn)

(and so on!)

Edited for cleaning and Frog Seal of Approval:
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Nation Name: Savill Kingdom

General(plus picture for at least the general):

High adviser Nit, the everliving

Queen Salaria the 2nd

Race: Special snowflake kin

Optional(But encouraged!):
Fetishes: (Dom /Sub) - Switch, Adapting to desires, drugs, hypnosis

Motto: Happiness makes the world go round

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: A red field with a golden chalice and pen crossing each other

Form of Government: Futalinial Hereditary Monarchy.

Known for/Famous Exports: They do not export much, instead, they are likely the most popular tourist spot for the rich, where they can indulge in their every fantasy, where no one will judge them. Savill are famous for their luxury products, drugs, wines, cheeses, desserts, beautiful women, clothes and so much more.

Brief Nation History: Some 60 years ago The kingdom was ruled by a tyrannical ruler, everyone was being monitored and suppressed as well as taking all the wealth for themselves, they were taking everything produced by the people for themselves, not even farmers could keep the food they grew, instead it was being taken by the army and just barely enough to survive was passed around, often not even that, resulting in people starving to death. This all ended when Queen Salaria I "The Liberator" became a general in his army, she managed to use this position to start a rebellion with the support of the army and install herself as queen, with the help of her adviser Nit who to this day helps the new queen ruling the country, not looking a day older than when she helped in the war.
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Nation Name: The Striking Hermit Clan

General: Kanako Tanahashi


Race: Human

Fetishes: Switch leaning sub. Corruption. Slow infiltration. Society Alteration. Mind Control. Parasites.

Mottos: "Honor in all things, death, life, victory, defeat, or even enslavement..."
"If you fall, make them pay for every inch."
"Never waste. Enemy or Friend, they have use."
"Every Enemy is an Ally Waiting to Happen"

Themesong of the Nation:

Nation Symbol: A Blue Crab Insignia

Nation Colors: Blue, Purple, Silver, and Black

Other Important Figures:

Hojo Ibushi is the former leader of The Shadow Spiders. While he still has some belief in the honor system his people hold to, he was far more sly about applying it, bordering on deceitful. He rarely outright lied, but many would comment that he belonged more in the old days of Gahlentia than he did running the clans now. That being said, he holds true to his word, and he led his clan with enough honor to stay in power. Nowadays, after being conquered by The Striking Hermits, he serves as their chief strategist. His cleverness often led him to consider battles tactically, focusing not on who is stronger or who has the best powers, and instead focusing on creating the strategies that could lead to victory. Many times his strategies would end up pushing Kanako to the brink, sometimes even handing her defeats when he could out think her properly. When he eventually was captured and his clan defeated he assumed that he would be executed on the spot, after all, that's what he would do. Instead she brought him on as her strategist, and he was impressed both by her practical way of thinking and her ambition. Figuring that she was his likeliest ticket to more power, and that he was already given a high position, he joined with her and serves happily, willing to create his best tactics for her already impressive forces.


Ishiyama Okada is the former leader of The Venomous Serpents. While the other clans preferred to gain their power through war, she preferred a subtler touch. It may not have been as honorable, but it led to many victories. Seduction was often just as powerful as a blade, and even with their code of honor she could find ways to use her skills without breaking it. One could seduce a few guards, and if they failed in their duty that was their problem. And with those guards seduced your soldiers would be able to siege easier. Bedding an officer wasn't deception, but if he then chose not to attack you, then it was his own fault. When she was conquered she assumed her 'alternative' methods would lead to exile, but even if Kanako preferred working with honor, she recognized that Ishiyama's skills were needed, and that she had still managed to cause trouble for her. So Ishiyama was placed in charge of their infiltration teams, tasked with working against other nations when they decided that regular force wouldn't be the answer. With that decided, she was happy to join, never being a military leader anyway, and happy to work with those that were at least accepting of her talents.


