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Ascending Sparks (theguy09)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
None yet

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Seeing her "grandfather" so sickly ill, his once healthy body wasted and covered in sores, had likely been an unpleasant experience. Despite his ailing condition, the joviality and liveliness had still shone bright in Garm's eyes when he had given them first the introduction to their family's traditional contest when it was time to choose an heir, and then given each of them the instructions of their task individually in private. Each had taken nearly half an hour, and Grace had been no exception; Garm had gone over the many ills faced by the people of Astoria, and how certain predatory elements to provide illicit solutions to those when the people in charge did not right those ills. It would be her responsibility, if she took over the family, to right those ills and seal the holes in their care of the citizenry, so if she could break the hold of the powers that be in the shadows, he had said, she would be fit to wield the family's power in the light.

She had been given two days to prepare in the family estate, gathering what she could for arms and armor from the family's expansive stocks, and then she was sent out from the Astrogoth estates out on the road to Andros, the regional capital. It was a journey that she had made many times on horseback or by carriage, and only a few hours longer by foot. It was a cloudy day in late spring, threatening a storm in the coming downs but now offering only white puffy clouds with occasional hints of blue sky in the gaps between. The winds were gentle but insistent today, leaving the wheat and corn fields to either side swaying gently, and the leaves of the orchards and berry farms swaying even as it carried off the last hints of the morning's reminder of winter's recent passage for the day. It wasn't just agriculture that she passed, however; cows mooed and sheep bleated at her through the barrier of the fencing keeping them on their ranches, a few herding dogs bayed at her in friendly challenge, and the occasional horse or donkey would stare at her as she went on her way. The region controlled by the Astrogoth family was a breadbasket even for Badaria, a truly verdant region, and that verdance had brought wealth as regions without its fertility had bartered for their produce. That wealth, in turn, had brought strength, but also a fair share of jealous neighbors... Though under Garm's leadership, few such forces had made overt intrusions into their lands.

Passing over a stone bridge crossing a canal, Grace would see Andros looming closer, the stone walls - a vestige of ancient times where such defenses would make the difference between the survival or sacking of a city - grim where visible but decorated with colorful banners and streams of ivy covered in strings of white and pink flowers, visible even from here. The settlement had spread outwards from the intervening decades, producing a sprawling township outside of the walls, and it was this that Grace approached now. Farmhouses gave way to townhouses, fields gave way to gardens and yards, and soon she was striding into a market square.

People were ignoring her and pausing to stare at her in equal measure as she strode into the town. She had been given her instructions - to root out the criminal organization that had taken up residence of the region - but for how she was actually to accomplish that... She was supposed to figure that part out entirely on her own. The symptoms of it were visible right out in the open, however; Grace would see a large stage set up not far up ahead. A ring of armed guards were set up in a loose semicircle around it, the men clad in advanced mail with tower shields, heavy handguns like the one that she herself carried and traditional legionary shortswords hanging at their hips, and truncheons in their hands. A crowd of gawking peasants were arrayed to watch, giving the guardsmen a wide berth but watching what was taking place nonetheless, many of them shaking heads or glaring at the sight.

Past the guards sat several rows of nobles, participating in the auction taking place upon the stage. On the stage stood a number of figures. One was an announcer, who stood before a podium, a local man of ruddy skin and portly figure. Another, seated off to the side, was a woman in a booth in conservative, official dress, a quill poised over a piece of paper, marking her as a scribe more likely than not. Another, a man of exceptionally dark, skin in an expensive looking but colorfully flamboyant suit of red and green, of a style similar to the local one but mixed with some foreign elements besides its color, stood by the side of the stage; the merchant who had brought the goods. Two handlers with whips paced back and forth among the goods. There were two guards on either side of the stage, garbed and armed much the same as those keeping the peasants at bay. Finally, however, there were the goods being auctioned to the lesser nobility; eight women, all clearly of foreign birth.

These had likely been taken from Anudor, judging by their appearances. Three were human, or at least lacked any signs that they were anything else; one a dark skinned woman with visible scars, tall and lean, another shorter and softer, with more curves and a pleasant caramel skin, with visible swirling tattoos on one thigh and under one eye, and the last was a bronzed skinned beauty with a curvy frame. Two were elves, both of chocolate skin and curvy. The last three were the catfolk of the dessert, the su-ku-ta; two of tanned complexion, one thin and the other muscular, with a third much paler, resembling skin tones more commonly seen in Crolia or Northern Badaria, with crimson hair that stood out compared to the dark lockes present on the other seven. All eight of them wore expressions of utter despondency, looking away from the crowd who were bidding on them save when the handlers cracked their whips threateningly; the tears streaming from their eyes and fearful reactions to the cracking of the whips further evidence of their despair. All of them were clad in as little as possible; metal collars around their necks, tying chains stretching to their wrists and ankles together, legwraps, and ragged loincloths and tops that left very little to the imagination.

Slavery was, of course, still entirely legal in the region. There was nothing illicit about what was going on... But these women were also obviously being sold to fulfill the depravity of the wealthy, having been stolen from their homes by raids to fulfill that need. It was a practice that Garm had always told her that he found utterly distasteful, despite the popularity of it, and of the more common practice of forcing those men taken in battle or so badly in debt that they could be legally enslaved to work the least desirable jobs. Whether Grace would actually try to do anything about this display - perhaps find out more about who was responsible for it or somesuch - was up to her, however. She could just as easily keep on walking by...

Grace hadn't been born an Astrogoth, but she certainly had been raised as one. Even she didn't know where she had come from nor who her biological parents were with Grandpa refusing to answer any and all questions about it. She just eventually learned to not question it even if she did have it in the back of her mind sometimes. Her Grandpa had raised her and given her a noble life full of opportunity. Raised to be his successor and taught everything Grandpa thought would be useful to her if she did become his successor. He brought her up to be honorable and to love her family even though there was a large portion of them who... disliked her to put it lightly. Growing up with some of her family treating her so coldly, Grace had grown somewhat numb to the racism of Badaria. Her dragon heritage ran strong through her with her golden eyes and horns, and her azure draconic tail and wings, all traits she loved even if they drew some ire from the humans. Even as she had to wait her turn to enter Grandpa's room to officially receive her trial, she could feel Aliza's glare on her back.

Eventually it was her turn, and after once again going over what her trial was with Grandpa, officially this time, Grace offered a knight's salute to the Patriarch of her great family, promising to fulfill her trial before turning and leaving. She already had most of her gear that she wanted to take with her packed but there were some last minute things she wanted to grab and prepare. One of which was a discrete pack of... ahm, condoms. When she was younger and stupider she finally had a break from her relentless training where she had let a stable boy have a tumble with her, losing her virginity. Just thinking about it made her blush, and yet she was still curious about the act, and so she had picked up this pack from a discrete source before leaving. You know, just in case...

