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Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]


Dec 9, 2008
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Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Aya is roughly 5 feet 8 inches tall and highly attractive. White-Blonde waist length, piercing Green Eyes and she appears to be American, even though she is half American and Half Japanese. She weighs around 125 pounds.
Bio: Aya is quite a friendly person for the most part, but she has been known to kick someone's ass if they try to take advantage of her or hurt her.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Aya Morioka wakes up in a dark and damp dungeon room. Her piercing green eyes take a few minutes to adjust to the darkened room, there was only a few torches placed on the walls but just enough that if she strained her eyes she could see most of the room. She could tell she was only wearing a small cloth skirt that barely even covered herself, nothing underneath and her top was just as ragged, having holes in it as if it had been used for years. The room was made of solid stone and there was only one exit to the room, so it was obvious there was only one choice to leave the room but before she made any decision she noticed a string in front of her face, nearly having smacked into it as she started to stand up. As far as she could see there was nothing else in the room but this one string.

{Examine} {Move On} {Wait} {Pull On String}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

As soon as she realized what was going on, Aya let out a very dissatisfied groan. She found she had no memory of getting here, and that bothered her. She noticed the string in front of her, and was wary at seeing it. She was hesitant to pull on it, but if perhaps it would bring something down she could use, it might be worth it. She decided for the moment, her best bet was to observe the room, and possibly try to see if she could spot where the string went to.

Action: Examine the area and string.

((Not sure if I can do both at once, if not, then examine the room for anything useful first.))
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Aya examines the room but the only thing in sight is the string, the rest of the room seems completely empty, nothing useful but soon as she started to examine the string she looks up and strains her eyes really hard, spotting what the string let too, it led to some kind of tub filled with some kind of liquid substance, having seen what it looked like. She was thankful she hadn't pulled it cause who knows what that substance was.

Successfully found it was a trap :p

{Move On} {Wait}

(Its why its kinda open ended when I say Examine. So you can be more specific)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She shuddered slightly, not really wanting to know what that was in the tub over her head, thankful that she had thought to look first before pulling on it, and even more thankful that she hadn't run into it solidly enough to bring it down on her without even knowing about the string.

Composing herself, she decided to move on out of the room since there was nothing in here she could use, and no clues as to what was going on.

Action: Move Onward.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

As Aya enters the next room its obvious that there is a woman in here, with a crack of a whip and some demanding words of the woman you can only assume that she is some kind of dominatrix when you see a glance of her as her body is covered in a see through black netting clothing and wears a black mask just covering around her eyes. She seems to not have noticed you yet though.

{Talk To Her} {Run} {Wait} {Examine Room} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Her eyes narrowed at this sight, not liking it one bit. As it seemed she hadn't been noticed yet, she decided it was best to look around the room for anything useful. Her hope was to find something she could use now if she ended up having to fight her on her way out, rather than wishing she had looked around when she had the chance to.

Action: Examine Room.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

As Aya looked around she could see chains adorning all of the wall, some shelves with handcuffs, and other various sexual toys. It looked as if this room was a mistress' chambers and the female who still hadn't noticed her was still adding to that factor. With a better look you could see a shadow of a man in the next room where the female Dominatrix was cracking her whip at it. "Bad boy!" You over heard her shout at the shadow.

{Talk To Her} {Run} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

With there seeming to be nothing that she could really use to fight if she had to in here, Aya decided that while helping the man normally sounded like a good idea, for all she knew it might be a trap designed to get her to reveal herself, and she wasn't confident she could handle a two on one. That said, she made up her mind to leave the room, as quickly and quietly as possible.

Action: Run. (Should be an option to leave as quietly and inconspicuously as possible imo, but Run sort of works too I suppose :p )
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

As Aya approached the exit, which was right near the Dominatrix. The only other way was a dead end. The male had entered the room and was on a leash, the male stared at Aya in a weird way and then let off some barking like a dog. The Dominatrix slapped him hard but when he wouldn't shut up, she turned to see Aya. "Oh...so you're why my little pet is so...agressive today." She patted the man on the head and he went running off on all fours, the Dominatrix turned to Aya. "So what brings you into my chambers miss? Were you looking to be someone's submissive?" She smiled, up closer you could see much more that her clothing was see through, seeing every single detail under the netted clothing.

{Converse With Her} {Run} {Wait} {Attack}

(Well...the creature is present so therefore there is still a chance it'll spot you before you leave. Though you don't have to roleplay that you run out of the place like a bat out of hell. :p Not quite what I meant more of a 'run away' kinda thing. lol That and the exit is right next to her. >.> Might just be better to run out like a bat out of hell instead of try to walk around her XD)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

((Eh, good point.))

