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Armies & Conquests IV

Nation Name: Pack of the Fanglord

General: Algon the Fanglord / Tay the Bitchqueen



Race: Beastmen

Wolfmen - With the awakening of the Great Lord of Lust, the forests of Amigdal Changed fundamentally. Deep in faraway and forgotten places the wolf packs have roamed for centuries. Mostly hidden away, they never grew to a point of concern for the world at large. Subsisting on the very farthest fringes, where few others would dare to tread. Small, anemic packs of hungry beasts unable to venture away from their ancestral homes.

Blessed with the corrupting magics of the Satyrs great revelry, the wolves found himself changed forever. Their minds sharper, their bodies stronger, and their lusts deeper. Soon it was no longer enough to simply live on the edges of the forest. They needed to spread and expand. They needed to grow, claim, and overtake all they found. The need to dominate all other life began to smolder in their hearts.

It was not long before the greatest among them, Algon, had claimed control of the wolf tribes. Eager to gather mates, they surged forth in a tide of fur and ferocity. Their race is young, their people small, but they seek to spread their blessing to all they find...

Fetishes: The wolves of the Fanglord are dominant creatures at heart, eager to pounce on prey and transform them into beings much like themselves. They are aggressive, dangerous, and above all, relentless. They are willing to wait for the right moment to strike, but as soon as Alpha sees a woman he desires she will be hunted till she too understands her place in the pack.

Barbarism - Might makes right in the pack, and considering their social structure there is little time for complex ideas and morality. Males fight for position in the tribe, leading to high attrition. This is viewed with some pride by the pack as a manner of removing weak blood from their race. Those males that remain find themselves leading a harem of bitches, all eager and ready to serve.

Breeding - As soon as the transformation takes hold sex and repoduction are close to the only things on the minds of a wolf. Those who become bitches feel it the most keenly, and the heat they feel drives them forward. Indeed, once a woman is turned, only those of exceptionally strong will can expect to retain any of their prior thoughts, everything else being washed away in a tide of lust.

Motto: Eat! Fuck! Breed!

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors:


Tribalism and Animism. Colors are muted earth tones.

Form of Government: Tribal Dictatorship - The Pack of the Fanglord is a unified though brutal and often chaotic dictatorship. The Pack is ruled by Algon, though Tay often acts as his shadow, being where he cannot. Fights for leadership are common, though few dare to challenge the Fanglord Directly. Human females are kept untransformed to satisfy many duties demanding a more focused approach, or to satisfy the more strange proclivities of other Alpha's. Unfortunately, these women are doomed to one day join the mindless bitches in their frenzy, being in close proximity for so long.

Known for/Famous Exports: Few known exploits, the first that the organized nations have come to know of them are scattered reports of depopulated villages in the deeper reaches of the Forest of Amigdal

Health Remaining: 100
Will Remaining: 100
Active Abilities: None
Nation Name: The peacock realm

Character gallery:
General: Tsuko Oshida
Lord of the peacock islands, he was elected for his boldness and desire to change the legacy of his ancestor, the exalted one, into something that would last through the ages. His endless passion is only matched by his skill with the sword.

Race: Human

Fetishes: Switch –
For males: Anything femboy based. Feminization, femboy worship, crossdressing... Be it as subs or doms !
For females: Worship of their beauty, their grace... Also shibari !

They are not restricted to those options, though !

Motto: "Through with diligence and determination."

Nation Symbol and colors: Light green, with a single white feather.

Form of Government: Elective monarchy. The ruler is elected by the chiefs of the eight famillies that make up the realm.

Known for/Famous Exports:
-Their silks.
-Their dueling swords.
-Their tea.

(Not so) Brief Nation History:
Not so long ago, the Peacock islands were a wild, dangerous archipelago where backward barbarians fought over land and riches, divided in 8 tribes. It could have stayed that way forever, until he was born.
The exalted one.
He was told to be a man touched by gods, of incredible beauty, charisma and skill, but more than anything, he had a vision. One of a country where strength meant power and responsability, where minds would be as sharp as the swords they would carry. Obsessed by his vision, he set out to create his dream. He took leadership of his tribe, and then united every other tribe, one by one, by sword, words and guile. In every tribe, he took a wife. The most respectable, strong and gracefull in each, and they each gave him children. He declared that they too had some of his divine blood, and would be the extension of his dream. They would form the eight great famillies, rulers of their islands and representatives of his will.

He ended up living 137 years, and ruled for most of his life. During this time, the people of the islands drastically changed, under the direction of the exalted one first, then his children. Art, culture and fine crafts were promoted as much as skill at arms, and a worship of the exalted one and his descendents was established. His many descendents makes up a noble caste charged with leading and protecting the islands. With his death, the 8 heads of the familly gathered, and elected Tsuko from the Oshida familly to lead, as he showed the most determined and selfless speech about their heritage, and how to make it last forever.

Other stuff:

The nobility:

Direct descendents of the exalted one are a priviledged group in the islands. This noble caste holds unlimited power on the lower castes, and are marked by their unique androgynous beauty. It would be a mistake to look on their delicate looks as weakness, however, as they are fierce warriors that put as much care in their training as they do in their dress. They follow a strict code, called the exalted rules made of 5 tennets:
-Dignity. A noble does not degrade themselves with things bellow their station, and always dress and appear as worthy of their status.
-Courage: A beautifull body goes with a beautifull soul. Reckless bravado is distastefull, and cowardice a stain on one's mind. A noble must erase both from themselves.
-Compassion: A noble has no need for random cruelty. While he understands his birth is superior, he shows it through benevolence, not scorn or hatred.
-Determination: A noble knows their responsability, and does not part away from it. They act decisively, with their duty to their people and ancestors always clear in their mind.
-Courtesy: A noble mind has no need for crass, and seeks only the elevation. A noble will cultivate art and politeness, and will reject the crude and the dirty.
This superior caste holds power over life and death of any non-noble that lives in their lands, and they demand respect from lower castes as well as service, be it as farmer, crafter or servant. Showing disrespect to a noble or insulting its blood can be punished by death, sometimes on the spot.

The 8 famillies:
Oshida, led by Tsuko Oshida (male), current leader of the archipelago, are the descendents of the firstborn son of the exalted one. The eldest of the eight followed his father into every battle, and members of the Oshida familly honor him by being the greatest fighters of the archipelago.