She only stayed one day before she left instead of the two she was given, wanting the head start over those who would wait another day. Even being used to the sights outside of the family's estates, Grace's eyes wandered the beautiful and bountiful fields surrounding the road she traveled. Her people were a prosperous one, and it would be her duty to ensure that prosper continued onward into the future if she was the one to win the competition in order to be the next head of the family. There was nagging nervousness in the back of her mind as she traveled, yet there was an equal amount of excitement in her as well. Her own journey without the safety of her grandpa's guards! A chance to prove herself! She grinned to herself as she thought about it. She would prove she could take care of the family!

Onward she marched through the country side, only slowing to pet one of the prairie dogs behind the ears who approached her before she continued onward. Eventually Andros came into view, sprawling over the horizon. Here would be the start of her quest to root out any criminal networks she could find before she moved to other settlements! Less than an hour later and she was past the gates, gaining either indifferent glances or outright stares at her. She probably stood out a bit being a dragonkin and one in impressive armor like hers. She had helped forge it herself! She stood tall and made sure to put some confidence in her stride as she continued. Let them gaze upon her beauty! She moved through the crowd, unused to having to traverse so many bodies and thus she had to slow down to wade through them. She was heading towards one of the barracks for the city guard in the city. There the captain of the guard would give her some info to get her started, though from what she understood, he was also instructed to not provide much help beyond that for it would beat the purpose of the trial if she received too much help from the family's resources.

It didn't take long for a wrench to be thrown in that plan though. A giant crowd blocked her way forward through one of the squares! Interested in what was drawing so many people to observe, Grace strode forward, asking people to let her through and pushing her way through when she was ignored till she got a view of what was happening. Slavery! Grandpa always said it was a necessary evil they had to put up with. One he had hoped to do away with during his rule, but it was looking more and more likely that ambition would fall to the next head. It was such a dishonorable practice and made her ill to think this was such a wide spread practice. Even captured enemy soldiers didn't deserve the dishonor of being a slave! She frowned deeply at the sight of the women's tears and felt an impulse come over her. She got closer to the stage listening to the prices being tossed around for the girls. She couldn't free them through force, at least not right now as slavery was still completely legal, but she did bring a large amount of her savings with her. It would bring dishonor to her knightly self to break the law for such a personal reason but maybe she could buy freedom for one of them.

While listening to the prices and what was being said by the nobles, if she could make it out, she also tried to see if she knew any of the nobles. She had been taken to some gatherings and balls by grandpa before.
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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
None yet

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Grace had arrived, it seemed, when the auctioning of these poor women was only just beginning. She had missed the naming and accolades of the party selling them, likely the dark skinned man standing on the side of the stage, and the introduction of the slaves - their pedigrees and skill-sets - was about to begin. Even so, she had a moment to look over the gathered nobles in search of any familiar faces.

Perception: -1 success.

The crowd of nobility had their backs to Grace, so it was hard to get a good look at anyone. She would recognize a few familial crests from the , usually on the house guard members that served as the noble's escorts, but she couldn't put any names to faces. As far as she could tell, there wasn't anyone among the crowd that she recognized as important; These were all members of lesser noble families from the region, or perhaps even mere merchants who had the money to rub shoulders with the nobility in situations like this.

Without any real idea of what her competition would be, Grace would have to get through the wall of guards and into the bidding area if she really wanted a chance to buy freedom for any of the eight women on stage, and given that the auction was proceeding onwards, she would have to figure out how she wanted to approach the shield wall carefully.

"Well folks, why don't we get right on down to business?" The speaker at the podium announced, gesturing grandly towards the slaves behind him. "We'll start with our opening prices on each of these lovely assets we have on offer today, and then we'll go one by one and start the bidding! Some off these lovely creatures are sure to sell hard and fast! Any one of them would make an excellent bed warmer, I am sure!" There were murmurs of amusement from among the crowd, and the announcer let them pass for a few moments before continuing on, gesturing to the nearest of the women to begin announcing them.

The first was the dark skinned human woman, who was perhaps the most defiant of the bunch. "Our first prize - and captured at quite a cost to my understanding - is this fine specimen here! Fit, strong, a capable bodyguard perhaps if trained properly! And still quite lovely, in a savage sort of way! We'll start the bidding for her on, we'll say, 20 denarii..."

Next was the softer, caramel skinned human; "Then there's this one! Absolutely gorgeous! An exotic lovely from the far corners of Anudor, and a noblewoman to my understanding! Surely she would make an excellent concubine, so we'll start this one at 30 denarii..."

After her, the announced turned to the bronzed skinned one; "And then this one! Ahah, a very soft prize in every way! Any man would want to bring this one to bed! Captured from a raiding party of some sort, to my understanding, and she is apparently skilled with her hands! A weaver, and good in the kitchen, she would make an excellent house slave! The bidding for her starts at 25 denarii..."

With the humans described, the man moved on to the elves, whom he introduced simultaneously; "And then, these! Every house longs for an elven slave, one who can serve a family for generations! And these two are a rare prize for anyone who gets both; sisters! Here's hoping they aren't split up! The bidding for each will start at 35 denarii..."

That left the su-ku-ta, the catfolk, and the man skipped over the other two to address the pale one with red hair first; "And now, on to the beastfolk! Heheh, great breeders of beasts, to my understanding, and this one looks like she could mother an entire kennel, doesn't she? And of course, everyone loves a redhead.... We'll start the bidding for her at 30 denarii..."

Then, he would go to the shorter, thinner catgirl; "And of course, we can't forget this little one! Bought in a slave market where she'd been sold after being caught thieving, to my understanding... A mischievous one, to be sure! Best not leave her keys about to be pilfered, am I right? She might be trouble, but capable hands could certainly put her to use. We'll start the bidding for her at 20 denarii..."

Finally, the tallest member of the group, who seemed in an almost placid state; "And then there's this one! Last, but by no means least; She was apparently caught attacking our noble merchant's caravans, but underestimated the guard and ended up on the sales block! A possible firebrand, this one! Great for a master who enjoys a challenge! We'll start the bidding at 25 denarii...."
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Looking over the nobles she could see from her position, Grace only noted that she knew only some of the house crests and none of the nobles themselves. Just small noble houses it seemed. She started to approach the line of guards that separated the nobles and the buyers from the crow of spectators, once again having to push her way through the last bit of crowd before she hit the small bit of clear area between the crowd and the line of mercenary guards. As she did so, she listened in to the auction. It sounded like she actually arrived just on time for it to start! And the prices weren't too bad. She was willing to fork over enough to save at least one or two of the girls, though she wouldn't be willing to spend too much. This was a sizeable amount of all of her savings and she couldn't risk dropping all of it on just a few freed slaves when she would almost definitely need coin for her trial. They usually took a while to complete and she was mostly cut off from the family's resources while out completing it.

