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Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

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Apr 12, 2009
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Asazune would first notice that the Burrows were nothing like where she'd come from... at least, not in terms of what she'd expect. No Masters or Mistresses were there to put a leash on her, or to bind her arms as she was dumped into the low-lit, long-stretching cavern; there was no huge noise or rush or whips and punishment. Once the doors slammed shut above and behind her, a solid locking noise sealing the deal, Asazune would find herself feeling very much alone.

That wouldn't last forever, however. Two humans -- wait, a human and something else (he had mahogany skin and deep red hair, colours that were definitely not natural to a human) had spotted her, and were walking towards her with purpose. The two males -- men, both -- were armed with rope. Maybe these were the Masters that she'd initially thought absent?
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Asazune stumbled a bit forward as she where thrown into the Burrows, soon regaining her balance, turning her head to look at the gates, but it was too late as she heard the noise of locks... locking up. She frowned a bit, sighing as she looked around herself.

Soon enough, she spotted the aproaching guys, peering at them curiously, as she noticed the rope, and what she thought was the intent of the males, she made a small fake pout for a brief moment, before speaking out.

Asazune: "Hey! Who are you guys? Don't tell me I got away from the leashes just to get a new one made out of rope..."

She groaned, rolling her eyes, she wasn't quite pleased with her situation, she had never been. She had been a bit too headstrong to make a proper slave of to begin with, only doing what a slave was supposed to do, incase it benefitted her, somehow.
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

The red-haired fellow chuckled, pulling the rope taut suggestively. "Leashes? Did either of us say anything about leashes?"

The second man, a human with short-cropped, black hair and pale brown skin, had only a sneer to give the girl.

"Think she's going to try to scatter, Bahel?" the red-haired male asked.

"Wouldn't try it," the human replied, part warning to the girl, part playing up the demon's line. The other man was a demon, after all. With reddish brown skin and such dark, red hair, he couldn't be a dragon.

"Should hope not," the demon nodded as the two drew up alongside Asazune. "Wouldn't want this one to get chased down and violated not an hour after her arrival, after all." Slipping an arm around her shoulders, tugging on her thin ponytail, the demon asked, "what's your name, girl?"
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Asazune frowned a little as she head the males reply, she didn't like the sound of it. As the Demon grew close, too close for her tastes, she would part take a step back, part make a spin around, in an attempt to give his hands a weak slap, just enough for him to let go off of her hair.

( Agility Roll? )

Asazune: "Asazune, That is my name. And I am willing to listen to what you two have in mind, before deciding to either struggle or co-operate. The choice is yours to make, Men."
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Not only did Asazune fail to slip out of the demon's grasp, but she found that he'd brought her offending hand down and around so that she couldn't dare slap him. "Feisty one," Bahel, the human, commented as he uncoiled some of that rope.

"Here's the deal," the demon told her, fist closing around her hair and tugging, pulling her head back just a little. "You'll walk nice and pretty between us while we introduce you to Burrows hospitality back in our cavern. Or, Bahel here helps me to hog-tie you and we maybe check your dignity before you even set foot on the main spiral. Don't expect anyone to come saving you, pet, you're with us one way or the other."
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Asazune muttered a curse lowly, as she completely failed to accomplish what she had hoped to do, her eyes closing, as she swallowed part of her dignity, nodding in agreement.

Asazune: "Obviously... I am in no position to decline, but very well. I'll come, and so willingly. No need to hold me, Men."

She sighed softly, relaxing a bit, showing no signs of her going to attempt struggling further.
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

"That so?" the demon asked, releasing his hold on her arm, but keeping her hair tight in his fist. "You can refer to me as Spitheysh, and him as Bahel, my pet, or 'sirs' if you want to address the both of us. 'Men' is so... so..."

"Derogatory," Bahel supplied.

"Rude, but that works too," Spitheysh agreed. "Now, give us your name, pet. Temper like yours, I doubt you put up with the likes of being a pet. Much."

Releasing her hair, he lowered his arm to behind her shoulder-blades, ushering her in quite a gentlemanly manner (it didn't seem likely that his intent was so clean) towards the torch-lit path at the back of the cavern. Bahel fell in on her other side, wary, not yet spooling his rope up again.
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Asazune rolled her eyes, sighing as she walked along the path the Males seemed quite intent to make her travel along.

Asazune: "I've already said my name, and if you want me to say it again, You'll have to ask nicely. I am no ones pet, especially not the Pet of Men such as you two."

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, speaking once more.

