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AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

No, I'm serious. I was looking through an online list, assuming TS meant something like irc or anything along those lines.
"Fifth time I've seen that picture team speak?"
"Terribly sad?"
"Terribly sexy?"
"Totally sweet?"
"Tough shit?"

I DONT GET IT!! Toxic will do, even tox. Or detox if you're into nicknames, Idk
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

No, I'm serious. I was looking through an online list, assuming TS meant something like irc or anything along those lines.
"Fifth time I've seen that picture team speak?"
"Terribly sad?"
"Terribly sexy?"
"Totally sweet?"
"Tough shit?"

I DONT GET IT!! Toxic will do, even tox. Or detox if you're into nicknames, Idk
Well, given the last image you posted, I'm gonna go for "transsexual".:p
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Well, given the last image you posted, I'm gonna go for "transsexual".:p

-_- ... want to go for "Tortured Scrotum"??
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

-_- ... want to go for "Tortured Scrotum"??
Well, you could be "Terribly Sorry"...

And, to get back on topic, that softball wonder might be interesting to watch. Does she have any skill at throwing stuff as weapons?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Haha, sorry, I forgot about that :p
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Ashley Rowe
type: Survivor

I can't go looking for images, right now, maybe later, but I can give a decent description of her.
Ashley is a 22 year old college graduate who came to the town to get a job in medicine. At about 5 feet 5 inches tall and of athletic build, with full D-cup breasts and a thin waist, Ashley has kept herself in good shape through jogging and going to the gym. Despite her exercise and watching what she eats, Ashley can't lose the fat she gained in college, much of which is from having a child from one of her (many) one-night stands, all of which seems to have gone to her thighs and ass. She graduated a year after giving her son up for adoption, and hasn't had any contact with him or his adoptive parents since then. Because of this, she has a very low opinion of herself, which also results in her having difficulty in gaining many long-term friends. This, along with her still massive sex drive, often leads her into trouble of one form or another. All of her experiences have toughened her up quite a bit.
She has shoulder length brown hair with light blue highlights, her natural hair color is actually dark brown but she's dyed it so many times that it hasn't yet returned to her natural darker color. She has many piercings, including her belly button, the right side of her nose, both her ears, snakebites, her nipples, and a stud through her tongue. She has blue-gray eyes and full red lips, and her usual makeup hides dark circles under her eyes and makes her look ever paler than she is.

Strength = 2
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 1
Willpower = 4

Level: 20
(This is what everyone starts at, it's more a marker for me than anything.)

Stamina = 44

Orgasm = 34

Speed = 14

Essence = 14

(I feel like I did something wrong here, since I have so many)
Iron Woman 5
Photographic Memory
Resistance (Pain)
Resistance (Fear)
Resistance (Orgasm)
Acute Sense (Sight)
Situational Awareness
Nerves of Steel

Covetous (Lecherous) 1

First Aid 3
Guns (Shotgun) 1
Guns (Handgun) 2
Melee Weapon (knife) 3
Stealth 1
Electronics 2
Swimming 1
Notice 2
Climbing 1
Running 4

Let me know if I did something wrong.

Edit: DOH!!! Forgot the history. Though I included most of it in my appearance thing.

Bio: Ashley graduated from a community college and got her nurses license, hoping that she'd eventually have saved up enough to go back to school and become a full doctor. She is moving into the town to work at the local hospital as a nurse. She just got in, and has yet to unpack any of her few possessions into her new apartment, so all of them are still in suitcases and boxes. All she has are the things from her dormitory from college and a few other minor items, one of which is a small hunting knife she'd won at a fair some years ago and kept for good luck. She had gone shooting with her grandfather many times before he died of lung cancer, but didn't own any guns of her own. She still had the old volkswagon minivan (think mystery machine) she'd been lent by her parents and its keys, and her mother was still at her apartment, planning on leaving tomorrow morning after all of her things were unpacked.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Asides from the afore mentioned picture for your character, and some calculations I fixed (you only forgot to add the stamina gained from Iron woman, and the speed gain from running), she still needs the all important starting location.