She planned on giving them their freedom after getting them away from the square, either giving them a few coins before letting them wander off if they so choose or she might even offer them the opportunity to follow her. Outside help that you could recruit on your own was legal for the competition... as long as it wasn't from another noble house. That could potentially be seen as interference in the trial from those nobles. Wars had been fought over lesser things in the past.

She finally hit the open space and walked with confidence, projecting a feeling that she belonged there while walking up to the mercs. "I am Grace Astrogoth and will join in this auction as well. Step aside." On her finger, she possessed an ornate ring with a large crest of the Astrogoth carved into it. She showed the signet ring with the Astrogoth Bull engraved on it, waiting for the mercs to comply. An air of dismissal and command hung around her, completely expecting the guards to obey.
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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
None yet

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Two of the guards would close ranks, their features hardening beneath their helmets as they locked shields at Grace's approach. Their body language was more hostile than defensive, giving the clear indication that she was to turn back, but Grace's body language in turn gave them pause, and when she presented her ring and announced herself they straightened and retracted their shields immediately. "Of course ma'am," one of them said automatically as both stepped aside, and the other added; "Good luck in the bidding, milady." Their tones, despite their earlier body language, were entirely respectful now, and they allowed Grace to pass between them to join the other nobles. She would have little time to look over the rest of the crowd as she stepped in, not unless she wanted to give up the opportunity to save some of these women from slavery, but she could perhaps look for anyone that she knew again, now from a better vantage point, if there was an auction that she didn't want to participate in.

"So, now that we have our merchandise all properly introduced, why don't we get started? We'll start with our lovely desert princess! And couldn't I just eat her up, mmmhh! As I said, we'll start the bidding at 30 denarii... 30 denarii, do I hear - ahhh, do I hear 35? 35? Ahhh, do I hear 40, 40, 40, going once, going - ahh, 45 now, do I hear 45?" The bidding began, and it quickly became clear that the caramel-skinned woman was going to be a high bidder if Grace wanted to buy her freedom, perhaps unsurprising given how attractive she was and her status as a noblewoman.

After the first auction was over, the man would smack a gavel against his podium and immediately move on to the next one, who turned out to be one of the elves, the taller of the two. "Well now, next we have our tall and lovely bar of chocolate here! Who'd like a servant that'll be good for your household for generations to come? Anyone I'm sure! We'll start our bidding at 35, do I hear 35? 35! Do I hear 40? 40? Anyone for 40? 40! Do I hear - ahh, 45! 45, 45, do I hear 50? 50? Ahhh, 50, do I hear - 55! She's 55 now, 55, c'mon now do I hear 60? 60! Do I hear 65?" The elf, even moreso than the noblewoman, would prompt a bidding war, but after a few moments most would back off, leaving two of the watching nobles engaged in a bidding war. The elf not being bid on was now looking up in absolute terror, watching the bidding over her grim-faced sister, and what she was afraid of couldn't be more obvious; It was entirely likely that the two were about to be bought by different owners.

Once the second slave had been sold, either to Grace or to someone else, the announcer would gesture towards one of the catfolk, the one who had been caught thieving. "And now, for one of our more outlandish slaves... Awww, but who wouldn't want to take this little kitten home, eh? We'll start at 20, 20, do I hear 20? Anyone? Ahhh, 20! Do I hear 25? 25? Anyone? Going - 25, do I hear 30? 30? 30! Do I hear 35? Anyone take this little kitty home for 35? C'mon now, nimble fingers and a tight - 35! Do I hear 40?" The first of the su-ku-ta getting sold off would get a less aggressive bidding war, allowing Grace a potentially easy buy, though she seemed to have one fairly interested buyer who might prove difficult to beat.

Next, once the cat's owner was sort, the auctioneer gestured towards the dark skinned warrior woman, another of the humans. "And now, for this rare treasure! A warrior tribeswoman, tall as a tree and strong as an ox! Do I hear 20? 20 for our warrior, an excellent addition to any house guard? C'mon now, this one's going for a steal! 20 denarii, any - yes, 20! Do I hear 24? 24? C'mon now..." It was clear that the enthusiasm for this one was lesser than the first two, and the man who had apparently brought these glared at the announcer. He had gone with two of the less glamorous options in the middle of the auction, breaking its momentum, and it might lessen the prices that he'd get for the other slaves. Whether or not it would ultimately matter, however...

She gave the two guards the slightest of nods before blowing past them as she strode towards the biding area. They were just doing their job but the occupation of mercenary was perhaps one of the most dishonorable legal professions there was... at least in her eyes. There were always stories of mercenary's doing anything to make coin. Might as well be legal bandits, some of them. Entering the back of the crowd, Grace moved till she found a spot where she could get a good look at the girls being sold off and at any potential bidders. Being slightly taller than average human female did help a bit with that. Non-the-less, she didn't have time to immediately rescan the crowd as the first sale started.

Grace was ready to try and start throwing numbers around for the noblewomen when it quickly became clear that there were multiple parties very interested in the noble women. Nobles who would probably be willing to raise the price even higher if Grace tried to bid on the noble, and so Grace held her tongue. There were still 7 other girls and if she kept a low price she might be able to get a few of them free.

The bidding war that erupted for the first elf kind of blew away those expectations that these other girls wouldn't be costing as much as the first noble women! Grace could only sigh as she heard the price already eclipsing the first sale. She felt bad for the sisters, she truly did but for all that she had kindness in her, she wasn't a charity and couldn't afford such a price for just one of the girls. Instead of bidding this round, she took another look at the nobles now that she had a better viewing point, scanning for anyone she might recognize.

Grace didn't exactly know the going prices for slaves, and so when the first su-ka-ta's price reached around 40 denarii, she figured 40 coins might vary well be a reasonable price and the other girls would all also be sold for around 40, so she might as well start bidding. She waited till a single noble seemed to have won the slave before she spoke up. "Forty here." She raised her hand, projecting her voice out so it was heard clearly. She would look over to her competitor and would look him in the eye. She was an Astrogoth. Lets see if he wished to make an issue out of this slave. She tried to just stare the man down, putting some steel into her gaze to tell the man to just back down. (If applicable, use either Lore nobility or Badarian to communicate to the noble that she was going to win the bidding war) She would be willing to go to 50 denarii before she would have to back down, giving the noble a harsh glare, remembering his face for the offense he offered.

