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Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Danielle considered the question for a moment, pursing her lips slightly; she had a sneaking suspicion, given the Lady’s nature, that while she would graciously accept it and indeed likely read through the manual, it would end up under Danielle’s care, or shelved away in one of the libraries, depending on the contents. Still, it clearly meant a lot to this girl and it wouldn’t do to express such a cold truth. ”I’m sure now would be fine,” she answered with a nod. ”Better now than after her treatments.”


((Hey, you had no trouble on the last one, you were basically passing on a 2+ because of your high will. Also, yeah, you should be making will saves, that’s what it was. You’re just so unfortunately unlucky that you encountered pretty much the most dangerous object up here.))

”Not the door, no,” the voice replied. ”I sit in your warm and delicate grasp,” it replied. ”I’ve been alone for such a long time, it is nice to be held again…”


Taking up their tools, the pair began their own on trimming back the hedges; the basic shape which each of the shrubs needed to be was still obvious so they were just working to work the plants back into shape.

The work progressed well, with Elaina providing a lot of pointers and suggestions to the less experienced Jessara and indeed ended up doing most of the work. Before long, a woman wearing a long white coat and carrying a large black bag came walking down the path towards the house, almost certain the awaited Dr. Felicity Remey.


Ellen hangs out the clothing to dry without much difficulty, pegging the various articles to the line; it was simple but time consuming work. Still, before too long had passed, she had completed it and was free to return to the house. She would need to visit the basement storage room to fetch a duster, however.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Alright," the pale-skinned woman thankfully replied. She hurried into the dormitory left for the maids, gently picked up the book where she had left it on the small dresser, and hurried back through the kitchen, just to let Danielle know that she was on her way.

The girl skirted the dining hall and hurried through the library, aiming for the study doors across the way. Her heart -- or its equivalent, though she did not differentiate -- was brimming over with hope and a giddy sense of place: she felt almost at home here already.

If nothing managed to stop her along the way, the grey-haired maid settled on the edge of the Lady's study, knocking with her free hand, clutching the book close to her chest with the other. She could feel her heart clicking a mile a minute... at this rate, she would need to wind it sometime soon!
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Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)


Momoko had lifted the rod above her head now, and was examining from the bottom - though it hardly made a difference on the rod itself, small and turnable as it was, this higher position allowed her to see it without the glare of the near-noon light.

"So... who are you? What are you?"
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Jessara thanked the girl for the help and moved trying to keep up. The hedges quickly began to look a lot better but as the woman in white approached the doors, She dusted herself off in an effort to look presentable then quickly moved to allow the doctor entrance to the house, having been expecting her, "Dr...?" She asked waiting for the woman to confirm her own identity, she debated whether this was necessary but but after the strange man before she was more than a little paranoid.

She stood by the door and waited for the woman to respond and pass through, prepared to return to her work if nothing else was said.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Ta da." Ellen says in a flat little victory declaration as she finishes her simple task. "Right then, onto dust I guess. Need a duster." She mutters plainly to herself as she takes the empty wash basket and spare pegs back inside and deposits them. "Duster, duster, duster..." Soon enough locating one and plucking it up.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Putting down her own tools as the physician approached, Elaina walked with Jessara to the front of the house. Since her companion maid had made the first entreaty into confirming the doctor's identity, Elaina merely opened the door.

"I'll take the good doctor to see the Lady Ashebourne, Jessara." She informed her fellow maid and then, once Felicity had confirmed who she was, said "Please follow me."

Elaina would then lead the doctor to the lady's chamber, where she would knock twice on the door and then open it slowly. "The physician is here to see you, my lady."
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Sabine made her way through the library excitedly and without interruption to make it to the door of the Lady's study. Knocking upon it as Danielle had done, there was a reply of "Yes?" from beyond the door. Sabine explained she was here to retrieve the dishes from the lady's meal and was receieved with a short "Enter".

As she walked into the room, it was much the same as she had previously seen with Ashbourne seated behind the desk, studying over papers ocne again, the tray with empty dishes placed forwards along the desk, out of the way. She seemed to pay the maid no mind as she entered the room, continuing to study away with whatever she was doing.


"My name is Emanazael and I am a rod of power," the voice replies in her mind once again. "And as you have found me, Momoko, you may claim me as yours and I will be your... obedient servant."


The silver haired doctor examined the maids before her with a long appraising stare. "New staff?" she enquired but shrugged rather than waiting for an answer. "There's no rush, I'm a little early, let me take a peoper look at you," she says, placing her hands on Elaina's shoulders somewhat suddenly and staring at her intently, green eyes almost blazing. "Mm... yes... very interesting..."


