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Ashley (thetwo)

Re: Ashley (thetwo)

He returned a in a few hours, gently nodding her awake with his book at her womanhood. "Wake up now, oi. Be quick about it, fore I use the whip."
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

She sat up as quickly as she could, still slightly sore from the tentacle, and feeling the slight crust of its cum around her pussy.

"Yes, master. I'm awake, master.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

He unattached the rope leash from the wall, holding it in his hand. "We're going to bathe you now. Are you going to try anything stupid?"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"No, I'll be good, master."

Could this be her chance to escape? Well, getting out of the cell was a start, but he'd be suspicious, especially the first time out. She decided that she wouldn't try unless she thought she had a pretty good chance, as she was sure the punishment for an escape attempt would be terrible.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)


Ashley was unhooked from the wall and blindfolded, though what sense that made in a Labyrinth was unknown. The blindfold was removed and she was in a bathhouse type room again, though not the most stellar conditions, still pretty decent. She was left unhooked so she could properly bathe, and managed to catch a glimpse of the outside of the door, only one guard posted.

Oh, and the game popped up. "Check point. Game may be saved and exited.

Well, there was an easy way out of her situation.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley slipped into the bath while she thought. Escape. Was it possible?

The best case scenario was that there was only the one guard outside. She could flee past him and escape into the labyrinth, and find stairs down or at the very least clothing and a weapon before she found anyone to re-capture her.

The worst case scenario was that she fled past the guard and found herself in the middle of a town, where she could be recognized as an escaped slave and returned to him. He would punish her, badly.

But... what were her other options? She could stay here, take a bath, and wait for him to return. He would then rape her, and if she was very good he might only give her to a single tentacle. Maybe she would get a better chance to escape. Or maybe not.

She saved her game, and got out of the bath, creeping as quietly as she could towards the door.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Listening through the door, it's pretty quiet, she can hear the guard on the other side yawning a bit as he stamps his feet a little to try and stay away.

Ashley remembered the door opened into the bath...were they really that stupid?
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

As quietly as she could, Ashley checked to see if the door was locked. If it was, she could climb back into her bath with nobody the wiser, and try again later. If it wasn't...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

She found that it wasn't locked. She couldn't think of any good reason it wouldn't be, maybe they wanted her to try and escape?

Still, maybe she was just getting a lucky break.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

It could be a trap. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more convenient everything seemed. On the other hand, the game couldn't intend for her to stay forever, and if she saw every good chance to escape as a trap, then she'd remain a slave for a long time.

She opened the door, and bolted.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley bolts, her slim body managed to get between the man and the doorway. He tries to grab for her, but misses, trying to grab for the rope, he can't tighten his hand long enough and only achieves rope burn.

Ashley starts going any direction, hoping whatever way she goes takes her far away from this camp. Along the way, she sees a shaft of wood, like her spear, just without the tip. She grabs it without thinking, since it was close enough and better than nothing.

She runs for a while, she can hear some footsteps perusing her, but eventually manages to lose them.

And now she's standing in the middle of the labyirnth, with only a stick. And feeling somewhat tired.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Well, okay. I'm naked, exhausted, I'm still wearing a collar and leash, I'm armed with a stick, and people are probably looking for me, people who know this place better then I do. Oh, and there are roaming monsters who want to rape me. But is this better then I was before... yes. Probably. As long as I don't get caught.

And to that end, Ashley started walking, hoping that she hadn't left a trail of wet footprints far enough to be tracked...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley walked for a very long time, without finding anything. It was quiet and empty. She wandered the halls for a long time, before coming upon an interesting room.

It looked maybe like a hub room. She saw in the center a small raised platform with what looked like a stone table, maybe? On it. There were eight exits out of this room. She couldn't quite see what was on the platform or table from here.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

This wasn't good. Or, at least, it wouldn't be good to stay here long. A hub of this nature probably was well known, and it might even see a good deal of traffic, depending on where the exits went. But picking one blindly would do no good either.

Ashley approached the center, hoping that what was there would give her some clue as to which was to go.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley didn't want to stay long, but no information was a pretty bad thing. Carefully stepping up, she could see the the table now, and it looked like a compass rose of sorts. She could also tel, through a handy sign, that this was the center of the floor.

Other scribbled chalk signs told her the direction of the stairs, going both up, and down. There were two of each. Like stairs placed opposite directions.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley puzzled over the signs for a minute, until she understood. Well, she wanted to go down, that was clear. She also wanted to go away from the direction she had come. She selected the 'down' stairs that were closest to opposite the way she had come in, and walked off that way at a brisk pace.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley figured her direction and left, walking at a brisk pace while keeping an eye out. Eventually she found herself behind some one, or some people.

She was careful as she approached to see what it was.

And what she saw was quite unexpected. She saw a girl, utterly naked, being carried on a wooden horse by two men, moving somewhat slowly. She was tightly bound to it, juices already running down the side of it, it looked like she was trying to cry out, but was muffled by a gag, and Ashley could also see she was gagged. Ashley spotted a collar like she was wearing, she must have been captured. Ashley also noticed her arms were held in a stockade that was around her neck. She was not being gently carried, as the men carrying her made no attempts to keep the thing steady between them

What would Ashley do? She had a feeling she might be able to take them, she's fought worse before, but if she fails...Or she could just run, but she knows what will happen to that girl.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley looked at the girl, and then down at her own body. She couldn't leave anyone like that. Okay, so the last time she'd fought two men, she'd lost. But these ones were distracted, and carrying something, and may already have been injured capturing the girl.

She ran towards the nearest one, intent on bashing him with her stick, before she could convince herself it was a bad idea. When she was almost there, she realized that the girl was probably an NPC, but it was too late to turn back now...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

8 vs 18
Ashley charges forward, intent on twapping the guy before he could respond, but her swing goes wide, only alerting him to her. "Oi, what's thi-oh an escaped slave is it, come here you!"

Both men turn around as Ashley takes a few steps back, she's distract by the muffled scream the slave lets out, as she was dropped by the men, landing hard, the stimulation makes her orgasm.

The men both look injured, at least.

Slavers I | II 1/2 | 2/3
Ashley 5/6 FP
(Ashley has gained trait: Hardened 1 | Reduces chance of becoming aroused in battle.)
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley doesn't take the time to banter, or to think about the girl, but takes another swing at the same man.