Nishi Shibata is the former leader of The Thrashing Tigers. When she was a young child, all the training warriors wanted to be like the legendary hero, Gabriel Chantel... But she was different, she wanted to make her own name in the world. She didn't want to be the next Gabriel Chantel, she wanted to be the first Nishi Shibata. Thus she trained to be a mighty warrior, fighting battle after battle for the sake of her clan. When she eventually became leader she would even lead from the front lines, rushing out to gain glory herself. And for others that might lead to an early death or capture, but for Nishi it just added to her reputation and name as she won more and more battles. Even against Kanako, when the two faced each other one-on-one on the battlefield, Nishi came out victorious. The only reason that she eventually lost was because she had less mind for strategy as compared to glory. And even then, she took down hundreds of soldiers in the trap that they had set for her. Eventually she was handed her first proper defeat and was captured, leading to her clan quickly surrendering. While she had given them so many victories, that had led to them relying on her as a crutch. Thus, when she was captured her clan surrendered knowing they stood no chance. But that was when she was made an offer, the offer to be the general of their armies. She would still be allowed to lead from the frontline, still be allowed to gain glory, but now would be backed by even more soldiers, and knew that she had a chance of being rescued if captured. Knowing that this was the only way forward to build her own name, she happily accepted, bringing The Thrashing Tigers into Kanako's clan.


Yonezu Suzuki is the former leader of The Majestic Ravens. While she didn't fancy herself a strong warrior, general, or tactician, she had something over everyone else that so many overlooked. She was able to inspire those around her. She was able to handle the day to day operations of her clan, and was far better at helping them recover from battles as compared to the other leaders. While her soldiers may have been taken down easier than some of the other clans, they'd find themselves back on the battlefield far faster than any other clans. Kanako found herself constantly bombarded by reinforcements as she pushed into Suzuki's lands. The woman was an excellent musician, able to create songs and ballads that would keep the morale of her troops high, and had enough medical knowledge to patch up wounds and teach others how to do so. Whether it be fixing a sword cut or just giving a few soldiers a fun night of drinking and dancing, she knew how to keep her soldiers ready for battle. Add to that her impressive ability to run the more intricate operations of a government, she was incredibly useful to Kanako. She had surrendered early upon seeing her warriors suffering increase more and more whenever they faced Kanako, and hearing that she would welcome her men with open arms and use her skills, joining up with The Striking Hermits seemed to be the perfect choice. Now she serves in planning out their government and is in charge of healing their people in desperate times, a position that she's honestly happier in than leading.


Umewaka Ishii is the former leader of The Honorable Cranes. He isn't one of the most powerful leaders, nor is he a great warrior. His strength lies primarily in his words. He was well known to make convincing pleas and deals with other nations for help. While all the nations had reason to fight one another, he was able to convince others to come to his nation's aid in times of need, and used alliances to keep them safe. For a time it was The Striking Hermits themselves that helped defend him, and when they made their way to conquer him, they found themselves facing an alliance of three different nations, all of them working together thanks to his convincing. Whenever they went to battle, his people would have back up, so even if they weren't the strongest, the strength of others kept them in play. In fact, even when he was defeated and captured, he actually convinced Kanako to have him join her, convincing her of the use he could serve in her clan. His clan was the first they had conquered, and he was a large part in getting her to find high ranking spots for the other clan leaders, knowing that such a deal would lead to them being more likely to accept her leadership. Now he serves as their head diplomat, often meeting in Kanako's stead with other leaders. He's sharp witted and generally knows how to forge a beneficial deal for both parties, and while he's not deceitful, he knows how to frame things in the right light. The weapons of his people were blades and shields, his weapon was words.

Form of Government: Japanese Feudalism

Known for/Famous Exports: Known for their honor driven code, fierce and stubborn warriors, unyielding loyalty, and tendency for isolationism
Major Exporter of Steel, Iron, Tea, and Cloth

Brief Nation History:
The Striking Hermit Clan was formed from the fleeing populace of Gahlentia. Left with none of the luxuries their nation was once known for, and with the very real threat of their community collapsing under the weight of their politics, the remaining people of Gahlentia instituted a new system over the decades, one that would ensure stronger loyalty, and less backstabbing the moment that it seemed convenient. It was a system built on the honor and integrity of warriors, where the greatest warriors would own land and work with one another to ensure the betterment of their people. Unfortunately, at first this led to many splinter groups of different clans forming, wanting to be the ones in charge... It seemed that the instincts of Gahlentia hadn't completely left them, and so while they had power, and internal loyalty, they were still competing nations trying to fight over resources and land in order to prove their clan's superiority. The groups of small nations were caught in many tough and brutal wars, their training as warriors making them fight all the harder, refusing to surrender as easily as their Gahlentian ancestors may have done. So while the intention had been to create unity and loyalty, it at first caused even further infighting. Many clans were destroyed in the first decade of settling, subsumed by more powerful clans to continue their infighting. Eventually the large group of 30 clans was whittled down to only 6 over the years and years of war. And still there seemed to be no end in sight to the infighting, it had been countless years and while the clans themselves were intensely loyal and honorable to their own, they still harbored hate and resentment to the other clans around them.

