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Ascending Sparks (theguy09)

: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Errrmm... N-no, I... It should be fine. This room is already really expensive, I bet... Uhmm.... You're uhhh... S-still leaking, you should.... Get a pad or something," Hedieh replied nervously, unable to meet Grace's gaze. However she might react to that news, the dragon-knight would have to pick whether or not she wanted to go directly to the meeting arranged with an officer in the town guard, or divert beforehand in order to find an apothecary and prevent Amahle's disobedience - and apparent desire to totally dominate the dragoness - from having lasting consequences in the form of a bastard, half-Anudorian heir....
The fire of arousal and embarrassment in Grace's cheeks were starting to finally calm down but Hedieh's comment that Grace was still 'leaking' gave a fresh burst of red to the Dragoness's pale cheeks! "I-I, uhhh y-yeah, I... I should do that..." She also wasn't able to meet the cat girl's eyes after that, even if she had still been looking at Grace.

The used noble quickly moved about the room to either find a pad she could put in her panties to contain the flow of cum or something that could so something similar before she set off with an embarrassed goodbye to Heideh. With a choice of where to go now, Grace quickly decided on heading towards the arranged meeting with the officer. She was already late due to her... ahem, due to her personal time with Amahle. It wouldn't be good for her image to be even later, and besides, she doubted the hour or two meeting being the difference between any potions working or not. She would find a solution to any potential bastard problem after the meeting.
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

Taking her leave of her rented room, Grace would be able to head downstairs, where the staff would elect to notably avoid making any sort of eye contact with her on her way out of the inn. Even with a pad, she could feel Amahle's seed oozing out of her, flowing down her legs. It sloshed around within her as she walked, and Grace would feel it cool to her own body temperature within her as she moved through the streets of Andros towards the guard headquarters. The half-dragon got a fair number of stares from the human townsfolk that made up the vast majority of the region's population; It was likely that none of them had ever seen a dragonborn before, and the looks ranged from fear to wonder. Of course, none of them seemed to notice the results of her time with Amahle leaking down her legs...

The trip to the guard headquarters near the center of the sprawling city was largely uneventful other than that, with the most notable event being when Grace passed a wedding taking place in a lavishly flower-covered public park, the vibrant music and general merriment being a pleasant distraction on her otherwise boring walk. The main streets of the city seemed well patrolled and peaceful, with guards in crisp, clean uniforms bearing truncheons and handguns as they moved in squads of three or five throughout the sections she walked. A few of them did double takes at the sight of her, but, no one stopped to question the dragoness, even as she approached their headquarters and staging area.

The guard headquarters were a large stone fortress that had likely served as a castle at some point in the past, with a suite of more recent construction built out of bricks sprawled out around it on the front and one side. It was into that sprawled open area that Grace strode first, to the offices that had been built around the keep-turned-jail. She was waved through the door by some guards smoking by it, and let into the entrance foyer where a wide desk was seeing to the needs of about a half dozen people at a time. There were chairs in which other were waiting, possibly for something to resolve before they could leave, and about twenty or so more citizens standing in line, leaving Grace with the option of waiting or trying to push to the front of the line.
Making her way downstairs, Grace was happy to play along, treating any staff that she ran into as if they didn't exist, her red face the only sign that she did see the staff and how they were treating her! Oh gods, she hoped this didn't somehow get back to the family! Gossip spread like wildfire, even in the Astrogoth estates. She was going to have to find a much more…discrete place after tonight… Wait, why was she assuming this was going to continue to happen!? Grace’s face flushed even darker as her mind wandered back into Amahle’s depravity. Just at that moment, the pad Grace had inserted into her panties started to leak through! Already too much of Amahle’s cum was leaking from her pussy for the pad to handle, small rivulets of pearly cum starting their journey down the noble’s inner thigh!

