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Ashport - City under Shadows


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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So been derping around with some ideas which lead to the start of another setting getting worked on. Not sure yet if I'm going to try to run any kind of RP based on it yet, or if it'll just end up being fodder for some story ideas of mine.

Also, slight acknowledgement here: The name of one of the major figures in the setting was inspired by one of Caulder's RP characters, specifically his Decker from Hentaispider's Shadowrun game. Used the name with permission. There's also been some inspiration drawn from the Saint's Row series as well.

Ashport - From industrial powerhouse, to decaying crime-pit, to rising corporate metropolis, Ashport's history is colorful, to say the least. Originally built upon strong resources and industry, Ashport began its decline when the resources dried up. Becoming infested with criminal organizations, Ashport's renaissance came when the Arapice Corporation partnered with the city government to assist in revitalization efforts. Although Arapice Corp. now controls Ashport in all but name, there's still a long ways to go before Ashport becomes the gleaming beacon of the future Arapice's executives want it to be. Aside from Arapice and its subsidiaries, Ashport is probably best known for an extremely entrenched and developed sex industry. Often, the city is known by one of two "nicknames," depending on how the speaker views it: "Cashport" (Usually called that by those who see the city as a profit opportunity, legitimate or otherwise.) or "Rashport". (Called so derisively by those opposed to the city's sex industry... Or those who've had some bad side effects from a visit.)

Notable Districts:

Arapice Plaza - Major district of Ashport, home to the main offices of the local branch of Arapice Corporation. Full of skyscrapers, electronic billboards, fancy futuristic-looking plazas, and a metric tonne of corporate advertising and propaganda. The skyscraper that holds the "headquarters" of the Heralds is located here, as well as the vast majority of city government offices. There are many who perceive the district as being the heart of modern Ashport.

Cedar Mills - A outlying district of Ashport, Cedar Mills represents perhaps the most successful revitalization attempt prior to Arapice Corporation's involvement. Once the city was able to annex the heavily forested land, the mayor in office at the time persuaded several logging companies focused on sustainability to move in. Although Arapice Corp now owns the companies, it has left the practices relatively untouched, seeing the area as good PR, as well as additional income.

Harrowgate - A district of Ashport, Harrowgate lies at the farthest edges of the city. It is the only district that Arapice Corporation has not "rehabilitated". The key feature of the district is the Old Cathedral, originally built near the height of Ashport's Industrial Era. Long since abandoned, it was thought at various points to have perhaps been used by the Hunter of Shadows as a safe haven. Since the end of the Coalition War, the entire district has been largely abandoned, due in part to a pervasive eeriness seeming to emanate from the Old Cathedral, an eeriness aided by odd aurora-like lights that are often seen in the sky above Harrowgate.

Grandview - Major district of Ashport located between Arapice Plaza and Harrowgate, although closer to the latter. Site of Arapice Corporation's latest venture - Magnetic Reactors. Termed "Gauss Plants", the new reactors seem to have sustainable power production levels comparable to Nuclear Reactors, however with less pollution and no radioactive fallout threat. The reactor complex is overseen and maintained by Gryphon Technological Solutions through a special partnership with Arapice Corporation.

Linden Park - Residential district of Ashport, one of the better-off and cleaner districts. Numerous Heralds tend to recruit from Linden Park. Notable residents included the Tolzen family and the Gryphon family.

Prospect Hills - Major district of Ashport, home of several entertainment hotspots, located relatively close to Linden Park. A notable feature is the "Happy Hamster" nightclub. Aside from the nightclub and several restaraunts, there are several arcades and internet cafes. Previously a major territory and recruitment site for the Shadowrunners, prior to the Coalition War.

*Happy Hamster Nightclub - Opened as a novelty club shortly after the debute of the internet site titled "Hamster Dance". Popularity of the club declined, but it remained open. It has had a resurgence recently, mostly due to the "WTF?" aspect of its name.

Tombstone Court - Minor industry district of Ashport. Site of Arapice Corporation's advanced non-polluting crematorium. Also site of the key Ashport location for the most "accident" prone game show to ever exist: Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax. (Show also known as P.G.S.E.R.C., or just S.E.R.C.) A number of gyms and arenas for the Valkyries fighting label are also present, with recruitment for the same often occurring here.