Not to lie, but Grace was a little upset that immediately after potentially spending so much on just one of the girls, the next sale was about to go for a measly 20 coins. She immediately bid on her warrioress as well. "Twenty four here." She repeated the same process as before, but this time only finding her opponent's eyes if she could but didn't repeat what she did to the last one. 24 coins wasn't the nearly the same amount as the previous bidding war. She still had a kind of confidence to her voice as she called it out though, letting her opponent know she wasn't just throwing in to try and steel the slave, but because she was going to buy her. She would be willing to go up to 35 coins on this bidding war. If she lost, she didn't quite glare, but still tried to remember the other noble's face. It wouldn't be right to say she was used to getting her way, but could be more accurately said that as an Astrogoth, she expected respect from other nobility... though she may have forgotten that most of these nobles here probably didnt even recognize her...
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
None yet

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"40! 40, do I hear 45! 45? 45? Do I hear 45? Going once? Twice? Sold! To the lovely lady with the wings in the back!" The announcer declared, the man whom Grace had glared at having backed down immediately when he met her gaze. The scribe would note it down, and the alleged thief who had just been sold to Grace would look up at her briefly with a terrified expression before being taken backstage like the subjects of the two auctions that had already concluded.

"24! We've got a contendor here folks! 24! Do I hear 27? 27? Anyone for - yes! 27 over there, do I hear 30? 30? Aahhh, 30! Do I hear 34? 34? Anyone for 34? Going once... Twice... Sold! Again to the lovely lady wiiith the wings!" Grace had managed to win a second bidding war, and a second slave that she could free, albeit for a sizeable portion of her money. The dark skinned warrior woman would glare coldly at Grace right up until she was taken away, and from there the auction would continue as the man set about selling the other four...

The announcer turned towards the second elf, gesturing wildly with a broad grin, clearly trying to enthuse the audience. "Well then, how about we go on to one of our second big prizes, eh? A slave to last your household for decades to come! We'll start at 35, do I hear 35? 35! Do I hear 40, 40, yes! Do I hear 45, 45, ahhh 50, do I hear 50, 50 for this - yes 50! Now how about 55, surely this one is worth 55, 55, anyone? 55 for this lovely little thing? Going once, twice..." It seemed that the one who had lost out on the first elf was determined to have the other, ensuring that they would bow out. That left him with little competition, but Grace could perhaps try to outbid him, or at least force him to give up a bit more of his money, albeit at risk of having to pay the premium cost for this elf... Though a bold bid might dissuade the one about to win her from trying to outbid her instead.

However that ended, the slaver looked pleased; The big money had started coming in again, and it would only keep on coming in as the announcer moved on to the redheaded catgirl. "Well now, a rare treat! Look at those fiery lockes folks, you don't get a chance like this often! And those curves! Now we'll start the bidding at 30, 30, do - yes, 30, do I hear - 35, yes, do I - 40! Wow folks, do I hear 45? 45? Yes, 45! Do I hear 50? Yes! How about - yes, 55! Do I hear 60, 60, anyone for 60? Going once, tw-yes! 60! Do I hear 70? Anyone for 70? Going once... Twice..." The redhead was clearly a popular option, leaving it up to Grace whether or not she wanted to try to get in on that, though 70 was clearly a high price that others might not try to beat....

"Now then, we're on to our little raider here!" The announcer continued, gesturing towards the last of the cat-folk while the redhead was led backstage. "We're starting at 25 for this one, 25, a steal for a catch like this one! Do I hear - yes, do I hear 30? Anyone for - 35! Do I hear 35? 35! Do I hear 40? Come onnnn anyone for 40?" The auction seemed to have stalled briefly, leaving Grace with an opportunity to potentially get another one of them for relatively cheap...

Finally, the last of the humans was up for sale, the bronze skinned woman, the alleged weaver. "And now, for our closing of this section of today's event, we have our lovely subject here! A working woman, a perfect house slave both for the work and the use in the bedroom! We'll start at 25, 25, do I hear 25? 25! How about 30, 30, do I hear 30? Come on now - 30! How about 35, anyone - ahh, but do I hear 40?" The last woman was getting some decent interest, but the bidders seemed hesitant, leaving it up to Grace to join in or wait it out, and if she joined in, whether she wished to mirror their hesitance or be more aggressive.

Whether she kept to two or ventured to save a few more of the women on sale, a guard would beckon to Grace once the auction of the slaves had concluded, as well as to the other victorious auctioneers.

Grace would give the man noble who backed down a nod of thanks. She would remember his face for this minor favor. As for the theifving girl, Grace felt like she needed to reassure her when the girl looked terrified at her, and in that split second she had to think, she tried to smile reassuringly towards her, but Grace wasn't the best at... being reassuring. Her smile perfectly showed off her four sharp fang like canines to the scared cat-girl.

As for the second girl she would be saving, she evenly returned the stare, but not coldly. She looked her up and down as she was escorted off the platform. She certainly had potential if she wished to enter her service as a bodyguard. Neither of them knew what was in store for them and they would certainly open up to her once she told them that they were free. At least that's what she thought would happen. Who knew if they would be even more suspicious of the Dragonkin noble once they were told...

Honestly, Grace was happy with being able to have successfully saved two of the girls from their fates, and she had already spent a large portion of her coins on the purchases. She listened to the second sister's sale, looking up at her and trying to remember her face. The sisters would be separated as slaves and Grace wasn't going to do anything about it, but she hoped she would be able to free slaves from their lives when she took power in the family. She also didn't try to up the price as it was pointless to make unneeded enemies with these nobles if she wanted to make any sort of relationship with them later on.

As for the slave that came next, even Grace had to admit that the fiery red head cat-girl was attractive, but it was too much coin for her and so she let her go to one of the slaving nobles in the crowd. The slave after her though, Grace really wanted to save. It sounded like the girl was just anti-slavery as her! So when the price stalled at 40, Grace raised her hand once again. "40 here!" She called out. This would be the last slave she would bid on, whether she won or not. Too much coin spent already, and the only reason she tried for this slave was for her actions she reportedly did. She would go up to 50 on this slave as well, looking for her competition in the crowd like she did before as she really did want this one free.

Once the last slave was sold off, Grace followed behind the guard that was sent to fetch her, putting one hand on her coin purse, getting ready to have to fork out the large amount of coin she would be paying. It would be a lie to say a part of her didnt hope all three girls would agree to work with her in order to get something back from her payments, but she was still mostly happy to be able to free slaves!
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

With Grace making a bid for another one, fortune would against smile on her as the other bidders would back off, allowing her to win a third slave at the auction before it ended, and one that might be of some help in freeing other slaves as well.... And at her minimum bid to boot.

Heading around the stage, she would be the only noble actually going back to claim their prizes for themselves. Every other winner had sent a servant of some sort to acquire their new property, either in the form of a guard, a personal servant, or one woman who could only be a professional slavemaster given her dress, equipment, and the demeanor that she carried. The auction guard would lead her to the back, where Grace would be able to see the caravan master who had brought the slaves again, speaking to a pudgy, bald figure in a thick jacket with a mass of scar tissue on the back of his head. Like the sneering woman, he was clearly a slavemaster, a person whose entire profession was the training and care of those pushed or taken into slavery, with a whip and club adoring their belt. "Wait here," the guard who had guided her said while the rest of the auction-winners were gathered, leaving Grace to stand amidst the chaos going on behind the stage, leaving Grace a brief opportunity to look around.