Grace somehow blushed even darker, turning red like a tomato as she stepped out of the inn, feeling the futa slave’s cum sloshing in her womb as she did so. How did that woman have so much seed to shoot into her… She could still clearly feel it all inside of her, even as it cooled to her body temperature…

Grace would finally be pulled away from her thoughts of Amahle and her creamy filling by what she saw at the beautiful wedding happening in the flower park! The married couple seemed so happy! And with her thoughts no longer so focused, she realized that on her entire walk, she hadn't seen a single sign of poverty! The people may have been a bit neutral, but they certainly didn't look depressed or in need, stoking Grace’s pride as an Astrogoth! Of course one of the cities they ruled was in such good condition!

With thoughts like this, Grace continued on her way, now noticing more and more signs that the city was doing really well for itself as she walked through it! Eventually, though, she spotted the guard barracks, a retired keep or castle of some sort. That… was very high quality for the city watch. At least that was Grace’s first reaction as an untraveled noble. Before she approached, Grace tried to duck into an alley or just somewhere more private so she could use some cloth to quickly wipe up her inner thighs. It was only a temporary fix. She was still leaking and if she spent enough time in the barracks without being able to clean herself up, the cum would get noticeable! All the more reason to not be any later!

Grace approached the gate and nodded to the guard that waved her past, eventually entering a foyer that had a decent amount of people in it. She looked around, and felt a little annoyed that every single guard along the desk was busy with others at the moment! Of course, she could just shove her way past the line, but that wasn't how an Astrogoth should use its power! …but she also didn't want to wait in line.

Grace looked around at the busy guards that were heading into and out of the barracks, looking for one that seemed to be walking at a more relaxed pace. She was associating that with their task not being as urgent. Once she found someone like that, she approached. “Excuse me, guard. I am Grace Astrogoth. I have a meeting with your Captain and am going to need you to lead me to his office.” Grace’s tone took a more firm and authoritative quality as she addressed the guard, while she also showed her signet ring, clearly expecting this to be enough for the guard to lead her to the captain!
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

The guard in question, a gruff looking local with a short trimmed beard and narrow mustache, stopped when Grace approached him, giving a mostly concealed look of annoyance. "Right, the Astrogoth... I'm on my lunch break, can it wait?" He said, though if Grace insisted he would give an annoyed sigh and nod. "Fine, fine... Right this way," he said, turning on the spot and leading Grace deeper into the guard headquarters. The people still stuck waiting glared at her as she passed by the reception desks, but their gazes only fell upon her back for so long before she was led through a set of double doors on the right.

From there, she was taken out into a staging area of sorts, where guards were interviewing citizens or working on paperwork at desks, or speaking to each other. The controlled chaos made it difficult for Grace to catch any snippets of conversation or focus in on any one person being interviewed, leaving her to be led through it and to a hallway where doors leading into offices were located. She passed doors with a variety of names and ranks, along with "Records" at one point, before reaching the biggest office at the end of the hall, labeled "Captain Burton" on the door. "Here it is... Have fun or... Whatever," the random guard whom she'd gotten to help her past the line said, waving Grace off and leaving her with the choice of how she wanted to deal with introducing herself.

When she simply barged into the room, a pale man with a thin mustache and narrow nose and chin, short cut dark hair, and a bruise over his left eye looked up from the paper he'd been leaning over and filling out. "And who the hell are you?" He spat promptly, "were you never told to knock before barging into a room?"
“No, it can not.” Grace bluntly states, still looking expectantly at the guard until he relents. Grace was sure it wouldn't take long for the guard to lead her to his captain, so she didn't really sympathize that he was already on his break. She followed him back behind the reception desk towards a set of double doors, her head held high the whole time. She had no reason to feel guilty from the glares being sent her way. She didnt take away a receptionist or do something that would slow the lines down for those people, so she did not acknowledge their judgment.

Walking through the next staging/office area, Grace’s head was on a swivel as she observed the controlled chaos. This was actually her first time entering the headquarters of the guard like this. She was *usually* quite straight-laced… She had to mentally strain to prevent a blush from appearing here as her mind started to wander from that thought.

