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Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: The elf nodded, and followed Ashley. "My name is Demeter, by the way, after my great grandmother, who still lives today."

Tass: "Demeter huh? That's a pretty name! Goddess of the harvest and such right?"

RJ: "Indeed. I hope to find a pushover like her husband some day..."

Tass: "Huh?"

RJ: "My grand mother. Her husband will do anything for her. Just a few months ago when I visited her, he was massaging her feet."

Tass: ".....So? Believe it or not, that's.... Kinda normal where I'm from. Unless she has like, really gross feet or something, hahah!"

RJ: "Oh? All men are pushovers for their wives where you hail?"

RJ: "Must be nice..."

Tass: "Not all, but a lot."

RJ: "What's the appeal of this world then?"

Tass: "What do you mean?"

RJ: "Did I stutter? What do you, Ashley, like about this place?"

RJ: "In comparison to this... Other location you hail from."

Tass: "Uhm..... Well, I've never really swung for one sex more than the other... I think I'd miss having sex with men a lot more if most of the girls here weren't able to grow guy-parts when they want to, and that most of them can't get me pregnant is kinda nice!"

RJ: The elf was silent upon Ashley's declaration. "All about the sex, huh..." she whispered a while after Ashley's opinion stopped to echo through the skies.

Tass: "And fulfilling my responsibilities here is a lot easier than it was back in my own world! And a lot more fun too! Though, I still can't balance a budget...."

RJ: "... Probably due to all of the mouths you must feed."

RJ: "For a rank C, this must be difficult."

RJ: Demeter seemed to believe Ashley was a Rank C Rancher

Tass: "Uhm.... I'm actuallyl... Only Rank E.... To be completely honest with you.... I kinda just started..."

RJ: "Huuuuuh!?" Demeter gestured in awe. "You... You'll be bankrupt in no time!" she announced. "No she won't." Venice replied, as she came into view just beyond some trees on a turn of the path. "Well done, Ashley. I can tell things must have went well, if I'm to understand the presence of this elven woman correctly."

Tass: "Hi Venice!" Ashley said, apparently unsurprised by the woman's presence. "Yeah... The Devil captured this woman, and she attacked us, but she's all better now! Her name's Demeter!"

Tass: "The Devil isn't very nice, and she offered me 3 times what you were going to pay me for scouting this place out for not telling you."

RJ: "I see. So that's what was going on. I'll investigate it personally, Ashley. In the mean time, you should take it easy and go spend the night in the city, relax a bit. I hear Roan and Melpha are there as well. They've been speaking in a very promising way about you, so you shouldn't let that friendship whither."

Tass: "Cool. Thanks Venice! Also, there was another woman that she got too as well, somewhere.... Is she alright? Once I know that she's safe, I can go and talk to Roan and Melpha!"

RJ: "I'll likely find her." she announced, before whistling. "Jade! Let's go!" she yelled, before a dragon soared overhead, and made a smooth landing, lowering it's head before Venice climbed on her neck. "And here's your money!" she announced, throwing a tied sack of money into Ashley's hands, before Jade lifted off, and soared back the way they came.

Tass: "Thanks, bye Venice!" Ashley said, smiling. "Lets go and visit Roan and Melpha!" Ashley then said to her assembled companions, "Demeter, you're welcome to come with us if you want!"

RJ: "I'll take care of these three!" Sparkle offered to help the three exhausted women. "You go have fun!"

Tass: "Oh... Okay...." Ashley said, somewhat surprised.

RJ: The elf gave a bow to Ashley. "I understand that you might want to have me as your partner?" she asks.

Tass: "If you're okay with it! I wouldn't force anyone to do anything that they really didn't want to do, not if I could help it. I'd certainly like to get to know you better Demeter!"

RJ: "Very well then, I'll accept." she said, giving small bow of respect to Ashley before following Sparkle.

Tass: Ashley bowed back, somewhat awkardly given her pregnant belly, before going off to search for Roan and Melpha

RJ: Going into the city, Ashley had several different places she could search! The Spa, the Public Bath again, The Park, or the Museum!

Tass: Ashley went to the public baths first.

RJ: Going to the public baths, Melpha nor Roan were in sight... But something was grabbing her ankle though, by the water. A see-through, blue hand. Suddenly, it's owner peeked out of the water, and smiled at her, her entire body looking to be some kind of crystal. "Boo~" she giggled at Ashley.

Tass: "Huh..." Ashley said, glancing at her ankle, but then went; "Gah!" and jumped when the hand holding her turned out to be a crystal woman.

RJ: "Hi! I'm Crystal Claire," the woman said, before pulling herself out of the bath and smiling down at Ashley.

RJ: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=115&pictureid=9231

RJ: She was quite sexy.

Tass: "Hi!" Ashley said, getting over her initial surprise immediately, "I'm Ashley! How are you doing today?"

Tass: "You're really hot by the way!"

RJ: "Thank you! So are you!" she replied happily.

Tass: "Thanks! I think I've heard of you actually..... Aren't you a rancher?"

RJ: "Rank A! At your service! I'm mostly known for my slime type mamono!"

Tass: "Cool! I'm still only rank E, but I've already made a whole bunch of friends! What are slimes like? I haven't met any yet."

RJ: Past Claire, Ashley could see something wide and red moving through the water. "Would you like to find out?" she asked, before a feminine head rose from the water, though it was from the red slime that was floating about. "Hi!" the slime greeted Ashley. "They like wrapping around people. Care to see if you might like it?" Claire offered.

Tass: "Oh I'd love to!" Ashley said smiling, "But I was actually looking for someone here. You wouldn't happen to have seen Melpha or Roan around, would ya? Once I know where they are, I guess having a bit of fun wouldn't hurt~"

RJ: "Ruin is in the spa, and Melpha is at the park with Ruin... Pretty much just letting Ruin satisfy herself on a few dozen people again, male or not." Crystal Claire laughed nervously.

Tass: "Oh.... Yeah, I don't like Ruin very much. But anyway, how about that, uhh.... Wrapping!"

RJ: "Ruin...? What a terrible thing to say. She's very loyal." Claire said, defending Ruin.

Tass: "Of that I'm sure, but she wasn't very nice to me."

RJ: Claire frowned, before materializing a yellow ball into her hand with magic. "Take this ball, and throw it over Ruin's head. Once you play with her a bit, you'll surely change your opinion."

Tass: "Heh, a ball? Does she fetch?"

RJ: Claire grinned. "Yes!"

Tass: "I might have to give that a try."

RJ: Claire nodded, "There you go. She's just like a dog, so it's easy to misunderstand her."

Tass: "Right.... Well, I guess I'll see you later Claire!" Ashley said, before turning to depart and go to the park, looking for Melpha.

RJ: At the Park, Ashley found Melpha sitting on a bench, while a powerful looking woman was bent over the other side of the bench, moaning loudly. "You're doing well!" Melpha announced, while it seemed the woman was struggling to take Ruin's rapid thrusting. "F-fuck...!" she cursed, moaning loudly as wet slaps were heard from Ruin's crotch slapping against the woman's ass.

Tass: "Hi Melpha," Ashley said, "Who's Ruin's.... Friend?" It was plain that Ashley had trouble saying the word while maintaining a happy expression.

RJ: "This is Roxane, she's been training to try and please Ruin." Melpha revealed, before the woman's arms gave way, and she fell onto her breasts on the bench, bending over perfectly for Ruin to slam against her most sensitive areas. "Damn it...!" she cursed, before screaming and moaning like a whore, until she came so hard that Ashley got wet from the spray of her cum, caught in the crossfire. Ruin pulled her length out, before giving Roxane a small lick. "I felt myself rising closer to orgasm before you gave way, it felt good." Ruin said.

Tass: "Not going well yet I see." Ashley remarked casually, and then experimentally lifted the ball that Crystal Claire had given her.

RJ: Sitting on the bench and lifting one of her legs straight into the air, Ruin began to lick her throbbing red length, before she gave a start, her eyes opening wide as she saw the ball in Ashley's hands. Ruin remained completely motionless.

Tass: Ashley smirked slightly, her hand flicking slightly as if she were about to throw the ball.

RJ: Ruin gave a start as she spun fully around, her head searching for the ball, thinking it had gone over her head. After a moment, she turned back to Ashley as she heard a slight whine come from Ruin, before the werewolf came up to Ashley, and sat down like a dog at her feet, staring up at the yellow ball as if that ball had complete control over her. Meanwhile, Melpha had both hands over her mouth, supressing loud laughter.

Tass: Ashley continued to smirk at Ruin, slowly moving the ball back and forth, before suddenly chucking it as hard and as high as she could with a throw lacking any sort of wind up, which was admittedly farther than the average human might have been able to do given that she had played a fair bit of baseball growing up.

RJ: As soon as the ball flew, Ashley would watch Ruin chase after it at high speeds. While the ball took it's time to come to ground, Ruin was already waiting at it's landing spot, before she leapped into the air, and caught the ball right in her mouth. When she landed, she ran back to Ashley, and dropped the ball at her feet.

RJ: Grinning, and panting from all the effort she put into chasing it, Ruin's tongue hung from her mouth while staring up at Ashley.

Tass: Ashley couldn't help but giggle at Ruin's display, and quickly knelt down to retrieve the ball. "Drop it into my hands next time!" she said, before winding up and pitching it away for Ruin to chase.

RJ: Chasing after it again, this time Ruin jumped after it immediately, and caught it before it could even begin to come back down to earth. Landing back on the ground, Ruin ran back to Ashley, and started to push the ball against her hand.

Tass: Ashley laughed lightly, took the ball, and threw it again. "She has a lot of fun with this huh?" Ashley remarked lightly to Melpha.

RJ: "I'm completely surprised you wanted to play with Ruin, Ashley. I thought you didn't like her. I'm glad to see you changed your mind. And yes, despite her appearance, Ruin is still a cute little doggie at heart."

Tass: "Ehh.... I'm still not her biggest fan, but I guess she's not as bad as her first impression made her out to be." Ashley said, and then threw the ball again for Ruin when she came back ."Even if I don't like someone personally, I would still try to make them as happy as I could, and as this seems to make Ruin happy, I'll keep doing it until my arm falls off or she gets tired!"

Tass: "Plus this is fun! I never got to have a dog growing up, even though I always wanted one."

RJ: After throwing the ball again, this time when Ruin found it, she did seem to grow tired of it, before dropping it near Ashley, and moving in towards her again, this time sniffing her crotch as she felt Ruin's nose push against her pussy. "Ruin seems to be taken by your rather powerful scent, Ashley. She likes you despite how you feel." Melpha revealed. "Until you get stronger..." Ruin whispered. "I'll settle for this!" she announced, before she felt Ruin trying to lick her.

Tass: "Hey!" Ashley said with a giggle as Ruin sniffed her crotch, "Stop that!" She didn't comment on Melpha's revelation, not sure what to make of it, but when Ruin pulled out her tongue to lick her clothed crotch Ashley let out another giggle and tried to squirm away. "Stop that!"

RJ: "My head is spinning! I can't possibly stop!" Ruin announed to Ashley, chasing after her if need be, her teeth sometimes grabbing onto her clothes to get them out of the way.

Tass: "S...Stop it! Ruin!" Ashley whined, no longer giggling as she tried to fend the werewolf off, her clothes tearing under her assault. Finally huffing in defeat, she pulled her shorts and underwear down in order to keep from having to replace them again.

RJ: Ruin made a circle around Ashley, watching her as she took her shorts and underwear off, before attacking her from behind. She could feel Ruin panting with excitement on her ass, while her tongue stuck out and began licking along her pussy as if Ashley were a tasty treat.

Tass: Ashley flopped to the ground, careful to catch her landing while she grimaced as Ruin started lapping at her pussy. Despite how much she might dislike the werewolf, Ashley's body reacted as it always did to such attentions, her folds growing wet and her nether lips growing puffy and excited as her juices started to flow.

RJ: Getting aroused didn't help Ashley discourage Ruin at all, as the werewolf agressively pressed her face into Ashley's crotch, licking hungrily at her aroused cunt.

Tass: Ashley shifted slightly in order to give Ruin easy access to her sex, not bothering attempting to resist any longer as she knew that it wouldn't do her any good. Whining lightly, she tried to wait until the werewolf was finished with her with as much dignity as she could manage.

RJ: While getting licked in public, Ashley was actually drawing eyes from others in the park, unlike what she may have been led to believe about how things normally go. People were paying attention as if what they were seeing was an oddity, and some even gathered closer to watch the show. "Ruin is so obediently licking that girl?" a woman asked. "Wonder what drove her to think of something other than rough sex right off the bat." another replied while Ruin continued to lick her.

Tass: Ashley blushed slightly at the attention, squirming softly under Ruin and trying not to meet anyone's gaze. Even though she was hardly one to be ashamed of public displays, particularly given the rules for such as stated by Venice, Ashley couldn't help but feel slightly embarassed at all of the people watching her do something so lewd out in the open.

Tass: Her hips began to squirm slightly as her arousal grew, her sex releasing more juices as, despite her distaste, she started warming up to the act being performed on her.

RJ: "She doesn't look too happy." one woman noticed. "Is this happening again your will?" another asked while watching Ruin mindlessly lap away at Ashley's crotch, her licking growing even faster when she though Ashley was going to try and get away.

Tass: "Uhm....." Ashley said, blushing. On the one hand, it was completely true that she hadn't exactly wanted this. On the other, she didn't want to get Ruin or Melpha in trouble. The choice took a moment to make, but it was eventually decided in favor of her friends. "Uhm.... N... Not really... I'm just... Not used... To doing this sort of thing in public!" Ashley lied, as she had grown quite accustomed to the lewd displays around (and oftentimes including) her made in public places.

RJ: "They do have a point." Ruin suddenly said from Ashley's crotch. "Your scent is overpowering, but you are also releasing a different scent."

Tass: "....What?"

RJ: "... You don't look pleased, is what you should have understood from that."

Tass: "Well.... I'm not.... You did kinda jump me in the middle of a park and start doing this..." Ashley said quietly, trying not to be overheard

RJ: "I want to have sex with you. Don't you understand? Am I somehow not suitable?"

Tass: "I understand.... But... Well.... You're not very nice to me... It's kind of a turn off!"

RJ: "... What?"

Tass: "Our first time meeting, you called me a lot of things that weren't very nice, and now you forcefully bend me over even though I said no."

RJ: "Was that... Really a problem?" she asked, confused. "Names... Words... My mouth was the source of the problem?"

Tass: "Yes. Sort of."

RJ: "What should I do?"

Tass: "Uhhhh....." Ashley was completely and utterly at a loss as to how to respond, instead glancing over her shoulder at the wolf girl, "I... Don't know."

RJ: "Should I keep licking?"

Tass: "Uhm.... No, I think it would be best if you let me up."

RJ: Ruin looked bothered by that request, but hopped off, staring up at Ashley with her blood red eyes.

Tass: Ashley got up, put her clothes back on, and walked back over to Melpha awkwardly, a frown upon her face. "So..... That was awkward."

RJ: Melpha tilted her head to the side. "Ruin's doing better... Honestly, I think you're being too hard on her now. She's on her best behaviour today."

Tass: "She wasn't bad today, I'll admit. That doesn't mean that I want to have sex with her though."

RJ: "That's mean." Melpha said with a pout.

Tass: "Not wanting to have sex with someone is mean?"

RJ: "I think it is. I mean, to me... That's like saying you don't like someone. If you said you didn't want to have sex with me, I'd be genuinely hurt."

Tass: "...................." Ashley frowned darkly and said nothing for a moment, and then; "So, you're suggesting that, because someone wants to have sex with me... That I'm morally obligated to have sex with them?"

Tass: "Or else I'm being mean?"

RJ: Melpha suddenly was taken aback, "Eh!? Where did that come from?"

RJ: "No... Implying that you're not attacted to someone, or find them attractive... Don't you understand?"

Tass: "It has nothing to do with attraction in this case. I don't want to have sex with Ruin because she's demanding, overly domineering, impolite, and opened our relationship by calling me worthless. Those are all qualities that I find extremely repulsive in a lover. Can you at least see where I'm coming from here?"

RJ: Melpha looked genuinely sad. "... Then... I suppose there's no need for the training..."

RJ: "These people from other worlds... They're so hard to talk to..."

Tass: "She was much better today than she was when we first met. She's starting to grow on me. But she's not there yet."

Tass: "If you no longer want to have me around because I don't want to have sex with your friend, then I suppose I'll simply have to accept that, even if I don't understand it at all."

RJ: "I don't understand what's going through your head at all, but I definitely don't feel that way... Ashley, why do you think me so cruel?"

Tass: "I dunno... I guess I'm in kind of a bad mood."

RJ: Melpha went silent, letting out a sigh.

Tass: "Though, if all you're training me for is to have sex with Ruin, then you're right that there's no need for it. You couldn't pay me to go through that again, what happened in the bath when we first met. That sucked."

RJ: Melpha visibly sunk, letting out a louder sigh.

RJ: "Ouch," an observer commented. "This woman knows how to cut Melpha deep."

Tass: Deciding not to dig herself any deeper, Ashley turned around and said; "I'm going to go talk to Roan before I go home tonight. I suppose I'll talk to you later Melpha."

RJ: "Yeah..." Melpha groaned, before Ruin came up to her side, lightly pushing her head against Melpha, as if trying to lift her up. "That was not the woman I remember. Melpha, it was probably an evil doppelganger." Ruin reasoned.

RJ: "Forget it, Ruin. Let's go home." Melpha said, before leaving the park as Ashley would be left to go to the Spa

Tass: Ashley left and went to the spa.

RJ: When she arrived at the spa, she would be told that Roan had just left. As the sky grew darker, it was already late at night, so the spa was even just closing up.

Tass: Ashley frowned, but thanked the attendent and then went home.

RJ: And then Ashley was home. Demeter had set up a wooden target, and was using it for practice, aiming her shots, while Sparkle was inside with Ria and Jace, tending to their injuries.

Tass: Ashley went to look after Ria and Jace with Sparkle after making sure that Demeter was settling in properly, and eventually went to bed alone.

RJ: And then, after helping around the Ranch, and everyone made a full recovery, Saturday came, and Ashley was left to wonder what to do.

Tass: Ashley frowned as she awakened and considered going to see Melpha, but decided against it. That she had been training Ashley solely to have sex with Ruin still stung quite a bit, and she didn't have it in her to apologize for something she didn't feel was actually her fault. Instead, she figured that she would go and visit Roan. (is Ashley still carrying eggs?)

RJ: As Ashley awoke and felt miserable, she felt her stomache stir as the eggs inside of her began to vibate and move, signaling that she was likely about to give birth. As if somehow knowing this, Dusty was instantly there in the room. "it is time. Relax your body." she instructed Ashley, looking to lay her down, spread her legs, and remove anything that might block the eggs.

Tass: "Alright," Ashley replied delicately, not sure how exactly this would work. Allowing Dusty to handle her without resistance, Ashley spread her legs and relaxed her inner muscles, and then awaited further instructions.

RJ: Though she waited, all she got was a warning that they were coming... Before she felt her innerds shifting as the first of many of the creatures began to be pushed out of her pussy. A small sized, insectoid creature suddenly took flight into the room, resembling a small woman, before flying out of the window. Feeling more come, the moth girl nodded. "You're birthing well... It's like you were made for this." she commented. Among other eggs that didn't have life, mamono after baby mamono crawled out of her body, stretching her walls out to make their way through, and soar away.

Tass: Ashley groaned slightly and didn't respond, though it wasn't nearly as painful as her natural birth had been as tiny versions of Dusty and numerous eggs came out of her. When she had let out the last of them, Ashley pointed to these and said; "Why didn't those hatch? Did I do something wrong?"

RJ: "It would have been a miracle if all hatched. Some... Just don't hatch." she revealed, digging her finger into Ashley's pussy a moment to fish out another egg.

Tass: Ashley squirmed slightly and relaxed, allowing Dusty to remove an egg that hadn't quite made it. "Why is that?"

RJ: "Because they don't, for whatever reason. Unhealthy egg, improper genes, not enough warmth amidst all the other eggs... How deep of an answer do you desire?"

Tass: "Ahhh.. I suppose that's good enough for me, I just want to make sure I was careful enough. I've never carried eggs before!"

RJ: "You did well." Dusty nodded. "I'm glad I had a host. Things were getting bad back then."

Tass: "How long had it been for you? Does it often get that bad?"

RJ: "I hadn't released my eggs in over six months, and I'm supposed to release them in two."

Tass: "Oh.... That must have hurt!"

RJ: "Yeah... I was gonna explode, I felt like."

Tass: "Well, good thing you stumbled across me when you did then!"

RJ: "And in the future, you can carry my eggs again~"

Tass: "Yup, you just let me know if you have troubles again Dusty"

RJ: Dusty nodded, before fluttering off to go help her curious and wondering children, who all suddenly began to flock and follow her.

Tass: Ashley smiled slightly at Dusty leading her children, the sight breaking her gloomy state somewhat, before getting up, getting dressed in some clothes that she didn't care much about, and going off to see Roan.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Approaching Roan's location, it seemed like a shabby tribe in place in front of a religious labyrinth more than a fancy location of an IMA representative. The minotaur guards stopped Ashley before she stated her business, and walked into the largest tent in the camp, the chieftain Roan's. Inside, there were two women between Roan's legs, both licking her cock obediently. "Ah, Ashley. You came back to me after all." she chuckled, as Ashley could begin to feel that dominating magic wash over her, almost making her want to join those girls. "Is your visit for business or pleasure?"

Tass: Ashley blushed slightly and momentarily forgot what she was here for, the desire to join the two and show them how to suck cock properly briefly dominating her thoughts, "Uhm..... I guess possibly both..... Sort of." She paused and cleared her throat, also trying to clear her head, "I figured you could show me what you meant by your facilities, like you said earlier, and about those tests you mentioned."

RJ: "You are not ready for any of my tests, Ashley," Roan revealed. "The main challenge of my first test is one who is even stronger than that Cerberus I heard you faced. However... There is a certain... Other test you could fulfill."

Tass: "Oh? What's that?"

RJ: "Do me a favor, and show one of the young born recently gone into adulthood how it's done. She's a young minotaur, and can't listen too well. So I need you to educate her... In your favorite way."

Tass: "Ohhh~ Is that all you need?" Ashley cooed with a smirk, "Where is the one in need of lessons?"

RJ: "Back the way you came, the tent with the red banner and leaf mark." Roan revealed. "Do well, and maybe I'll give you a reward after I'm done wth these two." she announced, before one of the women stood up from licking her length, and bent over, her eyes dull for obvious reasons. Then, she lowered herself, taking Roan's cock inside herself, even until she was stretching horibly. "It's so good!" she cried out. "Oh god! I... I'll never return to my home! Wonderful!" she gestured, loving how the dick looked ready to split her.

Tass: "Kay~ I'll be seeing you later then!" Ashley said confidently, before strolling off to locate said tent, and promptly entering it unless someone stopped her.

RJ: Entering the tent, she'd find immediately the sight of a minotaur Ashley's own size in height, laying on her back, and stroking her foot long length rapidly, moaning with pleasure before suddenly covering herself as Ashley came in. "D-damn it, a human!?" she cursed.

Tass: "Yup, that's what people call me!" Ashley said mirthfully, "What have you got to be modest about? I'm here to, ahhh.... Give you a bit of a lesson, as Roan put it! I'm Ashley, what's your name?"

RJ: "... Ymir." the minotaur replied, before pulling her blankets off, letting her length be seen before she stood in her tent. "You're gonna... Show me how to be tough and dominate so my clan will respect me?"

Tass: "Yup! Or at least I assume that's what I'm supposed to show you~"

Tass: Ashley strode over Ymir and casually stripped out of her shirt, leaving her shorts and her bra on for the moment.

RJ: "You're uh... Pretty strange for a human... You're gonna let me fuck you?"

RJ: Her eyes were clearly fixed on Ashley's frame as she said that.

Tass: "Not only that, but I'm going to teach you how to do it!"

RJ: "W-well yeah!" the minotaur seemed excited, before clearing her throat, "I mean... Of course... You'd have no reason not to want to give your body to me."

Tass: "Are you a virgin?" Ashley asked simply

RJ: "Are you kiddin!?" the minotaur immediately responded, flushing deep red. "I've gotten so many men and women crawling at my feet!"

Tass: "Then where are they?" Ashley asked innoccently, pretending to peer around while actually watching the minotaur's face.

RJ: "T-they're not... Not here right now..." she replied nervously, not seeming to be able to stand still for a moment. "OKAY FINE I'M LYING! I'm a god damn virgin-now get outta here!" she fumed, embarressed.

RJ: "W-wait, don't leave..." the minotaur changed her mind instantly.

RJ: "Why does it even matter, anyway..."

Tass: "Oh to be honest it doesnt, I just think virgins are cute~" Ashley replied, smiling despite the girl's order to leave. "That means it'll be the first time that you've really cum! It's much better with a partner!"

RJ: "You're still a human, you know! And I'm a minotaur! Don't get so cocky!"

Tass: "I know! But I get to be your first~ Are you ready?"

RJ: "More like, are 'you' ready!?" the minotaur replied with confidence, before tilting her head a little. "... Ready for what?"

Tass: Ashley giggled with delight before reaching behind herself and unclipping her bra, tossing it aside and allowing her full bosom to spill out into plain view. Without saying anything, Ashley knelt down, gripped the minotaur's cock, and slowly wrapped her lips over the tip, allowing her tongue to flick over the head and release tiny bursts of magical pleasure into it while she gazed up at the virgin mamono's face.

RJ: The minotaur hummed at Ashley's chest, "I've seen bigger... But those are pretty ni-hey!" she gave a start when Ashley grabbed her cock. "What the hell are you doing all on your own!" she demanded, before Ashley began to toy with her cock in her mouth, causing the minotaur to give out a loud moan, her slightly soft length instantly getting rock hard again. Even though this one wasn't as big as Roan, it still didn't look small enough to fit inside Ashley, unless she stretched out a bit.

Tass: Ashley giggled softly around the minotaur's rod, letting her tongue roll over the head a few times before she pulled back and replied; "Pleasing you! You got hard so fast.... Can I make you cum like this?" Though she had asked for permission, Ashley didn't wait for an answer before her mouth took in the head and the first few inches, rhythmic pulses of magic attacking the minotaur's pleasure centers even as she worked her more mundane skills, sucking and rubbing her tongue along the vein running against the bottom of the mamono's shaft. If she hadn't objected by then, (or done so herself) Ashley would take one of the minotaur's hands and guide it to the back of her head before gripping the shaft around the base with her right hand.>>

Tass: Forcing herself forward and taking the cock down her throat, Ashley began to bob back and forth as rapidly as she could on something so large, squeezing her fingers in a circle and stroking the shaft in order to milk out the minotaur's cum. As she did so, her fingers were rubbing at her moist petals through the barrier of her shorts, the idea of stretching herself in order to fit the whole of the monster girl's cock inside of her only serving to turn her on even more.

RJ: Ashley did well to get the minotaur worked up. Her hand guided to the back of Ashley's throat, she helped the girl suck her off, pushing her cock deep down Ashley's neck, her throat bulging as if swallowing something huge (and she was). "Your mouth is so good, I never had anyone suck me off before!" the minotaur announced. "I wanna dominate you... I wanna crush you, but if I hurt you, I might get banished..." the minotaur said with hesitance, pulling back often to let Ashley breathe, as well as to not hurt her from possibly fucking her throat too hard.

RJ: "It's so frustrating...!" she growled, unable to help but push her dick down real deep into Ashley's mouth.

Tass: "Mmmm!" Ashley mumbled around the girth in her mouth, feeling her throat stretch to take in as much of the minotaur as she could. Tears of strain might begin to stream from her eyes, but Ashley made no complaint and no attempt to stop, slowly stretching her throat to take in more and more. She began to pour more magic into her actions as well, and continued going steadily downward until the minotaur pushed her away, her throat ruptured, or her lips finally wrapped around the base of the mamono's impressive member.

RJ: Ashley took everything in, she felt fuller than ever. Strained with tears as the minotaur could see, she was pushed away by the minotaur's fear of causing banish-worthy harm to her. Panting, a look of agony and restraint was on the minotaur, as if she were bound by a dozen iron chains and so desperately wanted to break them.

Tass: Coughing and gasping as her throat was freed of the intruding member, Ashley nonetheless smirked at the minotaur and, between breaths, said; "What's your name?" Once that question was answered, Ashley had calmed enough to ask; "How would you like me to please you?" She squeezed her breasts together using her arms, but also rolled her hips slightly to accentuate them and licked her lips, offering her partner the choice of what to do. (Lol, dat game)

RJ: "... I... I don't want to say my name..." the minotaur said, seeming meek all of a sudden. "Our tribe gives weaker, younger minotaur embarressing names."

Tass: "But... then what will I scream out when I cum?" Ashley asked inoccently, "And do you change your names later? That seems kind of mean to do to your children..."

RJ: "A Minotaur Tribe is ruthless, so those who become strong are known to have gone through a lot to reach that point. Our shameful names are but one thing we must deal with to get stronger... And..." she gritted her teeth. "My name... Is... Stool..."

Tass: "Stool? That must suck to be called that...."

RJ: "... No... It's wonderful to be stepped on... ESPECIALLY BY A HEAVY ASS WOMAN WHO'S TEN FEET TALL!!!" Stool shouted with rage.

Tass: Ashley cringed slightly as the minotaur shouted at her, and looked slightly frightened.

RJ: She grumbled, before looking to Ashley. "... Do that thing with your breasts," she told Ashley, grabbing the girl, and throwing her down to the covers she was on just a moment ago while masturbating, and straddling over Ashley's belly, positioning her cock between Ashley's breast. "That felt nice, throwing you down like that." she said with a grin. "I want to get rough with you very badly..."

Tass: Ashley yelped slightly as she was thrown down onto the bed, but then smiled and grasped her breasts and squeezed them around Stool's shaft on command. Giving the tip another kiss and lick infused with a healthy dose of Melpha's magic, Ashley then said; "Then get rough~ I don't mind it! Just so long as you don't hurt me too bad.... I'm supposed to teach you how to be a proper minotaur after all!"

RJ: "I'll hurt you if I DO get rough!" she complained, before suddenly thrusting wildly through Ashley's breasts, and grabbing her head as Ashley would suddenly find the cock rushing into her mouth. Her crotch slapped against Ashley's breasts with wet sounds from the minotaur's own dripping wet pussy, and just the power and speed alone made it too much for even her mouth to endure. "If I can't get rough like this with your pussy, then I'll do it with your tits and mouth instead, and just cum in that little, durable hole of yours!"

Tass: "Mmmm!" Ashley whined, and tried to open her jaw wider to make room for the member that was suddenly pounding into her mouth. She held her breasts tightly and began toying with the tips of her breasts, trying to distract herself while her tongue continued to flick magic against the sensitive underside of the minotaur's cock, trying to make her cum before Ashley ran out of willpower and had to force the woman out.

