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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava enters the room to her North and finds what appears to be a storage room for all things plant life. There are bags of fertilizer, pots, planters, soil, and other assorted goodies.

Ava DEF 4 + 2

Search the Area
Travel S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"...Curse that infernal busybody Doctor and his, her, whatever the hell its gender is's stupid idea of planting freaking plants in a basement!"

Proceeding to rant for a good five minutes or so before finally calming down, Ava then let out a sigh as she began to plot out her next course of action.

"...Plants...ugh, maybe I can at least find some weedkiller before I go into that blasted place...

Muttering curses under her breath, the white-haired girl began to search the storage room...

(Action: Search the Area.)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava searched the storage closet but is unable to find anything she seems to be useful. She does find a magazine to "Organic Growing Monthly" and ponders why a mad scientist would want to grow things Organically as opposed to in a more mad-scientist way.

Search Again
Travel S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"...Stupid quack."

Sighing as she gave up her search, Ava began heading back down south...towards the jungle area she had so wanted to avoid...
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava exits the storage closet to the south and back into the hallway. Nothing seems to have changed around her.

Travel S/N
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Seeing that nothing has really changed, Ava moves south...again.
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava eventually reaches the opening to the east into what looks like a large greenhouse. She takes a look at the torn cloth covering the opening and wonders how it got that way.

Travel S/N/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"...I really have no choice do I?"

Never having been one to like plants, Ava grudgingly makes her way through the torn opening, intent on getting out of the greenhouse area as soon as possible.

(Travel East)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava takes a couple steps downward into the massive greenhouse. She is awed by the sheer thickness of the plants surrounding her. She notices the path forks; one to the north while one travels to the east.

Travel W/N/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"...Eenie meenie miney moe..."

Using the day-old classical method of deciding when one had no clue whatsoever, Ava ended up heading east once again in search of an exist from the infernal greenhouse.

(Action: Travel East)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava continues East when she comes across a large plant near the path she is on. What causes this plant to stand out from the others is it's massive size. Nearly 6 feet tall and the petals are over 10 feet in diameter. It also has multiple tentacles from it's center layed out on the ground. Ava makes her best attempt to circle it, heading for a fork in the road that travels to the south and East. There is also a path to another room to her north. While she stnads in the crossroads, she fails to notice that the plant has wrapped one of it's tentacles around her ankle. she fals to the ground with a thud as it pulls her leg out from under her.

Ava DEF: 3 + 2
Plant HP: 4

Can't Flee, grounded
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"Gah! What the..."

Angry that she had fallen to the ground as a result of something grabbing her, the white-haired girl quickly shoots a glare behind her. However, this anger would soon become fear as she realized that it was a tentacle very reminiscent of what had raped her before.

"No! Get off get off get off get off!"

Panicked, Ava then began hacking at it frantically with her axe, trying to chop it off.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava swings at the tentacle holding her leg only to have her arm grabed by yet another tentacle mid swing. The plant pulls her right arm hard nto the air, causing her to drop her axe.


Ava DEF: 2 + 2
Plant HP: 4

Can't Flee, grounded
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"No! Not again, not again!"

It was deja vu all over again, the memories of her earlier rape returning to her. Scared and irrational, the girl thrashed at the vines wildly in an attempt to escape...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava trashes at her captor, mindlessly trying to escape before she is taken again. this time she is more successful. She lands a hit on the tentacle holding her arm, causing it to release her. Her ankle is still trapped.

Ava DEF: 2 + 2
Plant HP: 3

Can't Flee, grounded
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Now that her arm was freed, Ava quickly began grabbing at the vine restraining her ankle, trying to tear it off.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava sits up and grabs the vine, hoping her grip or a sharp tug would cause her ankle to be released. However, while concentrating on the vine at her foot, she fails to notice one behind her. It wraps snugly around her neck and pulls her down onto her back. She is mildly surprised that, even though it is snug, it is not restricting her airway at all.


Ava DEF: 1 + 2
Plant HP: 3

Can't Flee, grounded
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Massive writer's block is screwing with me for all of my PbP games/roleplays. Ffs!)

Panicking at being restrained by her neck, the girl then begins to grab for the vine hoping to either tear it off or move it in a manner in which she can slip out of.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(I sowwie :-( )

The small white haired girl reached above her, hoping to grab the vine. She is unable to wrest herself free before another vine wraps around her midsection, pulling her tightly against the soft dirt.


Ava DEF: 0 + 2
Ava CONST: 3
Plant HP: 3

Submit (Risk succumb - game over roll)
Can't Flee, grounded
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"No! Let me go let me go let me go!"

It was deja vu all over again, being restrained by tendrils...unable to escape no matter how hard she tried... Fearful of a repeat of the past, the small girl continued to struggle against the vines, hoping to make some leeway in order to escape.

(Action: Attack)
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