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AWMBI - Character Creation

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
~~~All Women Must be Impregnated~~~​

Guide to character creation.
(Please keep in mind that this is very hard to understand at first, and if I am not doing a good job, please inform me and I'll try to patch it up.)

Use ctrl+f to skip to a step of your choosing.

Step 1: Choose a character type
Step 2: Allocate your abilities
Step 3: Give your character qualities and drawbacks that make them unique
Step 4: Give your character skills that will assist in your survival
Step 5: (Only for the inspired) Choose your MetaPhysics
Step 6: Your character lived a normal life before this happened, what did she do?

~Step 1: Choose a character type~

Normies are NPC only, I only put this class here to help you become aware that non-players you encounter don't have as many points as you do, so don't expect anything incredible from a Normie.

Normies are exactly what they sound like, normal people. Average Joes/Janes that are just trying to escape the horror, just like you. However, just like lots of people in real life, you don't know what goes on in a random Norm's head. So please be aware that anything unidentified, given the circumstances you'll be placed in, should not be taken lightly.

Norm's have 14 points for attributes, 5 points for Qualities(And up to 10 in drawbacks) and 30 points for skills. Norms may or may not be able to use the gift.

This is basically the non-magical version of the only two classes you have to choose from. While not being able to use Harry Potter bullshit on your foes, they make up for it by being, in most cases, stronger and more skillful than they're magical brethren.
Someone who reads a book, vs. the guy that went to the hunting range.

Survivors are, to make it simple, you. They're more beefed up than Norms, which should, I hope, give you a satisfied feeling. However, they were focused on things in the real world, perhaps too much. This renders them more vulnerable to mental instability due to the supernatural circumstances.

Survivors have 20 points for attributes, 15 points for Qualities(And up to 10 in drawbacks) and 35 points for skills. Survivors may not purchase the Gift or Inspiration Qualities.

This is the magical version I'm sure you've been pondering about, Inspired are individuals that have an unnaturally stronger "aura" than others, and are usually more keen on taking an interest to the supernatural, or claiming to be able to talk to ghosts. And they've even been known to have visions depicting the past, and/or present.

Inspired are the mages of the group, they rely on the power of their soul and mind to use their powers, which gets to be taxing real quick, even more so if you're under attack! Be careful, if you're Inspired, and you abuse your powers, you'll find that you will become an empty shell of what used to be a human being, devoid of emotion.

Inspired have 20 points for attributes, 10 points for Qualities(And up to 10 in drawbacks) and 25 points for skills. Inspired have 15 points for MetaPhysics. Inspired MUST buy the Gift and Inspiration using Quality or MetaPhysic points.

~Step 2: Allocate your abilities~

These are your primary abilities;
Strength - If it has something to do with using muscles, count on a roll that involves this

Dexterity - Used for dodging and aiming and speed

Constitution - This is another basic-but-important stat, it determines how much of a bonk on the noggin you can take, as some enemies would prefer you unconscious. Also helps against any toxin that might be, "injected" into you

Intelligence - This is quite a helpful little stat. As you may imagine, being a dumbass when danger lurks around every corner can be unhealthy, and to know thy enemy, you need to study your enemy; Something I imagine Intelligence would help with.

Perception - The last thing your group of survivors need is an Airhead, PAY ATTENTION! donate points to this stat and the world will come into focus.

Willpower - Are you the one who pisses her pants in fear, or do you have balls of steel? Do you succumb to the rapist, or are you unwavering? Do you immediately collapse when you take a good bonk, or can you tough it out?
No matter what it is, if it's all in your head, Willpower has something to do with it.

Now for the good stuff, and that's putting those attribute points where they belong.
Every stat begins at 1, as it cannot go lower than that. The cost of the stat is relative to the number you're raising to, here's an example.

My willpower is 1, I want to raise it to 4.

First, raise it to 2, which costs 2 points.

I've spent 2 points so far

Next, raise it to 3, which costs 3 points.

I've spent 5 points so far.

Next, raise it to 4, which costs 4 points.

I've spent 9 points so far.

I now have 11 points left to allocate.

I hope that helps.

You can have left over points, but you'll start at a lower level. your level represents how many points you have overall, so only having a single point left, would mean your level would start at 19. Have two left, you'll start at 18, etc.

Q&A with Raptor Jesus
BurningGold: "So, hoarding all my points in one area is a bad idea?"

