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Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Tass: "I mean, I feel like you have nothing to do with what I came out here for. So long as you fix the body swap shenanigans, I really don't mind spanking you until you find your master again."
RJ:: "No promises." She said, opening a gate, and walking through it, her form shimmering until it looked like it became an odd gas.
Tass: "Uhhh... Take them and lets go," Ashley said, gesturing towards the unconscious ghouls. Unless they were dead, then they just left.
RJ:: Regina and Gobbo looked at each other, before looking at Ashley, and making a brave leap of faith into the portal.
RJ:: Tojiko: "Whelp they're dead."
RJ:: Tojiko: "Or maybe they're not. They could be a lotta things."
Tass: "It's fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine"
RJ:: Upon reaching Valdis' mansion, they discovered that Gobbo and Regina were there, and they were covered in slime. "We fixed it." Regina said with a grin. "Gobbo has seen things." Gobbo said, her face pale.
Tass: "What did you see?" Ashley asked, curious. "And where's the.... Uhh.... Slimy maid girl?"
RJ:: "Lost her." Regina replied. "And we saw... stuff. Really, really odd stuff."
Tass: "Well, uhhh.... We took care of the ghouls, at least. Valdis around?"
RJ:: The bunny thing was in the window, staring at them. Then she started to slap her hand against the window. Over and over again. While staring.
RJ:: Tojiko pushed the door open. "It's open."
Tass: "Uhh.... Hi?"
RJ:: The little bunny thing came downstairs and then looked up at Ashley. "Can I... Eat?" she inquired, looking at the ghouls.
Tass: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Can you... Go get Valdis for us?"
RJ:: She looked sad, before going upstairs. Valdis came down wearing skeleton pajamas. In the middle of the day. Hard to tell it was day though. "Ah, you were successful? I was certain you'd die."
RJ:: "Well, to fight ghouls and win is no easy feat. I commend you."
Tass: "There was a tentacle maid slime thing."
Tass: "She did weird stuff."
Tass: "Nice PJs."
RJ:: "Nice house break in."
Tass: "Thanks!"
Tass: "Your bunny thing wants to eat the ghouls. It's scary."
RJ:: "I didn't feed her today, that's why. Here's your reward." Ashley gets 1500 gil!
RJ:: "I didn't think you'd bring two, so I guess you can keep the other one."
Tass: "Uhhh.... Well, okay. Should we be worried about the slime maid thing? I think she's a masochist, and might do something dumb to try and find her master who she lost."
RJ:: "I haven't a damned clue of what you're talking about"
Tass: "Well alrighty then. Uhhh, lemme know if you need anything else. See you later Valdis!" And then Ashley left, taking a ghoul with her.
RJ:: And so Ashley left, dragging a ghoul along the ground on her face. It gave her time to examine the powerful creature.
RJ:: Ghoul: Grade C
Mamono Level: 600
Life: D 200
Power: B 400
Intelligence: D 200
Defense: B 400
Skill: C 300
Speed: C 300
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: For every 4 ranks into a skill, gain 1 rank into Crit for free.

Pow 33

Pow 67
RJ:: (cept loyalty isn't A, it's B)
Tass: Ashley would return home, and wait for the ghoul to wake up.... With assistance nearby of course, in the form of all of her combat ready mamono on standbye in case the undead creature proved uncooperative.
RJ:: Her mamonodex gives a tip: "Ghouls are fundamentally amazing at dealing with highly defensive mamono! Ghouls also double as a frightening power house!"
RJ:: "Beware though, they are their own weakness! A crit will quickly defeat them."
Tass: "Good to know...." Ashley muttered, anaylzing the data.
Tass: She may or may not have had it upside down.
RJ:: The ghoul later woke up. She growled, and lashed out, looking angry.
Tass: "Heyyy - gah! No! Bad!"
RJ:: The ghoul snapped, biting around as her mamono contained it.
Tass: "Hey hey hey hey... Calm down! Can't you even talk!"
RJ:: "Graagh! I won't be caged! I won't be enslaved! You will DIE! And I will DRINK YOUR BLOOD!"
RJ:: "Then you will become like ME"
Tass: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no thanks?" Ashley said, scratching the back of her head. "I'm... Not really looking to put you in a cage. That's not my thing. Do you see anyone else around here in bondage?"
RJ:: "If you hand me a MIRROR, I can see someone who is in bondage!"
Tass: "I mean, Valdis would have fed you to her bunny maid doll thing or experiment on you... And probably actually caged you. They're just here to make sure you don't do exactly what you just said you were gonna do, sooo.... Sort of proving the necessity of that precaution."
RJ:: "BUT I'M STILL CAGED! You can trust me, just let me touch your skin!"
Tass: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Tass: "Nope. Nope. Nope."
Tass: "Not until you calm down anyway."
Tass: "Nuh uh~"
RJ:: Ria stepped forth. "I got this."
RJ:: Magic moments later... The ghoul was looking drugged, building a very poorly made sand castle.
RJ:: "A bit of magical super therapy, and she's fine now." Ria nodded.
Tass: "Good job Ria! You're a million bucks!" Ashley said, glancing at the now pacified ghoul. "So... Does she have a name?"
RJ:: "Blurgh... Frozen peas..." The ghoul said.
Tass: "Frozen peas.... Freeze... Frieza! You're gonna be called Frieza!"
RJ:: "Uuuuugh..." the ghoul flopped over.
RJ:: "Aw, she's sleepy." Tiki said, holding both hands over her collarbone.
Tass: "Mmmmm, well, great work Ria. Now... Back to work!" (Ashley is going to upgrade the shop with some of the money she got. There's also any levels her friends acquired from ye adventure, that should be all of the upkeep stuff to worry about.)
RJ:: After completing that task for Valdis, Ashley later received an invitation from the necromancer to return to her house.
Tass: And so she would, wondering what Valdis wanted.
RJ:: "You have proven yourself useful to me. I want to talk." ~Valdis
RJ:: Arriving at her home, Valdis invited Ashley to sit in the lounge, into a rather menacing but rather significantly comfortable black leather rocking chair, while Valdis sat in an equivalent chair across the room. "Tell me, what do you know of the entity of Death?"
Tass: "Entity? you mean like... There's something called death here? Big, spooky, skeleton with a scythe and a big cloak?"
Tass: "Did it get turned into a maid too?"
RJ:: "Everything but the scythe, you've got wrong."
RJ:: "She is the being that all souls that do not go to other deities go to when their bodies die. She's sort of the antithesis to what I represent."
Tass: "Oh.... Kay. So, what about 'em?"
RJ:: "I want to subjugate her, and use the souls long lost to further my ambitions."
Tass: "Dude, I'm rank D"
RJ:: "I did not tell you to fight a god, yet. But one day, you might be Rank A like me... Dude."
Tass: "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Well, uhhh.... I dunno, that sounds hard. And really dangerous. What do you want to do with the souls she has?"
RJ:: "Create more experiments. Imagine, recreating the great souls long lost to time, reinventing history, and learning from those whom we cannot speak to any more."
RJ:: "Basically, I want you to help me set up the required steps needed to break through the dimensional barrier between us and the gods, so that we may go into her world. The process will take countless years I estimate, giving you time to prepare."
Tass: "Wow.... Dude.... That's some dream!" Ashley said, amazed. "Well, uhhh, so long as you're not hurting anyone... But, like, if we do actually get there, couldn't you just like... Ask Death to talk to some of those old souls?"
RJ:: "She will probably seek to destroy me instantly. I'm sort of... On her wanted list."
Tass: "Oh.... Well, that's probably a bad plan that will totally result in disaster for everyone! Still, I doubt I could talk you out of it. And, like I said... So long as it isn't hurting good people, I'll help you out with stuff."
RJ:: "Fantastic. I'll keep in touch." she announced. "Oh, and I remembered after you left. Undead do not easily obey mortals. This will allow you to command that ghoul."
RJ:: Ashley acquired a very evil looking necromancer staff.
RJ:: "If you do not know how to weave, find someone who does and let them use this."
Tass: "Spooky.... One of my friends pacified her, but presumably this will help me command her and stuff when she's not around. Also... Could I bring her and maybe a few others around here? You seem to know like, magic stuff, and maybe they could learn something sometime."
RJ:: "Yes, but I will require payment. Then I can teach them a thing or two."
Tass: "Of course, I wouldn't want you to spend your time helping me for nothing. Thanks Valdis! Let me know if you need anything in particular, you know where to find me."
Tass: "Unless I get captured and end up being raped a lot," Ashley said, jokingly.
RJ:: "Never trust an orc..." Valdis' face grew dark when she said that.
RJ:: "Now I feel like going to visit Melpha on a hostile note. Good day."
Tass: "cya~"
Tass: And then, Ashley would stop off to check on her own growing orcish offspring to see how she was doing before returning to her ranch, ready to start the next week of training in preparation.
RJ:: Regina
Mamono Level: 404+12
Life: C 237+6
Power: A 435+10
Intelligence: B 288+8
Defense: E 34+2
Skill: C 224+6
Speed: D 124+4
RJ:: Gobbo
Mamono Level: 397+12
Life: D 132+4
Power: B 272+8
Intelligence: D 102+4
Defense: C 210+6
Skill: C 219+6
Speed: B 276+8
RJ:: Tojiko
Mamono Level: 452+12
Life: C 246+6
Power: C 162+6
Intelligence: B 396+8
Defense: E 80+2
Skill: C 231+6
Speed: E 54+2
RJ:: The orcs she found, were being a general eyesore still to the general population. "One orc is one thing, but it's when they bang those loud drums while I'm performing alchemy... Ugh! So distracting!"
RJ:: Says Ria
Tass: "I don't think they'll listen if I ask them to stop," Ashley replied, apologetically. Though, she did intend originally to go and visit the orc she'd birthed, who had been given the magic to grow rapidly like her other offspring.
RJ:: Ashley also got something in the mail before she went. (Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread....mf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=898360#post898360
Tass: "Huh....... An amusement park? We'll have to check it out sometime. But first, responsibilities!"
RJ:: Going to visit Queen, the woman would nod, bringing Ashley to a chamber where the orc baby turned into... A lumberjack. She was enjoying living in the woods and cutting down trees. "I have no idea why she took to this."
Tass: "Where did she get the axe?" Ashley asked, having named the orc Draegyn when she was born, from out of a book she'd read once.
RJ:: "She wanted her name to be Timber." Queen stated. "But I can go with yours. I can't tell which name I like less." Queen said flatly.
Tass: "Timber it is!" Ashley said, retconning it in her own mind. "So, uhhh.... I can go see her right?"
RJ:: "WATCH OUT MOMMEH!" cried the orc, as the fake tree fell towards her. Green leaved and wooden branches blocked the window as the illusion fell. "NOOOO! MOMMEH DED! WHYYY" Timber cried. "Her orcish intellect is the same though." Queen noted.
Tass: "Gah!" Ashley said, playing dead for a moment while hiding out of sight. Then she popped up, grinning, "Tadah! All fine!" She ignored Isabella's snide remark, and would play with Timber for a while before inquiring as to when the young orc would be ready to move onto the ranch.
RJ:: "She's ready. To be a lumberjack." Queen stated.
Tass: "Well, obviously~ But she has to LIVE somewhere while lumberjacking, right?"
RJ:: "I hope you have trees."
RJ:: She opened the door, and Timber collapsed on top of Ashley. "OH GAWD MOMMEH, I TAUGHT YOU WER DED!" Timber then cried profusely.
Tass: Ashley would pet Timber on the head, tsking. "Dawww, there there! Mommeh is fine! You'll just have to be more careful when you start chopping down REAL trees!"
RJ:: Suddenly, she had an identity crisis. "T-those wernt real!? WHAT!? BUT I AMASSED ENOUGH WOOD TO BUILD A VILLAGE"
RJ:: She tries to go back into the simulation.
Tass: "It's okay! It's okay! It was just practice! Now though.... You're ready for the REAL THING! The big leauges! A real challenge!" Ashley said, trying to spin it to excite and distract Timber.
RJ:: Timber still looked sad. "My trees were all fake..." She reached for her now non-existent axe. "IT WAS ALL A LIIIIEEEE"
RJ:: She fell to her knees dramatically and cried to the gods above.
RJ:: Queen. "Please, relocate elsewhere. Your disturbing the others that work here."
Tass: "Uhhh.... Shit.... Well, at least I know where she got the axe...." Ashley said, scratching the back of her head. Glancing at Queen, she reached down to comfort her daughter. "C'mon, lets go get you a real axe! One just like the one in the simulation! And real trees1"
RJ:: With a bit of comfort, Timber eventually cheered up when she saw more than just the same type of tree, inquiring about every kind she saw. Her excitement was renewed when she realized there were so many more trees in the world to completely destroy.
Tass: Ashley would explain as best she could, and internally opted to try and remind her to go and see Venice. If Timber had her way, the entire region might end up being deforested.
RJ:: A cockatrice appears, running at great speed to stop in front of Ashley. She gives a winged salute. "Y-y-y-your message delivery Venice service is here! I-I mean, your here is delivery message venice! A-a-a-ahh... W-w-what is your message?"
RJ:: (Link:
Tass: "Oh, hi! I was just going to send it via one of mine, but you're even more convenient! Here, lemme just..." Ashley scribbled out a letter, put in in an envelope, sealed it, and addressed it to Venice. Then, she handed it over. It read:
Tass: Dear Venice,
I hope you are doing well. Things are going well for me, I'm making a lot of headway and making all kinds of new friends! I've even started getting Valdis to like me! Anyway, I'll bore you with the details later, as I'm sure you're busy. I just wanted to know if there was anyone I could contact about maintaining landscaping on my property. I may have come into contact with someone with a propensity for cutting down trees, and I don't know if I'll be able to properly control them. You know me, I try to make people happy, so if there was someone that I could talk to to upkeep the woods around my ranch and maybe help me teach them a bit of restraint, I'd love to get in contact with them.