Kudaru, led by Koto Kudaru (male), are descendents of the second son of the exalted one. He was the one who helped his father creating the first laws and behind the philosophy of the exalted code, and they honor his memory through their perfect adherance to the code and being always fair and just.

Senketsu, led by Yasuda Senketsu (female), are descendents of the thirdborn daughter of the exalted one. She was a secretive one, even for her father, and collected pieces of lore and knowledge. She eventually developed her own form of magic, which she used to put terrible curses on their foes. She always refused to share her secrets with her siblings, and only did with a handfull of her daughters and grand daughters. Today, her descendents follow her teachings so well that only a very few familly members are practitionners of the art.

Kodano, led by Ejiri Kodano (male), are descendents of the fourth child of the exalted one. He was told to be the only one as beautifull as his father. His grace was such that he could walk on river or lakes without creating ripples. His blood now honor their ancestor by being the most gracefull and artistically competent they can, a handfull of them being capable of replicating the feat of their ancestor.

Maruu, led by Ichiyo Maruu (male), are from the blood of the fifth child of the exalted one. Her soul was told to be pure beyond measure, and she was the only one to live for more than a hundred years, like her father. This familly makes a point of living simple, introspective lives, seeking perfection of their skill and enligtenment and rejecting needless things.

Shintesai, led by Hori Shintesai (male), are the descendents of the sixth child of the exalted one. He was a learned man, more than a warrior. Fascinated by plants, he uncovered their secrets and with them, medecine. His line followed in his footsteps and are the healers and herborists, as well as fine tea connoisers.

Ramari, led by Kaede Ramari, are of the descendents of the seventh child of the exalted one. He was a shrewd and witty child. He had a knack for guessing what was going on in people's mind, and hiding his thoughts to himself. His blood inherited this gift, and are capable negociators.

There's also a rumor that they developed a set of martial arts made to ensure the user remains unseen. A very strange idea for a people that praise beauty. Those supposedly deadly agents are rumored to be capable of invisibility and moving with no sound.

Tekan, led by Fujino Tekan, are the descendents of the last born child of the exalted. It was a girl, who was pitied by her sibblings as she arrived in a time when there was little she could do to prove herself. She, however, found her way. The archipelago is a treacherous land, with dangerous currents and reefs, and journeys between lands were always complicated. She made maps of all islands and detailed the best routes, while greatly improving their navigation skills. In the end, while every familly shined on their own island, it was the Tekan that all brought them together, and finished the creation of the realm
Nation Name: The Congregation of Divine Light

General: Vigarys Lumenire


Race: Human

Fetishes: Switch leaning sub. Corruption/Purification. Slow infiltration. Society Alteration. Mind Control. Parasites.

Mottos: "See the Light"
"All things are merely tools of the Divine Light"
"All are welcome in the Light's Embrace"
"May the Divine Light Shine upon you(/the world if talking to other members)"
"The Light Preordains Fate... And Fate is written in the cards..."

Themesong of the Nation:

Nation Symbol: The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot
A Pair of Hands Offering a Ball of Shining Light

Nation Colors: White, Blue, Hints of Black, Gold, and Purple on rare occasions

Other Important Figures:

Trinia Lumenire is Vigarys' Wife, and the High Priestess of The Congregation of Divine Light. She was the very first convert that Vigarys had brought into the Congregation, and has remained his most loyal follower. Eventually marrying him under the blessing of The Light, and rising to his side to become the High Priestess of their religion. Both her and Vigarys look exceptionally youthful as a blessing of The Light, few would be able to tell that the two of them were both approaching their 50s. She speaks with just as much fervor as her husband, and has been gifted the same powers to allow her Congregation to see The Light. While she still defers to her husband's judgement, she is seen with almost as much reverence as Vigarys, and cares for The Light first and foremost.


Serena Lumenire is the daughter of Vigarys and Trinia. She is the commander of their armies and knights, having shown an incredible amount of talent from an early age. Vigarys often refers to her as "A Child of The Light" and a "Gift of the Divine", leading to her having a very high opinion of herself. Both of her parents knew she was a blessing when she was born with the aura of the light, knowing that it had played a part in her birth as well. Sometimes they even find her Light shining brighter than either of their's, and it makes the both of them incredibly proud. The both of them have been training her since she was a young girl to eventually lead the Congregation. While she does have a fervent love of The Light, her devotion always seems... different, from the other followers, as though she can actually speak with and argue against the Light. As though it had given her more free will than the average follower so that she could guide The Light while it guided her. That does not stop her from converting others to their cause, however, and with her fierce control and mastery of The Divine Light, she has been able to even infuse it into her weapons. Serena leads an Elite Core of Knights as well, all of them having been blessed by The Light and having gone through intense training to have The Light flow throw their forms in combat. And even at the young age of 20, she is able to best anyone else in The Congregation in a duel, leading to her being the most natural fit to lead the armies of light.

Form of Government: Theocracy

Known for/Famous Exports: Known for their intense devotion to "The Light", Welcoming all races and backgrounds, and their "Orgies of Light".
They Export: Religious Art, Texts, and Clothing, as well as Gold, 'Potions', and Healing

Brief Nation History:
In the years following Kyrmorant's ascension and the Fall of the Striking Hermits, Kanako would one day disappear, never to be seen again. However, she spread the seeds of rebellion as much as she could, eventually having children that she would raise to have the same burning desire for conquest that she had. And that in turn created a long line of children that had aspirations for power, though none truly succeeded anything greater than causing trouble. That was until a few generations later, when Vigarys Lumenire was born. At a young age he showed spectacular talent, being a dutiful student, and a careful tactician, working on the skills to become a true leader. But unlike his mother, he didn't harbor some deep resentment of Kyrmorant, feeling that the ancestral grudge was useless to his dreams of conquest. Instead he even took the time to learn of the dominant Kyrmorant cultures, learning their methods, knowledge, and fighting styles to even further enhance his ability to lead...