Just thinking of one right off hand is quite difficult for me at times, as I always try to make it interesting. If you could think of someplace interesting for her to start her scenario, that would help me get to starting her little adventure.

It's nighttime when the monsters attack, so keep that in mind when you think of where she would be in the middle of the night.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Idk, her getting attacked while walking around looking for a fast-food place for dinner seems like the most likely place, besides her being attacked while trying to unpack in her new apartment. Also, I edited my own post a bit to include my history, so if it deleted the things I forgot to add in from advantages you'll have to do it again. Sorry.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Another thing I noted... With no skill in driving, and no real friends mentioned to give her a lift everywhere.... How would she get around? Or even to the Inn, for that matter?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

She doesn't have to be a GOOD driver to drive. It can be changed that she was driven here by a friend or family member if you prefer.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Would the mother be rapable (Of correct age to rape)? And more, would you like to have the mother be an NPC helper? (Like Mina)

Or would you rather have yer mum become a simple resident at the Inn after she drives Ashley there?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Her mother would be 40-something, so I guess she'd be a milf, but still rape-able. Simple resident or kidnapped to become breeding material, if you please. The later gives my character a good hunting run adventuring hook too. Simple resident gives my character something to do in the week long waiting period. (Namely, argue. I don't like incest.)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Alright... I suppose I'll get around to doing the complicated thinking for you as far as the beginning scenario goes...

I won't lie, it might take a while for me to build up inspiration and ideas for the events to make it interesting, so expect a wait...
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Okay. It's 4 in the morning, so I'm going to bed anyway.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Rae Vicks


Age 21
Height: 6'
Racheal Vicks, Rae for short, was born with a few abnormalities. For one she had a diminished sense of touch except for one part of her body. Rae grew up a relatively normal life until puberty. When she started to develop certain differences where apparent between her and the other girls her age. Rae's clit was larger than normal. It almost looked like a small penis, would become erect like one, and was the one part of her body that seemed to have sensitivity. In fact it was overly sensitive. She was in fact gentically a pseudohermaphrodite. This, combined with her growing attraction to the same sex, proved to ostracize her from other girls her age. Rae became increasingly withdrawn for a time until she found some companionship with a group of outcasts at school. They introduced her to both roleplaying games, the internet, and gaming in general. This gave her some confidence in herself that allowed her to actually go out and meet more people. By the end of high school she was a bit more sociable but still unable to really connect with anyone romantically. Though she has dated twice, she has never allowed herself to be naked in front of someone else. Of course working at a gaming store has given her few chances. Her regular routine consisted primarily of attending weekly gaming sessions and target shooting with her father's old pump 12-guage.

Mostly hangs out at the gaming store she works at; where she pines over her co-worker Sandra. Sandra is a friend but doesn't really notice Rae's attraction to her.


Strength = 2
Dexterity = 2
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 3
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

(2 points left unspent)

Level: 18

Stamina = ((2 + 2 + 3) X 3) + 5 (+15) = 41

Orgasm = ((2 + 3) X 4) + 10 = 30

Speed = (2 + 2) X 2 = 8

Essence = 14

Iron Woman 5: A combination of her resistance to pain and an inner strength of will she never realized that she had. Some people just surprise you by rising to the occasion.

Resistance: Orgasm (is negated with direct stimulation of clitoris) , Pain
She has a rare genetic condition that mutes her touch receptors, except for her clit. This gives her a large tolerance for pain, and most pleasures, but it also makes it difficult to judge things by touch and to tell just how badly she is injured.

Fast Reaction Time: Who says video games are bad for you? Seriously, she has developed a very fast reaction from long hours of twitch gaming.

Photographic Memory: Possibly part of her genetic inheritance, Rae very rarely forgets anything. This alone has allowed her to coast through a lot of life.

Nerves of Steel: Her dulled pain receptors have given Rae a certain blasé attitude toward pain and danger. It just doesn't quite occur to her in the way it does to normal people.

Charisma 1: She actually is quite attractive, even if she herself has doubts.

Emotional Problems: Painfully shy about her own body. Her clit is abnormally large and she believes this make her a freak. Combined with her other genetic abnormality of having a reduced sense of touch in all but her clit, she finds it intensely difficult and tremendously embarrassing.