This created a long held stalemate war between the six clans, all of them constantly waging war against one another to take land and resources, all the clan leaders believing themselves to be the rightful rulers of their lands. The Striking Hermits, The Shadow Spiders, The Venomous Serpents, The Thrashing Tigers, The Majestic Ravens, and The Honorable Cranes were locked into feuds and alliances against each other. However, this war had trained their soldiers to be strong, and while they would gain victory and defeat against one another, it was often difficult for other nations to get themselves involved in their war. In part because of their own warrior code, which they held above even their hatred for one another. When others tried to invade, both sides of the war would often stop to punish those that broke their Warrior Code. So it seemed that the nation would be locked in a stalemate for centuries to come, constantly fighting over what little land they could gain from each other. It wasn't unstable like Gahlentia had been, but their infighting was almost as legendary. The only difference was you knew who was going to attack you this time, you knew who hated you and who was willing to work with you, and most of all you would only be stabbed from the front.

That was until The Striking Hermits clan leader died on the battlefield, and passed leadership down to Kanako Tanahashi, a woman that could trace her lineage all the way back to Empress Annabelle Desmarais. But that was not why she had been given the clan, honestly she rarely liked talking about her ancestor and instead preferred to make her own path. The reason she was given the clan was because she was the mightiest warrior of The Striking Hermits, having countless victories to her name. She possessed the qualities that her predecessor wanted, she was honorable, tough, knew how to handle a blade better than any other clan member, and had a mind for strategy. But most of all, she had a quality that burned brighter in her than anyone else, and made her the best chance for the Striking Hermits. She had greater ambition than anyone else... She wanted to bring honor to her clan, herself, her family, and wanted to show that she could lead more than just her own clan, but the many others around them. So she was given leadership of The Striking Hermits, a clan that honored humble creatures like crabs and hermit crabs, creatures with a hard outer shell to protect themselves, but could also pinch and attack those that threatened them. That philosophy could be seen in her battle strategy, often making quick strikes to her enemies, before retreating to a heavily fortified position and luring her enemies in, letting them break themselves on their walls. She led her troops to victory after victory, also reorganizing her clan to be more efficient outside of battle as well, ensuring that The Striking Hermits were as strong as they could possibly be.

With all of that done, she moved on to conquer the other five clans, fighting through them one by one, taking their lands and soldiers, picking up more and more momentum with each victory. Yet, rather than strip them of titles or kill those of the other clans, she welcomed them as brothers. They would stand side by side with her as she treated them with as much honor as she would her own clan. She believed in never wasting resources, and people were just as useful to her as any metal, so their talents would not go wasted. Even former clan leaders were welcomed into her clan with honor, gaining high ranking positions in The Striking Hermits. With that policy, her conquered foes soon found themselves happy to work with her and be a part of her clan, still having land to lead and being trusted with power they knew no other leader would give them. In a few years time she had conquered the other Five Clans and brought them all under her banner, as part of the Striking Hermits. Her ambitions had paid off, and they were unified once more, something that hadn't been seen since Gahlentia.

With all of them together, they stand ready to face the rest of the world and forge towards even greater things. Kanako's ambition did not end with the other clans, after all, and she had plans to continue to expand her influence in the world. Whether it be through more conquest, more subtle techniques, or just helping to unite the world, she was hopeful to bring honor to her clan. Though rumors have abounded that she has inherited more than just ambition from Annabelle, specifically the powers she used to ensure loyalty in others, they are unfounded. While she wouldn't want to let a mind controlling power go to waste, at the moment she has nothing that could do such a thing. If she had, she would have likely already used it.