R. Jesus: "Exactly, because the cost is equal to the number you want to raise it to, meaning it would cost 14 points just to raise a stat to 5, which is the max you can raise a stat."

Toxic: "Shit, how do you expect me to use a weak ass character like this? I need more points"

R. Jesus: "That's my custom leveling system, instead of gaining levels and putting them in stats like you did just now, your natural attributes will grow based on how you use them."

ZeroSpace: "I just leveled my Dexterity by getting grappled, what the hell?"

R. Jesus: "That's the interesting aspect to this, you gain exp for a stat, by FAILING rolls. As your body is presented with a challenge it cannot face, it attempts to adapt to it, adapt and grow."

R. Jesus: "Also of interesting note, there are other ways of gaining exp, other than just failing all the time, and that's the good old method of winning all the time!"

R. Jesus: "As you beat the same type of monster, you get used to it, your fear of it goes away, and you'll find boosts to your stat roll appear more and more frequently as you proceed to master beating the shit out of them."

R. Jesus: "However, be warned that you can earn negative exp as well. If you are traumatized by a particular incident, anything that reminds you of it, could, in all likely hood, turn you into a blubbering, crying child."

xivvix: "This is really complicated..."

R. Jesus: "Don't worry about it, I'm the one who has to figure all this out as your game progresses, all you have to do is play the game."

xivvix: "Well, that's good."

Step 3: Give your character qualities and drawbacks that make them unique

This is very important, this is where you decide what your character's like, their good and bad habits are chosen here.

These cost money... KIDDING, they cost Quality points

NOTE: If you're inspired, left over Quality points can be used to purchase MetaPhysics.

Acute Sense: costs 2 points
Upon purchasing this Quality, tell which sense is enhanced.
Example; Sight, smell, hearing...
When making a perception check, if one of the senses apply to the perception check, then the roll gets a bonus of +3

Charisma: 1-5 points
Anything related to social checks is boosted by how many points you have spent in this Quality.

Contact: 1-5 points
With this Quality, your character will have a friend that can assist you when you require. The kind of assistance depends on points spent.

1 = Your contact will give you very basic knowledge of anything you ask, just basic hearsay, nothing ground breaking.
2 = Your contact will give you detailed knowledge of anything you ask, if she doesn't know, she might have a semi-helpful educated guess.
3 = Your contact will come to your aid in non-combat situations, her assistance includes, an evac from your current location(there are limitations), and medical supplies.
5 = Your contact is your best friend, if you're in trouble, give her a call and she'll be there to help you in a heart beat.

Fast reaction time: 2 points
your character has cat like reflexes, and does not need to check initiative rolls, as she will always respond quickly, and efficiently.

Iron woman: 1-5 points
You just can't take this girl down, no matter how many times you smack her, she should have gone down a while ago, but no, SHE HAS BALLS OF STEEL!
Each level adds +3 points to stamina and +1 to survival tests.
(For obvious reasons, I have no idea why you wouldn't want this Quality.)

Nerves of Steel: 3 points
Your gal has seen it all, and a bunch of freaky, pervert monsters isn't gonna make her soak her boots.
+4 to rolls resisting fear

Photographic Memory: 2 points
You're character always made A's in school, it's her memory, she remembers everything!
(In parts of the story that require you to remember something, no intelligence check is needed, you automatically win!)

Resistance: 1 point
This can be taken many times, but not in the same area.
Whatever you can think of, just use those points and write that resistance down! (Pain, fear, toxin, Ko, orgasm; the list goes on.)
Adds +1 in your favor to any die roll concerning the resistance, as well as reducing the effects.

Situational Awareness: 2 points
Your character doesn't miss a trick, people have always found it hard to sneak up on her.
Grants a +2 bonus to every single perception based roll, and nullifys any bonus to stealth when making the check.

Picking a drawback gives you points with which you can spend on qualities, up to a maximum of 10 points

Impaired Senses: gives 2 points
Upon purchasing this Drawback, tell which sense is reduced.
Example; Sight, smell, hearing...
When making a perception check, if one of the senses apply to the perception check, then the roll gets a deduction of -3

Addiction: Depends on the addiction
Beer or cigs = 1 point
Heavy use of beer or cigs, or the use of LSD = 2
Heavy use of LSD = 3
Dangerous use of Alcohol, or use of cocaine = 4
Use of heroin, heavy use of cocaine = 5
Heavy use of heroin = 6
Gives negative effects if addiction is not satisfied on a regular basis.