...Any problems she did have, could be resolved with her own family’s guard, so it was interesting to observe how the city guard worked, which was… acceptable. At least compared to the soldiers and guards she trained with back at home…

Reaching the end of the hallway and the biggest office of them all, Grace nodded to her unwilling guide. “Thank you.” Before she simply reached for the handle and turned it without knocking, stepping into the Captain’s room! Even under the following chewing out, Grace didn't flinch or hunch under the Captain’s words. She was too prideful for that. “I am Grace Astrogoth. I believe you were expecting me?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “And no, I came in because this was the scheduled time for us to meet and there would have been no reason for me to be interrupting something else.” Grace imperiously states, holding position just in the room, waiting for the Captain to offer her a seat or introduce himself to her.
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
Grace hasn't met them...

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Oh!" The guard straightened behind his desk. "Apologies, milady. I'd... Forgotten your visit was scheduled for today. Please, come in and have a seat." He waited until Grace had done so, giving her a significantly more deferential expression as he waited for her to take a seat. When she did, he introduced himself; "I am Captain Burton, one of the senior officers here in the Core Ward of Andros. It's... We refer to the districts as wards here, and the center of the city - here - is the core ward. Anyway... It was suggested in your message that you were... Checking in on the state of the crime rates here in the city?"

It was clear that the man hadn't fully understood the nature of Grace's task here, leaving her to explain it to him in the manner of her choosing.
Grace was satisfied with the sudden shift in manners and tone, the corner of her lips raising slightly in satisfaction for the shift. “Thank you very much Captain.” She moved into the room, closing the door behind her as she did before taking a seat across from the man’s desk. She sat with her back straight, her hands crossed on her lap as she listened to Captain Burton’s introduction. Once he finished speaking, she nodded once.

“Mostly correct. I have been assigned by my family’s Council of Elders to inspect the capital and some of the surrounding settlements for… lets say unsavory elements and root them out when found. You are to give me as much of an understanding of the capital’s underworld scenery as you can so that I can find a starting place… Perhaps you could start with any important players you are aware of and where they operate?”
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
The Voiceless

The Emerald Demons

The Eleventh Ward Gang

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"....I see..." Captain Burton replied, gritting his jaw and sitting up straight, interlocking his fingers together in front of his chin as he gazed across his desk back at Grace. "Well... That's... Complicated. If we knew who the people responsible for the problems you're talking about, we'd already have dealt with them. They'd be dead, in exile, or behind bars already if it were that easy," he said diplomatically, before sighing heavily and leaning forward. "We know of groups and their symbols, have taken a few minor players, but every time we try to find out who's in charge, we only end up taking another pawn. There are... Theories... About who might be connecting the gangs and the syndicates. Allegations against certain people of privilege, spoken only in private. But, we do not have enough proof to bring some people suspected of things before a judge. Not helped by certain.... Imperfections in our justice system."

The captain paused, clearing his throat and reading Grace's reaction to that, giving her a moment to respond if she had anything to say, before explaining; "The three groups the most responsible for the depraved lawlessness going around, as far as I know, are the Eleventh Ward Gang; Whenever we bring in a low level distributor or a pimp, there's a nearly fifty-fifty chance they're Eleventh Ward Gang. That's the lower end, and from them we've learned who's bringing in some of their product; A syndicate from the South that call themselves the Emerald Demons. We're guessing that they're from Acheron, but, we've never had one of them in custody... And supposedly, the group overseeing all of these operations call themselves The Voiceless."
Grace nodded along understandably. Of course, the criminals in the dark wouldn't be so easily known. This had been recognized as a challenging task even by the council of elders. If she had concrete targets just given to her, she might have been… upset at the lost challenge. She frowned heavily as the imperfect legal system was brought up. “Well, if these people of privilege are suspicious enough for there to be rumors about them, perhaps it would be good to look into them even if there is no connection to the gangs to find. Best to keep an eye out for any corruption. I’ll expect a list of the ones people talk about the most at the very least.”