But his plans of proper rule changed drastically when he took an interest in one traditional Kyrmorant field of study... Divination. At the age of 19 he began to carefully study the art of Divination and the Tarot, learning the meanings, eventually gaining a reputation as an incredibly skilled Fortune Teller. His skill in the Tarot was not just about learning the already pre-established meanings of the Tarot, but also understanding the spirits behind the cards themselves, trying to gain an understanding of the true guiding hands of Fate, so that he may predict the future with even greater accuracy. That was when it happened, one night while consulting the Tarot, and using enhanced magic to gain greater understanding of the cards, he drew The Sun, The Star, and The World, and a pulse of divine magic shot through his body, infusing him with a form of Light Magic that hadn't been seen for hundreds of years. From then on her referred to that as the day that he "Saw The Light". The magic had taken hold of his mind, making him worship "The Light" as a deity, revering it above all else and wanting to spread the Divine Light to as many others as he could. That was the day that The Congregation of Divine Light had begun, with The Light giving him the duty of spreading it's wondrous glory across the world, finding his ambition to rule suitable for its desire to be worshiped. The Light gave him new powers, the ability to spread its holy influence to others, through his magic and his words, and the ability to far more accurately read the Tarot. In his mind he knew then that fate had brought him to this divine moment, to the realization that The Light was what was needed to make the world perfect... So with that he set out on his quest to build this religion.

His very first convert was a childhood friend that he had known nearly his entire life, Trinia, a woman that had trained with him from a young age. She was the first the he converted, helping his friend see The Light as he did... Her heart and mind devoted themselves to the glorious Light, falling into the same reverent worship that Vigarys had. The two would work together to convert more and more useful subjects to The Light, the two becoming the High Priest and Priestess of the new religion. The two would also reinforce the worship of The Light in one another, the two of them often using their magic to ensure the other's complete and utter devotion to their cause. With them working together, their fervor would gain more and more followers, eventually gaining enough support to forge out on their own and build a new church.

It was decades of hard work, but thankfully the two of them were blessed with energy and youth by The Light. So even in their 50s they looked youthful, and even after having a daughter, the two of them could continue their divine mission. Eventually they would have gathered thousands of followers, and built a gigantic church with a surrounding town, planning on this being the center of their new world of Light, the world that would worship the true divine glory. With all of that finally finished, Vigarys was ready to lead his Congregation into the world, guided by The Light and the Tarot, he is confident that there is nothing that can stop him...

The Congregation of Divine Light are very welcoming to members of all races and backgrounds. Whether a King, a noble, or a poor beggar, you are welcomed among their number. The only thing they ask of you to join is to accept The Divine Light into your heart. Even then they are always willing to entertain visitors, many choosing to stay and join the church, others leaving in peace, the church members just happy to talk with those from outside their Congregation. Generally they are kind, welcoming, and diplomatic, if a bit insistent... They tend to wish peace with others, and often offer assistance in exchange for being allowed to preach within the nation they're helping. They also have a strong belief in the power of Fate, and are sometimes hard to read due to their actions being guided by the Tarot. The quickest way to anger them, however, is to insult The Light... But otherwise they prefer to convert willingly... or "willingly" rather than wage Holy Wars across the world.
Nation Name: Tidecallers

General: Admiral Seryava Riptide
Race: Undead

Fetishes: Switch: Mind Control, brainwashing, creeping corruption

Motto: Take what you can, give nothin' back.

Themesong for the Nation: Black Skies, Dark Tides

Nation Symbol and colors: Colors are crimson and black. Standard is a modified Jolly Roger with wings behind the skull rather then crossed bones

Form of Government: Naval Meritocracy

Known For/Exports: They are the subject of many legends. Of spiriting away village girls one night and returning them dizzy and drunk with pleasure the next with only a foggy memory of her time away, of sweeping away entire villages to join their crews, of capturing naughty children and using them as footstools, though the true nature of the Tidecallers is largely a mystery to the uninitiated.

Nation History: As Kyrmorant settled down a little. Forced to plant some roots in order to assure stability and peace between nations, some particular groups and caravans took this affront to their freedom badly. Splintering away from the great no longer quite as mobile city they scattered like seeds across the world, and one such seed was Seryava.

Rumored by many to be a descended of the famous Madam who had been so instrumental. In uniting the world she chose to explore the one great frontier left, the sea. Setting sail with a small fleet of her people she left the continent behind, seeking new lands and new opportunities, but none ever heard from her caravan ever again.

127 years pass, when a rickety old fleet of near derelict ships is spotted off the coast once more. Observers remark on the impossibility that such a rickety set of vessels could still be floating. Not with the obvious holes in the hill and with such tattered sails, and the sailors among them begin clutching their lucky items and holy amulets. Muttering prayers and besseching whatever gods will listen to their fervent pleas. It is then that the truly impossible takes place. The sterns of each ship explode, bursting into red flame with a thunderous crackle of magical explosions, but rather then go to pieces right then and there they surge forward, catapaulted at speeds far beyond anything mortals had tried before the great ships leap from the waters, tearing free from the tyrrany of gravity and taking to the sky as barnacle laden spheres on the underneath of the hull begin glowing with a spectral green hue. The observers fall on their faces in terror as the wooden hulks rocket above their heads into the sky, leaving behind only wicked feminine laughter, the kind of cackle that leaches warmth from the bones of living men.

The Tidecallers had made landfall.
Nation Name: The Great Vasoran Alliance

General: Marshal Gale Wind
Anthro Form
Gale Wind.jpg
Feral Form
Gale Wind [feral].jpg