Otherwise, I'm making progress towards being confident that I can do the match to reach rank C, and trying to help as many people as I can in the meantime. As always, if you ever need anything from me, don't hesitate to ask. Don't hesitate to just stop in for a visit either!
-Love, Ashley.
RJ:: The cockatrice saluted and left. Five minutes later, she returned. "Y-y-y-y-y-your reply!"
RJ:: "That's great to hear! Could you take care of a dryad for me? She's growing too many of her leafy friends."
RJ:: ~Salutations, Venice
RJ:: Attached was a map.
Tass: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay"
Tass: (Ashley acquires a new mission, presumably.)
RJ:: The Cockatrice wasn't sure how to respond to the joy. She looked like she wanted to leave.
Tass: "You can go."
Tass: "Here's a tip."
Tass: Ashley handed her ten gil.
RJ:: The cockatrice didn't accept. "Oh... I-It's fine, I get paid lots anyway!" she said, vanishing.
Tass: "Alright ladies! We've. Got. WORK TO DO!" Ashley declared, hands on hips as she surveyed her various mamono with a maniacal grin. "I've let Shizuku's troubles sit for too long! Avy, Fiddle, Sparkle, you're with me! The rest of you, better get ready! Once I'm done with this, we're going to do some training to get ready for an even harder challenge! Ria, can this be used to help control Frieza when you're not around?" She held up the staff she'd been given, making sure that it worked as she'd been told it would.
RJ:: Ria gave it a test. "Wow... This staff was made by someone who truly knew what they were doing. I don't even feel like it belongs in my hands."
Tass: "Excellent! Get the hang of it, you'll have to teach me the basics when I get back! On your down time of course~"
RJ:: Ria nodded, and went on her way, leaving Ashley to leave with her crew
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: After Ria got a new staff, Ashley was free to plot the next course for success. Or sex. Or possibly even successful sex.
Tass: Ashley would take two candies and a mint leaf, departing with Sparkle, Avy and Fiddle to go deal with the Beezlebub that was causing problems.
RJ: Departing into the woods to go and encounter Beelze, Ashley had to receive a bit of information first as to where Beelz was causing trouble. To do that, she had to investigate issues with the locals surrounding such an insect, followed by a stop at Shizuku's place to get her thoughts. "Here to stop Beelze for good? I'm glad to hear that. I can sense her nearby the area. The vibrations from her wings is very distinct. I'm pretty sure she's just outside of the small town I shop at nearby. If you'd be so kind." With that, Ashley discerned her next location that Beelze would attack... Only, when she got there, it was a bit too late, as there were insects everywhere. Men and women alike were hiding in their houses, some screaming as the monsters broke in.
Tass: "Yup," Ashley said when speaking to Shizuku, "finally going to get around to dealing with this... We'll get it done for sure!" Once directed to the place she was supposed to go, Ashley would head out with her mamono in tow only to find they had arrived too late. "This is worse than I thought! We have to help these people!" She declared, moving to the nearest house being broken into to stop the bug mamono from committing further property damage. Or rape. Or property damage AND rape!
RJ: When Ashley approached, she saw a pack of Khepri in the middle of a room. A woman was unconscious on the floor and the man of the house was surrounded, on display in the middle of a highly lewd scene. (Link:
Tass: "Hey! Leave them alone! You weren't invited here!" Ashley declared angrily from the doorway.
RJ: One Khepri cried out. "Crap, it's one of those stupid Ranchers." she said, and as one of the Khepri was riding the man, she said, "S-so? Rape her too!" she declared, and suddenly three insects charged at Ashley, before her mamono stood in the way!
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 198 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Fine
Life: 174 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: "Fiddle, squish one of 'em with a big ole' bear hug!" Ashley declared, pointing forward dramatically.
RJ: As Fiddle approaches, the Khepri fire a wild barrage of small shots at Fiddle! 2 hit, 1 miss. 26+27 damage! Fiddle charges in, but the insect buzzes away in retreat!
RJ: The khepri seem to be glowing.
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 198 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Fine
Life: 121 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 1
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: "Avy, get her out of the air! You can outfly her! Use your claws for a Harpy Scratch!"
RJ: In the middle of the fight, Ashley's mamono dex beeps. "Khepri, the basic minions of Anubis, are employed by her majesty because of their powerful ability to make use of even powerful mamono's magics. The use of magical attacks is highly ill advised, and beware multiple Khepri, as they will borrow off of each other in a dangerous way."
RJ: Taking to the air, Avy was met with a barrage of anti-air missiles! 1 hit, 3 missed. 37 damage! Avy attacks! Critical Hit! Avy deals 80 damage!
RJ: The 3 Khepri are glowing very bright.
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 198 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Fine
Life: 121 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Fine
Life: 113 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 70 / 150
Guts: 7
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: "Sparkle, hit her with a hip check!"
RJ: A single bolt flies out from the Khepri's hand, which strikes Sparkle on the forehead. "Ow-ow-ow!" she cried out. 26 damage!
RJ: Sparkle lashes out in return, grabbing the Khepri with her tail around the neck, and bringing her close before smashing her ass down on the Khepri's face. "Boop!" she said cutely. 49 damage!
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 198 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Fine
Life: 121 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Fine
Life: 113 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 21 / 150
Guts: 7
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: "Yeaaaah! Get it! Do it again!" Ashley said triumphantly. "Finish her off!"
RJ: Sparkle is hit again for 25 damage. Then, she takes the khepri in her tail, swings round and round, then throws it smashing out of a window! A khepri has been defeated.
RJ: The khepri are glowing bright! They seem about to do something.
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 161 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Fine
Life: 121 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Fine
Life: 113 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: "Avy, take to the air! Distract them and hit them with your claws!" (Take to the air and the defensive one that lowers guts generation in favor of defense.)
RJ: Despite her advantage and new speed, the Khepri seemed much better at tracking her, taking Avy down quickly. 1 hit for 36 damage. Once taken down, the Khepri jumped on top of Avy, and embraced her, as Ashley saw the tiny little fangs of the Khepri inject into Avy's neck as she let out a cry of seeming pleasure. All of the Khepri's glow seemed to shoot into Avy in that instance. Avy then looked red in the face, swooning almost as if drunk. "Oh... Ohowo..." she uttered. Avy is now Charmed!
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 161 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Fine
Life: 121 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Charmed
Life: 77 / 150
Guts: 8
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 6
Khepri: Glowing
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: "Avy!" Ashley had hoped that the harpy's agility might save her, but apparently the bugs were too accurate for her, shooting her down and then leaping onto her. As the glow is imparted through the bite, Ashley is already digging into her pack, and she launches forward as Avy swoons. The mint leaf is shoved into the mamono's face, hopefully curing her of the magic that had just taken hold of her.
RJ: Avy gives a start, the powerful mind hitting her mind hard. "W-wow!" Avy is no longer charmed
Tass: "Alright, now give 'em a claw!"
RJ: "Okay-" Avy was cut off by the next Khepri stepping in and flying in! It caught her from behind and injected her as the other had. Avy is charmed again
Tass: "Uck..... Fiddle.... Just.... Hug that one."
RJ: Fiddle charges in to cover the charmed Avy, as the Khepri fired rapidly to try and keep her away! Fiddle bashed two balls away with her claws alone before the third struck her shoulder! 26 damage! Fiddle slams her foot on the ground, angered by the annoyance and Avy's victimization. "I am getting SICK. OF. YOU!"
RJ: Fiddle is now Angry
RJ: In her rage, she hit the Khepri for 76 damage and 16 guts damage!
Tass: "That's it! Squish her!"
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 161 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Angry
Life: 95 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Charmed
Life: 77 / 150
Guts: 8
Khepri: Fine
Life: 76 / 150
Guts: -9
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: (Just do it again)
RJ: In her rage, she took the shot launched at her! 27 damage! Fiddle caugth the Khepri again in her arms, and squeezed until the creature went limp, before grabbing it by the face and slamming it into the ground. A Khepri has been defeated!
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 161 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Angry
Life: 68 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Charmed
Life: 77 / 150
Guts: 8
Khepri: Fine
Life: 150 / 150
Guts: 0
Tass: "Alright, Sparkle, finish the last one off! Use dat ass!" Ashley said, while going to Avy to try and shake her out of the dazed state she was in.
RJ: Ashley tried to wake Avy, but her words didn't reach her. Sparkle charged in, meeting the Khepri's blasts. The two went at each other, and even though Sparkle took a hit, she quickly dodged all other shots... Or it looked like it, but she seemed to convince herself it was all candy and started eating every blast in her mouth, which seemed to not harm her at all.
RJ: Then, she took the bug into the grip of her tail, and started flailing wildly, slamming her over and over again against the walla and floor before jumping into the air while twirling, and slamming down ass-first, into the bug's face! 48+48+48+49 damage! The Khepri is defeated!
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 165 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Angry
Life: 68 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Charmed
Life: 77 / 150
Guts: 8
RJ: Sparkle jumped into the air with one arm raised, then twirled and made a peace sign into the sky, "Hee-hee! I got it!" she posed like some iconic character.
RJ: (Sparkle +6 levels. Fiddle+12 for fighting a strong foe. Avy +24 for fighting superior foes.)
Tass: "Great job Sparkle!" Ashley said, winking and giving the succubus a thumbs up. "And you two as well," Ashley turned to Fiddle and Avy, patting both on the back, "they were a lot stronger than I thought.... Here Fiddle, we're not done yet. You'll need your strength," she handed the bear a honey candy disguised inside of a carrot. Sparkle didn't like such healthy things, after all.
Tass: "Uhhh, Avy... Are you snapping out of it yet?" She asked, approaching the harpy cautiously.
RJ: Fiddle recovered 44 Life!
RJ: Avy, still a bit wobbly, nodded. Though seemed to be on her way out and not much of a talker while doing so.
Tass: "Hey... I need to hear it from you," Ashley said, moving to pat the harpy on the shoulder... And possibly keep her from rushing out the door and jumping the bones of the first khepri she came across.
RJ: She nodded again. "Y-yeah... It's just... P-potent..."
Tass: "You need to take another minute? There are people out there that need us... But we won't help anyone if you put yourself in danger before you're ready."
RJ: "I-I can do it, we have to stop Beelze before she gets a-away..."
RJ: Ashley's Mamono dex went off. "Caution. All low ranking Ranchers are advised to leave the area. An anomaly has been detected."
Tass: "Uhhh... An anomaly?" Ashley said, scratching her head. She poked her head out, trying to see what was going on outside.
RJ: Outside, she could see the various insects gathering up some captured townspeople, marching to the tune of instruction from Beelzebub, and the familiar gown of the woman with a staff she saw before, who summoned that creature Demeter fought.
Tass: "It's.... Her," Ashley said, seeing the strange staff-wielding woman. That was way above her pay grade.... But she had to do something. Hiding back inside the house, Ashley pulled out her mamonodex and pinged Venice, asking for help, and then did the same to Melpha. She would explain as much of the situation as possible given the limits of what she was working with, and then peeked back outside to see what was happening. If it looked like they were going to take those people away, Ashley would have to step in, if only to stall long enough for more capable people to come to their aid.
RJ: "Unable to analyze." her mamonodex announced, holding a picture of the staff woman. "Not a mamono." Meanwhile, indeed, they were leaving with their captives.
RJ: (Link:
RJ: Sparkle hummed. "That seems like a really old fashion of dress I saw in Hell a long time ago..." she hummed thoughtfully.
Tass: "Shit.... We have to do something," Ashley said to her mamono, before motioning them forward and stepping out of the house. "Hey! Beezle and staffslut!" She shouted as way of announcement. She only had to kill time... Hopefully help would be coming, if her messages had gotten through.... But even if she hadn't, she couldn't just let these people be taken. Taking Sparkle's comments into account, she said nothing in response before she'd stepped out, and if the two would-be kidnappers noticed her Ashley would call out; "You two have done quite enough... Let those people go! More than enough damage has been done today already!"
RJ: "Fancy seeing you again." the staff woman said with a smirk. "I was told I might indeed see you again after all, so I shouldn't be surprised. But, I'm afraid I cannot relinquish these people to you, they are valuable to me. But, I can show you something cool, if you'd like."
RJ: Beelze smirked. "Wait until you see it. This little scrap won't go like last time when I have THIS woman backing me up!"
Tass: "Is it your dick?" Ashley asked, planting her fists on her hips and giving an annoyed glare, "though... I guess I've already seen it. Since that's all you are. What purpose could you possibly have for these people? Moreover, what could you possibly be doing that wouldn't be easier to just ask for volunteers?" She briefly turned her glare onto Beezle, "and you.... I'm disappointed in you. Why do you have to be a jerk? You know it just means you'll get the shit kicked out of you in the end."
RJ: Beelze glared with a grin. "Not this time. Hey! Do it! Turn me into a REAL monster!" she declared, before the woman directed her staff at Beelze, and struck her with a dark bolt of magic that seemed to explode a great deal of pink energy from her. Slowly, Beelze's form seemed to morph, becoming less and less human-like, and more like an actual giant bug monster with a vaguely feminine shape. "Hahahaha...!" Beelze laughed as she towered over them. "HAHAHAHA!" she laughed harder. Sparkle seemed wide eyed. "The, uh... Did you just remove the succubus curse from her?" she inquired. "Temporarily. This is why I'm looking into better options. But, I will correct the damage Persephone has done in time. Enjoy," she said, before turning and heading forward with the other mamono, leaving the transformed Beelzebub in her way.
RJ: "ARE YOU READY FOR ROUND 2!?" Beelze exclaimed.
Tass: "Doesn't the succubus curse make things like.... Way more powerful though?" Ashley asked, seemingly unintimidated. "Like... Yeah, you're bigger... And arguably scarier looking.... But are you really actually any stronger?"
Tass: "Hey, get back here! You're not getting away!" She amended, directing her shout towards the retreating mamono. "Avy, Sparkle, distract!"
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 165 / 198
Guts: 0
Fiddle: Angry
Life: 112 / 174
Guts: 0
Avy: Charmed
Life: 77 / 150
Guts: 0
True Beelzebub: Fine
Life: 585 / 585
Guts: 0
RJ: (Avy is fine, not charmed)
RJ: (And fiddle is also Fine)
Tass: "Whatever, she's still just a bug! A fast bug, but a bug! Sparkle, reinfect her! Give her a little kiss!"
RJ: Sparkle wore a strange face as she looked up at the bug monster, as if a look of recollection. Sparkle nodded still, before coming up and delivering a smooch to the creature. Sparkle dealt 57 damage! Beelzebub was charmed!
RJ: (You can combo up to 100 guts worth of attacks)
Tass: "Alright Fiddle, see how strong that armor really is! Try and squish her!" (Use Bear Hug twice for 50 of the 100 guts)
RJ: Fiddle squeezed hard at the monster's abdomen for 184 total damage! "It's weak and flimsy!" she said, also draining 33 guts
Tass: "Alright, little more! Then try out your claws!" Ashley said, (One more of those then try for a crit on her with bear claws.)
RJ: 138 damage and 17 guts drained. Then, Beelze woke up!
RJ: However, Beelze was already so weak, that Sparkle found it easy to just go up, and stab her tail into Beelze's leg. "Yup, Ashley's right, I knew there was a reason we changed from this a long time ago! We kept losing!" she said, before pumping Beelze with succubus energy, such that her form faded, back into normal Beelze, who was on the ground and unconscious.
Tass: "Told yah." Ashley said, staring down at Beezlebub's unconscious body before trying to make to follow the escaping staff-bearer and her captives. They couldn't have gotten far in so short a time, could they?
RJ: Following, Ashley quickly caught up, causing the woman to show dismay. "She certainly did not last long, did she?" she hummed. "What are you going to do, Rancher?"
Tass: "I'mma save those people! You can't just kidnap half of a village! That's a total dick move!"
RJ: The woman snorted, before lifting her finger and firing a simple blast at Ashley's torso, causing her amulet to react and block it, the force of which knocked her on her back and sliding along the ground. "I see, Venice thought of everything. Still, you cannot cross me. I will remove the curse using the energy of these poor sods. It will be best if this horrible world finally returned to normal." she said, before suddenly a great force stopped her, mamono who all seemed to be decorated with tattoos all over their bodies in seductive lines. Ashley may not know, but these were succubus curse tattoos. Indicative of how intense the infection was. That's when a certain figure seemed to just float in on a dark ball of ooze.
RJ: (Link:
RJ: "I disagree, as I believe the corruption is a wonderful thing~" Said Saphirette, who arrived to reinforce Ashley.
Tass: "Hurk!" Ashley grunted, thrown back onto her ass. She was unable to offer any meaningful response, heaving in breath, but letting the woman continue to monologue at least allowed her to reveal her ultimate goals. Ashley wasn't sure how she felt about that.... But given the woman's actions so far, it was probably a bad thing. Luckily she soon wasn't alone, reinforcements of a most unusual sort arriving, and Ashley stood back up as she said; "We can't let her get away.... She'll just keep doing this over and over until she's been captured."
RJ: "And I will. Thank you, Ashley, for aiding me in capturing this woman. Without your page I wouldn't have known, despite being close by. I will arrest this woman who has been defiling my beautiful corruption, and as thanks to you, I will give you..." she pulled out a slip of paper. "This coupon! For one free purchase at Saphirette's Den! Aren't you lucky~?" she cooed, forcing the coupon onto her. The staff wielding woman silently observed, then held out her arms without protest when Saphirette approached. She didn't seem to think fighting was the best option. She just remained silent. "I see... If I'm to succeed..." Ashley felt a chill as the woman stared at her directly, before being taken by Saphirette's tentacles. "Stay safe, Ashley~"
RJ: (Ashley gets a Sketchy Coupon for a Sketchy Store!)
Tass: "Uhhhh.... " It was all very confusing, but at least the staff wielder was seemingly captured. Hopefully she'd be properly detained. "But... I didn't... Page you," she said, scratching her head. She accepted the coupon without comment, staring in confusion for a moment before looking back at the highly corrupted women. "Well, uhh... .T-thanks," she said, but as the evil woman seemingly surrendered she stared directly at Ashley and the human girl nearly fainted. She could only stare back wide eyed, watching as she was taken away, before shrugging and trying to round up the villagers to escort them back home. Hopefully Beezle would still be back in town as well.
RJ: "Oh, then I guess it was someone else!" she chuckled. Then, she gathered the townsfolk... After peeling off the highly corrupted nymphos riding them, and delivered a very tired community back to their homes. Ashley accidentally stepped on Beelze's back
Tass: "Uck... I stepped on a... Oh.... Uhh.... Sorry," Ashley said, once more scratching the back of her head. After a moment of glancing at the townsfolk as they dispersed back to their homes, Ashley glanced at Beezle's unconscious body and said; "We... Probably shouldn't leave her here. They might burn her at the stake or something... I dunno. You three watch her, I'm going to make sure that everyone here is okay." Leaving her mamono with their captive, Ashley would look for some sort of village leader; someone she could ask to make sure that everything here was okay, basically.
RJ: She found the village leader quickly, along with the forgotten Khepri that was on his dick. His wife was currently very upset, as it seemed he took a liking to the rapist. "Sorry about all the fuss, but love blooms in unusual places!" he said, before he tried to ignore the sound of his wife and the Khepri wrestling with each other angrily.
RJ: "Thank you for your help, and thank you for completely forgetting about me! It was the best thing to ever happen in my life!"
Tass: "Uhm.... Well.... You're welcome? Just, uhh.... Suggest a threesome. That'll probably help. Maybe not right now though... Give it a little bit," Ashley said, rubbing the back of her head. "Is everyone else here okay then? If so, I'm gonna take off."
RJ: "Feel free. This happens every thursday. We're used to the constant bug invasions~"
Tass: "Well, hopefully it'll stop now," she said, before taking Beezle back to Shizuku to see what she wanted done with the beetle mamono.
RJ: Taking Beelze back to Shizuku, she nodded. "Thanks, you did good work." then Ashley was given 1000g. "What do I want to do with Beelze? I dunno. I was probably just going to feed her to an arachne to play with."
Tass: "....What," Ashley said, scratching her head. She glanced back at Beezle, then at Shizuku. "You don't mean like.... She's not going to be ACTUALLY eaten, right? Like, liquified inside and sucked out through a straw eaten like regular spiders do? That's not what you meant... Right?" She seemed fairly panicked about the notion, having not thought that mamono still did things like that even to each other.
RJ: "Well, kind of~" she chuckled. "Not enough to kill, but they do suck some nice juices out~"
RJ: (Meanwhile, level ups! Total gained this mission:)
RJ: (Sparkle: +12
Fiddle: +18
Avy: +30)
Tass: ".....Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep," Ashley said, and bolted from the room. And the ranch. She came back though, and said; "Well, uhhh.... Lets see what happens when she wakes up." And when she did, Ashley would glare down at Beezle and explain in grisly detail what would happen to her if she was given to an arachne. She also made things up to make it seemed worse. And then she asked; "...So, what would you be willing to do to NOT have that happen to you?"
RJ: Told all of this, Beelzebub seemed to pale, and then her wings fluttered a bit. Looking back at Shizuku, the girl grinned, and showed Beelze some of her spider-like fangs. Beelze let out a cry and fell to her knees, hugging Ashley around the waist. "... I-I'll be good, I don't want to be a true monster anymore...."
Tass: "Will you? Or will you run off to cause trouble again? Or try to sabotage my ranch? You won't get mercy like this again!" Ashley declared ferociously.
Tass: If Beezle promised as much, however, she would find Ashley's hand rising.... And then coming down to pat her on the head. "Kay. Lets go home.... You let me know if you ever need my help again Shizuku, you know how to find me." She would drop Beezle and her other friends off at home, but after seeing that her new assistant was situated comfortably Ashley would go and see Venice. She needed to tell her what had happened with Saphirette and the staff person.
RJ: "I know, I know! I won't do anything else! I-I get it, it's a bad idea! It just sounded cool! It was really dumb! I shouldn't have followed that woman!" she insisted, before being pat. Then, Shizuku nodded, and Ashley went home, then went to see Venice. (Beelzebub has joined the party!)
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