Honorable 1: Rae is fiercely protective of anyone whom she considers her friend.


Acting 2

Brawling 2

Driving (car) 1

First Aid 2

Guns (shotguns) 3
Intimidate 2

Lock picking 1

Notice 2

Questioning 2

Research/Investigation 1

Singing 2

Storytelling 2

Survival 1

Swimming 1

Equipment: Old but well maintained pump 12-gauge shotgun, 4gig MP3/ flash drive, lap top, 2 boxes of shells, backpack, a few crack-pot occult paperbacks, sunglasses, clothes on her back.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Rae Vicks


Age 21
Height: 6'
Racheal Vicks, Rae for short, was born with a few abnormalities. For one she had a diminished sense of touch except for one part of her body. Rae grew up a relatively normal life until puberty. When she started to develop certain differences where apparent between her and the other girls her age. Rae's clit was larger than normal. It almost looked like a small penis, would become erect like one, and was the one part of her body that seemed to have sensitivity. In fact it was overly sensitive. She was in fact gentically a pseudohermaphrodite. This, combined with her growing attraction to the same sex, proved to ostracize her from other girls her age. Rae became increasingly withdrawn for a time until she found some companionship with a group of outcasts at school. They introduced her to both roleplaying games, the internet, and gaming in general. This gave her some confidence in herself that allowed her to actually go out and meet more people. By the end of high school she was a bit more sociable but still unable to really connect with anyone romantically. Though she has dated twice, she has never allowed herself to be naked in front of someone else. Of course working at a gaming store has given her few chances. Her regular routine consisted primarily of attending weekly gaming sessions and target shooting with her father's old pump 12-guage.

Mostly hangs out at the gaming store she works at; where she pines over her co-worker Sandra. Sandra is a friend but doesn't really notice Rae's attraction to her.


Strength = 2
Dexterity = 2
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 3
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

(2 points left unspent)

Level: 18

Stamina = ((2 + 2 + 3) X 3) + 5 (+15) = 41

Orgasm = ((2 + 3) X 4) + 10 = 30

Speed = (2 + 2) X 2 = 20

Essence = 14

Iron Woman 5: A combination of her resistance to pain and an inner strength of will she never realized that she had. Some people just surprise you by rising to the occasion.

Resistance: Orgasm (is negated with direct stimulation of clitoris) , Pain
She has a rare genetic condition that mutes her touch receptors, except for her clit. This gives her a large tolerance for pain, and most pleasures, but it also makes it difficult to judge things by touch and to tell just how badly she is injured.

Fast Reaction Time: Who says video games are bad for you? Seriously, she has developed a very fast reaction from long hours of twitch gaming.

Photographic Memory: Possibly part of her genetic inheritance, Rae very rarely forgets anything. This alone has allowed her to coast through a lot of life.

Nerves of Steel: Her dulled pain receptors have given Rae a certain blasé attitude toward pain and danger. It just doesn't quite occur to her in the way it does to normal people.

Charisma 1: She actually is quite attractive, even if she herself has doubts.

Emotional Problems: Painfully shy about her own body. Her clit is abnormally large and she believes this make her a freak. Combined with her other genetic abnormality of having a reduced sense of touch in all but her clit, she finds it intensely difficult and tremendously embarrassing.

Honorable 1: Rae is fiercely protective of anyone whom she considers her friend.


Acting 2

Brawling 2

Driving (car) 1

First Aid 2

Guns (shotguns) 3
Intimidate 2

Lock picking 1

Notice 2

Questioning 2

Research/Investigation 1

Singing 2

Storytelling 2

Survival 1

Swimming 1

Equipment: Old but well maintained pump 12-gauge shotgun, 4gig MP3/ flash drive, lap top, 2 boxes of shells, backpack, a few crack-pot occult paperbacks, sunglasses, clothes on her back.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa... how did you get 20 from (2+2)*2?....

Should be 8 speed instead of 20 speed.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Has been fixed. Thanks for catching that. Teach me to try and make a character sheet before I take my meds. ^_^
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I reaaaaly want to play this <3 O-O,
making character sheet.

I shall return shortly.