Gale Wind used to be a simple beast until he encountered a mysterious human. Through magic he was put to sleep and when he woke up again he was forever changed. First of all he realized his body had changed shape. Instead of walking on all fours like he did his whole life he suddenly found himself standing upright. Second thing he realized was that his thoughts were far more complex then ever before. Another thing he realized was that he knew a lot of things he would not be able to even comprehend before he fell asleep and he did not remember ever learning any of them. I mean where would an animal even learn calculus! Let alone military strategy. Fourth thing he realized was that through magical means he could freely change shape between his current form and the one he had before he fell asleep. The final and most important thing he realized was that he had to go to The Great Vasoran Alliance and become the next Marshal. Why he had to do that he had no idea. Hell, he did not even know where he know that he had to do it. The only think he knew was that he had to do it and how he could do it. And he was as certain of it as the fact that water is wet. So with his new found knowledge seemingly out of thin air he went about to do just that. And the rest is history.
Other important people:
High Mistress Maya.png
Maya is a gentle soul with remarkable talent for resolving conflicts. Her calm demeanor and talents in the art of mating easily allows her to de-escalate any conflict between the council and the military junta, which is precisely why she was chosen as "High Mistress" even tho she is the youngest female to ever hold the position. Hoewer nobody should confuse her gentleness with weakness, because she fiercely believes in her duty to the Alliance and it's people... If such a need comes she will do everything she has to for her nation. No Matter what this duty will demand of her.
Vadoma Councilor of the human clan.jpg
After the end of "Age of Conflict" lots of Kyrmorants decided to stay in our nation to start a new life. Life of settling down and living in one place instead of roaming around the world... or so they told everyone. In reality they wanted to ensure influence over our nation. One of the ways to achieve this was by lobbying the official recognition of humans as it's own clan. This allowed them to increase their already significant political influence and ensure it will last beyond single generation. Unfortunately for them it didn't last longer than 2 centuries, because after the "National Militarization" The council become far less influential and Kyrmorants do to their traditions never really had many soldiers, leaving them with effectively zero influence over nationwide politics... as was planned.

Vadoma was chosen as a human clan leader not that long ago. She enjoys great respect from her people. It is rumored that she is a direct descendant from "The Madam" but it is impossible to know for sure, because she neither confirm nor deny those claims. And anyway genealogical matters of humans are a matter of the human clan. You better focus on the orgy we're planning together, because the wolf clan tried to steal our woman... again.

Currently she tries to increase the importance of the Human Clan by creating... unique military units focused on covert operations. She hopes that with the Kyrmorant talents she will be able to bring back some relevance to her people in politics.
Ethelinda Councilor of the Kyrmorant clan.jpg
When we accepted the guidance of "The Lady", part of the deal between our nations was the creation of the Kyrmorant clan. Wich in contrast to every other clan rather than including members of the same species, it includes people of the same culture. The Kyrmorants. Obviously at the start it was mostly humans but it also included some other beastfolk as well as some elfs and many others. Since those minorities were to small to justify their own clans and they all shared pretty much the same culture it was decided that such an exception can be made. Their many talents and the specific wording of the signed agreement gave them significant influence over "The Council". And as the newcomers to our alliance were well versed in the art of mating members of other clans quickly found their mates in the Kyrmorant clan. This of course often resulted in members of the Kyrmorant clan being born as other species than human, rapidly increasing beastfolk population in this clan. Of course since humans still increased in numbers they were quickly recognized as their own clan, increasing the Kyrmorant influence even more. That all ended during "National Militarization". Because of the resentment form the military to the Kyrmorant people caused by their surprise attack on our long time ally "The Skaven", the Kyrmorant leaders were faced with persecution. Even though "The council" was reduced to mostly ceremonial institution the Kyrmorant's were stript from all the privileges they had there anyway out of spite. Making their voice just one of many. Only thanks to their talents in "mating diplomacy" they manage to negotiate a bloodless surrender of power.

Currently Ethelinda being the third generation of beastfolks born in the Kyrmorant clan is it's leader. She became a master of a careful balance between ensuring that the Kyrmorant people are not completely overlooked in the wider politics and not angering the military junta enough to deal with their problems in a less friendly way... Often using her mating talents to achieve this.
Qan Slatebender Councilor of the Rat clan.jpg
It was the will of Kyrmorant nation to completely dissolve the Skaven nation. A decision that created enormous resentment between the military officials and the Kyrmorants in control of the council. Since the military believed that the Kyrmorant plan for the Skaven was essentially an act of betrayal they helped the Skaven avoid this fate. Combination of secret efforts organized by military commanders and support of the rat clan the Skaven manage to hide from the Kyrmorants. Long enough to assist the military in taking over control over the nation. Even though the Skaven blood was diluted with the ratfolks over the generations it still breeds exceptional warriors, like the "Qan Slatebender" current clan leader of the rats. Thanks to that they have a lot of sway in the military junta, second only to wolves.
Aurora Councilor of the Wolf clan.png
The legacy of Marshal Rashida is visible to this day. For one thing the wolf clan to this very day takes pride that such a legendary commander was a member of their clan, to the point that martial traditions are pretty much core of their society now. The bulk of our professional military is composed mostly of various wolf packs, which makes them the most influential pack in the military junta. It should surprise nobody that the pups Marshall Rashida had with an Alpha Wolf created some of the most respected military families. Over the years clan leaders of the wolf clan pushed for additional rights granted to the military. Which eventually thanks to careful diplomacy and well timed shows of force transferred the power from the council to military. Aurora being the current clan leader of the wolves is often the first to present to the council the will of the military for them to carry out. She works tirelessly, hoping to make sure that such a betrayal like that done to her great great great grandmother (Marshal Rashida) will never happen again.
Commander Maximus.jpg
Commander Maximus is one of the very proud wolf's capable of boasting about his lineage. After all as his sister Aurora he is a direct descendant of legendary Marshall Rashida. Not only that. Pretty much every male in his lineage was an Alpha. This extraordinary mix of blood gifted him not only amazing physical prowess of the alphas of old, but also incredibly sharp mind equal to his great great great grandmother. This mix of talents allowed him to quickly ascend the ladder of command. Until he achieved something incredible. He reached the rank of a commander... becoming the first male to ever do so. Now he is determined to fulfill his role, because it is not only a great honor, but also a great responsibility. Because now it is his duty to carry out the will of the Marshal.
Rivalia Councilor of the Parrot clan.png
As it was back in the day when Rhisita was the "High Mistress" still to this day the colorful Parrot clan uses its seductive allure to solve many internal problems of The Great Vasoran Alliance with mating. Although Rivalia will probably never become "High Mistress" like her great great great grandmother did, she still is considered one of the most alluring females in the entire nation. Even though she is considered less *elegant* then her ancestor, whenever she helps resolve conflicts. After all military cannot work without a stable supply line.
Race: Beastkin (still lots of furries!)

General: Switch Leaning Dom, Harem, Petplay
Wider populace: Switch Leaning Sub, Orgy, Petplay

"Strength through unity, unity through strength"
"Peace through mating"
"Never break a given word"

Theme song for the nation:

Nation Symbol and colors:
Black, howling wolf, superimposed on a white owl female spreading her wings.