RJ: Stool suddenly chuckled, watching Ashley's face. "Hehehe... Getting tired?" she asked, seeming happy and pleased. "Just from sucking me off too, and you didn't even make me cum once yet!" she announced as if boasting. "Yeah... Yeah! I like this! Hahaha! You look so pathetic!" she told Ashley, continuing to fuck her until her cock was forced out, and she let Ashley's head flop to the soft covers below. Stopping her thrusts, Stool seemed rather proud of herself. "Well... I guess I'm just gonna have to use your other hole down here now... I'll try to be real... Real gentle." she promised, before fetching a potion nearby, and tipping it over, dumping it's tan colored contents all over her length. It was of a thick, gooey substance, like some kind of super lube.

RJ: She began to rub her length up and down with it, before grabbing one of Ashley's legs, and lifting her up until her pussy hole was facing straight up when she tipped the opening of the bottle into her cunny. The bottle made a 'glub, glub' sound as she could feel the goo filling her pussy. She was as lubricated as she was ever going to be.

Tass: Ashley scowled darkly at being called pathetic, but then yelped in surprise when she was lifted up and filled with the lubricating goo, squirming slightly at the cold substance filling her. Even if she didn't precisely like how it was happening, Ashley was still clearly aroused, her own juices providing plenty of lubrication on their own courtesy of the foreplay she'd been providing and the rough handing at the hands of the minotauress. Spreading her legs, Ashley stared up at Stool with wide eyes, waiting to be penetrated.

RJ: Seeing Ashley's scowl, Stool leaned down, grinning at her as their foreheads touched. "I think I could fall in love with that expression." she told Ashley. "Defiant... But helpless." she whispered, before her large breasts squished against Ashley's own as the minotaur wrapped her arms around Ashley's body, hugging her to her larger frame in a tight hug, before she forced a powerful kiss onto Ashley's lips, while gently, and slowly pushing her length inside. All of the lubrication making it so easy for her to slide in, as if her body were a perfect fit. though the truth was a different story, as Ashley could feel herself beyond her limits, and stretched from the fat cock going inside of her, of inhuman length.

Tass: Ashley shut her eyes tightly and moaned into the kiss, her folds momentarily tensing around the massive intruder that was stretching out her inner walls before she forced her muscles to relax. Defiant but helpless was actually a fairly good descriptor for Ashley's position just then, as she lost all control over the encounter. Wrapping her arms around Stool in turn, she could do nothing but try to hold on throughout the first gentle thrust, and try to prepare her taxed body for more.

RJ: Moaning back into Ashley's own moans of pleasure, she pushed her length in, little by little, testing how much slack Ashley's pussy would allow. And after that time with Roan, she had a bit more room than usual. "Does it hurt?" she asked, before Ashley felt Stool's tip kiss her cervix.

Tass: "Nnnn.... Only a little.... I'll get used to it.... Just build up slow!" Ashley grunted, and then let out a light squeek as she felt the tip press against the gateway into her womb.

RJ: "Not sure how long I can last inside such a tight cunt." Stool announced, panting and pacing herself, staring into Ashley's face, reading her expression as she slowly began to pick up the pace whenever her thrusts found a speed that wasn't hurting Ashley too much. "I used up all of my lube. I could fuck you as hard as I'd like right now... And the temptation... Is... So... Strong~!" she chuckled, turning Ashley's head, and licking up along her neck, and up to her face, where she stuck her tongue into Ashley's mouth, kissing Ashley's lips lightly as she playfully flicked her tongue along the tip Ashley's own tongue.

Tass: The gradual increase in pace allowed Ashley's inside to adjust to the thick girth of Stool's cock, which, like Roan's, was so big that it didn't even have to be aimed, as it stimulated every one of her sensitive spots at once by its sheer size. By the time they'd worked up to a strong, steady pace and Stool announced her temptation to get harder with her, Ashley was moaning loudly and writhing in ecstasy, the pain of her stretching almost completely wiped out by the pleasure of being so filled. When Stool's tongue invaded her mouth, hers attacked it reflexively, though it lacked its usually dexterity in such things as she allowed herself to be subsumed by pleasure. Unable to speak for multiple reasons, Ashley began to writhe her hips up into the minotaur's thrusts in order to encourage her to go faster, her inner walls begining to tense rhythmically as her orgasm neared.

RJ: The minotaur on top of her began to be taken by the same pleasure Ashley was being consumed by. Without speaking it, it was clear Stool was incredibly aroused by Ashley's total submission to her. Still holding back from shoving all of her length down into her pussy, Ashley still felt her dick press against her cirvix ocassionally amidst her quickened pace. "Cumming...!" Stool growled, leaning back slightly and pulling her hands back to hold onto Ashley's hips while making quick thrusts, loud squishing coming from Ashley's wet and lube filled cunt. Trembling suddenly, Stool let out a loud howl, pressing her tip against the entrance to her womb, and holding her dick there as she released the contents of her seed. Pouring it in, Ashley felt her hot seed pouring into her just as Roan's did, filling her up with her hot semen. Though, her belly didn't expand quite like it did when Roan came inside her. Such knowledge speaking of this minotaur's youth as she felt only a little bloated.

RJ: Pulling her length out slowly, Ashley's pussy gave an audible pop before semen began to overflow from her. "Good... So good..." Stool said breathlessly. "Marry me, huh?" she suddenly asked. "I wanna fuck you everyday..."

Tass: The first spurt of molten goo into Ashley's core caused Ashley to throw her head back and scream, the throbs of the minotaur's rod and her sperm pouring into Ashley's pussy setting her off at long last. Her inner walls tightened and spasmed, milking every drop of Stool's liquid gift out of her rod even as the sheer volume filled up Ashley's fertile womb and stretched it out to make room for more, though not nearly so much as Roan's burst of cum had. Even after the last drops had been squeezed out, Ashley continued to spasm wildly in orgasm for another few seconds before going limp beneath the minotauress and panting in her afterglow. The only other sound that came from Ashley's lips was a low whimper as Stool pulled her cock free of Ashley's stretched sex with an audible pop, a river of her cum running out of the human's flower in order to release some of tyhe pressure inside of her, and she didn't immediately respond to Stool's request.

Tass: "Mm.... Marry you? That can happen here? Progressive...."

RJ: "Yeah... Marriage is pretty common..." she said, grinning. "So, that must be a yes~!" she announced, snuggling in towards Ashley, before someone walked in through the flap of the tent's entrance, and grabbed her shoulder. "No, it's not," replied the voice, before Stool was suddenly pulled off of Ashley to reveal Melpha standing over her. "Ashley... Why didn't you come?" she asked with a sad expression.

Tass: "Wait a minute!" Ashley said, but then went silent as Melpha suddenly appeared. She pondered her answer for a moment, her expression still one of surprise, before she said; "I figured I would give us both a little time to cool off after yesterday."

RJ: "Ashley," Melpha said with a sigh. "You were already someone who I valued dearly after finding out what we shared. We may not be a perfect match, but I would never wish you away. Do not ever think I wouldn't want to see you."

Tass: "I didn't think that. I just thought it might be a good idea to allow a little time, is all. It's not like either of us are going anywhere." She glanced down at her still slightly engorged belly and frowned, before rolling into a sitting position. "I still value your friendship, your mentoring, and your training Melpha! Just because we had one little disagreement doesn't mean that I'm never going to come and see you again."

RJ: "Ruin likes you. Please come and play with her again." Melpha suddenly asked after everything she had said. "I want you to know the pleasures every mamono of her kind can give. You've known the minotaurs, but with enough training... You can have wonderful, and blissful sex with even Roan, instead of being on such a one-sided experience."

Tass: "That would be very nice, actually.... Very very nice! But I wouldn't want to leave without saying goodbye first."

RJ: "... I spoke with Roan first, if you meant her as well as this one," she gestured to the young minotaur watching the scene. "... She's rather taken with another girl who's fallen for her magic."

RJ: "A Rancher as well, just like you. Rank C, Marisa. She isn't a Rancher anymore, however..."

Tass: "Oh.... I see. Well, I suppose that's good enough for me. I haven't forgotten your advice about that, and I won't." Getting up onto her wobbly legs, Ashley picked up her clothes rather than donning them and then waved to Stool, "I guess I'll see ya later!"

RJ: "A-again!?" Stool gave a start, excited. "Y-yeah! Come back anytime! All the time! I love you, Ashley!" she said quickly, and emotionally, clearly head over heels for her first lay.

Tass: "I'll certainly try~ If you're allowed to go out, feel free to visit me at my Ranch~ I'm sure I'll have some new tricks to try out on you if you do!" Ashley replied, giving the minotaur a wink before strutting out with a great deal of cum still leaking out of her.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Making her way out with Melpha, she had the option of returning to her own Ranch, or heading back with Melpha

Tass: Ashley headed back with Melpha, speaking only if the other woman did.

RJ: At Melpha's Ashley coincidentally saw another minotaur. This one was actually equal to Roan's size, although she had a much more gentle face.


RJ: "Melpha... I've been training all day, just like you asked." she announced to Melpha. "Oh... Who's that? Hey there."

Tass: "Hi! I'm Ashley!"

Tass: "What's your name?" Ashley said, still naked and eyeing the kindly looking minotaur with a smile.

RJ: Staying on her knees, she was actually a little above Ashley's head level still. "Melpha says I'm pretty intimidating when I'm standing up, so I'll stay like this." she said with consideration. "My name's Sasha. Nice to meet ya, Ashley. I heard you're getting 'the training' from Melpha. Marisa used to be too, before... She bit off more than she could chew. Overconfidence and all that."

Tass: "I'd bet you would be!" Ashley agreed, and then she nodded and said; "Nice to meet you two. Melpha just told me about that."

RJ: "So, about what level are you on so far? Of course, pleasin' something like an alp is kindergarten for Melpha, so anyone can manage that... How about somethin like... An Orc? Have you done that yet?"

Tass: "Nope. Haven't had any real tests yet, at least not from Melpha. Not counting Ruin."

RJ: "Oh..." Sasha seemed a little sad. "I was kinda hopin' I was next. You look really sexy." she said with a smile.

Tass: "Heh, thanks! You're not too bad yourself. I'll look forward to when it comes up to your turn~ But I suppose that's for Melpha to decide."

RJ: Melpha nodded, "Sasha will be your test before you face Roan properly. With a bit of meddling on my part, I've made her as big as Roan. No, Ashley, your test will soon be Ruin's cousin, who I was going to introduce you to, since it seems Ruin's gone and wondered off. She's normally out in the open somewhere..."

Tass: "Have you tried the ball?"

RJ: "Hah, no. But I know where she's gone. She'll return tonight." Melpha announced, before calling out. "Yuin!" loudly. A moment later, out of the mansion of a house came running a pink oriented girl on all fours at rapid speeds. Pink clothes, pink hair, and a slightly pink tail. Coming up to Melpha and bouncing around her happily, she let out cute little 'yip!' sounds, as if she were a small puppy. Melpha pet her and kissed her a little, making the girl, Yuin, even happier.


RJ: "Melpha-Melpha! I'm here! Here I am! I want to play! Who's that?" she said quickly, before rushing over to Ashley, and starting to sniff her all over. "Sniff sniff! Smells like minotaur! Hi there! Who are you? Why do you smell like that? Do you wanna play? I wanna plaaaay!"

RJ: She clearly had a terrible case of ADHD

Tass: Ashley blinked at the excited pink ball of energy that was Yuin for a moment, and then said; "I'm Ashley, and I guess I smell like minotaur because I was just at their camp." Smiling, Ashley continued; "What would you like to play?"

RJ: the pink ball of energy was suddenly behind Ashley at her question. "Sex!" she replied, her arms hugging around Ashley and dry humping her playfully. "So sexy! Sexy sex! I wanna lick you and hump you! And hump you and lick you! In that order! And repeated!" she said, commencing with the licking as Ashley's face was quickly covered in saliva.

RJ: Meanwhile, Melpha had her fingers silently crossed in worry.

RJ: 'Please don't hate her,' she silently wished.

Tass: "Hahahahahah!" Ashley giggled at Yuin's antics, showing no signs of distress. "Well, I guess I could go for round two~"

RJ: Melpha hummed a bit. "Well, you could of course have sex with her... But I wouldn't say you're ready, Ashley. Even though she is a normal dog... She has... A knot."

Tass: "A knot? Why would that cause problems?" Ashley said frowning, "So she's not going to be part of my training today?"

RJ: "If you aren't careful, it could hurt you." Melpha said with care. "I just honestly wanted you to meet each other, since you two were going to do it eventually."

Tass: "Ahhh, okie dokie."

Tass: "Sorry Yuin! Maybe next time."

RJ: "Awwww!" she moaned in sadness, before beaming right up again, suddenly jumping on Ashley from behind. She was so light though, so Ashley could stand her ground. "Piggy back riiiiide! Go-go!" she announced, while Melpha gestured for Ashley to follow her into the house. "I suppose... Hrm..." she thought for a moment while walking. "Yes, we could use her for training today."

Tass: Ashley giggled and gripped Yuin onto her back before following Melpha into toward her house. "Whatever you think best Melpha. You're the teacher!"

RJ: Going into the house, Melpha prepared drinks and healthy snacks, which looked mostly strange, and mostly heart shaped. Although they were tasty. Melpha laid Yuin onto her back, and nodded to her instruction to 'stay, and keep her cock inside.' Melpha took off Yuin's panties, while her tail couldn't stop thumping against the bed happily. Just looking at it, she had a normal pussy, though if Ashley checked, there was a small pocket in there hiding her length. "Now, Ashley. Go ahead and get some more training using your magic, and lick Yuin up~!"

RJ: "Lickity lick! Yay!" Yuin giggled. "Put your butt over here! Lickity lick!"

Tass: "Kay~" Ashley said to Melpha, discarding her clothing and climbing between Yuin's legs. At the dog-girl's suggestion, however, Ashley giggled and glanced at Melpha. If she nodded her okay, Ashley would swing her hips around and then plant her face into the Yuin's crotch, liking at her folds in order to get her excited before going for her clitoris, immediately starting to use her magic in order to amplify the pleasure that she was causing.

RJ: Melpha did nod, and Yuin immediately began licking Ashley's pussy as if it were the most delicious thing ever. Finding her clitoris teased, which was in all actuality, the tip of her cock, Yuin's hips began to shake and give a start when the magic began to flow. "I smell fertility! All of this cum didn't get you pregnant!" Yuin suddenly announced, before licking anew.

Tass: Ashley was too busy licking the dog girl's clit to respond, though she did give a thoughtful hum at the knowledge that Stool hadn't gotten her pregnant. 'I guess I'm getting kinda lucky here, both of them really filled me up and neither got me pregnant!' Licking and moaning softly into Yuin's crotch as the mamonon's licks began to cause her to become excited herself, Ashley sealed her lips over Yuin's clitoris and began to suck lightly, her tongue flicking over the tip as she sent ever increasing bursts of magical pleasure into the dog girl's sensitive love button.

RJ: "Gonna make you cum first! Nom-nom!" Yuin giggled at the start of the competition, before munching on Ashley's clitoris, sucking, licking, and kissing her point as well as licking the rest of her pussy with hungry desire. Meanwhile, Yuin's wetness began making a wet spot on the clean bed, while her moans signified that the dog was clearly enjoying herself.

Tass: Ashley's juices were flowing as well, showing that she was enjoying herself as much as the occasional lewd noise that she would emit, but she also made to get into the spirit of things. Trying to win out, Ashley redoubled the speed and intensity of her efforts, occasionally pausing in her licks of Yuin's jewel to dive into the dog girl's pussy with her tongue, all the while assaulting Yuin constantly with the magics that Melpha had taught her.

RJ: Once the battle was on, Ashley giving it her all, Yuin's licking seemed to have it's own little magic to it, even though no magic was involved. Her soft, wide tongue licked every little part of her pussy, and made her clitoris throb with pleasure whenever the whole thing graced over her. In no time at all she felt an orgasm building, while Ashley wasn't sure if she was making the same progress with Yuin.

Tass: Ashley began to shiver as Yuin's tongue rubbed over her clit, the knot forming in her belly signalling the approach of her own impending climax. Her moans rising in volume, Ashley went for broke and started sucking on Yuin's jewel in turn while also flicking her tongue over it at an incredibly rapid pace. At the same time, she reached deeper in Yuin with her threads in order to stimulate more of her nerves, trying to drive the mamono while shunting aside as much of the pleasure that she was receiving as she could as well.

RJ: Yuin began to giggle with giddy glee as Ashley began to give it her all, her tail thumping against the bed faster to signal her exitement. But she did not relent, sucking Ashley as if to draw something out of her. After a bit more struggling... It seemed hopeless. Ashley was on the verge of climax, and Yuin still seemed nowhere near it. Her tail thumping at top speed, she seemed to know this, and went in to finish Ashley off!

Tass: Though it seemed hopeless, Ashley refused to relent even as Yuin moved in for the kill, flicking her tongue rapidly over her clitoris and very nearly driving Ashley over the edge. Not knowing what else to do, she reached up and slipped two fingers into Yuin's sex, setting up a quick pumping motion even as she felt her orgasm rising, her hips shaking slightly and pushing subconsciously into Yuin's mouth as if to encourage her.

RJ: And then Ashley came! Her fluids flowing out, Yuin licked all of it up! "I win! I win! Punishment game! I win!" she announced, before Ashley felt something growing in her mouth, as she's quickly find it to be Yuin's dick. "You gotta suck it and lickity lick it! And drink all my gooey cum!"

Tass: Ashley shuddered over Yuin as she came, and her eyes widened in surprise as she felt Yuin's cock rise into her mouth. Accepting the terms of her loss, Ashley continued to pour her rapdily waning magics into pleasuring her while she worked her tongue over the dog girl's cock.

Tass: Flicking her tongue over the tip, she began to bob up and down onto it as she shut her eyes again, sucking as energetically as she had for Stool earlier.

RJ: Yuin moaned, her paws on Ashley's butt as she started to lightly lick her pussy once more. Her cock twitched and throbbed in Ashley's mouth, already close to orgasm after that last strugle. A knot at the base started to swell, and get bigger, until it looked more than big enough to do it's job, and get stuck inside of her. Since Ashley could choose whether or not to accept it into her mouth, she wouldn't be forced into ending up with the huge, swelling thing. But it was a sign of Yuin's orgasm none the less, and she looked more than ready to cum herself, tensing up, and squeezing Ashley with her arms and hands. A moment later, and Ashley would taste Yuin's first eruption...

Tass: Ashley shortened the bobs of her head so as to keep the swelling knot from entering her, wanting to see it rather than feel it perhaps prudantly. This proved to be a good choice, as it rapidly swelled until it was huge, and when she tensed Ashley pushed herself down until her lips were pressed against the bulging knot. Her throat contracted around the tip of Yuin's cock, swallowing down the first gulp of the dog girl's semen before pulling back so that only the tip was in her mouth, swallowing down the cum rapidly while she played with it using her tongue.

RJ: Lightly twitching, Yuin moaned loudly into Ashley's ass, releasing spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth. Within a few seconds her mouth was filled with cum just as Yuin was finished releasing her last streams. Her mouth was filled with the bitter taste of Yuin's semen, but even so, Yuin lay there, letting her drink it all.

Tass: Not allowing even a drop to escape, Ashley swallowed all of Yuin's cum and continued to suckle at her cock, making sure that none of it was left in her cock before pulling off with an audible pop.

RJ: "Ahh~" Yuin sighed with relief, kissing Ashley's pussy. "Was it tasty?" she asked with a giggle. "Marisa drank a lot of my cum while training! Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, cum, cum cum!"

Tass: "Mmmhhmmmm~" Ashley murmured delightedly, though after she had received Yuin's last kiss she climbed off of the dog girl and turned to Melpha, "How did I do? I know I lost..."

RJ: "Progress!" Melpha said with a thumbs up. "Don't worry. Soon, you'll be ready to take her inside. Just practice lots with Jace! Get used to using your magic to control your pussy as well! After you learn how to do that, and please Yuin, we'll move on to getting you a Fairy Body."

Tass: "A what?"

RJ: "Oh, and Sparkle as well!" she added. "... Oh, a Fairy Body." she nodded. "No matter how large, you will be able to painlessly stretch your body to no limits, and return to your original shape. It's the kind of magics fairies use to have sex with human men."

Tass: "....I can get that?"

RJ: "... Yes!" Melpha said after copying Ashley's pause.

Tass: "Cool!"

RJ: "Yup! Once you achieve that, you can fit Roan's entire dick inside of you without breaking a sweat!"

Tass: "Awesome! That's incredible~"

Tass: "That must have been how you did it with that dragon."

RJ: "I did everything I could, not only that." Melpha announced. "Jade... I doubt you'll be able to satisfy Jade like I can within your lifetime."

RJ: "But... You may be able to do it..."

Tass: :(

RJ: Melpha let out a hum. "You have the most potential... And... Hrm..." she looked to be doing intense calculations in her mind, before looking to Ashley with a smile and a thumbs up. "Maybe!"

Tass: "Maybe..."

RJ: "It's a dragon! Let's be at least a little reasonable here!" Melpha said, flushing red. "I've been alive for hundreds of years, and have had this kind of training for longer than I can remember! If you could have sex with Jade and defeat her... Even within ten years, I'll be shocked out of my wits!"

Tass: Ashley's jaw dropped, "Hundreds of years!?"

RJ: "Yes! I became this skill by having sex for hundreds of years!"

RJ: this skilled*

Tass: Ashley closed her mouth and then frowned slightly, not sure what to say to that.

RJ: "But, look at it this way, it took me a good few years before I even knew I could use my magic to cause pleasure like you can. If you can make that kind of progress over me... Then just maybe, you can reach my level of experience with my help in much less time! I didn't have an instructor, after all!"

Tass: "Maybe..." Ashley mumbled, but then brightened, "Maybe! I'll certainly try my best."
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Mamono Training with: Dusty
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Shoot
Thursday: Domino
Friday: Dodge
Saturday: Rest
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Monday: Taking flight, Dusty dodged the incoming fairies, but took a few hits here and there.

RJ: +3 Speed

Tass: "Good work Dusty!"

RJ: Tuesday: Chasing the cockatrice, Dusty fluttered after her for as long as she could before flopping to the ground. Then the cockatrice began to bounce on her happily.

RJ: +1 Life

Tass: "Stop that you mangy bird!" Ashley then chased after the cockatrice with a stick

RJ: Ashley chases the cockatrice for a time, before she gets tired, and flops on the ground. Then the cockatrice began to bounce on her happily.

RJ: +1 Life

Tass: lol

Tass: "Damnit!" Ashley panted, and then groaned as the bird started jumping on her instead.

RJ: Wednesday: When the instructor went to pull up the targets, they were gone. "... There was moth saliva on the remains of the eaten targets..."

RJ: Dusty failed her training

Tass: "Dusty!"

RJ: Thursday: Dusty fluttered against the large domino, before pushing against it. Then she finally kicked it... Before it tipped over, and squished her.

RJ: Dusty failed her training.

Tass: "Dusty! Are you okay!?"

RJ: Medics reported that she'll be fine. Moths get flattened all the time.

Tass: :|

RJ: Friday: On her second attempt, Dusty flew effortlessly through the crowd of fairies before they were all screaming suddenly. Passing them in an instant, Ashley would note that they all had bloated stomaches, each filled with an egg.

RJ: Dusty performed... Very well, though she got in trouble. +9 Speed

Tass: "Dusty!"

Tass: (lol, she failed so hard :p )

RJ: (yuuuup)

RJ: Dusty's level increased by 5!

Tass: "Good job!"

Tass: And then, Saturday

Tass: and Ashley went to visit Melpha

RJ: "Ah, welcome back, Ashley!" she said. "Are you back for the usual training, or something else?"

RJ: Everyone working together managed to earn 682 gil!

RJ: Ashley loses a total of 28 gil

Tass: :<

RJ: Melpha waves at Ashley, who has not yet responded!

Tass: "Training~ Unless you've heard anything interesting lately that you think I ought to check out!"

RJ: "No, no news. And strangely, Ruin is still missing... She's been gone for longer than usual." she hummed.

Tass: Ashley seemed troubled by this, "Have you sent anyone looking for her?"

RJ: "I'm not worried about her. She can handle herself, to be sure. It just seems like... Something's been bothering her lately."

Tass: "...... I'm sorry." Ashley said sadly, thinking on what that something was.

RJ: Melpha nervously giggled. "Don't worry yourself! Ruin is strong. She isn't out there crying somewhere."

Tass: "If you see her, tell her I'm sorry if I hurt her feelings... I'd tell her myself if she was here, or if I see her..."

RJ: "Please, don't worry!" she insisted. "She'll come back. Let's just focus on your training." she announced. (Skip and go somewhere or else, or enjoy more futa sexings?)

Tass: (depends on what Melpha had planned, so stay for now)

Tass: "Kay~"

RJ: "I want you to meet someone special. She doesn't stay here, but she is my partner." Melpha announces. "Anubis!" she called out to a lone figure sitting cross legged in a meadow of white flowers. Her skin was tan, and Ashley would immediately identify with her Egyptian style of clothing to tell what she was, as well as the tan cat girl lounging on the ground, laying on her side and curled up into a ball. "... You don't need to shout." Anubis replied. "Why do you interrupt my meditation?" she asked, before Melpha stood aside to let Ashley introduce herself.

Tass: "Hello," Ashley said quietly, and adopted an air of respect. "My name is Ashley. It's a pleasure to meet you, Anubis."

RJ: "You're just Ashley?" Anubis asked. "Rank E," Melpha added. Letting out a low hum, Anubis looked away, and closed her eyes. "Another victim, just like Marisa." Anubis stated, causing Melpha to look sad. "I understand you don't like being talked down on, girl. If I understand this correctly. If that's the case, then what is your pride supported on? Where is your conviction?"

Tass: Ashley frowned slightly as Anubis called her a victim, and then frowned a little more at the mamono's question. "Does anybody like being talked down on? Besides that, I'm not even sure what you're asking of me."

RJ: "Ruin was merely pointing out what you were. It's no wonder she was confused when she was hated for stating the obvious. What I want to know, is... Do you want to earn the right to praise?"

Tass: "And just what am I exactly?"

RJ: "A mere human."

Tass: "Well, yes. I am a mere human."

RJ: "And humans are weak. Pathetic. Their bodies are frail, and they struggle with the simplist things. It takes someone great to prove that they're above the norm. Are you looking to be that someone?"

Tass: "Sure."

RJ: Anubis grinned, seeming pleased. "A different answer than Marisa. Perhaps you can do what she couldn't."

Tass: "What did she say?"

RJ: She told me, "Such people are only in fairy tales."

Tass: "That's kinda fatalistic."

RJ: "Hmph, it doesn't matter. She's nothing but a toy now. I will allow you to sit in front of me, and pet my cat." she said, before the tan feline's tail swished about as she stretched out upon hearing herself addressed. "Nyaaa~!" she yawned.

Tass: Ashley glanced at Melpha.

RJ: Melpha nodded. "Anubis is a very powerful, and very old woman, even older than I am. And she has a penis!" she giggled, while Anubis grimaced. "... Was that really the only reason you brought her to me?"

Tass: Ashley shrugged and turned back to Anubis, "Kay." And with that, she strolled over and sat down in front of Anubis, and began to softly stroke the catgirl's head with one hand.

RJ: The Sphinx suddenly flopped herself into Ashley's lap, and went limp, getting comfortable. Meanwhile, Anubis straightened out her legs, before pulling off her panties, revealing a sudden length popping out. Unlike all of the others, her's was more reasonably sized, but still large. A good nine inches pointed up into the air as she looked at Ashley. "I will continue my meditation. Since this is your training, your challenge will be to break my concentration by stimulating me. I will levitate these three orbs around myself." She said, before three silver orbs slowly flew up. "And you must make me drop them."

Tass: After a moment, Ashley nodded and said, "Okay. Are there any restrictions to what I'm allowed to do?"

Tass: "And all three at once, or one at a time?"

RJ: ".... Do not do what Marisa did, and attempt to smash a table over me." Anubis answered her. "And I'll be levitating them all at once"

RJ: "You must make me drop, at least one."

Tass: "Well duh I won't drop a table over you? Why would she... No, nevermind. I don't think I want to know.... I guess that I'm ready." Ashley said. Ashley continued to pet the cat-mamono in her lap as she leaned forward slightly to examine the mamono's member, and then took Anubis cock in her hands and began to stroke it slowly, experimentally. Holding it around the base with one hand, she rubbed one hand all the way up the shaft before tightening her grip, rubbing her fingers more roughly over the last inch or so and the tip.

RJ: Her back straight, Anubis remained in place. Meanwhile, Melpha fetched a timer, and turned it on. "Anubis' meditations last for six hours. She still has four hours left... So that's your time limit!" Melpha announced, trying to voice herself so as to encourage Ashley. Anubis' eyes were closed meanwhile. It was almost as if she were perfectly ignoring her attentions.

Tass: "Four hours?" Ashley asked incredulously, and then began to stroke Anubis more vigorously. Leaning forward, she gave the tip of her cock a light kiss before allowing some of her spit to dribble onto it, which she rubbed over the canine mamono's rod in order to provide lubrication. After getting it nice and slippery, Ashley took the tip into her mouth and began to suckle on it, occasionally allowing pulses of pleasing magic to be transmitted into her partner through her tongue, which rolled over the head slowly. Her strokes started coming more quickly and more vigorously as well, trying to milk an orgasm out of Anubis while watching the mamono's face for any signs of a reaction.

RJ: Taking the tip, and sucking on Anubis, the slow speed of the orbs slowly orbiting around above her head did not change, or falter. And when she proceeded to suck it in, it didn't even twitch. For a few minutes this lasted, before may start to feel as if she were having sex with a statue.

Tass: Unsurprised and undaunted - it was a test after all - Ashley shifted carefully, trying not to disturb the mamono in her lap as she leaned further forward and swallowed Anubis length in a single swift gulp, her right hand squeezing the base while her left slid between Anubis' legs and started rubbing her slit. Ashley remained like that for a moment before slipping a finger into the monster girl's pussy, and also setting up a quick rhythm of bobbing her head, taking her cock from tip to base and stroking it as if she were trying to milk the cum out of it. Her magical assault became far more intense as well, as Ashley started stimulating Anubis whole cock at once using her magic as well as sending tendrils of power into her womanhood, stimulating as many nerves as she could.

RJ: When Ashley dipped her fingers inside, she may be confused to find Anubis was actually fairly excited. Her pussy was wet, and of course, dick was rock hard. However, when she tried her magic next, suddenly, something attacked her threads, and twirled around them, coming from Anubis! Anubis' threads went straight into Ashley, before taking hold as Ashley would find her own threads attacking herself! Anubis remained motionless the whole while, without even a smile as Ashley began to feel her genitals and nipples vibrate, making her body tremble as if powerful vibrators were touched to those three points.

