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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So futas can impregnate? I don't suppose they can be impregnated?
I think we sorta decided that they lost the ability to produce female gametes - ova - but still had a uterus and all and therefore could only be implant-type impregnated. So two futas would not be able to produce children.

It's been a while since the discussion, so maybe that's changed.

What would the baby be like if Selena was impregnated by evil Selena?


Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That gets me thinking: Would Ashleys kid be a regular girl, a futa, or something else entirely?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

(Several things behind that statement. First, as you may know, by making Melissa feel sexual stimulation, Mina feels the same due to her essence being transmitted to her. Second, Mina obviously loves Melissa very much, so why wouldn't she entertain the thought of making Melissa feel good, through sexual stimulation for the rest of forever?)

I think the problem/surprise was that it was too close to what the white-haired clones were saying?

That gets me thinking: Would Ashleys kid be a regular girl, a futa, or something else entirely?

My *guess* would be futa. Certainly not a boy - no "Y" chromosome - but since the sperm is being created by the magically-grown penis, I'd assume it would produce futas. Maybe not, though.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

OK, lets go into detailed mode cause I am feeling bored.
Can the Futas in our RP even produce sperm?
Because if it can't, instead of talking about chromosome, we should ask ourselves is she the one being knocked up or is she attempting to impreg someone? If she's the one being impregged by a non-futa, then there is a chance of a boy. If not, then we don't even know if she can impreg someone. And then theres the point of what gets passed down. We need to know whats a Futa, or what makes a futa futa. If it's a DNA mutation, then yes there could be a chance of it being passed down. but if it's not a mutation and instead, magic or some other outside force, then you can simply say that any one girl can 'granted' the chance of being a futa. Hell, instead of saying that only girls can be futas why not male futas? It'd be weird as hell but it's a possiblity if it's some kind of mutation.
Ok, I am done saying stuff now.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

How bout, before every mission, all the girls give themselves to Mina, then send her out at the enemies completely uber-charged?

Makes sense right?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Mina actually does get a small bonus to all stats when she's absorbed too much essence, except for intelligence, and willpower, which actually suffer a penalty.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Pair her with Melissa? Hope she can keep her in line.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Melissa, Mina, and Josie, because Josie just seems like she needs some futa lovin' to loosen her up.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm loose.. err I mean she's loose, she just hasn't really bonded with anyone to 'give it up'

Besides, unless that conversation in selenas room cuts short, I think she's about to get some.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aw geez. The only people who can definitively tell Selena from Serena are people with Divine Sight - Melissa, maybe Amy and Freyda - and I don't think any of them's felt it necessary to check out Selena. For that matter, I don't think Melissa's ever MET Selena.

This'll be painful. Humourous to watch, maybe, but painful nonetheless.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I can only wonder how Kitty will react upon seeing two Selena's walk into her bedroom. Maybe she will freak out, she could possibly break out in tears. Maybe she'll be excited. Guess we'll have to wait and find out.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well... I'm hoping for, 'she grabs the shotgun' but unless selena is a bit more forgiving than her clone... I don't like it

I figure, even if Jo does manage to get selena to let her go, they'd plan to rape dixie, at which point Jo would get all defensive and.. I'd have to play it by ear, but I think Jo might just tearingly volunteer to take her spot at that point.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, I'm not so worried about the Selenas raping Jo and Dixie. I'm more worried about what comes after that. We don't know what the clone's got in mind, beyond originally wanting to drain her original dry. Which would do Bad Things to Selena, since she doesn't regenerate essence the way an ordinary person does, but would probably be fixed by Kitty. *gets a mental image of Kitty, being fucked by Selena, being fucked by clone*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, I'm not so worried about the Selenas raping Jo and Dixie.


Jo's voicing me right now, I actually am scared. My stomach's all butterfly-y.

Posting will become very sparse for me now. If you find I'm on here posting too much, tell me to stop procrastinating and start fucking packing like I'm supposed to.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Jo's voicing me right now, I actually am scared. My stomach's all butterfly-y.

Be very afraid Toxic. I have a feeling that Jo is about to get painfully raped, along with Dixie.

Anyways, I edited Iris's drawbacks after getting the ok from Raptor just recently. Her bad charisma wasn't exactly fitting of her character, mainly because she's nice/polite to pretty much everyone. I gave her level 2 honorable, because it's fitting for her character, and nightmares. After that mission where she had to blow up the breeding den she's been pretty disturbed by it.

I wonder if I could get rid of her skills is machine guns and survival and put them in something else, like resistance to something or handguns.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I wonder if I could get rid of her skills is machine guns and survival and put them in something else, like resistance to something or handguns.

Probably not unless you have a really really good reason >_>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

sorry if it holds anything up, I gotta pack everything away, computer included.