Form of Government: Military dictatorship (Military junta)
Altho the old "Council" still exists and operates on rules largely unchanged from its original form in reality they are no longer a main governing body of the state. They only deal with minor internal matters or just put into motion less important decrees made by military junta. True power of the state lays in the hand of Marshal and her/his committee of commanders. They are responsible for making decrees later put in life by the council, as well as acting as supreme court and appointing captains of the guard. (local garrisons and equivalent of police)
They also have the full authority to declare war on other nations as well as issue a martial law, which allows them to issue decrees without the approval of the Council.

Known for:
- Sexy female officials
- Fascination with Gryphons
(and their dicks)
- Strong emphasis on Military

Brief Nation History:
In short the military took over the council to free the nation from the Kyrmorant influence. They did it because a lot of warriors and military officers felt betrayed by them. They did not like, being used, to allow easier conquest of their ally. (The Skaven)
I will expand on it some time later cuz I am tired of typing. I revised everything else in her.
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sojin-kang-20170417.jpg Nation Name: The Celestial Guardianship

General: Archangel Matariel

Though impossible to confirm, it is rumoured that Matariel once served on the angelic council directly under the One. She is a generally very kind and wise leader, acting very motherly towards not only her subjects, but also mortals that would seek out her wisdom.

Race: Angels

Fetishes: Pure Switch, Purity, Genuine Love, Faith,

Motto: "Adtendite ad lucem!"

Themesong (And National Anthem!) for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and Colors: White flag with golden accents, bearing a symbol depicting a winged cross.

Form of Government:
Absolute Theocratic Oligarchy

Known for/Famous Exports: Purity, The Softest Silks, Delicate Jewelry, Ambrosia

Brief Nation History: The Guardianship was formed and founded by its current leader, the Archangel Matariel. Never one to shy away from truth, she has often professed that her reasons for doing so (against the wishes of a lot of angel-kind) was because she deemed the mortals to still be too young and innocent to entirely make their own way. Thus, she very simply mustered what power she had, and send a shard of heaven down onto the earth. There, she formed the Guardianship, in the hopes that a direct Angelic presence would help push the mortals towards more virtuous means in due time.

Since its founding, the Guardianship has established itself as a quite well-versed peacekeeping force. Located atop the floating shard of heaven, Sanctuary, the Guardianship has a prospering little community. Consisting almost entirely of angels, they have always kindly but firmly refused permanent stay for anyone but the most virtuous of mortals. Despite this, they are not isolationist by any means, always eager to reach out and make contact, trade and provide help wherever they can. As such, in the area directly surrounding Sanctuary, a small nation of sorts has formed out of the diverse creeds and tribes that once inhabited the area. The angels if the Guardianship take the utmost care to protect and guide their mortal charges, of course!

- The angels themselves are very few in number, but effectively immortal, rematerializing on Sanctuary when they are slain.
- The angels rule over a smallish nation consisting of a variety of races, many times more numerous than themselves.
- Sanctuary is, very simply, a floating island atop which the angels have built their home. The angels believe it is a shard of heaven.
- The ambrosia mentioned as an export is not an immortality-granting substance. It is instead a golden drink, prized for its sweet-yet-not-overbearing flavour and smooth consistency.
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Nation Name: The Heralds of Desire

General: Jezael the Seductress

Race: Demonkin

Fetishes: Dom>Sub

Motto: Trust your desires.

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: Demonic runes, Red and Black

Form of Government: Monarchy

Known for/Famous Exports: Sex and other services!

Brief Nation History:
Legends claim that the first angels were born not of flesh, but from the prayers of men. If the angels were born of faith, the demons were born from the hidden desires and wishes the mortals kept locked deep in their hearts.

For every thing a mortal desires, a demon exists that can grant it. You want riches? You want power? You want a mistress to spank you? Or perhaps a loving wife open minded enough to fulfill your perverted desires?

You can have it.

But only if you are honest about it and ask nicely...

36858939_1037322423096997_4903364368554524672_n.jpg In the past, contacting the demons was a hard task. But during the Pax Kyrmorant, the arcane arts moved forward...and in due time, Mira the Perverted, a genius summoner, opened the gates to hell long enough for a small faction of demons to pass through.

Luckily, the Heralds of Desire seem peaceful enough.

While they do think that mortals should give in to their desires, they don't try to enforce it with violence like other religions often do. They also like to offer their services, even for minor payments. For all those reasons, their beliefs are starting to become popular, even amongst those who are faithful to other religions.

After all, as the demonesses often claim, participating in an orgy doesn't make you evil. Surely your god would never punish you for something that hurts no one...?
Pandora's Circle

commission__adelia_by_barn_swallow_datbqxq-fullview.jpg Race: Mixed, majority human

General/Leader: The First Voice

Known for: Tolerance and acceptance, soothing songs and healing arts, intimate ceremonies and diverse festivals.

Exports and Imports: Few, the people of the Circle are largely autark, and proudly so. Still, occasionally they import rare foods and special tools, while some of their produce, like exotic food items, fabrics, art, and healing waters from hot springs, find their way to other lands.

Form of Government: None. The Circle is the dominant force in the reaches, but it is cultural rather than political, and it doesn't view itself as a nation at all. However, with new empires rising to the west, the priestesses decided that they would speak for the various peoples under their spiritual guidance.

Emblem/Seal: None. Circular and nature motifs feature prominently in their art and all schools of design, but they do not have an official flag or symbol.

Anthem: The Song of Pandora, of course

Colors: Mainly blue, purple, silver and green

Motto: None, but everyone is invited to close their eyes and open their mind to the song...

Pandora's Circle

Deep in the eastern reaches, where torrentuous rivers rush along deep valleys, and mist-shrouded trees cover the slopes, there lies a hidden sanctuary, where people from the war-torn nations can find refuge and peace. They are welcomed by the caretakers, an order of robed women who teach them the song of Pandora. The wounded are healed, the sullen are invigorated, the haunted are at ease, the lost find a new purpose after listening for long enough. They all decide to stay and join, the men working on fields and in orchards and workshops while the women learn the rituals and songs and become members of Pandora's Circle, to help soothe others in turn. The whole world should listen to them, should embrace Pandora's peace.