Tass: "Mmm!" Ashley moaned around the length in her mouth, her motions momentarily slowing as she felt her magic get hijacked and turned around on her. There was a moment of panic, but then she started stroking and sucking once again as she shut her eyes tightly, trying to get her magic back under control and maintain her pleasing of Anubis at the same time. Sending more of her own threads, she attempted to pull away those holding hers against her even as her nipples hardened and her nether lips dampened.

RJ: 'Did you honestly think such tricks would work on me?' she hears a voice in her head as she struggles with the threads. Moving on their own, the threads were too strong and bulky for her to grab with her own, as they rushed further, reaching her mind, before Ashley's vision went black, and she faded from the bright and sunny world, and into a dream world. Suddenly finding herself somewhere else, she felt the sensations of a soft bed under her, before looking around to see what seemed to be a polished and well looking egyptian room. Materializing slowly over her, Anubis appeared over her body, looking down on her. For some reason, Ashley's body couldn't move. "You're losing so horribly to me, while I'm not even moving or using naught but a fraction of my power." she said to Ashley. >>

RJ: Moving on her own, Ashley's legs spread as her hands grabbed her legs, spreading herself wide for Anubis. "I've made thousands of human beings my slaves with these magics. For now, you will become one as well." she announced, before putting her hands on Ashley's waist, and aiming her cock for Ashley's ass.

RJ: Briefly, a part of Ashley's subconscious flashed, as she pictured herself kneeling over Anubis' crotch, aiming 'herself' over the ancient mamno to bring her dick into her asshole.

Tass: Ashley, unable to struggle or even to speak due to the magic holding her so suddenly, like nothing she'd ever experienced before, didn't even know what to do. The dream world replacing the real world, and the flash of her subconscious showing her herself leaning over and preparing to take the cock that was already pressed against her ass, Ashley tried to will herself to move, to close her legs and force her mouth to whisper the words; "No... I.... Won't...."

RJ: Ashley's body trembled, and shook, trying to will itself against Anubis. "Admirable." Anubis congratulated Ashley. "Marisa was already pounding herself at this point. But you cannot resist. Your body is now under my control, and you have not the power to will it back. I will break your mind soon. And we still have a lot of time. Once you cum, it's over. Once I bring you to orgasm, that wall you've put up for yourself will shatter, and you will be mine. You cannot hope to last." Anubis announced, before pressing her hips down, and slowly pushing into her ass, while Ashley felt herself lowering her hips, and taking Anubis' whole cock into her rectum.

Tass: Again she tried to resist, and again she failed, but Ashley refused to despair. Deep in her heart, a hatred for Anubis was growing behind the wall of will she had hastily erected to try and regain control of herself, and that hatred was flowering rapidly with every word from the mamono's mouth. She felt the tip, and then the shaft of Anubis rod pressing into her anus, stretching her... Felt herself moan with pleasure and watched as her own eyes rolled up, her body in the dream world and the real world longing for release because of Anubis magic, but her mind refused. Every fibre of her tensed, her body from pleasure and her mind from rage, as she tried to regain control of herself, or at least to keep herself from cumming.

RJ: Building up such rage, Ashley suddenly felt it pop like a bubble, before her body suddenly moved on it's own, leaning up from the bed, and reaching out before her hands met with Anubis', and locked fingers with Anubis still inside her ass. The world itself seemed to shift... The weight of the world turned, before it was suddenly her above Anubis, with the tan woman on the bed, and Ashley sticking her cock inside her ass. "Arrogant, trying to take over my body!? You think you can over power me...!?" Anubis snarled, before the world went dark once more, and a dozen bandages suddenly lunged forth, and began wrapping around Ashley, binding her body like a mummy, restricting her, leaving exposed her breasts and crotch. Completely unable to move, she felt Anubis' power going up to the next level, now making it seem impossible to move. >>

RJ: Meanwhile, her body in the real world stopped moving, her back to the ground, facing up to the sky with her eyes closed... But slowly, her legs moved, and lifted her ass up along the length still inside her, starting to move once again, while she felt Anubis grabbing her mummified body from behind, hugging her body, and thrusting into her ass.

Tass: To say that Ashley was completely lost to what was going on was an understatement, but at the moment she simply didn't care. Suddenly rising dominantly over Anubis, she let out a howl of rage and began pounding into her before the vision changed, Anubis exerting yet more power as she was bound in linens like a mummy, her crotch and her breasts exposed. Once again she watched from outside her own body as her real body shuddered and started to move once again, impaling itself onto Anubis rod even as the dream Anubis grabbed her and shoved her rod into Ashley's ass. And, once more, the anger growing in her chest bloomed brightly as she fought tooth and nail to force herself to move, to utter the words; "Fuck.... You...." Though, if she succeeded, it was likely that they would come out muffled anyway. There was no restraint on her part as she fought to squirm free of Anubis control, and resist the sensations that her body wished her to surrender to.

RJ: "Now you're starting to sound more like Marisa." Anubis giggled. "Are you angry that you are no match for me? So was she. You must hate me so much, you must desire to quit this training and be rid of such mean, mean people like me and Ruin upsetting you. Just say, "I give up," and you won't have to tolerated anymore... I promise~!" Anubis announced to Ashley. Though she couldn't see, she could almost feel Anubis' evil grin.

Tass: "Go. Fuck. Your. Self." Ashley grunted, straining as she refused to give in.

RJ: Ashley felt a paw pet her along the head. "Are we developing a limited vocabulary? Hehehe... I'll let you off the hook... Let's see if you return to it." she announced, before all of the bandages flew off of Ashley's body, and Anubis retreated from her mind and body. Suddenly thrown back into the real world, Ashley found herself on her back, with her legs spread around Anubis' hips, and Anubis' length in her ass as the lupine woman remained as she was before: still, and unmoving.

Tass: Ashley blinked back tears of strain as she came back to the real world, and then glared at Anubis and rolled away from her. "Now I know why she took a table to your head! Too bad I'm not dumb enough to try that myself," she grunted angrily, and then glanced back at Anubis cock, and then at Melpha if she was still present.

RJ: Melpha was laying on the ground with Sphinx sitting over her, fanning her and trying to provide shade. "She hates all of them..." Melpha whimpered on the ground. "E-everything's gonna be okay!" Sphinx insisted.

Tass: "You think that what she just did to me is NOT something to get angry about?" Ashley spat incredulously

Tass: Without bothering to wait for an answer Ashley batted at one of the floating orbs experimentally

RJ: The orbs lifted slightly up, out of Ashley's reach when she tried to go for them.

Tass: "Big surprise. Is this even worth my time?" Ashley grumbled and turned back to Melpha(was brushing my teeth)

RJ: "Ashley... Please... Have a little patience..." Melpha sounded almost ready to cry over the ordeal.

Tass: "What are you so damned distressed about? You didn't have the sicko worming around in your head and threatening to enslave you a minute ago!"

RJ: "I do it all the time with Anubis...!"
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Tass: Again, without waiting for an answer, Ashley knelt in front of Anubis again, spat rather venomously onto the mamono's cock, and started stroking her again.

Tass: Ashley froze at that, and then twitched for several seconds before resuming her motions. She very pointedly did not say anything further as she spat on Anubis member, cleaning it before taking it back into her mouth and then slipping her hands down. Without any teasing of any kind, Ashley hammered two fingers into both of the mamono's holes, her pussy and her ass, and she started grinding her teeth over her shaft as well.

RJ: One of the orbs came down and lightly bopped against Ashley's head as she began to use her teeth on her shaft, before lifting back up and joining the others. Otherwise, Anubis made no move, motionless to let Ashley continue while expressing her displeasure for using her teeth.

Tass: With that, Ashley pulled her mouth off of Anubis cock and spat on it again, just as venomously as before, and then went back to it and stopped using her teeth.

RJ: Continuing her motions, Ashley felt Anubis' length give a twitch. And both her holes tensed a bit, but for just a moment. The orb's speeds increased slightly during that momentary twitch, signaling the slightest bit of weakness for Ashley to prey upon. Over time, it happened sooner, and sooner, until the orbs were rotating quite fast. "Thirty minutes..." Melpha announced, looking at the clock. She was starting to come close to running out of time, but at the same time, Anubis was getting close to cumming as well.

Tass: Ashley's jaw ached. Her arms ached. Tears streamed from her eyes, which continued to gaze up at Anubis with a look of such blatant hatred that she might have been trying to set the mamono on fire with her gaze. Ashley had no desire to make the mamono orgasm, to give her pleasure of any kind even. But still she continued, deep throating and licking her cock and pounding her fingers with all of her waning strength into Anubis' holes. She added a third finger to each hole, wriggling her digits against any sensitive spot that she had found in her longer working. She even gave her magic another shot, though she doubted that it would end well.

RJ: Her magics coming forth found enough of their mark to bring about the orgasm Anubis was building up to for so long. Suddenly, Ashley felt Anubis' cum filling her mouth, while her juices began to coat her fingers. Tensing up as she came, a single orb suddenly dropped to the ground, before the rest fell as well. Letting out a sigh, Anubis fell back onto the grass, looking rather exhausted.

Tass: Ashley pulled her mouth and hands away as soon as the orc drop, spitting the mamono's release onto her rather than swallowing it, glaring at her for a second, and then got up, got her shorts on, walked over to Melpha, and said in a completely neutral tone; "I need someplace to wash up."

RJ: Standing up, Melpha nodded at Ashley with a sad look on her face, before quietly leading her into the house and to a washroom.

Tass: Ashley cleaned off her hands, and her face quite thoroughly, and then came back up and asked; "What was that supposed to teach me exactly?"

RJ: For a time, Melpha stood there, silent, and with her eyes to the floor. After a moment, she replied. "Patience."

Tass: "Were the mind games supposed to teach me patience too?"

RJ: Melpha slowly nodded. "They were meant to frustrate you... To test how well your mind could remain calm. The test began only when you entered Anubis' mind... When you fell to the ground... That was a sign that you lost your concentration... And just... Got angry."

Tass: "But I didn't lose my concentration. Anubis yanked my magic out of my control and turned it on me, and then wormed her way into my head."

Tass: "You might think that's hot. You might think that's acceptable. But I don't. I think being insulted, raped, and threatened with enslavement is the exact opposite of arousing."

RJ: Melpha shook her head sadly. "... I'm sorry. I don't think it's alright either. The struggle... Is what I like. I wanted to teach you how to win those struggles, to not lose when a mamono like anubis uses those techniques on you... But..." Melpha shuddered, seeming to be holding emotion in. "... I'm sorry..."

Tass: "No, by all means. Be as straight with me as I am with you. Don't bottle it up."

RJ: "I didn't want you to end up like Marisa one day..." Melpha said, folding her hands in front of herself as a few tears began to stream down her face.

Tass: "Well. Thank you for that, I suppose. I understand that your intentions were good... But that was still not enjoyable in the slightest. If you had simply told me that you were preparing me to be raped, I might have taken it a little better...."

RJ: "Something like rape... It really wasn't... Not when you consider..." Melpha cleared her throat. "... Nevermind... You can just... Have normal... Sex... Just make sure to stay away from aggressive mamono..."

Tass: "Consider what?"

RJ: "You're not from this world, this I understand... So of course... You would have such issues..."

Tass: "Whatever. Now that I understand the nature of the lessons, I will expect not to enjoy any of them, so you may continue as planned."

RJ: What Ashley just said seemed to come out as heavy weights, and crush down onto Melpha from above as the woman's body sank forward. "Ashley..." she said her name sadly, before turning and stepping away quickly, bringing an arm up to her face.

Tass: Ashley walked around Melpha and smiled slightly at her, "Honestly, I'm fine with it Melpha, and I appreciate your help."

RJ: "I'm not going to punish you with this training! It was enjoyable for me when I was young, even when i would lose! But watching you suffer and hate is more than I'm willing to bear! Y-you're... Just... A human... Just like Marisa... And It's my fault for trying to treat you like an immortal. I'm sorry!"

Tass: "Just a human huh.... Well, yes. Anubis said that too. But as I have no choice but to live as a second class citizen here since I can't go home, I'll just have to do so. With or without your training. Which do you think I'd be better off with?"

RJ: "This training is meant to be enjoyed... Please stop with this! You know what I want! I'd prefer the best option for you! I'm tired of that ugly, horrible expression of hate on your face! I've seen it on my kin when they banished me, and it doesn't belong on you!"

Tass: Ashley, who had been smiling for the last few moments, frowned slightly and sighed. "If you want me to quit, then fine. I'll learn on my own, up until I get enslaved for real by another monster like Anubis."

RJ: Melpha suddenly reached out, and put her hands on Ashley's shoulders, and shouted, crying, "STOP! Stop... Stop talking like this... Why can't you... Just find something to make you happy? I thought it would have been this, it's why I invited you! The training was to not only protect you, but make it all pleasurable and fun! Why can't you understand that!?"

Tass: "Yuin was fun. Ruin, Anubis, and (insert the ninja's name here) were not. The last one wasn't terrible... Except that I was unconscious for the better part of an afternoon. I can't understand why you would think that being overpowered and called pathetic and worthless would be pleasurable or fun for me. And I have plenty of things that make me happy here."

RJ: Melpha shook her head, about to speak again, before she turned her head to look at the way they came, from the door that opened. Wet, and looking fairly dirty, Ruin stood with a strange bell shaped fruit in her paws. "I'm home." she said flatly. "Ruin..." Melpha called her name out, her eyes identifying the fruit, seeming to know what it is. Walking forward, Ruin stepped towards Ashley, before handing her the fruit. "Overpowering you wasn't fun. When we tell our cubs that they are pathetic and weak, as I was told, I only got stronger until I was not. I want to mate with you, Ashley, and enjoy doing it. So get strong," she offered the fruit again. "Get strong, so we can compete with each other."

RJ: "Ashley, that's a siren fruit... I... I don't know how Ruin got it... But it's a fruit that binds a mamono and human together, like marriage."

RJ: "Please accept it, Ashley... Ruin... She must have gone through a lot to get it for you."

Tass: Ashley watched the exchange, and listened to Ruin's explanation completely impassively, her face betraying no emotion. "You... Want to mate with me?" She asked, "Why?"

RJ: "You smell good." Ruin stated simply.

Tass: "That's it?"

RJ: "And you aren't afraid of me. I like... Strong people. So I want you to get strong. And... Playing... Was fun..."

Tass: "Why should I be afraid of you? Of anyone here?" Ashley said, and then took the fruit and eyed it curiously, "This won't do anything to me, will it?"

Tass: "And shouldn't you be giving this to Melpha?"

RJ: "I already did." she stated. "I mate with her all the time... But... She cannot bear children... But you can... So... I want to raise strong children with you. If you eat that fruit... You will get stronger... And we will become connected if we share it."

Tass: "You know I'm trying to fix that, right?"

RJ: Ruin lowered her head, her arms lowering as well with the fruit. "... Never... Mind..." Ruin said slowly, before turning and slowly walking away.

Tass: "Ruin.... Wait!" Ashley said exasperatedly, "How do we share it?"

RJ: "...?" Ruin gave Ashley a strange look. "... I... Eat half..." she said slowly.

Tass: Ashley ate half of the fruit, and then gave the other half to Ruin and waited expectantly.

RJ: Taking the fruit as well, Ruin did seem a little startled when Ashley ate half of it. And once she did, she felt a strange surge of energy flow through her. Her whole body felt vibrant, and lighter than air. Taking the fruit as well, Ruin ate the fruit quickly, before Ashley felt that vibrant connection extend, and reach out... Until even if she closed her eyes, she could feel where Ruin was. This connection... Was strangely erotic, making Ashley a little excited. "This fruit... For a while... Will let you be strong enough to have sex with me..." Ruin said, her erection already growing from her body in excitement, clearly seen as she was clearly naked.

Tass: Ashley breathed in slowly, shutting her eyes as she felt her body thrum with energy... And then felt Ruin eat the other half, and form the connection between them, strangely turned on by it. Opening her eyes and glancing at Ruin at her words, Ashley smirked slightly. "I would ask if you want to... But it seems like it would be wasted breath." she said softly, "And I have a feeling I won't have much of that to spare pretty soon~" she cooed suggestively as she pulled off her clothes.

RJ: Ruin nodded to Ashley, her canine length erect and throbbing, pointing towards Ashley as if it was a little radar pointing to it's destination. "You will be pleased this time," Ruin promised, assertively stepping towards Ashley.

Tass: (Aren't they in a hallway? :p ) "We'll see," Ashley said suggestively, a smirk on her face.

RJ: (Yup, Ruin's a dog who doesn't care too much)

Tass: "Perhaps someplace more comfortable would be in order?"

RJ: Ruin stopped, and tilted her head. "You mean... Like, under the sun?"

Tass: (I thought it was raining? Ruin came in all wet.) "Errr..... I meant more like someplace soft, but I guess that could work!"

RJ: (She just went through about every element one could reasonably pass through. Rivers, mud, sand, dirt, etc)

Tass: (Ahhh)
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: "This is Ashley's treat, the bed is this way," Melpha insisted, before Ruin beamed, her tail wagging. "The bed...!" she announced, apparently excited, before Melpha suddenly said, "After you take a quick bath!" At which point, Ruin's happy expression faded into one of dread. Suddenly turning, it seemed Ruin was about to flee from Melpha, before Melpha somehow picked the heavy werewolf up in her arms, and began to carry her down the hallway while Ashley heard the canine whining the whole way. "A bed is available down the hall, fifth door on the right! We'll only be a moment!" Melpha announced.

Tass: Ashley couldn't help but giggle at Ruin's sudden look of dread at the word "bath" and she nodded affirmatively to Melpha. "Kay, I'll be waiting." With that, she went exactly where Melpha had instructed her to and, after taking a look around, disrobed completely.

RJ: After a considerable time, about half an hour, Ashley would hear Melpha returning. When the large woman stepped in, she was holding a huge towel, with Ruin inside it, all wrapped up inside of it with only her face and doggy ears sticking out. Melpha was kissing Ruin on the forehead while Ashley could see from afar how Ruin was trembling. Set down gently on the bed, Ruin immediately squirmed out of the towel, and began to shake wildly. A light spray of water got on Ashley as Ruin's fur puffed out, now mostly dried. The best part though, was that Ruin actually had an appealing scent coming from her, instead of a repulsive one.

Tass: Ashley giggled again as Ruin shook the water out of her fur, wiping away the drops that got on her, and then laughed out loud when her fur puffed up so quickly like that. The reversal of the wolf girl's normal heavy scent was a moderate relief, but Ashley didn't comment on it. Instead, she said; "Are you ready?"

RJ: Ruin looked over to where Ashley was, and seemed to grow instantly excited. Her cock sprouting from within her body in a matter of a few seconds. "When I focus on your scent... It's impossible not to be." said Ruin. "Your scent... Is always so powerful..."

Tass: "Well then," Ashley said as she rolled over onto her belly and raised her bottom, putting her pink petals on display. Glancing over her shoulder, she smirked at Ruin and wiggled her butt invitingly.

RJ: Ruin was to her in an instant. She felt Ruin's nose push against her petals, and take a good sniff of her scent, which made Ruin shudder with arousal. Taken by how alluring Ashley was, she began to lick at Ashley's pussy with her tongue as if Ashley's butt was suddenly a delicious treat. It wasn't long before her petals were dripping wet with Ruin's own saliva, if nothing else.

Tass: Ashley let out a soft moan as she felt Ruin's tongue against her folds, and continued to do so as the werewolf licked at her sex aggressively. Her juices started to flow quickly, giving Ruin a taste of what she found so alluring.

RJ: "Don't look so submissive," Ruin said from Ashley's butt, before her paws tucked under Ashley's breast, and pulled her up. "When I press down on you... If you manage to resist my force and stay up like this..." Ruin said breathlessly with arousal. "It will be... Very... Exciting..." she said slowly, before her tongue dipped into Ashley's folds to taste where her nectar was coming from. Once she was satisfied... Ruin moved forward, raising her upper body, before Ashley felt Ruin come down with her heavy weight, just like before.... But unlike before, Ashley felt as if she could easily support Ruin on top of her. She could feel as if Ruin was trying to push her down with her terrifying force, but with the effects she was under, she felt able to withstand Ruin's force as the werewolf's fat breasts pancaked against her back, and the tip of her canine cock pressed against Ashley's pussy.

Tass: "Would you prefer me on top?" Ashley asked lightly, and then rose up onto her hands at Ruin's insistence, nodding at her words. She wondered why exactly that was, but decided against asking as she felt the mamono's tongue dipping into her folds and lapping up her nectar, causing her to let out another light moan. She tensed slightly as Ruin pulled away and climbed onto her, pressing her somehow magnified weight onto Ashley's back, but to her slight surprise the effects of the fruit allowed her to take it. When she felt Ruin's member pressed against her folds at last, Ashley gave a slight shudder and then a moan as she suddenly took the initiative and pressed back against it, impaling herself onto Ruin's length as her wet pussy easily took all of it in.

RJ: Then it began. Just like before, Ruin began thrusting with wild, fast, and powerful thrusts, her crotch slapping against Ashley's ass loudly as her dick pounded into Ashley's pussy like a jackhammer. Again, Ashley was somehow not overwhelmed. Instead, she found herself able to thrust back against Ruin with the exact same speed, taking control of the love making. Every once of the insane pleasure was still present, however, though rather than cum in a matter of moments... Ashley would feel confident that she could take this savage sex for a thousand times longer! "I can feel it..." Ruin breathed as she thrusted into Ashley. "It feels so good, your strength... The thought that I may lose out to you..." Ruin pondered, but only seemed extremely turned on by the fact that Ashley may display more experience than her with the aid of the fruit. Making her feelings known, Ruin lovingly rubbed the side of her face against Ashley's, moaning as Ashley gripped her cock tightly inside of her pussy.

Tass: She could take it. Ruin was as savage and powerful as before, pounding into her pussy so rapidly that Ashley could barely keep up with it, but thanks to the fruit, she could take it. And what's more, she could give back. Her eyes gleamed as Ruin spoke into her ear and nuzzled against her face, and she began to add slight rolls to her return thrusts as her sex began to rhythmically tighten, "Not may!" she whispered between the slight gasps of pleasure caused by Ruin's vigorous thrusting, "Will!" And then Ashley began to use her magic to attack Ruin's pleasure center's, as she had practiced so often before on Jace.

RJ: Ashley felt her available magic feel as if it had increased tenfold in power. As such, she attacked Ruin with overwhelming force, even if she didn't mean to. "Aaaah!" Ruin cried out. "Almost as strong as Melpha's... Impossible...!" Ruin moaned. In that single moment, it was clear Ashley was not the pathetic one. Ashley's own thrusts back remained at their pace while Ruin was getting slower, getting overwhelmed. "I'm going to cum..." Ruin whined, before the weight pressing down on Ashley vanished, and now felt as if Ruin was weakly laying on her while the human girl underneath her pounded her own ass against Ruin's crotch. If she wanted to now, Ashley could easily push Ruin over and get on top to finish her off, or just finish her off in her own comfort zone.

Tass: Surprised momentarily by her own strength, Ashley didn't immediately reply as she continued to buck her hips back rapidly, trying not to flounder as Ruin suddenly fell out of rhythm with her. Grinning slightly at Ruin's announcement, she said; "Then cum! Cum inside me!" The differing paces awkward in doggy style, Ashley suddenly straightened and arched her back upwards, rising up off of her hands and instead placing them behind her and onto Ruin's hips while her sex held onto Ruin's cock. Holding her all the way inside, Ashley began to tighten her inner walls around the werewolf's cock rhythmically as if attempting to milk out her seed using only her inner walls, leaving the tip pressed against her cervix. The magical assault continued as well, gradually growing stronger even as Ashley got used to her increased magical strength.

RJ: Holding onto Ashley's hands as she was gripped, Ruin accepted her circumstance, bucking up into Ashley as her eyes closed in bliss. "Cumming..." Ruin whispered, before Ashley felt Ruin's knot slip inside her, and begin to grow and fatten. It fattened so quickly that Ashley felt herself immediately locked on Ruin's cock as her pussy was stretched inside to make it impossible for her to remove it safely. Even so, Ashley experienced no pain. She was too strong for that. Though once Ruin's cock got fat enough, their slight movements caused her to come to orgasm. Ruin began to release thick streams of her cum inside Ashley.

RJ: None escaped from the knot, so the result was Ashley's belly beginning to bloat from the excess semen filling her pussy and womb. Getting fatter, and fatter, and fatter... Ashley soon looked nine months pregnant. And Ruin looked like she let out an extreme amount of pressure from within. Stuck like that, Ruin gave light tugs, trying to pull her cock out, causing all the semen still inside Ashley to slosh about inside of her, but the knot seemed like it was going to be stuck for a while...

Tass: "I... Don't think it's going... Anywhere..." Ashley panted, the massive amount of cum now stored inside of her causing her some slight discomfort when it sloshed around. She was still recovering from her own orgasm, triggered by the final swelling of the werewolf's massive knot, which now remained locked into her depths as it served its purpose, keeping Ruin locked inside of her. "You were... Really pent up..." she muttered, patting her engorged belly.

RJ: "I... I've been saving... For you..." Ruin panted breathlessly. After a couple of tugs, Ashley heard a loud, wet noise as Ruin's knot popped from her pussy, following a torrent of her semen pouring out from her cunny. The cum from Ruin came out from Ashley in glob after glob of sticky, smelly semen. Giggling, Melpha took a large goblet, and collected a full serving of semen while the rest spilled out everywhere all over the bed. As Ruin fell back onto the bed, relieved and exhausted, Melpha held up the goblet of cum to Ashley. "Care to do the honors? Or is this too extreme for you?" Melpha asked with a wink. She looked ready to down it herself.

Tass: Ashley let out a relieved sigh, but then realized that she was making a mess all over the bed. Just as she made to move, however, she saw Melpha stick a goblet under her, collecting up some of Ruin's seed, and then offered it to her. Ashley hesitated for a moment, more surprised than anything else, before taking the goblet. "Not at all! I've actually done this before," she said, and then downed it slowly and smoothly, getting a good taste of each gulp of Ruin's sperm before swallowing it down. Once she had drained the goblet Ashley let out a sigh, "It just wasn't all from one guy~ And Ruin makes a lot more!"

RJ: "Wow! I'll have to hear that story some time." Melpha said upon hearing Ashley had done it before, and with multiple men providing it. "But... I'm happy." she said suddenly, taking the goblet away once Ashley had consumed all of Ruin's semen into her gullet, and hugging Ashley tight against her huge breasts. "You got to feel the same pleasure I do. Only through the training is this possible... And you can enjoy every mamono... No matter how high and mighty they might claim to be."

Tass: "Thanks~" Ashley said, hugging her back, "Only because of YOUR training you mean~" Then she blushed slightly, "It isn't much of a story..."

RJ: "Was it... Bad?" Melpha inquired with worry.

Tass: "Oh no! Not at all, there's just not much to tell. I was in Germany on spring break freshmen year, and I got plastered. The video's on the internet I think...."

Tass: "Hanz was nice enough to give me a copy!"

RJ: "Germany... The internet? Plastered...?" Melpha inquired, suddenly completely lost.

Tass: "It's a country where I'm from.... The internet.... Uhhh, I'll explain that in detail some other time, but it's like a repository of knowledge that can be accessed anywhere at anytime by anyone, basically, you just need to have a computer and to know how to find what you want. And plastered means that I was really drunk! Though, I got a very different kind of plastered that night too, now that I think about it... Heh."

RJ: Melpha was silent for a time, before smiling and raising her hands. "Anyway!" she skipped right over the subject. "The magic's effects will wear off soon, so you can't take on the world anymore. Tomorrow, Ruin will likely just crush you again, so be mindful of your limits."

Tass: "I will, I knew this was a one time thing... Until I can handle it on my own at any rate."

RJ: "Good. The training will continue so long as you're willing, and you'll be able to have sex with even a giant one day!"

Tass: "Alright! I'll be back next weekend, but uh.... There was something I wanted to ask you. How do I go up in rank?"

RJ: "All you have to do is sign up for a Ranked battle." Melpha announced. "You'll face other hopefuls first, and the winner of the finals gets to face the IMA Rank Representative of that branch"

RJ: "For instance, if you were Rank B, you'd have to face me, Valdis, Irelia, and Roan."

RJ: "One at a time, of course."

Tass: "Oh, that sounds pretty rough, even one at a time! Who do I have to face for my rank? Uhh, E, right?"

RJ: "Mmm, only one person. A Tanuki by the name of Gobu."

Tass: "...Gobu? Tanuki?"

RJ: "A raccoon spirit mamono with a rather evil disposition. Her kind is infamous for swindling people and tricking them."

Tass: "Oh.... I guess I'll have to watch out for her then."

RJ: "She is likely to not fight fair. Indeed, you must be careful."

RJ: (Wait, I fucked up, I decided it'd be Envy)

RJ: (Gobu is her mamono)

Tass: (lol)

RJ: "Oh, and Gobu's trainer is Envy. I forgot to mention that."

Tass: "Okay... Well, I guess I'll see how things go! Thanks Melpha," Ashley said, and hugged the larger woman again

RJ: Melpha hugged back, squeezed a little of Ashley's ass, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Tass: Ashley returned both favors with a smirk, but before she got dressed and left she asked; "How do I sign up for one of those? Do I have to go and talk to Venice?"

RJ: "Venice, or whoever's helping walk-in's at the time," Melpha nodded.

Tass: "Okie dokie!"

RJ: "So... Are you heading out then?"

Tass: "I suppose so... I have a feeling that I'm going to be really tired by the time this fruit wears off."

RJ: "You'll be fine, it's effects aren't that extreme." Melpha informed her.

Tass: "Ahhh, okies!"

RJ: "Hi, Melpha?" a man's voice called out, before a youth with leather armor and sword stepped in curiously. He looked like a hero from a video game. "You were right, I'm having trouble... With mamono... So... I could use training, I suppose." he announced. Melpha immediately looked to Ashley with a glint in her eye, as if Ashley would make good practice.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Best summary of events ever (due to my losing of logs from ages ago.)
hme220: Ashley's preggers with Deagan's daughter, she met Isabella Queen, got a quest to help Stool with her test and is psuedo married to her, got a quest to go out and fight some imps, who are able to knock Ashley up if she loses
hme220: she fought Envy
hme220: she leveld her mamono up a little, and is now class D
hme220: and is now having ye victory party
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Claire, Roan, Venice, and Melpha's stable of men as well as everyone else were gathered at Ashley's ranch to celebrate her victory and graduation in rank. Claire was the first to chime, and demand treats, while Melpha joined Ashley in the kitchen privately.

Tass: Bustling into the kitchen, Ashley turned towards Melpha and grinned. "Here to help?"

RJ: Melpha nodded with a grin, before she waved her finger. Some magic obviously happened, but it was difficult to say what. "Indeed. Venice has millions of little threads poking everywhere. I just had to tamper with a few~"

Tass: "Oooh, fancy. I take it you've guessed what I'm gonna do then? I can't imagine you objecting."