A pair of tables had been set up to either side, where a squad of a half dozen scribes were writing out and arguing over forms, making up the bureaucratic portion of the auction. Ten or so porters were moving the next things up for sale, which seemed to comprise primarily of small crates, and large, heavy amphoras that sloshed audibly while being moved. The announcer remained on stage, though he wasn't speaking at the moment, and there were guards and workers - both seemingly belonging to the auction and the caravan - moving about as well. The slaves were gathered together and ringed by guards, and Grace would see that the three that she had purchased were clustered together.

Eventually, the rotund slavemaster from the caravan would conclude his conversation with the caravan owner, and would turn to approach. That allowed Grace to see that one of his eyes was missing, or at least likely too damaged to be useful, given that he had covered it with a patch and that it, like the back of his head, was surrounded by scar tissue. Numerous other scars were visible on his body, bullet wounds, puncture marks, and gash scars in roughly equal number, but none were nearly as severe as the wound on his head. Several of the servants arrayed around Grace gasped at the sight of him, and only the slavemistress would seem largely unphased, instead staring at him with a mix of curiosity and disgust, as if she were examining some vile but fascinating insect and wasn't quite sure if she wanted to crush it. The man was joined by another auction worker - a woman much like the scribe who had been seen on stage - bearing a clipboard with some paper on it, pen at the ready, and another man bearing a folding table and a sack.

"Ahhh, so we have our winners here, or at least their representatives!" The portly man announced in jovial tones, looking over the lot of them with a friendly smile despite his mutilated countenance. "I am Mirchios! Mirchios Astrad! Slave trainer and master of acquisitions, at your service! We'll have your property signed over to you in short order, come along then!" He would gesture with the handle of the folded up whip in his hand for them to follow, turned, and headed over towards the guard-ringed slaves. A lot of largely uninterested conversation and paperwork would ensue, with several others - servants of masters who had bought only one slave each - would quickly have their master's new property in tow and turn to depart. The slavemistress took a little bit longer, being the only other person leaving walking away with more than one piece of meat - the redheaded catgirl and one of the elves specifically - before it was finally Grace's turn.

"Ahhh, and now, our big winner for the day!" Mirchios announced, finally turning towards her and looking the dragonblooded up and down briefly. "So many interesting things about you, eh? What a treat this city is proving to be! It isn't often that we get three buys from just one person for house slaves, and either a dragon, a dragonkin, a demon with a complex, or a mutant that got lucky on how their changes came out! I woulda thought your kind wouldn't need to buy their slaves, eh? Why not swoop down from the sky, burn us all, and take all of the women for yourself, eh? Hahahahaha!" Even before the mans' boisterous laughter began and despite his heavy accent, his less than serious intentions for the flippant remark were obvious, though whether Grace or not found any of this humorous was entirely up to her. He clearly seemed to want to engage in small talk, however, and Grace would easily notice that not only was his boss standing nearby and watching them from the corner of his eye, but that the slavemistress was lingering in the area behind the stage as well, seemingly eyeing up her slaves but quite possibly also listening.

"You are an Astrogoth, yes? I had heard that your family did not condone our noble profession, eh? Or at least did not practice it in your own household. Are you branching off, or something? Eheh, not that it matters. You do as you like with your own property now!" He paused and gestured, and guards brought the three slavegirls forward, two su-ku-ta and a human, whom Grace could now get a closer look at. "This one," he said, starting with the short, frightened looking catgirl, with a slightly curvier frame than she'd initially seen from afar topped by long, dark, messy hair and a mousy look about her besides her feline ears and tail, "is likely to be a runner if you aren't careful. She tried to bolt on us twice on the way here. She's a cute one, and kindly enough; Best to keep her, just to keep your out of trouble. Put her to a trade, something to put them deft fingers to use other than thieving, and she'll do alright by you!"

Then, her turned to the human, who was still staring defiantly at Grace, looking directly into her eyes, though now that she was closer, the half-dragon could sense a degree of forced-ness hiding uncertainty in that defiant glare. Her hair was largely short, save for a mohawk down the center of her head, but it looks as if all but that had been fully shaven up until now, and hints of some sort of reddish dye were visible in it near the tips, and her build was lean and wiry, with chorded and toned muscle visible across her body, her dark chocolate colored skin otherwise being marred only by a handful of scars. "This one's a fighter, but don't let how wiry she is fool ya! She's got the strength of an ox and the heart of a lion, heheh! Put her at something hard and physical, or maybe in the arena, and ya can't go wrong! Don't think she's fit for a brothel, least not the ones around here, but give her a few years and she'll be a solid investment on your part."

With that, he turned to the last one, the taller, almost statuesque su-ku-ta women who had been supposedly caught attacking slavers. "This one," Mirchios began, and Grace detected a shift in his tone, "is likely to be a problem if you aren't careful." The woman was fairly tall, albeit for a normal sized woman and not a dragon like Grace, and bore a handful of signs of injury about her, though they largely seemed recent rather than age-worn battle scars. Her frame was athletic, her features hardened and resembling those of a person who didn't smile much, and unlike any of the other slaves she had a bronze-plated collar resting around her neck. "She's a killer, this one. Put a few men into an early grave, family men just looking to send some coin home to their wives and children... And a worker - nice girl - who was just giving her some water. Bent the cup in her hand and shoved it down the poor thing's throat, we couldn't get it out and... Well, you can guess. Right mean thing to boot, as long as I've known her she hasn't finished a sentence without putting an adder's worth of venom in it! Added a few scars to me to boot! Take my advice; keep that collar on her, at all times. She's not a bad lay when it's on, she certainly seems to have an idea on how to please - don't worry we made sure she's not carrying any burdens in her belly! - but I can't speak for how she is with her own gender in the sack. Can't say if she has any other skills to her, but I wouldn't trust her to do much that might give her enough of a will spurt to override the collar. Oh! And she goes into heat every once in a while. Catfolk are just like that sometimes. We're giving you a week's worth of pills to prevent it along with her, but after that you're on your own. If you keep her isolated and away from men, it's tolerable, but she'll jump the first bone she can find when it's in full swing, and that might net you a litter to worry about, so I'd avoid it."

With that, he gestured to a nearby guard - one of the Anudorian ones who likely worked for the caravan, like him - who came forward with a trio of stacked boxes carefully balanced in one arm, and a spear in the other. "You'll be getting most of their things with them. Just trinkets and the like, anything valuable was likely claimed by whoever captured them, but small stuff, and the stick. We can throw that out if you prefer, none of us really wanted it. It's a bit heavy for a souvenir, you know? And she certainly left me with something to remember her by! Aaaahahahahahahaha!"