Nowadays, The Striking Hermits, stand united, both in their warrior code, and their allegiance to Kanako. They believe that one must always keep to their word, and that warriors should always look to remain honorable. An honorable death is preferable to a dishonorable life. Though Kanako has tempered their idea of self-sacrifice slightly, with her philosophy of not wasting life. They believe in remaining loyal and working with one another to create a better world rather than infighting. In the end, The Striking Hermits stand united to create a new chapter in the history of their world, and plan to do so with honor and unity rather than political backstabbing.
Nation Name: Kyrmorant

Head Of State: The Lady

General: The Madam

Race: Humans

Fetishes: Switch Leaning Dom, Slow Corruption, Hypnosis, Mind Control,

Motto: Family And Friends Before All

Theme Song:

Nation Symbol:

Nation Colors: Black, Red, Silver

Form Of Government: Meritocracy

Known For: Divination, Fortune Telling, Curses, Alchemy, Magical Healing

Nation History And Culture: The Kyrmorantii are a nation of nomads descended from a Gahlentian Spymaster who sensed disaster and abandoned her country shortly before the final clash, taking her family and closest agents with her. They make their living wandering from place to place, generally ignoring political boundaries, and setting up their vast tent city of Kyrmorant wherever it strikes their fancy. They then work the local peasantry, providing minor magical healing, poultices, fortune telling, divination services, prostitution, truly just about anything the local populace is willing to pay for they will provide. However they harbor something of a distrust of outsiders, and maintain their own secret oral history of the events of the fall in their own language.

The Kyrmorantii are compulsive adopters, keenly aware of their circumstances as outsiders without a true nation of their own they often will absorb some of the locals into their band as they travel through an area. Once you join a Kyrmorantii band you are Kyrmorantii, your past is left behind and all comers are welcome regardless of race religion and creed. Though not many outsiders are invited to the true Kyrmorantii parties in the centers of the camps nearly none are outsiders when they leave. Through this way they absorb the local languages, cultural savvy, skills, and outside genetic potential that such an enclosed society wouldn't normally have access too. They are a very open people, taking part in wild revels in the nights with much music and dancing. They are a passionate people with a lust of life and strongly emotional, quick to laugh, cry, or lash out.

Though they have been toughened by the road they are not a martial people, preferring to get what they need through magical or stealthy means. They have camp guards but no real standing army, instead they are drilled to break camp and scatter to the winds at a moments notice, dissolving from one group of people into countless family units, blending in with the local populace until the danger is passed and they can coalesce into a community again. Several times rulers have sought to destroy them only to have them melt away like snow between their fingers. Said rulers reigns are generally cut short not long after, either by an assassins blade or by a raging mob, convinced that their leaders are cursed or will lead them into ruin. Kyrmorantti aren't afraid to use their gift of prophecy to destabilize nations that have wronged them, nor are they above using mundane means to help their prophecies along into becoming true.

However they truly would rather be left alone, they are suspicious of outsiders but once their loyalty is won they are steadfast allies, using their gifts to strengthen ties between the peasantry and the government, boost moral among the citizens, sing songs of praise for the heroic local rulers and how lucky the peasants are to have such great personages looking out for them, and generally stabilize the nation hosting them.
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Nation Name: Tel'tari (The word drow use for themselves in their language)

General: Mother Milura
Race: Drow

Optional(But encouraged!):
Fetishes: Dom, maybe sub too!

Motto: Treasure what you have, not what you don't.

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: Webs, spiders, whips. Black and white.

Form of Government: The Council (Matriarchal Meritocracy)

Known for/Famous Exports: Not really much, but they have Spider Silk, Poison, and Mushrooms

Brief Nation History: Some claim that the dark-skinned elves appeared after normal elves had been exposed to the influence of lust...that they should not be trusted and that they want to free the ancient evil once more. However, the truth is, that the dark elves were always there, living their own lives blissfully in their dark and cozy caves. It wasn't until the effects of the other races extensive logging and mining reached their underground homes that they were forced to interact with the rest of the world.

The story about how drow attacked a random village, forcing everyone to move away? Well, maybe the random village chopped down the whole forest in the area, threatening the caves below to collapse in a few years. The story about how a scary drow popped out of a drinking well? What would you do is someone dug a hole on the ceiling of your bathroom to steal your bathwater...?

The dark elves see the surface dwellers as greedy bastards, and the surface dwellers see them as mysterious threats. The drow society is largely isolationist...but it has been accepted that ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away. The dark elves will have to find a safe home for themselves. There are few voices that call for talking things out and making peace with the surfacers, but they are drowned out every time the other races act upon their greedy natures...