RJ: "No objections~" she giggled. "Besides, Venice never has enough 'fun' these days~"

Tass: "Well, I'll certainly try to change that~" Ashley said, as she carefully diced the eros fruit into the fruit salad she'd made earlier. "Dibs on her by the way," she added, lifting the other fruit she'd acquired on her little bonding session with Demeter, the one that would gift her with a penis. "Think you can distract Roan?"

RJ: "Of course, dear~" Melpha giggled. "Roan is a simple girl, she will answer my temptation~"

Tass: "Awesome!" Ashley said, before carrying out the fruit salad and setting it into the center of the table, helping herself to a little as she said; "Dig in!"

RJ: Everyone immediately began to eat, all except Venice, who's mind seemed elsewhere as she stared at the table, not even at the salad.

Tass: "Oi, Venice!" Ashley said, making a bowl for her and carrying it over. "I wouldn't have gotten this far without all of your support. Try and have a good time, yeah?"

RJ: Venice gave a start, looking at Ashley with a blank expression, before she nodded and gave a courtesy smile. "Ah... Yes. I apologize... Nothing seems to be wrong..." she hummed thoughtfully.

Tass: "Of course nothing's wrong!" Ashley said cheerfully, "Now have a bite with me!" She pushed the bowl toward the half-vampire before eating some more of her own.

RJ: Venice laughed, "Of course, how rude of me." she said, before grabbing her fork in her hand, lifting it, and pressing the tip into the salad, some of the eros juice dripping from the portion on the fork, mixed in so no eye could identify it, before she lifted the fork, and brought it to her lips... Before she suddenly stopped, her eyes staring at the bite blankly.

Tass: Chewing, Ashley mumbled; "Something wrong?"

RJ: Venice said nothing for a moment, before turning, smiling. "No. I'm just overthinking a minor disturbance." she answered, before she took the portion of salad on her fork into her mouth, and chewing quietly.

Tass: "Kay." Ashley said, smiling brightly. She finished her salad rather quickly, and then sat back and waited, not yet going for the euros fruit in her pocket.

RJ: Everyone ate and made light conversation... But it wasn't long before the room began to feel hot. Everyone began to look bothered, and not too much longer was Ashley's plan coming into play. Melpha intercepted Roan right away. Facing each other, the minotaur scooped her right up in her arms in a mock bear hug, and Melpha moaned as she slammed her cock in easily. Sparkle caught a weakened Poppy as well, who also dined, and began toying with the fairy in her mouth. And while everyone went at each other, Venice placed a hand to her forehead, leaning on her elbow on the table, while Ashley could hear the vampire develop labored breathing, her cheeks fairly red from excitement.

Tass: Casually, Ashley pulled out the euros fruit and munched on it, watching Melpha and Roan go at it enthusiastically together while leaning gently against Venice. "Looks like fun, doesn't it?" she offered casually, at least as horny as the rest but fairly used to hiding it at that point. "Roan's still a little too big though..." she remarked further, keeping her tone conversational.

RJ: "You..." Venice murmured quietly. "You couldn't have... Alone..." she replied, while Ashley felt a stirring in her loins, as the more she ate of the Euros fruit, the more she felt a bulge growing from her genitals.

Tass: "Couldn't have what?" she asked quietly, as she downed the whole of the euros fruit. "I'll admit, I had help... From someone you've probably already guessed. But I won't cause any harm by it, so don't worry! Just relax a bit and enjoy yourself." she admitted freely, figuring that it would be best not to lie to Venice. One hand began to casually caress the half-vampire's lower back as she watched the orgy ensue, glancing about for Stool and Tiki, and then Deagan and Demeter, before peeking over at Sparkle again to make sure that she hadn't swallowed Poppy.

RJ: Tiki was on her front, bending over the table, with Stool on top of her. The young minotaur was hugging the cow girl passionately, their cheeks pressing together while Stool brought her hips up and down to drive her dick in and out passionately while she whispered to Tiki, who was moaning and crying out with pleasure. "Y-you're so beautiful Tiki!" she announced. Meanwhile, Deagan was trying to be assertive with Demeter, but Demeter suddenly threw herself at him, slamming into him and wrapping her arms and legs around him as he stumbled back before falling into a chair, at which point she quickly got his cock out before thrusting herself down upon it with need. And finally, Sparkle's cheeks were fat and her lips sealed as she moaned with delight as something was squirming around inside of her mouth.

RJ: Meanwhile, Venice arched her back from Ashley's touch, finally moaning as some mental barrier she had up was shaken from her touch. "No one can know!" Venice announced, squirming while trying to contain herself. "My image... My respect... I mustn't let the people... Know I was like this...!"

Tass: "You know where you live, right?" Ashley asked dryly, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. And I'll make sure none of my people tell anyone else either. We can go over to my room for a little privacy if it makes you more comfortable~" Ashley offered quietly, gradually getting closer until she whispered her lewd offer into Venice's ear, after which she gave her a soft kiss on the nape of her neck.

RJ: Venice moaned with need upon Ashley's kiss, before nodding. "Privacy... Would be best..." she announced, before Venice suddenly moved with supernatural speed, grabbing Ashley, and suddenly within her room in under a second as all she saw was a flash before Ashley was on her back on the bed while Venice began to return the favor, moaning with need as she kissed Ashley's neck while unbuttoning her red shirt.

Tass: Ashley blinked in surprise and gasped when she was suddenly grabbed, and then found herself in her room an instant later. She didn't let that bother her at all, however, as she felt Venice's lips on her neck, and allowed herself to finally submit to the lust that had been threatening to drive her mad for the last couple of minutes. Letting out a moan of her own, Ashley's hands started roaming over Venice's body for a moment before they got to work stripping off her own clothing, starting with her top and working her way down.

RJ: Quickly tossing their clothes aside, they were both nude in moments while still writhing together in blind lust. Venice lay flat atop Ashley, pressing her lower lips to Ashley's futanari length that had grown, not questioning it's existance at all, instead merely lightly moving her lips to kiss against the upper part of her length. Teasing only for a moment, Venice rose up, and laid Ashley's length flat against her crotch, before Venice pressed her lips to her length, and letting out a lustful gasp as she began to thrust her hips, sliding herself up and down along her cock while her small breasts, barely enough to fill Ashley's cupped hand, bounced freely.

Tass: Feeling her excited, fully grown cock rubbing against Venice's dripping sex, Ashley moaned softly and reached up to cup the vampire's breasts while kissing Venice deeply. When her partner rose, she expected to feel thsoe slick folds slide over her length, but instead Venice laid the cock against Ashley's belly and began to rub her slit against it, causing Ashley to moan needily for a moment before the pleasure of Venice's grinding really sunk in. There was no more whining after that, and Ashley pushed her hips back up against Venice while moaning softly into her mouth, her groping hands growing more adventurous as the squeezed her small breasts.

RJ: Venice moaned and seemed either embarrassed or annoyed over Ashley seeking her less impressive chest, but didn't react to it physically as she continued to grind, quickly making her length wet with her love juices. Once the grinding became not enough, Venice leaned forward, letting Ashley's length free from underneath, before bringing her lips to Ashley's tip.

Tass: Sensing Venice's displeasure, Ashley slowly trailed her hands down until they rested on her hips, which occurred just when Venice shifted and lined herself up. Grinning, Ashley let out an eager moaned and slowly shifted her hips up while also pulling down, leaving her first thrust up into Venice gentle but then letting the half-breed decide on their pace after that.

RJ: Venice wrapped her arms around Ashley's neck, and rested her head to the side of Ashley's face, holding her like that as she moaned from Ashley's initial thrust into her, where she'd find that in all her years, Venice was at least not a virgin. Venice set the pace herself rather quickly, driving her hips up and down rather quickly, making sure that her outer lips touched Ashley up to her tip before coming back down, while driving the bed to wobble back and forth with each motion.

Tass: The familiar sound of her bed rocking with multiple occupants only caused Ashley's grin to widen, and considering that she had Venice's tight flower taking in her cock, an entirely unfamilair but incredibly enjoyable experience, that meant that her smile was pretty wide indeed. Moaning lewdly into Venice's ear, Ashley bucked up into her partner's sex before settling back down, allowing Venice to lift herself and start the motion back down before Ashley thrust up into her. Keeping time with Venice with practiced ease, Ashley gave a soft giggle before enacting her magic, tendrils of pleasure suddenly constricting around Venice's clitoris and causing her even more pleasure, assuming the more powerful magic user didn't stop her somehow of course. Moaning, she grasped the back of

Tass: Venice's head in one hand and held her as they coupled, gently directing her lips towards Ashley's neck.

RJ: Venice let out a sudden cry as her clitoris was snared, "Melpha's cursed magic!" she cried as if familiar with such weavings, before the pleasure became too much and Venice's thrusts became deeper and faster. She moaned into Ashley's neck, Ashley's knowledge from Melpha pleasing her quite well as Ashley would know as a fellow woman, that her climax was approaching quite rapidly

Tass: Ashley's pleasurable magic hadn't started at its maximum intensity, but it was towards that peak that Ashley slowly brought it as Venice's thrusts became more intense. Driving her hips up into the other woman as she felt herself also on the verge of cumming, Ashley moaned and suddenly went for broke, the one hand gripping Venice's hip tightening and pulling downwards as she began to pound up into the half-vampire with as much power as she could, spreading some of her weaving from Venice's clit to her inner walls as her throbbing member began to throb inside of Venice, warning of its intending release. Unless she pulled off, Venice would feel her own orgasm joined by a throb and a sudden rush of hot, warm goo as Ashley came deep inside, pumping ropes of cum up into Venice's folds.

RJ: Venice pounded back against Ashley with speed that soon became beyond that of a human's limits, until she was groaning and shouting loudly with lust, moving so fast that Ashley was brought to her peak with amazing speed while Venice's folds suddenly tightened around her with powerful squeezes, making her orgasm intensified so greatly that her vision blurred as she pumped her seed inside the half-vampire.

Tass: "Oohhhhhh..... Fucccccckkkk!!!!" Ashley screamed lewdly as Venice suddenly began to pound faster than she could keep up with, leaving her unable to do anything other than lie there and use her magic. Her orgasm came quickly and explosively, the unfamilair sensation nonetheless wonderful as she pumped stream after stream of jissm deep into Venice's body. After she had emptied herself, Ashley laid back with a sigh and groaned; "So that's why men like this so much~"

RJ: Panting in the afterglow, Ashley suddenly heard Venice whispering in her ear. "You will never... Ever... Speak of this... To anyone..."

Tass: "Nope~ Promise!" Ashley said quietly, but still holding a grin. "I respect your privacy~ Wanna go some more?"

RJ: "I've had my fill... Literally..." Venice sighed, before removing Ashley from within her body, while Ashley would notice her erection fading as well. Once she was standing, Venice seemed to purge herself of all sweat and cum as each kind of liquid drifted off of her body, and gathered in a floating ball, which she disposed of promptly out of the window.

Tass: "Fair enough~" Ashley replied contentedly, "I'd better go out there and check on everyone else then!" With that, Ashley rose on somewhat wobbly legs and proceeded into her living room to do just that, not bothering to put on any clothing.

RJ: Venice caught Ashley's shoulder. "Put your clothes back on. As far as anyone who saw us knows, we went up here so I could scold you."

Tass: "Awwww, but I might have time to play with someone else too! Alright," she said, dressing carefully so as not to look too mussed before heading back into the living room.

RJ: Venice and Ashley departed from the room, fully clothed, and while Venice left, Ashley arrived to a scene where everyone else was fairly finished too. Roan and Melpha were still going at it, and other than that, every partner pair was snuggling together, asides from some still horny men with clean cut hair and handsome looks who appeared rather left out. Five in total, they looked to the newly arriving Ashley hopefully.

RJ: Asides from Sparkle and Poppy. Poppy was naked, and unconscious while Sparkle licked her unconscious form on the table.

Tass: The sight of the room caused Ashley to grin, and she slid into a sultry walk as she approached the five men who had seemingly been left out, a sudden tinge of familiarity causing her to smile. "The hostess will see you now, gentlemen~" she said, striding into their midst before glancing over at Sparkle and giving a low whistle. "Sparkle! Poppy's done for now, why don't you come and give me some extra hands!" she called, before casually stripping out of her clothes in a matter of seconds, revealing her own obvious arousal by way of her dripping folds and erect nipples.

RJ: "Hmm?" Sparkle hummed, before smiling, and taking flight. She grabbed one man while flying through the house and grabbed another with her tail. "Yoink!" she announced, before taking one man's length into her folds immediately while still in flight, and holding the other so as to gobble his cock with her mouth before she vanished outside, cackling as if in some kind of feeding frenzy. The remaining three watched their two companions get snatched away before looking to Ashley and her naked form, and gathering around her with their hands behind their backs, standing straight and with respect as they grinned at Ashley, their cocks at attention. "How may we please you, hostess?" they asked together, well trained by Melpha.

Tass: "She's so cute when she's hungry," Ashley remarked casually, and then the remaining men's question was answered by a soft chuckle. "Well, you can start by..." Ashley dropped to her knees and took each man's member into her mouth, one at a time, both for the pleasure of the taste and so that she could most effectively determine who was the biggest. Him she gave a few more bobs of her head before getting back to her feet and directing them like a maestro, putting her lucky winner onto a chair and then straddling him, after which she spread her ass and beckoned for one of the others to take her ass, and the other she indicated for her mouth invitingly.

RJ: Each man was big in their own right, but Ashley did find that special one, and to the couch he gladly went, while the other man happily put his length to the entrance to her ass, while the last one stood to the side, none the less pleased, with his length next to her mouth, one hand taking her head while the three men spoke to her. "We are trained by Melpha," the man beneath her said. "We were made to be skilled and strong to help keep her sexual skills sharp." the man pressing his tip against her asshole followed up. "So, shall we train with you, or please you?" the man petting her head asked.

RJ: Outside, Ashley got an example of the men's skills, as she saw Sparkle, grounded, and no longer being so easily subdued as Sparkle moaned on the ground, getting her pussy pounded while the other man gave his cock into her mouth, letting her feed while not losing his nerve.

Tass: "Mmmm~ I suppose a bit of practice couldn't hurt~" Ashley said quietly, her eyes flashing as she once more prepared to call upon her magic. "You'd better make sure it's fun for me too though~" she added, before she once more took the man she'd chosen to suck off into her mouth, sending a burst of pleasurable magic as she began to suck deeply upon him. When the two men at her lower holes thrust into her, she split her concentration between the three, using her magic on three partners for the first time. It had been easier when she'd used it on Demeter and Deagan, partially because she wasn't also being pleasured herself, but that had been decent preparation for this... In theory.

RJ: As Ashley sent her magics out, the men looked to each other, and nodded at each other like a team before focusing on Ashley. As she sent out her magics, she found that her magical threads could not invade so easily. Instead, a returning force went along her own threads, as if using them as a bridge, before going into her soul. The two other men pushed inside her, the one pushing into her ass said. "I will give her a temporary fairy body." he said. The other pushed into her pussy nodded. "I will make her cum." The final man said, "I've already began to bring her mind into ecstasy." he announced. And through teamwork, Ashley felt her mind and thoughts go numb. Each beat of her heart became so loud in her ears, and her body felt like it was glowing with heat. Her thoughts began to swirl with blind lust, and as the three men pushed in, their balls meeting her flesh as her body stretched effortlessly, her nipples and clit were suddenly attacked with similar threads of pleasure that she learned, but with so much more pleasurable power and skill that trumped her own. In a moment, they worked together and left Ashley melting between them. And together, they grinned as they made Ashley drunk with lust and pleasure.

RJ: As Ashley sent her magics out, the men looked to each other, and nodded at each other like a team before focusing on Ashley. As she sent out her magics, she found that her magical threads could not invade so easily. Instead, a returning force went along her own threads, as if using them as a bridge, before going into her soul. The two other men pushed inside her, the one pushing into her ass said. "I will give her a temporary fairy body." he said. The other pushed into her pussy nodded. "I will make her cum." The final man said, "I've already began to bring her mind into ecstasy." he announced. And through teamwork, Ashley felt her mind and thoughts go numb.

RJ: Each beat of her heart became so loud in her ears, and her body felt like it was glowing with heat. Her thoughts began to swirl with blind lust, and as the three men pushed in, their balls meeting her flesh as her body stretched effortlessly, her nipples and clit were suddenly attacked with similar threads of pleasure that she learned, but with so much more pleasurable power and skill that trumped her own. In a moment, they worked together and left Ashley melting between them. And together, they grinned as they made Ashley drunk with lust and pleasure.

Tass: Startled initially as her threads were intercepted and then turned back upon her, and she almost immediately found herself outmatched as the three men combined their efforts. Her mind numbed and her sensitivity hiked up, Ashley squealed around the cock in her mouth as both of her lower holes were filled as well. The spark of pleasure caused by that in addition to the magic that suddenly seized her other erogenous zones had Ashley in ecstasy instantly, and it was less than a minute before their combined efforts caused her to cum between the three of them.

RJ: When she came, the men looked to each other. "Did we overdo it?" the man below said, "I wanted to impress..." the man holding himself inside her ass sounded worried.

RJ: The man inside her mouth drew out, "We're sorry if we upset you, miss hostess." they apologized together.

Tass: After panting for a moment to recover, Ashley groaned and said; "When did I tell you to stop? That was amazing!"

RJ: The men looked at each other, before the man above her pushed his cock back in and took her back into ecstacy. "You heard the lady!" he announced happily, before the men continued attacking her with their skills together. The man behind her began thrusting back and forth from her ass eagerly, his magic allowing him to plow his big cock into her safely and stretch her belly out with his gifted manhood, his length all the way in making a tiny hill form on her belly, while his large balls slapped against her ass, likely full of cum eager to empty into Ashley's insides.

RJ: Meanwhile, the man below her, with his feet planted firmly, thrusted himself up easily in a way that would quickly tire a lesser man. Suspended, held in their grip, the two men fucked Ashley from both directions. Meanwhile, the man above her gracefully fucked her mouth, her throat bulging from his insertion while he focused on keeping her mind lost in sexual la-la land, and once he would draw himself out to bring his balls to her mouth, as large as baseballs as they were, while not even carrying the foul musk of an unwashed man, instead a fairly nice scent of soap graced her nose, Melpha's stable apparently perfect in almost every way.

Tass: Diving right back into the ecstasy that the well-groomed and well-trained trio could provide for her, Ashley moaned wildly around the dick in her mouth as she was plowed expertly in all three holes at once. Her body shook explosively as she was taken so wonderfully, her ass and breasts jiggling while her inner walls clenched around those beneath her and she sucked energetically on the one taking her mouth. When given the chance, she gladly began to lick and suck at the man's impressive sack, moaning lewdly in an effort to express how badly she desired to taste their contents, but a moment later she suddenly tensed, having yet another orgasm that caused her eyes to roll up into the back of her head. Her momentary paralysis left her mouth wide open and her tongue lolling out in a manner that a proud woman like Venice would have been ashamed of, but Ashley couldn't have been happier in that moment, and she felt no shame as she writhed in bliss between the three men that Melpha had so graciously brought for her.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: "Good work boys~!" Melpha said from afar, riding Roan, who seemed to finally be losing her nerve, while her men replied with gusto, "Thank you mistress!" they announced together. "Make her cum a lot! Give her nice endurance training!" she commanded them. "With pleasure, mistress! We will treat her well!" they announced again, not losing their stride at all while pounding into Ashley. When her mouth was hanging open, the man above her took her invitation and put his cock back in her mouth, going down her throat before pulling back to give her some air, only to push back down again, and occasionally pulling out to let her lick down his long shaft, and once more kiss his balls.

RJ: Again and again they'd make her cum, before the man behind her said. "Change of pace?" he asked, and the others responded with confirmation. Taking Ashley, they hurried away from the floor, and did something rather unique. Though the cocks left her, Ashley was flipped upside down, her legs held by her personal favorite, while the man who'd been in her mouth laid on his back and she was brought down just enough so that she could continue to suck him off while the other two found stools to stand upon, before pushing their cocks down into her from above. The two men in her lower holes facing each other began to converse as the one in her pussy held her legs, bringing her up and down, as the cock left her mouth, the others went into her pussy and ass, and vice versa. "It's been a while before we did this position with Melpha." the one in her ass said. "Too long, a very interesting position." the other chuckled.

Tass: The brief change in position left Ashley whining with exhausted need, but it wasn't long before the three had her lifted into their unusual, acrobatic position, and the delicious ecstasy started once again. Pumping her head up and down, Ashley ran her tongue lovingly over the shaft of the man in her mouth as she began to moan around him once more, and in this position it was about all that she could do. Being humped like this, Ashley couldn't even move as she was set back onto the string of orgasms, but even though she was reaching exhaustion, Ashley happily squeezed and sucked the members inside of her until they emptied into her or she passed out, whichever came first.

RJ: Ashley was fucked like this, and still the men seemed to never tire. They called for another change of positions, one setting a position he called 'classic,' in which one man laid upon the table, and fucked himself up into her pussy, while another continued to push himself into her ass from behind, while the third planted one foot on the table, and with her head just hanging over the edge, he pumped his cock into her mouth with much more enthusiasm. "It's about that time, my fellows!" the man inside her mouth announced. "Together then!" the man in her pussy nodded. Then, fucking together, the three men grunted, and groaned, fucking Ashley harder than she ever had been so far, before suddenly, in her mouth, pussy, and ass, the released the 'flood,' and her belly quickly began to swell as their hot contents emptied inside of her. Well beyond nine months pregnant they made her look, before the three men heaved a sigh of relief together.

Tass: When the three of them pulled out after pouring themselves into her, an amount of cum that left her bloated with their seed, Ashley finally came down from the strongest orgasm of the session and promptly flopped onto the one beneath her. Her lower holes emptied themselves out, and her stomach felt bloated with seed, but still she groaned contentedly rather than complain. The pressure on her belly helped to empty it quite adequately, and given Roan's prodigious releases Ashley didn't doubt that her more experienced counterpart looked much like she did after the two of them had gone at it for so long, though Ashley wasn't so sated that she didn't steal a glance in their direction to check. "You three.... Are amazing..." she groaned softly.

RJ: "Thank you very much, we live to please!" they announced together with bright smiles, before they looked to each other once more, their work still unfinished. Two went about cleaning the mess, and the man she had picked personally picked her up, and took her outside, found a bucket and some water, and cleaned her personally. In a moment, Ashley was sparkling, fresh and clean, before she was returned to the living room, and sat in the chair she had pushed the man into. The room now looked as if nothing had happened, they cleaned the whole house of the mess and left it looking like the proper house she had before.

Tass: "......Where did Melpha find you, and were their any left?"

RJ: Melpha strode up to Ashley with a smile, covered in Roan's cum as she left an exhausted minotaur behind. Given similar treatment, Melpha was cleaned in under a minute, before she looked as she did before as her men gave her a respectful bow. Even her hair looked mostly dry, and curly. "To help with your training, I can give you one~" she giggled. "I found these men, homeless and helpless. Some were like Deagan before they fell into my hands. These man have been trained for years and years, so... They're one-of-a-kind~"

Tass: "Ahhh.... And nah, you don't have to give me one~ Maybe save one as a present for when I hit rank C! I'll just have to train Deagan similarly in the meantime!" Ashley declared brightly, and then gave a giggle. "That was lots of fun."

RJ: "I'm so happy you think so!" Melpha giggled. "My boys were personally trained to suit me, so... Once again, I was worried. It's a good thing they learned well enough to treat a girl like you kindly~"

Tass: "They did a great job! I haven't been this exhausted... Well, ever! Say.... Where's Sparkle?"

RJ: "Sparkle...?" Melpha looked outside, going quiet before Ashley would hear wet sounds and sexual moans. "I do believe she's in that direction."

Tass: "Heh, she's not done yet?" Ashley said, mustering the strength after a moment to glance outside and search for the succubus.

RJ: Looking for Sparkle, she saw the succubus in a piledriver position, moaning loudly as her belly stretched out as Ashley's did, the man towering over her while the second fucked her ass. Her belly was fat as well, but she didn't get set free after the first time. "I am not worthyyyy~!" Sparkle cried out. "Anymore energy and I'll explooode!" she cried again. But the men continued to thrust, groaning and moaning loudly. "N-no-no-no-no-no!" Sparkle cried out, before the men came once more, and her eyes rolled back as a twisted grin of pleasure appeared on her face, her fat belly growing even larger as the men gave her a second serving of cum, before drawing out of her as Ashley got to see her pussy squirt out cum like a fountain.

Tass: Ashley laughed at the lewd sight, "She's happy~ Thanks Melpha!"

RJ: "My pleasure!" she giggled. "What do you say, boys?" she asked the men, who bowed to Ashley. "Please come and play with us any time!" the three announced.

RJ: Meanwhile, Sparkle was dragged off for cleaning

Tass: "I will~" Ashley said, giggling once again. Next would have begun the arduous task of cleaning up, but Melpha's men had already done that, leaving her free to dove off, which she very quickly did unless something prevented her from doing so.

RJ: And then, everyone went to bed, and Ashley's next day began. The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping, and the Sparkle was chirping with them.

RJ: "Cheep-cheep! Cheep-cheep!" she chirped from a tree some ways away from Ashley's window.

Tass: "Sparkle.... What are you doing?"

RJ: "I'm a birdie!" Sparkle replied.

Tass: ".....but, you're a succubus! How can you be a birdie?"

Tass: "....Did you get fucked silly?"

RJ: "I'm in a good mood because I got fucked silly! I wanted to help the birds cheep!"

Tass: "Cool!"

RJ: Demeter suddenly came skipping in, before hugging Ashley. "Goood morning~!" she giggled, as happy as could be.

Tass: "Hi Demeter!" Ashley replied, hugging the elf back.

RJ: "Deagan-Deagan-Deagan~!" she sang, giving Ashley a kiss. "Deagan!"

Tass: "Teehee~ What about him?" Ashley said, after returning the kiss (to her lips or her cheek, wherever she planted it)

RJ: "Amaaazing! I don't know what happened last night, but I feel like I was cast under some kind of spell! We spent all night having slow, loving sex~!"

Tass: "Awesome!" Ashley replied, giggling. Apparently, so far, she'd made everyone happy.

RJ: And then, Poppy came in, and attached to Ashley's face. "YOU JEEEERK!"

Tass: "Hello Poppy~" Ashley said, unphased. "How's it going?"

RJ: Poppy began to lightly bap Ashley on the head. "I was made into a mouth toy for a dumbis demon with the mind of an infant!"

Tass: "Uhhhh.... I'm sorry?"

Tass: "I was busy getting chewed out by Venice... Unfortunately not in the literal sense."

RJ: Sparkle was suddenly in the window. "Yummy!" she announced, before the fairy left in a panic, screaming. "NOOOOOO!"

Tass: Ashley giggled softly and then began to look over her other assorted companions, starting with Ria and working her way through the lot of them.

RJ: Ria was in the yard, looking rather confident as she levitated three orbs around her head in some kind of meditation.

Tass: "Have a good time?" Ashley asked quietly.

RJ: She dropped the orbs with her mental powers. "Melpha's men are something else~" she giggled. "We fought for hours, but our battle was not a bloody one~" she giggled, looking rather pleased.

Tass: "I can speak to that!" Ashley said agreeably, "Glad you enjoyed yourself~ I'll be sure to invite them again next time!"

RJ: Ria rose a brow. "There's more than one?"

Tass: "Yes. Sparkle got two, and I had three."

RJ: (Replace men with man in what Ria said, she only met one of them.)

RJ: "Three? Goodness, Ashley, how did you survive!?"

Tass: "Happily!"

RJ: Ria chuckled nervously. "I guess that's what makes you special..."

Tass: "You wanna find out tonight~"

RJ: "Heh, allow me to process the energy I got from him. Our kind likes to relax and let our 'food' digest, you know."

Tass: "Maybe tomorrow then!" Ashley said amicably, "I'll talk to yah later Ria," She continued on, now looking for Tiki and, if she was still here, Stool.

RJ: Tiki was also in the yard, eating grass. Stool seemed to have left with Roan. "Mmm, Hi!" Tiki waved after swallowing what was in her mouth.

Tass: "Hi! Enjoy yourself yesterday?"

RJ: "Mmm!" she nodded. "Stool was very nice!"

Tass: "Good!" Ashley said, smiling, before she went on to Dusty.

RJ: "There was a lot of noise last night." Dusty said to Ashley. "Everyone got really rowdy while I was eating some old cloth I found."

Tass: Ashley's face fell, "You mean you didn't get any?"

RJ: "What do you mean, I got lots of cloth."

Tass: "... But no sex."

RJ: Dusty's many eyes blinked. "Oh, so that's what you all were doing. I wouldn't have been interested anyway. I'm not in the mood until I'm ready to make eggs, and then implant them."

Tass: "Awwww.... well alright then." Ashley said, though she was still slightly crestfallen. After that she went and checked on everybody else before preparing for her coming week.

RJ: Jace looked rather down in the dumps too. "... Melpha's men mistook me for a man... I'm not sure if I should be happy or upset over not having sex..."


RJ: Jace cried, "Every woman was taken and having sex with a guy would have been really awkward!"

Tass: "YOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!!!" *rapes*

RJ: Jace cried out and was raped.

Tass: lol

Tass: Later, Ashley checked up on Deagan.

RJ: Deagan, blade in hand, looked to be training, but he was more dancing with his blade, making cheesy, flashy moves, swinging his blade around and looking fairly energetic.

Tass: "Oooh, cool!" Ashley said, knowing nothing about swordsmanship.

RJ: Deagan gave a start, before laughing nervously. "Ah! Ah-ha-ha! Hi! I wasn't really practicing, just... Nevermind! Things in my life have been going so much better ever since I became involved with you, Ashley! I'm not sure what I can do to repay you!"

Tass: "Just keep doin what you're doin, being awesome~" she replied with a wink.

RJ: "A-awesome!" Deagan flushed and shuffled about nervously. "Well I'm not really... B-but thanks, I suppose! Ha-ha-ha!"

Tass: Later, when it came time to decide on her weekly schedule, Ashley did thus:

Monday: Domino
Tuesday: Study
Wednesday: Free (bonding time)
Thursday: Endure
Friday: Run

Monday: Run
Tuesday: Study
Wednesday: Free (Bonding time)
Thursday: Shoot
Friday: Dodge
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: ~Tiki~

Tiki slammed the first domino with a powerful rear kick, and slowly they all came down.
+3 Power!

Tiki studied at a steady pace. The kitsune instructor had no outstanding comments.
+3 Intelligence!

Ashley spends some time with Tiki.

Tiki was slammed by the tsunami, and went soaring through the water, but came out alright.
+1 Defense!

Tiki chased after the cockatrice, but with her fat breasts bouncing everywhere, it was like she was running with a hundred extra pounds weighing her down.
+2 Life!

Tiki has gained 4 Levels!

Tass: "Good job Tiki!" Ashley praised the holstaurus, proud of her exemplary effort.

RJ: ~Sparkle~

Sparkle tripped and fell while chasing the cockatrice. She seemed to be alright, and continued her training.
+2 Life!