At that point, however, the woman with the clipboard would clear her throat, and Mirchios would appear startled momentarily before making a roll of his eyes. "Ahhh, right... The bean counting! I suppose you DO have to pay for these three, much as I might like to let you have them for free! Ahahaha! And the promise that you will not burn me to ashes with fire breath, eh? Aaaaaahahahahaha!" The man would unfold his table, allowing Grace to count out her coin on it, and then take the payment for each of them into the sack that he was carrying. As she paid for each, she would have to sign a few forms, essentially cementing her ownership of them under the law, her responsibility to and for them - she could be fined or imprisoned if they committed any crimes or were found to have been mistreated or neglected - her legal options should it turn out that one of them had been sold to her with false promises regarding their abilities - which seemed almost nonexistent - and her legal options if they fled her care - which seemed to be fairly numerous - regarding her new purchases. Once that was said and done, Grace would be handed three writs of ownership, their personal effects, and allowed to go on her merry way in whatever manner she so chose...
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1609963394654.png Grace inwardly sighed with relief. She didn't have to overpay to save this last soul form slavery. This last one seemed like she might actually be the most likely to join her and help her out as well which made her even more relieved she hand won the sale. On her way to behind the stage where everyone was picking up their slaves, Grace only gave the servants of the other nobles quick glances before dismissing them, with only one exception. She didn't bother to hid the slight disdain in her eyes when she glanced at the actual professional slavers. They were scum who were responsible for turning other people into slaves and property fro their masters and mistresses. Grace didn't care if her glance was noticed or not by the two of them before switching to looking at the caravan master up and down. She gave a slight snort to the guard who had dared to actually sound commanding with her but he walked off into the revolving mass of people coming and leaving before she could say anything to him.

She looked around while she had the time, and wondered if the goods being readied for the next auction were also from this convoy. If so, then this convoy certainly had quite the mix of baggage to be carrying slaves and other goods, but it did make a certain amount of sense. Grace noticed the slaves she had purchased were bunched together and if any of them were looking towards her she would once again try to appear reassuring... with the same result as last time. She started to tap her foot as she was waiting and eventually the other slave master finally deigned to come to her. And it turned out she actually did have something in common with the female slave master. She looked at the horribly scarred slaver with the same mix of curiosity and disgust. Was he some form of former soldier? It was impressive he actually manged to survive the head wound that was presumably from a bullet.

Grace would follow the slave master towards the grouped up slaves and would just happen to end up as the last in line to pick up their purchases. It would be a lie to say didn't zone out while waiting. She already knew just how boring paper work was and she had to wait a while till it was finally her turn. She only really decided to pay attention to the female slaver as she actually was picking up two slaves. She had to be working for one of the more prominent nobles that had been in the crowd to have been able to pick up two slaves at once. She still felt bad for them but made herself focus on the slaver now that it was her turn to pick up the slaves.

One of Grace's eye brows raised as she listened to the sudden verbal avalanche before she frowned deeply at the slaver. "Do not presume that those of my heritage are all tyrants that flaunt their power. There is honor among the blood of Dragons and we do not need to make slaves of others when we have others that willingly serve us." She wasn't outright rude but there was a seriousness to her tone. Do not imply her heritage was from a dishonorable line. Though the man wanted to make small talk, Grace was not open for it. She wished to be done with this place and move on. She had more important conversations already on her mind. How should she break it to these girls that she was freeing them without making them think she was lying? How did should she offer employment to the girls and would they even accept?

"You are correct, we do not practice this.. this unsavory system in the Astrogoth clan, and even more correct when it doesn't matter what I wish to do with these girls." She had to stop herself from cursing and instead switched to a less insulting word. She could be rude with him but she wouldn't outright insult and berate him without cause. As the first cat girl was brought before her, Grace looked her up and down while listening to the man's advice. Though prehaps surprisingly to the cat girl, Grace wasn't looking at her like she was just some sexual piece of meat. She instead looked to see if she had any wounds or prehaps was miss treated in some way. She was cute but if she wished to be in Grace's employment then she would have to learn not to steal anymore.

Next she looked to the human in the group of three. She easily met the defiant gaze of the women having seen much colder and brutal gazes in noble life. Grace felt some measure of respect to the women for being able to show visible defiance even now. She showed the much potential if she wished to work with Grace. She nodded to the warrioress.

The last of the trio caused Grace's eyebrow to rise once again. She had expected she had been killer her captors but if she also just killed a girl who was just giving her water then she might actually be some trouble. She would have to look into that as just letting a ruthless killer loose onto her streets would not be a good choice. She would have to understand her motives some more before she would free her. Grace also frowned again at the mention of how this girl was raped while enslaved. That was enough to explain some of her violence but still... "And these pills, were would you get more of them?" She might as well find a supply for the poor girl in order to stop herself from mindlessly fucking every male around.

"No that wouldn't be necessary, Ill take the spear with me as well when I leave." Inwardly she thought the man deserved the new scars he received from the girl's spear. She was still cold to his attempt to small talk, just staring him down as he laughed. "Very well then, let us finish this and be on out separate ways then." Grace said as the man said it was finally time to pay up. She walked up to the counting table and pulled out her money pouch. It was quite large even though it held mostly coins worth more than just one denarii. It was these coins that she started to count out which made handing over the large sum of coins faster than if she had to count out their lesser valued siblings. Soon after she started, enough coin to be worth 110 denarii sat on the counting table. She signed the papers, and as she did so scanned them for any causes that possibly talked about freeing her own slaves if there were any in the first place. Afterwords she collected the papers, the personal effects, and the spear before turning to the slaver one last time. "Good bye and have a good day. I hope we do not meet again." With that she turned to the three girls who doubtlessly heard the slaver going over the penalty's for fleeing and said, "Follow me, we shall leave here." The spear was easy enough to slide onto her back with her backpack holding it in place. At least in a good enough position that it wouldn't fall out from her just walking, and then started off towards the direction of the guard barracks she was to meet the Captain of the Guard at while still carrying the three boxes in her arms.

Before she reached the guard house though, she looked for an inn, a place she could sleep for the night and talk to the girls privately. She needed to learn more about them and introduce herself before she freed them.
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Grace's frosty responses seemingly did very little to break the slaver from his jovial attitude, but her unwillingness to offer much in the way of response prevented him from breaking into any diversions in the conversation. Even when discussing business, however, he was still unrelentingly cheerful. "You can probably find them at any apothecary," he answered regarding the pills necessary to manage one of her new acquisition's heat, "They aren't expensive or hard to come by back home, I can't imagine they'd be rarer around here. Got to keep your women from getting all plump and full of babies somehow, right?"

