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AWMBI - Discussion

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
It was only a distant thought, but I have cooked up a neat little edit of All Flesh Must be Eaten(AFMBE). Which I suppose I'll call, "All Women Must be Impregnated"

In case you haven't heard of AFMBE, it's yet another twist off of DnD, except with zombies, or in my case, rapist creatures.

I'll be using much of the rule book, with a few of my own added twists(AFMBE didn't involve grappling, or sex, so I kindly filled those holes). The game is VERY complicated, as it took me a whole day to understand the game and all the variations it takes into account, as well as make a perverted version.:)

The biggest thing in the book that had me referencing it over and over again, was physical harm. It simply didn't state, "You have so many health points before you die," it takes into account your character's will to survive, so even if you're bleeding near to death, you can still keep ticking. Also note, creature's have will to, so there's no honest way to tell how much damage it takes. Just as in real life, you can make a semi-accurate guess.

I won't be involving too much of that, not only to avoid a massive headache, but because the monster's interest is not in your death, obviously. :p
Hence the name, "All Women Must be Impregnated"

The character customization was also a very neat thing to see, as willpower is a stat, it effects more than most RPG's; It determines, fear, hate, and love, as well as any other mental challenge your character might face in her fight for survival.(Keep in mind, if I actually see some support and start construction on this game, willpower will be VERY important, more important than strength, as it determines your primary instinct, "fight or flight.")

Alright, I think I gave you enough to read for now. Tell me what you think and I'll either bugger off with my nonsense or put my ass to work. :p
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Your idea sounds interesting.
Ill be happy to participate and even help.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

It's RaptorJesus man you GOT to be interested
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Thanks for your support.

Now that I look over my post, it seems kinda choppy, but the basic premise of the game is erotic-survival/horror. And I'd like the game's main challenge factor to be cooperation from your teammates, because it's a right pain in the ass to escape from a foe that's stronger than you are. However, your friend can knock the bugger off of you, or even outright kill him!

I hope to add a lot of interaction between characters both in and out of combat, try to build that team spirit. ;)

Also, the rule book doesn't give much credit to "experience points" and doesn't show much for character development, so to compromise this, I'll add perks cleverly called, "experience"

When you accomplish things such as, killing a certain type of enemy a couple times, allows you to study it(Based on your INT stat) and will allow you to better combat it later on, as well as being less afraid of it!
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Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

My interest (as well as other things) are at attention
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Sounds good.
Well good luck with making it.
How long do you think it will take?
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

If I focus on it, I could get it done in a single day, but that's just the system that I'll understand.

I'll have to type a bunch and choose my words carefully if I want a user-friendly guide to playing, "All Women Must be Impregnated."

And yes, I suppose that's what I'll name the game, I'm sorry for not being original. :(
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

You could always name it after the starting city or the nation it take place in. Also, just to be certain, you're typing up all the rules the players will need so we don't need whatever books your altering to fit this?
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Seeing as how it's custom, I will indeed type everything by hand.

But, using a starting city name is a little too cliche for my tastes, and I'll try to combine everyone's story into one, that means no group is permanent, and separate cities would split the small amount of players I imagine would be playing at the time into even smaller groups, forcing you to buddy with NPC's, who are generally weaker than you.

Ergo, if your old group member, Toxic, is not around to help you today, you can just ask zerospace if he wants to group up with you.(Granted you're in the Safe Haven, which will be your base of operations.)

I know not everyone is going to like my methods for doing things, and it may seem clustered, but it'll help you in the long run when activity is low, which I'm sure is bound to happen.

Ah, yes, I'll be sticking with All Women Must be Impregnated, in honor of the book that inspired me, All Flesh Must be Eaten.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

You have my interest sir!

Out of curiosity, would a PC be able to play as a monster? Not that your response will damage my vote, but from your description, it does appear that the game can be played from either side - kind of like the infected vs survivors in Left 4 Dead.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Eh, that's kinda iffy. Most of the game functions I've constructed right now revolve around Human Females, as only they use qualities and drawbacks, which are one of the very things that I hope will make this game interesting.

The monsters are very basic in everything that they do, their intellect is similar an animal's instinct; No thought, no reason, just instinct. Giving a player the reigns would likely result in either bland gameplay for the monster players, or the survivors being overtaken and defeated easily by the highly-intelligent-for-an-animal monster players.

Being a horror, I'd like to create as much suspense as I can possibly can in a PbP game, which can turn against me if a certain monster player manages to rape the shit out of everyone, turning it not into a horrific scene where survival is bleak, but into a slaughter. The same goes for either side. If either faction utterly destroys the other, then all the fun goes *poof*

But, if you mean against NPC's.... I don't know, I want to make my game complicated, so that you have next to no clue what might happen, what trap awaits. But if you're the monsters, I can't see a way to make that truly fun, as survivors that are a challenge for the rapist would only annoy you, and easy pickings would be tantamount to me providing text porn, which would completely override the necessity for gameplay.

I can't really say I'll be making PC monsters, I'll be honest.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Interest expressed, though I'm not fond of complicated systems...
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

Well, as the game closest to a rape horror died for unknown reasons, the niche is definitely open. Will you be getting this thread transferred to the sign-up subforum or wait until you have this fully ready?
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

AFMBE didn't involve grappling, or sex, so I kindly filled those holes.

Hee hee hee.

I'm curious, for sure. I'm guessing that as our characters are the females, as soon as impregnation occurs, it's game over? At least, that's how it sounds!
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

(Meh, almost half-way done with the bloody character creation)

Pheonix Alugere: "Well, as the game closest to a rape horror died for unknown reasons, the niche is definitely open. Will you be getting this thread transferred to the sign-up subforum or wait until you have this fully ready?"

R. Jesus: "As soon as I get Character Creation off of the ground, I hope to have this in a subforum, one thread to place character sheets, the other for discussion."

xivvix: "Interest expressed, though I'm not fond of complicated systems... "

R. Jesus: "Hehehe, don't worry about that, I'm the one who operates most of the system, I knew I had to commit to that to make it easier on the player."

wallpaper: "as soon as impregnation occurs, it's game over?"

R. Jesus: "Nope, it's never over till you're dragged away by the monsters to their breeding den, at which point, the other survivors can participate in your rescue."
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

R. Jesus: "Nope, it's never over till you're dragged away by the monsters to their breeding den, at which point, the other survivors can participate in your rescue."

Oh, fun. XD Best of luck getting it all done soon!
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

I played one incarnation of AFMBE and i enjoyed it so i give interest for this as well.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

May I...
*placeholder for character*

?? Or am I jumping the gun
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG


I just need to finish up Qualities, Drawbacks, skills, and metaphysics.
Re: Considering making a PbP RPG

haha Not rushing you. It just sounds good enough that I definitely want to be in whatever it ends up as, even if you threw all the plans in a dumpster, lit them on fire and said "WE WILL NOW ALL ROLEPLAY AS GERBILS!" I would still follow.