Armed with the duster, Ellen arrives in the entance hall to see a silver haired woman in a long white coat holding Elaina by the shoulders, staring at her intently in a somewhat offsetting manner. Most likely the expected doctor, but this was certainly unexpected.
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Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Elaina's pale eyes stared back at the doctor. She found the sudden examination of her own eyes rather intense, but played it off as though it were a game, and something of a challenge. She refused to show surprise.

"Are you a mind reader in addition to being a physician?" she replied calmly. "Or are you just enchanted by my good looks? Here. Let me try."

She put her hands on the silver-haired doctor's shoulders and looked steadily back at the green eyes, raising her brow high. "Mmmmm... ahhhh... yes, VERY interesting."

This was the sort of joking around she was used to amongst her female officers. It might be somewhat off putting if the doctor here was very anal about being teased, especially by a servant, but Elaina, unable to change who she truly was nor wanting to even if she could, was not worried about a potential gaff. Besides, maybe the doctor would find it humorous.

Additionally, the joking around was a defense mechanism... just in case this doctor really was a mind-reader. What would she discover? There were dark things in Elaina's recent past, things that the lord's daughter did not want known or brought up. She'd bury those thoughts away beneath a veneer of joviality.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Rod of power?"

Momoko had come to the Ashbourne manor to escape from power. She wanted to experience a peaceful life, one where power was not needed... and yet, here it was. She opened her mouth to refuse...

...And the light caught on the rod's edge again, causing Momoko to spend the next few minutes appreciating it's glossy darkness anew. It... no, Emanazael was beautiful.

A thousand niggling thoughts needled Momo at the back of her mind. She was a maid now, what did she need with power? Wasn't Emanazael Lady Ashbourne's? This life promised to be quite good to her - why jeopardize it by taking one of the master of the house's things, not three hours into her employment? After all, the one thing that had shaped her entire life for the worse was a non-issue here. The smell of death...

The rod twirled, her hands moving independent of her, as the thought of the stink that radiated off her played within Momoko's mind... as she imagined what fresh air might smell like, the black rod spun, it's reflection in her glasses...
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Sabine made her way through the library excitedly and without interruption to make it to the door of the Lady's study. Knocking upon it as Danielle had done, there was a reply of "Yes?" from beyond the door. Sabine explained she was here to retrieve the dishes from the lady's meal and was receieved with a short "Enter".

As she walked into the room, it was much the same as she had previously seen with Ashbourne seated behind the desk, studying over papers once again, the tray with empty dishes placed forwards along the desk, out of the way. She seemed to pay the maid no mind as she entered the room, continuing to study away with whatever she was doing.

Without preamble, Sabine strode forward and leaned over the tray to pick it up... though with one hand, she would surely drop it. She settled her book near to the empty dishes before picking the latter up, and then, in her quiet, faintly resonant voice, she asked, "Lady Ashbourne, may I have a brief moment before the physician arrives?" She held the tray close to her chest, her heart ticking in her throat as suspense filled her.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Entering the hall with duster in hand and a spare hung at the waist band of her apron, Ellen ponders where to start, until she sees Elaina and the physician and naturally becomes curious. Briskly strolling over to stand beside the pair, she leans forward a little arms behind her back, and peers between the two locked women with a friendly yet bemused expression, trying to figure out what was going on here. A staring competition? Ellen considered her self a bit of a pro at such things. Whilst it seemed a strange and unlikely thing to be going on right now, Ellen began focusing on refereeing the imagined match, and would declare the first to blink.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Jessara stood awkwardly as the doctor and her fellow maid stared at each other, Elaina's humor unable to take away from the tenseness she felt. She did the only thing she could, stand and continue holding the door open.

She wondered what the doctor was capable of? Could she read someones mind or was she just commenting on the girls eyes. The idea of someone being able to see and read your thoughts scared her too the bone, in a lifetime of slavery the only thing she had ever, owned, ever had control over, were her secret thoughts, the little joys and ideas she had, they were hers and not to be owned by even her master.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

The doctor seemed taken aback somewhat by the response of the maid, for the briefest of moment a sharp narrowing of eyes could be seen, before her face relaxed and she released her. ”Hrm… curious…” she said in a somewhat detached voice, but didn’t offer any elaboration on this. She gave an inquisitive glance at the newly arrived maid from within the house, holding a duster. ”My, my, my, someone has been busy, new staff as far as the eyes can see,” she said in a somewhat sing-song voice, taking a few steps towards Ellen, looking by all rights as if she was sizing the girl up. Certainly… odd behavior.