The Eastern Reaches

Mountainous and sparsely settled, the vast lands along the rocky eastern coast are riven with valleys and bluffs, crisscrossed with seas and rivers. Thick mists cover the treetops for much of the day and cast the wooden paths into a soothing twilight. Roads are rare, and visitors will have to navigate the dense forests for days before reaching the larger settlements. The air is fresh and cool, unspoiled by industry. Farms are small and largely self-sufficient. Many settlements were founded by refugees and outcasts, and are under no central authority – the only thing shared is the adherence to the song of Pandora and the customs of the Circle. The men work under the supervision of their women, producing and building everything that is needed, though many of the master crafters are also female. Rarely does an evening go past without voices rising song above the trees, towards the sky in some small festival or other, taken from all over the world and every era.


The First Voice

The highest of the priestesses is called the First Voice, the one whose song carries the most power. Her exalted state is one of subtle authority, for she never lives a richer or more comfortable existence than her sisters. Yet in all disputes, her judgment is final, for she is the embodiment of Pandora's everlasting peace. The priestess currently holding this rank is named Seraphia, a young human women.


Pandora's History

The Circle doesn't trace their history at all, they might have been around forever, or they might have literally be formed yesterday, it means little to them. Many of the people of the eastern reaches also can't seem to remember a time without the song of Pandora being sung, its melody carried by the soft winds across the mountains.

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Nation Name: The Triumvirate of the Imperius Draconicus reborn(Imperius Draconicus for short.)
Dragon form Necromancer sister dragon form.png

Hybrid form Futa sister.jpg
Necromancer sister.png
Human Form: Human form vampire sister.jpg
Dragon form Emperor dragon.jpg

semi-dragon form Empy the second.jpg
The emperor's human form
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Dragon Form Gold sister true form.jpg

Hybrid form Gold Dragon sister.jpg

Human form Gold sister human form.jpg
Race: Dragonkin

Optional(But encouraged!):
Fetishes: Dom leaning switch. Speciesm, Showing the lesser races how to be better, breeding

Motto: Scales and Thunder

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: A Blue, A Black, and a gold dragon holding up the sun.

Form of Government: The Three Dragon siblings rule as a council, although in general, they divide subjects between them, only meeting up to decide on very important subjects, or if they disagree with another's decision to such a degree they believe it will affect their plans.

Known for/Famous Exports: Fish, large amounts of food far beyond that which is necessary for them, by having undead serving in the fields and on fishing boats. They also are the ones who have the easiest access to whales, as dragons are one of the few creatures in the world capable of hunting even the greatest ones. The Imperius has no problem renting out some of their zombies to the other nations to be used in the fields.

Brief Nation History: 600 years ago the great Calamity happened, the demideity of lust was unleashed upon the world by the Satyr, and the Emperor of dragonkind was lost heroically fighting against the monster. But his blood was passed on, before his death he had slept with three undead maidens, each having drunk a potion which allowed them to bear his child, and each time his seed took place in their womb. As the world started falling apart, the leader of these maidens, Agnes the Lich-queen used her magics to flee to another world, protecting these children. For 150 years these three children were raised in the world which their mothers had fled to, each of them quickly growing in power. As 150 years had passed they managed to convince their Agnes to open a new portal for them to go back through, wishing to reclaim their birthright, complete their father's dream, but upon returning to the world found that here 400 years had passed. They did this by splitting up and gathering up dragons who had split around the world, and with this army they went back to the homeland their father had created, to throw out those who'd started holding them. They reinstated dragon rule, used Nyx's necromancy to turn the enemy soldiers into their servants and welcomed the kobolds back into the fold of the blood pact. Since then The triumvirate has been somewhat secluded, needing to ensure the power of their nation if they were to rule the world like their father wished.

Other stuff:
Nation Name: The Poison Talons

General: Chairman Miles "White Wolf" Romain


Race: Human

Fetishes: Switch leaning sub. Corruption/Purification. Slow infiltration. Society Alteration. Mind Control. Parasites.

Mottos: "Loyalty is Everything"
"We can protect the people from both sides of the law"
"Fuck with the hawk, you get the talons"
"I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse..."

Themesong of the Nation:

Nation Symbol: A Hawk Feather with two swirls on either side. Always proudly displayed by members of his mafia.

Nation Colors: White, Black, Very few hints of light blue

Other Important Figures:

Sarahi Romain is Miles' younger sister, and the second in command of The Poison Talons. Her commanding nature and strong sense of pride eventually earned her the nickname "The Queen" amongst her mafia, a title that she still wears with pride. She's a skilled fencer, as well as knowledgeable a little bit in magic, despite the mafia's preference for modern technology. This was part of why her and Miles were able to raise through the ranks so quickly. More recently she has taken over the job of Warden at White Wolf Prison, the head administrator of the building, and in charge of security allocation particularly for dangerous prisoners like Miles Romain... She assures everyone that there is no conflict of interest whatsoever...


Leon Minchin is well known as the best fighter of The Poison Talons, and often known as their muscle. He's their master of intimidation, as well as one of the only people that's gone one-on-one with Miles Romain without getting knocked on his ass. He tends to be silent most of the time, preferring his stature and fists to do the talking for him rather than just stand around talking tough. He got a large scar across his cheek from one particularly bad "protection" run, which earned him the nickname "Baby Face".


Carla D'Alto is known simply as the "Wild Card" of The Poison Talons. She's leads up her own family and is given even more autonomy than most family leaders. Miles did that purposely, because you always need someone you can't predict on your side. That way if someone can read your strategy like a book, you always have an ace up your sleeve to fight back. Carla is their demolitions expert, and has known to take the time to get involved in all sorts of ventures, whether it be construction, real estate, prostitution, or whatever else tickles her fancy. If it interests her she'll get involved, and often end up making the mafia a ridiculous amount of money. Despite her unpredictability, and love of a good fight, she's one of the most valued mafia members due to her unpredictability.

Form of Government: Clan/Family System. Every member flies under "The Poison Talons" banner. But from there it breaks down into smaller families as subsidiaries run by their own Patriarchs and Matriarchs.

Known for/Famous Exports: Known for Organized Crime. Prostitution, Racketeering, "Protection" Rackets, Drug Trade, etc.

