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Ava (Keylo)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Waking up, Ava is confused to her situation. She remembers very little before she fell asleep, and is completely clueless as to how she got in this small cell. looking around, she reads the note tied to her wrist. She quickly finds out that the cell door was not locked. Not remembering changing, she wonders how she got into a sports bra and cotton shorts.

Search the Area
Travel South
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"How did I..."

After trying to make sense of the situation for a few moments, Ava opts to search the area first to see if there's anything she can use...
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Rummaging through some old boxes, she finds a button-up shirt and puts it on. It's slightly large, but Ava doesn't seem to mind. It appears to be an old worn work shirt. She feels a little less exposed now.

((FYI: Clothing acts as extra defense in certain conditions))

Search again
Travel South
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Well...at least I feel a little more secure now..."

After putting on the clothes she found, and thinking this, Ava then decides to travel south, seeing as she wouldn't be getting anywhere otherwise.
Re: Ava (Keylo)

She pushes the cell door aside, revealing a badly lit hallway. She nervously enters the hallway, keeping a keen lookout as she does. It appears to travel a significant distance in both directions, though in the dim environment, judging distances will be very difficult.

Search the Area
Travel East
Travel West
Travel North (Back)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Deciding that she didn't want to spend more time than needed near the cell, she randomly picks a direction and heads that way.

(Travel East)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Traveling down the hall, she stumbles upon a pair of jeans. After a quick exam, she realizes that they fit and quickly puts them on. Ava then takes in her surroundings and discovers she is at a crossroads.

Search Again
Travel North
Travel East
Travel West (back)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Continuing her earlier pace, Ava continues to follow the hallway east, hoping to find an exit of some sorts...

(Travel East).
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Continuing her stride, she comes to the end of the hallway. As she looks around she hears a noise from behind her. She turns around and notices an average built man in a lab coat. Trying to formulate an intelligent question for her capture, she almost misses the man taking a swing. Narrowly dodging his his asault, she jumps back and finds herself trapped in a corner.

Re: Ava (Keylo)

What the...what did I do?!

Enraged at the fact the man had just attempted to attack her, she attempts to return the same to him, or perhaps slap him openly.
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava steps forward and cocks back to slap her assailant. The man attempts to block but is unable. As Ava connects on his face, he reels. The force of Ava's slap send him flying into the wall, further disorienting him. With some sense of confidence that seemed miles away just minutes before, she stands over the man who is sprawled on the floor

Man's HP: 1

Flee South
Flee West (Back)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Wait...Whoa... Did not know Ava could slap that hard o_o;; Not that I'm complaining mind you.)

Still angry at the man, Ava lashes out with a savage kick at the man's crotch region as if possessed by a devil.

"Why don't you just shrivel up and die you stupid jerk!"

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Lucky ass roll ^_^)

As Ava kicks at the man's crotch, she fails to notice a broomstick near the man. Before she has the opportunity to finish the job, he swings the stick low, knocking Ava off her balance. She lands hard on her back, disorienting her momentarily. Shaking her daze off she sees the man now standing above her with the broomstick in his hand.

Man's HP: 1
Ava Defense: 3 + 2 (clothing)


(apparently followed by a horrible roll....)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Hahahaha, yeah, so the kick misses, yet the POWERSLAP of doom hits. Figures.)

As if possessed, Ava lets out an animalistic growl as she leaps for the man's throat, intended on choking the life out of him.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Grabbing the man's throat, she flings herself on him, throwing him onto the floor. The man trys to kick Ava off of his chest, but to no avail. After a few moment's the man's face turns blue and his struggle ceases. Ava, not yet fully realizing what she just did, ponders her next move.

Ava's Defense: 3 + 2(clothing)

Search the Area
Search the Body
Travel South
Travel West (back)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Oh dear, tough choice... normally I'd have her loot the corpse, but as this is Aya's first time killing...)

"That's right die.. die you scu-...wait...what?..."

As Ava regained her calm, it was then she realized what she had done... she had killed another person. Removing her shaking hands from the man's neck slowly, she began to shudder terribly as the surrounding air seemed to grow heavier than before.

"I...I didn't mean to..."

Fearful of herself, and the stagnating pressure that was beginning to surround her, she dismounts the man and begins to move once again, wanting to put as much distance as possible between her and the body.

(Action: Travel South)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Turning the corner she enters what appears to be a chemistry lab that extends to the west. Looking around the test tubes and beakers, she fails to notice a large pile of tendrils in a corner of the room. Nearing a stack of papers, she is quickly knocked off her feet by two tendrils that wrap around her legs and is quickly dragged into the corner of the room.

(Crit hit)

Ava's Defense: 1 + 2(clothing)
Tendril's HP: 3

Re: Ava (Keylo)

"No... let...go of me!"

Struggling against the tendrils, Ava attempts to force her way out of them using brute force.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Pulled closer to the corner, Ava begins to thrash wildly at the tendrils. Unfortunately for Ava, the tendrils simply tangle her legs further, seeming to do no damage. Being small in nature they seem to flow around her legs all the way to her waist.

Ava's Defense: 1+2(clothing)
Tendril's HP: 3

Re: Ava (Keylo)

Unrelenting in her struggle, Aya continues to fight against the tentacles in hopes of getting free.

"Let me go let me go let me go!"

(Action: Attack)
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