Bad Charisma: 1-5 points
Anything related to social checks is lessened by how many points you have taken from this drawback.
You cannot have this and Charisma at the same time.

Clown: 1 point
Your character acts foolish all the time, makes jokes at inappropriate moments, and is never taken seriously. Though this may be liked by some, it's dangerous to be clowning around when danger could be lurking every corner.

Covetous: 1-3 points
Your character wants something, how extreme she is about wanting it depends on how many points you spend.
Pick one: Greed(Money and wealth), lecherous(Sexually attractive people), ambitious(power and influence), conspicuous(Fame and renown)

Level 1: She's crazy about it, but is not willing to break rules to get it. However, most actions will be made with the intentions of getting it.

Level 2: If she sees a way to get it, she'll be after it, any attempt to resist is met with a -3 penalty to a Willpower check

Level 3: True obsession, she'll do ANYTHING to get it. She'll even betray her loved ones if that got her what she wanted.

Cowardly: 1-3 points
Your character is scared easily, depending on how many points to take, that many points will be subtracted from a willpower test to resist fear.

Level 1: Won't take unnecessary risks, unless it's obvious there's no choice

Level 2: Pass a simple willpower test to attempt anything that might be remotely risky. Pass a difficult willpower test to attempt anything very risky.

Level 3: Difficult willpower tests to do anything that has anything to do with danger, impossible to perform heroic deeds and will betray friends if that'll save her own skin.

Cruel: 1 point
Won't hurt friends or loved ones, but might hurt a stranger, for fun. She will take extreme delight in hurting people who she believes, "Deserve what they get." However, she will not go out of her way to hurt people, only if it's convenient.

Delusions: ???
This is your character's grip on reality, not being to tight.
You have to have a talk with me about what kind of delusions you want, and I'll let ya know how many points it's worth.

Emotional problems: depends
Once again, this is iffy, contact me with your character's problem, and I'll give you the point load out.

Honorable: 1-3
Level 1: Your character would never lie, or betray anyone they care for, enemies though, are free game.
Level 2: Your character would never lie, or betray anyone, ever. Her word is gold, once she has accepted your trust, she'll never let you down.
Level 3: Disapproves of everything that might even remotely be called dishonorable. She'll never sneak, she'll never ambush, she'll never cheat, she's the most holier-than-thou person you'll likely ever meet.

Humorless: 1 point
She takes everything seriously, you'll never see her laugh. This can cause people to dislike her, however, the clown will often pick her as her favorite target.

Lazy: 1 point
Nothin' much to say, your gal is lazy, and does everything she can to avoid work.

Obsession: ???
Another iffy, contact me with the obsession and I'll clue you in on points.

Paranoid: 2 points
Your character thinks, "they" are out to get her, and she'll trust noone.
That means no friends, folks :(

Nightmares: 1 point
The recent uprising of monsters has had a nasty effect on your character, every night, there's a chance she'll have a nightmare, resulting in loss of sleep.

Showoff: 2 points
Your character has a bad habit of wanting attention, when it doesn't go against her principles, she'll try to get the attention of her peers, even in combat...

Zealot: 3 points
Pick something that millions of people would rally behind, such as a religion, a law, or even a personal belief, for your character to be obsessed over. She will be devoted to it, and anyone that threatens it, or even insults it, will be fortunate if all she does is beat them near to death.
(Remember, within common sense. Don't have her obsessed with apple pie.)


Step 4: Give your character skills that will assist in your survival
Take a deep breath, it's almost over.
Skills are similar to Qualities, only they're applied to combat and action sequences more.

Q&A, with your host, Raptor Jesus

R. Jesus: "Welcome back everyone! I'm here, yet again to talk about experience! And it's relationship to skills!"

R. Jesus: "First question."

Toxic: "This is bullshit, I can get over my attributes being terrible, but I can't get jack shit for skills!"

R. Jesus: "Ah, I leave room for development, my friend!"

R. Jesus: "At the HQ, you have the option of paying for trainers to help you develop skills, it can be quite expensive, though..."

wallpaper: "Wait! One more question, will there be bosses, and will they involve some clever method to defeat them?"

R. Jesus: "Heaps of bosses, and they wouldn't be fun without some clever way to kill them, would they?"

wallpaper: :D

Toxic: :D

Alas, the skill list.