Other stuff:

The society of the dark elves is simple to their eyes yet complex to outsiders. They consider their whole race a very big family (which is kinda reasonable when you have lived long enough to realize you actually are related to everyone else). The mother is the leader of each family, and the most capable of the leaders are the ones who should lead - and they do so. Resources are rare for them, so they are used to making the best use of whatever resource they have on hand - taming spiders and other underground creatures, growing and eating mushrooms, etc. When they attack an other race, it will be only if it is necessary - they don't like their family getting killed for no good reason. And when they attack, they will always enslave their foes. Killing them would be a waste and a shame, after all. That being said, the slaves usually don't suffer at all, and sometimes they end up being considered as part of the family they serve.

The dark elves only wear clothes as they would jewelry - pieces of art to be appreciated, rather than something to hide their body. They love small, meaningful luxuries but they hate the useless ones. The drow love spiders, they keep them as pets and friends, and while they can't really talk to them, it is as if they can understand each other. The spiders are also very valued, because they can sense the dangerous monsters that roam the tunnels of the underworld.
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Nation Name: The Broken Spires

General: Mrs. Nice

Race: ? ? ?

Fetishes: Absolute Dominion over all

Motto: Let us fulfill all your desires.

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: A yellow Trisaigon

Form of Government: Anarchic Dictatorship

Known for/Famous Exports: Whatever you need

Brief Nation History: I've just come to be and yet I'm always there.
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Nation Name: The United Skaven Clans

General(plus picture for at least the general):

Xiek the favored (mechanically general)

Snikt Ink-Eyes

Race: Skaven(beastfolk)

Optional(But encouraged!):
Fetishes: (Dom /Sub) - Switch, Mutation, Gangbangs, mindfuckery.

Motto: Consume and grow

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: Banner.jpg

Form of Government: Strong genetic Hierarchy and caste system based on judgement of their potential at birth(through magic) Those deemed strong and with high potential were trained from young to be fighters, mages and engineers, those deemed weak were nothing more than slaves, doing menial work and barely fed enough to survive.

Known for/Famous Exports: Being secretive, their weird green glowing rock, weird mutations, slave trade, having literally no work safety laws, their inventions having a tendency to malfunction if anyone else tries to use them.

Brief Nation History: Many years ago, before the sentient races had managed to learn the secret of forming metals, when nothing but magic or another dragon could hurt a dragon, the Skaven clans were split. Then a war started, with the kobolds, and the skaven clans at firs started losing. But under the leadership of a priestess, she made the most useless work as a slaves, and the strongest would serve as leaders. She led the Skaven united against the kobolds and started driving them towards extinction, but then "The Great Cataclysm" happened. The Kobolds signed a blood oath with the dragons, becoming their servants in exchange for protection. The Skaven could not win the war anymore, and the priestess pushed them to hide deep in the ground, where the large bodies of the dragons could not reach. and for hundreds of years they lived underground, finding small slivers of a green rock which enhanced their magic, mutated their young, and was a source of energy. Now they would rise though, from the ground to once more to live in the light.
Nation Name: The Great Vasoran Alliance

General: Marshal Rashida (mechanically general)
Other important people:
High Mistress Rhisita
High Mistress Rhisita.png

Race: Beastman (lots of furries)

Fetishes: Switch Leaning Dom, Orgy, Petplay

Motto: "Strength through unity"
"The ability to reason is the greatest gift"
"If you want to win a battle, send males. If you want to win a war, leave it to females."

Theme song for the nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: Black, howling wolf, superimposed on a white owl female spreading her wings.

Form of Government: Matriarchal Autocracy
There is a hierarchy of power within this nation. The higher you go, the less likely it is to find males in the position.
From chieftains in charge of individual settlements through clan leaders composing the council ending with High Mistress herself!
You can "theoretically" advance however high you want in this society because you can be voted in to each position of power from a lower rank. Clan leaders are chosen from chieftains by chieftains of the same clan/species. And High Mistress is chosen in the same manner from clan leaders by clan leaders. However once you are voted in, you gain your position for life, unless you advance further or resign of your own free will.