Sparkle managed to sit in once place during lecture. The kitsune was relieved.
+4 Intelligence!

Ashley spends some time with Sparkle.

Throwing rocks like balls of magic for practice, Sparkle hit most of her targets.
+3 Skill!

The fairies gave Sparkle a rough time, but she managed to dodge their lightning fast attacks with a few grazes here and there.
+3 Speed!

Sparkle has gained 4 Levels!

RJ: As well, after absorbing the energy she obtained from Melpha's men, Sparkle gained 12 Levels, and Ria gained 6

Tass: "Good job Sparkle!" Ashley said, proud of her pet demon's performance as well.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Wednesday: Ashley takes the day off to go to the city with Tiki and Sparkle!

Tass: "So, what do you two wanna do? Hang out in the park? And I owe you some candy Sparkle!"

RJ: "The park has candy shops!" Sparkle cheered. "I wouldn't mind sleeping on the nice park grass. Wish I was allowed to eat it though~" Tiki smiled.

Tass: "Lets go then!"

RJ: And then they were off! And then they were in the park. Sparkle got some candy and Tiki rested on the grass. In the park, there was a small, blue haired girl staring into a tree, where a strange cat seemed unable to get down, a strange horned demon eating her own money while casually sitting on the grass, and a woman seemingly made completely out of water, spreading excess water from a vase to the various plants around her.

Tass: Ashley gazed around curiously for a moment before approaching the blue haired girl, "Lose your cat up there?"

RJ: The girl turned around, and Ashley would find that she looked as strange as the cat.

RJ: (Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php...rg/bbs/picture.php?albumid=115&pictureid=7966

RJ: "No, I'm just examining it. It is my cat though." the girl replied.

Tass: "Oh... Okay! Im' Ashley, what's your name?"

Tass: She seemed largely unbothered by the girls strange appearance.

RJ: "I am Valdis, the world's top necromancer." she announced, before pointing to the cat. "A girl came to me and paid me to bring her cat back to life. I'm testing it to see if it will act like a normal cat, and not eat other cats."

Tass: "Oh..." Ashley said, slightly concerned. She didn't know what a necromancer was, but for some reason it awoke dark connotations in the back of her mind. Still, she tried to be open mind, and she remained quite friendly as she replied; "Oooh, did it work?"

RJ: "So far, it's working. I won't return a faulty product however, so I must ensure it's behavior matches it's time when it was alive." she answered, before the cat let out a meow, and suddenly hopped down the tree, and into Valdis' arms, purring. "All of it's biological functions are in working order. I believe I have completely revived this feline."

Tass: "Oh, cool!" Ashley said, relieved inwardly. "That's very professional of you, and very nice too! Do you revive people's pets often?"

RJ: "No." Valdis answered. "This was a special request. The girl paid very well. I do not normally bring things back to life the way they used to be."

Tass: "Ohhh.... What do you bring things back as? And how long does it last?"

RJ: "Zombies... Ghouls.. Skeletons... I've even constructed a vampire once. I am very proud of her." Valdis grinned a kind of smile that seemed to attract evil vibes to her.

Tass: Ashley paled, frightened, "You... Can do that? Really?" She seemed confused for a second, "Why?"

RJ: "Because it is the only talent I have." Valdis answered simply. "I am good at nothing else except controlling the dead."

RJ: "Even I, am dead, but not quite dead at the same time. My own research has kept me alive."

Tass: "Oh... Well, as depressing as that is, at least you found your talent. How.... Are you dead? Did something happen to you?"

RJ: "A long time ago, an organization called the Order caught me out of my parent's house. Just like that girl... I wanted my pet cat to come back to life after it had died of a sickness. They took me for my practice, and severed my head from my body. As I died, I felt that there was still a part of me that was alive. It was my soul. I animated by body, placed my head back on my neck, and forcefully rejoined my soul with my body. It was all an act of desperation, but I still managed to do it. I've sinced improved my ability to manage my body."

Tass: "Wow.... That's tragic and awesome and creepy all at once! I'm sorry that happened to you though.... Is that what you do for a living then? Necrom...mancy?"

RJ: "Yes. I am technically a Rancher as well. I govern the swampy region to the southeast, in a certain area where the walking dead roam, and vampires dwell, such as the vampire lord Sofia, an associate of mine."

Tass: "Sofia.... I think someone told me about her..." Ashley said, blushing. "Uhhh.... Could you... Introduce me sometime? Maybe?"

RJ: "Sofia will not greet just anyone. She's rather picky about who she lets near her. I could put in a word for you if you assist me with some minor difficulties that distract me from my greater goals."

Tass: "Uhhh, sure! So long as I don't have to hurt anyone. What do yah need?"

RJ: "I need you to deal with a ghost that enjoys putting energy into zombies immaturely to make them wild and violent. Usually zombies are slow and stupid, but she's been raising a ruckus by angering them."

Tass: "What ghost? And how would I, uhhh, deal with her?"

RJ: "A ghost that wears a green dress and attacks using lightning. She's very hostile to everything around her. If I were you, I'd just beat her up and then see what she's on about when she can't fight anymore."

Tass: "Okay, but.... Can I just, like... Punch... a ghost? I don't know much about this sort of thing."

RJ: "It would be better if you hit her with magic. She'll go down faster."

Tass: "Okie dokie! Uhhh... I'm kinda can't right now, but I'll happily come by on Saturday to take care of that for you!"

Tass: "Where do you like to hang out?"

RJ: "The spooky mansion." Valdis answered, before showing Ashley a map of the city and surrounding locations of note. Near where the beginnings of the swamps begin to the south east, was a location marked, "Spooky mansion."

Tass: "Cool! I like scary movies sometimes! ..... I'll bring friends!"

RJ: "Movies...?" Valdis seemed confused. "I don't know what a movie is, but it sounds like a waste of time."

Tass: ".....Haha... It probably is..." >.>

RJ: "Church!" cried a girl's voice, as she ran up to Valdis, looking at the cat in her arms, which rose it's head, and jumped out of Valdis's arms to go up to the girl, meowing. "You're alive! Oh, Church!" the girl began to cry, picking up and hugging her cat while sobbing uncontrolably. Watching the sight... Valdis seemed bothered.

Tass: Ashley smiled brightly at the touching scene, but upon seeing Valdis' troubled expression she was confused. "Is something the matter? " she asked quietly, trying not to interrupt the girl and her cat.

RJ: Looking at Valdis, what seemed to be the beginnings of a tear formed, before she looked to Ashley. "Why do you ask?" she replied simply, her voice and tone unphased, as if oblivious to the way she was acting. Reaching a finger to her eye, she flicked the tear away, and looked to the sky, as if wondering if it was raining.

Tass: "You were crying.... You don't show much emotion, do you?"

RJ: "Crying? I can't cry. That part of my brain is dead." Valdis replied. "My job is done." Valdis announced, before the girl cried out to her. "Thank you so much! All of my savings... All of it was worth this!" she cried happily, before the little girl ran off. Despite what Valdis had said, her eyes never left that girl.

RJ: her eye* because Valdis is wearing an eye patch, lol

Tass: Ashley just smiled before returning to her mamono, "I'll see you this weekend Valdis~"

RJ: Valdis gave no reply as she quietly walked away. "I bet she was thinking about her own pet cat!" Sparkle announced.

Tass: "She did mentioned that.... I wonder what ever happened to that cat."

RJ: "The order existed hundreds of years ago... If she only figured out how to bring a cat back to life now..." Sparkle's wings and tail sank, a sad expression on her face.

Tass: "Oh.... That's kinda sad...."

Tass: "Lets go do something cheerful!" Ashley said, and then approached the girl that was watering the flowers if she was still there.

RJ: And so Ashley went up to the watery woman. "Oh, hello there, young woman." she greeted Ashley with a smile.

Tass: "Hi! What'cha doin? I'm Ashley!"

RJ: "Greetings. I am the water elemental, Undine. It is a pleasure to meet you." she nodded to her.

Tass: "Hi! What's a water elemental?"

RJ: Undine was struck silent.

Tass: "....What?"

RJ: "... I... am one..." Undine replied hesitantly.

Tass: "Uh huh, but.... Like.... How are you, uh.... Made? Are you just... Made of water, but alive? I'm sorry if this is insensitive... I'm kind of still getting used to this place."

RJ: "I am... Yes... I am alive... And of water... I govern the element of water... Be it a river, the ocean, or a cup of tea... I am connected to it."

Tass: "Oh... Cool! It's a pleasure to meet you too!" Ashley said, smiling like a derp.

RJ: "So... What brings you to me, Ashley? Were you merely curious of what I am?"

Tass: "Kinda, and I like to make friends! You reminded me of Crystal Claire a little bit, and she's really nice. Plus, I just met Valdis, and she was kind of a downer... But you looked cheerful!"

RJ: "Oh... Claire..." Undine did not look pleased to hear that name. "Yes... We know each other."

Tass: "You don't look happy."

Tass: "Did she do something to you? She seemed so nice when I met her..."

RJ: "She has no consideration for what she does. She will glomp me out of nowhere and scream-"

RJ: "My little droplet!" Claire screamed, before Undine was glomped, and the crystal slime began kissing Undine in front of everyone as the water spirit looked incredibly shamed.

Tass: Ashley giggled softly at the sight, "That doesn't look so bad!"

RJ: "Stop, Claire!" Undine insisted. "My little wishy washy cutie sweetie rippling droplet~" Claire smothered her with compliments and kisses while Undine tried to struggle away by using her aquatic form, only to be scooped up in Claire's arms again.

Tass: "Dawwwww~" Ashley was tempted to join the cuddle puddle (literally) but instead said; "Awww, she's trying to get away... Let her go Claire, she's had enough!"

RJ: "I can't help it, I love my little droplet so muuuuch!" Claire announced, not ceasing in the least, before Undine suddenly brought her vase down, and put it over Claire's head, who let her go and scratched at the vase. "Oh, the designs on the inside are very pretty." Claire giggled, before Undine hurried away.

Tass: "Byyyyyye Undine!"

RJ: "Oh! She's running! Come back! I want to sit you in my lap like when you were young!" Claire said, taking the vase off and chasing after her. "I'M EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS OLD!" Undine screamed.

Tass: Ashley chuckled, watching the exchange between the two until they were out of earshot. Then she returned to her mamono and lazed about for a while.

RJ: Nothing truly eventful occured. The park and it's inhabitants enjoyed the calm serenity until it began to empty as the sky began to turn orange.

Tass: And then, Ashley went home after buying her mamono ice cream.

RJ: And then the days passed and then it was saturday

RJ: "It's Saturday! It's Saturday! It's Saturday! It's Saturday!" Sparkle sang as she flew around outside.

Tass: "C'mon Sparkle, get Ria and lets go and visit Valdis! Poppy can come too!"

RJ: Ria arrived, nodding to Ashley, while Sparkle arrived, crouching to look like a dog with the fairy Poppy hanging out of her mouth, screaming incomprehensible words of anger.

Tass: "Sparkle, let her go for now."

RJ: Sparkle released the fairy from her mouth, before Sparkle was sent to her back as the fairy released a burst of angry magic.

Tass: "Enough you two!"

Tass: "You'll have to learn to get along!"

RJ: Sparkle agreed to stop trying to eat Poppy, and Poppy agreed to stop attacking Sparkle, and then they all made their way to the spooky mansion

Tass: "Good~"

Tass: Upon arriving, Ashley knocked or rang the bell.

RJ: Knocking on the door, Valdis herself answered. "Do you have dead bodies?" she asked, as thunder roared through the sky and a wolf howled in the distance while a ghoul in the back of the room behind Valdis played a spooky tune on an organ.

Tass: "Nope," Ashley deadpanned, "Just live ones. Do you remember me? We met on Wednesday."

RJ: "I know, she wanted me to say that." Valdis directed to a woman who was pale and clearly a ghoul. "I thought it would be a horrifyingly great first impression!" the ghoul maid announced.

Tass: "It was really well done!" Ashley said, "But I used to watch horror movie marathons every Halloween, so I'm jaded."

RJ: "Movies..." Valdis hummed. "What are you here for? I still see lightning." Valdis announced, as thunder boomed again.

Tass: "Where's the ghost again?"

RJ: "Where all the thunder and lightning is," Valdis pointed out of her window, where there were dark clouds and lightning flashes occuring often.

Tass: "Kay. Wish me luck!"

RJ: "Yes... Good luck." Valdis said without empathy. And then Ashley and pals went out to find the bad ghostie. And they found her relatively quickly. In the middle of the graveyard, she struck various zombies that roamed around her at random, making them flail and thrash and snarl in anger while she laughed sadistically.

RJ: (Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php...g/bbs/picture.php?albumid=693&pictureid=10853

Tass: "Oi! You!" Ashley called out, and then realized that she was in an area full of angry, dangerous undead.

Tass: "...... Nice tits!"

RJ: "Gya-ha-ha-ha-ha.... Eh?" the green haired ghost turned to Ashley. "Hah! Like a fish to the sandwich! I'm gonna fry you up, and eat you with Ranch dressing!" she laughed at her own joke, which none of Ashley's three companions found funny.

Tass: "....Yeah, well.... You're silly!"

RJ: Suddenly, she released bolts of lightning to three zombies, driving them insane with her power, as they turned to Ashley's group with angry snarls. "Eat them! Eat them! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" she roared with laughter.

Tass: "Eat us? Don't do that!"

Tass: "I'm all flabby, you'll get heartburn!"

RJ: The zombies didn't seem to care, as they advanced upon Ashley and her group.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Sparkle: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Zombie: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

1x Mango
2x Mint Leaf

Tass: "Sparkle, give one a kiss to neutralize it! Play it safe!"

RJ: Sparkle gave the zombie a magical smooch, blasting it back for 24 damage!

RJ: The zombie charged at sparkle, biting her for 36 damage! "Owie!" she cried.

RJ: Sparkle: 50 / 86
Guts: 0
Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Zombie: 26 / 50
Guts: 0
RJ: REDO: the zombie bit Sparkle for 30 damage, 6 points refunded, and Sparkle didn't attack, she is at 8 guts.
RJ: Sparkle: 56 / 86
Guts: 8

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Zombie: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

1x Mango
2x Mint Leaf

Tass: "Sparkle, don't bother to block, just give her a kiss!

RJ: Sparkle gave the zombie a kiss for 24 damage!

RJ: RJ: Sparkle: 56 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Zombie: 26 / 50
Guts: 8

RJ: ... And regained 5 Life!

Tass: "Use that ass Sparkle!"

RJ: The zombie approached, and bit sparkle again for 34 damage! "Kuh..." Sparkle winced. "It hurts..."

RJ: Sparkle thrusted her butt, hitting the zombie and making it stumble back a little for 7 damage!

RJ: And sparkle regains 2 Life!

Tass: "Poppy, distract her!"

RJ: The zombie grabbed Poppy in it's mouth and began throwing it's head around like a dog, chewing on Poppy for 55 damage!

RJ: Poppy fainted!

Tass: "....Ria, just set it on fire."

RJ: Sparkle: 29 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 0 / 50
Guts: 8

Zombie: 19 / 50
Guts: 0

Tass: (Ria, wrap in flames)

RJ: "With pleasure," Ria replied, casting out engulfing flames, burning the zombie for 34 damage! The zombie turned to dust while the next replaced it, charging the group!

RJ: Sparkle: 29 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 0 / 50
Guts: 8

Zombie: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Tass: Ashley retrieved Sparkle's maimed body and tossed a mango to Sparkle. "Burn it, don't hold back!" (go all out, wrap in flames)

RJ: "Got you!" Ria shouted to the zombie, before setting it ablaze, catching it aflame! The zombie takes 35 damage, and then 29 damage from being set on fire! The second zombie falls!

Tass: "Finish the last one off quickly!"

RJ: Ria set flame to the last zombie, dodged it's bite, before finishing it off with another uproar of flame. Once the zombies were gone, they faced the ghost directly, without protection. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! What fun! I'll have a lot more fun zapping something that can fight back!"

Tass: "Why do you want to zap things?"

Tass: "Why can't you just let other people live in peace? These zombies never did anything to hurt you!"

RJ: "Are you my mom from when I was alive!?" the ghost zapped at Ashley's feet.

Tass: "Ouch! No? Why does that matter?"

RJ: "BECAUSE YOU'RE ANNOYING! This is my playground, and you're ruining the party!" she announced.

Tass: "But you're hurting people! Hurting people isn't fun, it's sadistic."

RJ: "Hey-hey, Ashley! I can sense bad magic from her!" Sparkle announced. "It's kinda like when we fought Demeter!"

Tass: "Oh great.... That again...."

RJ: Poppy got up from where she was knocked out. "Whatever she is, she's ugly! AND I'M MAD!"

Tass: "That's the spirit Poppy!"

RJ: "STOP TALKING AND COME AT ME ALREADY!" the ghost screamed, sending out electicity to intimidate the group again.

Tass: "Uhhhh, right."

RJ: Sparkle: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 8

Psycho Ghost: 450 / 450
Guts: 0

Tass: "Poppy, see if you can distract her!" (Prank)

RJ: Poppy swirls around the ghost and flicks her nose with a blast of magic for 15 damage! Poppy drains the Ghost's guts by 14! "Gah! You little bug!" she curses.

RJ: Sparkle: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 435 / 450
Guts: 0

Tass: "Do it again!"

RJ: Poppy flicked her off again for 15 damage! "COCKY LITTLE FREAK! I'LL FRY YOU!"

RJ: Sparkle: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 420 / 450
Guts: 0

Tass: "Great work Poppy! Keep it up!"

RJ: Poppy continued to harrass the ghost, before she was suddenly swatted away. "I'M SO ANGRY!!!" the ghost growled, sparks flying everywhere. The ghost took a total of 60 damage

RJ: Sparkle: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 360 / 450
Guts: 14

Tass: "Sparkle, give her a kiss!"

RJ: Sparkle barely took two steps in, before she was suddenly struck by a mean lightning bolt for 36 damage!

Tass: "You've got this Sparkle!"

RJ: Sparkle grabbed the ghost and gave her a smooch for 42 damage! Sparkle recovered 9 Life!

Tass: "Good work, now do it again!"

RJ: The ghost hit Sparkle with another furious bolt, screaming in anger as currents ran through the succubus for 34 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 25 / 86
Guts: 1

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 318 / 450
Guts: 0

RJ: Sparkle came in, and gave the ghost yet another smooch, causing 45 damage! Healing for 9 HP!

Tass: Ashley fed Sparkle her mango.

RJ: Sprakle ate the mango, and healed for 13 Life!

RJ: The ghost fired another bolt at Sparkle! "Wa-wa-wa-!" Sparkle cried as she barely dodged it!

Tass: "Good job Sparkle, now give her another kiss~"

Tass: "You're doing great!"

RJ: "You're doing greaaaat~!" The ghost mocked her. "FRY YOU FRY YOU FRY YOUUU!"

RJ: The ghost has become Reckless!

RJ: "Stop moving around!" the ghost growled, before Sparkle suddenly went stiff as electricity went through the ground and stuck her feet to the earth. Sparkle lost 12 guts!

RJ: Sparkle: 47 / 86
Guts: -4

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 318 / 450
Guts: 0

Tass: "Ria, step in! Use Ice!"

RJ: "Freeze with Fear!" Ria announced, building up her power. She suddenly caused ice to encase the ghost, damaging her for 60 points!

RJ: The ghost broke out of the ice with screaming anger, shooting her electricity wildly around her.

RJ: Sparkle: 47 / 86
Guts: -4

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 258 / 450
Guts: 20

RJ: "Definitely like Demeter... So annoying to take down." Ria grumbled.

Tass: "Hit her with fire!"

RJ: "I'll fry you in my electrical cage!" the ghost announced, before she fired a wild spray of electricity at Ria. The bolts wrapped around her like wild moving vines, bringing the witch to the ground for 17 damage!

RJ: Ria is paralyzed!

RJ: Sparkle: 47 / 86
Guts: -4
Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 5

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 258 / 450
Guts: 0

Tass: "Have a leaf Ria!" Ashley called, giving the witch a mint leaf.

RJ: Taking the leaf, Ria purged herself of the energy. "Thank you."

Tass: "No problem!"

RJ: Ria cast her flames at the ghost, burning her for 57 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 47 / 86
Guts: -4

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 201 / 450
Guts: 5

Tass: "Do it again!"

RJ: Ria burns the ghost again for 62 damage!

RJ: "THAT DOES IT!" the ghost shouted, before the dark sky got even darker, "AIN'T NONE OF YOU GONNA SURVIVE THIS!!!"

RJ: Sparkle: 47 / 86
Guts: -4

Ria: 68 / 68
Guts: 0

Poppy: 50 / 50
Guts: 0

Psycho Ghost: 139 / 450
Guts: 20

RJ: The ghost is gaining guts faster!

Tass: "Don't let her use that power Ria!" (Go all out, wrap in flames)

RJ: Ria sets the ghost aflame for 76 damage!

RJ: And she does it again! 74 damage!

RJ: The dark clouds slowly clear, before the ghost slowly drifts down, and leans forward, like a dead body floating in water.

RJ: Victory!

Tass: "Yeah, great job girls! Good team effort!" Ashley said exhuberantly, bouncing up and down excitedly.

RJ: "What a nuisance." Ria sighed. "Survive what, huh!? HUH!?" Poppy kicked the ghost with her tiny leg. "Yaaaaay!" Sparkle bounced with Ashley.

Tass: Ashley rubbed boobies with Sparkle as they jumped together.

Tass: Ashley then looked at the ghost.

RJ: "Wah... Where am I?" the ghost asked, slowly lifting up and looking around. "I don't remember anything~" she giggled and scratched the back of her head.

Tass: "Hi! You were shooting lightning at people!"

RJ: "This is so strange..." Poppy kicked her again. "I was just minding my own business..." Poppy kicked her. "And everything went black..." Poppy kicked her. "And strange things..." Kicked.


Tass: "Poppy stop that."

RJ: "You remember everything." Ria announced. "You weren't transformed like Demeter, just empowered."

Tass: "Sorry about that, buuuuuuut you did kinda sick zombies on.... Oh.

Tass: Ashley suddenly became slightly cross with the ghost. "What's your name, and how'd you get the powers?"

RJ: "My name's Tojiko. I was from Zipangu before they kicked me out. I died out here in the swamp, and my soul was wondering around here before this girl showed up and gave me powers and told me just to go nuts, and have fun like I wanted in Zippangu."

Tass: "Oh.... I'm sorry."

RJ: "And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids."

Tass: "Wanna come live at my place?"

RJ: "... Pardon?"

Tass: "Well, the person that lives here kinda doesn't want you here, and everyone else seems to just kick you out... I'd let you stay with me if you want. I know how it is to be homeless."

Tass: "That's why I'm here... Valdis sent me to get rid of you."

Tass: "Or at least to pacify you."

RJ: "Valdis? Sounds like a bitch." Tojiko laughed. "I don't know... Will I get to fry things?"

Tass: "Sure! You can be our cook!"

Tass: "And sometimes I'll take you out to help me fight stuff!"

RJ: "Right! I'll cook people!"

Tass: "...... Uhhhhh...... Can you.... Can you not do that?"


RJ: "I'm fine with frying whoever you want me to, just don't resign me to the kitchen, I'll go insane."

Tass: "Okay, no cooking then!"

Tass: "And.... Don't start anything on fire, okay?"

RJ: "Whaaat?" Tojiko frowned. "Or else I'll kill you." Ria warned her. "Tch... Fine, I won't burn anything of your's."

Tass: "Good job Ria! So then it's settled, lets go talk to Valdis!"

RJ: And so they went back to Valdis. "Ashley... The ghost is right behind you. Destroy it like the rest."

RJ: "Actually, this is Tojiko! We stopped her!" Sparkle smiled.

RJ: "... Kill it like the rest."

Tass: "Don't worry about it Valdis~ I'll be taking her back to my ranch! I just wanted you to know that I was able to get her to back down, and the zombies shouldn't be a problem anymore... Hopefully."

RJ: "Good. Here, have this bag of money I had lying around." Valdis gave Ashley 1000G.

Tass: "Cool beans, thanks Valdis! I'll come visit you some time if you want!"

RJ: "I don't see why you would want to, but I won't stop you." Valdis replied. And following the deductions of everyone's food costs of traveling through the swamps, Ashley earned a total of 500G, deducted from her earnings.

Tass: "You guys eat a lot...."

RJ: The next week begins. Ashley's belly has swollen outwards, looking six months pregnant. It's the first day of a new month. From the battle, everyone gained 12 levels!

Tass: "Great work girls!"

Tass: (Ashley will train Demeter and Ria)

RJ: Ria broke 200 Skill!

Tass: (sweet)

Tass: (she's gonna have even more soon :p )

Tass: (unless she failboats)

Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Endure
Wednesday: Shoot
Thursday: Dodge
Friday: Shoot

Monday: Study
Tuesday: Shoot
Wednesday: Endure
Thursday: Run
Friday: Study

RJ: Ashley paid 400g to feed Demeter and Ria while they trained.

RJ: ~Demeter~

Monday: Demeter spent the day dodging the fairies fairly well, but she did get tagged a few times.
+4 Speed!

Tuesday: Like many others, Demeter held her ground at first, but eventually was swept away by the tsunami.
+2 Defense!

Wednesday: Using her bow, Demeter drew three arrows at once, and once the three first targets came forth, she fired, and took them all out at once.
Demeter performed extremely well!
+8 Skill!

Thursday: Like a flash, Demeter dodged every fairy, and left them confused as she vanished without a trace.
Demeter did awesome!
+8 Speed!

Friday: Once of her tri arrows missed it's target as Demeter tried to be cool again.
+4 Skill!

Demeter gained 7 levels!
RJ: ~Ria~

Monday: Ria grumbled as she studied the ways of magic, having recieved a few marks on the kitsune's test.
+5 Intelligence!

Tuesday: Weaving like a master magician, Ria blasts every last target, not missing even a sliver of a destroyed target.
Ria impressed all!
+10 Skill!

Wednesday: Forming a shield around herself, Ria stood completely still in a state of meditation. The tsunami passed right over her, and after it was over, she was still standing.
Ria defeated the tsunami!
+6 Defense!

Thursday: Ria chased after the cockatrice without much effort. She mostly did it for the exercise.
+2 Life!

Friday: Ria snapped her pencil as she didn't get perfect marks on yet another test.
+5 Intelligence!

Ria gained 7 levels!

RJ: Come saturday, Ashley would find that her belly had grown quite round. In one week's time, she already looked nine months pregnant with Deagan's child, their daughter. There would be no doubt that, come next week, she would likely give birth.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Tass: Rubbing her heavily pregnant belly, Ashley decided to go and visit Melpha, though she tried to take it as easy as she could.

RJ: Strangely, with the magic Isabell gave her, Ashley felt as fit an able as she was before. Mind the slight bounce of her big belly. And so she went to Melpha's, who was enjoying her usual routine. Standing in a circle with six of her stable men, Melpha seemed to be... In combat? Three of the men tried to converge on Melpha, but their hands caught only air as Melpha dove, sliding on her side as she tackled into the legs of one of the men, carrying the big, burly man equual to her own size over her shoulder, and with a slow touch, she put her fingers to the base of the underside of his dick, and slowly smoothed two fingers down, before Ashley saw him spew his load onto the grass while the other five men gave pursuit.

Tass: Though she felt quite healthy, Ashley still decided to take it easy. Arriving at Melpha's ranch, she opted to stop and watch, giving an amazed gasp at her display of sexual skill. There had surely been magic involved, but that she could do that to one of the men she'd trained after what Ashley had experienced at their hands was amazing.

RJ: Though Melpha had initial victory, after she finished off one of the men, they dog piled on her as Ashley could feel them weaving the most powerful magic they could. Immediately they got Melpha on her front, smushing her breasts against the soft grass as four men held her powerful limbs down with all their weight, and the fifth lined himself up and pushed himself inside her pussy, and at just the right angle to allow Ashley to see Melpha's wealthy body swallow the entire dick inside easily. "Haaaah!" Melpha moaned out the most pleasured moan Ashley heard from her. "Suppress her magic-suppress it!" one man announced, all of their faces red as they struggled to subdue Melpha, before the man behind gave a strained face, as if he was suffering so much pleasure.

Tass: "You can do it Melpha!" Ashley cheered from the sidelines, grinning as she watched the man's dick vanish into her flower.

RJ: Working together, the man at her ass thrusted into her, Melpha's ass rippling with the impact of him hilting inside of her. Melpha moaned as her face became deep red from the stimulation she was recieving from her own trained men, but the difference was that the man's face was even redder. "I'm not gonna last...!" the man groaned. "Switch, switch!" one man holding Melpha's leg announced, before the man humping her flower drew out, his length red from having suffered Melpha's tight flower, before they quickly traded places and the other man dipped in, fresh and without stimulation as he hilted in her next, Melpha giving another moan as the second dick entered her.

Tass: "You can outlast 'em all! You've got this!"

RJ: The men continued to trade, until Melpha's face was smiling with delirious lust, and her love fluids completely drenched her legs and the ground, as well as the dick of each of the men. Once the fifth man was moaning, about to cum, after quite a while of sex, they opted to switch once more, before Ashley saw Melpha lick her lips, and break free of their combined grip with ease. She gripped one man, took him into her mouth, wrapped her legs around the man in her pussy, and grabbed two other men in her hands, stroking them wildly, as she now remained suspended off of the ground. Each of the men groaned with lust, before the two men covered Melpha's hair and back in streams of cum, the man in her mouth's balls throbbing as Ashley saw him pumping his load down her throat, and the man in her pussy inflating Melpha's belly with his cum.

RJ: At the same time, the four men collapsed, leaving the last, fifth man alone. "You boys suddenly became energetic when Ashley arrived~ I almost lost~" she giggled, before she grabbed the last man, and brought him to the ground on his ass with her clinging to his back. "Care to finish this one off, Ashley?" she giggled.

Tass: Tittering, Ashley strode up and pulled her top off, "Sure~ If you don't mind sharing! You were amazing by the way!" She kneeling between his legs and licked his cock from base to tip, flicking at his member using both her tongue and her (albeit comparatively clumsy compared to Melpha and her stable) magic, before she glomped her mouth over his cock. Taking him all the way down her throat, she bobbed up and down only a few times before pulling back off. "Most men seem to like it when I do this~" she said, grinning at him as she squeezed his cock between her heavy breasts, which were leaking white from their tips, and began to pump up and down on his shaft.

RJ: The man moaned, leaning back into Melpha rather than fight her strength. His large cock twitched in her mouth and between her breasts, already red and sensitive after being inside Melpha and nearly cumming. The man she was sucking off wasn't one of the three she enjoyed during the party, so his was new. Unlike before with the other men, he was already ready to blow. So, after a little while of her stimulation, Ashley would see the signs that a man was cumming, before he'd release his load, and enough semen to fill an ordinary bucket.