Asazune: "If you wish me to behave, even respect you, then I ask for the same in return. Give and take, force me and I will only struggle. It is your choice."

She went silent for another brief moment, before speaking.

Asazune: "Now, I will ask politely. Sir Spitheysh? Sir Bahel? Where am I being taken, and for what purposes?"
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

"Oho," Spitheysh chuckled, "not 'such as us', huh? Then who?" They'd entered the path, the torches along the walls of which lit the place to late afternoon brightness. Asazune could see that the path sloped gently downwards, curving slightly as it went. Doorways large enough for a full grown dragon to enter passed by on either side as they meandered downwards, though it was hard to see what was beyond them.

"As for where you're being taken," the demon told her, smiling genially at passers by -- many of whom glared or ducked their heads upon seeing the three of them and went about their business -- "newcomers like you, especially ones like you," his eyes drifted down, then up again, "don't wind up so well on your lonesome. Us types, Bahel and me, we watch out for you lot. Some of you don't like to go, so we tie you up, kicking and screaming. You'll see, you'll come around to it." Bahel chuckled as Spitheysh went on, "we're taking you to our cavern. Feed you, fill you up, give you a place to sleep. What more could a pet like you ask for, Asazune?"
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Asazune listened to Bahel and Spitheysh, merely following them, paying little attention to the surroundings. She sighed and frowned at the end, as she began to speak.

Asazune: "What more could I ask for? To not be treated like property, and not called Pet. Besides, I don't like the sound of "Filling" me, unless it's about food."

Asazune kept herself passive, not struggling, but perhaps keeping an eye out for an oppurtunity to give the two males a beating, if they ticked her off. They where a good way towards it already...
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

And they were coming a lot closer to it, little beknownest to Asazune. Spitheysh had drawn to a halt as a large quadruped came around the curve in the passageway, a scowl crossing his otherwise suspiciously jovial face. The creature was white, though shades of yellow, red and orange rippled across its fur as the lights of the passage glanced off of it. Its wings, belly and tail, not to mention the back-swept horn upon its head, were a rich, burnished shade of gold. It seemed that the two knew one another, for the moment it noticed the three, a sneer of its own marred its muzzle.

"Spith'," the dragon growled, looking between the demon, Bahel, and Asazune. "Up to your old tricks again."

Growing defensive, the demon took a step forward. "Back off, Axna, you don't bother to watch for fresh meat, don't even think about screwing us over on this one."

The dragon snorted, glanced down at Asazune, then back to the demon. "Right, and she was just begging you two for attention." He could see her scowl from here.

"She's not tied up, she's with us of her own free will," Spitheysh retorted. If he'd had hackles, they'd probably be raised. Axna's certainly were. "You bloody light dragons, getting caught all up in stupid human affairs. Back off if you know what's good for you," the demon pushed bravado into his voice, though Bahel was already backing away quietly.

"Look," the dragon spat, giving Spitheysh a good snarl, "shut up. I'd say I'd eat you, but you probably taste worse than you smell." Turning his attention to Asazune, he asked, "you're new? You're with them because you want to be? It doesn't have to be that way."
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Asazune would blink a little in confusion, as her "Captors" stopped, looking up, her eyes widened as she stared at the Dragon-creature. She would remain silent for a while, listening. Once she was being questioned by the Dragon, she'd close her eyes, and then speak.

Asazune: "They might claim I am following them with free will, But I am following them for no other reason than desperation; I do not know this place, and they offered food and shelter. Then again, I never liked the sound of what they would like in return, And they insist on calling me their "Pet", as if I am some lowly property they can handle at their own leisure and whims."

Asazune sighed, looking down, before speaking again.

Asazune: "And yes. I am new to this place, I do not know my way around, nor are they willing to provide me with information required to make a decent living here. I do not want to be with them, yet I still need to find food and shelter, wether given or shown how to get."
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Spitheysh half turned to Asazune and snarled, dropping the Nice Guy act enough for the woman to see a rather frightening looking mask. Raising a hand as if to smack her, he thought better of it as a warning growl rumbled all through this portion of the passageway. Axna looked like he might murder somebody, perhaps by one-bite-decapitation. That somebody was probably Spitheysh.

The fire demon leaned in close to Asazune, voice hot with rage. "You really are a dumb chit, you know that? Go on and lean on Mr. Champion's arms, here, he can't keep you safe all the damn time." Giving her a slight shove towards the dragon, he took his cue to back away, Bahel in tow. The demon was angry, but that didn't mean that he still wasn't running away like a little girl in the face of a fight with the large dragon!