NOTE: Just like your primary attributes, the point limit here is 5 and the distribution is the same as well. Ergo, skill level 1 costs 1, raising that to 2 costs 2... blah blah blah

+2 per skill point to rolls made involving, dodging, or just being a showoff....

+2 per skill point to rolls that involve you pretending.

Brawling + DEX when making an unarmed attack
(Boosts your chance to hit unarmed, really.)

Whenever things are left to chance, +2 per skill level in your favor.

You didn't think your char could climb without a little training, did you?
Each skill level allows you to climb a more difficult obstacle

Computer Hacking
Because HAXORZ know where the 1337 is at
+2 per level to any roll attempting to hack into a computor.

With all of the junk around HQ, you can make just about anything!
INT and craft is used to think of the item to craft
DEX and craft is used to make the item.

INT and Skill level
Is used to set up things the go KABOOM

Driving (Type of vehicle)
You'll need to pay more points if it's a vehicle that's too different from any other you've picked.

Understanding an electronic device uses PER and Electronics
Operating it, uses INT and Electronics

This helps you escape from nasty objects that might be holding you down, does not help with escaping enemies.
DEX and Escapism used to determine success.

First Aid
This helps you know a thing or two about helping people out that are in need, such as waking a fellow girl that passed out. But this skill is only really useful if you've got an emergency kit with you, which allows you to treat any harm professionally.

Combined with cheating, you can steal a lot of money from your friends... Or enemies.

Guns (type)
Determines what kind of gun you're good with, more points mean more headshots, ;)
Handguns (Revolvers, same)
Sub machine gun
Assault Rifle

Melee weapons (Type)
Determines what kind of Melee weapons you're good with.
Types; Axe, Club, Foil/Rapier, knife, spear, staff, sword

WILL + Skill level
Is useful when asking nicely just doesn't make the cut.

Lock picking
DEX + Skill level
Self explanatory...

Understanding Mechanical device uses PER + Skill level
Repairing or modding a Mechanical device uses Dex + Skill level

PER + Skill level
help find hidden things... >.>

Pick pocket
DEX + Skill level
Useful for... Pick pocketing...

Every skill point donates more experience in this field
Used to control water or air vehicles.

Uses PER + Skill level
The ability to question... Can be used against anyone, even players.

Uses INT + PER + Research/Investigation
This is used mainly to play detective, if you put points into this, you can have your character try to investigate anything of your choosing.
(Can be useful change the course of the story.)

The ability to ride animals
More points determine what animals you can ride, and how good you are at taming them, or befriending already tamed animals.

This'll make you an olympic runner!
Each point increases your movement speed by 1.

CON + skill level
Even though this sounds useless, when your team's morale is low from a monster attack, this will soothe their spirits!
Each point of success in an attempted sing restores more essence to everyone who can hear it.

Smooth talking
INT + skill level
When James Bond isn't around, this skill will have to suffice. Helps when you need to talk your way out of, or into a situation.

DEX + skill level
Useful for hiding from the baddies, or sneaking up on them.

WILL + skill level
This is another morale booster, just like Singing, use this during a resting moment to help calm the nerves of your friends.

When resources look to be low, this skill will show just how much of a survivor you are!
(If you have a high enough skill, depending on the area, you can find food easily.)

CON + Skill level
This is your ability to stay afloat in water. Keep in mind that with heavy gear on, you'll need a higher skill level to stay afloat. Should things look bad, you'll have to shed ALL your gear to resurface.

WILL + Skill level
Not as easy as it sounds, going into a trance can be rewarding when you're rattled by a particular enemy, and need to calm down.
(Gain essence twice as fast when you enter a trance)

Traps + INT to arm a trap
Traps + PER to detect a trap
Traps + DEX to disarm a trap


Step 5: (Only for the inspired) Choose your MetaPhysics
When picking MetaPhysics, you can use left over Quality points along with your MetaPhysic points.

Gift: 5 points
This is a must buy for Inspired, it's the very thing you need to use MetaPhysics. It's your connection with super natural powers.

Increased Essence pool
Every point donated into this MetaPhysic gives you 5 essence points.

After you've used your last points on those, it's time to pick your first MetaPhysical spell, this is the first one you will have for a while, but you will learn more as your understanding of MetaPhysics grows.

Mainly used to alter probability, every 3 essence points you chose to use grants a +1 bonus to any roll, no matter what it is.