Hemlock Park - Residential district located between Harrowgate and the old industrial districts. High rate of illnesses and other forms of hazards. High ration of tenements and slums. Thought to have been the location of a safe house used by the Faceless Hunter. Limited recruitment activity from the Heralds, although the Valkyries fighting label have a few gyms and "minor league" venues tucked away here.

Marble Heights - High-end residential and office district of Ashport. Location of numerous penthouses owned by Arapice, the Heralds, and even major players in the city's government. Believed to have been the site of the Cabaret's headquarters prior to the Coalition War. Currently in a bit of a resurgence in its popularity as an upper class zone. Very limited recruitment from the Heralds, however they often establish "safe houses" of a sort for their teams here, should it be deemed necessary.

Vermilion Square - High-class entertainment district of Ashport, located directly between Marble Heights and Arapice Plaza. Home to numerous gourmet restaurants, posh hotels, pseudo-European bistros, boutiques, pretentious coffee-shops, and other forms of commercialized snobbery. Also home to the Vermilion Theater, home of the new Cabaret Community Theater group. Formerly a major territory and recruitment site of the Cabaret criminal organization. Although it serves as an occasional meeting grounds for Heralds and their Magical Girls, no other notable Herald activity occurs here.

Empire Park - Major entertainment district of Ashport, located near Tombstone Court. Site of the Palatine Casino, Ashport's only casino... And a bit of a modern marvel in its own right. Empire Park is also the center of the Valkyries fighting label, hosting the group's headquarters, main gyms, and most prestigious arena. Although there is some residences in the district, no Herald recruitment occurs here as the residences are predominantly occupied by label and casino staff.

*Palatine Casino - The only casino in Ashport, the Palatine Casino rivals major malls for footprint area. Boasting three separate hotels incorporated into the structure, complete with accompanying restaurants and shopping centers, numerous actual gambling floors, and the centerpiece for the building: An indoors, scaled down replica of Rome's Coliseum. The actual "arena" of this replica is modified slightly from its inspiration, and serves as the primary event arena for the Valkyries fighting label, hosting their most prestigious bouts and tournaments.

Notable Historical Events:

Paradigm Shift - Major event in more recent Ashport history, the term refers to the sudden eruption of "magical energy" and the arrival of the Heralds. Also includes the rise of the "Magical Girl" phenomenon, as the Heralds began recruiting help in dealing with the mutants created by the Shift.

Coalition War - Major conflict in Ashport history. The Coalition War was fought in the shadows between the Heralds and an army of the collected criminal element of Ashport, known as the Faceless Coalition. Although extremely bloody, the Heralds declared victory after apparently killing the Faceless Hunter, leader of the Coalition. Shortly after their victory, the surviving Heralds and their allies faced a sudden surge in mutation activity.

Notable Factions:

The Heralds - Shape-shifting entities responsible for the rising "Magical Girl" phenomenon in Ashport. Known to have three major forms: A "human" form, with an appearance of an attractive young adult human male. A "mascot" form, with an appearance of a cute and fantastical animal. A "war" form, with an appearance of a nine-foot tall half-ton snarling death-beast. Sole beings of male appearance that are capable of harnessing the energy form termed "magic", and the only beings capable of independently doing so safely. Some signs have indicated that the Heralds gain some measure of benefit from the "bond" that they create to allow a human female to become a magical girl, as well as often becoming stronger if they've 'mentored' a group to the end of their careers.

Arapice Corporation - With business divisions and interests ranging from new experimental power plants, the latest pharmaceuticals, to high end computer and phone technology, and even into fashion... Arapice Corporation fits the popular image of the mega-corporation like a well-tailored glove. Right down to the private, well-funded security force and the rumors of shady experiments. Currently, the crown jewel of the Corporation is the city of Ashport, currently being heavily "revitalized" by the Corporation.

Gryphon Technological Solutions - Limited partner of Arapice Corporation, this Ashport-based small tech company is started by Nathaniel Gryphon. Perhaps their star, though, is the company's current owner - Matthew Gryphon, Nathaniel's tech savant son. Also a key figure in the company's current affairs is the "intern", Victor Tolzen, son of Drs. Mannfred and Elizabeth Tolzen, both of whom work in scientific capacities with Arapice Corp. In the years following the Coalition War, Matthew Gryphon succeeded his father as owner of the company, and eventually expands to include a new offshoot: Gryphon Entertainment, developers and operators of the popular VR-based MMO "Harrowing of Shadows". Sadly, Victor Tolzen, whose expertise helped lay the groundwork for the game, disappeared during the Coalition War, likely a casualty of some manner.