With her injection over with, Grace started to grow a little nervous as she could feel the continuous trickle of seed starting to make a mess of the inside of her skirt. Hopefully, this chair will be unmarred of any evidence by the time she left…

“So wait. Am I understanding this right that the theory is these Voiceless are in command of the other two? Do you think they are a separate group or more like a group of ringleaders from the other two?”
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
The Voiceless

The Emerald Demons

The Eleventh Ward Gang

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

The captain grimaced at Grace's interjection, but let her finish it rather than interrupt. "It's... Not as simple as that. If we included a list of everyone who there are rumors about, it'd include damn near everyone in the city! Any narrowing down into a list would be based on little more than... Conjecture and circumstantial evidence. Don't take this for accusation, but, some of your own family members are rumored to be in on the dark trades..." He paused to sigh, and then continued; "That's the belief, yes. Some... Group, a cabal, or... Something. One group that controls all or most of the underworld in the region, and the profits from it. The other elements are... Too well organized, and their operations too segmented to not have some kind of guiding force overseeing them, but, pinning down who or what that guiding force is has proved... Impossible."
Grace's eyes narrowed at the Captain's reply. She did not like to hear that. It was enough to make her completely forget about her leakage problem as she delves into the conversation with the captain. "If there really are that many rumors, this is deeply concerning. There is usually a nugget of truth to a rumor, and even if only some of them are true, then that alone proves that my mission here is quite a valid... and seemingly hard one." Her eyes focus and stare at one spot for a few moments, a tick she has when thinking hard. "Hmmm. You make it sound like they control all of the underworld here. How likely do you think it is that they even have their fingers in the more petty gangs? They could be a good start if so. Start small, work my way up through the filth of the criminals..."
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
The Voiceless

The Emerald Demons

The Eleventh Ward Gang

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Control and the underworld are rarely comfortable bedfellows," the captain replied sagely, before further explaining; "The biggest petty gang in the city are the Eleventh Ward, but there are certainly others. We can't know who or what actively holds the most control over the region's troubles... Those driven to crime are often desperate, or greedy failures, madmen, or even simply too amoral to function in society; Even threats often cannot work to keep those kinds in order, be they from us or from their current superiors. What's more, people that come to us for help, or those that we do arrest, often have conflicting stories, change the names they try to trade for an easier sentence from one day to another, and some of them are scapegoats or give information that leads us down false trails. Rumors may sometimes be true, but, they can also sometimes be engineered. What I've told you so far is what we've been able to corroborate, what we've been heard or found written too many times to be a planted idea... Sifting through the disinformation is most of our work at this point."
Grace leaned back in her chair, one arm crossed over her stomach and the other had its elbow resting on it, her chin resting on her knuckles as she thought over what the captain was saying. “I must admit, this is only growing more and more troubling… So you dont have any reliable methods to get information from the criminals since they may just be lying to you, correct? If so… I may just have to go ahead with what I was saying and take a gamble to start poking around. Shake up the hive a bit and see what comes loose, even if it wont guarantee results…” She looked to him to hear his thoughts on this.
: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
The Voiceless

The Emerald Demons

The Eleventh Ward Gang

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"That is the age old problem of law enforcement, and one of the ones obfuscating the forces plaguing the people of Astoria, yes...." Captain Burton replied grimly, letting Grace assume her shift in position without apparent interest; the man's gaze was centered solely on her face. "I suppose that that's your prerogative, ma'am. Being a noble and technically a free agent, you certainly have options that we don't, but... It will very definitely be dangerous for you. Even beyond potentially harming your family's reputation, there are those for whom your position as one of the nobility wouldn't offer you any protection... Possibly even the opposite."
"Do not worry for me, Captain. I would not be assigned to such a momentous task if the Elders of the family did not think me ready for it." Well more like her Grandfather than the Elders, but still, the point stood. "I shall deal with any danger as it comes, so truly, do not worry. I shall do my best to clear this city of the filth that hides in its shadows!" Grace sat up straighter as she spoke, her voice growing almost passionate! She really did plan to give this mission her all, intending to wipe the underworld of this city out as much as she could before she moved on to the next city to do the same... Woe upon any vagrant who tried to stop her!