As Momoko stared into the rod, at began to buzz in her hand, vibrating slightly and a slight breeze stirred around her feet. To the girl long plagued with a constant scent, it was perhaps the greatest thing she had ever smelled, a mix of flowers on a spring breeze, a hint of sweet fruits thrown into the mix, she could almost see it twirl about her, thick snaking lines of air which danced about, crisscrossing and intertwining with one another. It was… beautiful…


Lady Ashbourne looked up from her desk at the girl, ”Sabine, yes?” she confirmed in her usual, empty tone of voice. ”Yes, you may have a moment, what is it?” Her voice remained just as stern, as serious and as empty as ever.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"We're all quite new, with the exception of Danielle, whom you've met before," Elaina said, frowning a bit at the doctor's erratic attention span and penchant for vague statements and intimidating stares.

"Perhaps there may be time for you to inspect all the new staff later, but I've been instructed to bring you to her ladyship once you've arrived, doctor," she added, hoping to reign in the odd curiosity of the woman.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

To Sabine, who had been built with the ability to sense subtle changes in tone of voice, Ashbourne's reply was a cold thing. The maid felt a pang of empathy for whatever had caused the woman to remain so cold and fixed, mixed with guilt for taking the Lady's time... however, it had been given freely, so she would not dawdle!

She nudged the book she had been holding closer to the older woman, saying as she did so, "this book is the manual of my making, my Lady. I know you are quite busy, but knowing that it is safely in your possession would make me feel better about living under your employ. It contains information that may be of a delicate nature; I would not be comfortable stowing it in our shared quarters." She performed a half-curtsy, tray still in hand. "If you choose to keep it, I ask only that it be placed somewhere that is safe?" Her tone remained calm, though she was truly nervous beneath all of that. She feared that Ashbourne would dismiss her for the behavior, though she was not sure exactly why...
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Lady Ashbourne nodded and pulled the book closer to herself. ”Thank you Sabine, I will ensure it is kept safe,” she replied, her tone of voice perhaps slightly warmer to Sabine’s acute sense of it. Or perhaps that was merely wishful thinking, if she were truly capable of such a fear. ”You may leave,” the mistress added with a slight nod, turning back to her work and leaving the girl to withdraw with the remains of lunch.


”Ah, perhaps you have,” Dr. Remey replied, whirling on her heel to turn back to the girl who spoke. ”But your orders… no, instructions would be closer to the mark, wouldn’t it? Your instructions fail to take into account that I am early. Which I am. So there is plenty of time for me to familiarise myself with all of you lovely new additions to the household, I’d say.” The way she smiled, it seemed like this exchange was some sort of game to her, but then it was often said that the very best minds were always the strangest.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Assumptions are dangerous things to make, especially for professionals in your line of work," Elaina retorted, rising to the doctor's challenge. "Why the eagerness to familiarize yourself with us? Are we to be treated and have regular check ups as well?"

Elaina smirked at the woman and put a hand on her hip as she lifted her chin slightly, holding herself with the poise and manner of a leader and member of the nobility.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Giving a second half-curtsy, Sabine hurried away without another word. That had gone much better than her worst fears had left her to anticipate. Better than she had hoped, even.

When she returned to Danielle, it was with a light step that almost had her crashing as she whirled around a counter-corner in the kitchen. "It went well!" she announced, setting the plates to one side and beginning to wash them with patient thoroughness. Her usual benign quirk of the lips was replaced by a truly glowing smile. She was quite well pleased!
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

A strange smell wafted up to Momoko's nose... it smelled like spring, but without a rank, heavy something...

Momoko's eyes closed shut, and through her nose, she breathed deep. Her mouth opened, releasing a great breath in a rush, her pipe falling to the floor. She drew air through her nose again, not stopping until her lungs were full to burst. Even more than Emanazael, this smell captivated her. She had lived through many Springs, but this... this smelled different. This smelled... clean.

Her eyes snapped open, and she gripped the rod in both hands, looking at it with a fire in her eyes. "Can you do that whenever I want? That was you, right? That made my smell go away? A-and you can do it for me if I want you to? Whenever I want? Like, like always? Whenever I want?" Her eyes stared hard into the rod, as if she were trying to peer through it and find the answers she wanted, its gleaming luster meaningless to her frantic mind, the whiff of an end to the stink that hung on her driving all else from her thoughts, like blood to a shark.
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Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Didn't seem to be a staring competition then. Ellen leans back on her heels a little as the taller doctor rounds on her next, but doesn't budge. Looking up with the same bemused expression, adding just a hint of awkwardness at being appraised in such a way, but seemingly not really bothered by it. The Dr turned away again before she could offer much of a reaction, and Ellen simply cast's a sheepish grin at Jessara whilst the other two spoke.