Shadowrunners - Initially, this group was just a small coterie of hackers, led by the infamous hacker known as "D:\". It's said that the proto-gang was named after one of D:\'s favorite games. Over time, the coterie moved from small-scale hacking to full-blown cyber-crime, mostly focused on harassing Arapice Corporation. However, after the Paradigm Shift, and as things moved towards the Coalition, the Shadowrunners moved into arms dealing as well. Believed to have been rendered defunct due to losses from the Coalition War, although rumors persist of surviving members being hunted down by the Heralds after the War.
*Insignia and Colors - Stylized laptop in neon green, with the monitor displaying a skull and crossbones logo. During the Coalition War, the skull's eye sockets were filled in with a purple color, and each eye bore a centered black cross-hair.
*Outfits, Ranks, and Equipment - All members of the Shadowrunners wore outfits of a cyberpunk-inspired fashion, always having at least a stripe of the neon green color used in their insignia. Shadows, the branch focused more on cyber-crime, tended towards darker shades, with techy adornments and more concealable weapons and defenses. The Runners, arms-dealing specialists, tended to be a bit more obvious on their gear. Vehicles in use were either "tuned" street racers (cars or motorcycles), or small-to-medium size SUVs. Weapons tended towards high quality sidearms and SMGs, often customized. What melee weapons saw use among the Shadowrunners tended towards being almost anime-esque, unfortunately. During the Coalition War, both gear and vehicles saw a shift to more high-tech, almost sci-fi level, military gear.

Cabaret - Oldest of Ashport's criminal organizations, the Cabaret formed even before the initial industrial collapse of the city. Specializing in more "traditional" forms of organized crime, the Cabaret also gained almost total control of Ashport's barely-underground sex industry. Crippled by losses from the Coalition War, the organization was believed to have been wiped out completely by the Heralds' actions at the end of conflict. Recently, though, a community theater group has been formed using the name and colors of the former gang.
*Insignia and Colors - Stylized pair of cocktail glasses complete with olives, colored deep red. During the Coalition War, the olives were switched to purple coloration with black cross-hairs centered in each.
*Outfits, Ranks, and Equipment - For male members, three-piece pinstripe suits. Female members wore similar suits, with either pants or skirts. Certain members also wore overcoats, which usually indicated a member of exceptional skill in some aspect of operations overseen by the organization. Luxury vehicles served for group transport, with a variety of helicopters and jets serving for cargo needs. Weaponry was SWAT or Military-grade, with customized sidearms. During the Coalition War, the Cabaret's forces shifted to full military gear. Uniforms with combat armor, military-grade standardized weaponry, with APCs and attack helicopters for vehicles.

Valkyries - Predominately female gang of Ashport, focused primarily on gambling and drug running, particularly performance enhancing drugs. Most members of this gang are current or former professional wrestlers or MMA fighters, with many operating under some manner of stage persona. Losses were high from the Coalition War, however the group seems to have reformed, at least as a fighting label, since then.
*Insignia and Colors - Female gender symbol, flanked by wings similar to a military insignia and with a skull inside the circle of the symbol. Electric blue with bright orange highlights. Male members bear an altered insignia that's merely a winged skull with inverted colors. During the Coalition War, the eye sockets of the skull were switched to a purple fill and bore a centered black cross-hair within each eye.
*Outfits, Ranks, and Equipment - While no obvious "ranks" exist within the Valkyries, a few notable variations on outfit styles are noticeable. The standard outfit for female Valkyries is something of a cross between a wrestler's costume and the outfits the mythical valkyries are portrayed with. Male outfits tend to range more towards resembling depictions of Roman gladiators, with the professional wrestling elements and touches. For the more senior female Valkyries, they tend towards adding in a few of the gladiator touches to their valkyrie-style outfit, particularly arm coverings. Melee weapons, such as bats and hammers, are common. Firearms, when used, are often large-game hunting revolvers, shotguns, or rarely grenade launchers. Vehicles used are either large trucks or hummers. During the Coalition War, the Valkyrie outfits switched to something akin to a cross between insurgent-inspired wear and post-apocalyptic style improvised armors. Machine gun "turrets" were often mounted in truck beds, and the hummers were switched to a military-esque configuration.
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Re: Ashport - City under Shadows