The Binding
Orders a living thing to halt in the name of God. The amount of essence drained depends on how strong willed the monster is, and how big it's muscles are.

Divine Sight
If it's got an aura, you can count on seeing it with this spell. Costs 5 essence points to use and lasts for 10 in-game minutes.

Touch of healing
Costs 1 essence to heal D4 points of damage, and 2 points to remove any toxins that might be afflicting the victim.

Holy fire
Nothing protects against this attack, no matter how powerful the armor.
Costs 20 Essence points to use, here is the damage formula;
D8 X (WILL X 2)
So someone with a willpower of 4 can, on average, inflict about 32 damage!

Strength of Ten
Costs 15 Essence points, and raises your strength by 5 points.
Don't abuse this power... You might regret it.

Costs 5 essence points. The Inspired who uses this picks what they want to pray about, then they will be shown valuable information regarding their prayers.

Purge the seed of the wicked
If anyone happens to have had a nasty little, "accident" growing inside them, at the cost of 20 Essence points, you can rid them of the monster.


Step 6: Your character lived a normal life before this happened, what did she do?
This is it, breathe a sigh of relief, it's almost over.

This determines how your story begins, and what items you start with.

The title pretty much says it all, just give a basic description of what's going on in your character's life, how their days often play out, it's very important I know what she does on a daily basis, so I know where she's at when the apocalypse starts.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Bleh, character sheet.


Use a pic that you'd like to represent your character, in other words, your avatar for the game. But I'd like some consistency, no space clothes, or anything like that. Even though you don't have to listen to a thing I say, I'd recommend making a custom char with Dress My Babe 6, then posting a pic of that, that's how I made my char, Shiva ;)

Strength =
Dexterity =
Constitution =
Intelligence =
Perception =
Willpower =

Level: 20
(This is what everyone starts at, it's more a marker for me than anything.)

Stamina = ((CON + STR + WILL) X 3) + 5

Orgasm = ((CON + WILL) X 4) + 10

Speed = (CON + DEX) X 2

Essence = All primary stats added together




Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Are you sure you want this in a general forum rather than your own? I'm sure Aika would put a forum up for you if you asked.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

He hasn't been on in a few days, so I threw this up to get the most difficult part of the game out of the way ASAP, because making your character is the biggest decision you can make.

Since an educated guess tells me he's taking a mini-vacation, the time it takes for him to log back on should give anyone that's interested plenty of time to think carefully about how they want to build their character, as well as giving me free time to make finishing touches to the games features.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Do you want us to post characters then, or wait for now?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I put this up so you can post your chars... silly.

It'll help me create your starting story sooner as well.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Jillian Genari


Bio:For the most part, Jillian was going to college to learn to be a nurse before everything fell apart. She would go to class, study some, and then waste most of the rest of her time playing around on the internet looking at paranoid people's crackpot rantings. They were just downright funny because that stuff couldn't happen in real life. During her summer's she would work as a councilor at summer camps, running around with children and generally having a fun time. Although she regretted how her first aid skills would often come in handy. Of course, sometimes the kids just became obnoxious so she ended up devoting a good portion of her time to calming exercises so that she would never lose her cool in front of the kids. All-inall, a relatively normal life.

.22 caliber handgun (9rounds?)
First Aid kit

Strength =1
Dexterity =3 (5points)
Constitution =1
Intelligence =3 (5points)
Perception =3 (5points)
Willpower =3 (5Points)

Level: 20 Inspired

Stamina = ((1 + 1 + 3) X 3) + 5= 20

Orgasm = ((1 + 3) X 4) + 10= 26

Speed = (1 + 3) X 2 +1= 9

Essence = 14+90=104

Fast reaction time: 2 points
Situational Awareness: 2 points

Cowardly: 1 point
Level 1: Won't take unnecessary risks, unless it's obvious there's no choice
Nightmares: 1 point
The recent uprising of monsters has had a nasty effect on your character, every night, there's a chance she'll have a nightmare, resulting in loss of sleep.

Skills: 25
First Aid 5(15points)
Running 1(1point)
Singing 2(3points)
CON + skill level 1+2=3
Trance 3(6points)
WILL + Skill level 3+3=6

MetaPhysics: 15 +8quality points
Gifted (5points)
Increased Essence pool x18 (18points)

Touch of healing:
Costs 1 essence to heal D4 points of damage, and 2 points to remove any toxins that might be afflicting the victim.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Being an Inspired, investing in first aid, as well as learning how to sing and story tell should definitely be taken under consideration, then.

