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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava struggles against her binds, hoping that history won't repeat itself. She continues to work at the vine around her neck, for the mean time ignoring the vines on her legs and stomach. She pulls hard and hears a tear. Suddenly the vine goes limp around her neck and she is able to unwrap it.

(Crit Hit)

Ava DEF: 0 + 2
Ava CONST: 3
Plant HP: 1

Submit (Risk succumb - game over roll)
Can't Flee, grounded
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Oh crap, I forgot about this between DDO and planning for WC ^^;; Sorry.)

Not stopping there, Ava begins to claw at the other wines binding her frantically, trying to tear them off...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Not a problem. How's WC working out for ya anyway?)

Ava hopes to extend her success against the vines, tearing at the vines still binding her one wrist. She is unsuccessful, and is too focused at the time to notice that the vines around her midsection have begun to rip her blouse to pieces.


Ava DEF: 0 + 1
Ava CONST: 3
Plant HP: 1

Submit (Risk succumb - game over roll)
Can't Flee, grounded
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Eh, so so... Real life and certain other factors are draining away from time I'd prefer to devote to it though. Much to my displeasure.)

Not having noticed her clothes being torn in her panic, Ava continues to claw at the vines in hopes of tearing them off, her fear having taken over too much of her mind to allow for rational thought...

(Action: Attack?)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Hate when that happens :( )

Ava rips at the vine still securely attached to her wrist. This time she is able to free her second arm. She sits up and manages pull many of the vines out of the ground. Continuing her momentum she tries to stand up, all the wile ripping the vines from the root. Standing up, she scans the area for any other threats, but the vine lay there limp.


Ava DEF: 0 + 1
Ava CONST: 3
Plant HP: 0

Rest (Risk 38% enemy chance per DEF recovered)
Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Ava (Keylo)

((And... three weeks later... I notice that there had been a response after all ^^;; ))

Still breathing heavily after having ripped herself from the plant's grasp, Ava searched around for axe, intending to keep it close while she opted for a moment's rest in case anything else was coming after her.

(Action: Retrieve weapon, and rest for a turn...)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(I assume rest one turn means rest for only one roll, I hope that's right!)

Ava picks up her axe and clutches it tightly to her chest as she sits down on the soft ground.

Ava DEF: 1
Ava CONST: 3 + 1

She slowly releases the tension in her body, trying to relax. After a few minutes, she begins to doze; the last battle has drained most her strength. She quickly snaps back to reality, forsing herself not to let her guard down too much.

(1 rest roll successful)

Ava DEF: 2
Ava CONST: 3 + 1

Rest (Risk 38% enemy chance per DEF recovered)
Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Yup, you were right.)

"Must keep moving...can't stay in a single place too long..."

Muttering this to herself, she begins to head north, fully aware of what possibly could happen if she dawdled in a single place.
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava heads northward through a doorway in a smaller greenhouse. She enters and is surprised to feel a much more temperate climate. The walls are lined with rows of plants all on shelves, along with a middle row of plants that cut the room in half. The greenhouse appears to continue to the north.

Ava DEF: 3
Ava CONST: 3 + 1

Rest (Risk 38% enemy chance per DEF recovered)
Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Doubtful that there was anything of value here, Ava continued on her way north, intent of getting out of this plant infested area...

(Travel north)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava cautiously makes her way down one row of potted plant life. The smaller plants that in the main area are a little comfort to her. She walks northward for a few moments before running into a wall. There is a small door to her West that appears to connect to another greenhouse. Out of nowhere, she is enveloped in a pink cloud and suddenly feels very sleepy. Spinning around and ducking low out of the cloud, she sees some sort of piping release this cloud. Suddenly, several plant masses all around her begin to move in her general direction.

Ava DEF: 2
Ava CONST: 3 + 1
Plants HP: 4

Flee S/W (33%)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(o_O, I lost def from the sleeping gas? Huh...)

Not ready for another fight, Ava attempted to flee towards the door to the west, hoping to escape before the plants could get her...

(Flee west)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Well yeah, if you're sleepy, you can't defend yourself as well can you? ^_^)

Ava is able to make it out of the door to her west before anything can grab her. Slamming the door behind her, she finds herself in another greenhouse eerily similar to the one she just left. In the bright artificial light, she can make out that the greenhouse continues to her south.

(Flee successful)

Ava DEF: 2
Ava CONST: 3 + 1

Rest (38% chance encounter per DEF)
Search the area
Travel S/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"Can't stop here... not until I get out of here... away from these stupid plants..."

Doing her best to fight off the effects of the sleeping gas, Ava trudged along southward, dragging her makeshift axe behind her.

(Travel South)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava makes her way south through the rows of plant life. Focusing on the plants, she almost runs into a door to her south. She stops for a moment to gather herself and take a look around. The only exit she can see is to her south.

Ava DEF: 3
Ava CONST: 3 + 1

Rest (38% chance encounter per DEF)
Search the area
Travel S/N
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Given that no other exit was in sight after a thorough search, Ava proceeded through the door to the south...

(Travel South)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava enters the main room of the greenhouse again. SHe recognizes the path that travels from East to West as the path she originally entered this large area in from. To the west is a set of three stairs and a torn curtain blocking a doorway.

Ava DEF: 4
Ava CONST: 3 + 1

Search the area
Travel W/N/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Oh crud, that way was a loop?)

"Wasn't I already here before?..."

Feeling an odd sense of deja vu, Ava opts to head east again in hopes of finding a proper way out of this place...
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(I wrote that in just to make sure you knew ;))

Ava heads east and sees the plant she had defeated earlier. There is a path that heads both to the south and East, and a door to a smaller greenhouse to her North.

Ava DEF: 4
Ava CONST: 3 + 1

Search the area
Travel W/N/S/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)


"Well...north didn't work last time, so..."

Letting out a sigh as she pressed eastwards, Ava muttered things about how she would be attacked by rapist sunflowers before she got out of this place with the current pace...
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