Notable Persons:

The Faceless Saint - records on this person's original name are lost or were destroyed by the Heralds. Earliest remaining records point to his parents being {REDACTED} If true, both parents were lost {REDACTED}. Shortly there after, the late couple's son began a shadowy campaign to discover the truth. He quickly gained an alliance with a skilled hacker, known by the handle of "D:\", as well as becoming known as "the Hunter" for his skill in shadowing and surgically eliminating some of the more shady executives of the Arapice Corporation. It was during this campaign that the "Paradigm Shift" occurred, and the Heralds arrived. The Hunter shifted tactics slightly, studying the new threats of the witches and the shadows. With aid from various allies made among the underworld, many introduced to him through D:\, he was able to develop weapons, technology, and skills that enabled him to take down many of these new threats alongside the new "magical girls" and their Herald allies, something thought impossible, earning him a new moniker: "the Hunter of Shadows".

Unfortunately, the Hunter pieced together too much while trying to help D:\ through some grief, and the Heralds manipulated a local gang war in an effort to quietly eliminate him. He survived, although he was changed by the incident. His tactics, once notable for their extreme precision and cleanliness, now became more violent and less cautious. This time frame became the beginning of his use of a plain, white mask covering his whole face, marked only with thin eye slits and a thin mouth-like opening. He was again called something new: "the Faceless Hunter".

During this time, one of his close (female) friends became a magical girl. An argument over the Heralds and their intentions strained their relationship, although she had used means to surreptitiously contact him during a ceremony in an attempt to persuade him that he was wrong about the Heralds. This lead to the Faceless Hunter attempting a rescue when the Heralds betrayed his friend and her team during the ceremony. Shortly afterwards, he assaulted the Heralds' Archive itself. In the ensuing battle, the Faceless Hunter inflicted numerous casualties and death upon the Heralds, but was seemingly mortally wounded and teleported away from the site by the Heralds. The damage was done, however.

By this time, nearly all of the underworld activity in Ashport was overseen by allies of the Faceless Hunter, who was seen as a legendary leader-figure by most. The Faceless Hunter survived his injuries, although his fighting style became savage, brutal, and highly sociopathic. He called for an all-out war against the Heralds, and his followers in the city's underworld responded, becoming known as the Faceless Coalition, each member taking up a mask of identical style to their leader. The resulting conflict was bloody, with massive casualties sustained on both sides. The assault was finally broken by the Heralds, after they trapped the seemingly unkillable Faceless Hunter on a boat packed with enough explosives to put an action movie director to shame. Strangely enough, his body, though badly burned, survived the blast. In response, the Heralds place his body in a tomb, deep within catacombs hidden beneath an abandoned cathedral, and place numerous heavily reinforced magical wards over and throughout the site to keep people away... And their foe in, should he still live.

Afterwards, the Heralds, their numbers reduced to a mere fraction, undertook a concerted effort to either eliminate or mutate any survivors of the Faceless Coalition, and further strike any record of the Faceless Hunter, now called "the Faceless Saint" in reference to a video game series one of the surviving Heralds enjoyed, in particular the means employed to finally stop him. NOTE: The Hunter used a purple circle with a black cross-hair as sort of a personal insignia. This was later incorporated in the insignia of the various gangs that joined him during the Coalition War.

D:\ - Handle for a hacker of note from Ashport. Known contacts from early career include the Hunter, as well as Lillian Quinn who became one of the first magical girls after the arrival of the Heralds. After meeting the Hunter, D:\ aided in the campaign against Arapice Corporation, providing intelligence to the Hunter, as well as aiding in the development of many of the Hunter's technological gadgetry. Quinn disappeared at the end of her 'career' as a magical girl, shortly after she and D:\ had admitted feelings for each other. This disappearance devastated D:\ initially, leading him towards self-destructive addictions, although after the Hunter discovered evidence of Herald duplicity in the matter, D:\ became one of the Hunter's staunchest allies in his growing investigation into the Heralds. Over time, D:\ became the head of all cyber-crime in Ashport, and leader of nearly a full third of the city's criminal underworld. D:\'s fate after the Coalition War is unknown. No body identifiable as his was ever discovered, and no Shadow displayed characteristics suggestive of the hacker. NOTE: D:\'s favored weapon was a custom pistol. Chambered in .45 ACP, with 3-round burst select-fire and extended magazines, it primarily resembles the fictional "Auto-9" used by Robocop, and he was known to be highly proficient with it.