Known for: Sexy female diplomats, interest in knowledge [arcane and mundane]

Brief Nation History:
First written records from all clans describe how our ancestors were gifted with reason and bipedal forms, allowing us to rise as a people. All of our first scribes describe the man who bestowed those gifts upon us as the "Uplifter". Not much is know about our mysterious benefactor except that he certainly was the greatest male this land ever saw. He not only single handedly created all of our clans from mere animals, but also taught us everything we needed to become what we are now. How to tend to crops, how to pass knowledge through writing, how to work as a united people! and the art of mating~ but as it is with all our pups, hatchlings, kittens, and cubs... we to as a people had to learn to eventually live on our own. And after our clans were fully established and our first council formed... with his final parting words to not repeat the mistakes of his people... the "Uplifter" left us so we could grow on our own. The rest of our history from then on is a tale full of taming the land, learning and describing the rules governing the world, fighting off barbarians attempting to hunt us and lots of mating to populate this land and make it our own. Just like the "Uplifter" wanted... or so is written in the tales of the first council, our brightest females who got to experience the honor of being our creator's mates.

Other stuff:
In this society there is a clear divide in roles by gender. Because one male can fertilize multiple females while female needs only one male, they are generally viewed as "less valuable" for overall survival of the pack. Combining this with the fact that males, in general, are stronger then females, it makes them ideal for hard labor intensive and dangerous work. Pack can afford to lose some males while losing female would seriously cripple packs ability to produce offspring. Because of that males tend to be the ones who work the fields, mine in mines or, if necessary, go fight in a war. While females are the ones taking care of artisan work, knowledge keeping, organization and diplomacy. While normally positions of leadership are filled by females "especially the higher ones" it is possible for males to get into position of power if they show leadership skills, but most of the time it's the lower level of power and mostly in the military.

In general clans live side by side with no problems. Mated pairs coming from two different clans are also quite common, but the offspring will belong to one clan or the other. (if wolf fucks an owl, the child will either be a wolf or an owl. NO HYBRIDS) If for some reason two clans have a dispute that becomes problematic. Diplomats from both clans step in to resolve the problem the old traditional way. By organizing an orgy involving both clans.
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Nation Name: Tel'tari (The word drow use for themselves in their language)

General: Mother Milura, the Investress
Race: Drow

Optional(But encouraged!):
Fetishes: Dom, maybe sub too!

Motto: A honest merchant, is a rich one!

Themesong for the Nation:

Just kidding, placeholder! Or is it....

Nation Symbol and colors: Webs, spiders, whips. Black and white.

Form of Government: The Council (Matriarchal Plutocracy)

Known for/Famous Exports: We sell anything...for the right price!

Brief Nation History: When they first came out of the underdark, the dark elves found that the surface word had too many shiny and nice things they wanted! However, not being humans, instead of fighting to steal them, they started trading for them. Soon, they went from a race that had almost no concept of trade and money, into determined merchants. Surprisingly, they do keep their end of the deal, if you go past the idea that because they lived underground they must be untrustworthy. Nowdays they go around peddling and cutting deals, offering their goods and services!

Other stuff:

The society of the dark elves is simple to their eyes yet complex to outsiders. They consider their whole race a very big family (which is kinda reasonable when you have lived long enough to realize you actually are related to everyone else). The mother is the leader of each family, and the most capable of the leaders are the ones who should lead - and obviously the most capable one is the one who is the richest!

When they attack an other race, it will be only if it is necessary - they don't like their family getting killed for no good reason. And when they attack, they will always enslave their foes. Killing them would be a waste and a shame, after all. That being said, the slaves usually don't suffer at all, and sometimes they end up being considered as part of the family they serve. If the price is good enough they might get sold or ransomed back, too.

The dark elves only wear clothes as they would jewelry - pieces of art to be appreciated, rather than something to hide their body. They love small, meaningful luxuries but they hate the useless ones. The drow love spiders, they keep them as pets and friends, and while they can't really talk to them, it is as if they can understand each other. The spiders are also very valued, because they can sense the dangerous monsters that roam the tunnels of the underworld, but they are never sold!
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Nation Name: Aesani Collective

Generals and important figures:
Lady Avrana (High Chancellor, elected monarch. She has a young daughter, but is herself rumored to be over 500 years old)

Admiral Tantiala (emissary first and military general second. Possibly over a quarter millennium old.)

Sir Deromer (spymaster. Around 300 years of age.)

Race: (Wood) Elves (they are about 20-30% of the population at most, but they are the ruling and most educated minority)

Fetishes: (Dom /Sub) - switch leaning sub, slow corruption, slavery themes, mind-altering substances.