RJ: Beelzebub: Grade D
Mamono Level: 400
Life: E 65
Power: D 140
Intelligence: C 140
Defense: E 65
Skill: C 130
Speed: A 325
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
RJ: Ashley needed to wait a day for Venice to become available. When she was, Ashley had to go meet Venice in the middle of the new opening of the Golden Saucer. With a guest pass, she was taken straight to the hotel resort and to the poolside, where she was swimming faster than any olympic athlete she'd ever seen, or fish for that matter. "Oh, hey Ashley!" she said, coming to a halt after Ashley was greatly splashed by all the water thrown everywhere.
Tass: Wiping water from her eyes and shaking out her hair, Ashley said; "Hi Venice... Didn't know you liked swimming. Cool. So, uhh, yesterday I went out to take care of a problem for Shizuku and...." She went on the explain what had happened with Saphirette and the staff lady, not really expressing any of the concerns she'd felt save for the one about the glare at the end.
RJ: "Ah, glad to hear that criminal was caught! Good job!" she said with a smile. "All's well that ends well. I'd have been fine if you ran away too. Awfully reckless of you."
Tass: "Well... I wouldn't have. I can't just let people get kidnapped!" Ashley said, shrugging. "I just wanted to make sure you knew what was going on... I don't know Saphirrete, but if you aren't concerned then I figured I don't have to be."
RJ: "Saphirette is harmless. Honestly she gets more flak than she deserves. She IS a bit strange, but she doesn't hurt anyone."
RJ: "And that's honestly all I care about. I have an entire continent to manage, and I only care about those who deliberately cause harm. If you're raising the dead, or doing bizarre things, as long as it doesn't cause me problems with my own little world here, I do not care. All of her goods are sold as well, so any unusual happenings are all willing. It's out of my hands at that point."
Tass: "I figured. She didn't seem malicious, just horny. I was more worried that maybe she wouldn't be up to holding the weird demon stick lady. If you think it's fine, then so do I. That's all I wanted to get your opinion on really, so if you think everything's fine I'll get out of your hair. I've gotta get back to training!"
RJ: "... That's it? Well, that's fine I suppose. You just looked like you might've had some more questions. Do what you think is best!"
Tass: "Well, uhh.... Not... Really. Everything's going pretty good! I'm just helping a couple of friends get strong enough to help one of them rescue one of their brother, and trying to help other people in the meantime."
RJ: "Right, the witch problem. You're not alone on that front. I'm getting other Ranchers prepared to aid you in the siege of that place. But a siege isn't prepared in a day. I hope you will advance through the ranks as quickly as you have been doing."
Tass: "Yeah... How strong do you think I should be before I try to advance to the next rank?"
RJ: She grinned. "If you're strong enough to defeat Beelzebub and her cronies, then I think you're ready. Just be careful of my grand daughter, Gretal... She manages all the people who wish to speak to me singlehandedly, and I trust her greatly, but... She is very, very sadistic. She always coerces people into Domination matches because she thinks that any kind of half-hearted behavior will not get you to the top, and while she's not entirely wrong, she's also very hard to deal with."
Tass: "So she's the next one I have to get past? That's fine... I'll do my best!"
RJ: She nodded. "Be ready for a fight. And good luck!"
Tass: "Thanks Venice!" Ashley said, giving her a hug before departing. She would organize the challenge soon... But only after preparing with another brief bout of training for those she intended to bring to the match.
RJ: Ashley was treated to Venice's erect nipples from the cold water before she left. Then, Ashley had planz
RJ: "... People seem to like hugging me when I'm wet. I wonder if it's a good look for me?" Venice pondered. "Or maybe once you're wearing less clothes you appeal more?" said Jade, who was bathing with sunglasses in the sun.
Tass: "I just like hugging people!"
Tass: Training schedule for two weeks, during which Ashley will try to arrange the challenge.
Tass: Regina: Run, Shoot, Domino, Study, Shoot
Sparkle: Run, Shoot, Domino, Study, Dodge

