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Re: Atlantis

"Tell me about it. Anyway, you ready to get back?"
Re: Atlantis

"yea come on lets head back they may worry about you being away for so long..after all i gotta be ready to zap the shit out of someone the next tmie they let a certain word slip."
Re: Atlantis

Letting loose a sound that might have been a snort, Siphon led her back inside. Once they caught up to Aya and their Klarnell ally, Aya would smile at them.

"Good, I'm glad you are back. I have something that I need to take care of, and someone I must speak to regarding the situations at hand. Zaleia, will you be alright without a guide for now? From what I've been brought up to speed on, it appears these two will be busy for a while."
Re: Atlantis

"whats this? i'm going ot be left to my own devices all by myself? ooooh someone doesnt know what trouble their letting loose upon the world."

She grinned at Aya while rubbing her hands together.

"also when you get back i would like to ask you something but it can wait."
Re: Atlantis

Aya smiled slightly.

"We can talk on the way to the gate if you'd like. The way things are with this city, it's always best to say what you're thinking before someone departs, you never know how long they may be away for."
Re: Atlantis

"alright then..you boys have fun i'm gonna walk with Aya!"

She stepped over by Aya smiling more to Siphon still kinda avoiding the big ugly one..she may let insults slide doesnt mean she likes him any better
Re: Atlantis

The Klarnell seemed content to say nothing to her, although it was hard to tell if he just was the silent type, or if he couldn't see her with the big mask he had on. There was however a slight movement from him that appeared to be an awkward nod.

Siphon waved to her, seeming already to be combing through some kind of holographic interface.

Once they were in one of the halls, Aya turned to her.

"OK, so what's up?"
Re: Atlantis

"well ya remember that thing ya did? where you like checked to see if my powers did something with yours? i dont know how to explain it sorry. anyways..When me and Siphon were talking it well seemed like he was doing the same thing...but i dont know if he was doing it on purpose or if he even realized he was doing it at all. I didnt say anything to him cause he didnt act like he knew he was doing it. I figured i would ask you first since you knew what ytou were doing."
Re: Atlantis

Aya blinked.

"A mitochondrial resonation? That's odd, usually that only happens when one or the other is actively attempting a resonation, but you didn't know what it even was, and if he didn't outwardly show any signs ..."

She trailed off a moment, mind spinning and then suddenly her eyes widened.

"You said your power is based off electrical charges, and being able to manipulate them in some way right?"
Re: Atlantis

Zale just nodded her head quietly as she waited to see if Aya knew what was going on.
Re: Atlantis

"It's possible because his own natural abilities were similar in nature that being in proximity to someone with a similar trait caused his own cells to resonate, recognizing a similar genetic makeup. The effect would be amplified if there were any form of contact, such as a handshake or anything like that. And well, the effect would be greatly increased in certain other forms of contact, but I think we can safely rule that out from having happened. My best guess is that your own ability may have started to wake his own up just by the resonation. It would seem that even though he isn't aware of those powers yet, perhaps the cells in his body still function as normal, even though he doesn't actively use them. Although if what I heard earlier is accurate, it's possible that his powers have continued to evolve and even mutate over time as well. Even without his memories, he's still the same physically and genetically as he was before ascending. I'm sorry ... I didn't even think about that possibility, I should have warned you it was a theoretical possibility."
Re: Atlantis

"well as far as contact goes i hugged him..but you dont need to apologize i mean hell you might need to warn him so he doesnt freak someone out with that stuff heh. Anyways thats all i wanted to talk to you about."
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded slightly.

"That would be enough. I would guess most likely that the only people that would happen with would be you and myself, both for obvious reasons. It's possible after I saw what your sister can do, that it may happen with her but ... I can't say for sure. I'll warn her about it when I get back to Peltas, although if what I have in mind works, there may not be a need for warnings with it. I'm glad you mentioned it though, it means that somewhere, deep down, his body is beginning to completely revert to how he used to be. We'll need him to be as close to a hundred percent as possible."
Re: Atlantis

"Alright gotcha. Oh and when you catch up with Sho tell her to behave and not do anything i wouldnt do. have a safe trip! I'll just keep busy here while your gone..i think all the fun people are going to be on peltas now."
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded, heading off down the hall and vanishing from sight. Right after she had left, Zaleia heard a female voice behind her.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Zaleia Meheven. I'm sure I can give you a fruitful conversation."

When she turned around, she would see a stunningly attractive woman, matching the description Siphon had given her not long ago. She regarded Zaleia with a small smile, as if she knew already how she was going to react. There was no doubt, she was an ascended being.
Re: Atlantis

A confused look crossing her face she turned to see the woman behind her and just threw her hands up.

"low and behold glowing woman! just like Siphon said. Well i guess its nice to meet you miss? sorry i dont recall if siphon mentioned your name."
Re: Atlantis

She smiled slightly, taking on a more physical appearance, and less glowing energy.

"It is doubtful, considering he still doesn't remember who I am. You may call me Alana, it is the closest thing to a name you would be able to actually pronounce and still recognize. Even by our own language, my true name is ... I think your word is exotic. You're probably wondering why I'm even here, how I'm not being scolded by the others for 'interfering'. Truth be told, the Klarnell have changed things dramatically. They are learning far faster than we would like, yet the greater majority of the others refuses to do anything. I fear that by the time they realize their mistake, it will be too late. Still, I can do you more good even in limited allowance than anyone else they sent likely would."
Re: Atlantis

The blank look on her face would say more then anything else. As far as ancients went she didnt know a whole lot abuot them. And given she has just met her first klarnell today she knew almost nothing about them.

"ummmm well i probably should say the biggest question is why your here talking to me. I really doubt there is anything i canhelp you with. Not that meeting you isnt nice its just kinda weird. no offense or anything"
Re: Atlantis

"None taken. I'm here mostly because I want to keep an eye on things here. The Klarnell could very soon be testing our ability to cover both this galaxy, and your own. They are beginning to realize we've started interfering with their plans, but they will adapt. We also believe they are getting close to learning ascension themselves, a crude form of ascension, but effective enough. I need for you to pass on a message to both Siphon, and the Klarnell he's working with if you would. I would do so myself but ... rules and shit, plus I'm afraid seeing me would cause more harm than good to Siphon at the very least."
Re: Atlantis

"hmmm umm yeah sure what do i need to tll them? Oh dont you just hate all the stupid rules heh anyways i will pass on whatever ya need me too."
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