Brief Nation History:
After the last great war, Serena fled to seclusion, taking the lessons she had learned on the undead pirate crew to start her own life of crime and freedom. Though rather than sailing in pure freedom, she instead created an organization built on the crimes she had learned from the Tidecallers. Under her rule, she had created a rather sizable street gang, that would grow to minor influence in the small city she had taken up a base in. This small gang wouldn't be some major influence in the world, but with her understanding of the criminal underworld, as well as her own leadership abilities she would be able to carve out a very small niche for herself. This small gang would grow and grow over decades and decades, leadership changing time and time again before becoming the powerful mafia known as "The Poison Talons" that plague the underworld today.

The Poison Talons leadership are based on merit and accomplishment, as such it would be a long time before a descendant of Serena would rise to a leadership role. Due to their organized nature they eventually began calling their leaders "Chairman" as a means of appearing more professional despite their dealing in crime. They had gone through many different chairmen over the years until a pair of brother and sister began rising up the ranks of The Poison Talons. Miles and Sarahi Romain were distant descendants of the original founder of their mafia, and while that didn't guarantee them a spot in leadership, it meant that eyes were on them from the very beginning. Together the two quickly worked to ascend the ranks of The Poison Talons, growing their influence and bringing in nearly untold amounts of money to the mafia. Their reputation would grow and grow, earning the both of them nicknames in response to their reputations and gaining them a level of notoriety among their mafia to heights almost no one had ever seen before.

Then at the age of only 24, Miles was afforded the opportunity he was truly waiting for. The chairman before him had retired in his old age, and left a spot open for whoever could bring in the most money to the mafia in the span of a year. Miles, his sister, and the rest of his mafia family worked tirelessly, shaking down every business they could, indulging in every trade they could find, and running businesses both legitimate and illegitimate to bring in an obscene amount of money. And thankfully, they succeeded, they just barely edged out every other family in the mafia, leading to Miles Romain becoming the 21st Chairman of the Poison Talons. From there he immediately moved to solidify their power and grow the family even further, reaching deeper and deeper into the underworld, investing in the new tech of the times to make a fortune, and give their gang untold amounts of power. His constant drive to succeed ushered in a new golden age for the Poison Talons. Their reach grew and grew with their new Chairman at the helm, both in recruitment numbers and in financial power. Thanks to their constant push for new ideas, their mafia had even began subduing the minds of new recruits with experimental druga and technology, meaning that he could add more and more members to the mafia even without them wanting to be. It ensured loyalty, and made them an even more dangerous force to be reckoned with. Not only that, but his investment in new technology made him quite a few allies in the advancement of this "Steam" power that everyone was so fascinated in. With all of that together it seemed as though The Poison Talons' Golden Age might last forever...

But that's not how the world works. Commit enough crimes, grow in power enough, and eventually someone will catch you. A failed raid and a cop with too much conscience for a bribe looked to spell utter disaster for the Striking Talons. In fact it led to the arrest of Miles, the clan chairmen was put in chains and quickly imprisoned in the heavy security White Wolf Prison, sealed away with a relatively small sentence of a few years. Rather than let that stop him, however, he hatched a plan to stay in power and turn one of the biggest setbacks into a positive. He hatched a plan with his sister to work together to overtake the entirety of the prison. So bit by bit members of his family were arrested and thrown into the same prison. At the same time, Sarahi worked to become the prison warden under a fake name, eventually getting the job and slowly replacing the entire guard staff with members of the family as well. It took a year, but soon the inmates were running the prison. The Poison Talons gained control over the entire prison, enough of the mafia on the inside to relay orders to the outside, meaning that Miles could run his criminal gang without any worry and while he couldn't properly leave the prison without a "guard" he also had a new home that provided quite a bit more protection than anyone could imagine. Suddenly he could control his mafia despite being "stuck" in prison.

That much power would satisfy most, but Miles wanted so much more... And so he pulled just the right amount of strings to get his name into the upcoming election, capitalizing that nothing in the rules said that a candidate COULDN'T be in prison to run. And while it seemed like a mafia boss could never win an election, with the right amount of influence, and with the good faith built through some legitimate businesses, he does actively believe in his chances to win and control both crime and politics, a combination that could lead to untold power...




"NO, NO, NO, NO!" a shrill angry voice filled the room "It was supposed to work! Why won't it work! Damnnnniiiiii---t!"

"Ah, ah, deep breaths, deep breaths. It is beneath my station to act like this."

(sounds of things getting smashed around)


"If either side wins, my research is as good as done..."
the voice sighed "...I didn't want to do this, but..."


"Ah, it is connected. Code: 13292S3X. Issue command override: You are running for president!"


Faction Name: The Cog-callers

General: Captain Lockheart

"Captain, are your systems operational?" one of the crew asked, looking over concerned.

It was very uncommon for the Captain to freeze like that, in the middle of a fight no less.

"What. Yes." Captain Lockheart recovered "Lets wrap things up. I have an election to run" she declared, shooting some more aphrodisiac darts to the idiots who had dared resist them!

Race: Constructs

Designation: Sky Pirates, Ero-terrorists.

Fetishes: You know the drill.

Motto: Surrender and prepare to get lewded!

Themesong for the Nation:

Nation Symbol and colors: The Jolly Coger

Form of Government: "Whetever the Captain says."

Known for/Famous Exports:
Raids, Sabotages

Brief Nation History:
The Cog-callers were originally one of the numerous "X-caller" pirate crews. It took them years to distinguish themselves and grow bigger, but the cutting edge technology that had been used on their creation, allowing for independent thought and aquiring new knowledge gave them the edge they needed to overtake their competition and recycle them into fellow crew.

That ero-terrorists / sky pirates do, at this age and time? Simply put, they harvest corruption from their unsuspecting victims. What they do with that corruption, is anyone's guess.

It is very unexpected for a pirate to run for elections...but while there are some who think them as monsters, those who have been attacked by them tend to be a lot more friendly with them.
Party Name: Dafuck is this shit? I don't have time for this PR nonsense you do it. I don't know. Science Party. Get out of my office!

Minister: Chief Sin'Carla


Head Of PR: Mila Jovich


Head Of Workforce Development: Carlina Roentine


Race: Elves

Fetishes: (Dom /Sub) - switch, mind control, hypnotism, slow corruption. Etc.

Absolute Turn offs: bimbos, brain drain, anything that interferes with the persuit of knowledge.

Slogan: I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own!!