Dr. Mannfred Tolzen - Arapice Pharmaceuticals employee, possessing a Biochemistry degree from Cambridge University. Between graduation from Cambridge and being hired by Arapice, Mannfred married fellow Cambridge graduate Elizabeth Miller. Eventually, the couple had a son who was named Victor. According to Mannfred, the Tolzen family history can be traced back to the Lower Carpathian Mountains, with the family relocating to Germany during the early 16th century, changing their name to Tolzen during the next century, and finally immigrating to the United States shortly before Bismarck became chancellor. Dr. Mannfred Tolzen was found dead in his lab after a chemical accident, although numerous co-workers reported his valiant attempt to save their lives during the accident.

Dr. Elizabeth Tolzen - Born in Hereford to the Miller family, Elizabeth eventually grew up to attend Cambridge University. Graduating with a degree in Physics, Elizabeth spent time working as an employee of Universal Exports to help pay off expenses from her education. During that period of employment, she met, and eventually married, fellow Cambridge alum Mannfred Tolzen. Shortly after the birth of her son Victor, her husband was hired by Arapice Corporation, and she was offered a job in their Applied Physics division, which she accepted while leaving her job with Universal Exports on good terms with her bosses. Dr. Elizabeth Tolzen was killed when an experiment catastrophically failed.

Victor Tolzen - Son of Mannfred and Elizabeth Tolzen. Initially possessed of a weak constitution, Victor overcame it through treatments developed by his father, as well as physical training programs found by his mother. However, he still proved to have bouts of a strange, inexplicable melancholy. During his early school days, Victor became friends with the son of a local computer expert, the young Matthew Gryphon. Unfortunately, that friendship was something of a case of "two rapscallions who shouldn't be allowed to play together", as both developed a rather impish streak. Eventually, Victor began working out plans for virtual reality-style simulator device which would allow the boys to do some of the training found in Elizabeth's belongings, without needing the extra space. After his parents' deaths, Victor was place under the legal guardianship of the Gryphon family as per legal agreements made by the two families prior. Victor vanished during the chaos of the Coalition War, and is believed to have been a casualty of the conflict.

Nathaniel Gryphon - Founder of Gryphon Technological Solutions, Nathaniel made a decision early in Arapice Corporation's involvement with his native city of Ashport. If a mega-corporation was moving into town, he wanted to be one of its executives. That plan initially seemed tanked when he repeatedly failed to get himself hired by the company. However, he came up with a plan when Arapice announced plans for a new experimental power plant. He started his own computer support company. With help from his tech-savant son and his equally brilliant friend, Nathaniel was able to get enough of a reputation built up that by the time the proposed plant was nearing completion, he was able to get a limited partnership for his company with Arapice for keeping the control systems for the new technology running smoothly. After the Coalition War, he was able to get into a management position in the Revitalization Division of Arapice, turning over Gryphon Technological Solutions to his son, Matthew. Since then, Nathaniel has moved carefully, and has finally reached his goal. Now, he intends to arrange the most comfortable retirement package he can for himself in the future.

Matthew Gryphon - From a young age, the son of Nathaniel Gryphon had always displayed an affinity for technology, particularly computers. After becoming friends with Victor Tolzen, his somewhat impish streak emerged, and more than once he'd gotten into minor trouble for pulling technology-related pranks. Fortunately, he seems to have matured and calmed down slightly since taking over Gryphon Technological Solutions. However, nearly all of his time that isn't required for meetings or the like is taken up recently by a new project: Harrowing of Shadows, a popular virtual reality-style MMO based off of some old ideas he and Victor came up with prior to the chaos of the Coalition War. The Cathedral that forms his "online office" holds a small memorial, of sorts, to Victor, recognizing his influence in the conception of the game.