Timber: Domino, Shoot, Endure, Run, Domino
Frieza: Domino, Shoot, Endure, Dodge, Domino
Tass: Ashley would try to ascertain what sort of fighter Gretal was in the first week, and have Ria help her in understanding how to use the control rod for Frieza during the second.
RJ: Ria pointed the staff at Frieza: "Bark like a dog!" she demanded! "Bah! Bah!" Frieza replied. Ria looked to Ashley. "It's quite simple."
RJ: Week 1: pretty normal. But Regina seemed to study rather well!
RJ: Regina: Run, Shoot, Domino, Study, Shoot
Hyper Human: Grade C
Mamono Level: 416
Life: C 246(+3)
Power: A 445(+5)
Intelligence: B 306(+10)
Defense: E 36
Skill: C 236(+6)
Speed: D 128

Sparkle: Run, Shoot, Domino, Study, Dodge
Lesser Succubus: Grade C+
Mamono Level: 427
Life: C 207(+3)
Power: B 328(+4)
Intelligence: B 328(+4)
Defense: C 195
Skill: B 304(+4)
Speed: C 195(+3)
Tass: "Great job girls!"
RJ: Timber meanwhile displayed great accuracy, hitting all the annoying training fairies, while Frieza seemed to have issues. Ashley could guess what kind, when during training, she heard a green kappa in a white cape and turban screaming, "WHY DIDN'T YOU DOOOOOOODGE!"
RJ: Timber: Domino, Shoot++, Endure, Run, Domino
Orc: Grade C
Mamono Level: 606
Life: C 333(+3)
Power: B 448(+8)
Intelligence: D 100
Defense: C 333(+3)
Skill: B 458(+8)
Speed: D 220