Tass: When she felt that he was on the verge of finishing, Ashley squeezed her breasts more tightly around his rod, leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth wide to stick out her tongue. Receiving his massive load, Ashley was utterly drenched, taking a huge amount on her face, breasts, and everywhere else while swallowing a good amount. "Where do you keep it all~" she cooed softly, smiling.

RJ: "In these things~" Melpha giggled, groping his massive balls, while the man went limp, breathing heavy. Then, Melpha cleaned herself off, and offered the same for Ashley. "So, how may I serve my guest and beloved friend?" Melpha asked with a giggle.

Tass: "Oh yeah!" she replied, giggling. After cleaning up and redonning her top, Ashley replied; "Oh, not much. I just had a day off and thought I'd stop in, see how you were doing."

RJ: "I heard Valdis wrote a letter of reccomendation to Sofia in your favor. You've been busy, havn't you?"

Tass: "Yup, I met her in the park, and then went over and helped her deal with a ghost. How've you been?

RJ: "I've been keeping my men strong while training my own mamono. As well, I helped a friend of mine, Shizuku. She deals in insectiod mamono, and she needed help with a certain 'egg' problem~" Melpha giggled.

Tass: "Ooooh, an egg problem huh? That must have been fun! I really liked it with Dusty, even though I didn't think that I would."

RJ: "That's wonderful!" Melpha giggled. "How's your baby?"

Tass: "Healthy! Or at least I think so, I've been being as careful as I can. She should be ready to come out next weekend, according to Isabell's schedule!"

RJ: "What a wonderful ability, to be able to get pregnant with beautiful offspring..." Melpha sighed with a dreamy expression.

Tass: "Mmhhmmmm~" Ashley cooed, nodding, and then Ashley sighed and said; "I'll keep trying, but I'm not even sure I know where to begin.... In getting your curse removed, I mean. I imagine you've tried yourself, but do you have any leads?"

RJ: "Not yet, I'm afraid..." Melpha sighed. "How is the imp problem coming along?"

Tass: "I haven't gone out to take care of it yet, but I was thinking of doing so in two weeks. By then I should have trained up my mamono a little bit more, and will be able to move around better."

RJ: "Hmm.... And maybe invite a little imp baby as well?" Melpha giggled.

Tass: "Maybe~ I've gotta give them some incentive and keep them nice and distracted!"

Tass: "Sides, what's the fun if there's no risk?"

RJ: "You certainly remind me of when i was young~" Melpha hummed. "The imps won't wound you even if you do fall to them. So at least the worst that will happen is that~"

Tass: "Yup. But I'll be careful anyway. Just cuz it's hot to think about doesn't mean I'd want it to happen."

RJ: "Besides, you can always have fun with them after you've won~"

Tass: "That too!"

RJ: "Well..." Melpha hummed, looking at Ashley curiously. "Good luck, I suppose~"

Tass: "Thanks!" she replied, and then tilted her head. "What's that look for?"

RJ: "Nothing..." she hummed. "Well, I'm going to go play with Roan. You're always welcome at my ranch." Melpha announced.

Tass: "Oooh, play how?"

RJ: "Well, I still haven't cum after that whole ordeal, you know?"

Tass: "Ahhhh, hehe! Have fun then! Go and get some relief~ I'll see yah later!"

RJ: "Bye-bye!" Melpha waved to Ashley

Tass: "Bye!" And then Ashley went home to lay around.

RJ: And then Ashley was home and laying around!

Tass: And then, the next week she trained Sparkle and Demeter.

Tass: Sparkle
Monday: Domino
Tuesday: Study
Wednesday: Endure
Thursday: Dodge
Friday: Shoot

Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Shoot
Wednesday: Domino
Thursday: Dodge
Friday: Study
RJ: ~Demeter~

Monday: Demeter dodged all the fairies like a boss!
Like a boss!
+8 Speed!

Tuesday: Demeter shot all the targets like a boss!
Like a boss!
+8 Skill!

Wednesday: With a powerful strike at the tip of a domino, she made all but the last tip over.
+3 Power!

Thursday: Demeter did her best, but got hit a few times.
+4 Speed!

Friday: Demeter got passing marks on her study test.
+3 Intelligence!

Demeter gained 7 levels!

Tass: "Great job Demeter!"

RJ: ~Sparkle~

Monday: Sparkle's butt slammed against the first domino, and knocked down quite a few others.
+3 Power!

Tuesday: "That's what I get for making a test based on magical candy..." The kitsune sighed.
Sparkle aced the test!
+8 Intelligence!

Wednesday: Like many times before, Sparkle was blown away when the worst of the tsunami came.
+3 Defense!

Thursday: After the training, Sparkle's mouth was full of the elite fairy squad.
Sparkle caught all the fairies in her mouth!
+6 Speed!

Friday: Sparkle threw a magical ball... "Huh?" she wondered where it went, before it came back down, and exploded on her head.
Sparkle failed her training...

Sparkle gained 6 levels!

Tass: "Good job Sparkle!"

Tass: (except for Friday, which caused Ashley to facepalm.)

Tass: And then, another Saturday rolled around...

RJ: Ashley paid 250g for food during training. Then, during saturday morning... She felt her contractions begin. She was about to give birth.

Tass: Ashley warned the appropriate people, meaning pretty much everyone, as she wasn't sure what she ought to do in this world.

RJ: Sea bishops came to help during birth, using their magic to calm Ashley down and help her push the baby out. Deagan was at Ashley's side, watching his child be born out of her mother. Ashley was kept in a dreamy, almost sleepy state as she felt the presence of her baby slowly leave her womb, and into the hands of the sea bishop, who brought the baby to her mother. "It's a girl" the bishop announced.

Tass: Still in her sleepy state, Ashley nonetheless gave a joyous cry as her daughter was born. Her body exhausted, she nonetheless took her daughter into her arms tightly, a familiar feeling of adoration filling her as she gazed down at her baby girl.

RJ: "What will her name be?" the sea bishop asked. Deagan looked curious as well, but had no idea what to name her.

Tass: "Roselyn..." Ashley replied quietly, glancing at Deagan for his approval.

RJ: Deagan smiled, liking the name, while the baby immediately latched onto Ashley's breast, drinking her milk. Later, the sea bishops asked Ashley. "She seems to be going under growth acceleration... Will you give us permission to tend to her for the week to make sure she grows up healthy and intelligent?"

Tass: "Uhhhh.... Will I... Be able to see her?"

RJ: "Yes, we encourage the parents to be present as she grows so that she recognizes who you are."

Tass: "Okay, then yes!"

RJ: And then, Ashley went with the sea bishops as they took her baby to the city, and to a facility where many children were in various rooms that glowed all sorts of different colors, the vibrations from within telling tales of powerful magic flowing through the room, and around the growing people inside. Roselyn was placed into one empty room, and put into a pod that existed within the back. The pod filled up with a green fluid, with Roselyn floating inside. Rather than cry, the baby seemed put at ease. At the end of the first day, she had grown to look around five years old, before she pushed her way out of her own pod, before watching all of the green fluid drain down the center of the room, and looked up, and saw Ashley and Deagan watching her. "... Huh...?" Roselyn gave a questioning reaction, curious to the two pairs of eyes watching her.

Tass: "Hi..." Ashley said, somewhat more shyly than the normally outgoing girl might be. "Can you understand me already?"

RJ: The girl blinked, her blue eyes questioning Ashley without words. Black hair just like her mother's grew from her head, and reached her shoulders. "Who...?" Roselyn put a hand to her head, the little girl seeming to struggle a little. Pulling her hand away, she inspected her own body, noting her small form.

Tass: "You're Roselyn... Our daughter. I'm Ashley, and this is Deagan, and we're... Your parents."

RJ: "Parents..." Roselyn repeated. "Oh..." Roselyn wobbled a bit on her feet, before falling down to a sitting position. Looking around, she saw the bed, before she crawled over, and went into the bed, wrapping herself up as she seemed to seek sleep. "Her brain is still processing all of the information it's taking in. She'll feel better tomorrow." the sea bishop assured Ashley. And on the next day, Roselyn seemed a lot more energetic. She was running around the room, chasing a projection of a cat, and now looked to be about eight years old. When Ashley arrived, she stopped, still as naked as the day she was born as she looked at Ashley. "... Mommy?" she inquired.

Tass: "Roselyn!" Ashley said, happily.

RJ: Roselyn slowly approached the window that contained all of the magic in the room, before putting her hand to the window. "... Mommy..." she called out again.

Tass: "What is it, Roselyn?"

RJ: Staring at her, Roselyn said nothing in reply, simply staring at Ashley, as if memorizing her face.

Tass: Ashley smiled at her, remaining silent as she studied the girl right back.

RJ: Even at such a young age, Ashley could see Roselyn developing a beautiful body. Her face was like an innocent angel, and her muscles looked well toned, growing up to be a healthy child. Suddenly, Roselyn smiled, before collecting the cat that was in the room, and holding it up to the window. "L-look!" she announced. "I thought of a cat... And a cat appeared!"

Tass: "Amazing!" Ashley said exhuberantly, unconscious of the fact that her daughter would be beautiful courtesy of the blindness instilled by the fact that she was Roselyn's mother.

RJ: Roselyn spent the rest of the day, making things appear and showing them to Ashley. Seeking social bonding, Roselyn was so happy for every ounce of approval she was given. At the end of the day, she made another Ashley appear in her room, before she and the fake Ashley hugged, with Roselyn clinging to her. "I love you, mommy!" she said happily, looking back to the window, knowing which one was real.

Tass: "I love you too Roselyn~" she said softly, her heart swooning as she subconsciously reached out to her daughter. She had happily spent the whole day with her daughter, and would continue to do so every day if given the opportunity.

RJ: The next day passed like the previous, only Roselyn started to show athletic talent. She did handstands, wanting Ashley to watch. She did backflips, front flips, and showed Ashley how many pull ups she could do. Come next day, Ashley came upon a peculiar sight. Roselyn was doing 'something' in her bed, and gave a start when Ashley arrived. Fifteen years old, Ashley saw Roselyn's first expression of shame.

Tass: "It's okay to experiment, but..." *Ashley gives Roselyn the talk about sex, detailing that she should be extremely careful and only let people touch her there if she really feels for them, ignoring the utter hypocricy*

RJ: Roselyn nods with a bashful face to Ashley's instructions. "Sex..." Roselyn repeats, wondering about the information she was given. As she was older, Roselyn seemed more calm, though still full of energy. She and Ashley talked together, Roselyn very curious about her mother's life. On the next, and final day, the day when Roselyn would be released into the world as a grown woman, Ashley came upon a familiar sight.

RJ: (Link:

RJ: With lotion on her hands, legs spread wide as she rubbed herself, she looked at Ashley, now without shame. "Hi, mom!" Roselyn greeted her.

Tass: "Hi Roselyn!"

Tass: "You shouldn't do that so much, you'll go blind~" she said jokingly

RJ: Sitting up from the bed with a smile, Roselyn giggled. "It feels so good though! I can't really stop myself~" she announced, showing that she inherited Ashley's sex drive.

Tass: "You'll get it under control eventually! Just remember our little talk, you've got to be careful if you let other people touch you there. You can't do it with just anyone, and a lot of people will want to do it with you!"

RJ: "Really!?" Roselyn replied with a look of opportunity in her eyes. "Awesome!"

Tass: Ashley looked slightly disapproving, but didn't push the issue. She knew that that tactic wouldn't work, given how hard her own mother had tried it on her.

RJ: "I can't wait to hug the real you! I'll get out any minute now!" Roselyn said with excitement. "I was visited by Melpha too, man, she's beautiful, huh? And that werewolf looked badass!"

Tass: "She is! And yeah, Ruin's really tough." Ashley stated, smiling. "Only a few more minutes!"

RJ: And then, the sea bishops removed the magic, and Roselyn was let out. Her first action was to throw her arms around Ashley, even as nude as she was, embracing her tight.

Tass: Ashley embraced her right back, hugging her daughter tightly and smiling with delight.

RJ: Sharing a hug with Deagan as well, Roselyn leaned over and whispered to Ashley. "Dad's kinda cute, good work, mom!"

RJ: Deagan laughed nervously. "Are you sure I'm the father? Or did you asexually reproduce?" he asked Ashley.

Tass: "Oh she's got some of you in her!" Ashley said, laughing. "He is quite the catch~"

RJ: "Let's go home!" Roselyn announced. "I want to meet everyone!"

Tass: "Kay, lets! You just have to get some clothes on first."

RJ: "Awww!" Roselyn cried, but settled with the skimpiest thing she could find. A skirt so short that it always showed her black laced panties, and a sports bra that showed every curve of her round breasts.

Tass: "You'll learn eventually~ You've gotta show just enough that you catch the eye, but not enough that they see everything and lose interest!"

RJ: "I'll do my best!" she giggled. Once she was home, everyone took rather well to Roselyn. "Really, it's like having another Ashley around." Ria commented. Meanwhile, Jace was making a move on Roselyn. "You're really beautiful, just like your mother." she said with a smile. Roselyn giggled. "Are you a man or a woman?" she asked curiously. Her question left Jace to her knees, crushed in shame.

Tass: "Awwwww, Jace~" Ashley said, giggling and cuddling the alp. "It's okay, we love you even if you have identity issues~"

RJ: Jace lightly cursed as Roselyn finished getting familiar with everyone. "So, what do you do around here for fun, mom?" Roselyn asked as Ashley neared that time when she had to manage her farm.

RJ: her ranch*

Tass: "Oh, this and that~" Ashley replied evasively, "Lots of work..... And sometimes I do little crafts projects... And lots and lots of sex."

RJ: Ashley would suddenly find Roselyn leaning in intently, extremely interested in the last part.

Tass: "Loooooooots of sex."

Tass: "Yeah."

RJ: "Can I play too!?" she asked eagerly.

Tass: "Mmmm, maybe, but you'd have to start slow~"

RJ: "Let's do it!" she declared with enthusiasm!

Tass: "You'll have to be taught properly! Jace, come here!"

RJ: Jace zoomed up to them like lightning and stood straight like a soldier ready for war. "Yes maam!!!" Jace announced.

Tass: "Teaching time in the bedroom!"

RJ: Jace carried Roselyn in a hurry to the bedroom.

Tass: Ashley joined them immediately, stripping off her clothes after shutting the door.

RJ: Jace got naked too, while Roselyn got naked just as fast. "Woah!" Roselyn exclaimed, looking at Jace's dick.

Tass: "Jace, on your back on the bed." Ashley said commandingly, as she strode up and took Roselyn around her waist, pulling her forward until they were standing next to it.

RJ: Jace laid down flat, putting her arms behind her head as she laid there with a smile. "So, how come we don't have those?" Roselyn poked Jace's penis.

Tass: "Because that'

Tass: s a penis, and only men and certain special individuals have those! Magic can give you one, but you don't need it. You can enjoy them instead! That" she gestured towards Jace's cock, and then to Roselyn's pussy, "Goes in there~"

RJ: "Okay!" Roselyn said, jumping on Jace, and lining herself up while Jace was taken back by her zeal.

Tass: "Not yet!"

RJ: "Whyyyyy!" Roselyn complained.

Tass: Ashley cried loudly, "You've got to do foreplay first!"

Tass: "Trust me, it makes it waaaaaay better."

RJ: "Four times! Okay!" she lined up Jace again.

Tass: "Nooooooo, come here you!" Ashley said, pulling her daughter down while rolling her eyes. "Foreplay... Is using things other than your pussy to please your partner. Like your hands, or your mouth... Or them doing the same to you. Here, I'll show you!" Placing Roselyn onto her back, Ashley pushed her legs up and spread them, before diving down and pressing her mouth to her own daughter's sex, which she began to lick and kiss.

RJ: Jace exclaimed, "WOAH!" at Ashley's sudden action, while Roselyn exclaimed, "Woah!" as well, before letting out a lewd moan. "W-woooow!" she cried, holding Ashley's head. "This is so much better than using my fingersss!"

Tass: "You don't even know the half of it~" Ashley said, grinning as she briefly paused. Descending back down, Ashley didn't take long to graduate from teasing as she licked, going deeper and attacking Roselyn's clitoris, though she didn't start using her magic... Yet.

RJ: Highly sensitive, Roselyn was moaning, and releasing her love juices quickly to greet Ashley's tongue. Twisting, and squirming, Roselyn moaned in delight, while a sneaky finger from Jace began poking Ashley's own clit.

Tass: Giving a pleased moan, Ashley wiggled her butt at Jace before ceasing to hold back her magic, sending tendrils of pleasurable magic darting out to attack Roselyn's clitoris.

RJ: Attacked, Roselyn suddenly let out a cry before Ashley's face was splashed with her climax. "W-w-w-w-w-w-what!?" she stuttered terribly, shaking from her climax. Meanwhile, Jace had leaned over, and was playfully licking Ashley's pussy.

Tass: Ashley continued to lick and suck at her daughter as she came, ensuring that she enjoyed her first real orgasm to the fullest as she lightly struck with her magic, before pulling gently away. "That wasn't even the best that I could do~" she said, while pressing her pussy against Jace's playful licks. "And I'm hardly the best! I saw Melpha take five men at once with her magic, and each one of them was way better than I am!"

RJ: "... T-then... I gotta level up...!" Roselyn said, panting with a giggle, recovering from her climax.

Tass: "You'll learn~ It just takes time!"

RJ: Jace, after licking Ashley a bit, patted her butt. "She looks ready to me~" she giggled, while Roselyn kicked her legs on the bed in an energetic gesture. "I feel ready!"
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Tass: Tittering, Ashley wriggled her hips and said; "She does~ But you'd better be gentle on her!" Whether she was speaking to Jace or to Roselyn wasn't precisely clear, and she did so on purpose.

RJ: "Oh, don't worry-" Jace began, before Roselyn clapped her hands, "So you're a woman!" she announced. Jeace fell silent.

RJ: Jace fell silent too

Tass: Ashley laughed lightly before pushing Jace onto the bed, "Oh don't pout~ Your dick is still great!"

RJ: Following up, Roselyn rose and came crawling forward. "Okay, now... I just... With this thing..." Roselyn rationed it out, before she sat on Jace's length, pushing it over and pressing it down with her folds. "Yay! We're having sex!"

Tass: Ashley let out another titter at her daughter's antics, "Nope~ Here, let me show you!" Gently shifting Roselyn aside, she positioned herself over Jace's cock and casually lowered herself onto it, causing it to disappear into her sex with a satisfied moan, pleasure shooting up her spine as she impaled herself and felt the alp begin to drain her energy. Pausing only for a second, Ashley began to buck gently onto Jace's manhood, allowing her daughter to observe her technique.

RJ: Jace moaned as Ashley took over, and began bucking her hips on Jace's length, taking her cock inside her. After a moment of observation however, Roselyn suddenly grabbed at Ashley, "My turn!" she announced, not allowing Ashley more than a moment's satisfaction.

Tass: Grining, Ashley shifted aside, pulling off of Jace's cock , leaving it wet with her juices and making room for Roselyn. "Be careful with the first thrust, the first time hurts for some people!" she said warningly.

RJ: "I'll be fine!" Roselyn insisted, before positioning herself, lining herself up, showing her lack of knowledge with such matters, before brining herself right down! "YEOW! I'm not fine-that was stupid-ow-ow-ow!"

Tass: "It's okay! It's okay! I was like that my first time too!" Ashley said, rubbing Roselyn reassuringly. "You just need to take it slow, and let your body adjust. You can pull off if you want to."

RJ: "... Or I can heal her a little." Jace offered, before touching Roselyn's wounded pussy, and after a few seconds, Roselyn was suddenly smiling again. "Doesn't hurt anymore!" she cheered, before putting her hands on Jace's breasts, and bucking her hips up and down like a dog, riding Jace while moaning happily.

Tass: "You can do that?" Ashley said, surprised, but then she smirked as she watched Roselyn become happy again. "I never thought to try that!" she mused quietly, but then decided to leave it for another time. Instead she leaned back and smiled, content to watch Roselyn's first time with Jace for the moment.

RJ: "S-something strange... Like... Being sucked out of me..." Roselyn said, her bucks slowing a little as Jace drained her energy. Meanwhile, Jace was just enjoying the sex, gripping Roselyn's butt as she thrusted herself upwards into Ashley's daughter. "I... I could..." Roselyn moaned, leaning forward until her face was between Jace's breasts. "... Get used to this...!" she announced, crying out as she was overwhelmed with unfamiliar sexual senses.

Tass: "Mmmhhmmm, some mamono can do that~" Ashley reported following her daughter's words, "It feels really could, but don't let yourself get carried away with it!" That was directed at the both of them, and as Jace nuzzled into her young daughters chest, Ashley slid up behind the girl on top and began to kiss her neck, pressing her larger breasts against Roselyn's back.

Tass: (Derp) Ashley said the same thing as above, and stayed right where she was, watching, as she didn't want to ruin the affectionate moment. "I told you you'd not go without energy around me Jace~" she cooed, smirking.

RJ: "S-stop... Hitting... That... S-spot!" Roselyn cried out, before Jace suddenly began thrusting faster, hammering 'that spot' and driving Roselyn's head back as she roared with orgasmic lust. "Forget energy... I finally don't feel like the weakest around here~" Jace chuckled, bullying Roselyn's pussy with her cock. "It feels great~"

Tass: "Awww, you're not weak!" Ashley pouted softly, "And you don't need to be so rough on her! It's her first time, let her enjoy it~"

RJ: "I-I am... Enjoying it..." Roselyn replied, whining as Jace stopped her thrusts, and drove her length in all the way, holding it there against Roselyn's sensitive spot. "I'm just... Just... Gonna cum so hard if Jace keeps pounding me like this!" she announced, to which, Jace grinned, gripping Roselyn's butt tight in her fingers, spreading her butt cheeks apart to give better view to the dick draining her energy from her.

Tass: "Hehe... You are a lot like me~" Ashley replied, grinning. "Go for it Jace~"

RJ: Jace did as she was told, and gave Roselyn a few more powerful thrusts, now slapping their wet flesh together, now lubricated by all of the love juices covering their lower halves. "My... Gooooood~!" Roselyn cried out in utter exstacy and orgasmic bliss. She shuddered on Jace's cock for a moment, before idly rolling off, spent. "That was so much fun~" Jace sighed happily.

Tass: Giving another giggle, Ashley capitalized on her daughter's exhaustion by simply taking her place. "It looked like fun! But you're not done yet~" she said, before casually dropping her pussy onto Jace's already slick cock, and taking in the whole thing. "You didn't get to cum yet!"

RJ: "Heh, you're right!" Jace announced, before grabbing Ashley's hips, and thrusting up into her as she did to Roselyn, moaning as she was already near her own orgasm.

Tass: Moaning softly, Ashley bucked back against Jace's thrusts in an effort to drive herself to the edge as well, but even if she didn't cum as well, Ashley would let out a delighted squeal as she felt Jace spurting inside of her.

RJ: Jace was already quite stimulated, though it seemed that it was mostly from the thrill of having a new pussy to fuck. Jace's c-cup breasts bouncing as she thrusted upwards, sliding her length through Ashley's often traveled, slick folds, Jace moaned lewdly as she came, wetting the bed with her love fluids both from her pussy, and that which leaked from Ashley's little cunny hole.

Tass: Letting out a pleased coo as she feels Jace spurting up into her, Ashley continued to buck until the alp was no longer cumming, before pulling off and shifting aside with a contented sigh.

RJ: When she shifted over, Roselyn hugged Ashley and giggled next to her. "I'm really happy I was born~"

Tass: "I am too sweetie!" she replied, giggling and hugging Roselyn back.

RJ: "You're the best mother ever!"

Tass: "Dawwww~ You're the best daughter ever!"

RJ: Roselyn tickled Ashley's nose with her finger. "Who's the best mommy in the world? You are!"

Tass: Ashley would happily enter into this competition, as she immediately returned her daughters tickle to her nose with one to Roselyn's sides, "Who's the best daughter in the world!? You are!"

RJ: "Exit, stage right," Jace murmured as she slowly went to let the mother and daughter have at their competition. Roselyn played the game with Ashley before she settled with simply hugging Ashley's naked body against her own. "Hey... Mom? Is it okay for me just to have fun and do whatever I want?"

Tass: "Mmmm..... I would like to say yes, but... You have to be very careful Roselyn~ I've tried to make a home full of good people, but not everyone in this world is so nice.... And eventually you'll have to learn to take care of yourself, even if I'll be doing that for you for as long as I can! But don't let any of that stop you from having fun! You have to pay attention to the bad things so that they can't get in the way of happiness sometimes!"

RJ: "Right! I'll make an announcement to the world! Anyone who's a bad person doesn't get to have sex with me!"

Tass: "That's the spirit!" Ashley said, cuddling her daughter happily.

RJ: Roselyn giggled, snuggling up to her mother. Meanwhile, Deagan was standing in the doorway, watching the two, with a massive nosebleed.

Tass: Ashley waved over at Deagan upon spotting him, smirking.

RJ: Turning around, Roselyn smiled. "Hi daddy! Wanna cuddle with us?" she asked. "Yes please thank you divine fate..." Deagan murmured as if in a trance, heading towards them like a hypnotized zombie.

Tass: Ashley looked somewhat oddly at Deagan as he approached them, but then simply smirked as he joined them.

RJ: Laying into the bed, Roselyn adjusted, and Deagan became the happy meat between the mother and daughter to make the family sandwich.

Tass: And then, cuddle time.

RJ: After cuddletime, Ashley had to tend to her rancher duties, while Roselyn hovered over her shoulder, asking, "what are you doing?" and "What's that?" at every opportunity.

Tass: Ashley explained everything patiently as she saw to her ranch duties, staving off the moderate annoyance that the constant questions arose within her. She understood well enough why Roselyn was curious, after all. Still, she had somewhat neglected her ranching duties while visiting Roselyn while she developed.

RJ: "Oooh, what's that?" Roselyn asked when she pointed at a wanted poster of a naughty imp.

Tass: "That's a criminal that I'm going to go and deal with soon!" Ashley stated in reply, "I just need to make sure that everything's ready for it~"

RJ: "Oooh! Can I come?" Roselyn asked hopefully.

Tass: "Hrm...... Nah, not on this one. It'll probably be really boring and dangerous, and those two don't go well together!"

RJ: "BUT-BUT-BUT-BUT-BUT-BUT-BUT-BUT-BUT-" Roselyn complained furiously.

Tass: "But nothing!"


Tass: "You listen to your mother~"

RJ: "Don't wanna! I wanna come with you!"

Tass: "I know~ Maybe next time!"

RJ: Roselyn pursed her lips angrily, not showing an ounce of compliance, but not offering any further argument.

Tass: "And don't you come following me! You could get into a lot of danger out there!"

RJ: "GRRR-MOOMMY!" Roselyn growled furiously. "You're gonna go out there and fight the bad guys without me and I'm gonna have to stay here and be BOOORRED!"

Tass: "Yup! I'll take you out on an adventure... Some time!"

RJ: Roselyn walks over to Sparkle, talks with her, before Sparkle says. "I will not betray Ashley!" she says like a soldier. Roselyn then pulled out a bag of candy. "I am your slave!" Sparkle said, falling to her knees and begging for the candy.

Tass: "Sparrrrrrklllleeeeee!" Ashley shouted irritably

RJ: "I-I regret nothiiing!" Sparkle cried, flying off with her candy.

Tass: "You get back here right now!"

RJ: "You're gonna yell at meeeee!"

Tass: "I'll yell at you more if you make me do it later!"

RJ: "T-then I'll have to run away!"

Tass: "Sparrrklllleeee, what are you gonna do for Roselyn? What did she ask you to do?"

RJ: "H-help her come with you whether you like it or not because y-you're meeaaaan!" Sparkle cried as she voiced as if she were reciting a qoute

Tass: "You can't do that Sparkle! It'll be dangerous!"

Tass: "You don't want her to get hurt... Do you?"

RJ: "U-um... B-but... The candy..." Sparkle looked conflicted.

Tass: "You can keep the candy, just don't let her come with us when we go to deal with the imps! It'll be really dangerous!"

RJ: "Yay, candy!" Sparkle flew back down, noming her candy as Roselyn began throwing a tantrum, kicking stuff.

Tass: Oh you stop that~ You just can't come on this one until you know more!"

RJ: "I know lots alreadyyyy! Pleeeaaase! Let me gooo! If I do bad I'll never ask agaaain!"

Tass: "Oh, you know that's a lie~ If you don't complain and don't follow me, I'll take you out on the next one!"

RJ: "PHOOEY!" she pushed over an empty barrel.

Tass: Ashley frowned darkly at Roselyn's continued tantrum.

RJ: "I'll find my own bad guys to beat up! Don't need my mom!" she grumbled irritably.

Tass: "You stop that!"

RJ: Roselyn grabbed at Ashley's pants, "Don't leave me behiiind mooom! I wanna stay with you forever!" she cried.

Tass: "I won't be gone long. You can play with Jace while I'm away!"

RJ: "What is all the damned noise!?" Ria exclaimed. "Silence!" she said, before Roselyn's voice was suddenly muted. "I am trying to read a really good book, and unlike certain gifted individuals, I cannot read while there is a grown up acting like a child within earshot!"

Tass: Ashley scowled at Ria, and said; "I'm sorry Ria, but... Can you release the spell please? Roselyn will be calm from now on. She promises. Right?" Ashley glanced at the girl.

RJ: Ria released the spell, before Roselyn plummeted her butt to the ground with an angry grunt. "It's not fair..."

Tass: "I told you I'll take you on the next one. I promise."

RJ: Roselyn hung her head, whining on the ground. Letting out a sigh, Ria returned from where she came.

Tass: Ashley gave Roselyn a pat on the head.

RJ: "Can I stay at Melpha's?" Roselyn asked meekly.

Tass: "I'll ask her, yes."

RJ: "YAAY!" Roselyn cheered.

RJ: Tojiko's head appeared out of the ground. "Hey kids, wanna see a dead body!?"

Tass: "What.."

RJ: Tojiko floated the rest of the way out of the ground, putting her hands on the soil to pull herself out. "Nothing. Did someone say 'imps' and 'murder' in the same sentence while I was asleep?"

Tass: "Someone said imps. I didn't hear anyone say murder though."

RJ: "Shame~" Tojiko sighed, sinking back into the ground. Ashley was then left to decide what to do with her week.

Tass: Training!

Tass: Sparkle
Monday: Domnio
Tuesday: Study
Wednesday: Endure
Thursday: Dodge
Friday: Shoot

Monday: Domino
Tuesday: Dodge
Wednesday: Shoot
Thursday: Domino
Friday: Dodge
RJ: ~Sparkle~

Monday: Following one buttslam, Sparkle knocked over almost all the dominoes!
+3 Power!

Tuesday: The kitsune made sure to test on anything but magical candy. Sparkle got an average grade.
+4 Intelligence!

Wednesday: After being blasted away, Sparkle swam through the tsunami as it carried her away.
+3 Defense!

