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Ashley (Tassadar)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Ashley wakes up in a shock. Looking around she first notices that she has been dressed in a sportsbra and short cotton shorts. Getting her wits about her, she notices and reads the note tied to her wrist. getting up off of the ground she notices that she is in a hallway that travels from East to West, and what appears to be a cell door to her North.

Travel North
Travel East
Travel West
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(What color are the clothes?)

After reading the note, Ashley searches around the room. "What in the hell? Who's Dr. D?" She mutters, while she looks around the room.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Searching around the room in her black bra and cream colored shorts, Ashly finds a black pair of khakis. They are a little small for her in the thighs and seat, but she is able to get them on. With at least her bottom hidden from prying eyes that she knew were watching, she feels a new sense of comfort as she peers into the dark hallway.

Search Again
Travel North
Travel West
Travel East
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

After donning the pants, Ashley decided that she'd better try to get out of here, wherever here was. She picked North, since it was the odd direction out.

(Go North.)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley enters the cell and looks around at its sparse collection of furniture. She scans the room, noticing a small bed, sink and drawer. The cell walls are dirty with and appear to be wet. In the dim light, she touches the wet wall instinctively. It was not a smart decision, because above her was a large blob of slime that, reacting to the touch, promptly falls on Ashley, knocking her to the ground.

(Crit hit encounter)

Ashley Defense: 0 + 1 (clothes)
Slime HP: 4

Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"What the hell!" Ashley shouts, as she backs away, dragging herself backwards with her hands as she stares at the strange thing that had just dropped on top of her. If it approached, she'd try to kick at it with her legs as best she could.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

She is able to quickly get out from under the slime, but her head is buzzing. It again lunges at her, knocking her to the ground yet again. The weight of the slime is surprising to her as she feels is seep into her clothing. She is also shocked to find that the slime is very slippery. Before she can resist, she feels the slime sliding her recently acquired jeans off her and out into the hallway. Disturbed and slightly intrigued by the slimes warmth, she is at a loss for what to do.

(You failed to counter its attack)
Ashley Defense: 0
Ashley Constitution: 5
Slime HP: 4

Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Hey!" Ashley shouts, and then tries to stand, so she can kick at the slime thing.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley is able to use the sink to stand back up. Turning to face the slime blob, she delivers a swift kick to the side of the blob as is slowly moves toward her. With her head still swimming from a near concussion, her aim is off. She largely misses, however, her foot is able to land with a glancing blow, but the slime simply slides through her toes. She mind begins to clear and she ponders her next option.

Ashley Defense: 0
Ashley Constitution: 5
Slime HP: 4

Flee South (33% success)
Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley kicks at the thing, still in near panic but beginning to calm down. All she knows is that she doesn't want it anywhere near her.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley swings again at the creature. This time she lands a blow into the main body of the slime. however, the creature appears to have anticipated this and "catches" her lower leg in it's body. Ashley is disturbed at the warm, tingling feeling in her now trapped leg.

Ashley Defense: 0
Ashley Constitution: 4
Slime HP: 4

Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley screams at the strange feeling of the slime enveloping her leg, and tries desperately to pull it out of the strange slime-things body. She didn't know what it was, and had no intention of ending up as slime food, or allowing the thing to do whatever it wanted to do to her.
Last edited:
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Starting to panic, she tries to kick the slime blob off of her leg. In her frustration and fear, she leans back on the wall and is shocked to feel the warm slime on the walls too. Almost immediately, she feels her waist sucked against the cell wall. She is shocked not only that the bottom half of her body is immobilized, but that there is a flame in the back of her mind that she is beginning to enjoy this.

Ashley Defense: 0
Ashley Constitution: 3
Slime HP: 4

Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Shit!" Ashley screams, and tries to push against the slimy wall, trying to force herself out of its body. She most definitely does NOT like where this is going.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley pushes against the wall with all of her might. After several agonizing seconds, she feels the slime seem to recoil in pain, and releases its hold on Ashley's waist. With her torso now free again, she feels slightly better, though still scared of her situation. The warmth in her legs and other places where the slime has touched continue to nag at her, but for once in what seems like hours, her freedom from the wall allows her to think about fighting.

Ashley Defense: 0
Ashley Constitution: 3
Slime HP: 3

Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley once again kicks at the slime creature, gibbering constantly in abject panic. She still has no idea what's going on, where she is, or what in the hell she was doing here, and all of her fear and confusion lets her put all the more force into her next kick.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley again kicks the slime ball, knocking most of it off of her body. On the floor, pieces of the blob begin to coalesce in the center of the room. Ashley assumes that it is retreating or regrouping, she cannot be sure. What she is sure of, however, is that she is now free and fully mobile, but her warmth is not subsiding...

Ashley Defense: 0
Ashley Constitution: 3
Slime HP: 2

Flee S (67% chance)
Submit (risk "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley begins to calm down after getting the slime off of her, she keeps attacking the things body, whichever is the largest piece, but makes sure to stay close to the wall in case it grabs her again, doubting that she'd be able to escape if she wound up under it on the ground. She still fails to notice the warmth between her legs, even though its starting to grow to a heat.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Smashing the largest piece again with her foot, she is shocked when the slime ball explodes under her heel. She is covered in some sort fo watery substance, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything malicious. Dripping wet but happy to be safe again, she looks around the small cell, wondering where to go from here...

(Crit hit)

Ashley Defense: 0
Ashley Constitution: 3
Slime HP: 0

Search the area
Travel South
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

As soon as the slime thing pops, Ashley collapses, hyperventilating. After a moment, she relaxes and comes back to her senses. She looks around the room, hoping to find her pants if nothing else.
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