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Ashley (Tassadar)

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Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley comes down hard on the man's head. She sees blood as he falls to the ground. Standing up and facing the man for a moment or two, she pokes him to see if he is still capable of attacking her. Satisfied that he is either dead or knocked out, she scans the room for her next move.

(Crit Hit)

Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3
Man HP: 0

Search the man
Search the area
Rest (38% chance encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley cast a glance over the man, looking to see if he had anything useful on him, moving him so that he was lying on his back. If he had nothing, she'd look around the room she was in as well, trying to find something to tie the guy up with or something.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley gives the man a once over, hoping to find something of use. She fails to find anything of use on him and turns away before a thought crosses her mind. She turns back to him, undresses the hospital gown from the man and dons it. She is happy that it fits and quickly ties it in the back, to cover her rear. In her examination, she notices that the man is not breathing.

Ashley DEF: 1
Ashley CONST: 4 + 1

Search the area
Rest (38% chance encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

'Great. Not staying in a room with a dead guy.' Ashley thinks, and then heads out of the room, going West.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley walks through the door to her west and into yet another near-identical exam room. She notes that, unlike the other room, there is no door to her west, but there is a curtain to her north and south. There is a bed in the center of the room. She walks towards it and notices that there is a pair of bluejeans on it. She examines them and notes they are close to her size. She puts them on.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 2

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Travel N/S/E
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Finally, some decent clothes!" Ashley says, and then heads North through the curtain.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley heads north and finds herself in a fourth exam room. This one has a doorway to her north and another doorway to her West. There are cabinets and drawers lining the walls, and yet another exam table in the middle of the room.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 2

Search the area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley quickly passes through the room, still heading North.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley reenters the green, sterile hallway. The hallway travels from West to East. There are a couple boxes stacked along the walls, but nothing immediately pops to her.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 2

Search the area
Travel E/S/W
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley heads East down the hallway, keeping her eyes and ears open.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley heads eastward until she runs across a suspiciously familiar turn. The Hallway turns northward, and there is a door to her South. She stands there for a moment before nearly jumping out of her skin. The door to her south opens quickly, and an young, female technician bolts out, nearly knocking down Ashley. "Hey, are you a patient? Shouldn't you be in your exam room?" She asks, half startled herself.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 2
Tech HP: 3

Flee N/S/W (50%)

Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Errrr.... No. I just got off shift, and I was about to go home, actually. I seem to have lost my way though, I'm looking for the stairs going to the next floor. Think you could point me in the right direction?" Ashley say's trying to fool the woman into thinking she was one of the people that worked there. As she talked, she edged closer to the woman, preparing to lunge if she tried anything.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Oh.. well, I'm new. I must have not remembered your name. Wait, why are you wearing a hospital gown? I mean, what happened to your lab outfit?" She says, confused. She doesn't appear to notice Ashley's motion toward her.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 2
Tech HP: 3

Flee N/S/W (50%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"A patient threw up on me, so I had to take a shower and my coat and the clothes I wore underneath it got destroyed as per standard sanitation protocols. I just grabbed some of the stuff we leave lying around so I could stay decent on the drive home. One of the security guys asked me to throw this old pipe out on the way up." Ashley said, and on the last bit holds up her pipe.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Huh, I didn't know we had to destroy our clothes if they throw up on us! I need to start bringing an extra pair of clothes! Thanks for the warning. Ummm... I think the stairs are off that way," she says as she points westward. "I'm not sure though. Truth be told, I'm lost too," she says with a giggle. "I'd love to stay and chat but I really need to get the Doctor in there some supplies, if you excuse me." With that, she hurries to the north.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 2

Search the area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Thanks, maybe I'll see ya later!" Ashley says, smiling. She was glad she'd thrown in the extra bit about protocol, it had made her sound more official. She turns and heads Westward, in the indicated direction.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley turns westward and heads back the way she came. She again passes a door to her south as the hallway continues to her west.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 2

Search the area
Travel E/S/W
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley keeps going East.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(I assume you meant keep going west?)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(Doh. Yes. Sorry, long day. :eek:)
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