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Ashley (Tassadar)


Nov 12, 2008
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Ashley missed the outside. She had no clue how long she had been locked up. She had been fed, but she had been stripped of all of her belongings, even her clothes. She had no idea why she had been taken. When she first was kidnapped, she thought maybe one of her "Companions" was playing a sick game on her. suddenly, the door flies open. Startled, she is scared why it would open so violently. No one is behind the door. She stands there, wondering what to do.

VIR: 2.25
HP: 1.25

Suggested Actions:
Travel W
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley waits for a brief moment, staring at the door. Then, figuring that nothing had ever really been solved by waiting, she heads West through the door. She keeps her eyes and ears open as she steps into the hallway, looking for someone to ask about what the hell was going on.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley heads out into the hallway and looks around for whoever opened the door. She sees that the hallway continues to hte south and the north. There are a few boxes, shelves and tables lining the walls, but there is no one in the hallway that she can see.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Shrugging, Ashley quickly glances over the shelves for anything recognizably useful before turning South and going down the hallway. She goes casually, as if she wasn't out of place at all, despite being naked.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley finds a patient's gown and picks it up, twirling it around her hands she travels south, debating on weather or not to cover up. Looking around, she sees a door to her west that reads "Labs" and two doors; one to the south and one to the east, that look like more cell doors.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley puts on the gown as she walks, wishing she had something more substantial but willing to take what she could get. Beggars can't be choosers, after all.

Glancing between the available doors, Ashley turned West and went into the one labeled "Labs." She had come from a cell, and doubted that they would give her a way out. She pushes the door open cautiously, not wanting to walk into an ambush of security guards or something without knowing about it first.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(Just FYI, I noted the hospital gown as a "top")

Ashley walks into a small hallway that is about 10 feet long. There are several eyewash stations and other safety cabinets lining the walls. there is a wood and glass door at the end of the hallway to the west as well as one leading south. Standing in the middle of the hallway is a naked woman with long unkempt hair with her head bowed forward.

VIR: 2.25
HP: 1.25

Insane Patient LVL 1
VIR: 2.50
HP: 3.75
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Pausing momentarily to stare at the stranger, Ashley considers for a moment what she should do and trying to determine if she recognized her or not. Deciding that she probably couldn't sneak past the woman, Ashley says simply; "Hello."

She keeps herself calm and alert though, in case this was one of the weirdos that had kidnapped her. If this lady tried to attack her, Ashley made sure that she was ready to defend herself.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(13.50 v 10.00; opp PHY attack successful)

Without saying a word back to Ashley, the girl looks up at Ashley. Ashley looks into her eyes and sees sunken, black, lifeless eyes. Her face is extremely pale and she looks almost sickly. She cocks her head to the side and stares at Ashley for what seems like forever. Then, with no warning, she jumps Ashley. she tackles her with a considerable amount of force. She hits the wall hard, with the crazy patient hugging her and pressing her agains the whall at the same time.

VIR: 2.25
HP: 0.75

Insane Patient LVL 1
VIR: 2.50
HP: 3.75
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Grunting in pain and slumping slightly as the woman smashes her against the wall, Ashley muses that perhaps she should have just tried to attack her. Ashley, desperate, tries to bring her knee up to her chest so that she can push the woman away, or maybe headbutt her off. Anything to get her away so that she can get some air.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(7.00 v 3.00 PHY successful)

Ashley manages to knee the girl in the chest hard enough to knock her off. The girl takes a few steps backward, reeling in pain. She looks at Ashley and screams, before running back at her.

VIR: 2.25
HP: 0.75

Insane Patient LVL 1
VIR: 2.50
HP: 2.75
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley waits for the ideal moment of the womans charge before sliding to the side and sending a heavy punch into her gut.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(10.00 v 2.00; PHY successful)

Ashley times her attack perfectly. The blow to the insane girl's gut is enough to send her to the ground. She rolls around for a moment or two before stopping. She lets out a low groan, then looks up at Ashley and hisses.

VIR: 2.25
HP: 0.75

Insane Patient LVL 1
VIR: 2.50
HP: 1.75
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Ashley says after the woman hisses at her like some kind of deranged animal. Ashley quickly kicks out at the womans face before she can get up to try and attack again.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(12.00 v 11.00; PHY successful)

Ashley goes for the knock-out blow, hopign to end this fight once and for all. Her foot connects with the insane girl's cheek, and Ashley hears the snap of her cheekbone. The girl lets out a horrendous scream of pain and quickly runs out of the door to the East, back toward the cells. Ashley stands in the middle of the hall, panting, contemplating where to go from here. Before she can, though, the girl slams through the door again, this time with a sheet in her hands.

VIR: 2.25
HP: 0.75

Insane Patient LVL 1
VIR: 2.50
HP: 0.75
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(A sheet?)

Seeing the woman charging at her again, Ashley tries to dodge aside of her, avoiding the sheet as much as possible.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(She is insane after all. ^.^)
(5.50 v 5.25; SEX attack successful)

Ashley does her best to dodge to the side from the insane girl charging with the sheet in her hands. Her leg is caught by the sheet, and she suddenly realizes why the girl retrieved it. With a surprising amount of clarity and dexterity, the insane woman grabs Ashley's snagged leg and ties the sheet to her ankle. Before Ashley can react, the girl has the sheet wrapped all the way up her leg and rubbed up against her pussy. Ashley loses her breath at this sudden and unexpected violation.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 0.75

Insane Patient LVL 1
VIR: 2.50
HP: 0.75
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley moans as the aggressive woman rubs the sheet against her pussy, her flower sensitive due to all the time spent without physical release. She quickly recovers though, and kicks at the woman holding the sheet with her free leg in an attempt to free herself.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(10.00 v 6.00; PHY successful)

Ashley quickly blocks the sensation out of her mind. She hopes that she can compartmentalize the stimulation long enough to put the insane girl down for good. She brings her free knee up into the stomach of her assailant. The insane girl's eyes roll backwards instantly as she releases pressure off of Ashley's sex. She falls to the ground, out cold. Ashley quickly unwraps the rough sheet off of her leg ans drapes it over the girl. She looks around trying to remember which way she was going to head.

VIR: 2.25
HP: 1.25

Insane Patient LVL 1
XP gain: 16
Next LVL: 50
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Shaking her head at the strange womans random attack on her, Ashley glances both ways down the hallway before remembering where she had come from. She moves to the wood and glass door leading South and tries to gently crack it open, hoping to peak inside before actually going through the door. If it was clear, and not a closet or something, she'd go through it.