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Arrival Courtyard


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
An open yard, much akin to a garden or park. This is the arrival point for those wishing to visit (or live at) the odd structure owned by the odd James.

At one end of the yard, a wall, with some manner of almost Oriental-styled doorway sits. This is probably the entrance into the residence.

((Players will start here. Open posting. The doorway is closed, and will remain so until James makes his appearance.))
Re: Arrival Courtyard

A man in a long red coat walks into the courtyard, his hands buried deep in his pockets as he walks in, smiling as his neck-low blond hair waves in the wind "Jeez. This place looks like a dump" he says, catching the toe of his boot on a root and falling face first to the ground "ouch."
Re: Arrival Courtyard

A behemoth of a man walks slowly and purposefully wearing a white shirt, black tie, a tartan kilt and a pait of work boots. A half dozen or so bags hang over his left shoulder supported by his left hand. He stops and watches as the man falls over.

"Aye, that it is sonny," He says to the lad, his thick Scottish accent carrying over the land. "But with ah bit o' work I think it could be fit for ah king." He puts his bags down roughly, the sounds of metal and wood as well as glass could be heard rattling around in them. "Th' names Franklin," He says to the man as he offers him one of his boulder sized hands to help him up.
Re: Arrival Courtyard

Sounds from inside the well-maintained and somewhat grand structure can be heard. While no one has yet to come and open the main doors, it's probable that whoever lives there is going to make an appearance soon.

((Careful about making assumptions because I didn't say anything, guys...Might pull something on you. Besides, how can it be a dump when you guys haven't had a chance to trash it yet?))
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Re: Arrival Courtyard

Mithral sat in a corner by herself, the Kimono she had on covering her curves, her waterblade also stuck into the ground nearby. It seemed like she was meditating quietly...
Re: Arrival Courtyard

Bob walks into the courtyard from nowhere.

"Hooray. I don't know where I am or why I'm here. I may as well join that group of people forming over there and wait for something to happen."
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Re: Arrival Courtyard

((xD Epic post, Bartnum))

Looking around Franklin see's that there are new arrivals. "Ah, it seems tha' more people 'ave appeared." He says to the lad he's still offering his hand to.
Re: Arrival Courtyard

More noises would come from the other side of what appeared to be the main entrance. What sounds like music, accompanied by the sound of someone hocking a fairly large spit, then the sound of a gong ringing...

The doors slide open, and James, the owner of this structure, comes out...

...standing on a pallet jack that's being pushed by a minotaur wearing at least as much jewelry as Mr. T's legendary TV character, B.A. Baracus. The minotaur is also carrying a large portable stereo device that's currently blaring out the chorus to the song " ".

James himself is singing along, into a microphone that's attached to his pallet. He's also carrying a Hurricane in each hand.

As the pallet clears the doorway, James stops singing and jumps off of the impromptu stage. "Greetings, visitors!"
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Re: Arrival Courtyard

It was the music that broke her meditation first. With a start, her eyes open as she looks around quickly at the source.
Re: Arrival Courtyard

Vice rejects the hand and stands up by himself, watching the stage coming out "Eh? This is the guy who owns this place?" he says, his right pinky in his right ear, twisting back and forth, a dumbfounded expression on his face "And it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Franklin" he says, pulling his pinky from his ear and flicking it, sighing as he slides his hands back into his pockets
Re: Arrival Courtyard

"Tha's quite an entrance," Franklin says out loud as James greets them. He picks his bags back up and shoulders them once more. "Ah take it this is your home that we're intruding upon?"
Re: Arrival Courtyard

"Indeed, this is my home. But, I don't mind people wandering through it. Keeps things interesting. There's really only two rules I have. No bloodshed. This is not the place for that. And nothing overly destructive. Again, not the place for that. Either of those gets broken, and I start getting creative." James pauses for a second, then adds, "Oh, and please be aware that there's an invisible dwarf running around. If he starts causing trouble, just get someone in the area drunk. That's about the only way to reveal his location."
Re: Arrival Courtyard

She looks at the procedings, getting up, and disolving her weapon, seeminly turning into water before spreading it onto the ground. Fair enough rules, she thought to herself, though still not sure where HERE was.
Re: Arrival Courtyard

James gestures towards the open doorway. "Well, feel free to enter and look around. As long as you don't get yourselves into any trouble, there won't be any."

((And the intro crap is done.))
Re: Arrival Courtyard

Vice simply chuckles to himself as he walks towards the house "Hurry it up, slowpokes, We don't have all day to look around this old house"
Re: Arrival Courtyard

Shrugging, the dragongirl followed. "Whatever 'here' is...."
Re: Arrival Courtyard

Mayra had been quiet (surprise, surprise) through the whole of the introduction phase by this curious James fellow. She just silently giggled in the corner in which she stood, a most curious grey and purple kitten purring away happily from the top of her apparently sturdy top hat.

She gracefully danced her way through the doors, smiling at everyone she passed as she hummed a strange and dysfunctional tune.
Re: Arrival Courtyard

In a brilliant flash of light Thomas arrives in all his carpenter glory. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore toto..."
Re: Arrival Courtyard

James shrugs. "Enter the house as you will. I'm sure you'll find something to do."
Re: Arrival Courtyard

"Erm where is here exactly?" Thomas asks dumbly. He starts twirling a wrench out of nervous habit.