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Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Ian mutters an obscenity under his breath as it's revealed the radio isn't going to work, though his head snaps up at the "What's this?" call because that's never good.

Following the soldiers, he'll stop short seeing the glow. "That's our problem," is what he'll state. "Don't get to close. That's one of the anomalies we spotted on the planet. T-rex came outta the last one. Ah'm thinkin' somethin' not quite nice might come outta this. But don't shoot the shiela, in case this is what she was talkin' about." He starts looking to see if the blood trail continues or if it stops (or seems to start) at the anomaly. "It's also likely what's muckin' up the radio. They're powerfully magnetic."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

There was a collective groan from all of them at the mention of the T-Rex, but they quickly snapped into action.

Ian found that some of the blood appeared to go INTO the anomaly, while some led away, as if someone, or something had been injured and managed to get away. It was about then that they heard a loud roaring sound, followed by several gunshots from further towards the pier itself.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Chances are the blood going in belonged to some of the soldiers. Not a pleasant thought but the most logical at the moment. The sound of the gunfire, though, is probably enough to spur the men into action. Ian will let the soldiers take the lead, being technically a civilian, but he'll bolt along with them to the sound of the disturbance.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

As one they were on the move, bolting around the bend.

What they saw after turning the corner wasn't entirely pretty.

A young brunette woman wearing torn Earth military clothing was boxed in at one end of a corridor that was a dead end, firing a pistol at a large, four legged creature with Sabre teeth. However, the creature didn't appear to be a Sabre Cat, but rather something else entirely. Whatever it was, it was advancing on the young woman, seemingly unfazed by the 9mm rounds hitting it. In addition, it's teeth had blood on them, and her arm had a bit of a gash on it.

It continued to advance on her, seemingly unaware of the four behind it, intent on eating the woman before it.

((Will let Ian react before the bullets from M16's start to fly lol))
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

(And Ian's reaction is to stop the cat.)

The nearest soldier might hear "Here, kitty kitty" before Ian's telekinesis is working on yanking the thing up and into the air. One, it'll give the soldiers a shot at the thing's belly, which is hopefully more vulnerable than the rest of the it, and two, it'll stop the creature from being able to lunge at the other soldier.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

The creature whipped around most of the way before Ian got hold of it, snarling as it tried to move towards him but couldn't.

Enough bullets finally caused it to cease moving, rattling one final breath out as it died, allowing the woman it had been hell bent on eating to gingerly move towards them. As she spoke, she was eyeballing it to be certain it was dead.

"Thanks ... the nine mil didn't even faze it. Where the hell did it come from anyway?"
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Right, they're fast. Best ta remembah that." Once he's certain the thing isn't going to do the horror 'jump up after being shot' thing, he'll set it down so they can get a better look at it, specifically to see if it has plating or for whatever reason the smaller caliber gun wasn't having any effect.

"Could'a just been ornery," is his response to her statement. Given she's in uniform, he'll look for the nametag and any stars and bars. "And likely came outta the anomaly around th' cornah. We probably want ta keep an eye on it ta make sure nothin' else decides ta join the pahtay."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Glancing at her uniform told him the woman before him was one of those they were looking for, Lt. Colonel Samantha Millstar. Her gaze snapped to him at the mention of the anomaly.

"Show me it. But first ..."

After being sure the creature was in fact dead, she bent down to examine it. Ian might get the impression from the way she studied it that the woman was more scientist than soldier, but could play both roles well. The moment of watching her was broken though when she suddenly let out a surprised sound.

"This creature ... I can't be completely certain without doing some research first but ... I think it's from the Permian Era. Thick armor plating, four legs, heavy set and with sabre teeth ... I think this might be a Gorgonopsid. If that's true ... Show me this anomaly you spoke of."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Back around th' cornah." He'll jerk his thumb in that direction and presumably, that's where they're going. "So, when do T-rexes come from?"
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

She stood, walking in the direction indicated, pausing though at the question.

"Cretaceous period, why?"

Moving onward, they were back at the anomaly in short order. Once she laid eyes on it, Samantha blinked several times.

"Interesting ... I wonder ..."
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Well, the last one of these we saw had a T-Rex pop outta it. Clearly that thing we just shot is from a different time period, so they're obviously not opening in the same...past? If that makes any sense at all." He'll let her study but as she starts to ponder, she'll get a "Wonder what? They're kinda unstable. And obviously lead ta dinosaurs. Ah don't recommend poppin' yer head through it."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

She shook her head.

