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Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][98/125]} {[Stamina:][63/145]}

Status: Free (Feeling Somewhat Better)

Aya entered the new room and there was a bunch of statues around the room, facing in all different directions and a huge statue coming out of the wall on one of the four walls. It looked like this room was a statue storage room by the way the statues were all around.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine The Statues In Room} {Examine The One On The Wall}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She blinked at this, wondering if any of them would pop out at her or not.

She cautiously looked around.

Action: Examine the Statues in the room.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][98/125]} {[Stamina:][63/145]}

Status: Free (Feeling Somewhat Better)

Aya starts to examine the statues in the room, knocking on them to find they are solid as a rock but when she knocks on one she accidentally spins it, they were obviously all or at least this specific one on a rotating belt. When it stopped facing the bigger statue on the wall there was a flash of light shooting from the statue into the other statue's chest. She continued to rotate the rest of the statues until all statues had positioned facing the one on the all. Each statue shooting another light into the chest of the other statue and as soon as she finished rotating the last one there was a loud scrapping sound coming from the big statue on the wall.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine The One On The Wall}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Hoping that it was a way out, she moved over carefully to investigate the statue on the wall.

Action: Investigate the statue on the wall.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][98/125]} {[Stamina:][63/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Feeling Somewhat Better)

Aya investigates the statue on the wall, the lights nearly blinding her view of it until they all went dark and it revealed that a small compartment on the chest of the statue on the wall revealed that it had some piece of paper inside, upon further examination and investigating of the paper, it was obvious this was a piece of some kind of map. She could only hope part of the map out of this place.
Aquired 1/5 of the Dungeon Map

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She smiled at this, hoping that it was something useful. She decided to wait a moment longer to try and recover a little bit more.

Action: Wait (and pray for regen lol.)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][98+5=103/125]} {[Stamina:][63+11=74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Feeling Better)

Aya makes to hold onto the piece of the map and decides she'll let herself catch her breath and luckly she is able to catch her breath enough that she feels less winded and even a bit healthier than she had before moving all those statues.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She breathed a quick sigh of relief, and decided that she shouldn't linger too long in one place, especially after having caught a break here. The solid statues here would make it nearly impossible for combat maneuvers if she were attacked here, and without much room to move, she didn't want to chance it here. Clutching the map piece tightly, she headed for the door.

Action: Move On.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Horny)

Aya moves on to the next room where she spots almost immediately a doberman in one corner gnawing at what she can only to assume to be his doggy hood. When it wasn't gnawing it moved to only have constant drool drip from its mouth. It seemed to not notice Aya but soon as she entered the room she started to feel a bit warm between the legs and unusually hot.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Examine Room}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She shuddered slightly at the sight, and the sensation. She knew something wasn't right here at all, she shouldn't be feeling like this watching... THAT. She paused to look around the room, suspecting something else was there, praying she was wrong.

Action: Examine the room. (And pray the damn dog don't spot her, or this may turn ugly real soon.)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Horny)

Aya examines the room but she can't figure out exactly what is causing her vagina to get wet and warm all at once. She obviously isn't turned on by a dog chewing on himself, so what it was she couldn't figure it out. The room looked normal and rather empty to her. The Hound seems to not notice Aya though, probably to preoccupied with itself. Aya is starting to feel the urge to put her hand between her legs but she fights the urge for now.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Try To Examine Room Further}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She didn't like this one bit at all, her body felt strange. She knew she wouldn't be able to go unseen by that dog for much longer, and so she did the only thing she could think of, she made her way for the door, trying to get out of there as fast as she could, yet silently.

Action: Run.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Horny)

Aya starts to run when she feels the warmness between her legs get worse, she crosses her legs some to keep her from placing her hand there. The sensation kept her from running, but she held out from giving in to the sensation. Aya let a small moan slip from her lips and quickly turned to think the hound would have noticed but it was too busy nawing on itself.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Try To Examine Room Further}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Her heart skipped a beat as she moaned, certain the dog would have spotted her finally, but it seemed oblivious. A part of her toyed with the idea of kicking it upside the head for being so stupid, but she shook it off quickly. That would be a huge mistake here, and she couldn't afford those. Again, she tried to get out of there, hoping she could resist whatever was happening to her at least long enough to get away.

Action: Run away again.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Horny)

Aya starts to run for the exit and upon leaving the room she catches a glimpse of something red in the corner of the room, looking to be like a flower, but while she has ahold of herself she exits out of the room and out of the sight of the dog. As she enters the room she doesn't notice anything out of the ordinairy but in these rooms thats never a possiblity of being normal. She still feels the warmness between her legs but it is slowly subsiding since she left the other room.
1 turn left before aphrodisaic leaves Aya.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Room}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She breathed another sigh of relief, glad to be away from that dog. She suspected now that the flower she had glimpsed on her way out was some sort of Aphrodisiac type flower, and she was glad she wasn't in the same room as it anymore. Though she still felt strange, it was beginning to subside gradually, or so it felt. She pauses a moment, then decides to look around the area a bit more.

Action: Examine Room.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

Aya starts to examine the room, looking around but she couldn't find anything of interest. Though the room felt a bit different from others. Something about it made her think there was something else, whether it be good or bad, in this room. Though as she continued to examine her body slowly cooled down and she didn't feel the urge between her legs anymore.
The aphrodisaic has left Aya.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Room}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She shook her head lightly, the horny feeling finally subsiding. She wondered if it had caused her to miss anything, and decided to look around one more time, just to be certain.

Action: Examine Room again.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

Aya starts to scan the room again and upon closer examination she can see within one step from where she was, if she had taken one step without checking the room over she'd triggered some kind of trap. Though what kind she didn't know, and most likely didn't wish to find out.

{Trigger Trap Anyways (XD)} {Wait} {Step Over The Wire/Move On}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She held her breath at how close she had come to walking into some kind of trap, how she had missed it to begin with she had no idea, but she was glad she had. She was still a little shaky feeling from the Aphrodisiac having worn off, plus what that other woman had done to her and the close call with the dog. Now she had nearly wandered into some kind of trap, which, given what she had already seen so far, it wasn't too far fetched to imagine that it was some kind of sex trap, and knowing her luck it would involve something very unpleasant. She wanted to move on, but she felt a little too stunned still to be certain she could get past it without taking a moment, so she stood there a second, catching her breath some.

Action: Wait (pray for more regen, yada yada.)

((Rofl, I love how you have the option to trigger the trap anyways! I'm actually half tempted to do it anyways just to see what it is, but then that wouldn't be very in character now would it? :p))