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Re: Atlantis

Siphon shrugged, then automatically said, "about ten thousand volts for a T-Rex or Allosaur sized beast, half that for anything smaller."

He blinked slightly, then shrugged again.

"Don't ask me how I know that, it just popped into my head. Anyway, you ready to get rolling?"

'Steve' finally found Sarnael, and began to fill him in on what was about to go down, asking for him to join the little band.
Re: Atlantis

"well i'm about as ready as can be. not like i really have any gear to grab. I'm just gonna follow along behind you so lead the way when your ready."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Alright, to the gate room then."

With that, they were heading off.

((Giving Wolf a chance to respond.))
Re: Atlantis

((Alright, long enough.))

In short order, Siphon, and whoever else was going with him on this mission entered the gate room, where Siphon dialed the gate. Activating it, they stepped through to Peltas where he would stop just long enough to get Aya, and to inform Julia of their plans.
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