"Now, is there anything else you feel like you need to tell me, or can you go ahead and have the information on that Eleventh Ward gang and any small gangs of note compiled for me? I feel the need to get my investigation started as soon as I can." ...Also her skirt was growing noticeably damp from cum leakage!
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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
The Voiceless

The Emerald Demons

The Eleventh Ward Gang

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

"Indeed... I shouldn't worry then," Captain Burton replied in a carefully neutral tone. Following her request, the captain would sigh and reply; "Much of their activity is spread throughhout the poorer sections of Andros... But, as you may have guessed from the name, they originate from the city's eleventh ward, the outer portion to the Northwest. It's a dense slum, the local station officers would be able to tell you more details about the vice activities going on there than I could. As for the report... Is there anywhere in particular that you'd like me to send the compiled information?"
Grace would give the captain a confident smile at the man's neutral reply. She would prove herself to him, the council of elders, and even the rest of her family! She would cross an arm over her midsection and rested the elbow of her other arm atop it, her fist covering her mouth as she adopted a thinking pose. "Hmmm... Im looking forward to reading what you do have on these thugs... It will be interesting to see what I am dealing with in detail." She opened her mouth again to speak, intending to ask how long it would take to gather the report so she could offer to wait here for it, but she suddenly became hyper aware of her lower section as she felt another rivulet of cum leak from her used flower! She struggled to keep a blush off her face! "A-ahem, I am currently staying at an Inn named The Lucky Llama, although..." The slightest blush breaks through her control. "I do not know how much longer I will be staying there. It should be fine if you send it there and Ill come and check for it if I do move locations. If theres nothing else, I should get going then Captain. Thank you for your support." And about time she went and found some protection for herself and dealt with her cum problem! She offered him a quick handshake before she fled fast walked out into the street, looking for a quite spot to quickly clean herself!
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: HP = 70, PP = 56, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Slightly curvy but mousy thief cat girl, Hedieh
Curvy and fit anti slaver cat girl, still in slave collar, Qasemi
Dark skinned human warrior, Gehle tribe,

---The Family---
-Those In Charge-
Garm Astrogoth - Adoptive grandfather, dying family patriarch. Made motions to end the practices of slavery and indentured servitude, very successful both financially and militarily, basically saved the dynasty in his youth and thus gets a lot of leeway in how he runs the region.
Claire Astrogoth - Garm's wife. Been dead for fifteen years.

-Her Competition-
Bastien Astrogoth - Grace's younger brother, born shortly after she was adopted. Has largely been nice to her, has not begrudged her the chance to take over the family. Average height, dark haired like Garm, even build.
Maxime Astrogoth - Branch family, daughter of Constanin, only other girl competing. Extremely militant. Outwardly friendly to Grace. Extremely fit, long red hair, considered a rare beauty.
Giles Renou - Distant branch family member who was given the chance to compete in the Choosing. Unknown party, was largely respectful the few times that Grace met him. Stocky, blonde haired, wears glasses.
Solomon Astroagoth - Son of Lucrece Astrogoth, considered by most to be a frail weakling, has no talent whatsoever for military matters, either in leading them, planning them, or acting on them himself. Decent at mathematics, poetry, and business. Makes his position on Grace unclear. Sallow faced, dark of hair.

-Her Enemies-
Aliza Astrogoth - Oldest member of the family, wife of the patriarch before Garm, a man who nearly ran the province into the ground. Fervently racist, suggested that Grace should be drowned, shot, decapitated, killed to be stuffed, and numerous other horrific things to Garm's face, often within Grace's earshot. Garm's great aunt.
Lucrece Astrogoth - Aliza's daughter, Garm's cousin, as conservative as her mother but much more diplomatic about it. Extremely nice, charitable, but thinks of Grace's opportunity to take over the family as completely illegitimate. Solomon's mother. Manages the estate when Garm is away.
Constantin Astrogoth - Member of the branch family, nephew of the head of it and noted commander at arms, particularly against river pirates coming in from the South. Fervently opposed ending slavery, has a lot of rural land directly under his control, primarily to the Southeast. Father of Maxime.
Valentine Renou - The head of the largest and most powerful branch family, managed to get his nephew Giles into the running to take over the family by deeds. Extremely militant, holds the Northeastern border against a clan of orc raiders.
Thomas Renou - Brother of Valentine, accomplished knight, fervently religious and conservative, called a paladin despite favoring modern weapons and armor. Trained Giles. Loved by the public and the army for his victories, but hated by Garm for being especially brutal.