Aya thought for a moment, not liking this, but she didn't exactly want to be rude either, even if she had a bad feeling about this. "Actually just passing through I'm afraid. I seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere."

Action: Converse (for now)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The Dominatrix smiled and bowed her head, "Well you indeed did. This area is usually off limits. My name is Lilith," She paused and put her hand out to shake Aya's. "Where were you headed my fellow lady? Maybe I can show you the way?" There was something very errie about her tone of voice and the way she presented herself but to the untrained eye, she was seemingly very polite.

{Shake Her Hand}(and/or){Ask Her For Help} {Run} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya wasn't sure what to make of this. She seemed to be polite enough, but there was certainly something strange about her. At the moment though, she really didn't want to have to fight, so she decided for the moment that her best interests were to see what she could get out of the other woman, maybe she would catch a break here.

"Aya is mine, nice to make your acquantiance Lilith. I'm actually just trying to figure out how to get out of... well wherever here is actually. I have no idea at all where I am."

She would politely extend her hand outward and accept the handshake, hoping inwardly she wasn't making a mistake in doing so.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The Dominatrix takes your hand tightly and starts to tug slightly but your grasp slips out of her hand before she pulls you closer. "You're currently in Mistress Lilith's chambers my dear. I do hope you can stay awhile. I really do need more company than my simple slaves. They get boring after awhile." The Dominatrix, turned away and there was some russling. She had bent over and was digging for something in a cabinet. While she was digging she said, "So why don't you remember how you got here Aya?"

{Peek At What She's Doing} {Run While Her Back Is Turned} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

"I actually can't remember anything past this afternoon. Not sure why, I think I might have been drugged or something. I'd stay, but I do need to figure out how to get out of here and home. Your welcome to either come with me or I could always come back later, especially if I have directions."

She was starting to really get bad vibes, and she needed to know what she was up against here, but at the same time was being as polite as possible.

Action: Peek at what she is doing.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125]} {[Stamina:][145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The Dominatrix pulled out a whip and some handcuffs, hooking them to her belt. "Its not nice to peek at someone." She said as she turned and looked Aya up and down. "You're in a special dungeon, most likely, you were the unlucky girl in the place where one of hte dungeon inhabitants got horny and they just thought you were very....good looking. Afterall, you are very well fit and very easy on the eyes." She said with a grin that could send chills down your spine.

{Converse Still} {Run} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She lightly tilted her head in acknowledgment, having apparently been caught looking. "So there is at least one way out of here then? Dungeon inhabitants? Well... I suppose your right in your remark there, though I'm not entirely sure if that is a good thing or not. I would like to at least head out of here and get on my way back home. Wait a second, are you saying that some of the other inhabitants here are smart enough to drug a person?"

Action: Converse Still.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][125-10=115]} {[Stamina:][145-5=140]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Description: She wears a small black eye mask, that covers just around her eyes, she wears very thin, netted clothing. The clothes are see through and are a black color. Her body is covered in the clothing, she has a belt around her waist that can at least be seen to hold some nipple clamps, whip, vibrator, among other things. She also has a very seductive perfume surrounding her like the scent of lust. Theres no doubting she is some type of Dominatrix.
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability Whip: success

Lilith smiled at Aya, "Of course, don't I look like a very intelligent lady?" She said with a cackle as she pulled out her whip off her belt and cracked it between Aya's legs, striking her directly on her vagina but covered by the raggy clothes. The strike caused both pain and pleasure at the same time shivering through Aya's body. She cracked her whip again on the ground and grinned. "You're in my domain now hunny and you're gonna bow before me."

{Run} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She grunted slightly in pain and surprise, but she hadn't really expected this to last. "You don't want my answer to your first one, and as for your second... no."

She lashes out with her leg from her position, aiming for the mid section of the woman.

Action: Attack (should have done this earlier.)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][115/125]} {[Stamina:][140/145]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75-19=56]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Handcuffs": failed

"Aw you're no fun hunny, and here I thought we were gonna be real good pales." Lilith coyed as she stood there awaiting her move and when the leg came barreling towards Lilith she was sent flying back and when she swung the handcuffs towards Aya she was already too far out of reach to connect them onto Aya. She cursed under her breath as she slowly stood up and shook off the damage, even though part of her netted clothes were torn now and a few scratches and bruises were obvious on her nearly nude form.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya was quite pissed by this point. First the bitch had hit her with the whip, now she tried to cuff her? She wasn't letting this one go, and besides, even if she left, what was to stop her from following her? No, she would finish this here one way or another, though she hoped her luck would hold. She went after her again, another leg kick, this time aimed at her face.

Action: Attack!