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AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation


Don Quixote strikes again.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

hey let him make his sheet, if he manages to resurrect this then hats off to him, if not, nothing lost.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I did make my ENTIRE character sheet agonizingly enough, if I find out this has been dead for so long I will be very sad.....

Name: Clara

Appearance: (will post afterwards)



Stamina = 68

Orgasm = 30

Speed = 10

Essence = 19

(I didn't include bonus' from below, sorry :p)

1 point(s) left.


Honorable level-1 +1 points

Greed level-1 +1 points

Cruel level-1 +1 points (this might not be available to those who pick honorable, if so then disregard this.)


Acute Sense: Sight -2 points

Iron Woman: -5 points (I bet I'm not the only one)

Contact: -3 points

Charisma: -3 points

Situational Awareness: -2 points

Resistance (Pain): -1 point

Resistance (KO): -1 point (if I can't have cruel, then disregard this as well)


Handguns: -4 points

Foil/Rapier: -5 points (EMPHASIS ON RAPE...IER)

Lock picking: -1 points

Questioning: -1 points

Research/Investigation: -4 points (CHANGE STORYLINE LOLYou already regret giving me access to this don't you, I luuurv RP)

Survival: -2 points

Riding: -3 points (can I ride a unicorn now?! =D)

Notice: -1 points

Piloting: -2 points

Running: -2 points

Intimidate: -3 points (WHERE'S MY MONEH HO?!)

Crafting: -5 points ( I wanna make a jetpack, can I can I?! =D )

Climbing: -2 points


She was a smalltime toymaker, doing little custom pieces for a small payment, she came from a fairly wealthy family
so she could persue her passion without much worry about money, so she did.

Because she lived with her wealthy father, (her mother passed away, and her father is senile)
It was an old school family, so she took fencing lessons, (see what I did there?)
She was overall a bright young lass at the age of 18, she does have a rather sheltered view of the real world,
so the apocalpse came as a hard-shock to her, however, she survived...
Her contact is her Father, who is rather old, 58 to be exact, but he lives in a sanctuary that is the outpost (I think)
She lovingly calls him Don, as that is his nickname (inspired by Don Quixote of La Mancha, though I prefer that he actually be rather sane, although a little eccentric is not a problem :3)

(I don't know what else to put there, but that's about all I can think of at the moment, if there's something I missed, or did wrong,
please inform me, I really want to participate so please reply sooooon~,
I'm actually really ampted for this :3)
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Actually, seeing as how ampted I am on taming and RIDING ANIMAL MUTANT THINGS THAT I TAME WITH MY EPIC POWAS.
I might actually just look uup All Flesh Must Be Eaten, or whatever it was,
in a Play By Post or RP forum thingy
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Hey you're about a year late!

Don't worry.... We'll just do the time warp and get you back here when it started.

It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Time Warp again!

Although playing Emily again would be nice I think Siehydra has that roll filled on Monster Girl Island D=
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

So it's not around anymore?
That kinda sucks, I still want to ride a random unicorn from the apocalypse after knocking it out for trying to rape/kill me.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

All this very odd and out of nowhere posting makes me want to post as Iris in the apple inn thread. It would be nice, for old times sake...

Should I?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

All this very odd and out of nowhere posting makes me want to post as Iris in the apple inn thread. It would be nice, for old times sake...

Should I?

Nostalgia posting is epic win, go for it bro.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

All this very odd and out of nowhere posting makes me want to post as Iris in the apple inn thread. It would be nice, for old times sake...

Should I?


Hell, Letris is there, if I recall correctly. Something interesting could happen.