---The Region---
Astoria - Region in Northwestern Badaria. Has control of several trade routes between Anudor, Crolia, and heartland Badaria. Ruled by the Astrogoths.
--Andros - Regional capital, large city.

---The Criminals---
The Voiceless

The Emerald Demons

The Eleventh Ward Gang

---Everyone Else---
Doctor Tombs - Anudorian Slave Caravaneer, handsome and finely dressed.
Mirchios Astrad - Anudorian Slavemaster, works for Tombs, portly bald man covered in scars, including a missing eye and a large one on the back of his head.

Anastasia Duiches - Badarian slavemistress of a lesser noble house. Black hair with red streaks, pointed hawkish nose and high cheekbones.

Captain Burton - Captain in the guards who liasons with the Astrogoths, namely Grace. Also other nobles.

Time of Year: Mid Spring.

The guardsman clearly noticed Grace's sudden stop, but didn't comment on it. Instead, he simply nodded to her initial statement,"I'll have it sent to the Lucky Llama then.... Good day." He would shake Grace's hand, though she could feel him watching her back as she left. He would get up after she'd left, and glare down at the stain that she'd left on his spare chair, grumbling about having to clean up after the mess that had leaked through her skirt.

Heading outside, she would find a public restroom in which to clean herself up, earning a few looks on the way out of the guard headquarters and a few more on the street along the way. It would take some time to properly clean herself up, particularly the back of her skirt, and when she was done Grace was faced with the choice of what to do next. Given the cause of what was oozing out of her, she still had to go and find some form of birth control, meaning she had to find an apothecary. Whether she wanted to simply wander around, or go ask someone - a random passerby or a corner guard perhaps - she had best get around to it quickly...
Grace didn't even notice that she had left evidence of her leakage. She was too focused on finishing the conversation and moving on, giving herself the chance to clean up after herself before anyone noticed! A goal that was unknowingly impossible for the Dragoness~! She walked through the guard headquarters and back out the doors that she had entered from, entering the busy streets once more. Her eyes desperately scanned for a public restroom, feeling more and more of those little rivulets running down her inner thigh the longer it took for her to find salvation! Grace would eventually resort to having to ask a passerby for direction to the nearest one! Naturally, all of the looks that she was getting as she performed her search were all ignored. She was a Dragoness, a noble, and a damn fine beauty if she said so herself, thus the attention was simple registered and then thrown out of the proud Dragon's mind!

It wasn't until she got to the public restroom and was able to privately clean herself that to her pure horror, she found the stain on the backside of her skirt! *Oh Gods! D-did she leave a stain back in the Captain's room!? O-or did it happen after!? W-was that why everyone was looking at me!?* Her mind went into an embarrassed overload and she slightly panicked at the idea that word might somehow reach back home about how she was such a slut! It would take a few minutes before she was able to pull herself back together, telling herself that there was no way such a little thing as a stain on her clothes would make it back to Grandfather or the Elders... Right?

She would finish cleaning herself after that, resorting to even sticking two of her fingers into her used flower to do her best to scoop out the remainder of Amahle's seed! She did *not* want to have to deal with more cum leakage this outing! It would also be a good lesson to clean herself better next time before she headed out... She blushed as she realized she was already accepting this was probably going to be a common occurrence~! That thought then shot her mind back towards her other goal of this outing! She needed some birth control if she was to continue laying... *ahem*, if she was to continue **letting** Amahle lay with her, she would need some!

As she left the restroom, now *hopefully* cleaned up, Grace pondered over her options.... She could go to an official shop and get some there, but... Her fears of her family reared its head once more. This city belong to the Astrogoths. They had fingers in every pie! ...At least in the more official pies... She *had* been sent here because of the rampant underworld here... It wouldn't be that hard to find some birth control from someone who wouldn't snitch to her family... Right?

The Dragoness would set out down the streets, her eyes scanting the dark alleyways that she passed, looking for the traces of the underworld that could lead her to a shop that could help her!