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Re: Atlantis

Alana smiled again, then spoke carefully, and in somewhat of a riddle.

"Tell them that the risks are necessary, and they must proceed with the mission, despite Cretaceous risks. If they do not retrieve the packages soon, we may not be able to hold the enemy at bay."

She grimaced slightly, shaking her head.

"The Klarnell at least should know what that means. I'm sorry, it's a riddle I know, but there's no other choice. He'll know what to do, and when."
Re: Atlantis

"sooo igotta find big ugly guy and tell him this riddle and then hope he does indeed know what you mean by it...sounds fun."

A small shrug of her shoulders at that point.

"umm if your supposed to know so much..can you tell me if what they said about the whole kidnapping me and killing my sister was true? I gotta know if it really happened and just some thing from the future saying it isnt enough for me. Like siphon said the future isnt set in stone but its gonna bug me."
Re: Atlantis

Alana thought for a moment then shrugged.

"It's one possibility for the future, yes. Siphon is correct though, because of the anomalies, the future really isn't set in stone. Anything that the Klarnell you are working with knows of future events could theoretically be changed. The real question for you is, which events shouldn't you change? Since his arrival has already changed certain events, I can tell you this much. From his own standpoint of how the future was for him, he wasn't lying. Beyond that, I'm afraid you must write your own destiny."
Re: Atlantis

"well in that case..your somewhat similar to what Anubis is right? well like he is trying to get to the same state you are right now right? Anything you can tell me so that i can blast the shit out of him next time i see him? i feel right now he especially deserves it."
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Re: Atlantis

Alana hesitated for a moment, almost as if she weren't all there for a moment, then finally responded.

"Anubis ascended some time ago. When we realized what he had in mind, and he tried using his powers, we rejected him, tried to send him back. Something went wrong though, it wasn't as simple as sending Siphon back. Anubis is something of a hybrid now, he's trapped between our plane and your own, existing in both simultaneously. Because of this, we can ensure he doesn't directly use his ascended powers to do anything, but his physical shell can act accordingly to what it learns. For example, if he were to find any of our technology, he could use it in his ships, we wouldn't stop him because it's on the lower planes. Now if he used his ascended knowledge to find that technology, we'd remove it. As such, he's gotten quite good at threading the line. Too good in my opinion."
Re: Atlantis

"Well that sounds like an incredible pain in the ass. Seems like you guys were never prepared for a hybrid when you thought these ascended rules up. I never really dealt with Anubis,,just heard stories and all..but now i'm about take this personally."

She gave a huff and stepped over to a wall to lean back against it for a minute.
Re: Atlantis

Alana half shrugged.

"Until he became one, we didn't even think it was possible. That started a shift in viewpoints amongst our people, something that has grown wider with time. Anubis, the Ori, now the Klarnell. Things could reach a boiling point very soon, and if they do ... well let's just say I fear what might happen."
Re: Atlantis

"well if there is such a growing shift in viewpoints going on maybe its time to start thinking about bending the rules to maybe even set thngs straight. If this boiling point comes sooner then expected you all might be put on the spot of deciding how it all goes down."
Re: Atlantis

She hesitated a moment before replying.

"For so long we've not interfered in the lower planes. The very few times it has happened in the distant past ... well let's say none of those civilizations that were blessed with our help are around any longer. Most wiped themselves out. One we were forced to wipe out ourselves to correct that mistake. Every time there's been a direct intervention by the ascended, it's turned out bad. Even this, blocking the Klarnell from using anomalies into this galaxy or your own is a big deal to the eldest among us. It's not something that is heavily favored. Anyway, I must go, time to get back out on patrol. Tell them as soon as possible, every moment counts."
Re: Atlantis

She gave a nod of her head and waved to the woman before starting to head towards the last place she saw Siphon

"dont worry i'll go do that right now. Good luck out there"
Re: Atlantis

Nodding her thanks to Zaleia, the woman became nothing more than a small ball of light that zipped away, vanishing quickly.

She would find Siphon right where she'd left him, working alongside the Klarnell warrior. It seemed they had done a fair bit of work, as they had a solid looking, moving hologram working. Even as she drew near, she could see they were tinkering with it, making it less human in appearance, and more alien like. The question was, why were they doing that?
Re: Atlantis

Stepping up behind Siphon and peering around at his work for a moment she lifted a hand and let it hover about an inch from him before she built up just enough charge inher hand to jump a little crackle of static from her fingers to Siphon.

"ahem! I just had an interesting conversation with someone who asked me to pass a message on to you. The message being that The risks are neccesary despite..crustacious...Cretacious! despite Cretacious risks. if you dont retreive the packages soon....uhh..we may not be able to hold the enemy at bay..ypu that was the message."
Re: Atlantis

Perhaps to her surprise, Siphon showed no reaction to the tiny zap. He did however blink at her words.

"Cretaceous risks? Didn't you..."

The Klarnell nodded.

"Yes. She must be referencing one of the multi anomaly paths I researched in case. That must mean the others are close to learning ascension. We will need Sarnael."
Re: Atlantis

Looking between the two she crossed her arms over her chest since they werent bothering to clue her in she finally just shrugged gave an dismissive wave and turned to walk off kinda just randomly as she still didnt know her way around perfectly

"okay guys nice talk. seeyah"
Re: Atlantis

"Zale, wait. I'd like you to join us. We may have need of your abilities, especially in that time frame. Steve go get Sarnael, I will fill her in."

The Klarnell nodded, and took off to get Sarnael.
Re: Atlantis

turning back to face Siphon she watched the big ugly going off before speaking up a little

"okay then start filling in since i have pretty much no idea whats going on. what did you mean by timeframe?"
Re: Atlantis

"We will be traveling into the past, back to dinosaur times. We may need help in non lethal takedowns so we don't risk fudging the time line. Eventually we will end up in his time. We're getting back my girls from those bastards. I'm asking you to come because of your abilities and well, I trust you. I won't lie, this is likely to be quite dangerous."
Re: Atlantis

"sooo time traveling to...an age of dinosaurs..but which planet? gonna see alien dinosaurs are they gonna be like earth dinosaurs? anyways nothing about that sounds dangerous at all. So when you say we are going to end up in his time. is it going to be with more o fhis people?"
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Earth, yes. Which means we may end up opening the anomaly on Earth, maybe now. Not really sure where the opening points are, he has all that. And yeah, the nasty ones of his kind. So if an opening presents itself to kill one of them without attracting unwanted attention, by all means go for it."
Re: Atlantis

"who knows maybe we will luck out and it will be a nice pleasant thunderstorm going on...lightning to the face always does wonders for taking people out of action."

She clasped her hands together and cracked her knuckles but seemed more in thought about possible trouble making methods.

"I really dont know how much it is going to take to put a dinosaur down..lets hope we dont need to find out."
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