Thursday: BAM, POW, WHIP, SMACK! Sparkle was beaten senseless by the vengeful fairies.
Sparkle failed her training...

Friday: Sparkle threw those rocks, hit some, and missed some.
+3 Skill!

Sparkle gained 4 levels!
Tass: "Not bad Sparkle!"
RJ: ~Demeter~

Monday: Demeter struck the first domino... And it nearly didn't fall over. She breathed a sigh of relief as she passed.
+3 Power!

Tuesday: The fairies attacked an afterimage while Demeter was already on the other side sipping tea.
Demeter dodged like a ninja!
+8 Speed!

Wednesday: Her aim was a little off, but otherwise the instructor said she passed.
+4 Skill!

Thursday: Demeter did much better, knocking down a fair amount of the stone blocks.
+3 Power!

Friday: The fairies were will attacking the after image when Demeter arrived for training.
Demeter is ninja, you are ninja, we are ninja.
+8 Speed!

Demeter gained 7 levels!

Tass: "Great job Demeter!"

RJ: "Fighting me is like boxing with shadows!" Demeter chuckled as she began shadow boxing.

Tass: Ashley gaped in awe, as only true derps could.

RJ: Ashley paid 250g for food during training, while she got a message from Melpha saying that it was okay for Roselyn to come over and 'play'.

Tass: Ashley sent a message back asking Melpha not to let Roselyn do anything extreme, and then prepared to go out on an expedition!

RJ: With an expedition in mind, Ashley had to carefully choose her three companions!

Tass: (extreme including getting impregnated :p ) Ashley would bring Demeter, Sparkle, and Ria out along with her.

RJ: "So..." Ria hummed. "Imps... How vile."

Tass: "Something wrong?"

RJ: "I find those tiny little demons repulsive, that's all..."

Tass: "And now you get to set them on fire!"

RJ: "That is the only part of this I look forward to."

RJ: And so they set out, heading towards the forest near Melpha's mansion, dropping off Roselyn along the way, who ran towards all the excited dicks to see her with glee. "... Cute kid." Demeter hummed.

Tass: "I hope she doesn't get into any trouble..."

RJ: "She seems a lot like you in that regard..." Ria chuckled.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Sparkle hummed, "I kinda like Roselyn! She's just like her mommy, and I like her mommy! Not as much as candy though, I'm sorry!" she apologizes to Ashley.

Tass: Ashley laughed lightly, "That's okay Sparkle! At least we're up on the list~"

Tass: "She's a good girl," Ashley continued, turning the subject to her daughter. "I just hope that Melpha doesn't let her get into too much trouble~"

RJ: "Something does concern me though." Ria announced. "Imps are small creatures indeed, but they are not equipped with the 'assets' Melpha mentioned by default."

Tass: "There's probably something weird going on, like there was with Demeter and Tojiko. We'd better be careful."

RJ: As they traveled through the forest, they came upon a small creature that looked as human as every other 'monster' they'd come across so far, but with a smooth, purple tail that ended with a thick spade, and demon wings with equally purple webbing, complete with demon horns. Small in size, the creature stood up to Ashley's waist. The monster in question was in possession of a potion, laughing as she celebrated it, not yet aware she was being watched. "Ha-ha-ha! Delicious potion, mine!" she announced with glee, her manner of speaking a simple one, before she downed the potion she apparently stole. After a moment, the imp moaned, before she sprouted a wealthy cock from her groin. Naked with only a skirt with purple frills, the erect cock came clearly into view. "Ah... Yes! Time to rape!" she announced, before fluttering her wings, and noticing Ashley and her group, stopping with surprise.

Tass: "Well... I guess that answers that question..." Ashley muttered as the imp spotted them, having remained silent and still and motioned for her companions to do the same. "Errr.... Hello! Uhhh, this might seem like an odd question, buuutttt..... Where did you get that potion from?"

RJ: "Woooooh!" the imp answered, as if extremely hyped up from the drug she took. "No talk! It's raping time!"

Tass: "No.... Just... No." Ashley said, facepalming at the imp's antics. "Looks like we're gonna have to deal with her before she answers us."

Tass: "Demeter."

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 74 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Imp: 110 / 110
Guts: 0

Tass: "Shoot her. Try not to kill her though." (that sort of defensive stance with the low guts generation. Arrow Shot.)

Tass: (Play it safe, in other words)

RJ: Stroking her cock, the imp rushes in towards Demeter!

RJ: Demeter quickly rolls to the side!

Tass: "Good dodge!"

RJ: Following up, the imp throws a ball of magic towards Demeter!

RJ: After rolling, Demeter performs a stylish backflip, so fast that the ball of magic seems to pass right through her!

Tass: Ashley clapped.

RJ: As Demeter takes aim, the imp laughs as she flies, her body spinning in a circle as she hurls another ball of magic!

RJ: Sparkle catches the ball, "Candy!" and eats it.

Tass: Ashley giggled.

Tass: "You could have just talked to us you know!"

RJ: "This is more fun!" the imp cheered

RJ: Demeter fires her arrow! The arrow strikes the imp for 32 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 74 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Imp: 78 / 110
Guts: 10

Tass: "Keep it up Demeter!" (same thing)

RJ: The imp launches herself butt first, and her tail struck Demeter's neck like a snake before the imp seemed to pump something inside her! Demeter's Guts went down by 10!

RJ: Demeter moans as her faces flushes! Demter has been Charmed!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 74 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -7

Imp: 78 / 110
Guts: 0

Tass: "Demeter! What happened!?"

RJ: "I... I can't think... This... Poison..." Demeter moaned, as the imp forced Demeter onto her front. Both Sparkle and Ria looked ready to rush in to her defense.

Tass: "Ria, get her away from Demeter!" (Wrap in Flames)

RJ: "It's my philosophy that playing with fire is fine so long as you burn what's necessary." Ria announced before firing liquid flame from her wand!

RJ: The imp blocked Ria's magic with a protective shield! "Denied~!" she giggled.

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 74 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -7

Imp: 78 / 110
Guts: 10

Tass: "Give it another try!"

RJ: "Such arrogance." Ria grumbled, before her second attempt reached the imp!

RJ: The imp was burned for 64 damage! The imp absorbed some of Ria's magic and reflected 16 damage back at her!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -7

Imp: 14 / 110
Guts: 20

Tass: Ashley pulled Demeter aside and shoved her last Mint Leaf into the elf's mouth, and then said; "Sparkle, distract her! Use your butt!"

RJ: Demeter shook her head as the lust faded from her eyes

RJ: The imp launched herself at Sparkle, but Sparkle dodged to the side and slammer her butt into the imp's face for 19 damage! Sparkle smothered the imp for a while until it fell unconscious.

Tass: "Uhhh.... Good job!"

RJ: "Uh-oh! Invaders!" another imp shouted, one having watched the fight. "I'll go tell the mistress!" a second imp replied, flying off. "You hold them off!"

RJ: Holding her cock like a staff, the second imp stood tall before Ashley. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" she shouted.

Tass: "Uhhh.... Wait!"

Tass: "......What if I let you fuck me? Then could I pass?"

RJ: "She would steal all of your energy, Ashley. An untamed imp is not safe to have sex with." Ria chided Ashley.

Tass: Ashley shrugged, "It was worth a try."

RJ: "That's why we love you!" sparkle snuggled Ashley.

Tass: Ashley snuggled Sparkle back, but then turned to the imp. "So, uhhh.... I guess we have to fight now."

RJ: "Taking one for the team has always been my goal in life! The mistress said so!" the imp replied, before powering up with magic.

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -7

Imp: 110 / 110
Guts: 0

Tass: "This one looks tougher..... Demeter, are you ready to go yet?"

RJ: Demeter: "Just a momentary madness..."

RJ: The imp does a twirl as the game waits for player input.

Tass: "Shoot her!"

RJ: This imp does the same as the other imp, and launches her tail at Demeter!

RJ: However, Demeter quickly made an evasive leap backwards!

RJ: Gathering her wits, Demeter nocks an arrow, and fires!

RJ: The arrow strikes the imp for 35 damage!

RJ: The imp tries again to inject her demonic fluids into Demeter!

RJ: The tail catches Demeter's arm, pumping some fluid into her body. Demeter loses 8 guts! Demeter manages to remove the tail before too much is injected into her!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -8

Imp: 75 / 110
Guts: 0

Tass: "Keep trying! You've got this!"

RJ: The imp catches Demeter with her tail once more while she's weak! Demeter is drained of 12 guts!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -4

Imp: 75 / 110
Guts: 0

Tass: "Sparkle, distract her again!"

RJ: Sparkle comes in, and launches her butt!

RJ: The imp was slammed in the face with Sparkle's juicy ass for 17 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -4

Imp: 58 / 110
Guts: 8

Tass: "Do it again!"

RJ: The imp dodges underneath the butt hurling Sparkle!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -4

Imp: 58 / 110
Guts: 16

Tass: "Don't give up, she's got nothin!"

RJ: Sparkle catches the imp again, pinning her against a tree as she literally 'rubs it in' for 18 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -4

Imp: 40 / 110
Guts: 24

Tass: "Great shot!"

Tass: "She looks like she's charging something up! Don't let yourself get hit!" (Defend, no guts gen but double dodge and halve damage)

RJ: Launching herself as Sparkle lifted her arms protectively, the imp grabbed Sparkle from behind, before shoving her cock between Sparkle's legs, drawing a moan from Sparkle, before the imp began to fuck her cock through Sparkle's thighs, rubbing her pussy with the upper part of her cock.

Tass: "Throw her off!"

RJ: Sparkle recieved 17 damage, and the imp recovered 8 Life!

RJ: Sparkle: 77 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -4

Imp: 48 / 110
Guts: 0

Tass: "Don't take that Sparkle! Use your butt!"

RJ: Thrusting her butt backwards, she pounded against the imp, drawing a moan out from her as well! Sparkle caused 19 damage, and recovered 4 life!

RJ: Sparkle: 81 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -4

Imp: 29 / 110
Guts: 8

Tass: "Keep doing that!"

RJ: Pounding back against the imp, Sparkle eventually flipped the situation over, thrusting back until she now gripped the imp, holding the creature by her thighs as she grew her own demonic futanari, before stuffing it into the smaller demon. With a lustful moan, Sparkle drained the other demon as she pounded herself up into the imp, before they both came, Sparkle releasing cum into the imp's pussy, and the imp spraying her cum from her cock like a fountain.

Tass: "Good job Sparkle!"

RJ: Sparkle drained 6 Life from the imp, before letting the imp down to collapse to the ground.

Tass: "Hrm, there are probably more of them coming. Demeter, are you alright?"

RJ: "Y-yeah... I'm fine." she nodded. "That stuff in their tails... Really knocks you on your ass..."

Tass: "Heh, I'll bet~"

Tass: "You gonna be okay to fight some more?"

Tass: Ashley glanced over at the two unconscious imps as well, "What are we gonna do with them?"

RJ: "They answer to their master, to be sure." Ria said, "We capture the master, we own her minions."

RJ: "I'll be fine." Demeter replied simply, rising to her feet after a moment.

Tass: "Welp, looks like we've gotta follow that imp! She'll lead us to her master."
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Everyone nodded in agreement, before they followed the imp back to a small, simple camp slightly hidden in the forest. Once they arrived, an imp that looked a little different than the others rose, and laughed.

RJ: (Link:

RJ: "So~ You've come to me! Do you want the ones we've captured?" she inquired.

Tass: ".....What?"

RJ: "If you are not here for them, then how did you know about us?"

Tass: "....What?"

RJ: "Someonewhosabouttogetrapedsayswhat?"

Tass: ".....What?"

RJ: "Good answer! Get her!" she commanded, before a tougher looking imp sprang forth. She was wearing a renegade's red bandana. "I'm a rebel!" the imp announced.

Tass: "Cool!"

Tass: "What are you revelling against?"

RJ: And then that imp slapped Ashley across the face with her tail. "It's mainstream to stab with your tail, I slap with it!"

RJ: "... Isn't that being a hipster?" Ria asked.

Tass: "Ouch! That wasn't nice!"

Tass: Ashley stuck out her tongue at the imp.

RJ: "I'M NOT A HIPSTER!" the imp shouted in rage, before engaging in combat!

Tass: "Yeah huh! Yer a hipster!"

RJ: Sparkle: 87 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 58 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: -4

Hipster Imp: 140 / 140
Guts: 0

Tass: "Ria, put this hipster on ice! That's the only way they'll ever be cool~"

RJ: "Mainstream imps throw their magic, but I dunk it!" the imp announced, charging up two balls of magic, before flying up, and bombing Ria with them! Ria deflected one, but the other popped against her shoulder for 22 damage!

Tass: "You alright Ria?"

RJ: Ria grunted. "Hurts... But I can manage... I think."

RJ: With her magic, Ria encased the imp in ice for 35 damage! The imp reflected 9 damage back at Ria before she was frozen solid!

Tass: "Great job, now Demeter, it's your turn! Get ready to shoot!"

RJ: One after another, Demeter pelted the imp with her arrows while she was trapped in the ice! Causing a total of 124! damage!

RJ: once the ice broke, the imp collapsed to the ground, defeated.

Tass: "Great teamwork girls!"

RJ: "So, you defeated my hipster." the lead imp giggled.

RJ: "... Not... A... Hip... Ster...!"


RJ: "You fight well, in the old style." the imp began, rising from the throne of bones she had in the middle of the camp. "But now you face... The Shredder."

Tass: "The what? And where did you get all of those bones?"

RJ: "I collected them to have my minions make me that throne." she answered. "I'll tell you all about it after I make you all my slaves."

RJ: After saying that, she pulled out one of those potions Ashley saw earlier, popped it open, and drank it all, before she began glowing with a purple aura, and the familiar sight of a futanari length sprouting occured, her's the biggest of all the others.

Tass: "Ooooh, it's really big!" Ashley exclaimed after the imp grew her cock. "So, what if I win?"

RJ: "I don't plan to let you, so the thought never crossed my mind."

Tass: "Dawwww, that's no fair! If we beat you, you work for me! Kay?"

RJ: "Work for you? Your soul couldn't handle my price~"

Tass: "Wanna bet? You're just a spoiled sport~"

RJ: "If you manage to exhaust my energies, I'll allow you to... attempt... to contract me~" the imp giggled.

Tass: "Kay."

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 74 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 330 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: "Demeter, stay on the defensive!" (Shoot, half guts for better defense)

RJ: The imp, letting the potion's contents settle in her belly, licked her lips, a deep blush on her face while she stroked herself slowly. The Shredder is now Lustful!

Tass: Ashley started to get turned on watching the imp, her hands straying towards her nethers subconsciously.

RJ: As Demeter drew her arrow, her body was suddenly snared in magic as the powerful imp levitated her body, and drew her in, spreading Demeter's legs apart, which the imp casually held behind Demeter's knees. Taking her large cock, she casually slid her length along Demeter's folds, teasing her, and thrusting as if fucking her, but only sliding her length along her folds.

RJ: Demeter was drained of 48 Life!

Tass: "Demeter!"

RJ: Struggling, Demeter managed to break free, but not without looking quite excited between her legs.

RJ: Nocking an arrow, Demeter took a shot at the imp! Her arrow scored for 42 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 74 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 288 / 330
Guts: 20

Tass: "Ria, use ice!"

RJ: As Ria came into the fray, the imp vanished, before reappearing right in front of Ria. Her hands snared by the imp's magic, her arms were held over her head as the imp took Ria's bra off enough to let her breasts pop out. Gripping one breast in hand, the imp began to nurse on her breast as Ria moaned in struggle, being drained by the imp!

Tass: "God.... Dammit...."

RJ: Ria was drained of 35 Life! The Shredder recovered 18 Life!

RJ: Ria broke free of her grasp, before blasting the imp into a casing of ice!

RJ: The imp was incased in ice for 46 damage! But, the imp broke free and returned 9 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 94 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 306 / 330
Guts: 15

Tass: "Sparkle, it's up to you!"

RJ: "Right, with my butt!"

RJ: Sparkle pomf'd her butt against the imp leader for 24 damage!

RJ: Retaliating, the imp spanked Sparkle's butt with a magically summoned whip for 46 damage!

RJ: "Owie! My butt!" she cried

RJ: Sparkle: 48 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 282 / 330
Guts: 7

Tass: "Try not to get hit Sparkle!" (dat defensive option. Also, how does she keep getting Guts AFTER her attack?)

RJ: (Oh right, I am error Sparkle recovers 5 Life)

RJ: (Sparkle gets whipped, uses her butt, steals life back, while the boss gains guts)

RJ: (If that makes sense)

Tass: (kay)

RJ: (Also, defend! command?)

Tass: (not using magic attacks against this thing.)

RJ: The imp began to stroke herself slowly. "You all look rather worse for wear... I think you're ready for this~" she chuckled intentfully.

RJ: Sparkle gave another thrust of her butt, and her rump jiggled as it pushed the imp back for 26 damage!

RJ: Sparkle recovered 5 Life!

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 94
Guts: 0

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 256 / 330
Guts: 23

Tass: "Keep going!"

RJ: Sparkle grabs the imp, trying to take advantage of how lustful she was as she began to use her but to stimulate her length while draining her. The imp simply let her do as she pleased as Sparkle caused 77 damage overall, and recovered 15 Life!

RJ: Grabbing her butt finally, the imp grinned. "It's time~" she announced, before Sparkle moaned as Ashley would witness the imp's long shaft vanish into Sparkle's cunny slowly, until the imp hilted her pussy. "W-waaaah!" Sparkle cried out in exstacy, falling to her hands and knees as the imp flapped her wings, hovering over her while gripping her butt with her hands, and pounding her cock into Sparkle's pussy.

Tass: "Sparkle! Don't let her make you cum!"

RJ: Sparkle was raped for 59 damage! Sparkle was drained of 39 guts! The imp recovered 35 Life!

RJ: Sparkle: 14 / 94
Guts: -35

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 214 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: "Dammit... Demeter, shoot her off!" (Shot, play it safe.)

RJ: "How rude..." the imp hummed as Demeter forced her to retreat from her current meal. As the imp sent out her threads to snare Demeter, the elf quickly ran, escaping the reaching threads that sought to bind her like before.

RJ: Demeter fired her arrow as the imp seemed to grin, gathering magic into a single finger, before she was struck by her arrow for 45 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 14 / 94
Guts: -35

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 169 / 330
Guts: 25

Tass: "Don't get hit!" (Defend)

RJ: Pointing her finger at Demeter, the imp muttered, "I'll make your mind mine..." she announced, but Demeter was quick to escape again.

RJ: Sparkle: 14 / 94
Guts: -35

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 169 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: "Play it safe Demeter! Shoot when you have the chance!"

RJ: As Demeter played it safe, the imp chuckled, enjoying the game of cat and mouse. Firing two beams of magic, one after another, Demeter escaped both before she found a perch in a tree, and shot the imp with pinpoint accuracy, hitting her for 43 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 14 / 94
Guts: -35

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 32 / 80
Guts: 16

The Shredder: 126 / 330
Guts: 18

Tass: "Dodge the next one!" (Defense until after Shredder's next attack, then back to play it safe + arrow shot)

RJ: The imp went to grab Demeter, but the elf made an acrobatic leap over the demon's head, landing perfectly on one foot atop one of the tents while drawing her bow.

Tass: Ashley crossed her fingers.

RJ: (My bad, Demeter didn't have 16 guts after her attack, I forgot to change that back)

Tass: (I figured she didn't)

RJ: Demeter dodges the imp's next attempt to grab her, rolling along the ground after diving off of the tent, before pelting her with an arrow for 44 damage. But the demon soared down, and attached herself to Demeter.

RJ: Quickly, Demeter squirmed under, and rolled flat along the ground as the imp tried to snare her. "Slippery..." the imp complained, getting frustrated.

Tass: Ashley's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach upon seeing Demeter grabbed, but then she jumped up and down excitedly and cheered as the elf managed to pull away.

RJ: Trying to hurry back to her feet, the imp snapped her arm quick, magic even Ashley could see rushing for the elf, and just before the quick elf dashed away, her ankle was caught by the imp as she fell to her front. "I've finally got you..." the imp chuckled as Demeter struggled, her other foot snared in the many thin, dark 'wires' coming from the imp's fingers, laying on her front as her legs were spread as the imp crawled on top of her. Excited, and breathing heavy from chasing the elf for so long, the imp eagerly pressed her cock, against Demeter, vanishing the tip into her tight, elven folds as the elf cried out in forced pleasure.

Tass: Ashley's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach again. "Demeter, nooooooo!!!!"

RJ: Resist as she tried, the energy quickly faded from Demeter's limbs, before she collapsed, too weak to fight back as she lay there, moaning before the imp let out a happy moan as well, proceeding to pound her cock into Demeter's pussy. "I can't... I can't...!" Demeter cried out as she was thrusted into by the demon, her face going deep red as her moans became cries of pleasure, her face no longer one of resistance, but now one of pleasure, before she let out a final cry, her body twitching as she came around the imp's length.

RJ: Demeter collapsed, defeated, and the imp recovered 16 Life

RJ: Sparkle: 14 / 94
Guts: -35

Ria: 30 / 74
Guts: 0

Demeter: 0 / 80
Guts: 0

The Shredder: 98 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: Helpless, Ashley could only squirm with anger as she watched Demeter get raped. When it was over, knowing that she would soon be receiving the same treatment, Ashley nonetheless said; "Ria, try to freeze her!"

RJ: Ria stepped up, angry as well over the defeat of her friend, while the imp turned to face her. Ria was so close, that the imp was staring at her belly, and her abs. "Oh my god, you could grind meat on those-BAH!" the imp recoiled immediately.

RJ: They both charged up, ready to fire their magic. Neck and neck they charged, but the imp was just a little faster. Firing a quick beam of dark power from her tail, the magic struck Ria's breast for 40 damage, causing the witch to cry out, and fall to the ground.

Tass: Ashley pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger, closing her eyes as she developed a headache. "Sparkle.... Just... Do your best." (butt attack, play it safe. Just play it out until it's over.)

RJ: Having managed to stand up by this point, Sparkle knew the situation, but faced her opponent like a warrior. "KAMIKAZEEEE!" she cried out, pushing the imp down, and impaling herself on the imp's length, where she bucked her hips, and fucked herself on the drenched cock, still dripping from Demeter's love juices, their hips slapping together as the imp fucked upwards into her, before the imp came just as Sparkle did, filling the succubus' womb with her seed as the demoness came around the imp's cock at the same time.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Treated gently, the imp leader gently laid Sparkle down, before she faced Ashley, her soaked cock twitching. "Quite strong, you all were~" she giggled. "And three on one, not fair at all~ Aren't you going to start... Making it up to me?"

Tass: Letting out a defeated sigh, Ashley stripped out of her clothes and strode up to the imp. She was very clearly horny, the tips of her breasts hard and her flower glistening, but she still spoke frankly and without any trace of seduction; "It's better than the other way it could go, I suppose. I know you have absolutely no reason to, but... Be nice on them, please?" She knelt down and smiled, regardless of the imps answer. "How may I please you.... Mistress~?" she said, letting her lust enter into her voice as she fell into a role she'd occupied before.... Though it had been far less literal then.

RJ: "Ho-ho-ho!" the imp giggled at Ashley. "We'll treat them like toys, and though they will be our toys, just like you, we're not so irresponsible as to break our toys, are we girls?" she asked the other imps present, and they all shook their heads. "Nope! We're responsible imps!" they confirmed.

RJ: "Now..." the imp grinned darkly. "Can't you see my cock has been dirtied from battle? You can start apologizing to me by cleaning it with your mouth~"

Tass: Leaning forward following the imp's command, Ashley gave the tip of the imp's cock a kiss, taking it past her lips and sucking on it as her tongue swirled over it repeatedly. She slowly descended until she had the head and the first inch or so of the shaft, licking the imp's cock all over as she reflexively sent flickers of Melpha's pleasurable magic against it, but then she pulled back with a lewd gasp. Heaving in a deep breath, Ashley descended once more, taking it in further until she reached the base, never ceasing in her bombardment of licks or magic until the whole thing had rested down her throat for a full half-minute, after which she pulled back and released another soft gasp.

RJ: Her arms folded under her chest, the imp watched Ashley work with a grin. The added magic making her cock twitch, but nothing more came from it other than the added pleasure she knew she caused. "To the victor goes the spoils." She announced, before snapping her fingers. Ria and Demeter were collected by several imps, who dragged them away into separated tents, while one imp boarded the defeated Sparkle, and began rubbing her length between the succubus' tits, moaning as she squeezed Sparkle's large breasts together. "I think sex is a wonderful activity, and should be enjoyed by all." the lead imp said to Ashley. "To that end... I want you to see all of your friends enjoying our large, throbbing 'gifts'~"

Tass: Ashley couldn't do anything to prevent this, and her anger would only provoke the imps to cruelty.

Tass: As such, she simply tilted her head and leaned forward again, starting to bob her head slowly while looking up at the imp.

RJ: After several passes, the imp encouraged Ashley's lips off of her length, before smearing a bit of her own saliva on her cheek with her tip. "Even after coming here, it wasn't our other captives you wanted, was it? You wanted me... Well, now I have 'you'. Either way... This..." she rubbed her length along Ashley's cheek. "This is what you wanted, right?"

Tass: Ashley tilted her head and didn't answer for a moment, before opting to simply tell the imp what she wanted to hear; "Yes..."

RJ: "Is that honesty or obedience, I wonder? Oh well~" she giggled, before taking Ashley's hair, not forcefully, but simply lifting it, before one of her imp minions came with a collar. "Don't move, okay?" she told Ashley, before bringing the collar towards her neck.

Tass: Ashley tensed, but knew that there was no way that she could win a fight that her mamono couldn't. She didn't move.

RJ: The imp fastened the collar around Ashley's neck, before snapping it, locking it around her neck as Ashley felt some powerful presence take form around her neck. She felt bound to the imp, and any distance the imp made, even just leaning back, Ashley felt a powerful force beckon her closer. The succubus magic coursing through her as well, it went straight to her genitals, making Ashley shiver with excitement, as the idea of being the imp's 'slave' became slowly more appealing... "I just love it when they're smart~" the imp giggled. "I won't be able to find a reason to punish you, will I? You're such a good girl~" she giggled.

Tass: Ashley shook her head, something she'd likely have done without the enslavement collar's influence upon her mind. She tried to lean forward, towards the imp, as she pulled away, ending up on all fours with her bottom hanging in the air.

RJ: Standing up, and walking around, the imp smoothed her gloved hand along Ashley's back, before patting her bottom. "Lovely~" she cooed. She didn't thrust it in right away, instead Ashley suddenly felt the imp's tongue lick along her folds, stimulated further by the demon's moan of delight from the taste of Ashley's cunny.

Tass: Ashley watched with her head as the imp circled her, not moving otherwise, but when the demon took a place behind her she placed her head against the ground, moaning eagerly as she presented herself for her mistress. The minor disappointment that the imp hadn't simply taken her immediately was easily beaten down by the pleasures of being touched by her mistress, and Ashley shivered and moaned as the imp licked her sex, which had started to leak her love honey so much that droplets of it were running down her legs.

RJ: Licking Ashley's lovely pink slit up and down, the imp ended her light teasing by giving Ashley's sex a little kiss before parting her lips from her flower, and rose to stand over Ashley, kissing her pink lips instead with the tip of her cock, rubbing her length along her sensitive flesh, but never pushing forward no matter how much Ashley might want her to, constantly teasing her, while threads came from her fingers, and wrapped around Ashley's nipples, toying with them.

Tass: Ashley shivered and whimpered at the imp's teasing, but the slave collar disavowed her from taking any action to please herself. She laid there, her ass in the air as the imp's rod teased her hungry folds, and her magic sent shivers of pleasure up the helpless human's spine. She did not cry out, or beg, or try to impale herself, merely waiting as her mistress punished her.

RJ: Withdrawing her wirey tentacles, the imp then grabbed Ashley's butt, as if to tell he girl to prepare herself, before suddenly, the imp pushed herself in, stretching open Ashley's hole to embrace the invading length, and all the rest of the cock that was quickly pumping into her until the imp had sealed her entire cock inside of her new slave.

Tass: The hand on her ass caused Ashley to shiver with excitement, and even the slave collar couldn't keep her inner walls from spasming hungrily as they were stretched by the imp's cock, or her hips from rolling back to meet her thrust. Ashley let out a low, hungry moan that didn't end until the imp's cock was sealed inside of her completely, after which she went still again, waiting for orders even though her hips spasmed with the desire to impale herself completely onto the imp's cock again and again.

RJ: "You know, you've wanted this so badly... You're such a good girl, I'll let you enjoy it as much as you want." she announced to Ashley with a chuckle. "Come on~ It's my treat to you~" she offered to let Ashley enjoy the sex as much as she desired.

Tass: Ashley need no more command than that, as she began to shift her hips back and forth, fucking herself on the imp's cock as she moaned like a whore. Her inner walls tightened and relaxed reflexively, amplified by her magics even as the imp was free to drain her as much as she wanted. Her body tensed and relaxed, steadily approaching orgasm, but she knew that she had to please her mistress before she could allow herself to cum.

RJ: Her mistress didn't waste any time. As Ashley unleashed her lust, the imp pounded herself into her tight slit with her large rod, moaning lustfully as she seemed to have quite a lot of built up lust as well. Her own love juices joined Ashley's as they leaked down her shaft. With her motions alone, and her hands rubbing Ashley's butt, the imp let it be known that Ashley needn't concern herself with holding back her orgasm, as the imp was excited enough to blow already. Stuffing her cock in and out of Ashley with the girl's help, the imp moaned, burying her shaft deeper and deeper, harder and harder, before slamming home, and releasing her seed, a slight pressure building in Ashley's belly as the imp's potent spunk filled her up.

Tass: The first wave of the imp's jizz erupting into her, painting her insides white and causing pressure to build inside, set the human off immediately. She screamed lewdly as she came, her juices spraying over the imp's cock and coating the ground beneath them as her sex spasmed, milking the imp for all she was worth.

RJ: Popping her cock out, the imp giggled as her spunk squirted out of her pussy hole. "You're not finished just with that, are you?" she inquired, while Ashley was feeling more taxed than she ever had been after sex, having had so much of her soul robbed of her by the demon. "Oh well~ I wanted to find out how decent of a cuddler you were anyway~" she giggled, before Ashley was taken into the largest tent, and laid into a flat bed on the ground, next to the imp, who used Ashley's breast as a pillow.

Tass: Ashley tried to shake her head, but could barely move to do so. She passed out almost as soon as she was laid down, lasting just long enough to feel the imp leader lie down on top of her.

RJ: Ashley, Demeter, and Ria seemed to have experienced every imp's cock at least once during their captivity. On day three, Sparkle suddenly joined the imps and began humping Ashley, exclaiming, "I'm an imp!" as she humped Ashley, even wearing their signature clothing to look like a taller, larger breasted imp. They seemed to have given her candy. After a week of being slaves, suddenly the imps were going mad, scrambling for their lives as it seemed Venice herself was standing within their camp. "If you know what's good for you, release those slaves!" she announced, and Ashley and her group were honded over eagerly before they took off to dear life

RJ: Once they were gone, Venice suddenly glomped Ashley. "Mommy! I was so worried1"

Tass: ".....What?"

