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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That... Sucks. Would you be willing to give it some more thought?

Nah... Not really. Being a GM is a real psychological pain in the ass if you don't have just the right players involved, and while I heard someone else saying that if they ever made a RP/PbP, they'd outright ban some people from playing, or just only invite certain people they knew would be good RPers. I'm not one to go to that extreme, and at the same time, I'd very much like to have only my favorite role players in any game I make.

Wow, that answers the question of who that girl was. Why did she loath him?

Asides from the obvious fact that he's an asshole, one of the main things that stick out is that Joseph nearly beat to death a guy she loved, just because he started getting a little violent with her. The boyfriend ended up breaking up with her because of Joseph nearly killing him, and nearly everything else Joseph did made her life miserable. She, in truth, didn't want Joseph to protect her. She just wanted him to leave her alone, which he continued to fail to do, even after the outbreak of monsters in the city. Once she was safe inside the Apple Inn, and she knew she was in good hands, she'd tell Joseph to fuck off, and never speak to her again, which would have thrown Joseph into that suicidal state I mentioned.

Just wondering, but had my character been brought up in this scenario at any point?

In the aftermath, yes, when Iris finds her sister to have found love, and become a nicer person overall. However, until Luna stops Joseph from killing himself, most forces involved in Luna's transformation, Jesse, the Director, and even Luna herself, would avoid letting Iris from getting tangled in the situation, as she'd only tamper with, and likely prevent many important events. Such as, with Iris hanging over Luna's shoulder, Luna'd likely never be caught by Jesse, and would happily let Joseph die on his own. And If Iris herself tried to stop Joseph, she wouldn't have the ability to match the boy's will, and successfully change his mind about living. Provided he lost, Iris isn't as determined as Luna, so it'd be nearly impossible for her to persuade him. On the other hand, Luna knows fully well what's wrong with Joseph, and with the help of Jesse, she knew how to defeat his idiotic beliefs.

I was thinking that she could possibly end up with David or Jesse, and seeing how things were going between her and Joseph I was thinking he was a slight possibility. Do you think Iris could of ended up with any of those three?

Just about anyone who knew how to love could bag Jesse, so she's the most likely out of the three. The runner up to Jesse would be David, but he's much less likely, as Iris is about half his age, and David is mostly anti-social during his part in the apocalypse. The very least likely would be Joseph himself, as he never trusts anyone, is always an asshole, and is always an asshole.

How are Joseph and David related?

The brown hair, the similar attitudes, the difference in age, the ability to use Metaphysics, even the pony tails. David is Joseph's uncle, and Ashley is David's child.

The amulet that David toyed with sometime after Iris convinced him to come to the Inn contained a picture of him, and his supposedly lost daughter Ashley. Before the apocalypse even started, David, and select few others knew it was going to happen. He quickly rushed to the city the whole game takes place in, heading straight for the orphanage that Ashley and Joseph stayed in. However, he arrived just after it had all started, and Ashley was nowhere to be seen. This made him depressed, that his daughter was gone, and he'd likely never find her in the massive city, before getting killed. Even after searching several buildings, David felt overwhelmed, and lost all hope of over seeing Ashley again.

Around that time, the Director found him, and gave him a powerful weapon that allowed him to channel his essence, and fire it like bullets. She then asked him to assist defend the Inn, and David refused, keeping the weapon, and continuing his search, only with more fruitless results, before taking refuge in a mall, devoid of any hope.

After staying at the Inn, and finding Ashley suddenly appear after so long, David found out that Joseph had taken her, and instead of rushing to the Inn to protect her, David knew Joseph on purposely put her at greater risk by trying to defend her himself, because the boy could never bring himself to trust anyone, especially people, or groups, with power.

This knowledge would make David enraged at Joseph for putting his daughter in harm's way because of his own selfish lack of trust. And a fight between the two, likely going as far as fists thrown, would occur. At which point, Ashley would get Joseph to stop fighting, and tell him to fuck off, and leave both herself, and David alone.

"You can go off and fuckin' die! But don't you ever try to hurt my father again, you fuckin' bastard! Get out of here!"

That's when, feeling heart broken, and betrayed, Joseph does as she asks, and plans his own suicide.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wow, that's a lot of questions answered.

You know, I was originally planning on having Iris bring out Luna's good side, the thing Jesse did. Now I'm not completely sure if she could do that though.

Anyways, all of that stuff happening sounds good. And if Iris did end up with Jesse that would work out well, she was the only other person Iris was really interested in beyond Emily. The reason I did wanted her to end up with a guy like David, who's apparently an actual possibility compared to Joseph, after Weird vanished was that story wise Iris could end up having a biological daughter that she could pass on her birthmark to. You know, the moon thing that her and Luna have on their right hand. And if there was a sequel that took place around 18-20 years in the future I could play as Iris's daughter.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So game Admin, are you sure about not wanting to make another play by post game? I've been wanting to join this for the past few weeks when I began lurking, but kept myself from doing so because of the state the role play was in.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Couldn't you pleeeaaaase try revive this for one last all out go-for-it
kamikaze RETRY!?
I really wanna try this, and to be honest I read one or two of the raids/looting ventures and it just looks fun D=,

If you really can't revive this, could you reccomend another such RP place/game???

I was really disappointed I didn't see this BEFORE I made my character sheet, as it looked like the bees knees :<.

If I cannot play this, I shall have to resort to attacking windmills again,
and it just isn't as fun the second time...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

the solution to your problems isn't begging, find people who know about this because thy have posted or run games and ask them directly, be a man of action. chicks dig that.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So you're suggesting I check all the archived threads, and personally interview and "attempt" to recruit GMs and past players to the cause?

I'll try my best but, you know I have no real knowledge of the system and such,
it will be difficult, but I'll try.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

if all else fails you can read the rules and gm a game yourself.

just because your new here doesn't mean you can't run your own game or suggest ideas.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The only way I could see this game being revived is if Raptor was paid a hefty sum of money and a bunch of the old players were rounded up and wanted to play. Sorry Cappy but I just don't see this game ever coming back to life. Why don't you just try to construct a new game with some other people. Or alternatively, join Dark Gate or something.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, I was interested in joining this because it was so in depth looking,
and it's stat system and gameplay style was so flexible,

It doesn't have to be erotic, I just want to participate in something like this,
Something to do online, like this, basically, if you have any suggestions let me know.

Until then I'll keep trying at gathering everyone up, though money may be out of the question for this, I will damn well consider it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The only way I could see this game being revived is if Raptor was paid a hefty sum of money and a bunch of the old players were rounded up and wanted to play. Sorry Cappy but I just don't see this game ever coming back to life. Why don't you just try to construct a new game with some other people. Or alternatively, join Dark Gate or something.

I may check out Dark Gate, I missed that the first time in my flurry of ecstatic want for this game, if it matches exactly the gap, I shall pretend I never found this and go over there instead......
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If I do make another game, it will likely be using the Jumper's system I made for myself to play with whenever I get especially bored.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wow it was weird seeing this suddenly active again. Ah, good times. :)