"No intention of going through. I'm just wondering if we may have damaged the timeline by killing that thing back there, not that we had much choice. But ... what I'm really wondering is, could this anomaly be giving off enough magnetic energy to cause interference on the radio carrier waves? Could this be why our radios stopped working? If so ... "

She trailed off as gunfire sounded from somewhere deeper in the city, the sound of an M16 going off ...
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Like ya said, not much of a choice. And, well, none of us winked outta existence, so Ah'd say so far, so good." He stops at the sound of the gunfire. "Or not good. Maybe more than one came through?" He'll start jogging off in that direction. Might be good to leave at least one of the soldiers behind to watch the thing but other than that, time to investigate the conflict.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

As a unit they took off running, weapons drawn. One of the men, Ian wasn't sure which one broke off, electing to stay with the anomaly, keeping an eye on it silently.

By the time they reached where the gunfire had obviously come from, it appeared to be too late. Blood was everywhere, on the walls, on the roofing, everywhere. Three soldiers lay dead on the ground, a fourth barely alive. As they drew near, the soldier began attempting to speak, but couldn't project his voice. Samantha bent down next to him, and he whispered something into her ear, and a few moments later, breathed his last.

Samantha's reaction was swift, and orderly.

"Johnson, get back to Vickers on the double. Nothing gets through that anomaly, shoot to kill anything that tries."

She turned to Ian and Renyolds, sighing.

"Anderson told me they were attacked by some sort of creatures, different from what we fought based off the description. They took Lt. Beckstrom. Said they went right for her, but not to kill, so something's definitely odd. Took off down that corridor, but it loops back eventually to that anomaly. There were three other teams off one of the junction points that they might go for next, we have to try and help them. I need you both with me, especially you Ian. If they're as fast as what Anderson mentioned, we'll need your powers."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Ian makes a mental count of which soldiers are where. "Might wanna see if we're far enough away that the radios are beck. Give 'em a head's up and warn 'em they've got a prisnah."

That's about the only delay before he lets her lead, since she has some idea on where the other teams broke off to. Group's probably moving at a hurried pace but not pell-mell, given the last thing they need is to run into an ambush.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Samantha paused only long enough to try the radio again, which didn't seem to be working still. Growling she stowed it away, shaking her head.

"I'm going to take a stab that our radios aren't going to work until after that damn anomaly is gone. Would take a lot of magnetic interference to do that, something like a mini magnetic pole."

They came to another room like area, this one with several bodies lying broken and bloody. Samantha let out a small sigh.

"Alfred's team. Only four bodies, three women are missing. Blood is fresh, no more than ten minutes. We may still have a chance to help the others if we hurry."

((Giving Ian a chance to comment about the magnetic stuff and the distinct lack of Female bodies before we get to a fight))
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Ian lets out a bit of a growl. "How many more teams are there? Because once they get all the gels (pronounced 'gells' not like the hair product) they're gonna head back ta that anomaly and we do not want them takin' them through."

Samantha's answer is going to determine whether they double back or press on because they're going to have to come back to the anomaly, at least that's his hope, so they can wait for the Klarnell there.

"Ya see one, hit it hahd and don't stop. Ah'll grab as many of 'em as Ah can but they're nasty bastards. Ahmor, guns, the works. And they want the gels alive." He figures that statement will be enough for the soldiers to draw their own conclusions and if they go very dark, all the better.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Samantha sighed.

"Two more. One is on the other side of the city, back towards the anomaly on the loop back side, the other should be down the next couple sets of halls unless they moved between last contact times."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"So we can hope the bastahds haven't split up and are ahead. Let's book it. Ah don't hear any firefighting. Means they haven't made it yet." There's a grim, unspoken expression on his face that says "or they have and there's nobody left so they moved on" but he's not about to voice that out loud. As they continue to move, he continues to press Samantha for details. "How many female soldiers are there here, countin' y'self?"
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

There was a slight pause as she seemed to do a head count in her mind before responding.

"Just in this section of the city, counting those missing, fifteen. Between myself, and the teams we haven't reached yet, six. Wait, did you hear that?"

Near by they could begin hearing what sounded like weapons fire, and something else. It sounded like energy discharges from a fire fight, and from only a section or two away. They were close.