Themesong for the Party:

Party Symbol and colors: Deep blue flask on a white field, blue and white

Election Promises: Progress is a river that can never be stopped, its flow can only ever be shunted aside to a new path, new ideas. If elected I will ensure a golden age of science and progress greater then ever seen!

Known for, famous method of corruption: what is 'Corruption'? We don't do any of that here. Only science!

Brief Party history: the Science Party is relatively new on the scene, started by Cheif Sin'Carla in her basement and rapidly expanding as her projects ran amok and out of control they were never really meant for politics, but rather a forward thinking group pushing for new energies and ideologies without abandoning the old ways. Why shouldn't we grasp at every straw we can after all? Why should we ever limit ourselves to just one or another? However the chief soon ran into manpower issues, leading to her greatest discovery. By mixing this novel steam power with powdered lust crystals she managed to create a new element Sin'Carllium. Those exposed to this new element quickly find themselves with a new unblocridled passion for science and her numbers and recruits swelled! Of course there were some side effects, increased hornyness, a tendency to drip on the carpet, lowered inhibitions, and free will indicators, and a marvelous resistance to pain. Using her new lovely pink gas she would never run dry of volunteers and labor again!

Of course the natural enemy of science is regulation, and with the top spot in the government opening up this was a prime chance for her to ensure those meddlesome politicians would never regulate her again! Science would rule the day and a new golden age of steam and lust will dawn bright and shining with glory!! .....What do you mean I'm laughing maniacally again? No! This is my regular laugh! Shut up! Get out of my office!!

Other stuff: "What you need MORE? No. No we're done here. I've got actual work go do. Go on, get, shoo, don't make me call the interns! Scram!"
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Party Name: Combined Knowledge Initiative (the CKI)

Minister: Academician Prokhor Zakharov
Academician Prokhor Zakharov.jpg
Little is known about Zakharov.
Even at the beginning of his academic history he showed his brilliant mind... even tho he was very secluded back then.
It changed dramatically couple of years ago after he gained recognition in the scientific community after together with his friend
Eng. Nikola Tesla they discovered a way to create massive amounts of Aluminum from Bauxite using electricity.
Altho no practical applications are currently available it is only a matter of time considering amazing properties of aluminum,
both mechanically and magically.
This attracted lots of beastfolk to them. Both magically inclined as well as the ones talented in modern sciences.
He even found himself a mysterious lady wich made him far more charismatic... and bolder.
To the point that he not only used his new fame to create and head CKI but also run for office in the ellection!

Other important people:
Eng. Nikola Tesla
Eng. Nikola Tesla.jpg
Nikola always had a knack for machines, but what truly fascinated him was electricity.
Even when most of his colleges believes that steam is the future he always believed that electricity would truly change the world.
He just needed to prove that it has practical applications... and he has thanks to Zakharov.
Now with far more interest in his work from other engineers and scientist he finally has not only money but other like minded experts
to help work on electricity based devices some started to dub TESLA TECHNOLOGY
It is true that there aren't many practical things you can do with electricity... but who knows.
With this new drive and prove that it can be done... this might change in the future.
Lady Deirdre Skye
Lady Deirdre Skye.png
Lady Deirdre is rumored to posese arkance knowlege dateing back from before the Dark Age of Corruption,
but she still uses lots of corruption-energy readily available to her thanks to her fondness for debauchery.
Then again we bestfolk find breeding as our secret tradition which is prevalent in our history as far back as we can find written records.
Currently she is contributing her knowledge to the cause of CKI on account of being fascinated by not only by the idea, but also the man who share it!... and their semen.
Dr. Houdini
Dr. Houdini.jpg
Houdini is a very eccentric mathematician who became better known in the learned community for being the man who revolutionised research in arcane knowledge.
His mathematical formulas caused immense headway in Arithmancy and allow for far more predictable and reliable use of magic.
Of course this gives some of the crazier engineers ideas on how to use magic in their machines in a way that can actually be called somewhat safe...er.
Altho his mathematical genius is undeniable most people outside of learned community find him famous for... other reasons.
He has remarkable talent to render any locked door useless and to escape any and all methods of capture and inprisonment.
A very useful talent considering how many powerful people had caught him fucking with their wives and/or daughters.

Race: Beastfolk

Males: Switch Leaning Dom, Harem, Petplay
Females: Switch Leaning Sub, Orgy, Petplay

Absolute Turn offs: (male on male action, gore stuff, and if I think of anything else I will put it here)

- Never disregard knowledge no matter the source.
- To boldly go where no one has gone before!
- Brighter future with true enligtenment!

Themesong for the Party:

Party Symbol and colors:
Black gryphon holding a lightning superimposed on brass gear

Election Promises:

We shall bring progress to us all, without the need to sacrifice our lewd traditions!
If you elect me I shall bring prosperity with combined power of lust and steam!
We will achieve more than our ancestors could ever dream about and make them proud!
Without the need to disregard the gift of lust passed down to us from our ancestors.

Known for, famous method of corruption:
Revolutionaly Tesla Technology
Mathematically efficent extraction and use of lust magic
Animal like lust!

Brief Party history:
Combined Knowledge Initiative or the CKI for short is a relatively new organisation created by enigmatic Academician Prokhor Zakharov.
Thanks to his and his friend discovery of a way to mass produce aluminum from bauxite he not only become rich but also famous.
This attracted lots of attention from both from engineers and sorcerer's thanks to remarkable mechanical and magical properties of aluminum that until now was far to rear to use in any practical way. What surprised everyone who knew Zakharov was his sudden surge in charisma and boldness when he not only created the initiative but also started to run in election!
Even the chosen symbol is bold indeed. Depicting a Black gryphon holding a lightning superimposed on brass gear is supposed to symbolise the power of their ancestors through the use of the gryphon, a mythical creatures often depicted as the most powerful clan of the beastfolk who ever existed, mixed with modern symbols of electricity and machines who are supposed to symbolise the future. A bold statement of combining past knowledge with the vision of future.
Almost everyone is attributing this new found boldness to the mysterious lady from the bird clans that became seen with him often lately.

There are even rumors that in reality she is a gryphon and that the entire initiative is being directed by a secret group of gryphons who were hiding their existence from the world in order to take over it from behind the scene!
Pfffffffffffffhahahahahahahahaha Truly! ridiculous thing to believe... right?
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