Frieza: Domino, Shoot, Endure, Dodge--, Domino
Ghoul: Grade C
Mamono Level: 604
Life: D 200
Power: B 408 (+8)
Intelligence: D 200
Defense: B 404 (+4)
Skill: C 303 (+3)
Speed: C 300
* tassadar003 facepalms
Tass: Ashley, facepalming, would try to direct Frieza better.
Tass: But then, the time came for the advancement fight, and with her control of Frieza still fairly questionable she would take.... (Waiting for what she found out in week one.)
RJ: Doing some research on Gretal, she found that she was true to Venice's word, and all her taining regiment involved directing her mamono to be as cruel as possible. Withering attacks, status effects, and anything to make her opponent feel helpless and worthless.
RJ: Though, like Ashley, her collection of Mamono wasn't small. It wasn't clear who she'd bring, but she had full sized, domineering looking mamono. None of the small cute ones.
Tass: "Hm. I'll need fast people with me...."
RJ: With that, the day of the tournament was approaching. Winter was slowly fading out, and spring was approaching. Candidates were gathered, each ranchers with either uncertain looks on their faces or shining hopefulness and partnership with their mamono. Quite a few men were also showing a loving embrace with their mamono. A man and his ghost were embracing each other, promising that no matter the result, they'd still love each other. To a normal girl like her, this was a most unheard of display.
Tass: Ashley would elect to bring Sparkle, Frieza, and Regina, as well as a mint leaf.
Tass: Once at the tournament, she would wander among the other trainers, mostly trying to ignore them while somewhat green around the gills herself. Hopefully this would go well.... She hoped that it would go well.
RJ: Various battles were fought, won, and lost. In particular of note, the man and his ghost were doing very well. Their teamwork was astounding, and they simply moved together like a pair of dancers, she didn't miss a beat, easily overcoming the competition. They were so happy after each match that they hugged and kissed. Then, it came time for Ashley to fight. "Rank D Ashley, please bring one mamono to the arena. I repeat..." Gretal announced.
Tass: "C'mon Sparkle," Ashley said, gesturing for her first mamono... She had seen many displays of impressive teamwork, and she definitely knew how to work with Sparkle the best.
RJ: Once in the arena, Gretal would announce. "The worthless meatbag on the left is Ashley, Rank D, with her lesser succubus, Sparkle. The equally worthless meatbag on the right is Stanley, and his zombie... Chewie. This battle will determine who is even worse than the other. Good luck to both." she said flatly, before retiring to her seat. "Fight!" she declared. "I'm not interested in a domination match, so let's just go Chewie! Chew em up good!" he declared, the man with tan skin and a green bandana plus white clothes otherwise announced.
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: 0
Chewie: Fine
Life: 60 / 60
Guts: 0
Tass: "Alright Sparkle, we can definitely do this! Don't get chewed up... She doesn't look that tough! Take her out quick!" Ashley declared in turn. "See how much she likes a little kiss on the forehead..." Ashley wasn't familiar with zombies, but if they were anything like the other undead she'd fought they would be vulnerable to magic; Sparkle should be able to drain her energy out quickly and easily.
RJ: Sparkle came in for a smooch, and dealt 44 damage!
RJ: Chewie came in for a nibble! But Sparkle dodged swiftly
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: 0
Chewie: Fine
Life: 16 / 60
Guts: 1
Tass: 'I feel like I overtrained for this' Ashley thought, wondering if this guy was for real on trying to reach rank C. "Alright Sparkle, just do that again! You've got this!"
RJ: One more smooch, and the zombie was down. The man cradled his defeated mamono. "Nooo! Why would you bring something so powerful to a Rank D tournament!? You ASSHOLE!" he cried in bitter defeat. "Winner, this maggot." Gretal nonchalantly pointed at Ashely. "Now, get out."
Tass: "I've had Sparkle since I started ranching..." Ashley said, scratching the back of her head. "S-sorry... Uhhh.... Right. C'mon Sparkle."
RJ: The man left in a fit, and the zombie, once awake, pat him with her cold arm to try and comfort him on their way out. Then, her next opponent... "Ashley's Sparkle, versus Shiji's Yuragi-chan... Fucking weebs." Gretal spat, as none other than the man and his ghost emerged. "You've got this, Yuragi... Just watch out for that magic!" he encouraged her. "I-I'll do my best!" she replied, before they hugged each other, and Yuragi approached Sparkle with murder in her eyes, to help her Rancher win. "I-I don't care if you're stronger than me, you must lose so I can make my boyfriend happy!"
Tass: "Oh boy.... This is gonna get dramatic.... Well, good luck!" Ashley said, still scratching the back of her head. While she too believed in the power of friendship and love.... Training and strength were also important when one wanted to advance from rank to rank. "Oh, uhh.... N-not a domination match, alright? U-unless you wanted to... Or something."
RJ: Yuragi nodded, before putting something on her head that looked to belong to the man, and after a moment, her ghostly legs became solid as she focused. "Yuragi... You can do it!" the man shouted, and Yuragi lifted her head. "I'm going to win!" she declared. Yuragi is filled with determination, and became heroic!
RJ: "Fight!" Gretal announced
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: 0
Yuragi-chan: Heroic
Life: 330 / 330
Guts: 0
RJ: (Link:
Tass: "Alright Sparkle, you know what to do.... Use your signature move!" Ashley said, pointing at the ghost as she seemingly solidified. (Use Sparkle)
RJ: Sparkle does as the move suggests, she starts to sparkle, and then from her mouth, comes a rainbow of pure power. "Candy beaaaam!" she shouts, hitting Yuragi for 92 damage!
RJ: And 8 withering
Tass: "Great shot! Now swoop in and give her a kiss! See how good she is at it!"
RJ: "Back off!" Yuragi charges in, sweeping wide with her blade to keep Sparkle on the defensive. It hit! 104 damage to Sparkle!
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 103 / 207
Guts: 3
Yuragi-chan: Heroic
Life: 238 / 330
Guts: 4.5
Tass: "WOAH!" Ashley said, surprised at the amount of damage that the ghost could apparently inflict.
RJ: Sparkle came in for a smooth, holding her abdomen from the strike she took. It hit for 66 damage!
RJ: Yuragi withdrew her sword into her scabbard, gathering power.
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 116 / 207
Guts: 0
Yuragi-chan: Heroic
Life: 172 / 330
Guts: 25.5
RJ: "Yuragi, use it! Don't let her heal!" the man said.
Tass: "Don't let her hit you! It's going to come in fast, get ready!" Ashley said, "get ready to respond with your signature move again!" (Play it safe)
RJ: "I told you... I'm going to win! I can tell that you're stronger than I am. But the difference is that I'm willing to go further than you for the one I fight for!!!" Yuragi said, before unsheathing her blade and unleashing a barrage of psychic waves from her blade, cutting even the dirt like it was paper. The attack was incredibly accurate, and it headed right for Sparkle, but Sparkle just barely dodged out of the way, throwing herself to her side in desperation. If Ashley hadn't told her to be careful, she'd be ribbons.
RJ: Sparkle rose to her feet, panting. "Y-yeah but, I kind of have a reason too though!"
RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 116 / 207
Guts: 5.5
Yuragi-chan: Heroic
Life: 172 / 330
Guts: 0
Tass: "You.... Know this is just a progression - HEY WHOAO" Ashley said, diving for cover after the brutal assault that would probably have killed her if it came any closer than it had. "Jesus.... You are into this, huh? Alright Sparkle! Show her who's boss! You know you're stronger, you just need to be JUST AS DETERMINED AS SHE IS! Also make her stop before she accidentally cuts my head off!"
RJ: Sparkle nodded, before slamming her feet down. "I want... A lot of candy for this!" she said, gritting her teeth and getting serious. Sparkle is now Pumped!
RJ: Sparkle charged up, before Yuragi charged in again. "If I wasn't serious, then I wouldn't be in love!" she declared, slicing at Sparkle! Hitting Sparkle for 78 damage!
RJ: Sparkle gathers her energy, and unleashes another blast! 157 DAMAGE! Yuragi is blown 20 feet back
RJ: Both girls were on unsteady legs, barely hanging on.
RJ: Sparkle: Pumped
Life: 69 / 207
Guts: 5.5
Yuragi-chan: Heroic
Life: 15 / 330
Guts: 4.25
RJ: (Sparkle's guts = 0)
Tass: "You've gotta land the next hit Sparkle! You've gotta have the courage to get through this!" (Get brave, use hip check.)
RJ: Sparkle charges in, and Yuragi blocks, before her hips slam into the girl, and deal 25 damage! Yuragi falls flat to the floor. It seemed like it was over, before her figure started to seem faint, as Yuragi weakly stood back up. Yuragi is exhausted. "I'm not... Done with you...!" she growled. Yuragi recovered 165 Life!
RJ: But, before the fighting could continue, Ashley saw her Rancher embrace her from behind, and declare. "I surrender." to the crowd. The match was concluded, and Yuragi looked shocked, silent, as the two walked out togther, the man almost carrying her.
RJ: To celebrate, Sparkle fell to the ground, unconscious.
Tass: "Alright Sparkle, that's... Oh, come on! You've got to be - hey!" Ashley just sort of sputtered through the series of surprising twists in the match, and while the other rancher half carried his ghostly mamono out Sparkle collapsed. Ashley sighed, not quite sure what to think, and then moved over to her fallen mamono and simply made to pick her up and carry her out. "You did good work Sparkle.... C'mon, lets get you some candy..."
RJ: Sparkle lifted her head weakly at that. "Yaaaaay..." she said weakly, possessing enough energy to eat candy. Then... The announcement was declared. "Ashley, Rank D, is now eligible to be awarded Rank C. Report to the final arena match with the IMA Examiner next week."
Tass: Sparkle would be fed candy, and Ashley would nod. Would there be time to train? To prepare for the battle? She didn't know.... But in the meantime, she would get Sparkle home, getting Regina and Frieza to help carry the succubus once she met back up with them.
RJ: No time to train, but time to prepare. Gretal knew what she would face, as now did Ashley. An Akaname, an Imp, and a nereid
Tass: "An Akaname.... That's what, a doll, right? That's good at slowing people down.... An imp, well... I've dealt with that before. A nereid... That sounds Greek. She'll have to go down super fast or she'll drown people... Gross. Well, alright, guess I can prepare... But not train.... Hm..."
RJ: "No, it's a tongue creature." Ria corrected.
Tass: "a... What?" Ashley said, scratching her head again. "Well.... Either way. I think I can probably deal with all three."
RJ: "Yeah! After that ghost, I think we got it!" Sparkle said.
Tass: "Don't count our ducks yet.... I don't think the examiner will go easy on us. And she's seen you fight. AND she probably will have done her research on you Regi... But Frieza at least is an unknown element. I just have to... Learn to control her." A part of her plan was to find out, in detail, how the ghoul would respond to her commands. Mock fights would take place - with no real victims of course - so that Ashley could get used to controlling something without any real will of its own.
RJ: As it turned out, she did have a will, of sorts. Frieza seemed to proactively enjoy being given orders to destroy. But simple commands were ones she struggled with. To the point that Ashley heard her say, "I'm not... A FUCKING DOG!" she roared in protest, particularly when Ria was there.
Tass: "We're... Gonna have to work on communication." Ashley said, sweating in apparent discomfort. Frieza's bloodlust was useful.... But also very uncomfortable, and she didn't quite know what to do with her when she wasn't fighting.
RJ: Whenever Ashley was ready, her examination was waiting for her
An awful lot of awfully unedited logs.
February 21, 2017 2:37 PM tassadar003: With little else to do in so little time, Ashley would head out to the examination area for her match to reach rank C
February 21, 2017 2:39 PM tassadar003: Also, Beezlebub would replace Avy's position in the mail post, so that Avy could concentrate on her training without disrupting its operation.
February 21, 2017 3:01 PM RJ: Marching to the area of examination, Ashley found Gretal waiting for her, who carefully examined the mamono with her. "Hmm... Awfully advanced mamono for a mere D rank... You've been pulling favors, haven't you?"
February 21, 2017 3:02 PM RJ: She chuckled. "Melpha, Valdis, and even my mother no doubt. You've been getting around. The way you crushed that ghost's dreams to honor her boyfriend was most enjoyable. I never say this, but... I believe you have a chance at being more than just a soggy maggot." she said, before marching out to her side of the arena.
February 21, 2017 3:03 PM RJ: "I want to eat her face." Frieza said in the silence that followed.
February 21, 2017 3:21 PM tassadar003: "Making friends is easy," Ashley replied simply, her expression as blank as she could make it under the circumstances. The corner of her mouth twitched upwards at Frieza's remark, but rather than humor the notion she said; "I've had some help, yes... Really, I only made some decisions. Others have done the real work. But... That's the way of things. Shall we then?"
February 21, 2017 3:32 PM RJ: "... Despite how much I see in you, the thing that annoys me the most is that optimism. It's no wonder why you and my mother get along." she said, frowning. "Allow me to introduce some pessimism into your life." she said, before holding out her hand, and her mamono came out from behind her, an imp, a nereid enchanted by magic and floating through the air as if swimming, and a akaname. "We shall." she said. "Let the examination BEGIN!"
February 21, 2017 3:33 PM RJ:
February 21, 2017 3:34 PM RJ: Right off the bat, Gretal uses her amulet to bestow power to her mamono. "Make her minions rot in uncomfortable dispair." she said. All of Gretal's mamono are now Lustful!
February 21, 2017 3:34 PM RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: 0
Regina: Fine
Life: 246 / 246
Guts: 0
Frieza: Fine
Life: 200 / 200
Guts: 0
Kokonoe(Imp): Lustful
Life: 210 / 210
Guts: 0
Yamaguchi(Akaname): Lustful
Life: 140 / 140
Guts: 0
Lovecraft(Nereid): Lustful
Life: 152 / 152
Guts: 0
February 21, 2017 3:36 PM tassadar003: "They look excited... Best burst their bubbles. Before they burst yours." Ashley said, not repeating the gesture; she had no such power, and merely believed her mamono could win by skill and strength alone.
February 21, 2017 3:38 PM tassadar003: "Sparkle," she said, sending the one she figured would be least harmed by sexual attacks, "show them what you can do with your.... Assets." (Hip check.)
February 21, 2017 3:39 PM RJ: "Drown them, Lovecraft" Gretal commanded, sending out Lovecraft the nereid
February 21, 2017 3:40 PM RJ: Sparkle comes in, and launches herself, but the nereid moves like a bolt of lightning and evades!
February 21, 2017 3:40 PM RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: 0
Regina: Fine
Life: 246 / 246
Guts: 0
Frieza: Fine
Life: 200 / 200
Guts: 0
Kokonoe(Imp): Lustful
Life: 210 / 210
Guts: 0
Yamaguchi(Akaname): Lustful
Life: 140 / 140
Guts: 0
Lovecraft(Nereid): Lustful
Life: 152 / 152
Guts: 8
February 21, 2017 3:46 PM tassadar003: "Alright Regina, get ready to show her what happens when you mix water and LIGHTNING. Show her how you jam first!" (Slam jam, get brave)
February 21, 2017 3:50 PM RJ: The nereid tries to rush at Regina, but by using one of her power fists to punch the ground, she used seismic force alone to dissuade the fish woman.
February 21, 2017 3:50 PM RJ: "Yamaguchi, deal with that oversized creature." Gretal commanded.
February 21, 2017 3:52 PM tassadar003: "Sparkle.... Block that thing. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO." Ashley pointed dramatically, "she's just one giant piece of candy! Find out how she tastes!" (Smooch)
February 21, 2017 3:54 PM RJ: Sparkle comes up to and kisses the slimy akaname, before waving her hands in repulsion. "Ewww!" she uttered in dislike. Yamaguchi took 52 damage!
February 21, 2017 3:55 PM tassadar003: "Use your butt then! Knock her away!"
February 21, 2017 3:56 PM RJ: Yamaguchi swirls her tongue out as Sparkle is repulsed, before suddenly her tongue is sliming all over Sparkle's body. "It's gross and smells wierd, stop iiit!" she cries out. Sparkle is drained of 31 guts!
February 21, 2017 3:56 PM RJ: Sparkle: Fine
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: -28
Regina: Fine
Life: 246 / 246
Guts: 10
Frieza: Fine
Life: 200 / 200
Guts: 0
Kokonoe(Imp): Lustful
Life: 210 / 210
Guts: 0
Yamaguchi(Akaname): Lustful
Life: 88 / 140
Guts: 0
Lovecraft(Nereid): Lustful
Life: 152 / 152
Guts: 0
February 21, 2017 3:58 PM tassadar003: "I know! Stop letting her rub it on you, hit her away instead! You've gotta shake off the grossness!" (Get Brave)
February 21, 2017 4:02 PM RJ: "Finish her off." Gretal commanded with a grin. (Get Brave). Then, as Sparkle tried to cover, the akaname suddenly jumped like a frog, and landed on Sparkle while she was standing, wrapping her arms and legs around her, before her tongue shot into Sparkle's mouth, squirming down her throat and doing unspeakable things to her. When she finally withdrew her tongue, Sparkle looked sick, and fell over. (Sparkle is stunned!)
February 21, 2017 4:02 PM RJ: Sparkle: Stunned
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: -9
Regina: Fine
Life: 246 / 246
Guts: 10
Frieza: Fine
Life: 200 / 200
Guts: 0
Kokonoe(Imp): Lustful
Life: 210 / 210
Guts: 0
Yamaguchi(Akaname): Lustful
Life: 88 / 140
Guts: 0
Lovecraft(Nereid): Lustful
Life: 152 / 152
Guts: 0
February 21, 2017 4:04 PM tassadar003: "Gross! Frieza... Do your favorite thing," she said, sending the ghoul forward to rescue Sparkle. (Slaughter)
February 21, 2017 4:08 PM RJ: "Kokonoe, do your thing." she said, calling forth the imp, who charged forth and stabbed at Frieza with her tail! But Frieza dodged. The imp attacked twice! Frieza dodged away again! Then, she unleashed her feral wrath! Her claws tore into the imp! CRITICAL! 367 damage to Kokonoe! The imp exploded into dark mist as Frieza tore her asunder.
February 21, 2017 4:09 PM RJ: Sparkle: Stunned(100%)
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: -9