Lillian Quinn - Former classmate of Matthew Gryphon. After the Paradigm Shift, Lillian choose to join one of the Heralds, becoming the magical girl known as "Fortune Guardian Concordia". During one of her 'missions' as Concordia, Lillian encountered the hacker known as "D:\" and developed a crush on him. As her "career" progressed, further contact with D:\ proved that her feelings weren't one-sided, and the pair eventually confessed to each other, with Lillian revealing her identity in the process. D:\ was interrupted before he could reveal his to her, but promised to do so when she returned from the interrupting incident. Unfortunately, she disappeared and never did. The Hunter, however, discover proof of her betrayal by the Heralds.

Alexis Martin - Former classmate of Victor Tolzen. Shortly after the Hunter began wearing his white mask, Alexis was recruited by one of the Heralds, becoming the magical girl known as "Shadow Maiden Selene". After a few missions, she began to cautiously trust the Faceless Hunter, even becoming something of a friend to the mysterious man. While the friendship seemed somewhat close, even to the Hunter's long-time ally D:\, there were no signs of any sort of feelings between the two. The friendship became strained however, once the Hunter uncovered details pointing towards what he believed was the true nature of the Heralds, which didn't fit what Alexis had seen of them. When it came time for her to "graduate" from being Selene, she secretly called the Hunter using information from him, so that he could listen in on the ceremony, in an effort to prove her side of the standing argument. It proved to be, however, the last piece of evidence he needed for his own argument {REDACTED} This event could be viewed as the shatter-point that led the Coalition War, as it triggered the Hunter's assault against the Heralds, and thus the injuries that drove him to launch the War.

Katheryn "Valeria" Weber - Current main star of the Valkyries, physically fitting the name with her appearance. Her "stage" outfit include tight-fitting pants, which make it clear to all that she's not "packing" any surprises. Her "stage" outfit also includes specially molded parts to resemble the armor the mythical valkyries are so often portrayed with. Weber appears to be intent on focusing attention on the fact that, while she is fairly athletic and physical, her appearance is still decidedly feminine, as opposed to some of the other Valkyries who 'bulk up' and end up appearing almost masculine.

Simon Lawrence - Founding member of the community theater group incarnation of the Cabaret. Former organization president, currently member of the group's Strategic Board, which is responsible for planning the performance schedule for each theatrical season. While Simon has performed in a few roles himself, he is mostly known as one of the group's active directors.

Notable Terms:

Magic - Mysterious energy source filtered through the Heralds, and used to allow females to become "magical girls". Direct use of magic by a human female results in psyche mutation, creating an extremely homicidal persona in the female; victims of this become known as "witches". Any use of magic by males results in extreme mutation, causing uncontrollable omnicidal frenzies; victims of this become known as "shadows". Any use of magic by hermaphrodites (including a female using magic to grow 'male parts') results in a very dangerous mutation causing a shift similar to males, but with the addition of an extreme cannibalistic addiction; victims of this become known as "ghouls". Current theories suggest that the energy waveform used by this "magic" is highly detrimental to human genetics, that Y-chromosomes have a further destabilizing on the energy, and that the "Heralds" have something in their genetics that acts as a stabilizing catalyst.

Other major locations:

Herald Realm - Site of the true citadel of the Heralds, as well as the Magical Girl Archive, a site of contention during the events leading up to the Coalition War. Accessible reliably only by the Heralds, although they can bring others in.

*Magical Girl Archive - Major location within the Herald Realm, apparently located near the source of the Heralds' magical power. What little is known of it suggests the location to be some sort of memorial for the various girls empowered as Magical Girls by the Heralds.

Harrowed Realm - Cyberspace virtual world, setting of the VR-MMO "Harrowing of Shadows". It is the preferred location of Matthew Gryphon, when not busy with actual work. Numerous safeguards are in place in order to prevent damage to users as a result of feedback, and hacking is heavily policed, with forced logouts followed by account bans being the penalty. Those who are caught using majorly invasive hacks are known to "disappear" as well.

*Avatar's Cathedral - Major location within the Harrowed Realm. Seat and stronghold of the Avatar, Matthew Gryphon's in-game administrator-character. Appears to have been based off of the Old Cathedral in Harrowgate.
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