Lore: 4 success

Soon enough, it was time to pay up, and after dealing with that and the ensuing paperwork, Grace would be the proud owner of three new slaves. Unfortunately, freeing them wouldn't be as simple as tearing up the papers that she'd just signed. A slave under Badarian law was still a slave, even if they lacked a master, and an unclaimed slave could essentially be claimed by anyone trying to town them if no one came forward with legitimate paperwork. There were channels to go through, more fees to pay, and more paperwork to do if she wanted to make these three free women.

"Aaaaghk, and I thought we were developing a rapport!" Mirchios replied to Grace's frosty dismissal, and despite the defiant glare and nervous gaze of the two still allowed their free will, the three fell into step behind her as she departed from the auction. She had been offered a set of leashes before leaving, which would ensure that none of them would run off on her so long as she kept a hold on them, and after a few minutes would be able to find a potentially suitable inn, The Lucky Llama, which was located near the city wall. It was out of the way, but in a quarter that seemed largely populated by middle class tradesmen; the conditions would be a definite downgrade from what she was used to, but they would at least be relatively clean and inexpensive.

Assuming that she didn't disregard it and look for something else, entering the inn would find Grace sweeping into a largely empty tavern common room, which made sense given that it was still only the early afternoon. The innkeeper was sweeping the common room floor, with only a pair of customers sipping at mugs of foaming amber beer otherwise occupying the room. He - a tall but thin man with a pronounced chin and brow, head capped in slightly receding dark hair - gaped in surprise momentarily at the entrance of Grace and her newly purchased entourage, but was quick to recover, shut his mouth, and straighten his back. "Noon ma'am, if you're looking for a meal, it's a chicken and pea soup today, with fresh baked bread or fried potato slices, as you prefer. The taps are open to you as well. If you're here for lodging, it's four for a bedroom to yourself, seven for the suite, and they can take the common room for a coin each or a stall in the stable for the lot for a coin, as you prefer."
1610184623739.png Not only was the man a dishonorable slaver, he was as irritating as a cockroach with how he still kept on making small talk. She nodded as she listens to his response. Good, she wouldn't have to worry about the girl finding her own pills if she even wanted to take them... she had head some rumors from the servants that some of the cat girls actually enjoyed when they went into heat...

Great... Turns out she was probably going to need study up on the laws revolving around slavery if she wanted to make any changes to them in the future. Freeing these three girls wasn't as simply as she first thought. It was at least going to take a few hours at the town hall in order to complete the process but she didn't know if she would have time to do that today or not.

When handed the three leashes, Grace was visibly at a loss and kind of hesitant before she recovered her icy mask and took the girl's leashes. She did need to make sure they didn't run away before she could free them... Thankfully she didn't have to look long for a suitable inn. The Lucky Llama, what a weird and unique name. If she was in the city on official business for the clan then even these middle class businesses wouldn't be worthy of her, but she would have to make due for the time she was working on her mission. She didn't really know what to say to the girls right now, so she just said, "In here." before entering.

The man was sufficiently surprised and awed by her presence and so she gave him a small smile and replied. "Good day sir, I might take you up on the offer of food later, but for now I shall take one of your suite rooms." She continues into the room and digs for the coins from her purse, handing them over to the innkeeper in exchange for the key to her room. She would bring the girls up to the room and once inside, she would let them sit down where ever they wanted before finally saying. "So, I am Grace Astrogoth, Knight and Lady of the Great Astrogoth clan. I am also one of the potential candidates to be the next Patriarch of the clan. Before I tell you more about why I purchased you, I want you all to introduce yourselves. You can start." She finishes off by nodding towards the defiant human women, staring at her with interest, fully expecting her to follow her request.
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Err, of course, madame," the innkeeper replied with a bow, moving behind the bar, putting aside his broom, and retrieving a key. "If you'll just follow me," he said, before leading the way up the stairs to the top floor, unlocking the door into a large apartment-sized suite with a small kitchen, a sitting area, a bathing room with a bathtub big enough for two and taps for hot and cold water, and a bedroom with a large four-poster bed with veiled curtains around it. "Shall I bring up some cots, or start the hot water heater?" The innkeeper asked, before departing with another bow, leaving Grace with her three new subjects.

The warrior appeared irritated, the thief confused and worried, and the one with the slave collar merely looked blank. In response to her initial request, the warrior would stare numbly at her for a few seconds, and then murmur something in a tongue that Grace couldn't understand. "Uhm.... I don't... Think she understands your language very well. The uhhh... The men who took us here, they didn't use it all that much when talking to each other," piped in the mousy catgirl thief, before helpfully turning to the warrior, saying something in that language, which seemed to make the human woman understand. "I am Amahle," she declared, "hunter-warrior of the Gehle tribe. That is mine." She pointed to the spear over Grace's shoulder.

"Uhmmm.... I'm Hedieh. She's Qasemi!" The thief added in, pointed to the collared woman when naming her. "I don't think that she can really talk all that well with the collar on. Like, she can answer questions, but.... She's really slow about it."
1610630152292.png Grace nodded as respectful inn keeper grabbed the key from behind the counter. It was always a good sign when people showed diligence in their work. She followed the man up the stairs, her possible future companions following behind her. "Mhhh, both. Bring the cots first good sir." As he left to do as requested she gave him a polite 'Thank you' before going and sitting on the bed so she could talk to the slaves. For a middling inn, this room had some nice accommodations, though who in their right mind would hang those ugly green curtains on the window was beyond her.

"Uhhhh..." The thought that any of the slaves might not even speak the same language as her never came up in her mind until now and she caught by surprise by it. "Well, ahem," She cleared her throat and continued. "I'm going to need to you translate for us then. As for Qasemi, we will get to her soon enough." She said to Hedieh before turning back to Amahle. "I shall give you your spear back later, for now I wish to know how were you captured by those slavers? Ive also never heard of this Gehele tribe before, is it one of the more powerful tribes of your home?" That second question she directs towards both Amahle and Hedieh. Maybe she might learn something about Amahle that she could use to convince her to serve her or just learn more about her.
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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Perception: 5 successes.

When Grace sat on the edge of the bed, three things happened, in order of increasing drama; The thief girl blushed and looked away slightly, the human's eyes widened as if in understanding while something twitched under her loincloth, and the one with the collar nodded and reached down to pull her top off, bringing it up, letting her breasts to bounce down while she pulled the garment over her head and tossed the piece of clothing to the floor. It would take quick intervention on Grace's part to stop her from pulling her bottoms off as well, and if allowed to drop them to the floor, revealing her shaved flower and the full extent of her curvy but toned body, she would quietly murmur; "How may I service you, mistress?" The slave's voice was husky and low, but there was a deadness to it that might well have been fairly unsettling.