Oh, and touch of healing. ;)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

The main portion of what I need is what kind of life your character lived before the pandemic, else I can't make a beginning scenario for you.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I noticed that when checking to see if I missed anything.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I suppose I can work with that, but just to clarify, you start your story out with no experience with the monsters, therefor the beginning is your first encounter with them.

Like, she's walking home from school, and they attack, or she's at home, and a stalker tries to sneak up on you.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Oh, I can just delete the last two sentences then. They mostly explain the drawbacks.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Yeah, story wise, you develop those traits after your first encounter.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Iris E. Clara.


Bio: Iris lived a serious life Growing up in Washington, with her father as he was her only family. Her mother had for some strange reason left her father after child birth, leaving her forty five year old husband to raise their child alone. Iris's father made sure to raise his child with morals and honor. He didn't want her to end up and some dishonorable trash.

As a child Iris spent most of her time with her father or doing school work. She never had friends, she was never good with people, but she was outside plenty. Her father took her camping and on other trips that evolved her being outside and active. One thing he taught her to do was fenceing. Iris continued to work on sword play and as the years went by got good at it. Truth be told a sword, any size, is a melee weapon Iris is best with. She could use something like an axe or pole but wouldn't be very good with it.

When Iris got older, around the age of twelve, she started going to a shooting range with her father. Her taught her how to fire various guns and she got fairly good at it. She was best with duel handguns.

In the end Iris was eighteen when the world changing event happened. Her father had died of old age and she was in training to be a police officer. At the exact moment everything happened she was at the police academy.

Strength = 3 (7points)
Dexterity = 3 (5points)
Constitution = 2 (2points)
Intelligence = 2 (2 points)
Perception = 2 (2points)
Willpower = 2 (2points)

Level: 20

Stamina = ((2 + 4 + 2) X 3) + 5=29

Orgasm = ((2 + 2) X 4) + 10=26

Speed = (2 + 3) X 2 +1=11

Essence = 14

Fast reaction time. 2
Iron woman. 5
Nerves of steel. 3
Situation awareness. 2
Photographic memory. 2
Resistance. 1
Acute Sense. 2

Honorable. 2
Iris isn't the type to lie to anyone. She's upfront with people, deceiving isn't something she does. Betraying is something she wouldn't ever do. She wouldn't ever let down anyone she considers friend or family.

Humorless. 1
She isn't the type to laugh for some reason. Iris takes things seriously.

Nightmares. 1
After her mission with Shiva and Emily to the breeding den Iris has been having nightmares. Nightmares about those woman that had to die, about the button she had to press that caused it all. Iris has waken up in the middle of the night a few times with tears in her eyes after these nightmares...

Acrobatics. 2(3points)
Brawling. 2(3points)
Driving. 2(3points)
Sub-machine guns 3. (6points)
Handguns 3. (6points)
Melee weapons. Swords. 2. (3points)
Survival. 2. (3points)
Intimidate. 2. (3point)
Running. 1. (2point)
Stealth. 2.(3point)
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Zero means intelligence means non-existent intelligence, a stat cannot be zero.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

plus, leveling skills is the same as leveling primary attributes, take 2 points to raise it to 2, three to 3, 4 to 4, and 5 to 5.

I don't think I clarifyed that in the Creation post...

I gotta change that.

Edit: I did clarify, but I'm sure the vastness of this creation might taunt a lot of people, I'm sorry. I just prefer games with a lot of complication, makes it exciting. :p
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Sorry for being a noob at this Raptor.
I've never done a role play like this before.
Ill try and fix my stats.

On a better note what do you think of my character and her bio?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Each stat starts at 1, and to raise it, you must pay points on a one-to-one basis, i.e. pay 2 points to raise it to 2, pay 3 to raise it to 3, 4 to 4, etc

I think that is your problem. a one-for-one basis means something completely different to most people than what you think it means. For most people a one-for-one basis means 1 point to move from 1 to 2 and ends with a total stat as such:
Stat//Cost to get there from 1
You mean (I think)
That way you have written it is this:

Edit: I would suggest just copying this list for abilities:
and this for skills:
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Gold, you've got her history down, and that's great for character development, but I need her daily routine, where she's at on certain days, places she visits.

All I've got is police station and Home. :\
... and forest