RJ: "Oh, right!" she gave a start, before touching the amulet at her chest. Venice's appearance seemed to slowly vanish like vapor, revealing Roselyn, who'd been impersonating Venice.

Tass: "How did you.... Do that?"

RJ: "Anubis gave it to me and even helped me learn how to do anal!" she announced witha smile.

Tass: The mention of Anubis drew a momentary frown from Ashley, but then she said; "Lets just... Get out of here."

RJ: And so they got the fuck out of there. Everyone was back at the ranch. Ashley figured out during the trip that she was being taxed physically by a present pregnancy, no doubt the imp leader was the parent.

Tass: (Can she get that terminated? Not saying she would, just curious.)

RJ: (yes)

Tass: (how much would it cost?)

RJ: (Nada)

Tass: (Goodie, she does it.)

RJ: (Lawl)

Tass: Ashley refused to have a rapists child, and also largely refused to speak about her captivity to anyone. She also had a very cross conversation with Sparkle about loyalty, and told the succubus that she'd be eating potatoes this week and not having sex with anyone for her betrayal.

RJ: Sparkle looked genuinely surprised by Ashley's cross attitude towards her. A worried face appeared on Sparkle's expression, before the demon fled from Ashley, the new item on the menu for her seeming to be the final blow that sent her running away.

RJ: Sparkle has run away from home for a while, and Ashley paid 400g in food for the trip's expenses.

Tass: (lol, join their rapists for some candy, doesn't seem apologetic at all, doesn't take her punishment for it.)

Tass: Ashley made no effort to look for Sparkle.

Tass: and grumbled about the wasted expenses.

RJ: Visiting the clinic, Ashley was parted with her pregnancy. Not many words were shared among everyone at the ranch. Roselyn herself looked on quietly, as if unsure to even approach a situation she didn't fully understand. Like this, dark and moody, Ashley's next week began.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Dodge
Wednesday: Shoot
Thursday: Dodge
Friday: Life

Monday: Study
Tuesday: Endurance
Wednesday: Shoot
Thursday: Study
Friday: Run

Tass: During the weekend, Ashley would go whore herself out to recoup her losses

RJ: Demeter aced her shooting training!

RJ: Ria aced her shoot training as well!

Sparkle: +6 Levels!
Life: +2
Power: +3
Intelligence: +4
Defense: +3
Skill: +3
Speed: +3

Ria: +13 Levels!
Life: +4
Power: +1
Intelligence: +15
Defense: +6
Skill: +15
Speed: +2

Demeter: +13 Levels!
Life: +6
Power: +3
Intelligence: +3
Defense: +2
Skill: +12
Speed: +16

RJ: Ashley paid 400g in food expenditures during the training, before she headed out to seek work.

Tass: "400 down the drain... Whole week gone.... Sparkle goes and fucking runs off...."

Tass: Ashley grumbled to herself, making no secret of her continued sour mood.

Tass: -as she went off to find work in the only place she knew of, as a whore for the entertainment industry run by Luna.

RJ: As Ashley found the glorious building and went inside, finding Luna as well, the platinum haired woman chimed at her appearance. "Ah, the sight of a soul in despair, what a common thing to see in such a place. How might I cure you of your misery in my land of dark paradise?" Luna inquired towards Ashley.

Tass: "You can't," Ashley replied immediately, "But what you can do is assist me in alleviating my financial woes."

RJ: "Ah... That depends. How woeful is your... Financial situation?"

Tass: "Woeful enough for me to come here."

RJ: "Should I feel insulted, I wonder?" Luna chuckled.

Tass: "Nah, but I don't usually turn to whoring for money."

RJ: "Regardless, the jobs that pair here each involve you giving your body." Luna replied. "You can give simple massages... one-hundred for the day, and removes you from the... Less honorable work. Or, you can service one demon customer for an hour... Average is three-hundred and varies from patron to patron, or you can join the crowd in the lounge and see if you can't acquire more private work. Choose your poison."

RJ: jobs that are here*

Tass: "I.... Don't know if I'm personable enough to deal with the lounge right now. I suppose it's the one customer an hour for three hundred."

RJ: Luna rose to speak before another voice intruded. "Perish the thought, girl." announced a lewd demon heading towards them.

RJ: (Link:

RJ: "I'll take you for a thousand for tonight and tomorrow." she followed up.

Tass: 'Oh christ what now.' Ashley thought as the voice appeared behind her, and she turned to view the demoness making her the proposition. A less miserable Ashley might have been more swayed by her appearance, but as it was the demon's allure barely even drew her attention. What did catch her ear, however, was the money being offered, more than enough to recoup her costs for the week. "Alright," she said, "If you give me a name."

RJ: "Micia, it's a pleasure." she announced. "Come with me, you poor, miserable thing. We will retire to my property." she instructed Ashley.

Tass: "...Okay, likewise" Ashley replied, unable to shake the feeling that she was walking into a trap.

RJ: Going with the woman, Ashley came to an ideal location for a trap, a lonely mansion far from any listening ears, with a hundred acres of land all about, and in the outskirts of town at that. On the way, the woman asked, "Why don't you tell me of what troubles you. What do you have to lose? You just might feel a little less aggrevated after doing so, you never know." the woman said simply.

Tass: Ashley, despite her trepidations, followed the woman. Worst case scenario, she was kidnapped and enslaved again.... Which didn't sit too poorly with her. The woman's question caused her eyes to narrow, but as she generally was when moods such as this took her, Ashley opted to be both blunt and open; "I just spent the last week being raped, along with two of my best friends. The third best friend with me joined in with our assailants, and upon being confronted about it chose to flee without offering so much as a god damn apology. To top it all of, it wasn't any of the powerful friends I've cultivated since coming here... It wasn't Roan or Venice or Melpha that came to get me. It was my god damned daughter, throwing herself into danger to come and get me. Without any help."

RJ: "Your daughter is quite amazing, don't you think?" she asked simply.

Tass: "Yes."

RJ: "Children learn from their parents," the woman glanced back at Ashley. "And after their children grow, and learn from a source other than them, the parents learn from their children. Smart parents, anyway." She went quiet at that, allowing Ashley to speak.

Tass: "I am quite aware that my daughter's actions are nothing less than inspirational," Ashley deadpanned, "And in truth, I'm not even particularly angry at the ones that abused my friends and I. I'm not even that angry at Sparkle, though she does owe me a god damn apology at the very least, or even the friends who apparently failed to notice my absence. I'm more angry that I let myself fall into that situation to begin with."

RJ: "What I mean to say, is that you should seek to borrow the strength of those closest to you. You haven't shared a good moment together with your daughter after her rescue, have you? It almost seems too evident. When you leave me, I want you to rise from your frustrations, and attempt to see the world from her perspective. When you take in the world and all the living things in it around you, you'll learn so much. If nothing else, ask your daughter why she truly did what she did. As you feel right now, she might make you feel better."

Tass: "I haven't had a good moment since the rescue," Ashley corrected the demoness, "And the reason Roselyn did what she did was obvious. I don't need to hear it from her mouth to know that she loves me." She would have said more, the patronizing manner in which she interpreted the demon's words doing her mood no favors, but Ashley held her tongue in the face of the payment offered to her."

RJ: "Not as obvious as you'd think. You see, if she was the first to have acted in your rescue before the others, it was not because of the inaction of your other friends, it was simply because she got there before them. She knew, before them. If I'm understanding you correctly, then she was with you when you were captured, wasn't she?"

Tass: "No, she wasn't with us, thank god. And given that she was staying with one of the people I'd have thought would have been the first to come and help me, I doubt she was just the first to reach me."

RJ: "Oh?" the demon inquired. "Suppose you are right. Why would your friend not coe to aid you? Why would she send your daughter to do it?"

RJ: come to aid*

Tass: "If she SENT my daughter, then I'm going to wring her god damn neck next time I see her. If she just didn't know, then I'd figure that she was busy with something else. That much I'd understand. I'm not the center of the universe, after all."

Tass: "That first thought is part of the reason that I'm still stewing."

RJ: The demoness laughed a little, "Don't stew, just ask. Do as I say, as my last request of our meeting together, and you'll find that the truth is almost never what you expect. Either way... I envy your daughter. She sounds quite brave to ignore your fury for your own sake."

Tass: Ashley didn't reply to that, her overall frustration getting the better of her.

RJ: Reaching her house, they went inside, and Ashley was handed a bag full of her payment, up front. "Leave, inquire, and return to me. My request of you is to settle what bothers you. You may not return to normal emotionally, but you will feel better at least by knowing more."

Tass: ".......You're kidding, right?"

RJ: "When I saw you, I wanted to help you. I am not joking."

Tass: ".... I'll do what you ask, but.... What, are you not into girls or something?"

RJ: "... That's why I asked you to come back..."

Tass: Ashley laughed, for the first time in days. "Okay then! I'll, uhhh, see you later then."

RJ: "I'll be waiting." the woman said simply.

Tass: Ashley left, depositing the money at the bank and then going home to hunt down Roselyn.

RJ: Coming home, Roselyn looked even more miserable than Ashley saw herself this morning. Hiding near the side of the barn, she looked like the number one suspect of a crime, full of guilt, and when she rose her head, startled that Ashley suddenly returned and so soon, Ashley saw tears streaming down her face as she was utterly speechless to have been caught like that.

Tass: "Roselyn, what's wrong!?" Ashley asked, immediately forgetting her own problems as she moved to hug her daughter.

RJ: "M-mommy..." she cried, hugging her back with a grip almost too tight. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying! I shouldn't..." so she said, but the young woman looked to have been keeping a lot in.

Tass: "Hush now.... What are you crying about?" Ashley said, gripping Roselyn tightly and and patting her.

RJ: "Please don't be mad... Promise you won't be mad...!" she begged Ashley.

Tass: "... I only promise to try."

RJ: Roselyn hesitated greatly at that, before saying, "I... I followed you when you left... I saw you get... Captured... Ria noticed me, but she didn't say anything... She didn't tell you I was there, so I followed you..."

Tass: Ashley frowned a little bit, but then said; "What happened after that?"

RJ: "I... I went back... Melpha was angry... Really angry... I... I told her you were alright... I wanted to save you... S-save you myself... I thought... I-I don't know... I asked Anubis..."

Tass: "....Why did it take you a week? I got there in like three hours."

RJ: (I kinda did a timeskip without realizing it didn't I)

RJ: (A whole expedition takes a whole week, going out and coming back)

Tass: (lol)

RJ: (If I screwed up, 'again' my bad.)

Tass: (that changes a little bit)

Tass: "And Anubis gave you the amulet," Ashley reasoned out to herself. "You were very brave, Roselyn.... And I'm very proud of you!"

Tass: That Melpha hadn't been completely negligent was a great relief, and she found it easy enough to forgive Ria. The witch had likely expected to win the fight, after all.

RJ: "You're... Not mad at me?" Roselyn asked as if she were someone on death row about to be pardoned.

Tass: "No? How could I have been mad at you!? The one in danger of that was... Well, pretty much everyone but you!"

RJ: "So... So... You'll take me on your trips from now on!?" she asked with excitement.

Tass: "........No. Who else is going to pull my ass out of the fire?" Ashley said teasingly as she gave Roselyn a squeeze. Taking on a more serious look, Ashley continued; "What you did was very brave, but also very dangerous Roselyn. What if something had grabbed you quietly while you were following me, and carried you off? That's what I was most afraid of. I told you that I would take you on the next one, and we'd see from there. As it turned out, I was right to try and keep you away, wasn't I?"

RJ: "Huh?" she asked. "What do you mean!?" she asked, outraged. "I gave blowjobs to five imps until they passed out to make it out of there safely! YOU MAKE ME SO MAD!!!!"

Tass: "You did what!?"

RJ: "She kept an imp off from ambushing us before I discovered her." Ria chimed in, sitting on the roof of the 'barn' as it were above them. "While we were fighting, she dealt with it. I figured she was okay to keep around if she could do that."

Tass: ".......You know, you can tell me these things. I wouldn't have been mad at the time."

RJ: "I didn't want to rat her out. Whether or not she wanted to reveal herself was up to her. We're on the same team after all."

Tass: "You didn't have to make it obvious! I would have played along!" Ashley whined.

RJ: As Ashley whined, she heard a repetitive voice slowly coming closer. "Oh a piece of candy! Oh a piece of candy! Oh a piece of candy! Oh a piece of candy!" as a figure in the distance crouched, picked something up, ate it, saw something else, and ran for it, and ate it too, following a path it seemed along the ground, oblivious to a trap set up to catch such a scavenger, a rope tied to a tree branch. "oh a piece of candy! Oh a piece of-" and then the rope snapped, and the candy fiend was caught by her leg and hoisted upside down. "piece of-WAAAAH!" she cried.

RJ: "I brought Sparkle back too..." Roselyn added.

Tass: "I see that."

RJ: "She's like a dumb animal. Some people find it adorable, and others just want to kick it." Ria commented.

Tass: "Yup." Ashley stated grimly, before going over to Sparkle and staring at her.

RJ: Sparkle panicked when she saw Ashley approaching, flapping her wings as if for dear life before she was yanked back, dangling from her heel as the rope hung her.

Tass: "Hello Sparkle."

RJ: Sparkle began to cry profusely as her arms covered her face as well as her wings as if to shield her as much as possible.

Tass: "Sparkle. Stop crying and look at me."

RJ: At first refusing, Sparkle slowly moved her wing to just barely peek over, her eye squinting as if Ashley had such power as to vaporize her on the spot.

Tass: "I've already forgiven you.... Mostly. I'll forgive you completely when you say your sorry, and you show me that you understand what you did wrong."

RJ: "I.. I'm sorry... For being stupid..."

Tass: "You weren't stupid."

RJ: "I am stupid!" she cried, hiding herself again. "That's why someone who I can't remember sent me to die! Stupid, useless Sparkle!"

Tass: "Someone sent you to die?"

RJ: No outstanding reply came from Sparkle as she continued to cry an wrap her upper half in her wings, slowly swaying back and forth.

Tass: "And you can't remember... Ria, cut her down."

RJ: Ria did so, and Sparkle flapped her wings, lightly falling on her butt before curling up and shielding herself inside her wings almost completely.

Tass: "Sparkle, stop that!"

RJ: "I'm so stupid... I'll just keep messing up... You'll want me to go off and die somewhere too..."

Tass: "No I won't! Don't ever say that or think that of me again, or I'll have to give you a spanking!"

RJ: "But... But... *hic*..." she cried. "You were so mad... It made my head hurt really bad and I felt so scared...!"

Tass: "I wouldn't ever hurt you Sparkle! And I wouldn't ever betray you like you did to me either!"

Tass: "....What happened after your head hurt?"

RJ: Sparkle curled up even more into her cocoon when Ashley stated quite clearly of Sparkle's betrayal. "... I keep trying to remember... All I could remember, was a really angry face... And blood... And pain..."

Tass: "...... Can you describe the face?"

RJ: "I can't!!!" Sparkle suddenly snapped, frustrated truly, seemingly for the first time. "I know I know, but I don't know!"

Tass: "Try harder! You can do it!"

RJ: "Best not to push further, Ashley." Ria suggested. "Let me ask you, where did you find Sparkle?"

Tass: "She fell from the sky and dropped onto my head."

RJ: "Was there anything strange about her?"

Tass: "One of her horns broke...."

Tass: "She didn't remember her own name!"

RJ: Immediately, Ria moved over to Sparkle, and kneeled over to her. "Sparkle, may I please look at the corruption tatoos on your body?" she inquired. After offering candy, Sparkle inspected, and announced with a nod. "Sparkle is ancient."

Tass: "I.... Really?"

RJ: Ria inspected*

RJ: "Yes, like a tree's inner markings, the tatoos on anything touched by corruption tell a lot, such as the degree of corruption, the demon's power, and their age. I can't even count how old Sparkle is."

RJ: "But, look at this," Ria pointed at a few markings along Sparkle's body. At a glance it appears just random design, but it lacked some degree of art. "Doesn't the style of these tatoos look broken?"

Tass: ".......Maybe? I don't know anything about magic... Or tattoos... Or magic tattoos..."

RJ: "Basically, something tried to destroy Sparkle's soul. That's the only explanation I can come up with."

Tass: "....What? Why?"

RJ: Ria investigated further, tracing a line along Sparkle's thigh while she giggled. "I don't know, but here, it's like reading a book with missing letters, but this clearly translates to something akin to what demons would call 'Overlord'. I'm almost certain that's what it should be. But here, it's been broken, and now it just reads, basically, that she's a newborn demon."

Tass: "Huh..... So Sparkle used to be really powerful?"

RJ: "I did?" Sparkle asked as well. "She must have. That would explain why she's so fractured. Something tried to blow her soul to bits, but failed."

RJ: Ria answered.

Tass: "....Huh...... Why would someone do that?"

RJ: "Sparkle has some truama with being criticized from failure, as silly as it is to watch and explain. It could be linked to what happened. Someone must have gotten really angry at her."

Tass: "Mmmmm.... I guess that leaves the last question: Who?"

RJ: "Someone extremely powerful, though I worry if it was a Cardinal Sin..." Ria hummed. "If they found out Sparkle was alive..."

Tass: "Aren't they all peaceful members of society these days? Cept for that one really angry one?"

RJ: "They're still not good people."

Tass: "You could say that about a lot of people."

RJ: "Maybe... But this was certainly an interesting find... An elder demon..."

Tass: "It doesn't matter what she used to be," Ashley decided, "It only matters what she wants to be. Anything else is purely academic until it becomes important."

Tass: "Do you want to find out more, Sparkle?"

RJ: "I want to find more candy!" she answered.

Tass: Ashley gave Sparkle a piece of candy.

RJ: Sparkle cheered, "Yaaaaaa-" and then Ria caused an explosion.

RJ: And then, Ashley would recall what the demon woman said.

RJ: Micia

Tass: And then, Ashley would bid her companions and her daughter farewell before returning to the demon's house. (Assuming that's what you meant, and not something that I forgot.)

RJ: And then Ashley returned to the demoness, who looked at Ashley with a rather haughty expression. "Your spirits seem to have lifted. Oh, what a curse it is to always be right." she giggled.

Tass: "Shut up and have sex with me!"

RJ: "Come at me~" she beckoned Ashley, sitting on the bed.

Tass: Ashley got naked and climbed on top of her

RJ: Micia grew a nice big futanari cock while holding up one of her massive breasts. "My milk is a potent love potion. Drink untill you are drunk with passion~"

Tass: "Kay~" Ashley replied, before latching onto a nipple and sucking while she shifted to stradle the busty demoness, already lining up her cock with her already slick folds in order to rub her petals against it.

RJ: Micia's tail curled between both their legs, before the tip pressed against Ashley's rear entrance, lubricating it with the demonic fluids leaking from the tip that made her butt tingle. Meanwhile, the milk she ingested hit her like a brick, only to her sex drive and without the knocking out part. With a mouthful, Ashley felt herself turn into some kind of sex fiend, and if she drank further, a beast with and impossible sex drive, maddening and passionate.

Tass: Ashley kept drinking and started riding Micia wildly pausing only to let the demon's tail into her ass if she attempted to slide it in.

RJ: With initial struggle, the spade's flaps folded inwards, and eventually popped into Ashley's ass before the tail itself began pumping it's fluids into her insides while the tail fucked her like a tentacle. Underneath her, Micia planted her feet firmly, and slouched back, relexing, while pushing herself up, using her legs and feet to thrust herself upwards, and into Ashley. "Delicious~" she moaned at the taste of Ashley's soul, or perhaps her sexual performance, still fucking herself up into Ashley either way.

Tass: Horny beyond horny courtesy of the demon's milk, which she continued to gorge herself on, Ashley humped Micia vigorously as she haphazardly applied her magics, doing so by reflex at this point, in order to provide the demoness with more pleasure. She would writhe atop her until she was too exhausted to move anymore, and would continue to take whatever the demoness could dish out until she passed out! (I'm sleepy :p )

RJ: The demoness moaned and bucked herself into Ashley, rapidly pumping herself into the wild Ashley and draining the woman's energy rapidly, while drinking Micia's milk seemed to give her more vigor. Getting fucked so hard, this woman shot pleasure into Ashley individually with more skill than one of Melpha's stablemen. And she continued to use her overwhelming skill to make Ashley cum, feeding her more milk as she held Ashley's face to her breast, and continued thrusting hard and fast, even as she came, splattering cum everywhere, continuing to pound into her pussy even as she dirtied Ashley up inside.

RJ: (Getting tired too, figure I'd aim to hop over this first though, up to you)

Tass: (I think it's good to end there, I'll post up ye training schedule and you can handle it whenever you feel like it.)

Week 1
Monday: Endure
Tuesday: Domino
Wednesday: Dodge
Thursday: Study
Friday: Shoot

Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Shoot
Wednesday: Dodge
Thursday: Domino
Friday: Dodge

Weekend: Chill at home and derp after going to Aunt Verde's to buy 2 Mangos, 2 Candies, a Nuts Oil, and 2 Mint Leaves, Total of 960 moneyz.

Week 2
Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Domino
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Endure
Friday: Shoot

Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Domino
Wednesday: Dodge
Thursday: Domino
Friday: Dodge

Weekend: Go chill with Melpha

Week 3
Monday: Study
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Endure
Thursday: Study
Friday: Endure

Monday: Dodge
Tuesday: Domino
Wednesday: Shoot
Thursday: Domino
Friday: Dodge

Weekend: TBD Total cost for 3 weeks of training is 250 + 250 + 400 = 900, total expenditure is 1860.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Sparkle: +8 Levels!
Life: D 96 +2
Power: C 147 +6
Intelligence: B 212 +4
Defense: C 135 +3 (One failed)
Skill: C 135 +3 (One failed)
Speed: C 159 +6

Ria: +7 Levels!
Life: D 78 +2
Power: E 37
Intelligence: A 265 +15 (One aced)
Defense: C 147 +9 (One aced)
Skill: A 225
Speed: D 88

Demeter: +17 Levels!
Life: D 86
Power: C 132 +18 (One aced)
Intelligence: C 126
Defense: D 84
Skill: B 196 +12 (One aced)
Speed: B 216 +32 (One aced, one failed)

Tass: Ashley congratulated her mamono when they succeeded, praised them when they succeeded exceptionally, and reassured them when they failed as she normally would have, apparently back to her old self again.

Tass: With that she would prepare herself to set off for the imps lair again, intending to take the same group with her as before.

RJ: Getting everything ready after the training, Ashley would note that Demeter was in a good mood. (Demter's loyalty rating: S for the week.)

Tass: (lol)

Tass: "We'll win this time! We're much better prepared!"

RJ: "I would hope so. Though it was Demeter who got most of the preparation."

RJ: Ria said calmly.

Tass: Ashley displayed the wealth of items she'd bought, "Not just her! And don't worry, I'll set you up after this one Ria."

RJ: "Don't worry about it." Ria said with a chuckle. And then, suddenly, Roselyn. She appeared, fully prepared like a girl scout for a long adventure. "I'M READY!" she announced.

Tass: Ashley frowned, but opted to simply drop the matter and force herself to believe that they would prove victorious this time. "Looks like we're all ready then... Lets got!"

Tass: *go!*

RJ: And so they embarked on their journey. After a few days, they found the imps again. "Ah, you've returned to me!" the Imp leader announced when she saw Ashley. "I see you've fallen in love with me~"

Tass: "Hardly!" Ashley replied sardonically, rolling her eyes at the imp. "No kidding around this time! We're going to put an end to your reign of terror!"

RJ: "Hah! Over my stiff, throbbing cock!" The imp boasted, standing tall with her stiff, throbbing cock.

Tass: Ashley gazed dreamily at the imps cock for a moment before shaking her head from side to side, "Not this time! Lets fuck! ...... I mean fight!"

RJ: Sitting in the imp's throne, Roselyn was wearing a barbaric chest plate and a horned skull helmet over her head as she slouched into the seat like an evil ruler. "Round one, FIGHT!" she exclaimed with a dark, hoarse tone.

Tass: "Sparkle, soften her up! Use your butt!" Ashley called, opting to start aggressively. (Hip Check)

RJ: The imp gave Sparkle a thumbs down, "You suck!" she taunted as they both approached each other to fight.

RJ: Sparkle: 98 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Shao Khan: 330 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: (same as above, Hip Check, no specific offense/defense)

RJ: "Hah!" Sparkle shouts, slamming her butt against the imp for 21 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 98 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Shao Khan: 309 / 330
Guts: 8

Tass: "Do it again!"

RJ: Slamming her butt again, the imp takes 23 damage!

RJ: "Bang bang!" The imp said playfully, before pointing a finger at Sparkle, which fired a beam of magic like a cannon, blasting Sparkle for 44 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 54 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Shao Khan: 286 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: "It's alright Sparkle, you've got this! Go for it again!" Ashley called enthusiastically.

RJ: "Pew pew!" the imp repeated, taking aim with her finger.

RJ: Sparkle left an assprint on the imp's face for 19 damage!

Tass: (dat drainan)

RJ: Sparkle was healed for 4 Life!

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Shao Khan: 267 / 330
Guts: 8

Tass: "Turtle up Sparkle!" (Defend. You said it was for 20 guts, so that should technically be two shots unless she opts for a different one.)

RJ: "Woosh!" The imp gestures, firing her magic ray!

RJ: Sparkle quickly dodged to the side!

Tass: "Great job!"

RJ: She charged up another as Ashley expected, firing another ray!

RJ: Sparkle leaned backwards in slow motion, dodging the ray while flailing her arms about.

RJ: The imp put one hand on her hip, humming. "Come here, pet~" she giggled.

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Shao Khan: 267 / 330
Guts: 4

Tass: "Great job Sparkle!" Ashley cried joyously as she bounced up and down. "Now Demeter, show her how to hit things!" (throw in Demeter, arrow shot. If her turn comes up again, switch to Play it Safe and use some more Arrow Shot.)

RJ: Demeter fires an arrow as Sparkle tags out, but Slyph the wind elemental suddenly flies by, and the arrow is thrown way off course!

Tass: "....What the hell was that?"

RJ: Ria grunted. "Slyph, a literal air head. Ignore her."

Tass: "...Did that hurt?"

RJ: "No?"

Tass: "Oh, okay good! Carry on then!"

RJ: As Demeter went on the defensive, the imp suddenly made her eyes glow purple as she stared intently at Demeter. "Become mine..." she commanded with a powerful tone.

RJ: Demeter slowly walked up to the imp, before handing the imp her love letter back while crying. "I'm sorry, it'll never work out between us."

Tass: Ashley screwed her face up in horror before bursting out in laughter.

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 7

Rejected Imp: 267 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: "Keep it up Demeter!" (Play it safe, Arrow Shot)

RJ: The imp fired a beam of light from her finger at Demeter after being rejected.

RJ: Demeter made a quick hop to the side, dodging with grace!

Tass: "Great job Demeter! You've totally got this!"

RJ: Demeter fired her arrow, letting it fly swiftly!

RJ: The imp took 42 damage!

Tass: "Great shot! Nothing can stop you now!" (Arrow Shot, she can't stop you! for hopefully positive morale)

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Ace Marksman Imp: 225 / 330
Guts: 20

RJ: The imp strokes her cock, as if remembering what Demeter's pussy felt like.

RJ: Demeter held her bow up high, cheering! "Bring it on!"

RJ: Demeter is now Pumped!

RJ: The imp tried to grab Demeter, but Demeter dodged over and behind the imp, taking an arrow and giving her A THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN! for 53 damage!

Tass: "Great job!"

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Arrow Butt Imp: 172 / 330
Guts: 20

RJ: The imp pulls the arrow out of her butt while the player idles at the command screen.

Tass: "You've got this, keep it up!"

Tass: (Arrow shot, play it safe)

RJ: The imp stroked herself, her wings spreading out as she took flight. "Here I come~" she giggled.

RJ: Demeter fired her arrow as the imp prepared her attack, striking the imp for 55 damage!

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 86 / 86
Guts: 0

Horny Imp: 117 / 330
Guts: 70

Tass: "For me?" Ashley called to the imp, turning and wiggling her butt in a manner that caused her soft flesh to strain against her excessively short shorts. She shot Demeter a quick wink as she did so. (Defend)

RJ: "Nope~" the imp replied, before flinging binding magic. Leaping away, Demeter barely did not escape, before her limbs were bound and spread out by the imp's magic. Hugging Demeter from behind, the imp kissed Demeter first, whispering how glad she was to have this chance again, before pushing her eager cock into Demeter's elven pussy.

Tass: "Awwww! No fair!"

RJ: But Demeter fought back, gritting her teeth as the sizable cock entered her, enduring for all she could as the imp raped her of her energy. The imp thrusted faster and faster, before finishing inside of Demeter, moaning as her cum erupted from the elf's folds, and her magic faded, allowing the elf to fall to the ground.

RJ: Demeter was drained of 31 Life! The imp recovered 31 Life! Demeter was drained of 25 Guts!

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 80 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 55 / 86
Guts: -25

Satisfied Imp: 148 / 330
Guts: 0

Tass: Ashley's face became blank as she watched Demeter get raped, her hands shivering slightly as her head was briefly filled with bad memories. She snapped out of it after the imp finished, grimacing as the elf was filled up with cum, and then said; "Ria, use fire!"

RJ: "I'm alright... I'm not done just with that." Demeter announced as Sparkle carried her away and Ria took up the front lines.

Tass: "I know, here, take this!" Ashley handed Demeter some nut oil.

RJ: Ria sent out engulfing flames, burning the imp for 51 damage!

RJ: Absorbing some of the magic, the imp reflected 10 damage back to Ria!

RJ: Demeter recovered 25 guts!

Tass: Alright Demeter, get back in there! (Warning Shot, play it safe)

RJ: As Demeter prepared her shot, the imp's eyes glowed again as she licked her lips. "You seem much more energetic this time... Could you want another load?" she wondered. And just before she could fire, the imp released her dominating magics.

RJ: Demeter got on all fours, "I'm all yours!"

Tass: "Dammit Demeter you slut!"

RJ: Then when the demon neared, she shot an arrow dangerously close to her dick.

Tass: "Stop being such a tease!"

Tass: Ashley said, grinning as if she'd known what the elf was going to do.

RJ: The imp was drained of 18 guts!

RJ: Sparkle: 58 / 98
Guts: 0

Ria: 70 / 80
Guts: 0

Demeter: 55 / 86
Guts: 0

Twice Rejected Imp: 97 / 330
Guts: -16

Tass: "Keep the pressure on! Back her into a corner!" Ashley called enthusiastically. (Get Brave, Warning Shot)

RJ: Demeter continuously pelted her arrows all along the imp's clothing, until she was completely pinned against a tree, unable to move.

RJ: Ashley has captured the imp!