“Want to talk this out on a walk?”
“Why all the nerves?”
“It’s not the difference in a race that causes wars, it’s selfishness and lack of patience.”

The theme song for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors:
Simple white ring on the two-colored background - yellow at the top, blue at the bottom.

The ring symbolizes the unity of all members and the White Council, the blue symbolizes the ocean that feeds and protects from harm, while the yellow represents the hope of the new tomorrow and the days to come.

Form of Government:
Facade of representative democracy, functionally elective monarchy with the chosen by the representatives from among them.

Various ethnicities, islands and bigger cities all determine who should be their representative, usually by vote. Then those representatives serve for 10 years or more on the White Council. Every 15 years there is a vote for who among them should be the High Chancellor, with the powers of effectively an elective monarch (their word is the law even if the majority of the council disagrees). It is all a farce though, since each time for the last 150+ years of Council’s existence the title was always held by only one person - Lady Avrana, herself being over 500 years old at this point.

Known for/Famous Exports:
Pearls, corals, seafood, and other riches of the reefs (as it turns out, Merfolk quite enjoy trading those for metal tools and other goods they cannot manufacture underwater). The climate on the archipelago and allows them to cultivate spices, which paired with quite the multicultural society makes their coastal cuisine quite exquisite, especially if the chef has a few hundred years of experience.

Aesanians are also known for their diversity (from elves to humans to peaceful avians to tritons to integrated kobolds), tolerance towards other ethnicities (as long as they are non-violent), as well as the music and frivolous parties involving strong alcohol and sometimes strange southern aphrodisiacs. It's hard to say they have a state religion due to their sheer variety, but there is some common philosophy among them of settling things peacefully and without any unnecessary rush, leading them to react poorly to any threats or outright violence. They believe in peaceful solutions, adaptation and compromise is possible in almost any situation. That said, they are no fools and know pirates or rampaging beastmen understand only "forceful persuasion". Still, they prefer defense and avoiding conflict rather than open confrontation.

There are also strong druidic traditions among the islanders, with ageless sages of both sexes preparing herbal brews and “keeping the balance” with nature-based magic. What this actually means is any outsider’s guess, but they have been heard to venture out to help with blights, droughts, infertility, and strange animal behavior with quite good results.

Brief Nation History:
With the coming of the lusty demigod two centuries ago came absolute chaos. Even despite its defeat, the lustful energies lingered, disrupting everything from personal lives to whole societies. Even that and the wave of pregnancies was enough, but then there were also the satyrs and other beastmen raping the populus and slaughtering those that resisted. War, famine and ruin followed, creating a massive wave of refugees, composed of a variety of races. Who could help them, where could they go to escape the wave of barbarism?

The answer - somewhere where mere bandits or beastmen couldn’t go. Islands. Imperium Draconius was an obvious choice. After all, if they pledged loyalty to the scaled lords, they would be safe, right? For those in need Merfolk have provided at least transport to the nearest islands, inhabited by rather reclusive elves, whom then sailed them further.

But the reality turned out to be disappointing. Instead of famed and powerful lords they found war waged between now fragmented and unruly kobold factions. Dragons abandoned their proud cities and libraries. There was no easy solution, but the time for honest work and new beginnings.

Elves of the Aesani archipelago, while hesitant to get involved at first, have quickly assumed the role of mediators and coordinators in order to prevent even more strife. The refugees came from so many ethnicities and cultures that left to their own they would likely implode, but with the elves, at their helm (literally) it was thankfully avoided.

In the coming years and decades kobold numbers dwindled enough through civil war and famine to allow retaking of draconic cities, new villages and towns started popping up on many virgin islands, merfolk started getting more involved through trade and intercourse (producing amphibious half-breeds of humans and elves in the process), and eventually, the Aesani Collective came to existence as a nation.

Now they rule over much of the Aesani Archipelago, old draconic lands and a part of the continental coast, with swift ships and avian messengers keeping everyone well-connected. They have kept much of the knowledge of the past thanks to being out of sight and out of mind through most of the turbulent past, as well as taking over what was left after the Kobold Wars. Slowly amassing influence and wealth with maritime trade they did their own thing, welcoming outsiders into their varied communities. Now though, with other powers around the world uniting and atmosphere tensing up, there are rumors of druidic circles meeting under the moonlight and shipyards constructing more than just trade vessels…
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