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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava looks around her immediate vicinity. She sees a pail in a corner with a dirty white blouse. She picks it up. She immediately notices that the blouse is far too small for her, but she is able to fit her arms into it. Tying the front closed, she exposes her midriff, but figures that it is better than nothing.

Ava DEF: 2 + 2

Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"Better than nothing I guess..."

Sighing at her misfortune, Ava proceeds through to the north, to begin the game of "find the staircase" all over again...

(Action: Travel North)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava comes across a opening to her East with a torn curtain covering most of it. Peering though it, it appears to be a greenhouse or something. The hallway also continues to the North. Standing near the curtain pondering where to go from here, she hers a stern voice from behind her "You there! You need to go back to your cell, NOW!" turning around she sees a guard of a slight build standing behind her.

Ava DEF 2 + 2
Guard HP: 2

Wait (Talk)
Flee N/S/E (67%)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Posts will be sporadic for me tonight, L4D invites are going off non-stop...)

Rage burned within her eyes as she saw the guard, her hatred for any lackeys of the Doctor completely unconcealed. In fact, such was her anger that she immediately swung the axe with intent to kill at the man the instant she saw him, hoping to kill him right there and then.

"No! You need to shut up and DIE RIGHT HERE AND NOW."
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(no worries, I might call it a night early and go get drunk ^_^)

Ignoring the guard's query, Ava immediately swings the axe at the man's head. Luckily for the guard, Ava, in her blind rage, overshot him and swings just above his head. he takes the initiative and jabs her right in the gut with his fist


Ava DEF 1 + 2
Guard HP: 2

Wait (Talk)
Flee N/S/E (67%)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Reeling back a bit from the blow, Ava begins to growl animalistically as she glares at the guard, axe in hand and ready to hack at him should he approach again.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

With Ava still in pain from his jab, the guard walks up to her and grabs her white hair, pulling her face level with his. "That wasn't nice," he says as he cocks back to hit her again. He then hits her again in the stomach with his knee before Ava has a chance to react.

Ava DEF 0 + 2
Guard HP: 2

Wait (Talk)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava let out a gasp of pain as she was kneed in the stomach, air knocked out of her for a second. Nevertheless, not being one to let this deter her, she attempted to swing her axe at the guard in retaliation, now even more determined to end his life.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava quickly retaliates and is able to connect with the guard's shoulder. Unfortunately in the close distence between both of them, she is unable to get a good enough hit to do any real damage with an axe. She does hit him hard enough to force him to release her and back away a few steps. He tries to recover, his eyes locked on Ava.

Ava DEF 0 + 2
Guard HP: 1

Wait (Talk)
Flee N/E/S (83%)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"What's the matter MAGGOT? Come here and I'll give you another taste of death!"

At this point Ava's personality seemed to become slightly unstable, anger causing her to desire violence, to desire to kill. She WANTED to slam the man to the ground, to crack his skull open and watch its contents spill onto the ground. And most of all, she wanted to do the same to the "Doctor" responsible for trapping her in this place, for making her go down the path of insanity that she was progressing upon. After all, everything was his fault, she wouldn't have to kill if not for "that person", right?...

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

The guard and Ava stand staring at one another for what seems like hours, sizing each other up. Then all of a sudden, the guard lunges at Ava. He grabs her around the waist, shouldering her in the stomach at the same time. In one fluid motion, he grabs her shorts, pulling them down her legs while pulling her legs out from under her. In the process he manages to rip the waistband, rendering them useless. The next thing Ava realizes, she is laying on the floor, face up, with the guard standing over her with her ruined shorts in his hand; smiling.

Ava DEF 0 + 1
Guard HP: 1

Wait (Talk)
Re: Ava (Keylo)


Being shouldered, having her pants, ripped off, and made useless was more than enough of an excuse for Ava to stop playing defensively and go on a full all out offense with her axe...

(Action: Attack

Also... these rolls suck don't they? ;_;)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

The man's apparent luck would have to run out soon, shouldn't it? Ava lunges at the man with her makeshift axe. Her attack lands squarely in the man's chest, splitting him open. He gasps for a moment before falling to the ground.

(Not to gory is it?)

(crit hit)

Ava DEF 0 + 1
Guard HP: -1

Search the body
Search the area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Gator my dear, that's nothing compared to the stuff I normally write ;P, so no worries there.)

Apparently not satisfied with splitting the man's chest open, Ava proceeded to decapitate the man's head and kick it into away before muttering to herself.

"Good riddance, scumbag."

After that, she then proceeded to search the dead man's body for anything that might compensate for her ruined shorts, such as the late guard's own pants...

(Action: Search the body.)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava searches the mutilated body that was once a guard. She quickly finds that the guard's pants are far to large even with a belt for her to wear. disappointed, she stands up and looks around the hallway, contemplating her next move.

Ava DEF 1 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"...Not a big fan of plants..."

Choosing to avoid the "greenhouse" to her east, Ava chooses to head north, down the hallway...

(Action: Travel North)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava continues to the north and after a few moments comes across a door to the North. There area few boxes stacked near the door.

Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Feeling a bit uncomfortable without her pants, Ava opts to search the boxes in the hallway in hopes of finding something to replace what she had lost.

(Action: Search the Area.)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava rummages through a couple boxes Until she finds a pair of torn jean shorts. They are embarrassingly short, barely covering her hips and only about an inch of leg. Looking at them, she decides they are better than nothing and slides them on.

Ava DEF 3 + 2

Search Again
Travel N/S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"...Why me?..."

Letting out a sigh as she reluctantly put on the embarrassing shorts, Ava decides to continue on her way, knowing that remaining in a single place too long was simply inviting more rapists to come after her.

(Travel North)
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