Regina: Fine
Life: 246 / 246
Guts: 10
Frieza: Fine
Life: 200 / 200
Guts: 0
Kokonoe(Imp): Just a fart cloud now
Life: 0 / 210
Guts: 1
Yamaguchi(Akaname): Lustful
Life: 88 / 140
Guts: 0
Lovecraft(Nereid): Lustful
Life: 152 / 152
Guts: 0
February 21, 2017 4:10 PM tassadar003: "UHM. OH GOD. OH SHIT. FRIEZA. THE FUCK. HUM. UHHHHM.... I'm... Sorry!?" Ashley said, aghast after the imp was basically obliterated, torn limb from limb and dissolving into nothing but dark mist. "I-is she... Gonna be okay?" Ashley asked, forgetting briefly that she was in the middle of a fight. "Oh, right.... Frieza, k-keep at it... For whoever's next..."
February 21, 2017 4:11 PM RJ: "Hm?" Gretal inquired. "Oh, do you not know? There's magic in place to undo even death. Soon, this is how battles will be for you in the arena." she said. "She's fine. Useless, but fine."
February 21, 2017 4:13 PM tassadar003: "O-oh.... Right.... N-no I didn't know that," Ashley said, wiping her forehead. She found herself imagining that happening to Regina and gulped audibly.
February 21, 2017 4:15 PM RJ: "Lovecraft, bring that absurd creature down into the depths." she said, before the nereid came in. Frieza moved with dire swiftness, visibly untouchable, before she swooped in with her claws. 308 damage to the nereid! The nereid is cleaved in twain by ferocious claws.
February 21, 2017 4:15 PM tassadar003: "OH JESUS CHRIST."
February 21, 2017 4:16 PM RJ: "... Valdis creates some absurd things, and gives them to whomever she pleases, I suppose."
February 21, 2017 4:16 PM RJ: Sparkle: Stunned(100%)
Life: 207 / 207
Guts: -9
Regina: Fine
Life: 246 / 246
Guts: 10
Frieza: Fine
Life: 200 / 200
Guts: 26
Kokonoe(Imp): Defeated
Life: 0 / 210
Guts: 1
Yamaguchi(Akaname): Lustful
Life: 88 / 140
Guts: 0
Lovecraft(Nereid): Defeated
Life: 0 / 152
Guts: 0
February 21, 2017 4:18 PM tassadar003: "R-regina.... G-get in there. Frieza, back here, you've done enough." Ashley managed to keep her voice from shaking after a moment, though she had the urge to both vomit and faint. "You know you can do it! Show her the jams!"
February 21, 2017 4:19 PM RJ: Alone, against two (and one disabled) opponent, the akaname looked back at Gretal, the expression on her face unknown, but likely predictable. Yamaguchi is terrorized!
February 21, 2017 4:20 PM RJ: Gretal let out a sigh. "Fine. I forfeit, in light of my mamono being unwilling to fight further." Gretal said. "Congratulations on your promotion. I hereby declare you Rank C."
February 21, 2017 4:21 PM tassadar003: "Uhh.... Well, thanks. I guess. I'll just.... uhm.... Well, sorry things were so.... Brutal."
February 21, 2017 4:21 PM RJ: Then, with a loud *pop*, the two dead mamono popped into existance, and fell to the ground. Bunnies apparently did it, as Ashley saw some fuzzy white ears walking away from the scene.
February 21, 2017 4:23 PM RJ: Then, the two unconscious mamono were taken away by mermaid medics, while Gretal just just blinked. "Oh, right, I didn't ask you to a domination match. What a shame." she chuckled, before turning and walking away.
February 21, 2017 4:24 PM tassadar003: "Right.... A shame... Uhm, well, g-goodbye then.... Right. Come on ladies, I've got some planning to do."
February 21, 2017 4:24 PM tassadar003: And thus would Ashley make to return to her ranch, pondering the next bout of training she had in store for her people.
February 21, 2017 4:25 PM RJ: Her mamono got a little stronger after the tournament! In addition, she won a prize of 2000 gilorians!
February 21, 2017 4:26 PM RJ: Sparkle: +18
Regina: +6
Frieza: +0
February 21, 2017 4:31 PM RJ: Going home, all of her mamono there celebrated her new rank, and much like before, dwarves were just leaving her home, after completing a lot of renovations... The old, delapidated ranch was now a beautiful sight. A right and proper Ranch worthy of being proud of. It wasn't overly complicated or amazing as some of the other ranches she visit, no wonderful gardens and places for zen like Melpha, nor grand arcitecture like Valdis, but it was now fully restored, complete with anything she might need, including more living space, more comfortable living spaces, and a new building that seemed unusual, in the shape of a hexagon from above, and slightly discernable of it's shape from the side.
February 21, 2017 4:32 PM RJ: (Ashley now has access to the war room, where she can find equipment and the like to arm her mamono for more grand embarkments, and assign them roles for strategy in larger scale combat. More rules on this later.)
February 21, 2017 4:46 PM tassadar003: "Woah.... Look at this place!" Ashley said, amazed. And she had a great deal of money saved up now.... Was this what being a proper rancher was like? She had to make some plans... There was a lot of work to be done still if she wanted to keep advancing, but first she had to deal with a certain troublesome daughter. The Ranch had once been surrounded by trees.... And now thanks to Timber it wasn't. Venice had told her about a dryad who might be able to help, but she'd been causing trouble, so Ashley would have to go and see Gnome about further details at some point. She hadn't visited Melpha in a while either, and she could now ramp up her training even further.... So many things to do!
February 21, 2017 4:57 PM tassadar003: Before anything else could be done, however, Ashley had a mystery to solve that she felt would be quicker to resolve. She had seen rabbit ears departing back in the arena, and endeavored to find out who could so casually undo death. The ability and the ears couldn't possibly be a common combination here, so if she asked around she was sure she'd find out who could use such abilities.
February 21, 2017 5:06 PM RJ: "You have a ways to walk. It's in the zippangu region, with all the other mystical mamono." said a random faceless man of seemingly limited importance. He also seemed to repeat whatever he said when spoken to again. It was as if his only purpose in life was to stand there, and say one line.
February 21, 2017 5:07 PM tassadar003: "What a weird guy," Ashley said, before trying to find another helpful but strange person to ask about how to get there without having to walk the entire way.
February 21, 2017 5:08 PM RJ: "Flying mamono or fast mamono capable of carrying a human are great for fast travel! Like harpies!" said another man who looked exactly alike the last man she saw, but this one had a lighter shade of hair, therefore he was clearly different. But alas, he has the same disease as the last man.
February 21, 2017 5:09 PM tassadar003: "They must be brothers," Ashley mused, before trying to see if Avy was strong enough to carry her.
February 21, 2017 6:08 PM RJ: She indeed was!
February 21, 2017 6:09 PM RJ: And they fleeew to Zippangu, where she went straight to Fio's ranch, filled with various unique mamono.
February 21, 2017 6:11 PM tassadar003: Ashley would try to compose herself after the flight before she approached the ranch, which was possibly the oddest she'd seen so far, though not in an unpleasant way like Valdis' place. So many strange people could be seen wandering around, and she spent a while gawking as she walked up to the place where she could come a calling.
February 21, 2017 6:38 PM RJ: Investigating the unusual lands, she was greeted by a familiar face. The old bunny, Rio! "What brings you here? Here to pester me some more?" she said with a grump.
February 22, 2017 2:08 PM tassadar003: "Oh. Hey Grandma!" Ashley said, smiling brilliantly at the tiny bunny woman. "I didn't know you were here.... I was just trying to figure out who did the magic at the arena that I only just realized was a thing. One of my mamono is pretty.... Violent about things, and I might need to find someone who can teach me to undo what she does."
February 22, 2017 2:11 PM RJ: "No." she said flatly. "It's an ancient, discreetly protected and immensely difficult practice of weaving that many of our kind can't master even with a lifetime of dedication." she said, turning and heading towards a house that reminded her of the style from Japan. "Now go away, before-" she was cut off by Fio approaching. "Ashley. Welcome. Are you here to speak to mother? Come on in, I was just making some curry." she invited. Rio grumbled irritably. "God damn it."
February 22, 2017 2:14 PM tassadar003: "Oh..." Ashley said, deflated. Fio's appearance and invitation perked her back up though, and she nodded; "Yes, that would be lovely thank you... I was actually looking to try and find some help with something, but Rio has said that it isn't possible. Was it you who was at my test for reaching rank C?"
February 22, 2017 2:17 PM RJ: "No. I apologize but I was conducting my own exams at the time. I'm sure one of my pupils were there though." she said, going inside and producing Curry for everyone. It smelled ever so slightly spicy, but looked red and smelled flavorful and delicious, complete with vegetables and meat all to compliment a totally healthy meal. "She's being meddlesome again, Fio. Chase her away." Rio demanded, before Fio occupied Rio's mouth by taking a spoonful of her curry, blowing on it to cool it down, and putting it in Rio's mouth as if she were a child. And considering what she looked like, the ignorant would believe this to be the case. "Why do you ask?" Fio inquired.
February 22, 2017 2:22 PM tassadar003: "Well, one of my mamono.... A ghoul, is pretty unreasonably brutal. I don't see that changing, and I sort of wanted a way to.... Undo her carnage if she goes overboard on someone. Rio told me it's not something I could just learn though, and I'm not exactly all that good at this weaving stuff to begin with." Ashley explained, tasting Fio's delicious curry and then speaking, and then having some more while the bunny woman responded. "Also, one of my daughters is.... Well, she really likes chopping down trees. I was going to go see Gnome about a dryad that Venice said was causing trouble after this, but I wanted to figure out how I could learn to deal with Frieza's aggression first. I guess time stuff could take care of that problem too."
February 22, 2017 2:35 PM RJ: Fio hummed. "That's... Well, mamono killing each other is... Pretty normal." Fio said. "If you want to avoid that, why not convince one of my disciples to join you? It'd be good practice for them, but I cannot force any of them to come with you." she said. Rio swallowed her curry. "Just use your amulet, fool. You were given it for a reason, and it's for damage control. You're rank C and you still don't know how to use it? I'll tell you, back in my day you wouldn't have seen the light of da-" Rio was force fed again, and she glared at Fio.
February 22, 2017 2:39 PM tassadar003: "Well, I wouldn't expect you to force anyone... It's good to know that it's an option." Ashley replied, before Rio's berating entered the conversation again and Ashley stared from one to the other. "The... Amulet? I didn't know it did anything... Well, besides the one thing." She glanced aside, not quite looking at either of them as she wasn't sure how they'd react to the fact that she'd discovered that particular power. "Can it handle that? If so, it'd put my mind at ease," she said, directing the question towards Fio.
February 22, 2017 2:42 PM RJ: "It does cost a lot to charge it though, once it's used up. Venice put a price tag on recharging it to discourage Ranchers from playing god, and encourage the idea of being responsible people." Fio explained.
February 22, 2017 2:43 PM tassadar003: "Ahhh.... Well, alright then. I wouldn't use it for small things anyway. Thanks for letting me know!" Ashley said, having some more of her curry. After a moment, she added; "Well.... How are things with you two?"
February 22, 2017 2:46 PM RJ: "Things are going well." Fio said with a smile. "Kill me." Rio followed up.
February 22, 2017 2:47 PM tassadar003: "So about the same then," Ashley said cheerfully. "Don't need help with anything important then? I'm always getting busier, but I'll always make time if you need something taken care of."
February 22, 2017 2:55 PM RJ: "We could always use help. Though, the kind of help I need right now is a little... I guess beneath your pay grade? It's just that I need someone to help teach some youngfluffs some magic."
February 22, 2017 2:56 PM tassadar003: "Work is work. I might not be ideal for it... But I have someone with me who could probably do it. What kind of magic?"
February 22, 2017 2:57 PM RJ: "Just the basics. I mostly hire tutors for it, but... Well, it's also for a meager 500 gilorians for a whole semester." she said.
February 22, 2017 2:59 PM tassadar003: "How long a job is it? If I can't do it myself, I can maybe find someone who'll be better suited."
February 22, 2017 3:10 PM RJ: "Yourself? How much do you know about weaving?" Fio inquired with a smile. Rio seemed interested. "Weave Fio a husband."
February 22, 2017 3:10 PM RJ: This time, it was Fio that was glaring.
February 22, 2017 3:12 PM tassadar003: "Uhhh.... Well, mostly things that Melpha has taught me. So... Probably not appropriate things for youths." She smirked at Rio, and slyly said; "Well... I can't weave her one.... But maybe I could manage it the old fashioned way~"
February 22, 2017 3:18 PM RJ: Melpha made both of their eyes go wide. "No, it's fine." Fio said urgently. Rio then suddenly grinned. "I dunno, she might want a wife instead~" Rio smirked. Fio actually snapped for a moment. "Mother please!"
February 22, 2017 3:20 PM RJ: Then Fio stepped forth. "It's just the basics, they'd love to have you! It's the building to the right third one down!" Fio said urgently.
February 22, 2017 3:21 PM tassadar003: Ashley smiled mischievously at Rio, but let the matter drop after Fio's outburst. Ashley nodded, and said; "I'll do my best!" And then went to the building, to hopefully teach some kids how to do magic. If it seemed likely to take a while, she would send training instructions back to her ranch for the next little while with Avy.
February 22, 2017 3:26 PM RJ: It was one minute away, and walking inside, there was a bunch of adorable little bunny children that looked an awful lot like Rio all playing together. When Ashley walked in, she caught their attention and the attention of the burnt out looking man dressed in a white and light pink robe who quickly approached, grabbing Ashley by the shoulders. "Thank the spirits above, they're you're problem now!" he said, before fleeing immediately.
February 22, 2017 3:27 PM tassadar003: "Hey, so what have you- oh.... Well alright then," Ashley said, before looking to the excitable bunch of bunny children. "Well.... Hello everyone!"
February 22, 2017 3:29 PM RJ: A weak collection of replies came from the bunnies, while most seemed unsure how to reply. Or just silent. Weak greetings, mostly. Then, one rose her hand.
February 22, 2017 3:30 PM tassadar003: "Hello... What's your name?"
February 22, 2017 3:30 PM RJ: "Muffy." she replied. "Did you lose your ears?" she inquired.
February 22, 2017 3:31 PM tassadar003: "Muffy... Nope. They're right ear," Ashley said, pulling her hair aside to display her normal ears, "I'm human. My name's Ashley! And Fio asked me to teach you all the basics of weaving."
February 22, 2017 3:34 PM RJ: Silence followed. Then, one spoke without raising her hand. "But weaving remembrance is hard. We don't like doing it."
February 22, 2017 3:36 PM tassadar003: Ashley pointed to the one who raised their hand, and when he spoke Ashley replied; "Well, I don't like eating brocoli... And I do it anyway. Sometimes what you have to learn isn't fun at first. It'll be really cool when you can actually do it though! Besides, I'm only supposed to be teaching you to weave in general. If you don't want to weave remembrance, you don't have to."
February 22, 2017 3:38 PM RJ: The bunny girls celebrated. "Yay, we don't have to learn it!" they cheered. Then, one inquired. "Are you a guy, because you don't have ears?" she asked.
February 22, 2017 3:39 PM tassadar003: "Well, you might have to learn it eventually... Just not from me. I can't even do it myself. And no, I'm a girl."
February 22, 2017 3:42 PM RJ: The bunny fluffs all made various wow noises. "What kind of mamono are you? Are you a human? Do you have 3 boyfriends like mama?" Ashley was hit with many questions. It seemed like it'd be a 1000 question march.
February 22, 2017 3:47 PM tassadar003: "I'm not a mamono... Just human, yeah. Nope, just the one boyfriend... For now." Ashley would indulge their curiosity.... To an extent. Some things she wouldn't answer or would answer evasively, to go through a bit of their energy and keep them interested all at once. Eventually, however, she would try to move things on to teaching them general weaving. She made it like a game; she tried to get them to make a string with magic, and whoever made the longest and most colorful one would get a big piece of delicious chocolate.
February 22, 2017 3:51 PM RJ: Allowing them to make strings of weaves and encouraging wild colors, Ashley found that weaving was extremely dangerous as the building was caught on fire, frozen in places, and was sparkling seemingly for no reason all at random. Despite the imminent terror and danger, the girls seemed to have a blast going absolutely insane with weaving.
February 22, 2017 3:52 PM RJ: "When there's no rules, weaving is fun!" a girl laughed. "... This is hilarious." Rio said, standing in the doorway.
February 22, 2017 3:54 PM tassadar003: "FIRE IS NOT STRING. THAT ISN'T STRING EITHER. IT'S ALL YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO." The ensuing chaos did not make Ashley feel like a particular accomplished teacher, as she tried to limit the damage as much as she could. At least no one got hurt. She gave Rio a helpless look, and then opted to put a stop to the messmaking as she said; "Alright, enough enough.... ENOUGH. You've all done.... Well.... But you need to learn a bit more control."
February 22, 2017 3:57 PM RJ: School let out, and all the girls were talking about was what the next day of school would be like. Rio was grinning from ear to ear. "This is going to be a delicious Spring~" was all she had for the helpless looking Ashley.
Part 2
February 22, 2017 3:58 PM tassadar003: And with that disastrous first day, Ashley would give Rio another helpless look before finding Avy and having her carry back the training schedules for the next couple months.
February 22, 2017 3:59 PM tassadar003: Fiddle: Endure, Domino, Run, Shoot, Endure
Avy: Shoot, Domino, Run, Study, Dodge
Demeter: Shoot, Domino, Run, Shoot, Dodge