Axna, calming visibly now that the two of Asazune's captors had beat their hasty retreat, spat to one side in disdain. "Filthy animals." He turned his attention to the human and, thinking better of talking down on her from such great heights, shifted forms in the blink of an eye. Where the dragon had stood, the ceiling barely clearing his bulk, now a human (or at least humanoid) male stood at a modest six or so feet. His skin looked deathly pale, though it hinted at the occasional colourful glimmer where the torches hit it just so. His eyes and short-cropped, springy hair were both an unnatural shade of dark gold. Folding up the cuffs on his shirt, he took a moment to look Asazune in the eye. "I apologize, if this is the first thing you've experienced. Those idiots ruin the parts of this place which are... well, half way decent."

Axna looked up and down the length of the passageway, or at least the parts that they could see before the curve cut off their line of sight. Anyone who'd been watching the potential battle had gone their own way again. Good, he hated gawkers. "Look... tell me what your background is..." he still didn't have her name, though he was polite enough to wait for her to introduce herself, "and I'll drop you off in a cavern that's best for your needs, alright?" He ran a hand through his hair, looking vaguely uncomfortable. "I was kind of on my way to something, but I don't mind going out of my way if it means you're not going to end up with those rejects."
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

Asazune help but snarl back at Spitheysh as he tried to frighten her, she wasn't easily scared. She mostly ignored what the Fire Demon whispered to her, and spoke out.

Asazune: "If I am Dumb, Spitheysh, then you are nothing short of a greedy asshole with superiority complex."

Then Asazune got pushed forward, causing her to scowl a bit, she looked after the fleeing Fire Demon, and his companion. After a few moments, she turned to face the Dragon, and was -very- surprised to see the transformation of a Dragon into a Human.

Asazune: "I can understand if they ruin what little good that can be found here... At least you Shine as a Beacon of Hope."

She would smile, bowing politely before Axna, before listening to his questions, and then spoke in return.

Asazune: "I am a Warrior in Heart and Spirit, Mighty Dragon. My name is Asazune, and I can say that I've never been very obedient in my life as a Slave..."

Asazune sighed, shaking her head. Even if she accepted her position as a slave, she did so grudgingly, and weren't going to make any Master have an easy way with her. Ever.

Asazune: "Perhaps it is far too much to ask for around here, But if possible, if there is any place like it... I'd like to be taken to a place, where the inhabitants respect each other, at least, enough to not try to pull Hierarchy and claim others as their "Pets"."

Asazune looked down, smiling a little as she stared up at Axna.

Asazune: "And... thanks, for coming to help me. Even if it might be because of your dislike of those two, I am grateful."
Re: Asazune's Thread (Random_Knight777)

When Asazune began to speak, her tone as formal as it was, it seemed that Axna grew more embarrassed than before. At the 'shining beacon of hope' comment, he cringed just a little, placing his hand against the back of his hair as if scratching it, using it as an excuse to glance away. "Yeah, I get that a lot," he'd muttered as the human went on.

"It's just Axna, here," he finally told her as she finished her speech. "No 'mighty dragon' needed, just... Axna works great." Crossing his arms over his chest, hunching a little as he cupped his chin to think, he turned away from Asazune as he pored over the elegantly worded information that she'd given him. Turning back to her with the same thoughtful, almost brooding look in place, he explained, "the thing is, Asazune," at least this one had caught her name the first time around! "most of the caverns here are pretty okay at the respect and equality thing." He thought further, then licked his lips before continuing, "if you're serious about trying to get out of here, there's a few escapist weird...uh...warriors down the way here... but if you want my honest opinion, they're not going anywhere."

Axna shifted his arms, still feeling a little awkward around the newcomer human. "If you want to know the truth, there's a hierarchy in most of these caverns: at the very least there's a patron who directs how the cavern gets built, what its priorities are, what people should be bringing back from the Mistress..." he didn't seem particularly excited to mention the last bit, but he continued valiantly onward. "It's more a matter of where you're going to feel... comfortable. There's a sort of sliding scale of... morality?" he tried his best to explain. For a light dragon, where morals were rather important, this place must be a special kind of hell. No wonder Axna seemed a little twitchy. "The further down the path you go, the more... perverted's not the right word... interesting people you'll meet." He had really had to struggle to keep that sentence neutral! "From there, it's more a matter of if you're more comfortable with your own kind, or other species."
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