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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It's still missing something, like where she would start, what she likes to do during her days. I couldn't think of a story to make with just that one paragraph. >.>

Aya has high INT so she could be the type who likes to read alot. Ill add some more to the bio I just posted.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aya grew up in a very wealthy family. Her movie star mother and ceo father were always busy and never really had time for family, so they had thier servants take care of the children they had. Aya grew up with an older sister and younger brother. Her older sister was very good with people and a very smooth talker. She ended up teaching Aya how to smooth talk. Aya picked up being good with other people on her own.

Early in her life, around the age of nine, Aya got caught in the middle of a violent bank robbery with her younger brother and their personal servent who drove them around. Aya got shot and seriously injured when the police stormed the bank, and had to kill the robbers in a firefight. After about a year Aya managed to get out of the hospital she was sent to, she grew determined to protect herself, and sweet-talked both her family and the range owner into letting her have pistol lessons. Both have since seen her vindicated, as this rather waif-like child has developed into a champion target-shooter.

Now in the present Aya spends most of her time around the mansion where she is reading or writing, or shooting. She spends a lot of time with her shooting instructor on the range who still helps her. She still doesn't see much of her parents, her younger brother, now sixteen, is always out with friends and her twenty six year old sister moved away a while ago. Now and again Aya goes out with friends.

Aya is pretty weak, psyically, due to the shots she got at the bank on that horrid day. She really can't lift or move heavy things that well nor can she take much of a bonk on the noggin. Aya has been trying to get psyically stronger recently, but hasn't seen much results.

How's that?
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aya grew up in a very wealthy family. Her movie star mother and ceo father were always busy and never really had time for family, so they had thier servants take care of the children they had. Aya grew up with an older sister and younger brother. Her older sister was very good with people and a very smooth talker. She ended up teaching Aya how to smooth talk. Aya picked up being good with other people on her own.

Early in her life, around the age of nine, Aya got caught in the middle of a violent bank robbery with her younger brother and their personal servent who drove them around. Aya got shot and seriously injured when the police stormed the bank, and had to kill the robbers in a firefight. After about a year Aya managed to get out of the hospital she was sent to, she grew determined to protect herself, and sweet-talked both her family and the range owner into letting her have pistol lessons. Both have since seen her vindicated, as this rather waif-like child has developed into a champion target-shooter.

Now in the present Aya spends most of her time around the mansion where she is reading or writing, or shooting. She spends a lot of time with her shooting instructor on the range who still helps her. She still doesn't see much of her parents, her younger brother, now sixteen, is always out with friends and her twenty six year old sister moved away a while ago. Now and again Aya goes out with friends.

Aya is pretty weak, psyically, due to the shots she got at the bank on that horrid day. She really can't lift or move heavy things that well nor can she take much of a bonk on the noggin. Aya has been trying to get psyically stronger recently, but hasn't seen much results.

How's that?
I think it's good, but I think you should try and rewrite that second paragraph entirely in your own words. Somehow I get the feeling you'd never use a word like "vindicated".:p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'll try to cook up a story, but I'm gonna need some time to think on it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alright. I'm going to go replace the bio now. Ready whenever you are Raptor.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Jesse's gonna love the way her room smells when she gets back to it
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The other ones never get rid of the smell, they only cover it. Instead of smelling like sex, they just smell like flowers and sex.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I can't believe I read through 3 pages of OOC chatter for it to end like this...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Pro-Tip RJ:
If you want people to post in your Monster Suggestions thread, you need to unlock it :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

:p You're mod of this section, you can post anywhere you want.

btw, any types of monsters you're needing in particular? Like for your zoo perhaps?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

GOLGOTHANS!! Oh no wait
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

:p You're mod of this section, you can post anywhere you want.

btw, any types of monsters you're needing in particular? Like for your zoo perhaps?

I've already thought of a bunch during my free time, but go ahead and throw some suggestions in there, the more variety I've got, the better! It's a zoo after all!

But, remember, only one ability, and one trait that makes it unique.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

stun mean I can't move and roleplay it out or what
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Santa suddenly appeared in Jesse's room! It's a miracle!
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So now all I have to do is wait for BG to log on and we can go on that looting run with Keylo....