Timber: Domino, Endure, Run, Shoot, Domino
Frieza: Domino, Endure, Dodge, Shoot, Domino
Regina: Domino, Shoot, Run, Shoot, Domino

Fiddle: Shoot, Domino, Run, Shoot, Endure
Avy: Shoot, Dodge, Run, Shoot, Dodge
Demeter: Study, Domino, Run, Shoot, Dodge

Timber: Domino, Relax, Shoot, Run, Endure
Frieza: Domino, Endure, Relax, Shoot, Dodge
Sparkle: Run, Domino, Shoot, Relax, Study

Gobbo: Domino, Endure, Shoot, Dodge, Domino
Tojiko: Study, Shoot, Run, Shoot, Study
Ria: Shoot, Study, Endure, Shoot, Study

Fiddle: Endure, Shoot, Domino, Endure, Shoot
Avy: Dodge, Shoot, Study, Dodge, Shoot
Timber: Endure, Shoot, Domino, Endure, Shoot

Sparkle: Endure, Shoot, Study, Domino, Shoot
Demeter: Dodge, Shoot, Study, Dodge, Shoot
Regina: Domino, Shoot, Study, Run, Shoot

Ria: Shoot, Study, Endure, Shoot, Study
Frieza: Relax, Domino, Shoot, Dodge, Domino
Gobbo: Dodge, Shoot, Dodge, Domino, Dodge
February 22, 2017 4:20 PM RJ: Profits: 570*8=4560g
Expenditures: 4200g
Income after 8 weeks: 360g
February 22, 2017 4:21 PM RJ: +500 for Ashley tutoring off-screen for spring.
February 22, 2017 4:55 PM RJ: (Legend: + means bonuses, * means great successes, / means failures)
February 22, 2017 4:55 PM RJ: Fiddle performed amazingly as usual. She never seemed to slow down with her mission in mind.
February 22, 2017 4:55 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 328+18=346
Life: C 183+++=192
Power: B 272++++=288
Intelligence: E 33
Defense: B 236+++++**=264
Skill: C 189+++++*=207
Speed: C 192
February 22, 2017 4:56 PM RJ: Avy meanwhile, was stoic, but wavered a bit in places and excelled in others.
February 22, 2017 4:56 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 330+15=345
Life: C 165++=171
Power: C 174+=177
Intelligence: C 189++/=192
Defense: D 90
Skill: B 228+++++*=252
Speed: C 156+++++=171
February 22, 2017 4:58 PM RJ: Demeter performed astoundingly, her aim true and also working on other areas she was weak in, like her constitution
February 22, 2017 4:58 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 343+17=360
Life: D 98++*=104
Power: C 180++=186
Intelligence: C 141++=147
Defense: D 88
Skill: B 252+++++*=276
Speed: B 316++++=332
February 22, 2017 5:00 PM RJ: Timber broke the training regiment, because she didn't run along a course, but ran off the course to go after some kind of rare trees she saw to carefully inspect them all, charting an entire forest. While completely not required, they kept her map.
February 22, 2017 5:00 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 606+15=621
Life: C 333++*=342
Power: B 448++++=464
Intelligence: D 100
Defense: C 333++++=345
Skill: B 458++++=474
Speed: D 220
February 22, 2017 5:01 PM RJ: Frieza left bite marks behind on every training object. A fairy she caught in her mouth had to be carefully removed.
February 22, 2017 5:01 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 604+14=618
Life: D 200+13=213
Power: B 408+++++*=432
Intelligence: D 200
Defense: B 404 ++/=408
Skill: C 303 +++=312
Speed: C 300 +++=309
Loyalty Scenex2
February 22, 2017 5:01 PM RJ: In the end she dropped it at Ashley's feet like a cat.
February 22, 2017 5:02 PM RJ: The fairy would live, by virtue of being made of magic and not internal organs
February 22, 2017 5:03 PM RJ: Regina caught a cold one day, but otherwise performed splendidly all around
February 22, 2017 5:03 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 428+16=444
Life: C 249++/=252
Power: A 450+++*=475
Intelligence: B 310+*=318
Defense: E 37
Skill: C 239++++*=254
Speed: D 130
February 22, 2017 5:06 PM RJ: Gobbo did some pushups, some situps, and drank plenty of juice
February 22, 2017 5:06 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 409
Life: D 136
Power: B 280+++=292
Intelligence: D 106
Defense: C 216+=219
Skill: C 225++=231
Speed: B 284++++=300
February 22, 2017 5:06 PM RJ: Level 419
February 22, 2017 5:10 PM RJ: Tojiko got drunk and a participation award. She brought both home.
February 22, 2017 5:10 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 464+5=469
Life: C 252+=255
Power: C 168
Intelligence: B 404++=412
Defense: E 82
Skill: C 237++=243
Speed: E 56
February 22, 2017 5:11 PM RJ: Ria made a statement about powerful witches. Then, she revealed that her jaw wasn't made entirely of glass.
February 22, 2017 5:12 PM RJ: Mamono Level: 294+14=308
Life: D 82
Power: E 38
Intelligence: A 315++++**=345
Defense: C 168++=174
Skill: A 250++++**=280
Speed: D 90
February 22, 2017 5:26 PM RJ: ... Sparkle ate candy, and her instructors said she was the best at eating candy, and she was rewarded with more candy to eat for all the candy she ate. She also did about average on her training.