However that situation resolved itself, Hedieh nodded. "R-right, yeah... Uhm.... Will do," she murmured nervously, allowing Grace to turn back to Amahle and ask her questions, while Hedieh translated for the sake of clarity. Amahle, listening, would opt to address Grace directly; "Gehele are strong, mighty warriors! Tricks and traitor lost battle for us, dishonorable! Taken in battle, disgrace, sold, taken here! I will reclaim honor, and freedom, or die trying!"
Immediately Grace was surprised and bewildered by the girl's reactions and she had no idea why they were reacting the way they were. Grace's eyes opened progressively wider as she witnessed each girl's confusing actions! First Hedieh randomly blushed, and then Grace's eyes shot to a very noticeable twitch that came from under Amahle's loincloth which caused a small blush of her own to appear as she realized one of her slaves was equipped differently from everyone else in the room. Before Grace even realized what Qasemi was doing, she had already slipped her top off and let her breasts bounce free in front of her 'Mistress' and the other two slaves! Now blushing as much as the cat thief, Grace says, "W-wait! W-why are you suddenly taking your clothes off?!" Her voice was flustered as she talked. Her extensive training hadn't really covered what to do when people suddenly started stripping in front of you, and that confusion and embarrassment was only compounded by the other two girl's weird reactions as well! Qasemi's dull voice was eerie and made her hope she wouldn't find a reason to keep that collar on the girl.

Grace would have to take a moment to calm herself down and let her mask of a cold noble resettle, though the girls could still spot the smallest of blushes still tinting her cheeks as she asks her next question of Amahle. "Mhhh, I can appreciate your desire to reclaim your honor, but how would you plan on doing that exactly? Defeat the enemy that bested your tribe all on your own?" Grace started to wonder if she could get Amahle to stay in her service through a promise of help with that goal.


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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Without her explicitly order the slave to stop, Qasemi dropped her loin cloth as well, and stalked towards Grace to straddle her, leaving the half-dragon staring directly into the naked catgirl's blank eyes. "You are in bed. It is my responsibility to pleasure you, unless you have other orders for me," she explained blithely, and Grace would have to explicitly order to her stop to get her off of the dragon's lap and back into her clothing. If she wasn't quick about it, Qasemi would press her mouth to Grace's in an open mouthed kiss, tongue flicking against the dragon's lower lip until either it was permitted entrance to explore Grace's mouth, or she was pushed away. Qasemi's hands would fall upon Grace's clothing with a vengeance as well, moving with practiced deftness to undo the bindings keeping the noblewoman's decency; it wouldn't be more than ten seconds before she was topless if Grace didn't stop her quick. The more that went on, the larger the bulge in Amahle's loincloth would be, suggesting that she was packing some impressive meat hidden there.

Once she had managed to get things back on track, Amahle would, after Hedieh had translated for her, answer; "I will slay many great foes, find glory in battle, and win treasures for the glory of my people!" Her tone was confident, and her chin tilted high, but then she looked somewhat less certain after a few seconds. "But... I cannot return to them. I am disgraced... Until I am free, I will serve you in battle as you will, and if I must, I will give my life for you! Honor demands it!"
1610781969288.png Apparently her order wasn't clear enough to Qasemi as she immediately dropped her loincloth and with a surprising deftness, she suddenly straddled Grace's lap! The girl's tits were perfectly at head height for Grace and she got a great view of the decently sized tanned breasts! From the moment the loincloth fell, a strong blush overcame Grace, coloring her pale cheeks a visible pink and she only managed to stutter out, "H-h-hey, w-wai-" before the bold and very naked slave sealed Grace's lips with her own. Grace completely froze as she felt their soft lips meet and Qasemi's tongue started looking for entrance into her own mouth! How lewd! N-no one had dared to kiss her before, and certainty not in such a... such a lewd manner! She was so thrown off her game that the slave would manage to undo about half the buttons of Grace's battle dress before the dragon girl finally reacted! She pushed Qasemi's upper body away from her, breaking the kiss, one hand on her shoulder, another accidentally sinking into the soft flesh of Qasemi's breast. She made a cute squeak and quickly moved her hand to her other shoulder. Grace's clothing were undone enough to show a bra strap on her shoulder! Oh her decency! "S-stop!" She forcible said. Yet contrary to her commanding tone, Grace's blush had only grown even deeper, now a dark pink covering her cheeks. She looked up at the cat girl and noticed some of her lipstick was now smeared onto Qasemi's own lips! As befitting of her station, she had some makeup she put on, but she kept it light, only using it to further highlight her beauty, and in this instance that was a small coat of light pink on her lips! "P-put your clothes back on and don't do that again... J-just wait there with the others..." She would also finally notice the now large bulge in Amahle's loincloth, which would finally push Grace's face to turn tomato red for a moment before she had to turn away and do some breathing exercises to get her blush under control once again.

Once everything was back on track, Grace nodded along with Amahle's answer, quite happy with how the girl held her honor in high regard and cared so much about it. Now this was something she understood unlike t-that kiss... "It is good that you understand how important honor is for a warrior like yourself. I will give you plenty of chances to reclaim your honor once again, all I ask is for your loyalty." Grace had a slight smile as she finished speaking, happy with her prospects with Amahle. She next turned back to the smaller cat girl. "And how about you? How and why were you captured by those slavers?" She had heard something about thievery but she wanted to hear the girls side of the story.
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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe, Amahle

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"As you wish, mistress," Qasemi said, returning to her previous position, clothes once more intact. Hedieh was suppressing giggles at that point, and a bit of color had appeared on Amahle's dark cheeks.

Once they were back on track, Amahle would nod. "Until such time as you see fit, my body and spirit are yours to command! It is right."

Hedieh, jumping as if surprised to be addressed, would stutter through an answer; "W-wha? M-me? Uhm, well, I, uhhh..... You see, I uhhh... I was... Well... Caught stealing. It wasn't anything serious or valuable! It was just, y'know... Some food and a few spare coins. I was trying to get enough together to... To get out of town, go somewhere else, but I got caught before I could get enough and... Well, sold. Eventually, I ended up here. It... Hasn't been fun."
Not sure how exactly to feel about what just happened, Grace tries to pretend like it never happened, ignoring the suppressed giggles and the blush appearing on the aroused futanari. It had felt strangely... good, yet having it done in front of others felt like it was insulting her honor in someway but she could only ignore it and move on.

Grace would give Hedieh a stern look after she was done finished talking. "You swear it was just food and pocket change? That you were just doing it survive?" ...even though thievery was a dishonorable and illegal act, she couldn't blame the girl if she truly had no other option in order to survive. Once she got her answer, she would ask another question of the shy catgirl, her stern glare gone by this point. "Mhhh, very well. And why where you wanting to leave? To just go and see the world, a sense of adventure? I could help you with that as well." Grace went ahead and assumed the reason, only letting the girl get some words in after she finished speaking.