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Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Biggah myst'ry is how she managed tah take out the Klahnell. Granted, she had a shot at its beck but near as Ah can tell, she's not ahmed. Unless that closet wasn't fah keepin' brooms."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Samantha paused for a moment.

"Fair point. I wonder if it has anything to do with the genetic abnormalities Doctor Lars found in her last set of blood work. She was actually sending a request for medical records of two other people, said it had looked familiar to her. Why don't Saunders and I take her back to the good Doctor while you check in on that anomaly. We'll take that device back with us too, start working on a means of checking what it is."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Ian lets out a soft "Huh," obviously not aware of that information. "Could be. Prob'ly somethin' we're goin' ta want ta keep an eye on, likely." As they mention taking her back, he'll nod. "If ya sure. Ah can manage 'er, maybe a little easiah, but if ya think Ah'm bettah served heah, Ah'll stay."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Samantha nodded.

"Yeah I think we can manage. Besides, if you folks come across any nasty things on your way back to the anomaly, they'll benefit from having you more than we will going in the opposite direction."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Right, then." He'll pass Cassie over to whichever of the soldiers was going to take her. "Just be careful, a'ite? Y' said things ah a little wonky around heah, so just because yer headin' beck ta base doesn't mean yer ollie-ollie-oxen-free."

He'll join the ones who are staying, likely looking to complete the sweep back to the anomaly. There's a mental crossing of his fingers that nothing else goes wrong in the meantime.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

The soldier gave him a nod. It seemed he wasn't taking things for granted, he was stiff, and fully alert, but not in panic mode.

Soon enough Samantha and her small group were out of sight, and a few minutes later they found the two stationed soldiers at the anomaly. All seemed to be well, with one of the soldiers calling out as he spotted Ian.

"Nothing's come this way since I got here, still can't radio out, although we've been getting some really odd interference on one particular radio channel. Listen to this."

He activated his radio at a channel Ian couldn't see off hand, and almost immediately the sound that came out reminded him of something he'd once heard on an old mission with Siphon.

Magnetic storms had caused odd interference, and that had been audible with an almost warbling sound at regular intervals with all their communications equipment. When the storms had ended, so had the interference. Was it possible the anomaly was generating some kind of magnetic field strong enough to have the same effect?
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

The sound causes Ian's brows to pinch, recollection of it being fuzzy at best, but still there. "Any chance we can get a recordin' a' this? Ah'd like ta get Siphon's input on the sound. Reminds me of somethin' we heard durin' a magnetic storm once. An' Ah know these things are heavy on the magnet waves. An' if we've got a way ta study this," he flicks fingers toward the anomaly, "Ah'd do it. Stahtin' with the magnetic field. This is one of the longest open we've dealt with, Ah think. Shouldn't waste the oppahtunity."