February 26, 2017 10:36 PM RJ: And so Ashley was at her Ranch, a world of adventure and so forth waiting for her, while Tiki was playing music at the porch of her house.
February 26, 2017 10:38 PM tassadar003: After the semester was blessedly over, Ashley would return to her ranch, and go visit Gnome to talk about the troublesome Dryad that Venice had mentioned.
February 26, 2017 10:50 PM RJ: Going to gnome, she ventured deep into an earthen cave, which over the top of it was The World Tree, the largest tree known to the world, and the home of Gnome. It's a tourist attraction because people say you can breathe easy there. She would go deep down, until she found Gnome resting in the earth, a throne of vines roots and dirt connected to her, as she slowly opened her eyes. "... What." she said in response to Ashley's intrusion.
February 26, 2017 10:51 PM tassadar003: "Uhhh.... Hi! My name is Ashley... You're Gnome, right? Venice told me there was a dryad causing problems. Would you happen to know which one, and where she is?"
February 26, 2017 10:51 PM RJ: "She is just overzealous... The autumn leaf will point you in the right direction." she said, before closing her eyes and seeming to return to her meditation.
February 26, 2017 10:51 PM tassadar003: "Cryptic.... But okie dokie." And then, Ashley left, not quite sure what that meant.
February 26, 2017 10:53 PM RJ: Looking around, the giant tree seemed to have a single brown leaf, pointing into the forest. In addition, any other tree she neared would develop a single brown leaf, as if the leaves acted as arrows.
February 26, 2017 10:53 PM tassadar003: And so, Ashley followed the brown leaves, Demeter, Fiddle and Avy in toe.
February 26, 2017 10:56 PM RJ: With her three mamono in her toes, she would come across a dryad, surrounded by violently overgrown vegetation, and lots of alraune seeming to bounce and sway around in celebration. "Become fertile! Grow, grow! Grow my beautiful children! Bathe in the sun, oh glorious sun!"
February 26, 2017 10:56 PM RJ:
February 26, 2017 10:56 PM RJ: Ashley's mamonodex updated! "Dryad detected!"
February 26, 2017 10:56 PM RJ: Dryad: Grade C
Mamono Level: -
Life: B
Power: B
Intelligence: B
Defense: A
Skill: B
Speed: E
Loyalty: C
Tech: D
Special Trait: Reduce Hostile Critical Chance by 40%
February 26, 2017 10:58 PM RJ: Fiddle hummed. "I recognize these... One of such was a guardian of the forest. They are considered leaders of the forest, do not trifle with them lightly."
February 26, 2017 10:58 PM RJ: Demeter nodded. "They're slow, but immensely powerful. We should be on our guard if she chooses to attack. If any one of us takes a direct hit from Dryad magic, it'll be like Frieza all over again."
February 26, 2017 11:02 PM tassadar003: "That sounds horrible," Ashley said, confirming what they'd said. Hopefully between Avy and Demeter she had enough agility on her team to avoid whatever the dryad would throw at them. That in mind, Ashley approached the glade, and shouted; "Hey! You!" When she had the apparent leader's attention, Ashley would declare; "I'm here to deal with you.... And to make sure you stop causing trouble!"
February 26, 2017 11:04 PM RJ: The dryad looked shocked at first, before cocking her head to the side. "Deal with me?" she inquired. "That sounds like a declaration of war! Don't you know that war and destruction is bad!? It hurts all the beautiful tries while you fight so ignorantly, and stomp on the grass so crueely! Quick! Peace squad! Show her all of your love!" she declared, before three alrauna suddenly sprung up around Ashley, and all hugged her in unison, rubbing their breasts against her and kissing her and tickling her. "Hah! Your amulet does NOTHING against acts of peace! Cuddle her! Hug her! Make her submit through LOVE!"
February 26, 2017 11:04 PM RJ: Demeter was silent for a time. "I feel like, if I attack, I'm the bad guy."
February 26, 2017 11:04 PM RJ: Fiddle hummed. "... Isn't this some kind of karma? Ashley is a profound pervert."
February 26, 2017 11:06 PM RJ: beautiful trees*
February 26, 2017 11:06 PM tassadar003: "Uhhh, n-no, you've got the wrong - hey!" Ashley giggled and squirmed under the sudden assault from the trio of alraune. "H-h-hey! S-s-s-tehehehehehehehe-stoooop!!!!"
February 26, 2017 11:09 PM RJ: In addition to the tickling, tentacle vines slipped into her clothes and started caressing her all over, vines circling around her breasts to twist her nipples gently and to gyrate over her crotch, while the tickling, boob pressing, kissing of neck, ear and cheek happened as well. "She's failing! Pleading! Her violent ways are draining out of her! We're winning! Peace is winning!" the dryad cheered.
February 26, 2017 11:09 PM RJ: Avy smiled. "Ashley looks like she's having fun!"
February 26, 2017 11:11 PM RJ: Demeter sighed. "Ashley, do you even want us to save you, or do you have this?"
February 26, 2017 11:15 PM tassadar003: "Ssstoooooppp - ooohhh! Hnnn..." Ashley's back arched as she felt the tentacles slipping under her clothes wrap around her breasts. She looked down, eyes half open as she watched the tendrils grasped and tugged on her breasts, producing modest droplets of milk courtesy of her recent birth of Timbre that wetted her top. She tried to close her legs around the ones squirming between them, and said; "Get... Offfff..... I just wanted to ask you to move! Let me explainnnnn"
February 26, 2017 11:22 PM RJ: "So, the story changes! Only when you are helpless!" the dryad declared. The alraune all worked Ashely up skillfully, working her buttons and tender places, before making her cum on the vines, leaving Ashley a bit breathless, before they gently peeled off her clothing, leaving her nude. The dryad approached, before embracing Ashley, poking her erect nipples against Ashley's tender points. "Do you surrender?"
February 26, 2017 11:26 PM tassadar003: (Derp, I made a typo up above. Ashley was supposed to say "I'm here to make a deal with you" instead of what she actually said. That explains where this got away from me.) "Hnn..... Nooo... I was only here to fight... If you were going to be dangerous! I just wanted you to move nearby and help me repopulate my forest! You're choking things here with too much growth!"
February 26, 2017 11:28 PM RJ: "There's no such thing as too much growth! Everyone here is happy! And so can you! Take this!" she attacked using an embrace and a kiss on the lips, giving Ashley a slightly oily massage secreted from the plants that seemed infused with her. It made Ashley feel warm and pleasant. Then, she put one hand to Ashley's crotch, lighting Ashley's folds up with pleasure as she began fingering her.
February 26, 2017 11:31 PM RJ: "Don't worry, I'll work out all that hatred of plants out of you! Then, we'll party in the jungle every day! And fuck like crazy!"
February 26, 2017 11:37 PM tassadar003: "That doesn't make any - mmph!" That was one step too far, and as she was covered in oil and the dryad started fingering her Ashley responded in kind. Her fingers dipped into the dryad's flower, twirling in slow circular motions as magic flooded up her digits and into the mamono's most sensitive places. Melpha had taught her how to defend herself sexually, and it was probably the only arena in which she would ever be competetive with naturally stronger mamono. "Listen to meeee.... I don't hate plants, I'm trying to get you to fix mine."
February 26, 2017 11:41 PM RJ: Flooding magic forth... The impressive training Melpha gave caused the dryad to tense up, and hug Ashley tightly. "Woooooah!" she cried out, liquid lust spilling onto her fingers. Just a bit more, and the mamono was already cumming. The reverse of what she wanted happened. "I submit! I submit! It's too good, I'm gonna die!" she cried out, her face twisted in happy pleasure.
February 26, 2017 11:41 PM RJ: Then, Ashley had the alraune kneeling inside of their pods, and the dryad kneeling on the ground in humble defeat and apology. With Ashley standing over as the victor. "Our Rancher is surprisingly terrifying." Fiddle commented.
February 26, 2017 11:46 PM tassadar003: "Now! You're coming with me! I have a new place for you to re-forest! And, uhhh.... Keep reforesting. One of my daughters really likes cutting down trees, and I want to accommodate her without having to take on all of that expense. Will you help? Or am I going to have to use..." She raised her fingers, still moist with the dryad's juices, "my eeeevil powers on you?"
February 27, 2017 12:08 AM RJ: She blinked. "She... Kills trees!?"
February 27, 2017 12:08 AM RJ: Then, the fingers. "I ACCEPT! I ACCEPT! YOUR LOVE IS TOO STRONG, I AM NOT WORTHY!"
February 27, 2017 12:10 AM tassadar003: "Yes! You must bring my ranch back into balance!"
February 27, 2017 12:10 AM RJ: "Okay!"
February 27, 2017 12:10 AM tassadar003: "Cool. What's your name?"
February 27, 2017 12:10 AM RJ: "Fella."
February 27, 2017 12:12 AM tassadar003: "........ Well alright then Fella." And thus, would Ashley require a resident dryad.
February 27, 2017 12:12 AM RJ: "... You're making the same look all the other humans make. It's my name! A NAME! Why does everyone think it's so funny!?"
February 27, 2017 12:12 AM tassadar003: "N-nothing... It's just.... Uhhh.... Not really worth explaining."
February 27, 2017 12:12 AM tassadar003: "It's not funny, really."
February 27, 2017 12:12 AM RJ: "That's right, it's the honored name I got when my mother seeded me."
February 27, 2017 12:12 AM tassadar003: "You should be proud of it!"
February 27, 2017 12:14 AM RJ: "Very proud!"
February 27, 2017 12:14 AM tassadar003: "Yeah!"
February 27, 2017 12:14 AM RJ: "The great Fella!" she cheered, and Avy exploded with spit from a contained laughter.
February 27, 2017 12:14 AM RJ: "BIRDS ARE RUDE TOO!"
February 27, 2017 12:14 AM tassadar003: "Avyyy.... I'm trying to recruit here!" She shooed the harpy away.... And then began looking for her shoes. And the rest of her clothing.
February 27, 2017 12:21 AM RJ: Fella has been added to the roster!
February 27, 2017 12:23 AM RJ: Dressed, and with Dryad in toes, the alraune bid her goodbye and wished her farewell.
February 27, 2017 12:23 AM tassadar003: "Bye!"
February 27, 2017 12:25 AM tassadar003: And with that little adventure taken care of, Ashley would.... Plot some more training. She was amassing people capable of helping Fiddle and Avy, but the two themselves weren't strong enough.
February 27, 2017 12:30 AM RJ: When Ashley returned home, she would get something in the mail. Two things in fact! The first was a letter from an unknown sender:
February 27, 2017 12:30 AM RJ: "I'm going to make you pay." it seemed written in blood... No wait, it smelled like ketchup.
February 27, 2017 12:30 AM RJ: The second letter was from Venice. "Check that war room out! If I had to harken a guess, you're going to need that really soon! Get ready to fight in battles you never thought possible!"
February 27, 2017 12:32 AM tassadar003: "Who delivered this?" Ashley asked coldly after opening the letter, to whoever had received the mail today. If there was no return address, she would have to find out the place it had been routed from to ask the delivery person it's point of origin.
February 27, 2017 12:34 AM RJ: The mail people apologized, and said that they couldn't give such information. Though, they also said that they didn't deliver it, since it required such information, and it had none. It had to have been placed in her mailbox by a third party.
February 27, 2017 12:34 AM tassadar003: And then Ashley would go about interogating all of her mamono, her other various house mates and children, and even the resident orcs to try to determine who had snuck it into her mail box.
February 27, 2017 12:38 AM RJ: Returning home, Ashley found that the offender had struck swiftly. While she was gone, someone had lit her mailing post on fire. The fires were just beginning, and when she arrived, she saw Poppy, Super Mouse, Dusty, Beelze, and Gobbo in the middle of trying to put out the flames as a familiar man in a green bandana appeared, with several zombies in tow all dressed in red and blue military uniforms, with tall and black fluffy hats. "Burn everything! Teach this woman not to pick on the little man!" he declared. Ashley also had one mamono with her when she went out, but it was up to her who it was.
February 27, 2017 12:47 AM tassadar003: Returning home with Sparkle, whom Ashley knew she had to exercise regularly lest she get fat from all of the candy she ate, a look of horror came over her face that was quickly followed by a scowl as she discovered the culprit. "Are you insane!?" She demanded, and used her amulet's power if such was possible to extinguish the flames and undo the damage it had caused, hopefully restoring the lost mail in the process. "Someone could have been killed! Just because your mamono are all undead and can get sewn back together with a little magic doesn't mean everyone's can!"
February 27, 2017 1:07 AM RJ: "It doesn't matter, this is WAR! War against people like you, who destroy people's dreams! I was going to be somebody! I was going to be Valdis' protege! If only you didn't exist!" he growled. "I've made sacrifices to get to where I am now! How about you!? ARE YOU READY FOR A SACRIFICE!? CHAAARGE!" he roared, and his zombies came forward.
February 27, 2017 1:09 AM tassadar003: "Destroy people's dreams!? I beat you in a tournament and you just give up!? He IS just insane!" Ashley grumbled in annoyance, before marshalling her own mamono.
March 09, 2017 10:03 PM tassadar003: (derp)
March 09, 2017 10:03 PM tassadar003: (You didn't post the logs for Ashley D:<)