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Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]


Dec 9, 2008
Reputation score
Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Really short and stocky, about 5'5" and about 220lbs. She has about shoulder length red hair and a slight Irish accent.
Bio: Born and raised in Ireland, she grew up as a tomboy, and as soon as she could smoke one, found that she liked cigars.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][105]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Artemis wakes up in a room with another female who, unlike Artemis, has no clothes on. Artemis as all the dungeon players has been stripped down to nothing but a raggy skirt and a raggy shirt that barely covers anything. The other female hadn't made a move since Artemis' eyes have opened but she was obviously breathing by how her stomach and breasts heaved back and forth.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Wake The Female} {Talk To The Female}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis took a look around the room, and at what she was wearing, and decided that if the inhabitants were anything like this place, then she should run.
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][105]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

As Artemis goes to run away, she feels something grip her leg and trip her. The female's back seemed to have a creature like opening as three tentacles shot out from the tentacle demon's back and started to thrash around as she stood up. The demon stared at Artemis as if daring her to make her move.

ENCOUNTER: Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3 {[Health:][108]}
Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]}
Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]}
Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis narrowed her eyes and said, "Oh hell no," before charging the Tentacle Demon with both fists flailing.
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Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

((Treebeard, I did forget to put which? but can you specify what you're attacking? I assume the actual demon but since there is 'four' targets, it does matter to ask instead of assume.)) [Feel free to just edit your post and I'll come back to check if its edited or not.]
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][105-10=95/105]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

1- Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3 {[Health:][108]}
2- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
3- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
4- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
5- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
6- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
7- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
8- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]

As goes to swing her fists down onto the demon, the demon's back sprouts more tentacles and she uses the tentacles to push her body out of the way and faces Artemis down. The tentacles on her back seem to have a mind of their own as each goes lashing out towards Artemis. The first two that come swinging by her, slip between her legs with a small rub before they pull away. She was able to get out of the way of the second duo of tentacles that came through but the last three brushes themselves against her breasts. Her stamina seemed to lower from the tentacle dodging and the act of them rubbing her was also slightly a distraction. The demon lunges for Artemis but Artemis' quick thinking allowed her to roll out of the way before she could be grabbed, though the tentacles all turned to face her, the demon slowly turned as well to face Artemis once more. Now a total of seven tentacles were thrashing around behind the demon.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis had let out a low moan as they had rubbed her, but kept her thoughts focused. She sized up the beast again, and ran out of the room, deciding the fight wasn't worth her life.
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][95-10=85/105]}

Status: Pinned (By Tentacle Demon)

1- Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3 {[Health:][108]}
2- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
3- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
4- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
5- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
6- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
7- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
8- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]

Artemis goes to run but only is stopped by five of the tentacles that seem to caress her breasts as they pull her back towards the tentacle demon until the demon is within range, the demon lunges towards her, gripping her arms tightly. The demon's grip was hard and it was obvious the tentacles wanted some action too, though it did seem the tentacles and demon worked together but at the same time had a seperate mind. The tentacles previous caress had made a small gasp slip her lips but they seemed to be only teasing at her.

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis resisted the tentacle demon's movements, and fought to try to escape them.
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][85-12=73/105]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

1- Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3 {[Health:][108]}
2- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
3- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
4- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
5- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
6- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
7- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
8- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
9- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
10- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
11- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
12- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
13- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]

Artemis struggles against the demon's grasp and with a hard tug she breaks free of the grasp. The tentacle demon seemed to struggle with something as five more tentacles bursted out of her back and thrashed around. All twelve of the tentacles on her back thrashed around and tried to tease Artemis once more. Six successfully connected with sensitive parts on her body but the other six missed her. The tentacles caused a bit of a surge from her body, stamina lowering and a moan escaping her lips. The tentacle demon seemed to just stare her down, as if it was waiting for the perfect time to lunge for her again.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis took a deep breath and lunged at the Tentacle demon, hoping to catch it off guard and turn the tables.
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][73-18=55/105]}

Status: Free (Real Winded)

1- Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3 {[Health:][108-23=85]}
2- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
3- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
4- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
5- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
6- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
7- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
8- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
9- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
10- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]
11- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
12- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Succeed]
13- Tentacle Demon's Tentacle, Level ? {[Health:][5]} [Fail]

Artemis lunged towards the tentacle demon and literally knocked it over, causing a sharp pain to its body but luckly for it the tentacles saved itself from falling onto its back. The tentacle demon was pulled up right and as the tentacles had before, all tweleve went lunging for artemis, thrashing about her body and this time only three missed teasing Artemis' body. The tentacles were obviously trying to wear down Artemis and it was working so far.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis shuddered as the tentacles ran over her body. There was no way she was going to win at this rate, so she tried to run from the room.
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][55/105]}

Status: Free (Real Winded)

Artemis goes running for the exit, dodging tentacles from the demon all the way out, upon getting to the exit she's lucky to see that the creature's tentacles went back inside of the demon and the demon seemed to go back asleep, as if waiting for the next victim. Upon entering the next room it seems rather empty, besides some piece of paper just laying down in the corner.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Paper}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis eyed the paper warily for a moment, then went over and examined it.
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][55/105]}

{One Piece of the Map}
Status: Free (Real Winded)

Artemis bends over and picks it up to reveal that its a small sliver of a map. Upon further examination she estimates that its one of five pieces of thte map.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

"Well, there might be a way out of here after all," She said as she moved on.
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][86]} {[Stamina:][55/105]}

{One Piece of the Map}
Status: Free (Real Winded)

Artemis moves on to the next room only to find herself within a room that looked similiar to the last rooms, dark and damp. Stone walls, it was like a neverending dungeon. Though as she scanned the room she saw some kind of slime all over the floor.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Slime}
Re: Artemis Eabha [Treebeard]

Artemis decided to sit down and wait for a moment, to catch her breath now that she had some distance between her and that monster.